Sample order on assignment of duties for office work. Order on assignment of duties. Sample order on assigning HR duties to the chief accountant

An organization must carry out its activities in a certain mode in order to have a stable financial position in the market. But in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the company must periodically provide its employees with the vacation time they are entitled to. The company's management can balance these requirements either by hiring new employees or by assigning some responsibilities to existing ones.

The assignment of certain duties represents the performance by an employee for a fee, in addition to his own labor functions, and additional ones for a temporarily absent employee.

The need for this may arise due to periods of illness of the company’s employees, their presence on business trips, vacations, and also if, within the specified time, the administration did not have time to select a candidate for the vacant position.

The possibility of establishing a combination is determined by the norms of labor law, and there are no restrictions on categories of workers. Only the level of education, if necessary, competence should be taken into account, and the employee involved in this task has all the necessary documentation (licenses, health records, etc.)

The duration of the assignment is established in each specific case, and is determined by the period of absence of the missing employee.

Attention! Temporary performance of duties must be offered to the employee in writing, preferably in the form of a letter.

You can also submit a memorandum on your behalf to the head of the department where a temporarily vacant workplace has arisen and attach to it a statement from an employee who has expressed a desire to carry out such a combination.

In any case, if the HR department makes a positive decision, an additional agreement is concluded with this employee to his employment contract and an order is issued on the temporary assignment of duties.

According to current legislation, the order to perform duties must be communicated to the employee within three days.
If it is impossible to determine the duration of the combination, it must be carried out until a special order from management about this.

It is allowed for each of the parties to terminate the agreement establishing the temporary performance of obligations early. To do this, it is enough for one of them to send a written notice to the other. In this case, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation sets a period of three days.

How to correctly draw up an order assigning duties

There is no single set form for creating this document. It can be made in any form on the company’s letterhead, or developed independently in the style of other personnel orders of the company.

At the top of the form you need to indicate the name of the organization, its TIN and KPP codes, and the address of the activity.

Then comes the word “Order”, next to which its date of compilation and serial number are indicated.

Below on a new line is the title of the document. Here you can write the general phrase “On temporary performance of duties,” or specifically indicate for what position he was created. The following is the reason why this document was issued.

Then comes the word “I order”, after which the steps that need to be taken to execute the order are outlined point by point:

  • Which employee (his position and full name) is assigned new responsibilities, what functions and for what exact period of time;
  • To what extent will it be necessary to perform these duties;
  • The amount of remuneration for performing the above work;
  • Who will control the implementation of this order?

Below is needed after the words "Foundation" indicate on what basis responsibilities are assigned. This is usually an additional agreement to the employment contract.

The order is signed by the head of the company. After that in section “We have read the order” leave their personal signatures listed in the document of the person.


If a manager is being replaced, then in addition to the order, you must also draw up a power of attorney, according to which the deputy will be given the right to sign important documents and affix a stamp on them.

The employee has the right not to assume new responsibilities and not to sign the order. In this case, the employer cannot fire him - numerous judicial practices on this issue usually side with the employee, obliging him to reinstate him in his position and pay compensation.

Sample order on assignment of duties

Download a sample order on assignment of duties in Word format.

If you have already come across personnel documents, then you know that many of them have a place for the signature of a personnel employee (for example: “Staffing table”, “Time sheet”, etc.)

It must be borne in mind that many supervisory organizations (labor inspectorate, judicial authorities, tax inspectorates), when conducting inspections or when requesting documents, require an order to appoint a personnel employee or an order to assign responsibilities for maintaining personnel records to one of them. employees.

If there is a personnel employee on staff, then no problems arise with providing the above document.

But what if the organization is small and the costs of hiring and paying an individual employee to conduct personnel records are not economically profitable and not justified?

In this case, the manager will have to decide to assign the duties of a personnel officer to an existing employee.

This is a must do! We will walk this path in 3 steps.

Step 1 We are looking for a suitable candidate.

The game of spin the bottle is not suitable, because... The employee's consent must be obtained.

The easiest choice for a leader is to assign responsibilities to himself. It is always easier to come to an agreement with yourself, and there will be no problems with obtaining consent. Although it may turn out that the manager has already been assigned responsibilities, at least as a chief accountant. Or maybe also a leading salesperson or cleaning lady...

