Is it possible to do business without registration? How to legally run a business without registering an individual entrepreneur. Obtain a license if your type of activity is licensed

All types of activities that do not require registration of an individual entrepreneur are clearly stated in state legislation, so any person who wants to become financially independent can open their own business without registering an individual entrepreneur. Activities that do not require registration become more popular during periods of economic crisis; in such times, people begin to think more about developing their own business or implementing some small commercial projects.

But at the first stages, the entrepreneur is always little aware of the list of activities that do not require registration. To be competent in this matter, you need to study the list of all permitted activities, the implementation of which does not require registration. It is worth noting that tax evasion and work without a license are always severely punished by state legislation.

Business without registration has a number of positive characteristics:

  • low level of risk;
  • no threat of bankruptcy;
  • the ability to combine several types of activities;
  • fairly flexible nature of employment;
  • minimum investment to start;
  • no restrictions on age and social status.
Business without registration opens up many opportunities for every person. Even a housewife, a mother on maternity leave or a young student can start developing her own business. The state does not limit people in entrepreneurial development in any way.

Legislative aspects

If you decide to start your own business, then first make sure that the type of employment you choose is not entrepreneurial activity; such a business has the following characteristics:

  • purchase or creation of property for subsequent sale for the purpose of obtaining net profit;
  • carrying out financial transactions that involve the purchase or sale of goods and services;
  • a clear algorithm for the sequence of business transactions;
  • formal relationships with clients or suppliers, sellers and intermediaries.

To fully explain all legislative aspects, you need to look at the Unified State Registration of Individual Enterprises (USRIP). If you do not find the type of activity you need in this classifier, then you can safely begin to implement your commercial plan.

Pay attention!!! The state legislation of the Russian Federation provides for criminal liability for illegal business activities, which is regulated by Article 171 of the Code.
Be extremely careful at the start, open your business, guided by all legislative aspects. Make sure that you do not need to open an individual entrepreneur so as not to have problems with the law!

Allowed directions

If you do not want to open an individual entrepreneur, then check out the general list of activities that do not require registration:

  • work on growing and caring for agricultural plants;
  • carrying out work on grinding grain crops;
  • tutoring;
  • grazing and caring for cattle;
  • maintenance of premises (cleaning, cleaning);
  • caring for people (adults, children);
  • assistance with household work (caring for animals, cleaning and cooking, keeping the house in order, providing food for the family, etc.);
  • provision of entertainment services, musical accompaniment, holding special events, weddings, anniversaries, professional dance services, circus performances, organization of dance programs;
  • animator services, photo processing, photographer services, professional video filming, design processing of materials, etc.;
  • breeding and selling animals, keeping adult animals in the house (applies only to cats and dogs);
  • care, maintenance, training and education of domestic animals, with the exception of cattle (farm animals);
  • provision of translation services for various materials and texts, secretarial services, etc.;
  • maintenance of instruments for measuring parameters, height, weight of people;
  • maintenance and repair of small leather goods, hats, various accessories, fur and other valuable products;
  • provision of real estate for rent (except for long stays - more than fifteen days).

If you have any questions or difficulties in studying the permitted areas of activity, then be sure to contact the tax inspectorate for help. There they will be able to provide you with detailed advice, choose the type of employment and help you open your own business.

Payment of single tax

Despite the fact that the above types of business activities do not require registration, you will still have to contact the state tax office in order to start engaging in the chosen activity. You can start your own business without opening an individual entrepreneur only after paying a single tax, so as not to have problems with the law. An entrepreneur without registering as an individual entrepreneur must contact the regional office of the tax inspectorate at his place of residence and submit the appropriate application so that the authorities can accurately calculate the amount of the single tax in the form of a fixed payment. In the application, in addition to all basic data, you must indicate the selected type of entrepreneurial activity (type of business). The amount of the fixed payment will be influenced by two factors:

  • selected type of business activity;
  • location of the commercial project.

Pay attention!!! Tax authorities calculate a fixed payment based on an individual request; all regions have different tariffs and standards, so you can only find out the exact amount of the payment at the tax office.

You will be able to open a business only after the government operation is put into effect; you will receive permission to operate after paying a single tax.

