Your own home business. HYIP projects that pay daily without cheating - HYIP NINJA New Yandex wallet doubler August

However, when investing, many people make various mistakes that lead to loss of funds. To prevent novice HYIP investors from making the wrong steps, I have compiled a list of 15 main mistakes made by beginners.

Mistake #1. Believe in legends. One of the most common mistakes. You shouldn’t pay attention to them; it’s still impossible to verify their reality. Treat hype like a game - this is the most correct approach.

Mistake #2. A long period of work means the project is reliable. HYIPs that pay for 2 years are undoubtedly of high quality and have a competent admin at the helm, but this does not mean that the HYIP is reliable for investment. Quite the contrary, the longer the project runs, the higher the risks.

Mistake #3. Delay with the deposit. Taking a closer look at the project is a necessary thing, but it should not drag on for months. If you like a project, watch its work for a while and make a clear decision whether to invest or not.

Mistake #4. Investing large sums in one project. Having learned that the project pays, the newcomer invests all the money that is in his wallet. “Why make small investments when you can invest more and therefore earn more?” - he thinks. And this mistake can turn his savings into zero. You should not invest all your funds in one HYIP, choose 4-5 or more worthy projects and distribute the funds between them.

Mistake #6. Exchange of electronic currencies on unknown sites. You are a newbie and registered in HYIP, you want to top up your account, but have never dealt with a payment system before. You start looking for an exchanger and there is a chance that you will stumble upon scammers. Exchange funds only in reliable and trusted services; you can find links to them.

Mistake #7. Constant reinvestment. No need to wait for $100 to turn into $400 - always withdraw interest. If you do reinvest and your contribution doubles, withdraw it and a little profit on top, and you can leave the rest in the project. Thus, you no longer risk your deposit, and the money remaining in the account will continue to bring you profit.

Mistake #8. I’ll save up the money and then withdraw it all at once. Firstly, before you decide to withdraw “all at once”, the HYIP may stop making payments, so it is important to withdraw profits as often as possible. And secondly, HYIPs do not like to part with large sums - it is better to withdraw money in parts.

Mistake #9. Believe the words of the admins. News about a large influx of deposits, the rapid growth of the investment system, high-profile victories and serious successes of the company - all this is aimed at receiving new deposits. Don't trust the admins, they always lie :)

Mistake #10. Investing borrowed money. You remember the main rule of investors: “don’t invest money that you can’t afford to lose”? Whatever the project, such undertakings usually do not end well. Yes, maybe your friend successfully used credit funds in a hype and made money, but it’s not a fact that you will be as lucky.

Mistake #11. Selection of the longest plans in fast. Or, as they are also called, trap plans. In most cases, while you wait for the funds to increase on such plans, the project will already be closed. Don’t be fooled by huge percentages on long plans - you won’t get them anyway.The proverb fits here: “a bird in the hand is better than a pie in the sky.” Go for shorter plans, the chance of making money on such plans is many times higher than on long-term plans.

Mistake #12. Believe the scammers. Scammers are people who, knowing the real picture of hype, talk about it as a perfect risk-free tool. They can promise mountains of profit and years of project work, if only a person will invest. They may even call you for projects. All scammers do is mislead people. Their main goal is to get referrals at any cost. As a rule, they write themselves and intrusively try to call on Skype to talk about a “super reliable investment company.” Before you follow a person, see if he warns about risks, writes the truth, or throws around “guarantees” and calls for all accruals to be reinvested. I covered the topic of scammers in more detail.

Mistake #13. The higher the percentages, the cooler it is. Newbies often think “why would I invest at 1% per day, here is a project that charges 10% (20, 30) per day, it’s better if I invest there - I’ll earn more faster and earn more.” And here lies a big mistake, because the higher the interest, the shorter the project duration and the higher the risks. For example, there are projects that accrue 100% per day, but no one can withdraw these percentages :) In projects with an income of 10% per day and above, rarely does anyone except admins earn money. More often than not, it is the average percentage HYIPs that make it possible to gain profit, so the blog mainly contains such projects.

Mistake #14. Trust the statistics of deposits, payments and term of work. It is not uncommon for statistics to be placed in the most prominent place on a HYIP website, proudly announcing the start date, the amount of deposits and payments of participants. The beginner thinks: “since people invest and withdraw large sums, I’ll follow their example.” But in reality, all these investments and conclusions may not exist - it’s just that the admin himself draws the numbers in the statistics in order to lure inexperienced players. The same goes for the start date - don’t look at what’s written on the website, the hype supposedly works for 1000 days, with a high degree of probability it’s a hoax.

