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Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev.

Essay on life and creativity.

Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich

The main thing in it is

it is his truthfulness. L.N. Tolstoy

Evening over Spassky

dim like September,

The ancient park is familiar to every detail.

A Russian master created in this estate,

Mighty master of language.

I.S. Turgenev was born on October 28 (November 9), 1818 in the family of Sergei Nikolaevich and Varvara Petrovna Turgenev. His father, a retired cavalry officer, came from an old noble family. Mother is from the low-born but wealthy landowner family of the Lutovinovs.

I.S. Turgenev in 1833 entered Moscow University at the Faculty of Literature, where he studied for only one year. He completed his university course in St. Petersburg in 1837. In 1838, Turgenev left to “finish his studies” in Berlin.

Page Four - “Years of Study”

The first literary works. Collaboration in the Sovremennik magazine. Publication of stories from “Notes of a Hunter”

“When I am gone, when everything that was me crumbles to dust, - oh you, my only friend, oh you, whom I loved so deeply and so tenderly, you who will probably outlive me - do not go to my grave. ..You have nothing to do there. Don’t forget me... but don’t remember me among your daily worries, pleasures and needs...”

Illness and death I.S. Turgenev

We are waiting: Turgenev is about to appear

In a battered hat and boots.

... If Pushkin had every reason to say about himself that he awakened “good feelings,” then Turgenev could say the same thing about himself with the same justice.

M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

I.S. Turgenev


write an essay


active / passive satisfied / dissatisfied short / long not tired / tired got better / got worse understandable / incomprehensible useful / useless interesting / boring easy / difficult

1. During the lesson I worked 2. With my work during the lesson I 3. The lesson seemed to me 4. For the lesson I 5. My mood

6.The lesson material was for me

7.Homework seems to me

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Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev (1818-1883)

Page one - "Mother". Varvara Petrovna Turgeneva “Orphans do not remain children for long. I myself was an orphan and I really felt my benefit before others... I didn’t have a mother; my mother was like a stepmother to me. She was married, other children, other connections. I was alone in the world."

Page two - "Father". Sergei Nikolaevich Turgenev Stolbovoy nobleman (the Turgenevs traced their family back to 1440 from the Tatar Murza Lev Turgen), a brilliant officer, a handsome man.

Page three - “Childhood impressions.”

Page Four - “Years of Study”

Page five - “The Work of Turgenev” In 1836, Turgenev showed his poetic experiments in a romantic spirit to the writer of Pushkin’s circle, university professor P. A. Pletnev; he invites the student to a literary evening, and in 1838 publishes his poems “Evening” and “To the Venus of Medicine” in Sovremennik (by this time Turgenev had written about a hundred poems, mostly not preserved, and the dramatic poem “Wall”).

In May 1838, Turgenev went to Germany (the desire to complete his education was combined with rejection of the Russian way of life, based on serfdom). The disaster of the steamship “Nicholas I”, on which Turgenev sailed, will be described by him in the essay “Fire at Sea” (1883; in French). Until August 1839, Turgenev lived in Berlin, attended lectures at the university, studied classical languages, wrote poetry, and communicated with T. N. Granovsky and N. V. Stankevich. After a short stay in Russia, in January 1840 he went to Italy, but from May 1840 to May 1841 he was again in Berlin, where he met M. A. Bakunin.

In 1843 the poem “Parasha” appeared, which was highly appreciated by V. G. Belinsky. Acquaintance with the critic, a rapprochement with his entourage that turned into friendship (in particular, with N.A. Nekrasov) changed his literary orientation: from romanticism he turned to an ironic-descriptive poem (“The Landowner”, “Andrey”).

The main work of this period is “Notes of a Hunter”, a cycle of lyrical essays and stories, which began with the story “Khor and Kalinich”. A separate two-volume edition of the cycle was published in 1852, later the stories “The End of Chertopkhanov” (1872), “Living Relics”, “Knocks” (1874). Turgenev showed the diversity of human types, discovering Russia and the Russian man, laying the foundation for the “peasant theme.” “Notes of a Hunter” became the semantic foundation of Turgenev’s entire subsequent work: this is where the theme of the “superfluous man” comes from.

"Rudin" (1856) opens a series of Turgenev's novels. “The Noble Nest”, 1859. “On the Eve”, 1860. “Fathers and Sons”, 1862. “Smoke” 1867. "Nove", 1877

In 1878, at the international literary congress in Paris, the writer was elected vice-president; in 1879 he is an honorary doctor of Oxford University. Turgenev maintains contacts with Russian revolutionaries (P. L. Lavrov, G. A. Lopatin) and provides material support to emigrants. In 1880, Turgenev took part in the celebrations in honor of the opening of the monument to Pushkin in Moscow.