The next most common position for this combination is chief accountant. Consult him. Maybe the chief accountant will happily agree, or maybe he’ll recommend someone...

Personnel accounting responsibilities can be assigned to any employee, as long as he has enough time and education. If Zulfiya works for you as a cleaner, then do not rush to fill out an order for her. First, send her to Russian language courses (this way you can at least avoid distortion of words and lack of meaning in sentences).

Half the job done! The candidate was selected. Let's move on.

Step 2 We agree with the employee.

The victim has been chosen - we begin negotiations. Negotiations can be held anywhere (at the employee’s desk, in the manager’s office, in the nearest cafe) and in any form (orally, in writing through the office, by e-mail, even by launching airplanes made from notes), but agreements will have to be formalized in in writing in the form of an Additional Agreement to the Employment Contract. (Don’t forget to stipulate an additional payment for new duties - an increase in work leads to an increase in wages. This way it will be easier to agree and the inspectors will not have questions.)

We write the additional agreement as follows:

We have reached an agreement with the employee; we need to formalize the agreement with an order.

Step 3 We issue an order to assign duties.

It will look something like this:

We will provide this order at the request of the regulatory authorities.

A personnel employee was appointed.

It's time to move directly to personnel records management. And the first thing the personnel officer should check is the presence of a staffing table.

More on this in the next article.

The person acting as the general director must have a power of attorney to manage the current activities and represent the interests of the organization. It can be appointed by the founders in the event that the position of director is vacant. When a new manager is appointed, the part-time employee who represented the interests of the enterprise in the person of the acting director continues to work in his main position. For information about part-time work, see the material “Registration of combining positions in one organization.” Appointment of an interim general director When an employee is temporarily transferred to the position of manager, the employee is relieved of his previous duties for the period of the transfer. In this case, it is necessary to draw up both an additional agreement to the employment contract and a transfer order using the unified form No. T-5.

Order on assigning duties for maintaining the control center

Maybe the chief accountant will happily agree, or maybe he will recommend someone... You can assign HR accounting responsibilities to any employee, as long as he has enough time and education. If Zulfiya works for you as a cleaner, then do not rush to fill out an order for her.

First, send her to Russian language courses (this way you can at least avoid distortion of words and lack of meaning in sentences). Half the job done! The candidate was selected. Let's move on.

Step 2 We agree with the employee. The victim has been chosen - we begin negotiations. Negotiations can be held anywhere (at the employee’s desk, in the manager’s office, in the nearest cafe) and in any form (orally, in writing through the office, by e-mail, even by launching airplanes made from notes), but agreements will have to be formalized in in writing in the form of an Additional Agreement to the Employment Contract.

And who is the personnel officer?!


We wrote more about assigning the duties of a financially responsible employee here. Details in the System materials:

  1. Answer: How to formalize the performance of work (of a long-term or one-time nature) that is not part of the employee’s job responsibilities

An employee’s performance of work that is not part of his job responsibilities can be arranged in one of three ways: The choice of option depends on the nature of the additional work and the frequency with which the employee must perform it.

If an employee will have to engage in a new job for a certain time, then it is better to arrange an internal part-time job or a combination of professions (positions). With an internal part-time job, the employee performs additional work in his free time from his main job (Article 60.1 and Part 1 of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Assigning the duties of the chief accountant to the general director

These orders contain personal data, but the “weight categories” of personal information in them are disproportionate: the fact that the employee is engaged in personnel records is not a secret (it is unlikely to be hidden from others), but the amount of his remuneration is confidential personal information that is not accessible to outsiders. no need to know. Both orders are issued on the same day. MANDATORY HR DOCUMENTS There are documents that are required to be in every organization - any audit will request them first. If the secretary is now responsible for personnel records, then this mandatory recruitment will have to be ensured as soon as possible. We present a list of these documents in the form of a table with explanations.
We will not number the documents - the degree of their obligatory nature is the same and is the highest. This list is not exhaustive.

The procedure for appointing someone responsible for personnel records management

So, if the main activity of the organization is production, then, most likely, it will be necessary to develop a shift schedule, approve production standards, a list of positions and professions with hazardous working conditions, work in which gives the right to additional leave, and that’s not all. Only, these documents should no longer be developed by a secretary with the responsibilities of a personnel officer assigned to him, but by a whole team, which includes a labor economist and a labor protection specialist.
Can the secretary develop all the listed LNAs independently? Probably yes. But it’s better not alone, but in tandem with the chief accountant or head of the organization. First of all, this applies to those LNAs that establish the procedure for remuneration of workers.

