Professions and their descriptions for children. ABC of professions. Main activities of this class

The legislation of the Russian Federation has adopted a number of regulations establishing the procedure for classifying blue-collar professions, as well as employee positions. What is the purpose of these sources of law? Which of them are the most in demand at Russian enterprises?

9149 - this figure shows that we are talking about the profession of a turner;

6 - this figure represents a control number;

02 - the corresponding indicator indicates that the profession corresponds to the 2nd edition of the Unified Qualification Directory;

7223 - this figure reflects the compliance of the profession with the basic group related to the Classifier of Occupations;

5 - the corresponding indicator reflects the fact that a person needs to have the 5th tariff category;

12 - this figure shows that a piece-rate bonus scheme is used for calculating employee salaries;

1 - the corresponding indicator reflects that the working profession is characterized by normal working conditions;

2 - this figure means that a person carries out his work activity through machines and mechanisms.

It turns out that the turner’s profession code, generated based on the criteria reflected in the Classifier, will look like 19149602722351212.

Similarly, the list of professions in the Russian Federation also provides facet codes when classifying employee positions. Let's look at them.

Facet codes for employees according to the Classifier

In this case, we are talking about codes that reflect the category of the position - they contain 1 character, and also indicate a specific position according to the Classifier of Occupations, in which 4 characters are recorded.

Using 3 facets, positions are reflected based on the following characteristics:

Derived positions (facet 11, represented by 2 characters);

It can be noted that facets 11 and 12 are selected based on the specifics of a particular position. Thus, qualifications are not recorded in derivative positions. Therefore, only facet 11 is selected for the corresponding positions.

Employee position code: example

For example, a position such as deputy head of the financial and economic department of an enterprise will have a code consisting of indicators such as:

2 - indicating position;

4695 - reflecting the fact that we are talking about the position of head of the department;

1 - used as a control number;

1 - reflecting the fact that we are talking about the category of managers at the enterprise;

1231 - indicating the connection of the position with the corresponding basic group in the Classifier of Occupations;

03 - reflecting the fact that we are talking about a derivative position.

Relationship between OK 016-94 and the Classifier of Occupations

It can be noted that between the objects of the Classifier, which was introduced by the Decree of the State Standard on approval of the list of professions and positions, and those that are present in the Classifier of Occupations, it is assumed that there are connections that allow the former to be assigned to one or another grouping within the list to which the latter belong . That is, each position - worker or employee, as a rule, can be classified into a specific category of occupation.

However, it should be noted: taking into account the fact that such concepts as “occupation”, “profession”, as well as “position” differ significantly from each other, the employee of the personnel service of the enterprise who uses the Classifier in question may need to use explanations to individual groupings of the Classifier of Occupations - in order to determine the unambiguous connection with its objects of those positions that are provided for in the official list of professions and positions under consideration.

The word "profession" comes from the Latin "professio", which means "official occupation, occupation." The modern definition of this term is more voluminous and reads as follows: “a profession is a historically emerged form of labor activity, for the performance of which a person must have certain knowledge, skills, abilities, as well as professionally important qualities.”

Our list of professions is constantly updated and growing.

There is a special list of professions (where, unfortunately, no description can be found) approved by the Russian Ministry of Labor - “All-Russian Classifier of Worker Professions, Employee Positions and Tariff Grades” (OKPDTR). As a rule, a rigid tariff schedule is actually used only in government and budgetary institutions. Private firms and commercial organizations are more accepting of the discrepancy between education, profession and position.

Career guidance consultation from ProfGuide will help you in this important matter not only as information support, but will indicate the direction and set guidelines that correspond to your abilities. After all, to build a successful career and a decent life in the future, it is not enough to determine your inclination towards a particular profession. A psychologist will help you choose a profession that matches your talents, but in different industries - the most developed in the present and promising in the future.

The world of professions is incredibly diverse and large. In order not to get lost in this diversity, professions were conventionally divided into groups: man-person, man-technology, man-nature, man-artistic image.

We do everything so that you understand your desires and acquire the necessary information.

ProfGuide will give you:

  • momentum to move forward
  • opportunity to learn new things
  • get to know yourself from a new side, be surprised and rejoice at these discoveries.

We want to talk about the ABC of Professions project, which we prepared with 1st grade students during the period of literacy training. These are the first steps in career guidance work, which must begin from the first years of school. The project is carried out in an interesting, entertaining form; There are creative tasks, and parental assistance is required. The whole class participated in the project.

