Drawing up a vacation schedule: step-by-step instructions and sample. Drawing up a vacation schedule: step-by-step instructions and sample How to fill out a vacation schedule sample

Drawing up employee vacation schedules for the coming calendar year with the signature of the manager is carried out in each organization no later than two weeks before January 1. This rule is laid down in Article 123 of the Labor Code. That is, for example, December 17, 2016 is the last date for its approval when drawing up the vacation schedule for 2017.

What does it contain

Its purpose is to reflect information on the procedure for distributing paid annual leave for each employee. Such data is planned for the entire calendar year on a monthly basis. The HR department is responsible for developing the schedule, which takes a lot of time from its specialists.

The organization of the procedure for collecting and processing the necessary information may be different. In some organizations, this work is entrusted to a specifically designated specialist; in others, responsibilities are distributed differently. Each of the HR department employees is in charge of specific departments.

Drawing up a vacation schedule is a responsible procedure. It is necessary to take into account a large number of factors - from the wishes of the workers themselves regarding current deadlines to the important needs of the production process. At the same time, it is necessary to monitor compliance with labor laws. It is possible and necessary to reflect the order and all the nuances and conditions regarding this issue in the main local acts of the organization. That is, they must be written down on the pages of the collective agreement or PVTR.

Order on drawing up a vacation schedule: sample and main contents

The procedure for filling out such a schedule must be described in detail in the instructions regarding personnel records management issues. If it is not there, work should begin with the issuance of the corresponding order - on drawing up a vacation schedule. What is he required to contain?

1. Full name of the specialist who is responsible for preparing this document.

2. The timing of agreement with employees on their specific wishes regarding the start dates of each person’s vacation.

3. The day by which the head of the structural unit coordinates the above-mentioned wishes with the production work plans of each department.

4. Deadline for submitting the draft schedule to management for approval.

Below we suggest taking a look at a sample of drawing up a vacation schedule in the form of a corresponding order.

Main operating principles

What requirements must be taken into account when drawing up a vacation schedule? It must imply the specifics of production, compliance with work technology and the principle of interchangeability of employees. The possibilities for this are laid down in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In order to avoid disagreements and disputes, the order of vacations with the procedure for determining it is mandatory to be prescribed in a collective agreement or other regulatory local act. For example, it is mandatory to indicate the impossibility of the head of the department and his deputy going on vacation at the same time.

Depending on the specifics of the organization, the provision of annual leave only during certain months may be recorded at the documentary level. For example, they are only in schools in the summer, otherwise the learning process may be disorganized. There are situations when it is convenient to send most of the team on vacation at once. This is often associated with seasonal ups and downs in the work of a particular production.

But in most cases, the best option is a relatively even distribution of vacations throughout the calendar year.

Where to start?

What are the basic rules for scheduling vacations? The preparation of the project in organizations is usually carried out by the personnel service. For convenience, special forms are used. In modern conditions, computer programs for scheduling vacations are generally accepted. At the preliminary stage, information about their use by employees over the past period is analyzed to determine the possible number of rest days for the current year. The availability of employees belonging to preferential categories and entitled to priority in priority is clarified.

Then the employee data is transferred to the management of individual departments. Their task is to clarify the employee’s opinion when drawing up a vacation schedule (each personally) regarding the date of departure or the possibility of division into parts. Such wishes must be reasonably coordinated with the department’s work plans for the year, on the basis of which the optimal priority is developed. Thus, all departments manage their own projects.

Having collected the results together, the personnel service prepares, based on them, a consolidated vacation schedule for the entire organization, which is then submitted to management for approval.

What is required to be included

This includes paid annual leave - basic and additional, as well as those calendar days that remained unused by employees in the current year. The standard duration of the main vacation is 28 days (calendar). Some categories of workers, by law, enjoy vacations of longer duration. Who are we talking about?

Minors (under 18 years of age) workers, according to Article 267 of the Labor Code, enjoy the right to leave of 31 calendar days. Leave for disabled people, according to Article 23 of Federal Law No. 181, which concerns issues of social protection of this category, should not be shorter than 30 days. and other teachers - from 42 to 56 days (in all cases we are talking about calendar days) depending on the type of educational institution (kindergarten, school) and position. This provision is regulated by Article 334 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, as well as by special Government Decree No. 724, adopted in 2002.