If the secretary is also a personnel officer

And also: -the employee must agree to the combination; - the period during which the employee will combine another job is established by agreement of the parties (for example, before an employee is found for the vacant position); -an employee must combine different positions (professions) in the same organization (otherwise it will be an external part-time job); - the employee will perform both his main and his additional work within the established working hours (usually eight hours a day) (otherwise it will be an internal part-time job). In order for an employee to register a combined profession as a HR specialist, you will need to enter at least 0.5 of the HR specialist rate into the staffing table. From the point of view of labor legislation, this option seems to be the most appropriate.

Order on assigning HR duties to the chief accountant

In the article we will tell you how a secretary can lay the foundation for a future personnel department and an archive of documents on personnel, how to formalize his responsibilities for conducting personnel records and comply with the required minimum of labor legislation. SECRETARY-PERSONNEL OFFICER: ASSIGNMENT OF RESPONSIBILITIES According to part one of Art. 60.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is possible to assign additional duties to an employee that are not provided for in the employment contract only for additional payment. You can’t just “make happy” a secretary with new responsibilities. Their assignment is formalized by order. Moreover, we recommend preparing two orders. In the first (organizational) it is necessary to appoint an employee responsible for maintaining personnel records (Example 1). In the second (for personnel) - assign responsibilities, specify the amount of payment and provide the employee’s consent (Example 2).

Sample order on assigning HR duties to the chief accountant


This piece of furniture is inexpensive, takes up little space, and does its job perfectly. Valid HR documents, including work books, should also be stored in it, since this is a document of strict accountability (clause


Rules for maintaining work books). There should be several keys to the cabinet: one for the secretary, another, for example, for the chief accountant.

  • We formulate cases by year. We talked above about organizing files by year in accordance with storage periods.

    In the same way, files are formed with orders for personnel and documents of dismissed workers (employment contracts and personal cards).

  • We draw up an inventory of personnel cases. As for the inventory of personnel files, it is obligatory to maintain it under clause.

Orders for personnel - 5 years (clause “b” (2) of the 2010 List) or 50 years (clause 2 of Article 22.1 of the Federal Law of October 22, 2004 No. 125-FZ “On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation”, as amended dated June 18, 2017; hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 125-FZ). Secondly, upon liquidation of the organization, orders regarding personnel will be transferred to state storage. The likelihood that orders on core activities will be of interest to the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation is very low, so they will most likely be destroyed. Nuances of case formation. Orders for personnel are formed into cases during the calendar year. There must be at least two cases: the first - with a shelf life of 5, the second - 50 years. In the future, when there are more orders for personnel, the number of cases will also increase.
Questions and answers on the topic

  • Is it legal to increase the number of legal entities in a certain time period?
  • Who belongs to the AUP and who belongs to the engineering and technical personnel? For example, a foreman in a workshop?
  • In which organizations should the position of scientific secretary be established?
  • Is it possible to register several people for one staff unit?
  • How to issue an order to store a first aid kit?

Question Please tell me, in an organization of 8 people, HR responsibilities are performed by the chief accountant. There is no position of HR inspector in the staffing table. Is it necessary to issue an order to the chief accountant to assign the duties of a personnel inspector and add the position to the staffing table? Answer If the organization does not have a personnel officer, this does not relieve the employer from the need to prepare documentation for personnel.

Order on assigning HR duties to the chief accountant sample

If the director has the right and considers it possible to take over the accounting, he must also issue an appropriate order for the organization: Download sample If the company has an accountant, then during his absence it is necessary to assign accounting responsibilities to another employee. This can be formalized by an order to perform duties or combine positions.

If the enterprise does not have an employee who could cope with such a position, and there is no one other than the director to delegate the duties of the chief accountant, an order is issued for the director to combine these positions. In addition, an additional agreement to the employment contract is drawn up, which specifies the duration of the combination, the amount of additional payment for it and the reason for the absence of the accountant.