Hello! We, students of class 1-A, present a joint project “The ABC of Professions”. In this work we wanted to show how many wonderful and worthy professions exist in modern life.

My years are getting older
It will be seventeen.
Where should I work then?
What to do?
(V. Mayakovsky)

Each of us will have to choose a profession to our liking in the future. How many professions do we know? Doctor, teacher, salesman, driver, programmer: these are perhaps the most famous professions for us. But we guessed that there were a lot of professions, very different, interesting, unusual. In a literacy lesson, we read a story in ABC about what the kids dream of becoming when they grow up. While learning new letters, we also read about people of different professions: cook, carpenter, diver. And so we thought, what other professions are there? It would be interesting to know about them. And not just find out, but connect it with literacy lessons. This is how the idea for the project came about.

The first thing we started our work with was to find out the names of the professions that exist in the world. And to make this task more interesting, we decided to look for the names of professions for each letter of the Russian alphabet. Let's learn letters at the same time! Each student in the class chose a worksheet with three letters of the alphabet. (Appendix A). At home, together with our parents or on our own, we wrote down as many profession names as possible for each letter. The assignments were handed over to our leader - our teacher. She summarized this work and compiled a list of occupations in alphabetical order. It turned out that we found 207 names of professions for almost all letters of the Russian alphabet!

And here is the next stage of work. From this large list we had to select the most unusual names of professions that we knew nothing about, had not heard of, or had no idea about. We worked in groups. We actively discussed, found out, argued. And as a result of the discussions, it turned out that in all groups three identical profession names were noted: agronomist, huntsman, radio operator.

Now we had to find information about these professions that interested us. We worked at home, our parents helped us. Here's what we learned.

An agronomist is an agricultural specialist who has comprehensive knowledge of the study and cultivation of field, garden, and vegetable crops. The word "agronomist" comes from two Greek words: "agros" - field and "nomos" - law. An agronomist knows when to sow and harvest, how to fight weeds, plant diseases, and pests. A high yield is the greatest reward for an agronomist.

A huntsman is a professional hunter, game warden, and forester. He protects the forest area from poachers and controls the correctness of hunting. The huntsman knows the forest and forest inhabitants very well, prepares food supplies for the winter for animals and birds, and protects them from poachers. Helps amateur hunters. This is a very important and dangerous profession.

A radio operator is a specialist in transmitting and receiving radio messages. He works at sea on ships, on submarines; in the sky on airplanes, in space; on earth where there is radio communication. A radio operator is a military profession. Information is transmitted using Morse code. Morse code is an encrypted alphabet.

As a result of the work done, we came up with a “Dictionary of Professions”. It contains the names of professions in alphabetical order. Read and choose your future profession (Appendix B).

To consolidate the knowledge gained, we came up with a game. They composed a short fairy tale about how in one city an evil wizard harmed the inhabitants. It was necessary to answer the question: what professions would people help correct the situation and restore order? (Appendix C).

Our work has come to an end. Let's draw conclusions:

There are countless wonderful professions in the world,
And glory and honor to every profession!

And most importantly, we realized that no matter what profession we choose in the future, we need to prepare for it now - study well, be diligent, responsible, careful.

If you want to build a bridge,
Watch the movement of the stars
Drive a machine in the field
Or drive the car up -
Do a good job at school
Study conscientiously.
(S. Marshak)


Appendix A. Sample assignment form No. 1.

ABC of professions Write the names of professions for each letter

Appendix B Dictionary of professions.

Note: all names are written exactly as they were written by the students together with their parents. The purpose of such a task is to expand students’ vocabulary and increase cognitive activity. If you do a similar project, the job titles may be different. You can also format the dictionary in any form. We designed it in the form of a homemade bound book, and the words were arranged in a column.

Dictionary of professions

Aircraft designer, Race driver, Auto mechanic, Agronomist, Lawyer, Actor, Animator, Artist, Architect, Astrologer, Astronomer

Banker, Bartender, Librarian, Biologist, Flight Engineer, Flight Attendant, Botanist, Boatswain, Bulldozer Driver, Accountant

Car driver, Watchman, Layout maker, Veterinarian, Winemaker, Driver, Diver, Aeronaut, Vocalist, Educator, Doctor

Geneticist, Geologist, Guide, Make-up Artist, Governess

Janitor, Designer, Diplomat, Conductor, Trainer

Railway worker, Tinsmith, Painter, Livestock breeder, Jockey, Juggler, Journalist

