Scenario for a game program about Easter for teenagers. Thematic game program “Easter is a great holiday. A breath of sunshine

for non-believing children

Description: this holiday can be held for children who do not know about Christ, or for already believers, in order to deepen their knowledge of God. Several rooms are needed to arrange the stages and a hall for holding a puppet show. The holiday lasts 1.5 hours.

Goals: so that every child who attends the holiday understands the spiritual meaning of Easter and thinks about their relationship with God.


    Look into the distant past and look at the last days of Christ's life on earth.

    Attend the Lord's Supper with the disciples

    Understand the meaning of Christ's death

    Thank Jesus together for His resurrection

Stage design: All stages are designed in the style of the times of Jesus Christ. Stage leaders dress in period clothing to recreate the full picture. last days life of Jesus.

Hall decoration: The hall is decorated brightly and cheerfully to create a joyful mood among teenagers and their parents.

Celebration progress:

    The stages of the fair are located outdoors or indoors. While the children are coming, they can play and get a lot of prizes and joyful mood. (20 minutes)

    At the appointed time, the presenters begin to seat all the people and play with the audience. (10 minutes)

    Performance (possibly puppet) (30 minutes)

    The presenters are interested in what the children understood from the performance and introduce the team captains who will lead the children through the stages. (5 minutes)

    Game in stages (30 minutes). At this point, parents can remain in the room. The pastor or deacon tells them about the activities of the church.

    Facilitators use questions to check which team has understood the meaning of the stages. Next, the Sunday school director is introduced, who invites all the children to Sunday school and ends the holiday. (10 minutes)

    All children receive gifts and Bibles.

Fair stages

1) Easter nest

A relay game in which two teams participate or two players compete with each other. The children of each team carry wooden eggs in a spoon, each team to their own Easter nest. The team that completes the task faster wins.

*For very young children, you can give the task to simply carry the egg to the nest in a spoon without dropping it.


Nest (2-3 pcs.)


Eggs (2-3pcs)

2) Who is faster?!

There are small cupcakes on the table. Two players compete to see who can eat the cupcake the fastest.



Glasses of water

sparkling water

3) Easter football

Use a stick to hit the ball into the goal. For different ages - different distances.


Gate imitation


Chalk or marking tape

4) Who wins

Two players compete. Each person has 1 boiled egg in their hand. On command, they try to break the enemy's egg (with their nose or butt).


Boiled eggs - 30 pcs.

5) Egg rolling

On command, children simultaneously spin the colored eggs. Whose egg spins the longest is the winner.


Boiled eggs - 10 pcs.

6) Ball relay races

Two teams compete.

Hold the ball between your legs and jump

Two players press a ball with their foreheads and run together

Run or walk and kick the ball through the air

Walk a distance quickly with a ball tied to your ankle with a thread



Ropes (threads) 1.5m

7) Air man

Using a set of stickers, you need to make a funny little person out of a balloon - a girl or a boy.



Sticker sets

Garbage bag

8) Blowing the ball

Two players can compete. Possibly with the stage leader.



Chalk or marking tape

9) Dance of the pies

During the def. time (while the music is playing) perform a dance with a pie dressed on a pencil.




Tape recorder with fun rhythmic music

10) Balloons with prizes

Balloons with prizes inside are tied to a rope. You need to burst the balloon with your eyes closed.



Prizes (candies, erasers, stickers, chewing gum, etc. little things)


Pin with a large bead at the end

Possible performance options:

Secret Disciple of Christ


Joseph of Arimathea

Pharisee 1

Pharisee 2

Pharisee 3

Roman warrior 1

Roman Warrior 2


On stage, Ruth is doing household chores.

Ruth. What could have happened? Where could he have stayed for so long? Maybe something happened in the synagogue?

An excited Joseph enters.

Ruth. Joseph, you have finally come, I was so worried.

Joseph. Ruth, they want to kill Him.

Ruth. Whom to kill? Who are you talking about?

Joseph. I'm talking about Jesus.

Ruth. I don’t understand why they want to kill Him?

Joseph. I don't know, but something incomprehensible is happening. Today Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane. He was taken to the house of Caiaphas and beaten there.

Ruth. Wait Joseph, maybe things will change. Sit down to dinner.

Joseph sits down at the table in thought.

Ruth. Will you eat?

Joseph. Sorry Ruth, but I can't eat. I remember that just a week ago Jesus was walking through the streets of Jerusalem. People shouted to Him: “Hosanna” and put clothes under His feet, and now these same people want to kill Him.

Ruth. Yes... Terrible times have come. Today people say one thing, and tomorrow another.

Joseph. So I think, why did this happen? How I wish I could help Him.

Ruth. How can you help Him? He helped many. I heard that Jesus performed great miracles.

Joseph. I myself ate the bread that Jesus fed us all on the mountain. There were only 5 loaves and two fish, and there were more than 5 thousand people there. And no one left there hungry. That's when I realized that Jesus is not just a man, He is God.

Ruth. Joseph, I also believe that Jesus is God, because a simple person cannot perform such miracles and say words that penetrate the very heart: “Forgive and be forgiven”...

Joseph. Or as he said: “Happy are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Ruth, my heart is crying so much.

Ruth. Listen, you could get into big trouble at the synagogue. If Caiaphas finds out that you and Nicodemus are secret disciples of Jesus, they will not support you!

Joseph. Do you think this doesn’t torment me!? How hard it is for me to hide the fact that I am a disciple of Christ. If only you could see what happened in the high priest's house today. How they mocked Him, and I stood aside and was silent. I couldn't protect Him.

Ruth. I don't understand. After all, Jesus is God. Why can't He defend Himself?

Joseph. Don't know! Tomorrow will be the last meeting of the high priests and elders. I wish I could change at least something.

Ruth. Come on Joseph, it's already very late. You'll have a hard day tomorrow.


Meeting of Caiaphas, Pharisees and Elders. Joseph is also with them.

Caiaphas. Gentlemen! Come in, have a seat. We have an urgent meeting today. We have gathered to decide what to do with Jesus of Nazareth. Yesterday evening our soldiers took Him in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Pharisee 1. Finally! I have long said that it is time to arrest Him. How long can this go on? He broke all our traditions. People stopped respecting us.