Order on assigning HR duties to the chief accountant 2017

We did not talk about them in the “Mandatory HR Documents” section, because these are not local regulations, but documents that apply to each employee personally. All of them are mandatory: an employment contract - in accordance with Art. 56

Labor Code of the Russian Federation; work book - in accordance with the Rules for maintaining work books; employee’s personal card - the need to maintain it is indicated by clause 12 of the Rules for maintaining work books. A personal card (unified form No. T-2) is created simultaneously with the employee’s entry into the organization.

It contains the employee’s personal data, all information about his movements in the organization, vacations, awards, etc. An employment contract, personal card and work book are valid documents during the entire period of the employee’s work in the organization.

Regulations on personnel records

Maintaining personnel records and office work on personnel issues performs important tasks:

  • The sequence of registration and procedure for passing personnel documents within the organization is determined.
  • Templates of documents required for conducting personnel records are approved
  • The list of documents required to carry out a particular HR business process is clearly defined, which allows reducing time and, consequently, material costs for processing HR documents

In the process of performing his job duties, a HR specialist has to draw up a huge number of similar documents. Despite the fact that the legislation defines the procedure for filling out basic personnel documents, it is advisable for an organization to develop work regulations for personnel records management in order to improve personnel document flow and increase the efficiency of working with personnel documents by unifying the composition and forms of documents, and technologies for working with them.

Maintaining documentation for personnel records should be based on current legislation in the field of documentation and information. It is important to note that when developing work regulations, the peculiarities of personnel records management and the specifics of the organization, which are determined by the field of activity, organizational structure and number of employees, are taken into account.

Work regulations for personnel records management in an organization should be developed in order to streamline the documentation support of the company's personnel management and increase its efficiency by unifying the composition and forms of management documents, technologies for working with them and ensuring control over the execution of documents.

The peculiarities of personnel records management are the establishment of general requirements for the functioning of the system of documentation support for personnel management, documenting personnel activities and organizing work with documents in the company’s personnel service.

  • General provisions containing the purpose and goals of the instruction, scope of distribution, general principles of working with personnel documents, responsibility of departments, officials and employees of the organization for compliance with the provisions
  • Thematic sections that consistently reveal the procedure for processing basic personnel operations, such as hiring, relocating, dismissing employees, rules for processing business trips, registering and accounting for vacations, etc. The composition of thematic sections may be changed and supplemented depending on working conditions and adopted technology
  • Final provisions defining the moment of entry into force of the regulations on personnel records management
  • The appendices include maximum reference and illustrative material, systematized in the order of sections.

Work regulations for conducting personnel records management are prescribed in order to improve work with personnel documents, improve the quality of preparation of personnel documents, streamline and optimize personnel document flow in the organization.

Responsibility for maintaining personnel records, compliance with established work rules, deadlines for registration and safety of personnel documents rests with the head of the personnel department.

Documents drawn up by the organization’s personnel service related to personnel records management are divided into:

  • Organizational documents
  • Personnel documents
  • Information and reference documents

Organizational documents include:

  • Staffing table (T3)
  • Personnel policy of the organization
  • Internal labor regulations
  • Regulations on remuneration and bonuses for employees
  • Regulations on the protection of personal data of employees
  • Regulations on personnel assessment
  • Regulations on the work of departments included in the structure of the organization
  • Job Descriptions
  • Instructions for conducting personnel records management
  • Regulations on labor protection
  • Instructions for labor protection by profession
  • Instruction log (familiarization with the instructions)
  • Code of Corporate Conduct

Personnel documents include:

  • Employment contract
  • Book of registration of employment contracts
  • Order (instruction) on hiring (form T-1)
  • Order (instruction) on transfer to another job (form T-5)
  • Order (instruction) on granting leave (form T-6, T-6a)
  • Vacation schedule (form T-7)
  • Leave log book
  • Order (instruction) on termination (termination) of an employment contract (form T-8, T-8a)
  • Order (instruction) on sending on a business trip (form T-9, T-9a)
  • Official assignment for sending on a business trip and a report on its implementation (form T-10, T-10 a)
  • Journal of registration of orders for sending employees on business trips
  • Logbook for issuing travel certificates
  • Order (instruction) on incentives (form T-11, T-11 a)
  • Order on full financial liability
  • Employee personal card (form T-2)
  • Time sheet (form T-13)
  • Calculation note on granting leave to an employee (form T-60)
  • Calculation note upon termination (termination) of an employment contract with an employee (form T-61)
  • Work book
  • Questionnaire (personal sheet for personnel records)
  • Addition to personal personnel record sheet

Information and reference documents include:

  • Statements
  • Reports
  • Explanatory notes
  • Notifications

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that personnel documents acquire legal force from the moment they are signed and registered.