Slaughterer, Manager, Breeder, Head Teacher, Caretaker, Cutter, Measurer, Refueler, Beller, Digger, Medicine Man, Zoologist, Zootechnician

Icon painter, Illusionist, Immunologist, Engineer, Inspector, Instructor, Toolmaker, Irrigator, Art critic, Tester, Historian, Ichthyologist

Cashier, Whaler, Combiner, Confectioner, Cosmonaut, Blacksmith

Forester, Lumberjack, Pilot, Speech therapist, Boatman

Painter, Masseur, Machinist, Policeman, Sailor, Butcher

Adjuster, Neurologist, Neuropathologist, Neurosurgeon, Standardizer, Porter, Notary, Nanny

Ophthalmologist, Operator, Officer, Waiter, Hunter, Security Guard

Hairdresser, Perfumer, Singer, Baker, Bookbinder, Printer, Stovemaker, Pianist, Pilot, Writer, Carpenter, Cook, Border Guard, Fireman, Polisher, Dressmaker, Postman, Poet, Programmer, Seller, Beekeeper

Worker, Radio Operator, Director, Reporter, Realtor, Fisherman

Plumber, Welder, Cattleman, Steelmaker, Stylist, Joiner, Dentist, Watchman, Judge, Cheese maker

Taxi driver, TV presenter, Technologist, Commodity expert, Turner, Tractor driver, Trainer, Chimney sweep

Cleaner, Coal Miner, Layer, Tamer, Manager, Urologist, Ufologist, Scientist, Accountant, Teacher

Pharmacist, Packer, Packer, Paramedic, Figure skater, Physicist, Herbalist, Magician, Photographer, Photojournalist, Fashion model, Milling operator

Halvomes, Chemist, Surgeon, Grain Grower, Cotton Grower, Choreographer, Artist

Florist, Flower Girl, Clergyman, Circus Performer, Barber

Watchmaker, Engraver, Draftsman, Carder, Cleaner

Organ Grinder, Seamstress, Chef, Grinder, Showman, Chauffeur, Plasterer, Navigator

Economist, Excavator operator, Tour guide, Electrician, Ethnographer

Comedian, Jung, Lawyer

Appendix C Examples of fairy tales invented by students.

Good conquers evil.

Once upon a time there lived Lilliputians. And everything was fine with them until the evil wizard arrived. He covered the entire city with white snow. All the trees and bushes died. And spring and summer no longer came. The Lilliputians were cold and began to get sick. Then everyone gathered wipers and swept away all the snow. Agronomists They plowed the land and planted new trees. A doctors They gave all the residents tea with raspberries, and everything became as before. And the evil wizard realized that he had lost and flew away.

Georgy Timofeev, student of 1st - A class

Once upon a time there lived an evil wizard of darkness. He made his way to the city where people were going to celebrate the New Year. Everything in the city was decorated with beautiful light bulbs. Everything around sparkled and it was very light. The evil wizard brought in a strong wind, and all the electrical wires were cut off. Then they came electricians and fixed all the wires, and policemen drove away the evil wizard.

Maxim Shutikov, student of 1st - A class

One day an evil wizard came to the city of Happiness. He was also harmful. And so he decided to harm people. The wizard waved his magic wand and all the children in the city became stupid. They forgot the letters. But children can get help teachers. They will teach children to read and write.

Valeria Ploskonosova, student of 1st - A grade

Evil wizard.

An evil wizard mixed up the traffic lights in the city: when the pedestrians were red, the cars were also red. And so all traffic in the city stopped, and no one knew who to give way to.

And they helped fix it traffic inspector movement. They began to regulate the movement of cars and pedestrians with their striped stick. And the evil wizard gave up - he returned everything to its place.

Yana Durova, student of 1st - A grade


Winter has come. All residents of Moscow began to prepare for the New Year. Everyone began to draw New Year's pictures. But no one invited the evil wizard who lived in this city to the holiday. He got offended and ruined all the drawings. In all the drawings, instead of Santa Claus, Kikimora appeared. The residents were upset. Who will help fix everything?

And in this city lived a good artist. People went to him and asked for help. With one stroke of his magic brush, he made Santa Claus appear in all the drawings instead of Kikimora.

Santa Claus now has a magnificent exhibition of paintings in his hut.

Ira Gerasimova, student of 1st - A grade

Fairytale story.

In a certain sea, in the very middle of it, lay an island. There was a city on it. Very friendly and hardworking people lived in this city. And then one day, when they were preparing to celebrate the big holiday “Island Day”, this story happened.