Page Six - "Liberals"

Page seven – “Turgenev and Viardot. Love Story"

But - wow! Applause thunders! You trembled - greedy attention Raises the folds of your forehead. As if something had pushed you, You stood up heavily from the chair, With a clenched hand in a glove, Pressed the double lorgnette to your eyes And turned pale... She came in Oh, this insinuating singing! The flame is hidden in it - there is no salvation! Delight, similar to fear, is already breathtaking! You froze! Ya. Polonsky

“My dear and kind Madame Viardot! How are you doing? Do you often think about me? There is not a day that your sweet image does not appear before me hundreds of times, there is not a night that I do not see you in my dreams...”

“Hello, my dear Turgenev. How late you are with your letter! ... Dear good friend, I extend my hands to you and love you very tenderly... Write to me every week...”

Page eight - “The Last Years of Life” Turgenev turns to memoirs (“Literary and Everyday Memoirs”, 1869-80) and “Poems in Prose” (1877-82), where almost all the main themes of his work are presented, and a summary occurs as if in the presence of approaching death.

He was buried at the Volkov cemetery in St. Petersburg. The funeral in St. Petersburg resulted in a mass demonstration.

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I.S. Turgenev: life and work of A.V. Dovydov, teacher of Russian language and literature of the highest qualification category, State Budget Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1234

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Biography facts Years of life: 1818 – 1883; Origin - noble; Family estate - Spasskoye-Lutovinovo (Oryol region); Education - philological department of the Faculty of Philosophy of St. Petersburg University, then the University of Berlin.

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Hannibal's Oath “I could not breathe the same air, remain near what I hated; I needed to move away from my enemy in order to attack him more strongly from my very distance. In my eyes, this enemy had a certain image, bore a well-known name: this enemy was serfdom. Under this name I collected and concentrated everything that I decided to fight against to the end - with which I vowed never to reconcile... This was my Hannibal oath.”

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Main works “Notes of a Hunter” “Mumu” ​​“Rudin” “The Noble Nest” “Asya” “Fathers and Sons” “On the Eve”

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Hymn to the Russian language “In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, oh great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language!.. Without you, how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything, what happens at home. But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!” Prose poem “Russian language” 1882

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New themes, new heroes Theme of serfdom; The theme of “extra people”; Russian woman theme; The hero is a commoner democrat. “He quickly guessed new needs, new ideas introduced into the public consciousness, and in his works he usually drew (as much as circumstances allowed) attention to the issue that was on the agenda and was already vaguely beginning to worry society.” N.A.Dobrolyubov

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Turgenev girl Feminine; Possessing a great mind, a beautiful soul, high morality, demanding of herself and others, and a decisive character. Turgenev did a great job by painting amazing portraits of women. Perhaps there were no such people as he wrote, but when he wrote them, they appeared. A.P.Chekhov

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The love of his life On November 1, 1843, Ivan Sergeevich met the opera singer from France Pauline Viardot. He wrote to her: “I have never seen anything in the world better than you. Meeting you on my way was the greatest happiness of my life.”... Although many people claimed that Polina (who is Spanish with gypsy blood by nationality) was not at all a beauty, she had an undoubted talent that captivated hearts - a divine voice. Turgenev fell in love not only with her vocal abilities, but also with the soul that she put into her singing.

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Polina is married and happily married. “I cannot live away from you, I must feel your closeness, enjoy it. A day when your eyes did not shine on me is a lost day.” The loving knight Turgenev followed Pauline Viardot everywhere, became friends with her husband, and fell in love with her daughter as his own.

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This love cost him the loss of good relations with his relatives, condemnation from his friends... Turgenev wrote in his famous prose poem “Stop!”: “Which god with his gentle breath threw back your scattered curls? His kiss burns on your pale brow like marble! Here it is - an open secret, the secret of poetry, life, love! Here it is, here it is, immortality! There is no other immortality - and there is no need.” In 1882, the writer was given a terrible diagnosis - cancer. He died in the house of Pauline Viardot... and he was happy.

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“Fathers and Sons” Type of literature: epic Genre: novel Literary movement: critical realism Years of creation: 1861-1862

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Turgenev about the novel “Fathers and Sons” “My whole story is directed against the nobility as an advanced class. Look at the faces of Nikolai Petrovich, Pavel Petrovich, Arkady. Weakness and lethargy or limitation. An aesthetic feeling forced me to take specifically good representatives of the nobility in order to prove my theme all the more accurately: if cream is bad, then what about milk? They are the best of the nobles - and that is why I have chosen them to prove their inconsistency.”