Conditions for providing benefits

The legislation of the Russian Federation guarantees state benefits when starting a business without registering an individual entrepreneur for specific social groups. The Tax Inspectorate reduces the fixed payment by twenty percent when registering a business activity for the following population groups:

  • individuals who have reached a certain age (after retirement);
  • taxpayers who have a disability group;
  • individuals who have three or more minor children (parents or adoptive parents);
  • taxpayers who support children with a disability group (up to eighteen years of age).

Pay attention!!! Absolutely all pensioners can claim the benefit, regardless of the level of pension paid!

The state provides a twenty percent discount starting from the next month of the accounting period. That is, if you applied for the benefit in December, then it will begin to apply in January.

Immediately after this, you will be able to sell your business at a preferential individual rate, which will be assigned to you forever (or for an immediately determined period). If an individual falls under two of the above points at once, then the tax payment rate will be reduced by forty-five percent. To find out all types of business activities that can be carried out without registering an individual entrepreneur, you will need to contact the tax office for advice.

Having looked at the main types of activities, the implementation of which does not require official registration of an individual entrepreneur, you probably noticed that some of them require certain financial investments. For example, you won’t be able to do photography and editing without a professional camera and processing equipment, and event hosts can’t do without special equipment. You may be wondering what type of employment to choose?

Basically, business using professional equipment and technology is more promising and in demand. Such types of activities are more valued in the market, and besides, you always have the opportunity to create good competitiveness for your business. But it is worth mentioning the risks of this activity, which lie in the level of professionalism. But, if you have already decided to invest money in your favorite business, then you should take care of advertising your services. You can easily find clients even without opening an individual entrepreneur; you can tell people about your services on the Internet or through the media. By investing a small amount of money at the start, you can provide yourself with:

  • permanent and stable income;
  • the opportunity to do what you love;
  • flexible work schedule;
  • opportunity for creative development;
  • financial independence or additional income.

Types of activities that do not require investment

Today, even an ordinary housewife or a young student can open their own small business. To start earning money on your own, you don’t have to make any investments; you can provide services even without special knowledge and skills. For example, you can start from scratch the following types of entrepreneurship:

  • tutor services;
  • caring for animals, walking dogs, raising puppies and kittens;
  • cleaning residential premises, servicing household needs, purchasing food, etc.;
  • care for disabled people and children, assistance in agricultural activities.

As you can see, the choice is quite wide, everyone can find something to their liking. Despite the fact that these types of activities are not as promising as the previous ones, they also have a number of significant advantages:

  • absence of any risks at the start;
  • constant need in the labor market;
  • possibility of combining with the main activity;
  • absence of barriers to entry into the market;
  • relatively low competition in the labor market;
  • no need for special knowledge or skills;
  • the ability to set individual tariffs for services;
  • lack of pressure from government agencies.

As you can see, starting your own business is not at all difficult. But do not forget that even activities that do not require investment need advertising. Building your own business strategy will allow you to easily cope with your competitors and find regular customers who will provide you with a stable income.

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The question of whether it is possible to trade without an individual entrepreneur is relevant for quite a large number of Russians. Among them there are those who do not want to pay taxes at all. But many people simply do not dare to register due to uncertainty about the success of their new business. Beginners want to try first: what if it doesn’t work out?

Owners of online stores are also thinking about the need to register as an individual entrepreneur, believing that their income is not subject to taxation. This is a common misconception. There are signs of entrepreneurial activity defined by law, and trading on the Internet fully complies with them.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with official registration, while trading without registering an individual entrepreneur is an offense for which tax, administrative and even criminal liability is provided. The exception is the sale of crop and livestock products obtained on a subsidiary farm or in a country house. It is hardly worth starting your business by breaking the law.

Advantages of registering as an individual entrepreneur

The procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur is extremely simplified. Registration with the tax authorities is carried out by submitting an application. The tax amounts are quite feasible, especially in cases of application of special regimes (UTII, simplified tax system) or a patent. But the status of an entrepreneur opens up great opportunities for doing business:

  • concluding official contracts with suppliers;
  • access to credit resources;
  • bold promotional activities;
  • receiving government support;
  • the possibility of obtaining a labor pension in the future;
  • the main thing is consumer trust and increased sales.

Engaging in trade involves continuous business development: expanding the range, increasing turnover, leading to greater profits. Working underground, you will not be able to achieve the desired results.