Pharisee 2. Yes! Yes! We must finish with Him. People no longer listen to us as they used to. The synagogues are empty, and crowds follow Him.

Pharisee 2. How dare He say: “He who has seen Me has seen God.” Blasphemer.

Joseph. But listen, Jesus didn't just say that He was the Son of God. He proved it with his deeds. No one can do such a thing unless God is with Him. What can we do for people? We're just talking.

Caiaphas. Joseph, I don’t understand you.

Pharisee 3. Remember how He said that we teach the commandments of men, but He, you see, teaches the commandments of God. This is unheard of audacity!

Pharisee 1. He also said that we are blind leaders of the blind, and if the blind lead the blind, then both will fall into the pit.

Joseph. Many of us are already in the hole!

Caiaphas. Joseph! What do you mean? Don't you mean to say that we are in a hole?

Pharisee 3. Let's see how sighted He is.

Everyone laughs.

Joseph (gets up and leaves). I can't be here anymore. I'd better leave.

Caiaphas. Something is wrong with your nerves. Enter Jesus.

Roman soldiers lead a man with a bag on his head.

Pharisee 2. So this is what He is like, calling Himself God.

One of the soldiers pushes Jesus.

Pharisee 1. Come on, tell me who pushed you. Find out who!

Pharisee 3. Why are you silent?

Caiaphas. Why bother with Him, take Him to Pilate. Let him give permission to die.

They take Jesus away and shout “Death to Him.”


Crucifixion scene. Music plays, or you can sing a psalm about the suffering of Christ. The presenter reads the text of Scripture from the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 27, verses 27 to 50.


Joseph and Ruth.

Joseph. It's over! He is no longer with us.

Ruth. Yes, I know what happened. I still cannot understand why they executed Him so cruelly.

Joseph. Ruth, this was unbearable. It's scary. Even the earth groaned. Suddenly there was an earthquake, and the sky darkened, and the curtain of the temple of God was torn in two!

Ruth. Joseph, what will you do next?

Joseph. After such terrible events that happened today, I am at a loss, but one thing I know for sure, I can no longer be His secret disciple.

Ruth. Then do something for Him!

Joseph. But what?

Ruth. You know that, according to our custom, those crucified on the cross are not buried in tombs. But Jesus deserves to be buried in a tomb. Therefore you must go to Pilate and ask for the body of Jesus. This is the least you can do for Him.

Joseph. I will give Him my tomb.

Ruth. Then hurry to Pilate to get his permission. Today is Friday, we need to make it in time.

Joseph. I'm already on my way.


Royal Palace

Centurion. Your Grace, you have a visitor.

Pilate. At this hour? Well, okay, let him come in.

Joseph. Can I come in?

Pilate. Who are you?

Joseph. I am Joseph from Arimathea.

Pilate. What business do you have with me?

Joseph. I ask your permission to take the body of Jesus and bury Him.

Pilate. How, is He already dead? And you dare to come to me with this proposal? You know that the crucified are not buried in tombs, but buried like robbers.

Joseph. Your Grace, but Jesus is not a thief. He is worthy to be buried in a tomb. I ask you, let me take the body today. After all, tomorrow is Saturday.

Pilate. Oh yes! I completely forgot.

Joseph. Please, Your Grace, allow me.

Pilate. But listen, who will give you a place in the tomb for Jesus?

Joseph. I will give Him my tomb, it is in my garden.

Pilate. You are a brave man. Okay, I give you permission to take His body.

Joseph. Thank you, Your Grace.

Leading.“And having received permission, they took the body of Jesus and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes with spices, as the Jews are wont to bury. In the place where He was crucified, there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb, in which no one had yet been laid. They laid Jesus there and rolled a stone against the door of the tomb.”


Women at the coffin.

Leading.“When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary of James and Salome bought spices so that they could go and anoint Him. And very early, on the first day of the week, they come to the tomb at sunrise.”

Women come out.

Salome. Who will roll away the stone from the tomb? We don't have enough strength!

Maria. I don't know, but we need to anoint the body of Jesus.

Mary Magdalene. Don't worry, let's go, someone will help us.

Maria. But they stationed guards there. Suddenly we will not be allowed to anoint His body.

Salome. Quiet! Quiet! And here is the tomb.

Mary Magdalene. There are no guards in sight. Where are they?

Salome. Look, the stone has been rolled away!

Mary Magdalene. Salome, Maria, I'm scared!

Maria. I'm afraid to go there.

Salome. Where is the body of our Lord?

Mary Magdalene. They took it away! They took it away!

Angel. That you are looking for the living among the dead. Don't look, He is not here. He is risen!

Salome. What is this? Is this a vision after sleepless nights?

Maria. Could this be a dream?

Mary Magdalene. What dream? Jesus rose from the dead. The angel spoke to us.

Joseph(running out). What's that noise? What's happened?

Mary Magdalene. Jesus rose from the dead.

Salome. We saw an Angel who told us about this.

Joseph. Is this really true?

Maria. You must believe us, Joseph.

Mary Magdalene. Excuse us, we are in a hurry. We must tell all the students about this news.

Joseph. So it's true. After all, He said that He would rise on the third day. Everything He promised, He fulfilled. I need to tell my wife about this.


Ruth comes with a pitcher of water. Joseph comes out.

Joseph(joyfully). Ruth, just listen, Jesus rose from the dead.

Ruth. How can this be? He was dead. You yourself put Him in the grave.

Joseph. There the stone has been rolled away, and the body is not there. And the women who came early in the morning to the tomb to anoint His body saw an Angel and an empty tomb. The angel told them that Jesus was alive.

Ruth. Yes, indeed Jesus is God.

Joseph. After all, He promised that He would rise on the third day. And He rose again... I believe this is true.
Ruth. Joseph, what are we going to do next?

Ruth. Christ is risen!

All actors go on stage.

All. Truly risen!

You can all sing some solemn psalm together.

Easter scene “Lamb”

Actors: Joseph is the father, Sarah is the mother, David is the son, Ruth is the daughter, Mary is the messenger,

In episodes: a shepherd, people shouting “Hosanna!”