Mistake #15. General naivety. Some newcomers have the tendency to believe that the project they found is incredibly cool and it is in it that they will get rich. If you point out otherwise to newcomers, they will get offended and say that you haven’t studied the project enough, that you think narrowly and that you don’t understand anything at all. Usually we are talking about projects with an MLM component, where admins try to sell participants shares, “packages” or just air.
And in the head of a beginner, similar thoughts arise:

“You're lucky, boy! Don’t listen to these skeptics who don’t believe in anything, let them continue to earn their measly hundreds of dollars. You're in luck, you'll earn tens of thousands of dollars here! Don't listen to what the old-timers say! They are too pessimistic, they don’t even try to look at your diamond. Take risks and don’t trust anyone’s advice!” Well, I think everyone understands how it ends.

I remember the moment from the film “The Lord of the Rings”, where Bilbo found the One Ring and wants to keep it for himself, and Gandalf tries to dissuade him from “investing in the project” :) The old man is experienced, he knows a lot, listen! But no, fantasies about hundreds of percent profit have already taken over the mind of our young Internet investor.

HYIP, or HYIP – High Yield Investment Program, translated means an investment fund with high returns. A HYIP project is an Internet site that accepts investments and offers high interest rates to its partners in a short period of time - much higher than banks.

Most often, an ordinary financial pyramid is hidden under a hype project, working on an algorithm for redistributing money from new investors to old ones.

It follows that HYIP projects pay their investors without deception, as long as there is an influx of new deposits, and stop paying as soon as the dynamics of deposits drops or the funds run out completely. If you fall under the solvency period of a HYIP project, the opportunity opens up to make real money and receive really large interest rates in a short period of time. This is the benefit of participation for the investor. Due to this opportunity, hype projects have become so popular and in demand. On the other hand, there are no guarantees of receiving this profit and there are actually risks of losing the entire amount of the deposit in such a scheme for redistributing funds.

In order to start investing profitably in hype projects that pay without fraud in rubles, dollars or cryptocurrency, we will need monitor sites and their data on the work and technical description of each individual project.

What parameters are monitored?

The important parameters of any hype project are:

  • Solvency – whether the project pays or not.
  • Start date – the fresher it is, the greater the likelihood of earning money.
  • Dynamics of deposits and development - if the project is old and there are no new investors, the risks of losing money are very high.
  • Investment proposal - there are HYIP projects with daily, weekly or even monthly payments.
  • Availability of an affiliate program - bonuses for inviting partners.
  • A set of payment systems - the more payment systems available to ordinary people, the more popular the project becomes.
  • Payment regulations - how often the admin processes withdrawal requests.
  • Website reliability – protection from attacks and theft of user personal data.

Any monitoring pays attention to all of the above parameters and briefly displays this information in the form of a list or table. There may also be more detailed data for each project. The main feature of monitoring sites is the return of part or all of the partner’s remuneration, which increases the investor’s profit and reduces the time it takes to break even.

Language version of the page:

Hype monitoring with daily updates. How to earn a lot of money at once without leaving home, risking a symbolic amount. Investment projects. Earn bitcoins. Refback from your investment.

Attention! If you want to keep abreast of noteworthy new products in the hype industry, then add yourself to my free telegram signals channel. What will you receive? A brief review of this or that hype (doubler), which, in my opinion, will bring you profit in a given time frame.

Information about new HYIPs. Subscribe to telegram signals:

If you do not have the Telegram messenger, then you can download it for free

REFBACK! I return 33% refback from your investment (but not less than $1). For this question, write to Skype: website

What is refback? You register in the projects from the tables below, invest and then write to me indicating your login in a particular project and tell me the amount you invested. I check and transfer you 33% of the referral reward received. Write on Skype. Write Refback in the subject and do not forget to indicate the wallet number for a refund.

HYIP monitoring (review of investment projects), which is presented below, is updated daily and contains only relevant information regarding their status. Further, for brevity, I will call them doublers or hypes. I choose only the best projects for investment. They bring decent income, allowing you to double and triple your invested money in a relatively short time. These projects position themselves as HYIPs and officially declare that they are not pyramids.

