Support for student entrepreneurship in foreign universities. Drivers start and everyone wins. Why study entrepreneurship

To support student entrepreneurship, ITMO University holds master classes, acceleration programs, and project competitions. Many Russian universities also realize that a new generation university must be entrepreneurial. But how do colleagues from abroad promote student startups? We asked foreign experts from universities in Denmark and Finland to talk about how the innovation infrastructure is structured in their universities.

Jan Uwe Wolf, director of the scientific and educational center in the field of construction, VIA University college (Denmark)

More than twenty thousand students study at VIA University College; I represent only one of the campuses of five thousand students, which has the largest number of international programs and activities. Here we teach, for example, information technology, engineering, and business disciplines. Two out of five thousand students came to study in Denmark from 52 countries. We design educational programs in such a way that entrepreneurship and innovation are not just a subject of study - students use these skills as part of other courses.

The fact is that any university - no matter Danish, Finnish or Russian - faces one problem: we are preparing people to work in professions that may not yet exist. Several years ago, a study was conducted in the Netherlands, according to which the top 10 professions in 2010 did not yet exist in 2002, and this statistics will only be strengthened. Therefore, we try to give students competencies that will help solve a wide range of problems, most of which are not yet defined. Teach them skills that may have nothing to do with engineering or IT.

At VIA University College we have an incubation center with a total area of ​​8 thousand square meters, this year more than 50 companies at an early stage of development are located there. Here students can try their hand at working in these companies, they consider them as potential employees, and together this helps teach students to think diversified.

I am impressed by ITMO University’s innovative infrastructure, but it seems to me that you are trying to instill in students an innovative type of thinking only within the framework of master’s and postgraduate programs. We do this already at the stage of basic educational programs, in the second semester of the fourth year. It seems to me that this needs to be done as early as possible, and first of all, this is important for those who do not intend to build a career in science. And the university environment should support this process.

Lauri Tenhunen, research center in the field of smart services, HAMK University of Applied Sciences (Finland)

At our university, we try to use modern educational methods to instill in students more responsibility: the more active they are, the more opportunities they will be able to realize, and the more likely they will build their own successful business. We implement a lot of projects funded by third-party sources, for example, the European Union, and students can also take part in them. There are various international programs dedicated to project activities. Our main goal is not only to give students the mechanisms to create high-tech production, but also to build a full-fledged infrastructure with the involvement of representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, who, in turn, can also hire students to participate in their projects.

Our university has seven campuses, and each has its own business incubator. In addition, there is a cooperative - they can go there if they are not yet ready to build their own company, but want to sell their services or learn entrepreneurship in practice. Some of these services are used for teaching, but students can use them on their own.

The key to successful development of student entrepreneurship is information. Unfortunately, big businesses, as a rule, rarely turn to universities. For example, we have dozens of partners among universities and institutes in Europe, including in Russia, and I believe that entrepreneurs need to turn to this network - each of them has contact persons who are ready to help.

Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after. HM. Berbekova


student entrepreneurship, innovative development, a higher educational institution (high school), spinoff companies, fostering

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Abstract to the article

The need to develop student entrepreneurship is becoming an increasingly important direction in the innovative development of universities. The focus is on those students who create new companies to commercialize the knowledge they have acquired throughout their university studies. This article examines, first, the importance of student spin-off companies. Secondly, the various and main aspects of student entrepreneurship are identified. Third, a model will be introduced to increase the level of student entrepreneurship at the university. Fourthly, a number of principles for constructing this model have been defined. Fifth, recommendations have been developed to encourage the university administration to use results-based management aimed at increasing the level of student entrepreneurship.