There are people standing on the stage with their backs to the audience. They hold palm branches in their hands. To the sound of music, they throw clothes and branches forward and shout: “Hosanna! Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna!”

David: Look, Ruth: this is how the Messiah should come - riding on a donkey. Dad said that this is written in the Torah.

Ruth: This is probably the Messiah, and He will now drive out the Romans.

David: Let's run home, I still have to go with dad to pick a lamb for Easter.

The children run away, everyone leaves. Joseph enters. The children run around the hall and meet him.

Joseph: David, you will come with me, and you, Ruth, help your mother around the house.

Everyone disperses, Joseph and David go around the hall. A shepherd appears with a flock of toy sheep.

Joseph: Peace be with you! Do you have a lamb for sacrifice?

Shepherd: Yes! I have a lot of good lambs. This lamb is one year old and completely without blemishes.

Joseph takes the toy, examines it, gives it to his son, and weighs out the silver. Then they leave. Walking around the hall, they talk to each other.

David: Dad! Why does such a sweet, innocent lamb have to die?

Joseph: This is what is written in the law, and we must fulfill the law, God established it, you know, David. But you can still play with it.

They come home (to the stage), Ruth runs out to meet them and rushes to the lamb with cries of joy.

Ruth: Oh! How cute! David, let's feed him!

The children are left alone on stage, petting and feeding the lamb.

Ruth: I'm already so used to him, he's so cute!

David : Me too. It's a pity that he can't stay with us.

Joseph enters

Joseph: Come on, children, let me have a lamb, I must hurry to the temple: soon the sun will set, Saturday will come.

Ruth: Dad, we feel so sorry for him, maybe you’ll buy another one from the church?

Joseph: This is a sacrifice to the Lord, and a sacrifice is what is dear to you.

David: But why does God need this lamb?

Joseph: It’s not God who needs him, David, but us, so that our sins can be forgiven. This is the law! Every person commits sins. You, too, sometimes don’t listen to your parents - that’s a sin. And if we have sinned, then God cannot talk to us.

David: Why can't God talk to us?

Joseph : God is Holy, He does not commit sins and does not hear those who commit them. In order for Him to hear us again and forgive us, we must sacrifice this lamb to Him. The lamb will die and cleanse our sin with its blood.

David and Ruth humbly, with their heads bowed, give the lamb to its father. Joseph, patting the children on the heads, leaves. The children, saddened, sit thoughtfully on the stage. A musical insert sounds. The hall gets dark. Suddenly the children jump up, look out the window and shout:

Children: (shouting) Why is it so dark? Mother! Mother! The earth... the earth is shaking! Mother!

Sarah runs in and hugs the children.

Sarah: What's happening? This has never happened before.

Suddenly, an excited Joseph enters with a lamb in his hands.

Sarah: What happened, Joseph?

Joseph: The curtain of the temple was torn in two. They say it has to do with Jesus' death on the cross - that's what happened.

Sarah: So, is He already dead?

Joseph: Yes, and very quickly.

David: And we thought that He was the promised Messiah... The one who would free people from their sins

Joseph: I saw Him being led to Calvary like a sheep to the slaughter (pause). A sheep? To the slaughter?..

Joseph rushes to the Bible, opens the 53rd chapter of Isaiah and reads.

Joseph: "He was led like a sheep to the slaughter."(Looks at Sarah)

Sarah: Do you remember when John the Baptist pointed to Him and said, “Behold the Lamb who takes away the sin of the world”?

Joseph: So Jesus is the Messiah? So did they kill the Messiah? Son of God?

Ruth: They recently shouted to Him: “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”

Joseph sits down and thinks. Pause

Joseph: I think, children, that you will not have to part with your beloved lamb. Now Jesus, the Messiah, died for our sin. He is now our Easter!(Gives the lamb to his daughter, she begins to cry).

Sarah: Why are you crying?

Ruth: I feel sorry for Jesus.

Joseph: Okay, kids, go to bed... I'm sure everything will change now...

Everyone leaves.

Musical insert.

Maria runs onto the stage. Joseph and Sarah are sitting at the table and having breakfast.

Maria: Joseph, Sarah!

Joseph: What happened, Maria?

Maria: We were at the tomb of Jesus. It's not in it! He has risen, just as it is written about the Messiah!

Children: Hooray! Jesus is risen!

All together: Truly risen!

All participants exclaim: Christ is risen!

And the audience answers: Truly risen!

The song about the resurrection of Christ sounds

And now the days of strict fasting and exhausting preparation for the great holiday of Easter are behind us. Your home shines with cleanliness, smells of flowers and the incomparable aroma of freshly baked Easter cake. The house will soon be filled with festive sounds, the twitter of long-awaited meetings, joyful children's laughter and the grace-filled, uniting everyone: “Christ is Risen!” Relatives who will soon gather in your home after a long separation will probably find something to talk about and remember. And if, suddenly, ridiculous silent pauses arise, you can always fill them fun entertainment, smelling so sweet of childhood! And, of course, fragrant plum pie, egg salad and many other inimitable delicacies!

Invitations Decor Costumes
Games Treats Gifts

Easter entertainment, which I'm sure you've been thinking about for many days, should, first of all, be unobtrusive. Let’s say that your devout Aunt Lisa, at over sixty years old, is in no way able to take part in “Egg Bowling” (where you need to run quickly and “shoot” accurately). But she will be happy to outdo everyone in the “Easter Quiz” (where you need to sit still and know all the nuances of the Easter service and the history of the holiday). And her grandson, Mishka, will really enjoy the Easter relay race, but he knows absolutely nothing about the nuances of the Sunday Liturgy. Choose games and fun for the holiday so that all guests can (and want!) to participate in them. Well, as always, I will offer you several possible options!


To begin with, I’ll say a few words about music. It should certainly (in the background) accompany your holiday. Of course, for such a solemn event as a family dinner on the day of Great Easter, majestic church works and hymns, as well as classics, are best suited. Take “Iolanta” by Tchaikovsky, “The Seasons” by Tchaikovsky and Vivaldi, and other playful spring compositions.

Among other things, oriental motifs, for example, “Cherry Blossom” and, of course, ethnic Russian folk rock and simply traditional folk songs, will sound great in unison with your joyful spring laughter.