The rights provide for rest for 30-35 days annually on the basis of Federal Law No. 79, adopted in 2004.

About additional holidays

Above we discussed basic annual paid leave. In addition, according to Article 116 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, there are also additional holidays. Those who are employed in dangerous and harmful work (or of a special nature), work in abnormal conditions, in areas of the Far North, etc., as well as in some other specific cases stipulated by law, have the right to them.

Each employer, taking into account its financial and production capabilities, has every right to establish additional leaves for employees on its own initiative. The procedure for such a procedure, as well as the standard rules for drawing up a vacation schedule, is approved by a collective agreement, taking into account the opinion of the trade union organization. When calculating the total duration, the days of additional vacations are summed up with the main ones and reflected in the schedule.

About preferential categories

When compiling it, we should not forget that the organization may have employees who have the right to leave at a time that is convenient for them. You should start drawing up a schedule directly with these people. Who gets this privilege?

1. Minors under 18 years of age (according to Article No. 267 of the Labor Code).

2. Part-time workers (vacations from the main job and the additional one must coincide in time - Article 286 TK).

3. Husband and wife in this case must coincide - Article 11 of Federal Law No. 76 on the status of military personnel).

4. For women before or immediately after maternity leave, or at the end of leave given for long-term child care - Article No. 260 TK.

5. For those employees whose wives use maternity leave - Article 123 TK.

Even after agreeing on all the dates and deadlines with representatives of the above categories, the manager must be prepared for a situation where one of them changes their decision within a year and applies for leave from a different date. In this case, the boss does not have the right to refuse.

The procedure for drawing up a vacation schedule in individual cases

Employees can plan vacations either entirely or in parts. When dividing it, you should adhere to the requirements of Article 125 of the Code. They are as follows: at least one of the parts must be equal to 14 calendar days or more. The reason is simple and is related to concern for the health of citizens. The recovery time for a person after hard work for a year is at least two weeks.

Another nuance is that such a division of vacation time into parts is possible only by agreement between the employee and management. If one of them is against it, the vacation cannot be split up. The manager confirms his consent to such a division by signing the vacation schedule or order. Where exactly the other party - the employee - signs is not regulated by law. Specific organizations use different methods to obtain this confirmation.

1. When the initiative to share leave is the employee’s business, he submits an application requesting this. This is done before the date on which the schedule must be approved. If the employer agrees, he will put a resolution “to allow” with a date and signature on the application.

2. In a situation of initiative on the part of management when developing a vacation schedule, the employer may offer the employee the division of the main vacation into the required number of parts, indicating the start and end dates of each of them. If the initiative meets with understanding, the subordinate will have to confirm - “I have read and agree” - in the same way, with his own signature, its decoding and the current date. This form of reaching agreements complies with legally accepted norms. But this method requires some time.

3. In the form of the schedule, an additional column is introduced - “I have read and agree” - and the lines provided for the signatures of employees with a transcript. By signing, the employee confirms that there are no claims regarding the dates of leave and the facts of its possible division into “pieces”. This saves working time.

Please note

This method is widespread, but there are some nuances. It cannot be called completely correct. Let's say the signatures of all employees except one have been received. If there is a categorical refusal, management has no right to force it. You will either have to draw up a new schedule, or worry about collecting the signatures of everyone else again. That is, this method is quite dubious from a legal point of view.

In some organizations, the internal regulations already include a clause on the provision of vacations twice a year (each equal to 14 calendar days). By default, the employee’s signature when reading this document is implied as consent to such a division. But Article 8 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regards this as a worsening of the worker’s situation. The fact is that PVTR is an organization and expresses only the will of the manager, but is not an agreement between the parties to labor relations. This status does not change if the opinion of trade union representatives is taken into account.

About newcomers, part-time workers and mothers with children

What should you know about newly hired employees? The right to paid leave appears after six months of continuous activity in a given place (Article 122 of the Labor Code). By agreement with the employer, this period may be reduced. For a certain category of workers (minors, part-time workers, etc.) it does not depend on length of service in a given organization.