Text of a scientific article

The need to develop student entrepreneurship is becoming an increasingly important direction in the innovative development of universities. However, there is a risk that policies that encourage university entrepreneurship may miss key scientific ideas. In recent years, a fairly large amount of literature on student entrepreneurship in various areas has appeared, which complicates the process of developing effective policies for universities. Therefore, student spin-off companies are of interest to all forward-thinking universities, and especially to those that support research and training programs in the field of entrepreneurship. The companies that are created are indisputable proof that students are acquiring real entrepreneurial skills during their university studies. In addition, student spin-off companies promote regional economic development, commercialize knowledge, help universities achieve their core mission, and increase the return on R&D investments. Spin-off companies are offspring companies that are separated from the parent company for the purpose of independently developing, mastering and introducing a new product or technology to the market. Firms of this kind are most often created by transforming a division of a company into an independent company. Due to the benefits provided by spin-off and spin-out companies, universities and research organizations will receive a positive economic, social, and innovative effect from the activities of such companies. Spin companies are based on a technology or development base created by the parent company with one goal - to introduce the object of research and development activity to the market. There are a number of reasons why it is important to develop student entrepreneurship: 1. Student spin-off companies provide concrete evidence that the university is relevant, modern and competitive. And this, in turn, helps to attract talented students, teachers, partners and donors; creation of private and public investments; and strengthening regional and international relations. 2. Contributes to the economic development of the region where the university is located. Jobs are created (including jobs for students and knowledge-intensive jobs), the local economy is diversified, and investment is attracted. 3. Helps universities achieve their core missions of research, teaching and development. Student spin-off companies help faculty analyze what is useful for student learning and raise awareness of the practical value of the university's research. 4. Increases the return on government investment in university R&D. High-quality education, coupled with student entrepreneurship, contributes to an increase in the level of entrepreneurial activity at the university, which in turn increases the effectiveness and profitability of R&D. It should be noted that spin-off companies can be created by students of any department at the university. These companies operate independently of the university; they have their own legal, technical and commercial structure. Student spin-off companies can receive income from: - new products, services, technologies, tools and solutions; - new quality of goods; - creating new production methods; - opening new markets; - finding new sources of supplies of raw materials and supplies; and - new organizational forms. Six models can be identified that influence the number of student entrepreneurs in a university at a given point in time (the dependent variable). A and B: Students use university knowledge to develop their capabilities within the university. The amount of knowledge available to students is expressed as the product of two factors: the total stock of knowledge available at the university and that part of the knowledge that the university allows students to commercialize. If a university's entrepreneurship policy gives full rights to the university's stock of knowledge to students, then the number of student entrepreneurs and the number of student companies is likely to increase. Q: When comparing projected income from entrepreneurship and expected wages from employment inside or outside the university, if profits are higher than wages, there will be a higher number of students willing to start their own companies. G: Students need to develop three core entrepreneurial capabilities: identifying and recognizing their opportunities, acquiring resources, and promoting their venture. The stronger the entrepreneurial potential of university students, the faster the number of students starting their own businesses increases. D&E: It is possible to identify the main barriers to entrepreneurship, which can be grouped into two categories: university barriers and regional barriers. University barriers include the lack of social support for student entrepreneurship, the contradiction between academic and commercial results, and the lack of people with business experience and commercial skills. Among the regional barriers to entrepreneurship, one can note regulatory, legal, administrative, labor, financial and partnership burdens. For example, in some regions, student entrepreneurs need one day to register a company; in other regions it takes 20 weeks. Some regions require qualifications or a business plan certified by a business expert confirming the viability of the company. In some regions, students do not have access to bank and trade loans. The number of entrepreneurs among students at the university is positively influenced by: - ​​educational base at the university; - the share of knowledge that students can commercialize; - expected profit; - individual entrepreneurial abilities of the student. The figure also shows that the more university and regional barriers to entrepreneurship created, the fewer student entrepreneurs there are. There are also a number of principles that can be used in developing university policies to increase the number of spin-off companies created by university students. These principles are grouped into six factors (Table 1). Table 1 Principles for stimulating student