The combination of such directions will (don’t even doubt it!) be interesting to everyone. The older generation of the family will become familiar with the musical preferences of young people, and vice versa, the young will learn how to sing “ Cossack Circle"and what chorales are.

Well, now - a few words about the promised fun!


Game 1. “Easter Bowling”

Participants: everyone is interested.

Props: several hard-boiled eggs of different colors.

Rules: This game can be played both indoors and outdoors. outdoors. A white (unpainted) egg is placed in the middle of the room (lawn). All participants stand a few steps away from the egg. The task of each of them is to roll their egg as close to the white one as possible. The participant whose egg is closest to the center wins.

Game 2. “Easter Race”

Participants: children and young people (active game).

Props: plastic eggs (cups), cocktail straws.

Rules of the game: all participants stand at the starting line. The goal is to get the egg (a cup turned upside down) to the finish line as quickly as possible. Younger participants are allowed to simply roll the egg with a straw, while older participants can make the task more complicated. Let them push the “Easter cup” or egg with the force of their breath (you need to blow into the straw). The winner is awarded applause and sweet prizes!

Game 3. “Spring Relay”

Participants: young people.

Props: large plastic eggs.

Rules: all participants stand in a circle. The first one squeezes an egg between the neck and chin and tries to pass it in this way to the next participant. It is prohibited to touch the trophy egg with your hands. If the egg falls during the transfer, the participant who unsuccessfully tried to pass it leaves the game. The most dexterous one wins, as always!

Game 4. “What’s in the basket?”

Props: a large box decorated with Easter drawings or a real wicker basket, small items (sweets, eggs, hairpins, paper clips, balls, toys, etc.).

Participants: everyone is interested.

The essence of the game: everyone who wants to participate is allowed to take one item from the basket (box). But! You need to name it without taking it out of the box and without looking at it. You just need to guess by touch which Easter gift you got. If the answer turns out to be correct, the gift belongs to the participant; if not, it is returned back to the basket and the game continues.

Game 5. “A pair for each creature”

Props: cards with animal names (so that the name of one animal is repeated on two cards).

Participants: everyone with a sense of humor (at least 6 people).

Rules:“God, before the universal flood, allowed Noah to take a pair of each creature on his ark”... So you can start a game, the essence of which is that all participants must recognize their own kind as quickly as possible, run up to him and take his hand. At the beginning of the game, participants take one card from the hands of the presenter and read the name of the animal whose habits they will have to imitate. At the command “start!”, everyone must show in an accessible form what animal they have reincarnated into. Those who were unable to show recognizable characteristic features their animal and have not created a pair - they leave the game.

Game 6. “Capture the Easter Egg”

Participants: children (at least 8 players).

Props: 8 Easter eggs.

Rules: The game is best played outdoors. All participants are divided into two teams. Each team receives 4 eggs, which must be placed at the same distance from each other on two opposite sides of the lawn (playing field). These are team fortresses. On the command “march!” members of each team must get to the enemy’s castle by any means and take his eggs. But this must be done in such a way as not to be caught by opponents who will try to win back their eggs! The game continues until the leader blows his winning whistle.

Game 7. “Easter Bunnies”

Props: rope or scarf for each pair of participants.

Participants: everyone who is not deprived of a sense of humor (in pairs).

Rules: couples stand side by side to each other. Their legs and arms (which touch each other) are tied. The task is to bring chocolate Easter eggs to other guests (who are on the opposite side of the room) in such a hobbled state. The couple that completes the task the fastest retains the proud title of the “Easter Bunny.”

Game 8. “Naughty Basket”

Props: baskets with Easter treats.

Participants: everyone is interested.

The essence of the game: carry the basket on your head from one end playground to the other so that it does not fall and its contents do not spill onto the floor. For older participants, the task can be complicated by adding an obstacle course.

In addition to active outdoor games, offer your dear guests several options for creative joint projects.


Easter IQ Quiz

Participants: older people.

The essence: in Easter themed quiz. All participants need to ask questions related to Easter. For example, how long does the Easter Liturgy last or how to calculate the date of next Easter?

This fun is dangerous because it can turn into a theological dispute. Therefore, I would advise, when choosing questions for the quiz, not to focus on purely church and religious aspects (let the meaning of Christianity remain in everyone’s soul), but to take lighter and funnier questions, for example, “what is the difference between the Easter bunny and the Easter chicken? ", or "Which came first: the chicken or the egg?

While adults are looking for answers to the tricky and meaningful questions of the Easter quiz, invite the children to assemble an original egg puzzle or arrange a competition among them for the most beautiful Easter egg.

Props: paints, varnish, unpainted eggs, tassels, beads.

Essence: Draw your vision of the holiday on the egg. Choose colors and patterns so that you can later explain why such a choice was made. The author of the most interesting and unusual idea- there is a prize.

Props: plastic plates, scissors, colored paper, glue, buttons, etc.

The essence The competition is to assemble any Easter symbol from available materials in 15 minutes: a bunny, a chicken, a pysanka, a basket, an Easter cake, etc.

When the most creative “Easter miracle” takes its honorable, prominent place in the festive hall, you can invite guests to a festive meal!


On this day there should be a lot of baked goods on the table. Hot, steaming. This is a symbol of the presence of the Holy Spirit at the festive table. Pies, donuts, buns, cheesecakes - joyful Easter abundance!

Oh yes, don’t forget to make juicy curd paska with candied fruits and dried fruits! After all, there is an opinion that this particular product is truly a Russian national paska in the full meaning of the word!

Easter is one of the oldest Christian holidays, which is celebrated with family and closest relatives. Preparation for the holiday has always been accompanied by special care and scrupulousness. Easter is quite a serious event, so children often get bored during it. This is not surprising, because at their age every child wants to participate in fun games and competitions. Given this nuance, you should worry about entertainment program for this day. Children will be incredibly happy and excited to take part in exciting games and competitions. It is worth providing and making their dreams come true, because such bright moments remain in the memory of children for life. The main attribute in many competitions is the Easter egg, which is a symbol of this holiday. Below are the most interesting and funny competitions and games for Easter.