If you are an investor and you are interested in my selection, I warn you! In my experience, many doublers do not last long. Read the brief wording of each table in detail and make an appropriate decision based on this. Pay attention to the "Pays" parameter. If there is a minus sign, do not invest! I constantly monitor doublers for solvency, add new projects and the information is updated several times a day. Bookmark it, or better yet, subscribe to my newsletter.. Subscription form in the upper left corner of the page. And you will always be aware of important new products and other news related to doublers and hypes.

Important point! Do not use mail to subscribe. Emails are regularly screened out as spam. Better use Yandex or Gmail. In any case, if you have subscribed to my mailing list, but the letters do not arrive, then look for the letters in your spam folder and check the box that these letters are not spam.

If you want to earn a lot and quickly, without inviting anyone, then welcome! You've come to the right place. I present to you Doublers Review. Multiply your money every 24 hours!

In this hype monitor presented: payeer doublers, qiwi doublers, bitcoin doublers, perfect money doublers and other money doublers. There are HYIPs with hourly payments, daily ones, as well as long-term HYIPs that pay interest once a month. If you are looking for an opportunity to earn Bitcoins, then it is easy to do as almost all projects accept Bitcoins.

!!! Before using my HYIP Review, be sure to read F.A.Q.

Brief information on the meanings and abbreviations in the tables.

For a detailed “My Review” and all comments on the projects, see (if any) in the Quick column. In the tables, doublers are arranged in chronological order of their appearance on my website. The newest ones are at the top.

Separately, I brought out a sign (located above the others) with the best, in my opinion, investment projects. Because they write to me all the time and ask which project I consider the best and, more or less, reliable. Reliability in the hype industry is a very relative concept. Mostly, these are serious investment projects where I personally invest thousands of dollars and I’ve been increasing them for months now.

Also pay attention to tables No. 2 and No. 3! This is one of the best opportunities to increase money quickly and (or) with a high degree of probability.

Explanation of some column names:

Does it pay? (type) - + means yes it pays, - means no it doesn’t pay. The payment type is indicated below. There are 3 types:
1 instant - payment comes instantly after ordering (don't forget to specify your wallet).
2 manual - means the payment is withdrawn manually by the administrator after verification.
3 machine - just specify your wallet and payments will be sent to it automatically.
min-max contribution ($) This column shows the minimum and maximum possible contribution to this project in dollars. If the project works only with rubles or bitcoins, then rubles or btc will be written.
(%) - what is the percentage for withdrawing earned funds (commission).
Ref (%) - referral percentage for the invitee.
good - everything works 100% at the moment and has been tested by me. Pays money.
bad means there are some problems. You cannot invest money with this status! If the work does not work out, he will be moved to the Black List.
The profitability is indicated as a percentage of the amount of your deposit. Usually HYIPs and doublers write 200%, but to make it clear, I indicate exactly the percentage of profit from the deposit.

Pay attention! Below the review is information that will be very useful to you in investing.


For questions and suggestions, write to: e-mail@site or skype site

Request! If my review of HYIPs is useful to you and you want to thank me for my work and inspire me for further work, click on the buttons (thanks in advance):

1 table.

The best hype!

For the most part, the projects proposed below represent offline investment companies with many years of experience that have recently started working on the Internet. At least that's what it says on these sites.

These projects are suitable for both small investments from $10 and large investments of several thousand dollars. Bitcoins are also accepted for payment. The higher the contribution, the higher the profitability and the faster the payback. Don't forget about the risks. Projects are listed as they appear. That is, at the very bottom there are “veterans” that have been tested by time, at the top are added new projects that have worked for at least 3 months and are promising.
Doubler Getting started Income (%)
in 24 hours
Does it pay?
Ref(%) (%) Fast
1 01 01 19 0.69 - 1.07 from 1000 rub + manual from 5 0 super
2 25 12 18 0.62 - 1.02 from 50 + manual 5-1 0 super
3 08 11 18 1 - 3 from 5 + manual 7-1 0 super
4 07 11 18 0.8 - 1 10-20000 + manual 5 0 super
5 15 08 18 0.8 - 0.9 10-2000 + manual 5 0 super
6 06 06 18 0.8 - 1.2 from 0.003btc + manual 12-1 0 super
7 20 08 18 up to 50 per month
+50$ bonus
from 10 + manual 30 from income 0 super
8 13 05 17 from 25 per month from 1 + manual 10-0.1 0 super
9 21 06 14 from 5 per week
+50$ gift
from 30 + manual 10-0.1 0 super

Special table.