entrepreneurship at the university Direction Principles A. Increasing the educational base - Attract and retain productive researchers from the faculty with business experience who can increase the educational base, which can be used for commercial purposes. - Provide mentors to students to help identify and strengthen abilities. - Distinguish knowledge that enhances existing practice from that that destroys it. B.Increasing the portion of knowledge that students can commercialize - Give students the opportunity to commercialize a larger portion of knowledge. - Separate the process of creating spin-off companies from research and teaching. B. Increasing the excess income from entrepreneurship from possible wages - Provide scholarships to students engaged in entrepreneurship, using the same level of support used for educational process and research scholarships. - Provide financial support to students to realize real opportunities. - Analyze existing opportunities and provide students with constructive feedback as they advance their opportunities. - Provide access to potential clients, partners and investors. - Provide tools to identify and strengthen opportunities. - Assistance in obtaining external resources. D. Enhance Individual Capabilities - Provide hands-on training and mentors to develop capacity to identify and refine opportunities, attract resources, and promote enterprises. - Help to establish connections between students and entrepreneurs. D. Reducing university barriers - Increase awareness of benefits for student entrepreneurship in the region, university and department. - Provide space for student collaboration. - Establish a clear and favorable process for creating spin-off companies. - Determine the nature and duration of spin-off companies created on the basis of the university. - More emphasis on results from investments than on tracking investments in activities. - Eliminate inequalities based on gender, age, race, health and religion. E. Reducing Regional Barriers - Encourage faculty to promote regional economic development of organizations. - Involve students in the activities of economic development organizations, clusters, business incubators, service providers, etc. - Provide access to conferences where technologies and market trends are discussed with potential clients. But principles alone are not enough. University management can adopt a results-oriented approach to management that helps improve the level of student entrepreneurs. With this approach, using three tools to manage initiatives in facilitating the creation of student spin-off companies can be very useful. These tools include: - logic model; - structure of performance measurement; - investment risk management. The logic model shows the logical connections between inputs, activities, outputs, immediate results, intermediate results, and the final results of a university initiative to increase the number of student entrepreneurs. A university can use a performance measurement framework, prepare and implement a plan to systematically collect relevant data over the lifespan of student entrepreneurship, and demonstrate progress toward achieving its intended outcomes. Investment risk involves considering operational risk, financial risk, and university reputational risk when encouraging initiatives to increase the number of student entrepreneurs, and determining appropriate strategies to respond to these risks. The obvious advantage of spin-off companies is that university research groups better understand the inventions, technologies, and scientific developments that need to be brought to market. Because of this, spin-off companies are often made up of technology inventors and recently graduated students. To advance to the market, it is necessary to study the prospects of products based on inventions or technologies and only then build a business around them. After passing this stage, the university spin-off company will become an operating company, and not just a form of research group. A competent business team as part of a newly created company is able to transform a university spin-off company into a working and profitable company. The problem of organizing effectively working teams in newly created university spin-off companies can be solved by creating mixed teams consisting of developers, lawyers, financiers and managers capable of managing the process of commercialization of developments. Providing funding for university spin-off companies can be done partly through university funds for supporting small innovative enterprises, through budget funding, in particular through grants provided to young scientists (START, UMNIK), by attracting venture funding. Experience in using such models for organizing innovative companies in Russian practice already exists. And there are possible prospects for the development of spin-off companies, subject to the implementation of measures to stimulate and support the process of creating innovative companies. Adopted in 2009, Federal Law No. 217-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Creation of Economic Companies by Budgetary Scientific and Educational Institutions for the Purpose of Practical Application (Introduction) of the Results of Intellectual Activity” allowed higher educational institutions and research institutes independently create small enterprises for the practical implementation of the results of their intellectual activity. The purpose of this law is not simply the creation of enterprises at universities and research institutes, but the creation of enterprises that would produce competitive products and make a profit. To do this, it is necessary to create working, universal and effective schemes for organizing innovative companies. In conclusion, today, stimulating student entrepreneurship for commercial and social purposes is becoming an increasingly important direction for the development of universities around the world. And I would like to believe that the measures listed above help stimulate students to create their own enterprises.

