But what is going on in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Murmansk region. Contacts Press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Murmansk

Large emblem:
In the shield (the established form for the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) there are figures of the coat of arms of the Murmansk region. The shield is topped with the heraldic sign of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Under the shield, on a fluttering blue motto ribbon, there is an inscription in gold letters: “WE SERVE RUSSIA, WE SERVE THE LAW.”

In the shield (the established form for the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) there are figures of the coat of arms of the Murmansk region. Around the shield in the shape of a triangular shield there is a blue ribbon with a golden inscription: “WE SERVE RUSSIA, WE SERVE THE LAW.” On top of the ribbon is crowned with the heraldic sign of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in golden color.
Sign size 46x30 mm

Banner(back side)
Presented on April 09, 2015 in Murmansk at the memorial complex to the Defenders of the Arctic, who died during WWII, by Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation A. Gostiev

Rationale for symbolism:
The shape of the shield indicates that the emblem belongs to the heraldic symbols of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
The shield of the emblem is shaped like the coat of arms on the headdresses of police officers at the beginning of the 20th century. It denotes the continuity of generations of law enforcement defenders.
In the field of the shield are elements of the coat of arms of the Murmansk region.
Silver color is the color of purity and honesty; gold color is the color of nobility; blue is the color of fidelity to duty; red is the color of courage and bravery.
The inscription on the motto ribbon “WE SERVE RUSSIA, SERVE THE LAW!” - the motto of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Until 2012, the small emblem was in force, and on the motto ribbon of the large emblem and on the ribbon on the breastplate the previous motto of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs “WE SERVE THE LAW - WE SERVE THE PEOPLE” was written:

Small (banner) emblem:
In the shield (installed

email mail: prof. moscow. police@yndex. ru

Primary trade union organization

Regional Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Murmansk region

email mail: professional police 51@ gmail . com

Dear Vladimir Alexandrovich!

On 03/20/2018, the primary trade union organization of the Interregional Trade Union "Moscow Police Trade Union" in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Murmansk Region addressed the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a request for measures to respond to violations of anti-corruption legislation committed by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, including those indicated in the submission of the Prosecutor's Office of the Murmansk Region dated 03/06/2018. (ref. No. 2-UMVD dated March 20, 2018).

In the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the Murmansk region, situations have become common when, for personal devotion to managers, “faithful” employees receive the opportunity to receive a special rank, or a step higher, through a fictitious temporary transfer to higher position, or out of turn.

If such a procedure applied to all employees, these facts might not affect the interests of the service as a whole. However, the “selectedness” of the recipients of titles, including due to the presence of family ties with the leaders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, causes social tension among ordinary employees and actually demonstrates to them the invalidity of the interests of the service, declared by the same leaders from high tribunes.

Thus, a close relative of the wife of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs I.V. Batalov, police lieutenant colonel A.V. Timofeev, was reinstated after a long break in service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Murmansk region immediately on leadership position the head of the “fish” department, specially created for this within the structure of the Criminal Investigation Department. After an audit of the Criminal Investigation Department recognized the ineffectiveness of its activities and the inexpediency of creating this department, Timofeev A.V. was reassigned to the position of head of the Center for Combating Extremism. After the dismissal of Deputy Chief of Police S.N. Mashkov. in March 2018 Timofeev A.V. passed the IVC and CPD for appointment to this position. However, understanding that his appointment will not be agreed upon with the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation due to the publication of negative information of a corruption nature in the media (report “Business-2” https://youtu.be/HBLW5JZg2G4), 03/29/2018, within 24 hours in the leadership of Timofeev A.V. the unit was urgently introduced additional full-time position, giving the leader the right to receive the rank of colonel based on the number of personnel.

On March 30, 2018, with the direct participation of the management of the URLS and the Acting Chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, R.R. Yalalov, documents were prepared to assign Timofeev A.V. rank of colonel, and the latter, having taken leave for family reasons, personally took these documents to the GUPE of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Currently, the possibility of appointing A.V. Timofeev has been announced to the personnel. for the position of deputy head of the UKON of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which does not require coordination with the Ministry of Internal Affairs and relevant departments.

