Advertising on social networks: how effective is it? Effective advertising on social networks Calculation of the economic efficiency of advertising on social networks

If you have just recently started thinking about advertising on social networks, then this material will be useful to you. Oksana Momit, head of mass sales and customer service for the SocialKey Ads project at Digital Society Laboratory, told us step by step where to start.

In the information age, a product or service that the consumer does not know about simply does not exist for him. Therefore, each company strives to make its products as recognizable and popular as possible. Promotion on social networks, where a huge number of potential buyers are concentrated, can help with this.

Studying the audience

If you are planning, but don’t know what to do, first find your target audience. To do this, study the audience of each advertising platform.

One of the most popular sites not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries. If you are planning to enter neighboring markets, then this platform is for you. In addition, it is also suitable when the business is localized in Moscow or St. Petersburg (according to the social network, 24% of its audience is from the capital, 11% from St. Petersburg).

Another feature: on VKontakte, goods and services that are interesting to the younger generation are well promoted - it is young people who make up a significant part of the audience. And these are not only schoolchildren and students. Almost 60% of the audience is over 25 years old. As for the division by gender, women predominate by a slight margin - 56.3% versus 43.7%.

The most popular social network in the world, promotion here increases brand awareness not only in Russia, but also abroad. The main audience is aged from 25 to 44 years. Women make up 58% of users, men - 42%. Residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg use this platform most actively in our country.

traditionally more popular among women (76% of authors who posted at least one post per month belong to them). Unlike Odnoklassniki and My World, the Instagram audience is quite young - the core of users is aged 15 to 24 years.

Take these features into account when promoting your product or service.

Where to drive traffic from social networks

Once you have decided on a promotion channel, think about where to drive traffic from social networks. In other words, decide where the link in the ad will lead: to a website or a community on social networks. The reminder below will help you make a decision.

Choosing an advertising format

Now is the time to think about advertising your brand/product. How should potential buyers see it? Should I include an image in my ad? Where on the page should the advertisement be located? After answering these questions, choose the appropriate advertising format.

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According to market research reports on the global online advertising market conducted by market research agency Forrester and marketing company Nielsen, the effectiveness of advertising on social networks is extremely low. The collected data suggests that only 2% of messages from popular brands reach the recipient, and only 0.07% pay attention to the messages. In other words, people do not read or even block mailings and messages if they are of an advertising nature.

Users prefer to use social networks for communication and entertainment. Marketers, dreaming of influencing users, do not achieve their results. The study states that only 37% of advertisers are satisfied with their social media advertising campaign. Another conclusion of the report is that the more famous and larger the company, the more successful the advertising campaigns. For small companies, this is a death to their advertising budget.

Promising and wide audience coverage, targeted impact, realizing 100% of the company's potential, increasing awareness ratings, interactive two-way communication with potential clients - these phrases force many to spend their advertising budget on social media campaigns. And that’s not all: in addition to the budget, you can completely destroy your reputation with potential clients and turn your advertising campaign into anti-advertising. Roughly, it's done like this:

  • aggressive spam mailing of new services and innovations;
  • minute-by-minute news about the life of your business, about its every breath;
  • old, vulgar, tasteless posts from third-party sites.

Very low conversion from the “popularity” of an advertising campaign to an increase in real sales and poor predictability of results - this is another side of advertising on social networks that no one will tell you about. This will only become obvious after you've blown your advertising budget and haven't gotten any returns.

Social networks provide a very unique age sample, where we see a huge bias towards young people. When developing an advertising campaign for, say, a garden tools store, it’s not particularly worth waiting for a flow of customers under the age of 25. This audience is not interested in such offers. Why run an advertising campaign completely outside your customer segment? Don't waste your effort and money.

The key conclusion is incredibly simple - the main influx of customers, and therefore direct sales, comes through search engines. By launching a high-quality landing page and driving people to it through, for example, Yandex.Direct, we will get an absolutely clear picture of the performance of our advertising.

Properly configured advertising in Yandex.Direct works like clockwork - the result will be noticeable the very next day, and proper management of an advertising campaign will also reduce the budget for it. Yandex.Direct is bringing profit to millions of companies right now, and are they still telling you about the benefits of advertising on social networks?

Social networks have long turned into something more than just sites for communication. The most popular of them attract millions of visitors every day, unite people by interests, and become means of disseminating important information. It would seem that the very presence of a community or group on social networks is already a guarantee of an influx of potential clients and buyers to the site. But in conditions of fierce competition, that is, the presence of hundreds and thousands of communities, public pages and groups on your topic, it makes such work as promoting VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram and other social media or SMM - Social media marketing - in demand.

Promotion of communities and public pages on social networks is understood as a set of activities that allow you to increase awareness of your brand, ensure trust in it from potential clients, improve the quality of interaction with the audience, increase sales and profit levels.

One of the most effective ways to achieve all of the above goals when promoting VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram today is viral marketing and creating viral content.

We can offer you the full range of online activities:

SMM strategy

SMM support

Do you want to communicate with clients yourself, but don’t know? where to start?

set clear, achievable goals that are important

for your business;

We monitor brand mentions

on social networks;

understand what language to communicate with your


We run official communities, special projects,

character accounts;

draw up a conscious plan of action;

We prepare content: news, polls, photos,

videos, humor, poetry and much more;

create a vibrant community of people united
interest in your brand.

We provide reporting on agreed KPIs.