Having your own successful business abroad is the dream of many. It is not surprising, because entrepreneurship and opening one’s own business allows a person not only to express himself and satisfy his ambitions, but also to earn big money.

However, in the conditions of modern globalization and high competition, running a business requires not only start-up capital and a business plan, but also high-quality, up-to-date knowledge and skills that will make it possible to correctly distribute this capital and develop your business idea into a functioning enterprise that generates income. In other words, it is difficult for a modern entrepreneur to do without specialized training and knowledge of a number of business disciplines - from accounting to marketing.

This explains the popularity of entrepreneurial business education throughout the world, which gives students all the skills to open and develop their own business.

Why study entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship is a key driver of the economy

Small businesses created by entrepreneurs are a key driver of the economy and provide the majority of jobs. Being the most important property of a market economy, entrepreneurship as a field of activity brings together enterprising and ambitious people, many of whom go into big business, politics, economics and develop their own businesses at the local, national and global level.

Comprehensive business education

Business schools at universities around the world offer students a variety of general and specialized training programs, with courses in the field of entrepreneurship being the most holistic and comprehensive. Aimed at each student's individual personal, leadership and entrepreneurial development, these courses cover a variety of disciplines, from economics and finance to people and management.

Practical preparation for starting your own business

Another benefit of entrepreneurship education programs is the hands-on training they provide. Graduates of these courses note that most other business school programs prepare employees for established companies who are not familiar with the realities of the process of starting their own business. In contrast, programs for future entrepreneurs not only combine all kinds of disciplines, but also provide excellent preparation for opening, running and developing their own business in current conditions.

An entrepreneur learns and develops throughout his life.

The sphere of entrepreneurship and business innovation does not stand still, but is in the process of constant dynamic development. In order to “stay afloat,” successful entrepreneurs must also constantly develop, gain new knowledge and skills. Receiving a high-quality initial entrepreneurial education will give you an excellent start in life and professional life, and will inspire you for further development and improvement.

You will learn to “understand” money

Whatever your future career, the experience of studying entrepreneurship will give you knowledge that will be useful in life in any case. First of all, you will learn to “understand” money, which will give you valuable skills in properly calculating personal finances, organizing accounts, understanding financial processes, and much more. At the same time, in-depth acquaintance with various business disciplines will allow you, if you wish, not to open your own business, but to get a job in one of the existing companies.


By studying entrepreneurship at foreign universities, you can get one of the following general and narrow popular specializations:

Training process and cost

Typically, entrepreneurship and business abroad programs are offered through university business schools or faculties of management and finance.

Initial knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship and business can be obtained through secondary specialized education or Foundation preparatory programs by choosing the appropriate specialization.

Students study general business disciplines for 3-4 years at the undergraduate level, after which they can continue their studies in academic or research master's programs (1-2 years) and doctoral programs (2 years or more).

Entrepreneurship courses involve studying a wide range of disciplines, the knowledge of which is necessary for starting, running and growing your business. Among them are management and working with people, finance and accounting, business innovation and entrepreneurship, economics, foreign languages, etc.

Some undergraduate and graduate programs also involve students working individually or in groups to create their own startup and business plan, and research courses involve conducting research in business and entrepreneurship.

American offers affordable associate's programs in entrepreneurship ($6,800 per year), affordable undergraduate programs are offered by Irish ($7,622 per year), and affordable master's programs ($5,417 per year).

More expensive education in the field of entrepreneurship, business and management can be obtained in the British ($26,650 per year), Australian ($27,840 per year) and American ($44,400 per year).

Business Opportunities Abroad

Many students receive higher entrepreneurial education with the goal of creating their own startup and opening their own business abroad. It is worth considering that different countries have different business conditions for foreign entrepreneurs. Let's look at a few examples of countries with a favorable climate for entrepreneurs...

New Zealand

New Zealand is a business-friendly country and one of the least corrupt countries in the world. Here you can get an Entrepreneur Work Visa, which is valid for 3 years and allows you to open your own business.