Competition "Fanta"
To conduct this competition, the presenter must prepare in advance the most simple tasks. Next, he gathers all the children, possibly adults, who dance together in a round dance. The leader, in turn, stands in the center of the resulting circle and begins to spin counterclockwise. Cheerful Easter music is turned on and the competition begins. Then the presenter suddenly stops, and opposite the person who stopped, hands him a forfeit, that is, a simple task that the participant must complete. You should not come up with conditions that will be difficult for the child to fulfill. Simply reciting a poem or singing a song will be enough. The winners are necessarily awarded prizes in the form of Easter eggs or a symbolic toy of this holiday.

Competition "Summer resident-lucky"
At least three children can take part in this competition, to whom the presenter must first ask one important question and then distribute one egg each. The question will be: “For what purpose and why did the ancient Slavs roll colored eggs on the ground at Easter?” Only after the participants give the correct answer does the competition begin. Parents and adults cannot be given any hints; let the children figure it out themselves. After this, all participants need to roll the egg on the ground, but without using their hands. How to do this? Everything is very simple, you need to roll with your nose to a certain mark. The winner will be the one who completes the task much faster and at the same time completes everything according to the rules. As a reward, the presenter should be given a badge with the inscription “Lucky Summer Resident”.

Competition “What do they put in Easter cake?”
Easter cake is the most favorite delicacy of all children, and this competition is associated with it. The presenter selects several participants, to whom he gives one clean slate and a pen. Their task is that they must try to write down the ingredients of this delicious pastry. Almost since childhood, we have been watching our mothers bake it, so for some children it will not be difficult at all. The competition is not only interesting, but also good for the child's development. The participant who can write as many ingredients as possible will win. The prize will, of course, be a large and delicious Easter cake.

Competition "Yula"
The funny competition “Yula” will be exciting not only for children, but also for adults. The rules are the simplest and easiest. Several volunteers come out and are given one colored egg by the presenter. Their task is that they need to promote this attribute. The competition should be fun and accompanied by music. The winner will be the one whose colored egg spins the longest. Children will receive from participation huge amount positive emotions and positivity. To add a little excitement and intrigue, you can hold the competition again, only with the participation of adults. The winner will receive a colored egg from the loser.

Competition "The most unusual egg"
In this competition, children will have to creative work, in which they can use their imagination to create the most beautiful colors. The presenter places boiled eggs and various decorative elements to decorate the paint on one table. The assistant turns on cheerful children's music, and the children begin to make crafts. They will carry out a wide variety of ideas and plans without the help of their parents. After the children’s colored eggs are ready, they can give them to anyone they want with the words “Christ is risen.” Thus, painting the main symbol of Easter will bring them great pleasure, and they will also be able to master the Easter ritual even better.

Game "Easter egg rolling"
It’s simply beyond words how much fun children will get from this game. It is this competition that brings a little spirit of competition into the mood of every child. All children take part, whom the leader divides into two equal teams. A chair is placed not far from each group. Then he gives the first team members one egg each. The task is that each participant must roll the attribute to a chair, walk around it and back, without breaking the egg. In order not to lose, you should perform actions carefully, and most importantly, take your time. The team that can quickly complete the task and complete everything in accordance with the rules will win.

Game "Egg Rolling"
In this game, participants need to choose a pair for themselves and then sit on the floor opposite each other. The presenter gives each person one painted Easter egg. Cheerful music turns on, and the couples begin to roll paintballs. No doubt they will run into each other along the way. Whoever's egg broke or cracked lost. The whole game continues according to this principle. Each winner of the pair plays with the other winner. It will be no less fun and interesting.

Game "Rolling eggs downhill"
Another game in which participants must roll eggs. This time they have to do it downhill. At the command of the leader, the children lower their paints from the slide and watch them ride. The one with the egg that takes the longest to roll wins. As a reward for winning, he takes the dyes of the losing participants in the game.

Game "Easter Gifts"
This game will not leave even adults indifferent, because taking part in it will be a pleasure. The presenter lays out various small gifts. These can be candies, souvenirs, etc. After which each participant in the game, in turn, begins to knock down souvenirs using a colored egg. All gifts knocked down by the child remain as a prize. Children will experience incredible emotions and admiration from this game, and parents, in turn, will be curious and very pleased to watch their child.

Game "Easter Bell"
Since ancient times there have been traditions of dancing, playing and singing on Easter. However modern world improved in many ways that many began to forget the customs of Easter rituals. This game will be able to remind all guests of the holiday about traditions. The presenter must make in advance the best selection of folk songs that no one will perform. Why? Because in Rus' on this day the bells rang loudly. So it is in this game. Several people can take part, each of whom chooses their own song. His task is that he must perform a well-known composition without words. Instead of choruses and choruses, he melodiously says “Ding-ding-ding.” The winner will be determined by the audience, but it must be the one who can perform the song more accurately to the tune while being very interesting and fun.

Game "Blow the Egg"
Another exciting game in which all participants should be divided into two teams. The presenter must prepare a raw egg in advance without all the contents inside. You can make it empty using a needle. Next, both teams sit at the same table opposite each other. The prepared attribute must be placed in the middle of the table. At the command of the leader, the participants begin to blow the egg with all their might towards the opposite side of the table. The team that completes the task first will win.

Game "Find the Hare"
Chocolate, toys and various souvenirs have always been among children's favorite accessories and delicacies. In this game they can get it all. The competition can be held both outdoors and indoors. The presenter must hide a certain amount of sweets, toys and chocolate bunnies in advance. Next, gather all the children and explain the rules. The conditions are that the participants, upon the leader’s command, must find all the hidden elements. You need to look everywhere. The winner is the one who manages to find as many accessories and treats as possible. As a reward, the child will be given all the things and chocolates that he found. It will be incredibly fun and interesting to watch how children with great curiosity are in search of their favorite sweets and toys.

Happy holiday: Easter

Regional state budgetary educational institution for orphans and children left without parental care, “Romanovsky special (correctional) orphanagefor children with disabilities"

Game competition program

"Let's celebrate Easter"

Students age 8-16 years

Developed by:

Prishchepa V.M.,


With. Romanovo, 2013


Target: Introduce the history of the origins of the traditions of celebrating the Easter holiday, the traditions of dyeing Easter eggs.