On the most beautiful square, the residents set up tables for all the islanders and prepared a lot of delicious food. But one wizard, who lived on a neighboring island, was offended that he was not invited to the holiday, and ruined the entire treat. He turned it bitter and unappetizing. And he cast a spell on all the residents so that they would forget all the recipes. The inhabitants of the island were very upset, because their holiday was ruined.

Suddenly, a beautiful woman came to their aid, as if from the foam of the sea. She had a metal suitcase in her hands. She opened it, put on her headphones and began transmitting some incomprehensible message. Residents of the town stood, watched and did not understand anything. A little time passed and a small red helicopter arrived. An important man with a white cap on his head sat in it. He brought a lot of food and prepared very tasty and unusual dishes. And the best dish was a huge five-tier cake.

The residents were very glad that their holiday still took place. They even forgave and invited their neighbor-wizard to the holiday. The wizard apologized, cast a spell on all the residents and decorated the square with flowers and balloons. And at the end of the holiday he gave all the residents a festive fireworks display. Everyone was in a very good mood.

Who were these mysterious helpers?

What professions can they be classified as?

Anna Sisetskaya, 1st - A grade student

There are a huge variety of professions, but you still haven’t found yours? It is possible that among the hundreds of professions that we have collected in this article, it will still be found! Especially if you don’t know where to go, you can make a list of professions that interest you. And by clicking on the names highlighted in red, you will go to more detailed articles about professions. In general, you will definitely find something useful here. P.S. For convenience, all professions are arranged in alphabetical order.

considers criminal and civil cases together with people's assessors, ensures the legality of all court actions.

promotes a company, brand or product on social networks. He can work in an advertising agency, on the staff of a company, or as a freelancer.

- a programmer who checks the quality of IT products. His responsibilities include searching for software errors, possible malfunctions, identifying the product’s compliance with the stated requirements, documenting the defects found and their location.

Commodity expert— at enterprises, trade and public catering organizations, studies the demand for goods, draws up draft contracts with suppliers, monitors the supply of goods in the required range, of appropriate quality and within the agreed time frame.

Topographer— carries out surveying of relief and contours on photographic plans, updating topographic maps, field deciphering of contours and relief elements, drawing up plans.

Trainer (in sports) teaches those interested in technical and tactical skills in a particular sport, travels with athletes to training camps and competitions.

prepares medicines according to doctors' prescriptions, ensures storage of medicines, dispenses ready-made medicines without prescriptions, completes orders for medicines, provides first aid.

- a specialist in the field of philology who studies the culture of the people, expressed in literary creativity and written texts.

Philosopher works to understand the processes occurring in nature and society, in the minds of people, and develops issues of worldview.

carries out documentary and artistic photography of people and objects, develops negatives, performs retouching and printing work.

Photojournalist can work independently or on the instructions of the editors in pairs with a correspondent, prepare reports, essays, articles, supplementing them with photographs that reveal the topic, travel to the site, talk with participants in the events, select a suitable place for filming.

- a specialist who works with chemicals.

Choreographer develops dance movements, organizes the movements of dancers in the space of the stage or dance floor, their interaction, determines music, makeup, costumes, selects scenery, lighting, that is, creates a single image of dance.

Fashion designer- a specialist who works on creating a clothing model, its composition, selects the necessary illustrative materials, and participates in shows and exhibitions.

Wood artist- a specialist who prepares a product for painting, paints the product with various paints: applies ornamental patterns, plot drawings, decorates the product, varnishes it.

- an artist who draws not using traditional tools - brushes, paints, pencils - but on a computer; can create visual content for computer games, develop special effects for cinema, model architectural objects, 3D jewelry design, etc. Choosing the profession of a 2D/3D artist requires being a humanitarian and a techie at the same time.

specializes in creating various types of garments (clothing, shoes, leather goods, hats, etc.) using special equipment. The tasks of a seamstress do not include cutting out products; this is done by a tailor.

studies the structure and functioning of natural and man-made biological systems, the impact of industrial waste on the environment, engages in environmental education, and develops environmental protection measures.

When choosing a profession, it is worth considering two main criteria: personal qualities and so-called professional suitability. Simply put, a person must not only want to work in a certain field, but also have a certain potential for self-realization in it.

“Technical people” and “humanists” are the most elementary division of people according to the criterion of professional suitability. The corresponding abilities can be pronounced, but it also happens that a person has approximately the same inclination for both technical and humanities. In any case, within each of these two groups of professions there are many subgroups, and therefore the choice is quite wide.