To obtain a visa, you must provide a police clearance certificate and demonstrate your willingness to invest in your business. In addition to low taxes, it is also worth noting that New Zealand has a large number of investors supporting promising startups. The best development prospects in New Zealand await businesses in the fields of IT, ecology and waste recycling, tourism, agriculture and education.

Great Britain

Foreigners make up about 20% of the total number of entrepreneurs in the UK. Every year, business conditions in the country are improving; in the future, the country plans to partially exempt companies from state duties and reduce the corporate income tax from 20% to 18%.

Foreigners can obtain a UK Tier 1 Entrepreneur visa by having £50,000 to invest in their business or by securing support from private or government organisations. Promising areas for developing your business in the UK are the areas of technology, ecology, cooking, etc. At the same time, London, Bristol and Oxford are recognized as the three best British cities for the development of startups.

Hong Kong

As one of Asia's trade leaders, Hong Kong also boasts one of the most open and international economies in the world. One of the main advantages of doing business in the country is the low income tax, which is 16.5%.

Opening a business in Hong Kong takes about a month, and every foreigner over 18 years of age can become an entrepreneur in the country, provided that they have a secretary who is a resident of the country. To obtain an entrepreneurial visa to Hong Kong, you must submit your business plan, demonstrate the availability of finances to support the business and prove the economic benefit of your startup.

systems. 5. The development and implementation of new curricula based on the introduction of 3rd generation standards will contribute to the development of a system of educational loans. 6. Comparison with the curriculum will prevent the inclusion of a second elective discipline in the schedule.

The output of the process “Implementation of basic educational programs” is a specialist with a certain qualification. Documentation that establishes the requirements for results: state educational standard, which defines what a specialist should know and be able to do; regulations on the final certification of students; methodological recommendations for preparing final qualifying work. Resulting documents: protocols for state certification of students; diploma registers; an appendix to the academy's annual report on diplomas, a certificate from the regional employment service about the presence or absence of graduates registered at the labor exchange.

A consumer survey made it possible to identify the main requirements for the outputs of the process: compliance with the state educational standard; graduates' possession of the necessary skills; the opportunity to find a job in your specialty; compensation of costs, implementation of plans; meeting the needs of the labor market; ensuring the process of labor force reproduction.

Certification of an educational institution represents an assessment of the compliance of the content, level and quality of graduates’ training with the requirements of state educational standards. Rosobrnadzor makes a decision on the degree of compliance of the results of the academy’s implementation of the main educational program with the established conditions for certification of the educational institution. During the verification process, the main requirement is the minimum content of disciplines, the level and quality of their mastery (2, p. 86).

As a result, from the point of view of consumers, the academy and the state, only positive results can be considered, in addition, confirmed by positive testing data during the state certification examination, since they indicate the fulfillment of the state educational standard and the preservation of compliance with the quality of education of the academy.

The level of quality of education at the academy meets the requirements established by state educational standards, which meets the interests of all stakeholders, primarily the state. Compliance with the requirements of state educational standards made it possible to accredit the National Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Siberian Academy of Law, Economics and Management” and continue further training of students.


1. GOST R ISO 9001-2008. Quality management systems. Requirements. - - 04/17/2009. - 15:47:02. - 46.s.

2. State accreditation of institutions of higher, secondary and additional vocational education in 2007: analytical report. - M.: National accreditation agency in the field of education, 2008. - 260 p.

3. Comprehensive assessment of higher educational institutions: Textbook / V.G. Navodnov, E.N. Gevorkyan, G.N. Motova, M.V. Petropavlovsky. - M.: Center for State Accreditation, 2003. - 176 p.

4. Stepanenko D.M. Towards the development of a program for long-term socio-economic development of Russia // Problems of modern economics. - 2009. - No. 4 (32).