Successful trading without registering an individual entrepreneur is possible only if the activity is carried out by a legal entity, for example an LLC. But it is more profitable and convenient for a novice businessman to obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur. The paperwork in this case is minimal. To prepare reports, you do not need to hire an accountant; keeping records yourself is not difficult. In addition, there are many services on the Internet for filling out tax returns and other necessary documents. If things don’t work out at all, which happens very rarely, you can close the IP in 1 day.

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What activities are entrepreneurial?

When identifying the fact of sale without registration of an individual entrepreneur (of any goods), excuses that this is not a business activity at all will not help. Even if the seller has another main job.

Based on the content of Art. 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, we can highlight the main criteria by which the fact of entrepreneurship is established. Economic activity (trade, provision of services, performance of work, rental of property) must be independent, systematic and aimed at making a profit.

The purchase of any product and its further resale at a markup (even minimal) implies making a profit. It doesn’t matter where you trade: a market, a garage, just a street or an online store. An activity is considered systematic if it is carried out more than once a year.

The legislator provided the opportunity for gardeners, market gardeners, summer residents, and owners of personal farmsteads to sell their harvested crops without any registration. According to Art. 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the sale of livestock products produced on a private farm is not subject to taxation. Amateur flower growers are not considered entrepreneurs either.

It is necessary to conclude an agreement with the administration of the market or other trading enterprise, on the territory of which the specified goods are supposed to be sold, to provide a place to work. In this case, it is necessary to have a certificate confirming that the products were actually produced on a personal farm or at a summer cottage. Such a certificate can be obtained from the district or village administration, as well as from the board of a horticultural partnership or dacha cooperative.

In other cases, regular trading without proper documents is impossible. Having carried out a test purchase, employees of regulatory authorities can easily establish the fact of trade without registering an individual entrepreneur and record an offense. Then the inevitable sanctions will follow.

Beginning businessmen often do not know whether it is possible to trade without an individual entrepreneur if an application for registration has already been submitted, but the certificate has not yet been received. In this case, commercial activity is also considered a violation. In practice, if you have documents confirming the filing of an application for tax registration, you can count on the leniency of the inspectors. But it’s better, of course, not to take risks, but to wait to receive the certificate (only 5 days) in order to protect yourself from possible troubles.

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Consequences of trading in the absence of a registered individual entrepreneur

The activities of entrepreneurs who have not registered as individual entrepreneurs or LLCs are not legal and lead to administrative, tax and criminal liability for the perpetrators.

According to Art. 14.1 of the Administrative Code, the amount of the administrative fine can range from 500 to 2000 rubles. More impressive amounts of fines are provided for in Art. 116 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. For violation of the deadline for tax registration, you will have to pay 10,000 rubles, for work without registration - 10% of the income received, but not less than 40,000 rubles.

Criminal prosecution occurs if the income of the guilty person exceeds 1,000,000 rubles (Article 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). However, newcomers are unlikely to receive such a significant income, so criminal penalties are rarely used. This circumstance should not reassure violators. The amount of administrative and tax fines is quite significant.

It should be noted that the imposition of a fine does not relieve the merchant from the obligation to pay taxes accrued for the entire period of work without proper registration. In addition, penalties and fines will be added for late payment of taxes.

Official registration of a business allows you to avoid high costs of paying fines and opens up broad prospects for developing your own business.

Is it possible start a business without registration? Many aspiring entrepreneurs start their activities without official registration. If, for example, a person is busy all day at a hired job, and in the evening he does what he loves as a part-time job. Well, he earns a little extra.

Situations of doing business without registration are quite common:

— my neighbor rents out an apartment. In fact, he runs his own small business - renting out real estate;

— a woman sews at home. She already has regular clients who come to her again and again for perfectly tailored suits, skirts and dresses;

— A car mechanic works part-time in a garage, fulfilling orders for repairing private cars.

Is it worth running a business without registration?

In what case should this be done? There are two factors to take into account:

- the first one is legal,

- the second is common sense.

From a legal point of view, any business activity on the territory of the Russian Federation is subject to mandatory registration.

He talks about this as civil(Article 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), and tax legislation (Articles 116, 117 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

What measures can be applied if you conduct business without state registration?

In accordance with civil legislation, carrying out business activities without state registration entails a fine in the amount of 500 to 2000 rubles.

In this case, entrepreneurial activity is recognized as activity that, on the one hand, is carried out with the aim of making a profit, and on the other hand, is of a systematic nature.