Even the ancient Romans noticed that mala herba cito crescit (“weed grows quickly”), and in order to get a good harvest, you need to work hard, and with skill. Today, food security for seven billion people is ensured by agronomists, gardeners, farmers, machine operators and even foresters - all those who work on the land or are professionally engaged in crop production.

The list of professions related to security can be both technical and social and humanitarian, and can be at the intersection of these two areas. In addition, in this area there is a division into security and information security. Security in the field of IT and engineering security are especially relevant at the enterprise level, and fire and military safety are, as a rule, issues of public service.

Representatives of military professions do not “work”, but perform public service. In addition, to become a military officer, you usually need to receive appropriate education from school age. The military professional sphere provides the country with people who can and are able to make responsible decisions, lead a competent strategy, and also contribute to its technical development. In a word, the mission of protecting the state in peace and war is entrusted to their shoulders.

There are professions that can be classified into several categories at once or, conversely, they do not fit into any list of specialties: for example, an expert or a priest. This is exactly what we are talking about in this section.

The name of the profession "engineer" goes back to the Latin word ingenium, which means "ability, ingenuity." And in fact, engineers are not only technically competent builders, oil workers, mechanics, heat power engineers or meticulous labor protection specialists, but also creators - designers, constructors, empirical physicists engaged in applied developments and research.

The list of creative professions is quite wide. The list includes artistic, theatrical, pop, dance and other areas related to art. If you feel that you are creative and talented, and creativity and art are the areas where you can express yourself, then you should definitely familiarize yourself with this section.

To put it simply, computer-related specialties include a large group of professions directly related to information technology. IT (in the English version IT - information technology) is a set of methods and means of collecting, processing, storing and transmitting text, video or audio data. The use and development of this harmonious system is ensured by IT specialists, in other words, IT specialists: web developers, software testers, programmers, content managers, system administrators and dozens of other professionals involved in computer equipment, software and their use.

Professions related to the sky, of course, can be poetically called the most sublime, and they are suitable for 100% romantics. But you need to be prepared for the fact that the profession of an air traffic controller, flight attendant or pilot will require quite down-to-earth and absolute dedication - it’s not for nothing that cosmonauts and test pilots are awarded the title of Heroes of Russia for their work.

In the 21st century, beauty and fashion have become powerful industries, which means that to work in them, professionals are needed, and a variety of them: makeup artists, hairdressers, stylists, fashion designers. It’s not easy to break through and make a name for yourself in this field, but the work is extremely interesting.

Light industry is understood as a set of industries that produce a huge range of consumer goods - from toys and souvenirs to household items that are impossible to live without in everyday life. All this is developed and manufactured by representatives of different professions: clothing designers, fashion designers, tailors, seamstresses, shoemakers, weavers, furniture makers.

Modern linguists are no longer pure humanists, comparing the vocabulary of the poems of Byron and Pushkin or collecting dialect expressions on expeditions to cities and villages in order to compile a dictionary of dialects of disappearing nationalities. Today, the list of professions related to the theoretical study and practical application of different languages ​​includes not only a translator and linguist, but also specialists in information intelligent systems who develop speech recognition programs, automatic text processing and other software.

In order for every buyer to always be able to find exactly the product he needs on the shelves of a supermarket, in a boutique collection and in a household appliance showroom, there must be a clearly established system of procurement, transportation, and warehousing. All this is done by sales managers, buyers, merchandisers, supervisors, brokers, brokers, logisticians, storekeepers, forwarders and other representatives of trade-related professions.

Doctors, nurses, geneticists, virologists and other medical researchers at one time chose the medical profession. The level of responsibility in this area is off the charts, and the knowledge required for work is sometimes at the intersection of sciences such as chemistry, physics, biology and even engineering. The list of specializations for doctors is not long. Today, medical institutions are constantly in need of anesthesiologists, pediatric and adult resuscitators, narcologists and psychiatrists, as well as emergency physicians and medical laboratory diagnostic workers.

The common phrase that every cook can run a state looks different in the original and has a completely opposite meaning: it boils down to the fact that administration at all levels must be learned. The art of leadership is perfectly mastered by university-educated HR, customer service or tourism managers, crisis managers, commercial and financial directors and representatives of other administrative professions.

Across the seas, along the waves - today here, tomorrow there. If you are ready to live in such a rhythm, then the professions of a sea captain, sailor, navigator, motor mechanic or diver are just for you. Working in the navy cannot be called easy, but maritime specialties have long and probably forever received the status of the most romantic.