  1. To acquaint pupils with the traditions of celebrating Easter in Rus', rituals, and games that accompany this holiday.
  2. Introduce the history of the tradition of dyeing eggs for Easter.
  3. Create conditions for the perception of the spiritual and cultural heritage of the Christian holiday of Easter.
  4. Foster respect for Russian Orthodox traditions.
  5. Improve creativity.

Progress of the event:

Phonogram "Ringing of Bells"

  1. Children read poetry(see Appendix No. 1).

1. Easter announcement

The blows came

To the blue skies

It rings loudly

Quiet Valley

Drives away sleep

Somewhere down the road

The ringing stops.

2. From a distant land

Swallows are flying

They chirp merrily

People are told:

“People, wake up!

Spring is coming to us!

And happy spring and Easter

Brings us joy!”

3.Christ is risen!

Everywhere the gospel is buzzing,

People are pouring out of all the churches

Look like in the glow of heaven

Christ has risen again in the spring!

The snow has already been removed from the fields,

The bear has risen from his winter dreams,

And the nearby forest turns green...

So Christ has already risen!

The earth is waking up again

And the fields are getting dressed!

Spring is coming, full of miracles!

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

4. "Bells"

Good on the bell tower

Ring the bells

To make the holiday more relaxing,

So that the soul can sing.

Like angelic singing

This wonderful chime

Bright hymn of Sunday

Sounded from all sides.

  1. History of Easter.

Narrator 1. Easter - Holy Resurrection of Christ. This main event in the spiritual life of Christians was called the Feast of Feasts, the King of Days. We prepared for it for 7 weeks - 49 days. And the week before Easter was called Great, or Passionate. Maundy Thursday is a day of spiritual cleansing and receiving the sacrament of communion. Good Friday is a reminder of the suffering of Jesus Christ, a day of sadness. Holy Saturday is a day of waiting; the Gospel of the Resurrection is already being read in church. Easter is the Sunday when we celebrate the Resurrection of the Savior.

Narrator 2. The Son of God came into this world to save people. He preached Love and the Kingdom of Heaven, created many miracles, healed and resurrected people. Do you remember the Christmas story? Many rejoiced at the appearance of Christ. But there were also those who did not believe in his holiness. They prevented Jesus from talking about the Kingdom of God. Among the leaders of that time there were many who hated Christ and wanted to get rid of Him. Judas, one of the Lord’s disciples, and he had 12 of them, decided to hand Christ over to these evil people. He approached his Teacher and kissed Him. It was a sign. Jesus was immediately taken into custody. And Judas received 30 silver coins for this. Thus, he sold his Teacher. Jesus was interrogated before the Sanhedrin - the highest Jewish court. The elders and judges were looking for evidence to convict Jesus. They mocked him, but he endured, he was sentenced to death penalty. It was a terrible event. Jesus was crucified on the cross on Mount Golgotha. When he died, the earth shook and the rocks began to disintegrate. This happened on Friday. Now we call this day Good Friday. When Saturday passed, at night, on the third day after his suffering, Jesus Christ came to life and rose from the dead. On Sunday morning, women came with incense to anoint the body of the Savior. But instead of Him they saw an Angel. He announced the Resurrection of the Lord: “Do not be afraid. I know that you are looking for the crucified Jesus. But one should not look for the Living among the dead. He has risen as He promised you. Go and tell Jesus’ disciples that He has risen from the dead and is waiting for them.” Joy overwhelmed the people.

Narrator 3. Since then we have been celebrating Easter - the holiday of the Renaissance. The Lord defeated death and showed that for those who believe in Him and live according to His commandments, there is neither death nor hell. Preparing for Easter, people are filled with joy and faith. Maundy Thursday marks the beginning of our favorite activity - coloring and painting eggs. Did you know that eggs painted in one color were called dyed eggs; if spots, stripes, specks of a different color were indicated on a general colored background, these were specks. There were also pysanky - eggs painted by hand with plot or ornamental patterns. A lot of meaning was put into simple patterns. Wavy lines are seas-oceans. The circle is a bright sun. According to tradition, ready-made dyes and pysanky were placed on freshly sprouted oats, wheat, and sometimes on soft green lettuce leaves, which were specially grown for the holiday. The lush greenery and bright colors of the Easter eggs created a festive mood. On the night of the Resurrection of Christ, a festive service takes place (Easter Service of God). Various foods are brought to the church in beautiful baskets - Easter cakes, cheese, butter, which symbolize well-being, Easter eggs and painted eggs. Salt is placed in the basket - a symbol of wisdom. A solemn procession with a singer and a priest blesses the people. Returning home, people break their fast - eat delicious food after Lent. The rich Easter table is a symbol of heavenly joy and the Lord's Supper. The closest relatives gather for Easter breakfast. The owner approaches the guests with wishes and the words “Christ is risen!”, and then kisses everyone. You should answer like this: “Truly risen!” The sacred egg is cut into as many pieces as there are persons present. A candle burns on the table as a reminder of the brightness of this day. You should definitely start your Easter breakfast with Easter cake. Even crumbs of this bread that fall on the floor should under no circumstances be thrown away. The holiday lasts throughout Bright Week.

  1. Competition "Easter food"(see Appendix No. 2).

From the given set of products, children prepare decorations for the Easter table (boiled eggs; fresh apples, cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots; parsley, dill; canned green peas, corn).

Narrator. The custom of painting eggs for Easter and giving them to each other is ancient; it is associated with Mary Magdalene. Coming to Rome to preach the Gospel, she presented Emperor Tiberius with a red egg with the words: “Christ is risen!” Ancient manuscripts preserve a symbolic interpretation of this custom made by St. John of Damascus. According to this interpretation, the egg symbolizes the image of the universe, the yolk is the earth, the white is the air, and the film around the white is the clouds. According to the rules, the Easter egg should be red, since the world was saved by the blood of Christ, and boiled, so the Resurrection of Christ “thickened” and strengthened the Universe.

  1. Easter scene “Golden Egg”(see Appendix No. 3).


Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman,

They had a pockmarked chicken.

The hen laid an egg,

Not simple ─ golden.

Baba: Hey, old man, wake up quickly!

Grandfather:Are there wolves at the door?