SMM tools

Special tools today provide considerable assistance to SMM specialists. They simplify manual work, help collect statistical data, automatically promote public pages, and even increase the chances of creating viral content.

Conventionally, all Social media marketing tools can be divided into two large groups:

Technical - services and programs that relieve the user of routine work. These SMM tools help you place ads on social networks, collect statistics, and monitor mentions of your brand or products on VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. Examples - liveinternet, prospero, iqbuzz;

Creative. This is a rather abstract name. This category includes all SMM tools that are not purely technical. These are services and programs that help create, design and promote profiles, public pages and communities on social networks, are responsible for blogging, organize hidden advertising, etc.

Indirect motivation and spam activities

User activity and high traffic on social networks indicate that this is a very effective information channel for advertising and marketing activities. Not in all cases it is possible to achieve high results, especially if you use “black” methods, such as spam in personal messages, comments, photo albums. However, there are a number of technologies that allow you to advertise products on social networks with high efficiency. As a rule, this is viral or hidden advertising that does not have a direct motivation or call to use the advertised product, but still involves social network users in a discussion about the product and its benefits.

The basis of advertising on social networks is posting

Posting is one of the most popular advertising methods on social networks. This term refers to the posting of comments and messages with elements of hidden advertising in groups, communities, notes, etc. related to the topic. The most important feature of this type of hidden advertising is its increased information content. In this case, the advertising itself is regarded as a sideline, while the main message of the message attracts the audience, offers relevant information, and provides answers to important questions.

Viral methods of website advertising on social networks

Development of communities on social networks

  1. directly advertise the company, its products and services;
  2. offer users a sought-after service;
  3. consult;
  4. act as a platform for communication on certain topics.

For example, a group of coffee fans does not engage in direct advertising of individual brands and manufacturers, but is actively working to popularize the image of this invigorating drink.

An important role here is played by the fact that those users who join the community and actively participate in its life (leave comments, communicate on various topics, subscribe to mailing lists) are the purest target audience of the thematic product. That is, in the case of a group about coffee, most of the participants in this public are potential clients of the coffee brand. Moreover, starting a constructive dialogue with these people does not require much effort. This is actually why this method of website promotion on social networks is the most preferable!

audience of the thematic product. That is, in the case of a group about coffee, most of the participants in this public are potential clients of the coffee brand. Moreover, starting a constructive dialogue with these people does not require much effort. This is actually why this method of website promotion on social networks is the most preferable!

Likes, retweets and shares are not indicators of the success of a social media campaign. And even CTR and incoming traffic will not show whether there is a return.

In this article, you will learn how to measure the effectiveness of social media advertising.

Step 1: Define Your Social Media Marketing Funnel

The process includes several stages:


Consumers are learning about you for the first time. The task is to attract their attention and interest.


Now you need to engage users and stay visible. Use entertaining or educational content that encourages comments and reposts.

“Are you ready? Start the New Year with a challenge! See if TH head office managed to pull off the famous #mannequinchallenge.”


Time to convert warm users and make inspiring posts. Invite them to buy, fill out a form, or sign up for a newsletter.

“Spring style is already in stores! Enjoy shopping at your local boutique!”


What is the trick of social networks? Users who move through the sales funnel unwittingly involve other users. As a result, you work not with one subscriber, but with his friends and relatives. They also move through the sales funnel and lead other people with them.

Step 2: Determine Social Media Attribution for Business

Google Analytics offers several attribution models. But not everyone is suitable for social networks.

Let's say a user found out about you from a video on Facebook. Further developments:

  • The user visits your official page and subscribes.
  • A couple of days later you post a publication with a link to the site (the classic “read more”).
  • The user explores the site, subscribes to news so as not to miss special offers.
  • A week later, the user receives an email with a discount code, follows the link to the website and buys the product, which he initially learned about on a social network.

Google Analytics offers last-click attribution, but it doesn't take into account social media influence. Therefore, we choose multi-touch attribution. The model tracks every point in the buyer journey to show which channels and campaigns led to conversion.

The customer journey (points of contact between the consumer and the company).

Google Analytics has several default models:

  • Linear model attribution. Conversions are distributed evenly across all interactions. The model is suitable if the user receives advertising throughout the conversion path.
  • “Position-linked” attribution. The last and first interactions are given equal value. The rest is divided between other points. The model is suitable if the first acquaintance and the final conversion are important.
  • Attribution "Temporary decline". The main value is the most recent interactions, as they led to conversion. The model is suitable for one-time or short shares.

Step 3. Calculate social media CPAs

CPA (cost per acquisition) is an advertising model in which the advertiser pays only for certain user actions: clicks, subscriptions, purchases, registrations.

Let's say you launched a Facebook campaign to increase your subscriber base. You know how many subscribers became clients (this is an acquisition). To know the cost of acquisition, you need to know the cost of publishing. Divide this figure by the number of users who clicked and subscribed.

For example, a publication costs $25. You received 16 conversions. Of these, 25% became new clients.

Total 4 acquisitions from one publication. We divide $25 by 4 and get CPA. In this case it is $6.25.

Step 4. Calculate the ROI of social networks

ROI = (income minus investments)*100/investments.

The social media attribution model will help you determine your revenue from social media. For example, the income from one conversion action is $100. Social media owns 30% - you determined this using the attribution model. Income from social networks = $30. The ROI may not be 100% accurate, but you will get a general idea of ​​the costs.

Social networks are an important source of lead generation for businesses, especially B2B. This algorithm will help determine their effectiveness and adjust marketing policies in the right direction to increase profits.