In universities, everyone studies a variety of academic disciplines; for many graduates of higher educational institutions, science becomes a profession. Historians and philosophers, ethnographers and anthropologists, archaeologists and paleontologists, ecologists and sociologists, art historians and cultural scientists, nuclear physicists and biochemists, meteorologists and cartographers, geologists and gemologists - they all work in different branches of fundamental or applied science.

With the development of the non-state education segment, the level of demand for representatives of the teaching professions has increased sharply. In addition, the practice of private tutoring has become very common lately. Nanny work and employment in preschool institutions also require the candidate to have pedagogical education. Modern educational, entertainment and sports studios for children and adults offer dance, language, and creative classes. The teaching profession is in demand in all these areas.

Everyone loves to eat delicious food, but if at home we often make do with amateur express scrambled eggs, “constructed” in haste and to the best of our ability, then on an industrial scale, food preparation and production is carried out by professionals: catering technologists, cooks, bakers, restaurateurs, and even tasters and sommeliers, who test the taste of food and compile wine lists.

Civil servants are employees of executive, legislative, regional and municipal authorities, police officers, prosecutors, courts, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and even the military. That is, these are not only officials in the usual sense for the majority, but in general all professionals working in government civilian or law enforcement agencies. Therefore, by and large, politicians and diplomats can be called civil servants.

Professions related to working with people either carry a certain social benefit, or are at the intersection of two (or more) spheres of activity, pursuing slightly different goals. So, if we compare, for example, the professions of a teacher and a personnel manager, then the first one works exclusively with people and for the sake of people (in general), and the second one pursues corporate interests. Therefore, working with people is a very general concept, which, however, in all cases requires the employee to demonstrate highly moral human qualities.

It’s not for nothing that wild and domestic animals are called our little brothers: they, just like people, need qualified medical care, professional care, proper education and reliable protection. All this is done for wildlife inhabitants and pets by veterinarians, paramedics, dog handlers, groomers, zoologists, trainers, gamekeepers - in short, specialists whose work involves direct or indirect contact with animals.

Any enterprise and every organization must work as a harmonious organism - otherwise you will not get meaningful results and will not be able to withstand market competition. In medium-sized, and especially large, companies, the smooth functioning of the production mechanism is ensured by employees of the administrative department and, to no less extent, by representatives of office professions: administrators, secretaries, and clerks.

The service and tourism industry rests on the shoulders of not only the owners of service companies, hotel empires and VIP or budget travel agencies. The main “characters and performers” in it are employees of all enterprises in various sectors of the hospitality industry: head waiters, tour guides, waiters, tourism managers and even animators who entertain vacationers and are responsible for their great mood.

Representatives of several dozen specialties work in the field of media and publishing. All of them ensure the publication of books, newspapers, and magazines. In recent decades, many traditional professions in this area, for example, journalist, editor or illustrator, have been adapted to the features of electronic media and virtual information platforms without changing their essence. Just like hundreds of years ago, correspondents, columnists, reporters, proofreaders, layout designers and other professionals do everything to ensure that the reader receives high-quality information - no matter in what format it will be presented.

The field of engineering and technology is suitable for people with a strong aptitude for the exact sciences: mathematics, chemistry, physics, computer science. The corresponding professions are characterized by high dynamism: this is due to constantly ongoing industrial and technical development. Graphs, lists, drawings and calculations - this is the tool base of technical professions. To enjoy such work, you need not only to be able to do all this, but also to sincerely love the exact sciences.

Transport plays a vital role in the national economy of the country. It, in turn, is greatly influenced by technological progress. Not only the scale of transport operations is growing, but also the level of comfort, technical equipment of route lines, etc. People who manage and maintain transport are always in demand, but choosing a transport profession is associated with a significant level of responsibility. The dynamism of this area also requires employees to constantly improve their skills.

Economics, just like engineering and technology, loves precision and certainty. However, accuracy alone is not enough in her world: among other things, economic professions have their own specifics, which lies in the constant need for forecasting, positioning and analysis. Entrepreneurship as a profession combines all of the above, because market processes are subject to the laws of various economic sciences, and to successfully run a business, you need to take into account absolutely all the factors in this field of activity.

The list of legal professions is traditionally associated with justice, however, in the conditions of an emerging (developing) rule of law state, this does not end there. Both government and commercial organizations resort to the help of lawyers, and the scale can be very different - from an enterprise to the world stage. The activities of non-profit organizations are also subject to legal norms, so good lawyers do not remain without work.