Here are projects that work according to the matrix type. As well as various kinds of investment companies and programs that can be classified as venture investments with deferred income.

2 table.

Intermediate table of potential leaders.

In this table I will place projects and companies that, in my opinion, will work for more than 3 months and will then be moved to leader table No. 1. I do this in order to draw the attention of investors to potential leaders as quickly as possible. After all, everyone knows that the sooner you identify a leader and invest, the greater the chance of making a profit. When choosing, the following will matter to me: good history, quality of execution (technical data), capitalization, dynamics. The presence of positive information about the project administration (reputation) will be of no small importance. Please note that I do not give guarantees that the projects placed in the table will work for more than 3 months. I only express my opinion, and the decision to invest is up to you.

3 table.

The most attractive investment projects from the point of view of “reliability and profitability”. They work for a decent amount of time and offer a very attractive percentage.

I do not guarantee the long-term performance of these companies and projects, I simply assume that they correspond to the characteristics stated above. This is definitely not a one-day thing! These projects will be of interest primarily to those who want to double or triple their money in a fairly short period of time with relatively little risk.

4 table.

High percentage money doublers. Risk table. For those who like to take risks and prefer to get high profits in a short time. Earnings per hour.

Due to numerous requests, I am returning the “one-day” table to the Review. This does not mean that they will only work for 1 day, which is possible, but they can work for quite a decent amount of time for their marketing. If you need doublers with a yield of up to 30% per day, then this table is for you. I will try to post more or less normal projects, that is, those that, in my opinion, can bring profit. But you need to understand that in these difficult times, high-percentage doublers are rarely pleasing. Here, almost everything depends on the admin, his experience and level, capital, ability to create an incoming flow and, finally, honesty. Invest no more in the doublers in this table than you are willing to lose.

5 table.

HYIPs and money doublers that have a version in Russian. We present to your attention HYIPs and doublers that work with Yandex Money, Qiwi, Perfect Money, Payeer, Bitcoin and other payment systems and cryptocurrencies. Sometimes HYIPs work with Visa and MasterCard. Qualifying table:

Doubler Getting started Income (%)
in 24 hours
contribution ($)
Does it pay?
Ref(%) (%) Fast
* 11 05 19 1.3 - 1.7 from 50 + manual 10-1 0 Fine
* 25 04 19 2.5 - 4 from 3 + manual 5-1 0 Fine
* 25 04 19 2 - 4 from 5 + instant 6-1 0 Fine
* 22 04 19 0.8 - 1.2 from 10 + manual 5 0 Fine

6 table.

Foreign hypes and doublers. Qualifying table:

To work, you need an online translator (usually supported by any browser) or knowledge of the language. In general, all these projects have similar registration.

Pay attention! Working with foreign projects is often hampered by an online browser translator! Payment forms do not work, or the design does not look correct, which is why sometimes important buttons such as “Login” or “Registration” are not visible. Don't forget about this and, if necessary, click "Show original".

Useful materials and links for investors:

Where to get referrals?

A very common question among people who would like to build their teams and receive referral rewards. My recommendations:

Post links on social networks. VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter are best suited.
- Skype and email newsletter to the contacts of your friends and subscribers. Spam mailing is not very effective.
- Thematic forums. Communicate on business forums. By successfully moving through the system of ranks and ratings, gradually earning the trust of the forum audience, you will be able to effectively promote your links.

Specialized referral exchanges and business networks are also very effective. They provide the opportunity to promote your links both paid and free of charge and acquire referrals. I recommend the following:

Effective promotion of your own website in search engines.

Are you interested in constant free traffic from search engines? If you have a website and want to learn how to effectively promote it in search engines, then I recommend paying attention to the most current one, constantly updated course from a SEO specialist - a practitioner with many years of experience" Secrets of practical SEO. Platinum"I recommend it!

Payment systems in which you need to register in order to invest in HYIPs.

Electronic Payment Systems (EPS).

Fortunately, gone are the days when we all had one Savings Bank Book in our hands. With the advent of the Internet, everything changed. To invest in any doublers, each investor must have an account (wallet) in several electronic payment systems. Registration will take 1 minute. But it is advisable not to delay the verification procedure (identity confirmation). As a rule, a scan of the page in the passport and confirmation of mail and telephone are required. Verification provides a number of benefits. Some restrictions on use are lifted, interest rates for withdrawals are reduced, etc.