How are they planned? It's not that simple. Sometimes there is no information about the time such an employee goes on leave at his main place. Most often, this happens if the procedure for developing schedules in both organizations is carried out simultaneously. Since the mandatory simultaneous provision is strictly regulated, the timing of the vacation schedule will have to be planned based on the employee’s words. Moreover, you should be prepared for a possible postponement of the date.

Should the schedule include the names of employees on maternity leave? In many organizations, it includes the names of all women caring for babies; the law does not oblige it to be included there, but it does not prohibit it either. In fact, it is impossible to plan the next vacation in this category in advance. After all, each employee enjoys the right to interrupt maternity leave and return to work duties at any time convenient for herself.

In addition, there is no information about when this employee will want to exercise the right to annual leave. Therefore, such cases should always be considered on an individual basis.

What about past years?

What to do with unused vacations? Are they included in the schedule or not? Can days not used for 2 years actually expire? According to Rostrud Letter No. 473-6-0 of 2007, such leaves are included in the general schedule or are provided at the request of the employee. It is more convenient if they are reflected when drawing up a vacation schedule for the 2017 (or any other) calendar year, as this will make it possible to visualize the state of affairs with accumulated unused rest days across the entire organization.

According to the law, employees should be sent on vacation annually. Cases of transferring them to the next year are among the exceptions. Such “overdue” leave must be provided no later than 12 months after the end of the year for which it is due (Article 124). That is, drawing up a vacation schedule for 2017 implies entering into it all the “debt” for rest days to employees for 2016.

It is prohibited to refuse to grant vacations for two years in a row, and preferential categories (minors and those working in dangerous, harmful conditions) are supposed to take vacations annually. Vacations cannot “burn out.” The employee’s rights to it are preserved, but the manager, if the fact of such savings is discovered in the event of an inspection by the labor inspectorate, can be seriously punished.

Written with a pen...

Upon completion of the procedure for approving the vacation schedule, it is binding. This means that management does not have the right to postpone the deadlines specified in the document without a particularly compelling reason. And the employee undertakes to use the days allotted to him according to what is written. If there is a need for any deviations, any of them is formalized by an appropriate order with a note indicating the reason in the schedule.

If an employee is hired after the document has been approved, he is sent to rest on the basis of an additional order on drawing up a vacation schedule or on a personal application.

Design - what are the features?

The form of the vacation schedule can be developed by the organization independently, taking into account the requirements of Article 9 of Federal Law No. 402 “On Accounting”. It contains a list of details of primary accounting documents that are required. It is most convenient to take T-7 (unified form) as a basis when drawing up a vacation schedule. If necessary, unnecessary information can be removed from there and additional columns added. For example, in the absence of a trade union body, the column about taking into account its opinion can be crossed out.

The name of the organization, each structural unit, all positions, full names of employees are given in full, without abbreviations. If leave is granted in parts, a separate line is allocated for each of them. The document is signed by the chief personnel officer and approved by the management of the organization. The date for drawing up the vacation schedule is required. The opinion of the trade union body is taken into account if it exists at the enterprise.

Let's take care of people

Is it necessary for every employee to be familiar with the schedule? In this case, there is no consensus of opinion among labor law experts. Some of them classify such a schedule as a local act with the need for everyone to familiarize themselves with their signature. Others agree that this is not necessary.

In practice, in most organizations, drawing up a vacation schedule still involves collecting employee signatures under it - in order to inform the latter. The schedule is usually posted in a publicly accessible place on an information board.

Notes to it may contain any information necessary for personnel employees. For example, reasons for postponing vacations, etc. The original document is usually kept in the HR department. A copy is usually provided to financial services for accounting purposes for estimating and planning material reserves for holiday pay. The remaining structural divisions, as a rule, are given extracts from the schedule for the convenience of organizing production activities.

The storage period for such a document is one year after the end of the current calendar period. Its absence at the enterprise is fraught with administrative liability, as it is considered a violation. Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation prescribes punishment for this in the form of a fine from one to five thousand rubles. (officials) or 30,000-50,000 rubles. (legal).

Vacation schedule is a table containing information on the dates of granting annual paid leave to employees of the organization’s structural divisions.