Why are you making noise, old woman?

Baba: Look what I found:

Our pied hen

She laid an egg under a bush.

Grandfather: What's your problem?

After all, the egg is somewhere!

Baba: Yes, the egg is not easy,

Oh, look, it's golden.

Grandfather: Gold! Really?

You and I got rich.

Baba: Oh, it’s burning, it’s blinding your eyes!

Grandfather: Miracles!

Baba: Miracles!

Grandfather: Lock him in the chest (a knock is heard on the door)!

Baba: There's no one at home!

Grandfather: You go lock the bolt

Yes, we should let the dogs go.

Baba (returning):

I'll go to the city on Wednesday

There is a market there on Wednesday.

There are a lot of rich people out there!

I’ll sell them the egg.

I'll buy new things,

There are forty different skirts,

Shawl with blue flowers,

I'll fill the chest to the brim.

Grandfather: Why are you telling tales!

Look, you've found a young lady

Dress up in different trash.

Not if we are rich

I'll build a hut instead

Three-story chambers

And gazebos in the corners.

Baba: Punishment with a stupid husband!

What are you, old man, don't be a whim!

We live no worse than others

We don't need floors!

Grandfather: Am I the owner or not?! (The egg falls and breaks).

Baba (crying): Oh, the egg rolled,

It rolled and broke.

Grandfather: Calm down, that’s enough, woman!

Ryaba will lay eggs for us.

We will color these eggs

And we will give it to children for Easter.

Grandfather and woman bring out a basket with Easter eggs and give gifts to the children.

  1. Easter games (children receive sweet prizes for participating in the games)

During Easter week, it is customary to visit, give gifts, send greeting cards. These days, not a single soul should feel lonely and forgotten (bell ringing). I invite you all to the games.

“Where is the egg boiled?”

The game involves two people. In the old days, eggs were covered with caps, you can take plastic cups. One of the players leaves the room for a while or simply closes his eyes. Empty inverted cups are placed on the table, an egg is hidden under them, the player is called and asked: “Where is the egg boiled?” The driver selects a cup and picks it up; if there is an egg there, he takes it for himself as a prize.

"Spin the Egg"

Two people play, each with their own egg. At the same time, players spin Easter eggs on the table; whoever spins the egg the longest wins; the winner takes the egg of the losing player. You can play not only with two people, but also with three or four people, then the winner takes not just one egg, but all of them.

"Krashenka on the ground"

The egg is placed on the ground. One of the players is standing ten steps away from him. He is blindfolded with a scarf. Blindfolded, he measures ten steps, unties his eyes and tries to get the egg without leaving his spot. If he gets it, he wins, if he doesn’t get it, he loses.

Children stand in pairs, each with an egg. It is necessary to roll the egg down the slide so that it does not fall, does not break, and rolls as far as possible from the opponent’s egg.

"Color the Egg"

Children are blindfolded with a napkin, and they paint blank eggs (see Appendix No. 4)

"Don't Drop the Egg"

Children are divided into two teams, each team has an egg and a spoon. The first participant must carry the egg on a spoon with one hand, go around the obstacle, return and give the spoon to the next player. The first team to complete the task without breaking the egg is the winner.

  1. Easter Quiz

– Now let’s test your knowledge in the Easter “sweet” quiz, why is it sweet, guess what? (for the correct answer - candy)

  • What was Easter called in Rus'? (Bright Resurrection, Great Day, Christ's Day, Tsar's Day)
  • Name of the Mother of the Savior? (Maria)
  • How many disciples – apostles – did Christ have? (12)
  • One of them became a traitor. What was his name? (Judas)
  • On what day of the week was Christ betrayed, on what day was he crucified, on what day was he resurrected? (Wednesday, Friday, Sunday)
  • Mary Magdalene came to Emperor Tiberius and said: “Christ is risen!” What did she give him? (egg)
  • This is how the tradition of painting eggs began. Do you know what eggs that are colored the same color are called? (Krashenki) What if spots, stripes, specks of a different color were indicated against the general background? (Splashes) And there were also eggs painted by hand with plot or ornamental patterns, are they called? (Pysanky)
  • What is the name of the last week before Easter? (Passionate or Great Week dedicated to the suffering of Jesus Christ)
  1. Summing up the results of the competition decoratively - applied creativity"Happy Easter"

Exhibition of works by students (see Appendix No. 5).

Masha and Anya are sitting on a bench, playing with a rag doll. There is a table nearby. On the table are willows, paints, brushes, a samovar, cups.

Quiet music is playing. Nastya runs in.

Nastya: Masha, Anya, come here quickly! Look what I found!

Masha: Oh, a whole basket of eggs!
Dear readers, I present to your attention a website where you can order Santa Claus for a New Year’s corporate party.
Nastya: It was probably our Ryabushka who demolished it. Here's a gift for Easter!

Masha(looking at it). They are all so white and smooth. Here I am holding a fresh egg in my hands, I look at it carefully and thoughtfully: there are no bones, no feathers, because there are no eggs in the egg.

Anya: How does this happen?

Where can I find the answer?

The bird suddenly comes out

from egg to light!

Nastya: This is the miracle:

God created it this way

That he turned a raw egg into a bird.

Anya: The same power of God will collect our ashes.

And from the dust the body will come to life again.

This is our guarantee, miracle of miracles:

Firstborn from the Dead

Christ Himself is Risen!

Masha: He died on the cross -

That's how he loved us

What kind of sinners are we?

He shed his blood.

Masha: Nastya, let's color these eggs!

Nastya: For what?

Masha: For a long time, a testicle, red as blood,

Love reminds us of Christ.

Anya: Eggs are always painted for Easter. Let's go to grandma too

We'll give you an Easter gift.

Nastya, Anya, Masha sit down at the table and pretend to paint

eggs and place on a plate.

Anya: To my friend Egorka

I'll draw a moth.

Without father's, let without spanking

His life will be easy.

Masha: Well, I’m with my friend Olya

I'll paint everything with beans -

She will have a rich groom

Cute, freckled.

Nastya: And I'm the neighbor's twins

I'll draw the sun.

Let him stop by more often

The sun is in their window.

(Granny comes in with a bowl and spoon, kneading the dough).