An activity that is repeated more than twice a year is considered systematic. Thus, if you provided a car repair service to a neighbor twice a year, took money from him for it, and the neighbor was dissatisfied. Then he may well complain about you. And if you gave a receipt for receiving the money, then you will definitely face a fine.

In addition to the administrative penalty, the “hidden” entrepreneur also faces tax liability.

Article 116 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides for the imposition of a fine for late submission of an application for registration with the tax authorities. For a delay of 90 days, you must pay a fine of 10 thousand rubles.

Article 117 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes the amount of the fine for conducting business activities without registration - 20% of the amount of income received, but not less than 20 thousand rubles in the first 90 days, 40% of income, but not less than 40 thousand rubles, during the period after 90 days from the date of commencement of business.

So, the law provides for quite strict measures for entrepreneurship without official registration.

Therefore if you document your income:

- give receipts for receiving money,

- issue cash receipts,

— receive money by bank transfer

it makes sense to think about official registration.

As for common sense, is it worth leading business without individual entrepreneur registration or LLC?

It is necessary to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC when your business is regular character. At the same time, you regularly receive money from clients.

Regularly – this, of course, does not mean once a year or even once a month.

But if you make a transaction at least once a week, then it makes sense to think about official registration.

In addition, a number of legal entities pay only by bank transfer. Without registration, you simply start losing some clients and some income.

Almost every adult has sold something at least once in his life, but no one would think of calling selling grandma’s furniture entrepreneurship. But what if a person begins to purposefully search for old furniture around the city, buy it and sell it to new owners? Such activities already have the character of a business, which means that you need to register and pay taxes so that you do not have to pay a fine for illegal business activities.

You should not rely on the fact that the tax authorities turn a blind eye to an illegal business if it brings in relatively small income. To hold a person accountable for illegal business activities, even proof of income is not required. It is enough to convict him that by his actions he pursued the goal of making a profit - for example, he advertised in a newspaper or purchased goods in bulk.

What is illegal business activity

There is an opinion that the tax authorities will be interested in an entrepreneur only if he earns a serious amount. In reality this is not the case. Even if a person sends out homemade jewelry from time to time, receiving payment by cash on delivery, he must be prepared for personal attention from the tax office. It is possible to be punished for illegal business activities even with a meager income. The severity of the punishment depends on the amount of income: upon reaching a certain amount, administrative liability for illegal business develops into criminal liability.

To understand what constitutes illegal business activity, you need to understand the concept of “business activity.” The Civil Code interprets it as an activity aimed at systematically generating profit. Theoretically, two transactions of the same type in a year are enough to discern such a direction in a person’s actions.

Among the signs of entrepreneurial activity it is worth highlighting:

  • testimony of clients - persons who paid for services or goods;
  • advertising of goods and services;
  • display of product samples;
  • wholesale purchases;
  • availability of receipts for receiving money;
  • established relationships with counterparties;
  • concluding lease agreements for commercial space;
  • accounting of business transactions.

If any of the above is characteristic of a person’s activities, it is useless to focus on the lack of profit. Illegal entrepreneurship is an activity that is aimed at making a profit, but does not necessarily bring it.

Those who rent out housing may not register an individual entrepreneur: in order not to be held responsible for illegal business, you need to draw up an agreement with the tenant, file a tax return on time and pay personal income tax. The same applies to persons who have entered into a one-time sale transaction for a decent amount: by filing a declaration, the seller will save himself from proceedings with the tax authorities.

If your activity relates to the service sector, but you don’t want to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, you can provide services on the basis of contracts. This does not qualify as illegal business, but such cooperation has obvious disadvantages:

  • You cannot advertise your services;
  • tax authorities may consider such a business relationship to be an employment relationship, which will lead to problems for the customer of the services;
  • all other things being equal, the customer will prefer to cooperate with an individual entrepreneur or a company, since it will be more profitable for him.

Please note: since 2019, persons who independently provide services in the territory of Moscow, the Moscow and Kaluga regions and Tatarstan can legalize their activities as .

To engage in business fully, you need to register properly. This is very easy to do with the help of our free document preparation service: the procedure itself will take little time, and a certificate of state registration will be issued within three working days.

If you continue to conduct illegal business activities, the consequences can be very unpleasant - from fines to imprisonment.