5. Volynkina M.V. Legal regulation of innovation activity: problems of theory. - M.: Aspect Press, 2007. - 274 p.


G.A. Reznik,

Head of the Department of Marketing and Economic Theory, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction,

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor [email protected]

The article is devoted to the issue of involving undergraduate and graduate students in entrepreneurial activities. It is concluded that state policy should contribute to solving such problems as the formation of economically active behavior and the entrepreneurial way of thinking of young people, skills and motivation in the development of small businesses, as well as the formation of corporate culture and corporate consciousness.

Key words: student entrepreneurship, small business, business incubators

BBK U24(2)05ya73+U9(2)-13(2R)ya73

The current stage of Russia's development is characterized by the scale of informatization processes, the creation and implementation of innovations in various fields of activity. The end result of these changes carried out in the country's economy should be the formation of an innovative economy - flexible, dynamic, radically changing the economic foundations of people's lives. These changes in the economy determine the acquisition of new qualities by the workforce, such as a high educational level, innovative and economic thinking, high technical and technological culture, the ability to change professions and options.

using your ability to work. An innovative economy requires a large number of specialists who can work with modern technology packages in changing external conditions, forcing a person to independently assess the situation and make responsible decisions.

One of the effective ways to solve this problem is the widespread involvement of undergraduate and graduate students in entrepreneurial activities. Youth, including student, entrepreneurial initiative can become one of the main factors with which it is possible to increase the level of innovativeness of the Russian economy, because

talented youth, capable of generating ideas, have always been a source of innovation.

The law on the creation of small innovative enterprises at universities and scientific institutions (August 2009), signed by President Medvedev and adopted by the State Duma, aims to solve this problem.

Practice shows that the development of entrepreneurship has not yet become a priority for the vast majority of universities in our country. And to explain this, there are a number of objective reasons, including the excessive workload of students, compulsory attendance at classes, and sometimes excessive parental care. A serious obstacle is the shortage of qualified teachers who, in addition to good theoretical training, have experience in entrepreneurial activity. As a rule, the teaching staff at a university, including at graduating departments, is for the most part formed from among graduates immediately after graduation, who have completed postgraduate studies and do not have sufficient practical experience, including in the field of business. A PhD degree sometimes does not indicate a teacher’s ability to generate innovative ideas and the ability to bring them to practical implementation, involving gifted youth in this process.

The development of student entrepreneurship depends not only on the role of the university itself, but also on a number of problems that must be solved by government agencies. Among them: an imperfect tax system, the lack of special measures of state support and administrative barriers, and the lack of effective mechanisms for financial and credit support. The unresolved nature of these problems restrains the initiative of young people and slows down the realization of their potential entrepreneurial abilities.

At the same time, in many foreign universities, student entrepreneurship is a natural process. In the world's leading universities such as Cambridge, Oxford or the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, this process is well established. There has long been an understanding that entrepreneurship is one of the most attractive career paths for future specialists. Interesting experience has been accumulated in France. There are, for example, special associations that provide three-stage training for students in organizing their own enterprises: from creating virtual projects to supporting and maintaining real enterprises.

In some foreign countries, the practice of involving practitioners in the development of educational programs for specialties in demand in the labor market with a focus on developing the necessary competencies is widely developed. For example, one of the leading European business schools, Iuillo de Empresa (IE), was founded by Spanish businessmen and its programs are primarily aimed at teaching entrepreneurship to young people. The main block of disciplines (80%) at the school are taught by representatives of the academic environment and 20% by practitioners, and elective courses (for example, trade marketing, international

national accounting standards, etc.) are usually maintained only by business representatives.

Associations of European business schools, in fact, fulfill the order for the training of specialists from the business side, in cooperation with associations dealing with issues of quality of education, developing standards, curricula, etc.

In addition, in developed countries of Western Europe, universities stimulate high mobility of students and teaching staff, attracting the best graduates of other universities to master's and postgraduate programs. Moreover, they often hire teachers from among undergraduates and graduate students of other universities, or from the business environment, i.e. practicing teachers. In the best European universities, student mobility presupposes the ability of these subjects of the higher professional education market to apply existing knowledge and skills in entrepreneurial activity, i.e. engage in small and medium-sized businesses in the process of educational activities.