Elena Anatolyevna Kryazheva, teacher of Russian language and literature, GBOU school No. 48, Primorsky district of St. Petersburg IVAN SERGEEVICH TURGENEV LIFE AND CREATIVITY Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich

  • Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich
  • (1818 - 1883) - famous Russian writer.
  • Born on October 28, 1818 in Orel. His father, Sergei Nikolaevich, a retired cuirassier colonel, was a remarkably handsome man, insignificant in his moral and mental qualities.
  • Mother, nee Lutovinova, a wealthy landowner; In her estate Spasskoye-Lutovinovo (Mtsensk district of the Oryol province) the childhood years of the future writer passed, who early learned to have a subtle sense of nature and to hate serfdom.

Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich

Turgenev at the ages of 12 and 20

Spasskoye - Lutovinovo
  • One of the strongest impressions of his early youth (1833), falling in love with Princess E. L. Shakhovskaya, who was experiencing an affair with Turgenev’s father at that time, was reflected in the story “First Love” (1860).

E. L. Shakhovskaya

Moscow University 19th century. Moscow University 19th century. Moscow University in the 21st century

  • In May 1838, Turgenev went to Germany (the desire to complete his education was combined with rejection of the Russian way of life, based on serfdom). Until August 1839, Turgenev lived in Berlin, attended lectures at the university, studied classical languages, wrote poetry, and communicated with T. N. Granovsky and N. V. Stankevich.
  • After a short stay in Russia, in January 1840 he went to Italy, but from May 1840 to May 1841 he was again in Berlin. Arriving in Russia in January 1843, Turgenev entered service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Pauline Viardot (Viardot-Garcia)

  • On November 1, 1843, Turgenev meets the singer Pauline Viardot (Viardot-Garcia), whose love will largely determine the external course of his life.

The most significant work of the young Turgenev is cycle of essays “Notes of a Hunter” (1847-1852), condemning serfdom. This book had a great influence on the development of Russian literature and brought the writer world fame.

The same sentiments permeate the stories “Mumu” ​​(1854) and “The Inn” (1855), adjacent to the “Notes”.

Since 1847, Turgenev completely stopped writing poetry, except for a few small comic messages to friends and “ballads.” Until July 1856, Turgenev lived in Russia: in the winter, mostly in St. Petersburg, in the summer in Spassky. His immediate environment was the editorial office of Sovremennik; acquaintances with I. A. Goncharov, L. N. Tolstoy and A. N. Ostrovsky took place. “Rudin” (1856) opens a series of Turgenev’s novels, compact in volume, unfolding around the hero-ideologist. In 1856, appeared. novel "Rudin"- a kind of result of Turgenev’s thoughts about the leading hero of our time, followed by the stories “Faust” (1856) and “Asya” (1858), novels “The Noble Nest” (1859), “Fathers and Sons” (1862),“Smoke” (1867), “Nove” (1877).

  • In 1863, a new rapprochement between Turgenev and Pauline Viardot took place; until 1871 they lived in Baden, then (at the end of the Franco-Prussian War) in Paris. Turgenev is closely associated with G. Flaubert and through him with E. and J. Goncourt, A. Daudet, E. Zola, G. de Maupassant; he assumes the function of an intermediary between Russian and Western literatures.
  • His pan-European fame is growing: in 1878, at the international literary congress in Paris, the writer was elected vice-president; in 1879 he received an honorary doctorate from the University of Oxford. Turgenev maintains contacts with Russian revolutionaries (P. L. Lavrov, G. A. Lopatin) and provides material support to emigrants.

Turgenev's house in the Yaseni estate in Bougival

Towards the end of his life, Turgenev's fame reached its apogee both in Russia, where he again became everyone's favorite, and in Europe, where criticism, in the person of its most prominent representatives - Taine, Renan, Brandes and others - ranked him among the first writers of the century.

His visits to Russia in 1878 - 1881 were true triumphs. All the more painfully everyone was struck by the news of the writer’s serious illness. Turgenev died courageously, with full awareness of the approaching end, but without any fear of it. His death (in Bougival near Paris, August 22, 1883) made a huge impression, the expression of which was a grandiose funeral.

The body of the great writer was, according to his wishes, brought to St. Petersburg and buried in the Volkov cemetery in front of such a crowd of people, which had never before or since been present at the funeral of a private person.

Monument to Turgenev I.S.

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