Punishment for illegal business activities

Illegal business carries tax, administrative and criminal liability. Employees of the tax inspectorate, police, prosecutor's office, antimonopoly authorities, and consumer market supervisory authorities are authorized to expose illegal business activities. The reason for the inspection will be a signal from vigilant citizens: for example, a client of an illegal taxi driver will be dissatisfied with the service and file a complaint.

Tax officials in court are seeking compensation from the owner of an illegal business for taxes that, due to the latter’s fault, the state did not receive. Punishment for an individual for illegal business activities will involve payment of personal income tax in the amount of proven income and late fees. In addition, tax evasion is punishable by:

  • 10% of the amount of income derived from illegal business activities, but at least 20 thousand rubles, constitutes a fine for an entrepreneur who has not submitted an application to the Federal Tax Service to register his own business;
  • 20% of the income, but at least 40 thousand rubles, will be paid by an entrepreneur who has been conducting an illegal business for more than 90 days;
  • Entrepreneurs are fined 5 thousand rubles for delaying business registration. This is a situation where an individual has submitted documents to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, but the fact of receiving revenue earlier has been revealed. If registration is delayed for more than 90 days, the fine doubles - 10 thousand rubles.

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for penalties. For illegal business, the fine in 2019 will be at least 500 rubles.

  • The fine for illegal business without registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC is from 500 to 2000 rubles;
  • Carrying out licensed activities by an individual without a license entails a fine of 2,000 to 2,500 rubles. Products and means of production may be confiscated.

A decision in a case of illegal business is made by a judge at the place of residence of the accused or the place of activity. The case is considered within two months from the date of drawing up the protocol on the violation, otherwise the case is not allowed to proceed.

Criminal liability for illegal business

If an illegal business causes damage to the state or citizens, the entrepreneur risks incurring criminal liability for illegal business. The articles of the Criminal Code cover the extraction of illegal income in a large amount (1.5 million rubles or more) or an especially large amount (6 million rubles or more). Prosecution in such cases is the task of the police and the prosecutor's office.

For illegal business activities, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides the following penalties:

  • for causing damage on a large scale - a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles or in the amount of the offender’s earnings for two years; Also, the punishment for an individual for illegal business activity can be 180-240 hours of compulsory labor or imprisonment for a period of 4-6 months.
  • for causing damage on an especially large scale - a fine of up to 500 thousand rubles or in the amount of the offender’s earnings for three years; imprisonment for a term of up to five years, coupled with a fine of up to 80 thousand rubles or in the amount of six months’ income.

The fine for illegal business activity may be supplemented by sanctions for related offenses: illegal use of someone else’s trademarks in business, deception of the buyer, trade in counterfeit goods.

It is unlikely that this can be done legally, since in most cases, running a business without registration risks not only problems with fines, but also criminal penalties. As a result, savings can result in even greater costs for fines and problems with the law.

But there are also small exceptions and tricks that can help you postpone the registration procedure for a while or reconsider your business plans.

Tax, administrative and civil legislation of Russia indicates that any business must be registered before starting economic or other activities.

In fact, without a state registration certificate there is no individual entrepreneur as such. There is only a person who provides services. This applies to all areas of work: from tutoring to the provision of business services. If the codes of other countries establish the possibility of carrying out some work without registration, then we simply do not have this.

The Tax Code does not specify certain types of activities that can be carried out without opening an individual entrepreneur, but it is clearly established that it is possible not to submit an application to the Federal Tax Service only if the work is not carried out constantly. And if:

  • profits from transactions are received more than twice a year.
  • the business has constant contacts with suppliers or clients and has records of profits and expenses.
  • An entrepreneur enters into transactions with a certain sequence.

Unspoken signs of illegal business activity are the presence of an office or retail outlet, as well as the company achieving a certain volume of turnover (about 200,000 rubles).

If a business has at least two of these signs, then it is already considered a business activity, which must be registered, and after that, submit reports on the basis of which tax will be paid.

Is it possible to run a business without registering as an individual entrepreneur?

Yes, but it’s worth considering that this has a significant drawback: you still have to pay taxes. But, if you still want to try, there are several options in which failure to register will not actually be a violation of the law.

Option one: work under civil contracts.

A businessman can enter into contracts with companies or people and make a profit based on them. This could be a contract, purchase and sale, royalty, work, or any other. According to the validity period, such an agreement can be designed for a one-time provision of services, or for work for a certain time.