Movement of funds between electronic payment systems (deposit, withdrawal, money transfer).

If you click the Input or Output button on the website of some foreign electronic payment systems, you may encounter a problem. In the CIS countries, many of the options proposed to us are technically impossible to implement. What's the solution? You need to use electronic currency exchangers. If you have money on a Visa or MasterCard plastic card or in other payment systems, then you can easily top up your balance in another payment system you need. I offer a list of exchangers that I have personally checked and use myself. Most have a cumulative discount system. Before exchanging, I advise you to register.

Verified exchangers:

Perhaps the most important payment system of all investment projects today. There's nowhere without her. It is distinguished by reliability and stability. Anonymous use is possible (without verification), but it is more profitable to be verified. Payments are made instantly. The administration never blocks the accounts of its users. You can keep tens of thousands of dollars in your account and not worry. Moreover, receive 7% per annum on your foreign currency account. Interest is accrued every month on the account balance (no need to create any deposit). In general, there are only advantages and joy. Only input and output from the payment system for the CIS countries is not entirely simple. I know of only one option to directly top up my account - with QIWI. Instructions. And use exchangers.

Popular foreign payment system. I/O is available directly without intermediaries to a plastic card of most payment systems known to us, banks, transfers to accounts of other electronic payment systems! Low commission, opportunity to get an Okpay plastic card. Reliability. I recommend!

It appeared in 2012 and became widely known in hype projects around 2014. It is popular due to the ease of depositing and withdrawing funds, but at the same time, in my opinion, it has an inflated percentage for withdrawals and even charges for depositing funds... A Payeer plastic card could be a solution. Can be ordered by mail.
One of the advantages is a huge number of directions for exchanging and withdrawing funds. In fact, inside the account the peer is designed like an exchanger. Very convenient and clear.

Qiwi payment system. Gained popularity thanks to the Qiwi network of payment terminals throughout the country. You can top up your Qiwi wallet directly from your card account through your bank’s online account. The downside is the possible blocking of your account if you invest in HYIPs. In 2013, my 40,000 was frozen and that’s it... Having created a new wallet, I now don’t keep money in this account, but immediately withdraw it to the card. There are also serious restrictions on input and output. To remove them you need full verification.

Less popular in HYIPs than the above, but also found. I can't say anything bad. Convenient to replenish, withdrawal directly to the card, the percentage is moderate. True, they say that they can also block the account. I haven’t encountered it, so I can’t say for sure.

The automated offshore service ADVcash is gaining momentum in popularity. Supports many different EPS, allowing you to exchange virtual units (with a minimum commission) into real paper money through your own offshore card, bypassing national banks... The system is completely independent and allows you to deposit and withdraw funds bypassing the supervisory authorities of any state or, in other words, evade taxes. The ADVcash card is serviced in all countries of the world where MasterCard is accepted.

Pay attention! If you register with ADVcash, then do not delay ordering a plastic card. When ordering a card within 7 days from the date of registration, the cost is $4.99, after - $14.99. It makes sense to hurry up. Servicing the card is free, and the benefits are obvious.

Every investor in the HYIP industry may come across the concept of HYIP doublers. Accordingly, many are interested in the question “What is this?” and “Is it possible to make money by investing in HYIP doublers?” To get answers to the questions posed, in this article we will look at what HYIP doublers are, what you should pay attention to before investing in a new doubler, and we will give some basic recommendations for investing in HYIP money doublers that pay.

HYIP money doublers - what is it?

Hype doublers are one of the types of investment funds that provide investors with a doubling of their invested funds over a short period of time. The launch and organization of new doubler HYIPs is accompanied by a wide advertising campaign, which allows you to attract and reach a huge circle of users who want to make quick and easy money.

HYIP doublers offer investors 100 or more dividends per day, in other words, your balance amount doubles every day. Accruals and payments are usually made every day. But, as practice shows, the vast majority of doubler hypes last only a few days.

Many investors are shocked by such interest rates, so when they see the opportunity to earn more in one day than banks offer in 10 years, some lose their heads and invest huge amounts of money in HYIP doublers. But before investing in them, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons.