How to make a vacation schedule

When drawing up a vacation schedule, it is necessary to take into account that, according to the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, the duration of annual paid leave is 28 calendar days. An employee has the right to use it after 6 months of continuous work in this organization. The duration of annual paid leave may increase due to unused vacation days in the previous year or due to additional paid leave for certain categories of employees.

The vacation schedule is drawn up by an employee of the personnel service annually no later than two weeks before the start of the new calendar year and approved by the director of the enterprise or an authorized person, certified by the signature of the head of the personnel service, taking into account the opinion of the elected trade union body (if there is one). Thus, the vacation schedule for 2013 must be approved no later than December 17, 2012.

The unified form No. T-7, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 No. 1, is used as a vacation schedule form.

At the planning stage, before the start of the calendar year, only columns 1-6 of the vacation schedule table are filled in: the structural unit in which the employee works, his position according to the staffing table, full name, personnel number of the employee (if any), the number of calendar days of vacation and the planned date start of vacation.

The employee must be familiarized with the vacation schedule against signature no later than two weeks before it begins. You can add column 11 to the table for employee records, or create a free-form familiarization sheet and attach it to the vacation schedule.

If the employee is not satisfied with the start date of the vacation or wants to split it into parts, the employee can write an application to postpone the vacation and have it signed by the manager. Based on it, an order is issued and adjustments are made to the vacation schedule. Also, the vacation date may change at the initiative of the manager due to production needs. In this case, an order is issued to postpone the vacation and changes in the vacation schedule are also displayed.

Columns 7-10 are filled in as employees go on vacation during the year.
The 7th column indicates the actual start date of the vacation (it may coincide with the planned one or differ if circumstances change and the vacation is postponed).
The 8th column contains information about the document - the basis for transferring leave (application or order from the manager).
Column 9 indicates the date of the expected postponed vacation.
The 10th column of the vacation schedule contains a description of the reasons for non-provision, transfer or extension of vacation.

Form T-7 is a standard approved form for drawing up a vacation schedule. Before proceeding with the instructions for filling it out, it should be recalled that the vacation schedule must be formed in advance - no later than mid-December of the current year for the next year. The main unspoken rule is to take into account the interests of all parties, that is, both the wishes of employees and the organization’s management. Going on vacation of an employee should in no way affect the efficiency of the production process.

Download a sample form and a blank vacation schedule form T-7


Who makes the vacation schedule?

A specialist from the HR department is responsible for drawing up the vacation schedule. But without the signature of the head of the organization and the seal, it will not be considered valid.

What is needed to fill out form T-7

First of all, to correctly draw up a vacation schedule, you need to use the existing staffing table. It will allow you to accurately indicate the full name of each employee, his position and personnel number, as well as the structural unit to which he belongs. This same staffing table will allow the vacation schedule developer not to forget any of the employees.

Responsible persons

  • In the first part of the vacation schedule, it is necessary to indicate the details of the organization, in particular its full name indicating the organizational and legal form.
  • Further, if there is a trade union at the enterprise, you need to take into account its opinion on the vacation schedule, indicating the date when this opinion was expressed and recorded.
  • Then enter the date the document was completed.
  • The director’s signature with the transcript must be affixed after the vacation schedule is finalized and agreed upon with the employees.


The second point is the main one. It includes the information for which this document is being compiled. Here, you need to enter the structural unit, full name of employees, their position, personnel number, as well as the vacation period of each employee in the appropriate columns.

Important condition: by law, the total length of vacation cannot be less than 28 calendar days, but it can be divided into any number of parts, provided that one of them is at least 14 days.

After the vacation schedule has been drawn up, it must be shown to employees for review and signature. Then it must be signed by the heads of structural divisions and only then submitted for signature to the main person of the organization.

When the schedule is drawn up and approved, it should not be put away on the shelf - throughout the year it must be filled out along the lines of actual vacation days and all kinds of changes.

Attention! At least two weeks before the start of leave under this schedule, each employee will need to be given notice indicating the start and end date of the leave. Without this notification, an employee may legitimately refuse to go on vacation within the previously established time frame.

Important! If an employee decides to change the date of his vacation, he is obliged to notify management about this through a written application. In this case, changing the vacation date is possible only with mutual consent of the parties and provided that this does not harm the production processes in the organization. Therefore, it is good if the employee provides management with documents indicating good reasons and the real need to reschedule the vacation.