If such an agreement is concluded, it is not necessary to register a business, but it is worth considering that you still need to report the funds received to the tax service, only as an individual.

Option two: sell goods.

Selling goods without registering an activity is a more complex topic. The fact is that classic trade turnover is associated with the issuance of checks, registration of accounting books and subsequent submission of reports to the tax service. Therefore, in order to sell goods without registering a business activity, you can work according to two schemes:

  • dropshipping.
That is, the sale of a product without physical contact with it. The scheme of work is simple: the client orders a product and makes a payment to the intermediary, the intermediary seller transfers information about the order to the supplier and transfers payment. After this, the seller hands the goods to the client.

There are two difficulties with using this method: first, you need to work with a supplier who agrees to work according to this scheme. Secondly, agency fees are still subject to declaration.

  • intermediary manager.
Everything is simpler here: the entrepreneur looks for a client, enters into an agreement with him and transfers the completed documents to the supplier. After this, the intermediary seller receives his agency fee.
To work under such a scheme, you need to be prepared for the fact that profit will have to be declared, and the supplier can also withhold taxes from the remuneration. As a result, making a profit will not be so profitable, since for an entrepreneur the rate would be lower than for an ordinary employee.

Option three: open a retail outlet.

Opening a retail outlet without registering a business is the most difficult task. The fact is that the turnover of any point must be documented. Therefore, the easiest legal way is to open a representative office or branch, that is, work under the brand of a registered company. In this case, the company will deal with document flow problems, and everything will be included in its reporting.

There are also special options for what you can do without registering as an individual entrepreneur.

This could be handicrafts, providing assistance in cleaning and caring for the house, garden, or other household work. Internet business stands out separately: since the entrepreneur does not have an office and physical goods, contact with the buyer, it is more difficult to interact with him.
Typically, the tax service does not pay attention to such small businesses.

At the moment, these are the simplest legal ways to work. It is worth remembering that all these types of activities in the Russian Federation are real, but inconvenient due to difficulties with the law. In most cases, such options for doing business depend on the management of another company, that is, in fact, a business without registration will mean dependence on other people and their peculiarities of doing business.

How long can you work without registration?

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation states that before starting a business activity, you need to register your business activity.

This means that you cannot work without registering a business. In practice, you can carry out entrepreneurial activity for a maximum of a month or two, no more. This measure can be resorted to if you need to urgently start work or open a retail outlet during the paperwork process.

What happens if the tax authorities pay attention to a business without an individual entrepreneur?

The law directly states that a person cannot carry out any kind of business activity without registration - first you need to submit documents, and you can start work only after receiving a certificate. If this is not done, the entrepreneur falls under several types of liability:

  • Administrative responsibility.
For the fact that an entrepreneur did not notify the tax authorities on time - a fine or a criminal case.
  • Tax liability.
If tax audits have been carried out and it has been established that the entrepreneur has been providing services or selling goods for a long time, then he may be charged the amount of taxes for a certain period. This period will be considered the date from the start of work to the date of the tax audit and detection of the violation.

The amount of the fine and accrued taxes not received by the state will depend on what the individual entrepreneur’s profit was (based on checks, contracts or other facts) and what type of activity he carries out.

If you think that this may not affect you, then you are mistaken. A dissatisfied partner, a client, or an overly vigilant citizen can contact the tax service. And, of course, the Federal Tax Service itself can pay attention to the movement of funds through accounts belonging to an individual, to the drawing up of agreements that are regularly registered as transactions on behalf of an individual.

As a result, you can pay much more than with official registration, plus pay an administrative fine and come to the attention of the tax police. Therefore, an individual entrepreneur can work without registration, but it is not profitable. Paying taxes is always cheaper than paying a fine once and paying tax fees for the entire period of conducting illegal business activities.

A few words about taxes

Most often, those who think that they need to pay a lot are thinking about how to work without opening an individual entrepreneur. In fact, this is not always the case: there are different taxation regimes, and the legislation itself provides for the opportunity to work at a zero rate, that is, without paying taxes.
It is also possible to simply submit zero reporting (which does not exempt you from paying other contributions), which significantly reduces the cost of paying taxes.

So should I register or not?

If you are still in doubt, then our lawyers recommend registering an individual entrepreneur as soon as possible. It's all about your financial security and business sustainability. Registration will cost 800 rubles, while fines and accrued amounts of unpaid tax will be much higher.