  • Registration of employment
  • Procedure and deadlines for processing documents
  • Procedure for registering dismissal from work
  • The procedure for registering vacations
  • Procedure for registering an employee's transfer

1. Registration of employment

1.1 List of required documents:

  • An employment contract is a document that establishes the employment relationship between the employer and the employee and determines the terms of the employment relationship between them.
  • An acceptance order is an administrative document on the basis of which entries are made in the employee’s work book.
  • The work book is the main document about the employee’s work activity and length of service
  • Personal card (form T-2) – an accounting document containing biographical information
  • An employee’s personal file is a set of documents containing biographical information about the employee and information about professional experience.
  • A person applying for a job fills out an application form established by the organization

1.2. List of required registration forms:

  • Book of accounting of the movement of work books and inserts for it
  • Journal of familiarization with local regulations of the organization

1.3 A person applying for a job presents the following documents to the HR employee:

  • Passport or other identification document
  • A work record book, except in cases where an employment contract is concluded for the first time or the employee starts working on a part-time basis
  • Insurance certificate of state pension insurance
  • Military registration documents - for those liable for military service and persons subject to conscription for military service
  • Document on education, qualifications or special knowledge - when applying for a job that requires special knowledge or special training
  • Other documents required to be provided in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation

1.4 When concluding an employment contract for the first time, the work book and insurance certificate of state pension insurance are drawn up by an employee of the employer’s personnel service in the manner prescribed by law.

2. Procedure and deadlines for processing documents

2.1. Documenting the hiring procedure (before signing an employment contract) begins with the employee familiarizing himself with the job description, labor regulations and other local regulations of the organization.

The employee confirms familiarization with the job description with his signature directly on a copy of the job description

2.3. The employee confirms familiarization with the internal labor regulations and other local regulations by signing in the logbook for familiarizing employees with local regulations.

2.5 The form of the employment contract for employees of the organization is approved by order of the head of the organization and can be individually supplemented for each employee

2.6 The employment contract is concluded in writing, drawn up in two copies. One copy is given to the employee against signature, the other is kept by the employer in the personnel department until it is transferred to the archive for storage. If the condition of familiarization and signature is included in the text of the employment contract, there is no need to maintain an additional registration log.

2.7 on the part of the employer, the employment contract is signed by the general director of the organization, and during his absence by a person who has received the appropriate authority.

2.8 The employment contract is drawn up no later than three days from the date of the employee’s actual admission to perform work duties.

2.9 After signing by the parties, the employment contract is subject to mandatory registration in the employment contracts register

2.10 An employment contract is the basis for issuing an order to hire an employee. After drawing up, signing and registering the employment contract, the personnel service employee draws up an order for employment.

2.11 The employment order is issued in accordance with the unified form T-1, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 No. 1 “On the unified form of primary documentation for labor accounting and its payment”

2.12 The hiring order is signed by the general director of the organization, or in his absence by a person who has received the appropriate authority

2.13 The hiring order must be registered in the journal for registering orders for hiring, transfer, and dismissal of employees

2.14 The HR department specialist takes a copy of the signed and registered order and files it in the employee’s personal file.

2.15 The original orders are compiled by a specialist from the HR department and stored in the HR department of the organization until they are transferred to the archive

2.16 Based on the employment order, entries are made in the work book

2.17 Employees entering work for the first time are given a new type of work record book, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 No. 225 “On work record books”. For other employees, records are entered into their previous work books.

2.18 Work books are filled out by a HR department specialist responsible for recording, maintaining, storing and issuing work books and their inserts.