What to Look for Before Investing in Operating Doublers

  1. Type of project and duration of its work;
  2. Number of program participants;
  3. Features of the marketing plan and interest rates per day;
  4. How much money was invested after the start of the doubler. As a rule, dynamics will be visible in the first minutes. There are many participants, but only $100 is invested. Such a fund will disappear within the first hours;
  5. Availability of withdrawn funds. Basically, interest is withdrawn in the very first minutes, from this you can understand whether the doubler will pay;
  6. Take a look at the referral dividends offered. More than 10% indicates the frivolity of the project;
  7. Level of the project, availability of protection and features of the written texts;
  8. Availability of support service. The ideal option would be to indicate the Skype admin, general chat and email. Availability of links to forums and social networks. The wider the opportunities for feedback, the better;
  9. Go to the internal chat (if there is one) and read user reviews;
  10. Visit specialized forums, but the effect of this is controversial. It is very difficult to find useful information there before the start of the project;
  11. If there is one on the site, visit the tabs TOP 10 partners, TOP 10 investors, Latest payments, Latest deposits. They can show a lot of useful information about the existence of the fund and its prospects.

Basic Recommendations for Investing in Working Doublers

    1. Invest as much as you don’t mind losing, as there is always a risk;
    2. Use the diversification method, that is, distribute funds across different funds. If one of the projects fails, the profits from others will cover the losses;
    3. Look at the doubler hype group, read the reviews, see if there is an opportunity to write comments. It is impossible to predict the behavior of hype; a project that was working great 10 minutes ago can suddenly fail. There are situations when a person has already invested money and only after that he decided to join the group and saw discussions about problems and delays in payments;
    4. It is difficult to predict a sharp scam of a doubler hype, but there are signals that indicate that you should exit the hype program:
  • - delays in payments during working hours;
  • - closed access to writing comments;
  • - call of administrators for reinvestment;
  • - technical problems;
  • - holding promotions with bonuses for large deposits.

Do not invest large sums in an untested new project;

Never invest during the HYIP restart, wait for the first payments and only after that can you enter the project;

Stick to fixed deposits. For example, you invested 400 rubles at 50% and the next day you earned 600. You should invest 400 rubles again for reinvestment. Thus, in two rounds you will fully return your contribution and will continue to work with the fund without risk.

By following these recommendations, you can correctly invest in HYIP doublers and get easy and quick earnings. However, due to the nature of these projects, you should be extremely careful and careful.

Where we managed to increase this amount 6 times. At the same time, 89 out of 95 HYIPs paid out all the money and only 6 projects managed to close ahead of time.

Hype is a business project for investment with high profits and risks of losing money.

Therefore, we decided to collect the best HYIPs that pay in 2016 and monitor them with a report every 2 weeks on this page.

HYIPs that pay in 2016

Latest HYIP update: 12/20/2016. Next update in a week.

All projects were closed and worked with great profits. Which you can find out at the end of the article. Thank you for your attention.

Attention: in the table only those HYIPs that pay in 2016. However, this does not exclude high investment risks.

We also want to warn you that HYIPs are divided into 3 categories:

  1. Highly profitable— gives a profit of more than 30% per month, lifetime 1-4 months;
  2. Average income— from 10 to 30% profit per month, lifespan 2-24 months;
  3. Low income- less than 10% of profit per month, such a project lasts up to 5 years.

Therefore, always pay attention to the date of creation of the hype and its current position before investing in projects.

If you are attracted by one of the hypes above, be sure to register through the links in the table, so we can pay 60% of the money back to your account. To do this, write to the page.

HYIPs that stopped paying (closed)

This table will contain projects that once paid money and into which they made contributions. The last column shows how much you managed to earn or lose on the hype.

HypeInvestment termEarned
HYIPs: 23Invested: $3,000Average period: 60 days.+12 565$
1 TrueBit82 days+425$
2 ClickCredit48 days+10$
3 GoldenProf232 days+745$
4 LaraWith.me114 days+810$
5 Bots Family48 days+10$
6 Pure Energy18 days-410$
7 InSolt318 days+250$
8 TokyoInv252 days+3 210$
9 Mowa46 days-120$
10 Quickpay54 days+42$
11 Forex Busters44 days-65$
12 Unicorn-Analitycs92 days+25$
13 Rosoplata114 days+720$
14 Bmi-investment89 days+210$
15 ProActive Trading65 days+440$
16 Razzleton330 days+2 277$
17 PaytUp60 days+540$
18 Skyllex90 days+540$
19 Yamana Gold60 days+276$
20 Diversion Club90 days+320$
21 180 days+710$
22 Ethtrade150 days+600$
23 ShareInStock360 days+1 000$