These circumstances indicate that the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from the team of I.V. Batalov, including the acting head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, R.R. Yalalov. and the head of the URLS Ermolin A.S., understanding that an inspection of the Main Directorate of Security Services, carried out in February-March 2018, revealed facts of violation of your instructions about the inadmissibility of abuses with the assignment of ranks and uneven distribution of bonuses, knowing about the procedural check carried out in relation to them by employees of the Investigative Committee of the Murmansk region , exercise all their powers to improve their well-being, even standing “on the steps of a departing train.”

At the same time, a situation has now arisen where the Acting Chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is R.R. Yalalov. considers the submission of the Murmansk Regional Prosecutor's Office on facts of corruption in the investigation of criminal cases committed by the head of the department for investigating crimes in the housing and communal services sector of the Investigative Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs V.A. Leoferova. At the same time, despite the obvious fact of concealment by V.A. Leoferova. conflict of interest, expressed in the receipt of “thermal” by her lawyer husband cash in the amount of about 1,400,000 rubles from the current account management company, the criminal case in respect of which was under the procedural control of Leoferova V.A., knowing reliably about this and other facts, Yalalov R.R. did not take any measures in a timely manner, and accordingly, currently cannot objectively consider this submission.

This and other facts of corruption during the investigation of criminal cases, including in the housing and communal services sector, were reported to employees of the Main Directorate for Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with the provision of documents confirming these facts.

We believe that the situation with Leoferova V.A. and Timofeev A.V. clearly shows the true state of affairs in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Murmansk region in terms of protectionism and concealment of facts of corruption.

It should be noted that he went unpunished and did not receive a proper disciplinary assessment in relation to the head of URLS Ermolin A.S. the fact of illegally assigning the rank of colonel to the head of the helicopter detachment I.G. Zabara, on the basis of a deliberately forged certificate of length of service signed by the leadership of the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Murmansk Region. A criminal case against I.G. Zabara, initiated under Art. 159 part 4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, with damage in the amount of more than 1,800,000 rubles caused during the payment of pensions to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is currently being investigated by the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee Russian Federation.

In connection with the revealed facts of abuse by managers from among Batalov’s team I.V. The trust of the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Murmansk region has been undermined, and the events indicated above are further escalating the situation. We ask you to give a proper assessment of all the facts of wrongful and illegal assignment of special ranks, which were reported to the employees of the Main Directorate of Security Services, to take control of the procedure for appointing to positions and assigning ranks to A.V. Timofeev, and also to withdraw from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Murmansk Region the representation of the prosecutor's office of the Murmansk region dated 03/06/2018 in relation to Leoferova V.A. and give her actions a proper assessment in accordance with the norms of anti-corruption legislation in the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Please provide an answer to both addresses indicated in the details within the time period established by the Law.


  • Appeal from the primary trade union organization of the Interregional Trade Union "Moscow Police Trade Union" dated March 20, 2018 No. 2-UMD
  • Response to the appeal of the acting head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, R.R. Yalalov. from 03/27/2018


But this is happening throughout the entire system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Order can only be restored if at least 25-30 percent of employees begin to jointly fight this chaos. And we will help!

The most progressive and honest employees begin the struggle. The full power of the corrupt bureaucratic system falls on them. But it fails if employees strictly fulfill their duty and act strictly within the law, documenting with reports, voice recorders, etc. actions of superiors.

A simple example.

No paper and empty cartridges. Immediately a report (via EDMS or through the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Citizens' Appeal") that I am not able to fulfill my official duties, because my supervisor, in accordance with Article 30.ch1. did not provide me with everything necessary to carry out my official tasks, which could lead to grave consequences.

Also: the low beam light in the car is not on, please replace it, or the woman was not allowed into the escort, but we are escorting a suspect, it is not possible to carry out the escort.

You can send 2-3 such reports for every occasion in a day (they didn’t give you money for travel, or they didn’t give you a car to send cases to court, etc., etc.). The main thing is not to be afraid.

This is the only way to deal with your superiors, otherwise you will be accused of violating something. They will punish you, fire you, and maybe even imprison you.

Good luck, honest and not cowardly employees! Protect yourself and protect citizens.