2.19 Work books of employees are maintained in the manner prescribed by the Instructions for filling out work books, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 10, 2003 No. 69

2.20 The HR department specialist enters information about the owner of the work book details in the book for recording the movement of work books and inserts in them, and also signs for receipt of the employee’s work book in storage

2.21 Work records are stored in the HR department in a safe or locked cabinet

2.22 The HR department specialist is obliged to familiarize each entry made in the work book to its owner against a signature in his personal card

2.23 The personal card is issued according to the unified form T-2, approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 2004 No. 1 “On the unified form of primary documentation for labor accounting and its payment”

2.24 The personal card is filled out in one copy and signed by a specialist from the HR department, as well as by the employee hired

2.25 Personal cards are kept in a safe or locked cabinet

2.26 After documenting the employee’s hiring, his personal file is drawn up

2.27 The documents in the personal files of employees include the following documents:

  • Internal inventory of case documents
  • Questionnaire
  • A copy of the employment order
  • Copies of education documents
  • Characteristics and letters of recommendation
  • Employment contract
  • Health certificates
  • Photos

2.28 In the future, the following documents are filed in the personal file in chronological order:

  • Personal statements of the employee (including about postponing the next vacation)
  • Copies of documents confirming receipt of additional education
  • Copies of orders on transfer, promotion, disciplinary action against the employee
  • Feedback from officials about the employee

2.29 Personal files contain information about the employee’s personal data and are stored in the personnel service as strictly accountable documents. Personal files are kept for 75 years, of organizational leaders – permanently.

3. Procedure for registering dismissal from work

3.1. Dismissal from work is formalized with the following set of documents:

  • An employee’s statement, written by hand, with the manager’s resolution (the statement is not always drawn up, but depending on the circumstances that served as the reason for termination of the employment relationship)
  • The bypass sheet, the form of the bypass sheet, is approved by order of the head of the organization and can be individually supplemented for each employee. An employee of the HR department issues a bypass sheet to the employee for independently collecting signatures of officials
  • Order of dismissal
  • Work book
  • Personal card
  • Personal matter
  • Book of movement of work books and inserts in them
  • Journal of registration of orders for admission, transfer, dismissal

3.2 Procedure and deadlines for processing documents

When an employee is dismissed due to the expiration of a fixed-term contract, Art. 9. 79 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) the employee must be warned in writing at least three days before dismissal.

3.3 The employment contract may be terminated by agreement of the parties at any time (Article 78 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is necessary to draw up an agreement to terminate the employment contract.

3.4 An HR department employee begins processing the employee’s dismissal from work by drawing up an order.

3.5 The dismissal order is drawn up according to the unified form T-8, approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated January 58, 2004 No. 1 “on the unified form of primary documentation for recording labor and its payment”

3.6 All orders for dismissal are agreed upon with the immediate supervisor of the structural unit from which the employee is leaving. The order to dismiss the financially responsible person is additionally agreed upon and endorsed by the chief accountant of the organization.

3.7 An order to dismiss the said officials with visas is submitted to the General Director for signature.

3.8 The dismissal order is signed by the general director of the organization, or in his absence by the person who has received the appropriate authority.

3.9 The dismissal order must be registered in the journal for registering orders for the admission, transfer and dismissal of employees.

3.10 The HR department employee takes a copy of the signed and registered order and files it in his personal file.

3.11 Based on the order of dismissal from work, on the day of the employee’s dismissal, relevant entries are made in his work book.

3.12 The dismissal entry entered into the work book is certified by the signature of the employer or the person responsible for maintaining work books and the seal of the organization.

3.13 Upon dismissal of an employee, all entries made in his work book during his time working in the organization are additionally certified by the signature of the employee himself.

3.14 Before issuing a work book, an employee of the HR department checks the presence of signatures of officials on the bypass sheet.

3.15 The work book is issued to the employee strictly on the day of dismissal. 3.16 Upon receipt of his work book, the employee signs in the book recording the movement of work books and inserts in them. Information about the dismissal of an employee is entered by the HR department employee into his personal card.

3.17 On the day of dismissal, the employee signs his personal card.

3.18 A copy of the dismissal order and a bypass sheet are filed in the employee’s personal file.

3.19 Upon written application from the employee, the HR department specialist issues him certified copies of work-related documents: copies of orders, salary certificates, etc.

4. Procedure for registering vacations

Vacations are issued with the following set of documents:

  • Hand written application
  • Vacation schedule
  • Notification of the start of vacation
  • Time sheet
  • Order on granting leave
  • note-calculation

4.1.Procedure and deadlines for processing documents

The order of provision of annual paid leave is determined in accordance with the vacation schedule.

4.2. The vacation schedule is approved by the general director of the organization annually no later than two weeks before the start of the calendar year. The vacation schedule is drawn up according to the unified form No. T-7, approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated 01/05/2004 No. 1 “On the unified form of primary documentation for recording labor and its payment”

4.3 Based on the vacation schedule, the employee must be notified of the start time of the vacation no later than two weeks before it starts.