Grandmother: Where are you going to get shot? Oh - oh Easter is just around the corner, and we...

breaking your fast is nothing! Something with our Ryabushka

happened. It's been a whole week now

there is not a single testicle.

Anya: Yes, that you are a grandmother! Can't be!

Grandmother: True, Ryabushka does not lay eggs. I'll tell you

I didn't want to upset you. (sadden).

Masha:(from behind) Grandma! Christ is Risen!

(holds out the hidden egg from behind his back).

Grandmother: Truly He is Risen! My dears, where did you get the eggs?

Nastya: And I, grandma, want to congratulate you. Christ is Risen

(holds out the egg).

And Ryabushka tried to make you happy. After all, we are under

They found a whole basket of eggs at the shop.

Anya: And take an egg from me. Christ is Risen!

Grandmother: Truly He is Risen!

Nastya: We decided to give you an Easter gift, Ryabushka

laid eggs, and we painted them with love and joy for

Happy holiday - Easter.

Grandmother: Well, you made old me happy. Let's have some tea together

Let's drink, but first let's pray before eating.

(Easter troparion is sung).

(They sit under the table and get ready to drink tea)

Grandmother: And now my granddaughters, I want to tell you where

this Bright holiday begins.

(the granddaughters ask their grandmother to tell

holiday, grandmother slowly begins the story).

I'll tell you now

Wonderful story.

It was a long time ago

My great-grandmother said,

Like Mary Magdalene

She gave the egg to Tsar Tiberius.

It was all white

It was all round

She brought it, gave it

“Christ is Risen,” she said.

And Tiberius accepted

Didn't reject the gift

I said that I would believe

If I see a miracle myself.

He held an egg in his hands,

I thought to myself:

"Let the testicle turn red

Then on Sunday I will believe.”

The egg seemed to hear

Burnt scarlet

In Tiberius's hands, -

There was horror in his eyes.

What a miracle! What a miracle!

I won't argue with you.

This is a miracle of miracles!

Christ is truly Risen!

Children: Oh, how great!

Grandmother: Since ancient times, many of the brightest and kindest traditions have been associated with the Easter holiday. For the holiday, they baked Easter cakes, made Easter eggs from cottage cheese, painted eggs and lit them in the church. The egg has become a symbol of Easter. The egg has always been treated with special reverence - life is born in it.

Anya: Granny, why is it the last week before Easter?

called Holy Week?

Grandmother: Because this week we remember the last

days of the earthly life of Jesus Christ. His suffering and

death on the cross. Each of these days was named


Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are dedicated to memories

the last conversations of Jesus Christ with the people and disciples.

Anya: What about Thursday?

Grandmother: On Thursday we remember Jesus' Last Supper

Christ with his disciples.

Masha: What about Friday then?

Grandmother: Oh, granddaughters, Good Friday is the most mournful

day, because it was on this day that the crucifixion and

Death of the Savior on the cross.

But on Saturday of Holy Week - the day of stay

body of the Lord Jesus Christ in the tomb.

Nastya: And on Sunday - what is Easter already?

Grandmother: Yes, on Sunday we celebrate the triumph of celebrations

the greatest of all holidays is Easter - Resurrection

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

(Grandma, Anya, Masha, Nastya get up from the table facing the audience).

Grandmother: People, wake up! Spring is coming to you

And with spring, Easter brings you joy.

Masha: Joy that our Savior has risen from the grave!

He gave deliverance to children and adults.

Nastya:"He has risen from the dead"! - the whole earth sings.

And soon He will come to earth again.

Anya: Sing, people: “Our Christ is risen”!

There is salvation for people, and there is hope!

Grandmother:(Addressing the audience - children).

Dear children, do not forget to wish yours Happy Easter

parents and loved ones and give an egg with the words:

"Christ is risen"! wish

health, happiness, peace. Make your parents happy

good deeds and righteous deeds! After all,

After His Resurrection, the Lord commanded everyone:

"Rejoice!" and may your soul be bright in warm

rays of love of Jesus Christ!

Christ is risen!

All children: Truly Risen!!!

Granddaughters: Grandma, did Easter last only one day?

Grandmother: No, granddaughters, the first day of Easter is Sunday

usually spent at home with family. From the second day (a

Easter is celebrated for a week) began

folk festivals. And they did round dances and dances

arranged and of course played games, I remember

Did she tell you about folk, ritual games? Here we go

Now play with the guys.


The guys are spinning eggs on the floor. The game is played in pairs. Whose egg will spin longer? The winner is awarded the “Cool” medal


Agility task. You need to roll the egg from the left sleeve of your clothing to the right. Who's faster?


We need 16 people.

The guys become pairs, knocking paints against each other. The one whose egg is not cracked wins.


Around him, in an equal place (on the floor), sweets and prizes are laid out. Whoever knocks down the prize takes it. Children from a distance of 1m. Eggs are rolled on the floor towards the prize candies; if the egg touches the prize, the player takes it for himself.


Five eggs are laid out on the floor. Six children are playing. While the music is playing, the children dance near the eggs. As soon as the music stops, the children must have time to take the egg. Whoever doesn't get it leaves the game. The leader removes one egg, the game continues until the winner.


Children take turns naming words that are related to the celebration of Easter (Egg, Easter cake, willow, resurrection, etc.) The last one to name the word receives an Easter prize. (egg)


Two teams of 6 people. On command, with your arm outstretched, you need to carry the egg in a spoon without dropping it. I went around the chair and quickly returned, giving the spoon and egg to another player.


Roll, roll egg.

Ved. Now everyone stand in a circle.

Grandmother: I have a surprise for you.

(Takes out a “wonderful bag”).

Here's a riddle for you. Guess what's in my "wonderful"


“Red rides - to the whole world

the miracle is illuminated"!

That's right, an Easter egg.

(takes out a red egg) Let's play with it.

Children stand in a large spacious circle. The driver gives the egg in a circle, they pass it to each other while the music is playing, when the music stops, whoever has the egg in their hands is out of the game.

Well, guys, this was the last game. Happy Easter to you, Happy Resurrection of Christ!

See you again!

Prepared by: folk art methodologist of the MUK "MPTSD MO" Tarakanova A.P.