A platform for the development of practical entrepreneurial activity among students of higher educational institutions can serve as a trend that has formed in recent years, when the majority of students strive to find a job during their studies at the university. This circumstance is due to the fact that most students consider studying at a university only as a need to obtain a diploma of higher education, which, in their opinion, is prestigious. Many students associate real competitiveness in the labor market with having work experience in any field. The need to find a job while studying at a university is also due to the desire of students to earn their own living and acquire practical skills for successful career advancement in the future (Fig. 1).

to gain practical skills for your future profession

to earn a living

Rice. 1. Reasons for combining work and study by Russian university students

A significant portion of students associate their search for work with employment in a successful company, and not with opening their own business, since this requires significant financial investments and the availability of professional

□ little time left for studying

□ that studying is the main thing, and work distracts from it

□ “they still have time to work hard”

□ other

Rice. 2. Reasons for the negative attitude of the population towards the combination of work and study by Russian university students

competencies and free time from study. Such data were obtained as a result of our research at universities in Penza in 2008-2009, the purpose of which was to study the attitude of students to the problem of combining study and work. Students associate combining work and study with increased chances in the labor market.

At the same time, according to the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM), many Russians (24%) have a negative attitude towards combining study and work, arguing their position by the fact that students have little time left for studying, as a result of which they do not have significant level of knowledge (42%); that studying is the main thing, and work distracts from it (32%) and, in addition, such a load is harmful to health (8%) (Fig. 2).

Thus, the development of entrepreneurial activity among students encounters a number of problems, in particular, a decrease in the quality of education caused by the lack of necessary time for working students or students engaged in their own business to attend classes.

On the one hand, it is necessary to motivate students to find work and start a business, develop their professional competencies and increase competitiveness in the labor market; on the other hand, it is necessary to improve the quality of education by strengthening the theoretical training of students, which involves daily attendance of lectures and seminars.

A way out of this situation can be the development of integration between the university and enterprises, which involves joint planning of the educational process (when enterprise managers actively participate in the formation of university curricula, topics of research and design work, organize practical training for students, are involved in teaching and conducting research at the university and applied developments.), as well as the development on the territory of universities of business incubators that provide significant support to small businesses at different stages of their formation and development by providing a range of necessary consulting, legal and other types of services.

A working student is a kind of link between the labor market and the university. He brings to the labor market those values ​​that he acquires during his studies (culture of communication, innovative thinking, high morality, etc.), and to the student environment - practical skills acquired in the process of work, thereby contributing to the rapprochement of universities with practical activities and the realities of modern society.

What can a university do to develop student entrepreneurship? Despite all the existing problems, it is necessary and possible to solve the problem of introducing students to entrepreneurship. This is evidenced by the experience of the Penza State

National University of Architecture and Construction. Thus, for many years, senior students of various specialties have been taught special courses “Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship”, “Business Theory”, “Career Technology” within which students master the theoretical foundations of entrepreneurial activity. For students of economics, a practical module of an intensive introduction to the specialty has been developed and has been implemented for many years, which provides for the development and constant use of a student’s weekly planner, life and career plan, preparation and defense of the course work “My Career”, business practice “Career Technology”, development and use of a professional resume to obtain a job. In addition, for many years, within the framework of the Institute of Economics and Management, the self-governing Institute of Student Leaders has been functioning, where more than 20 student firms realize themselves within the framework of the faculties “Business Administration”, “Management in Business”, “Management in Science”, “Management in Culture” and etc. . Practice shows that all these measures taken together contribute to the successful advancement of graduates up the career ladder and increases their competitiveness in the labor market.

The formation of economic thinking and entrepreneurial skills is greatly facilitated by the business games we use in the educational process, in particular, “Nixdolf Delta”, during which participants gain new knowledge and skills in the field of entrepreneurship and apply them through the example of managing a standard version of a business. The development of entrepreneurial activity is greatly facilitated by obtaining a second higher education in economics, forming market economic thinking.