The vacation schedule must include information indicating the reasons for which the transfer of vacation became possible, as well as the actual date of the vacation. All this information must be supported by references to internal documents (orders, sick leave, etc.).

What to do if an employee gets a job after drawing up a vacation schedule

This situation is by no means uncommon. Typically, in such cases, one of two options is used:

  1. Making changes to an existing vacation schedule;
  2. Drawing up an additional vacation schedule, which will be an appendix to the main one.

Everything else is done according to the general scheme: the obligatory signature of the employee, certification of changes or an additional vacation schedule from the head of the structural unit and the management of the enterprise.

Who can go on vacation outside of the schedule

The law separately identifies persons who should be granted leave at their request, regardless of length of service and approved schedule. This:

  • external part-time workers going on leave from their main place of work;
  • women expecting a child with a certificate from a medical institution;
  • minor employees;
  • male employees whose spouses are on maternity leave (with a marriage certificate and a certificate from a medical institution);
  • spouses of military personnel - at the same time as military personnel are on leave (optional);
  • citizens affected by the Chernobyl disaster.

All other employees have the right to go on vacation only after working in the organization for at least 6 months and in accordance with the vacation schedule drawn up in advance.

It is used to reflect information about the time of distribution of annual paid leaves of employees of all structural divisions of the organization for the calendar year by month. Vacation schedule - summary schedule. When compiling it, the provisions of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the specifics of the organization’s activities and the wishes of employees are taken into account.

The vacation schedule is signed by the head of the personnel service and approved by the head of the organization or a person authorized by him, taking into account the reasoned opinion of the elected trade union body (if there is one) of this organization on the priority of granting paid vacations.

When the vacation period is postponed to another time, with the consent of the employee and the head of the structural unit, appropriate changes are made to the vacation schedule with the permission of the person who approved the schedule or the person authorized by him to do so. The transfer of vacation is carried out in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, on the basis of a document drawn up in any form.


Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 N 1 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for labor accounting and its payment”

Every person is looking forward to their vacation after a long working year. How to correctly calculate the number of days and apply for vacation pay without any problems? Who should be responsible for developing the leave document? This will be discussed in this article.

The vacation schedule is a normative legal act, which exists in every organization and is used to simplify the procedure for prioritizing employees to go on vacation. It contains the order of granting leave, as well as the time and period for rest. It is in it that the exact time of leaving and coming to work of employees is prescribed, which cannot be changed or violated independently.

The procedure for drawing up the vacation schedule is fixed in the collective agreement.

It is approved by the head of the organization after passing through the trade union committee.

What holidays are there during the year?

The company begins to develop a schedule for large numbers already from the end of autumn of the previous year. The completed schedule should be provided to employees for clarification in early January.

If the document does not pass through the trade union committee that exists in the organization, then it becomes invalid.

The finished schedule is provided either for public display in a publicly accessible place, or each employee gets acquainted with it independently.

The second option is more effective, because it involves familiarization with signature.

Why do you need a vacation schedule in an organization?

The vacation schedule in the organization is drawn up in order to fully organize the work of all employees.

It is drawn up so that the manager can know about the work of the staff, as well as the financial costs of paying labor.

If an organization does not have such a schedule, then during any inspection it will face fines for failure to comply with a mandatory requirement.

The vacation schedule is planned in order to create stability in the organization and ensure smooth work without any problems arising.

To correctly calculate vacation pay, you should read.

Responsibility for drawing up a vacation schedule in form T-7

In each organization, different people are responsible and assigned responsibilities for drawing up and executing the schedule. This all depends on the size of the organization and its purpose.

If the company is small, then all issues are resolved by the human resources department or accountant, who coordinates its decisions with the manager. If the organization is a large government body, then there is a special department to consider such issues.

Here we need to start with the fact that the vacation schedule is formed for each individual structural unit. In this case, the drawing up of schedules is carried out by the personnel inspector, who must first collect all the data from the departments.