4.4 The form for notification of the start of vacation is developed by HR department specialists and approved by the General Director.

4.5 Based on the vacation schedule, an order is issued to grant vacation to the employee.

4.6 The order for granting leave is drawn up according to the unified form No. T-6, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated 01/05/2004 No. 1 “On the unified form of primary documentation for recording labor and its payment.”

4.7 Information about granting leave to an employee is entered by a specialist from the HR department in his personal card.

4.8 Based on the order for granting leave, a working time sheet is filled out.

5. Procedure for registering an employee’s transfer

There are the following types of transfers to another job:

  • transfer to work in the same organization at the initiative of the employer
  • transfer to a permanent job in another organization
  • transfer to another location together with the organization

5.1 All transfers are permitted only with the written consent of the employee.

5.2 The employer has the right to transfer an employee for a period of up to one month to work not stipulated by the employment contract in case of production necessity.

5.3 Moving him in the same organization to another workplace, another structural unit of the same organization in the same area is not a transfer to another job and requires the consent of the employee, if this does not entail a change in the labor function and a change in the essential terms of the employment contract.

5.4 An application for transfer to another job is the employee’s written consent to the transfer. The application is written in one copy.

5.5 Executive visas are stamped on the application.

5.6 The HR department employee issues an order (instruction) on the transfer of the employee. The order is announced to the employee against signature. The original order remains for storage in the personnel department.

In practice, there is such a thing as interchangeability of employees. This means that during the absence of one employee, his job functions are fully assigned to another person. As a rule, workers performing related functions are interchangeable.
But this is not an exclusive rule, since the determination of interchangeability is made by the organization’s management at its own discretion.

Therefore, if an employee, in addition to his professional skills, has knowledge and skills in any related specialty, then he may well be appointed to replace an employee who is absent for some reason. However, it is worth noting that this is a very infrequent practice.

Order on assigning duties to the chief accountant

Assigning the job functions of the chief accountant to another employee is possible in several cases:

  • Temporary disability of the chief accountant. During illness, it is necessary to delegate his activities to another employee from the accounting department;
  • The accountant is on another paid leave or leave without pay. In any case, the period of absence from work will be very long. In this regard, the work of the department may actually be suspended. To prevent this, the functions of the employee can be performed by another specialist;
  • When dismissing an employee, the employer or manager is obliged to assign functions to another employee. Such an employee will perform the work of an accountant until another employee is appointed to a permanent position.

In all cases, the assignment of additional functions to an absent employee is carried out by issuing a special order. This act is approved by the employer.

Assigning the duties of the chief accountant to the director

Since the chief accountant is one of the first persons of the enterprise, his functions can be assigned to a superior person. This position is held by the director. This decision of the manager may be made in connection with the employee’s incapacity for work or his absence from this position for any other valid reasons.

Order on assignment of duties during vacation

If the organization has a large number of employees, it is necessary to establish the distribution of their responsibilities. This will clearly outline the responsibilities of each person. This decision is formalized by issuing an appropriate order or regulation on the distribution of responsibilities among the organization’s personnel.

This document also contains an indication of the interchangeability of employees in the company. As a rule, this is reflected after the text about the specific responsibilities of the employee. A record is made of the performance of additional functions during the vacation period of another employee. This activity becomes one of the person’s job responsibilities.

Assignment of labor protection responsibilities

Occupational safety and health is one of the priority areas of the organization's management. Every enterprise must have a person responsible for labor protection. If such a position is not provided for in the staffing table, then labor protection functions can be assigned to the deputy head of the organization or directly to the director.

Industrial safety and ensuring decent working conditions require certain knowledge from the employee. Therefore, persons replacing employees in these positions must undergo special training.
Appointment to this position occurs through the issuance of an order.

Order on assigning responsibilities for personnel records management

If the organization's team is small, then maintaining a personnel department is impractical. Therefore, you can assign these actions to a specific employee. Like any other personnel decision, this is formalized by an appropriate order from the manager. The form of the specified document is standard. Such a decision is made in accordance with the internal rules of office work. The determination of the specific person who will be assigned the relevant tasks is carried out exclusively by the manager. Only he has the right to make such decisions.