Thus, the development of entrepreneurial activity in the field of higher professional education can be considered as an objective necessity and reality of the current stage of development of society, which allows, on the one hand, to improve the financial situation of its participants, on the other hand, to contribute to the formation of a mechanism for the relationship between the labor market and the market for educational services, and also provides powerful social support for students for the future. Therefore, the development of student entrepreneurship should occupy a special position in the system of state youth policy. The implementation of the Federal program of state support for entrepreneurship developed in Russia, which provides for the priority involvement of young people, including students, in the business sector should help solve such problems as the formation of economically active behavior and entrepreneurial way of thinking of young people, skills and motivation in the development of small businesses, as well as the formation of corporate culture and corporate consciousness.


1. Federal Law No. 217-FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation on the Creation of Business Companies by Budgetary Scientific and Educational Institutions for the Purpose of Practical Application (Introduction) of the Results of Intellectual Activity”, August 2009.

2. http// analysis/20090811/180488805.html

3. Salmi D. Russian universities in the competition of world-class universities // Educational Issues. - 2007. - No. 3. - P.5-45.

4. Reznik G.A. Savenkova Yu.S. Formation of a loyalty program as a factor in the competitiveness of a university // Problems of management theory and practice. - 2009. - No. 2.

5. Is it useful to combine study and work? - (information portal

6. Reznik S.D., Igoshina I.A. University student: technologies of study and professional career. - M.: Infra-M, 2010. - 475 p.

The research center of the portal for young professionals conducted a survey and found that three-quarters of students are thinking about creating their own business, while 6% have already put these ideas into practice, and 1% have their own business at the moment. We decided to analyze this data and also compare it with what is happening in the West.

Students can no longer be treated as an unproductive force; more and more of them are thinking about their own business, and sometimes such initiatives can become extremely successful businesses - remember Zuckerberg, Gates, Durov, etc. In fact, there are many positive aspects of working on your own projects as a student - you are completely free and have nothing to lose, at least.

So let's get back to the research. Who do you think is most interested in entrepreneurship? If your answer is managers, then you are wrong. Entrepreneurial activities involve mainly 3rd and 4th year students of engineering and technical specialties, as well as marketing specialists. Perhaps future managers do not want to run their own business, but would prefer to go to work for large companies.


Most often, students do not try to reinvent the wheel during their studies and start by selling certain goods - among respondents this turned out to be 46%. 31% are trying to make money through their own website (here they are, startupers), and 8% provide courier services. Sources of income such as equipment repair, software development, private lessons or master classes, and in-house production of goods are less often chosen. Respondents also work as private hairdressers, provide cleaning services and even organize their own travel agencies.

Business profitability, you ask? Not so high, but still, even compared to a scholarship, this is enough - a third of respondents admit that it brought or is bringing them an average of 5,000 rubles a month.

It should be noted that about half of the respondents answered that their own business does not interfere with their studies. The main obstacle on the way to the project for students is the lack of start-up capital (74% of them turned out to be).

Here's why students decide to close their business:

The first experience of doing business is not always successful, as statistics confirm.


Unlike Russia, in the West the culture of entrepreneurship is more developed and is cultivated in people from college. Entrepreneurship courses are offered in 1,500 educational institutions, plus some universities have special educational programs. True, there are often students who drop out of school for the sake of their own startup; they even provide interesting statistics - every 9 seconds a student is expelled from the university, which leads to the fact that about 1.2 million potential entrepreneurs (or criminals) appear on the market per year.

But to assess the scale of entrepreneurship among students in America, here is a table with the main characters:

The research company Gallup provides data on students' interest in starting their own business. Note that perhaps the proportion of people dreaming of a startup is smaller, but as many as 42% of respondents want to invent something that will change the world:


In general, let us note the quite positive attitude of students towards their own business. In fact, this is good news: students are the most active part of the population, and if most of them begin to implement their business ideas, we will hear more and more about the new Zuckerbergs.