The employee must fill out a leave application, it can be found

When forming, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • Employees' wishes. This stage is the initial one and is subsequently agreed upon with management. Each employee in the organization expresses their wishes, and only then the HR inspector checks the possibility of being sent on vacation.
  • Legislation. It can give both additional vacation time and take away days when there are important reasons for this. These may include absenteeism and tardiness. In this case, the employer has the right to take away the days from the employee. If there is a lot of experience or harmful conditions, then the vacation schedule can be adjusted to increase the number of rest days. If 2 people want to go on vacation at the same time, but this is not possible, then the employee who more conscientiously carried out all the instructions is selected. And the decision is made only by the head of the structural unit.

And if you suddenly need parental leave, then you can read about it.

First vacation: how to avoid problems?

For the first year, a young specialist is granted leave no earlier than after six months of work with the employer.

  1. Persons under 18 years of age;
  2. Employees who were transferred from another structural unit;
  3. Pregnant women;
  4. Women who have two or more minor children;
  5. Participants in hostilities;
  6. If the requirement is provided for in the collective agreement;
  7. Persons who study in educational institutions.

If a woman is married to a military man, then leave must be granted to her together with her husband.

In all of the above cases, it is possible to go on a full vacation before the expiration of 6 months from the start of work.

Vacation for part-time workers

Labor leave for part-time work is provided together with the main one and is registered in column 10 of the T-7 form. If the employee has expressed a desire or worked for less than 6 months, then he is paid compensation for the time worked. It is calculated on the last working day and is included in the payslip as a separate item.

If you have not worked for a full month, your salary will be calculated according to a different scheme; you can find out about this.

The employer does not have the right to refuse to provide leave when working part-time.

If such a problem arises, the employee can contact a higher authority.

Instructions for drawing up a vacation schedule and sample completion

To apply for leave, a special form No. T-7 is provided, which was approved in 2004. It consists of a “header” and a table. In the figure you can see an example of filling out the form.

The name of the organization is filled in at the top.

The name should be written here without abbreviations. If an organization has an abbreviated name, it should be written in parentheses after the general name.

The upper right corner contains information about the organization code.

It usually consists of eight characters in a numeric format and is written according to the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises.

If you suddenly need to change your vacation time, then this article is definitely for you.

Before the table there is approval from the manager, where his position and signature are taken into account.

The table in form T-7 is filled out as follows:

  • Columns 1, 2, 3. The name of the structural unit, position and full name are indicated without abbreviations.
  • Column 4. The personnel number can be viewed on the personal card of each employee, which is filled out when hired for a position. There are also organizations that do not provide time sheets. In this case, the column in the table remains blank.
  • Column 5. Fill in the number of days that are provided to the employee for the whole year. In this case, additional leave is summed up with the main leave and fits into the column.
  • Columns 6, 7. The date of leave is entered in the generally accepted format. If the vacation is postponed for any reason, then column 7 should be filled out, and in the next column indicate the reason for the transfer.
  • Column 10. The employee’s signature should be included in the notes.

You can download the form for free at. There you can also consider filling out the form.

Duration of vacation: how to schedule it correctly?

Before filling out Form T-7, you should make sure that vacation days are calculated correctly. It is worth considering here that the minimum duration is 28 days, which can be divided into several parts by agreement of the employee and employer.

But at least one part of the vacation must be at least 14 calendar days.

When filling out, it is also worth taking into account those days that were not used in previous years. They will be entered in column 10 with a note indicating for which year the calendar days are reimbursed. It is also possible to extend the vacation.

It is usually provided for in difficult working conditions, which may deteriorate the employee’s health. This arrangement is usually described in the contract and agreed upon when applying for a job.

If a person works part-time, then the leave can either be added to the main care time or paid in advance.

But if you need maternity leave, then this article will help you understand this issue.


When planning your vacation, you should definitely take care of the following factors:

  • The vacation time must be agreed in advance with the employer, otherwise the vacation will be taken without your desire.
  • Additional days must be mentioned by you. If they are not included in the vacation schedule, then they should be added independently in column 10.
  • If you want to additionally take unpaid leave, then you should take care of this before leaving.

All these factors directly affect your vacation.

– this article may be useful to you.

And in order not to run into unnecessary problems, you should take care of everything in advance, and also calculate the exact number of days.

You will learn more about the vacation schedule in this video:
