Job description for an electrician for repairing electrical equipment. Examples of job descriptions for an electrician. Responsibilities of an electrician for maintaining the facility.

One of the most sought-after professions in the field of energy is He is engaged in installation and repair work with electrical equipment. This profession is considered particularly dangerous, since there is a high probability of getting electrocuted while performing tasks.

Therefore, a professional who holds this position needs to not only be attentive, but also clearly know how to protect himself in case of problems. It is important for such a specialist to have precise knowledge of repair and maintenance. He is also required to undergo technical retraining every five years. Employees can receive different categories of access - from the second to the sixth inclusive.

General provisions

The specialists hired for this position are workers. To get a job, a person needs to have a specialized secondary education, the profile of which corresponds to the work assigned to the employee. Masters up to the third category can be hired for positions without experience. The main supervisor of an electrician is an official engaged in management activities in the administrative and economic sphere of the enterprise.

Required knowledge

The job description of an electrician for repair and maintenance of category 2 and above implies that the employee must have special knowledge regarding his work. He is obliged to study all regulatory documents, including orders from superiors, orders and instructions that relate to his specialty. In addition, he must know basic information about electrical engineering, telemechanics, radio engineering and other electronic circuits, instruments and apparatus. He should definitely learn all the principles of operation and design of equipment in the enterprise, as well as its characteristics and design features.

The job description of an electrician for repair and maintenance of the 3rd category implies that he is obliged to maintain and know the measurement accuracy of machines and other equipment whose power does not exceed 1 thousand watts. In addition, he must know how to repair electronic circuits of television equipment and autonomous control systems for electrical equipment. This qualification implies that the employee is familiar with how to conduct complex tests of electronic equipment. He must have a thorough knowledge of the rules for the safe installation of electronic networks in life-threatening conditions, including possible fires and explosions during repair or installation.

Other knowledge

The job description of an electrician for repair and maintenance of the 4th category assumes that the specialist must know how electronic circuits and other technical documents relating to equipment and the electrical network are compiled. In addition, he must understand the normal load on transformers, motors, networks, cable and wire equipment. It is important that the worker can immediately identify signs of breakdown or damage to devices and cables. He should also know how to troubleshoot the problem.

The responsibilities of a worker of this category also include organizing and performing electrical installation work. He must know how the standards are calculated not only for electricity, but also for any spare parts of equipment and other materials necessary for repair and maintenance. The employee is obliged to comply with the internal labor regulations and safety regulations at the enterprise. This specialist is subordinate to the deputy director and the administrative administrator.


The job description of an electrician for repair and maintenance implies that he is assigned certain functions. Firstly, he is obliged to inspect power networks and lighting of the entire enterprise or its specific divisions. Secondly, the worker must monitor the shields and engines equipped with starting equipment. His responsibilities include inspecting and checking the serviceability of all technological equipment. He must monitor the quality of grounding at all facilities, as well as its integrity.

The job description of an electrician for the repair and maintenance of housing and communal services implies that he is required to make inscriptions on power panels, lighting devices and various motors powered by electricity and other electronic equipment located at the enterprise. He must identify and eliminate faults that affect distribution or lighting networks. In addition, it is this person who is responsible for repairing, replacing and cleaning lighting equipment. He also inspects and replaces or repairs outlets at the enterprise.


The job description of an electrician for repair and maintenance of the 5th category implies that he is obliged to identify and eliminate any damage and deviations in the operation of switching and ballast equipment. He must also carry out maintenance of individual devices in the enterprise. He is obliged to promptly make connections to the power supply, as well as to distribution devices. He measures the voltage on the housing of lighting equipment during its connection and termination of operation, checks design diagrams, and cleans equipment that operates with electricity. His responsibilities include relieving voltage and replacing automatic power supply equipment for plant lighting fixtures.

Other responsibilities

The job description of an electrician for repair and maintenance implies that a specialist must clean contacts, tighten them, as well as connect equipment to the network and disconnect it. Periodically, he is required to measure the load on the electrical network in different places and measure the resistance of insulating materials using a megohmmeter. Repair all lighting equipment. Connect mobile electrical receivers to the enterprise network.

The job description of an electrician for repair and maintenance of the 6th category implies that he must carry out maintenance and repair of street lighting of the enterprise. He is obliged to take a direct part in repair and maintenance work, as well as during the maintenance of all electrical equipment that is available at the enterprise, including its disassembly, assembly and adjustment, as well as other work with electromagnetic and magnetoelectric systems. He must supervise the performance of repairs and other work by employees with less qualifications.

In addition, the specialist is required to paint external appliances and devices, reconstruct equipment, process insulating materials, including fibers, getinaks and textolites. He regularly checks the markings of various circuits, identifies and eliminates failures, malfunctions and other breakdowns of electrical equipment, depending on his access level.


The job description of an electrician for repair and maintenance implies that a specialist holding this position has the right to familiarize himself with acts, orders and other documentation directly related to his work. He can also offer his ideas and suggestions to managers.

If an employee notices any violations, he has the right to contact management to notify him of the problem and offer his own option for eliminating it. An employee may make requests to obtain documents necessary for him in the performance of his duties. He may require assistance in his work.


The job description of an electrician for repair and maintenance implies that the employee is responsible for his actions, including for the improper performance of his duties, which are provided for by the regulations, acts and instructions of the enterprise.

He is also responsible for violating any rules at the enterprise, including safety and sanitation. During his work, he is responsible for any deviations from the current legislation of the country. In addition, he may be charged with causing material damage to the organization.

In conclusion

The electrician's instructions may vary depending on the needs and size of the business. The level of access of a specialist to equipment, as a rule, is determined by the rank of a particular specialist. But the general provisions for all representatives of this position are similar.

Many people know that there is a profession of an electrician. However, not everyone understands what its essence is. Meanwhile, the responsibilities of an electrician are quite extensive. This specialist primarily eliminates breakdowns and malfunctions in complex equipment. Let us consider further what exactly his work is.

Electrician: origin of the specialty

The name has Latin-French roots. If we translate the term literally, then an electrician is a corrector of the functioning of equipment. His task is to achieve maximum durability and efficiency of the equipment. The profession arose thanks to the invention of N. Tesla. It should be noted that over quite a long period of its existence, the specialty has hardly changed. Of course, with the development of technology, the responsibilities of an electrician have expanded significantly, and his knowledge has become more versatile. At the same time, the requirements for specialists have become more stringent. Currently, there are special regulations in force that establish the categories of electricians. Specialists undergo special training, education, and constantly improve their skills.

What is the job?

The electrician must:

  1. Ensure uninterrupted operation of equipment. As part of this task, the specialist performs diagnostics of electrical and mechanical systems, eliminates detected faults, carries out preventive flushing of parts and cleaning of contacts.
  2. Study the operating conditions of equipment to identify factors contributing to premature wear and take measures to eliminate them.
  3. Conduct training for persons in direct contact with electrical devices. The specialist must explain the operating rules and safety precautions.
  4. Participate in the installation of equipment.
  5. Prepare requests for the purchase of spare parts and special tools.
  6. Master and implement progressive methods of device maintenance.

Personal qualities

An electrician servicing electrical equipment operates in rather dangerous conditions. Every day a specialist is at risk of electric shock. Complicating the situation is the fact that electricians often work in very cramped and unfavorable conditions. Therefore, quite high demands are placed on such specialists. An electrician who repairs electrical devices must first of all be physically resilient. Among the personal qualities of a specialist are:

  1. Stress resistance.
  2. Responsibility.
  3. Attentiveness.
  4. Accuracy.
  5. Creativity.
  6. Sense of balance.
  7. The ability to correctly and quickly navigate emergency situations.
  8. Developed visual, effective and imaginative thinking.
  9. Performance.
  10. Discipline.

These are the most basic qualities that an electrician should have. The connections between these characteristics and the availability of the required amount of knowledge in various scientific fields provide an effective solution to the assigned problems.

Advantages of the specialty

The main advantage of the profession is its demand. High-level specialists are needed everywhere and always, both in the private sector and in the manufacturing sector. Young electricians get jobs quite easily. Another advantage of the specialty is decent earnings. Today, the average salary of an electrician in the country is in the range of 30-40 thousand rubles. A good specialist can additionally provide services to the public privately. Enterprising electricians even create their own companies to serve citizens and businesses. Another undoubted advantage of the specialty is the ease of obtaining it. Almost every city has an educational institution where you can learn to become an electrician.


The main disadvantages of the profession include the constant presence of threats to health and life, and stressful situations. Careless movement can lead to the death of a specialist. Moreover, problems often have to be resolved quickly when every minute counts.

Another disadvantage is the work schedule. According to general rules, electricians work in shifts. However, in an emergency situation, accidents can occur even at night. Another important point concerns the volume of knowledge of the specialist. It should be understood that the complexity and responsibility of the activity requires certain skills and experience. Therefore, an education diploma alone is not enough here. Training must be taken very seriously.

Local regulatory documents

Like other similar documents developed for other specialties, the job description of an electrician includes general provisions, rights, and tasks of specialists. It also establishes the responsibility of employees for violating regulations.

The job description of an electrician is mandatory for compliance in all enterprises, regardless of the type of ownership. This document regulates the relationship between the specialist and the employer. The company also has occupational safety instructions for electricians. This act regulates issues related to safety precautions.

Labor safety instructions for an electrician are drawn up taking into account the tasks performed by a specialist of one or another qualification. Each employee becomes familiar with the contents of the document before signing it.

Description of activity

An electrician belongs to the category of workers. He is directly subordinate to the chief power engineer. The position of an electrician can be held by a citizen who has a secondary specialized education in the relevant profile. In addition, the person must have at least 1 year of experience in a similar specialty.

Enrollment and dismissal are carried out by order of the manager on the proposal of the immediate superior or personnel service.

Required knowledge

An electrician must know:

  1. Fundamentals of radio, electrical engineering, electronics.
  2. Construction of electrical units, machines, measuring instruments.
  3. Technical characteristics, principle of operation, device design.
  4. Provisions of local documents regulating the activities of a specialist.
  5. Procedure for servicing devices.
  6. Methods and rules for assessing the functional state of mechanisms, machines, devices, devices.
  7. Automatic adjustment and control circuits, methods for troubleshooting them.
  8. Procedure for handling electrical production materials.
  9. The procedure for comprehensive testing of instruments, electrical apparatus, and installations.
  10. Methods and standards for repairs and installation of networks in fire and explosion situations.
  11. The procedure for drawing up electrical diagrams and other technical documentation.
  12. The operating principle of automatic protection.
  13. Electrical circuits for switching distribution devices.
  14. Signs of equipment damage and how to eliminate them.
  15. Permitted loads on electric motors, transformers, conducting lines of different sections.
  16. Rules and regulations of safety, health, fire protection.
  17. Fundamentals of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  18. Internal regulations of the enterprise.


The responsibilities of an electrician include, first of all, ensuring proper and trouble-free operation and proper operation of electrical devices, units, and installations. Local regulations provide a list of activities that a specialist must perform. Electrician responsibilities include:

  1. Adjustment, regulation, troubleshooting in critical, experimental areas of technological systems, communications of automatic lines.
  2. Disassembly, assembly, troubleshooting, installation of various types of high-voltage installations with voltages greater than 15 kW.
  3. Adjustment, maintenance, regulation of electronic devices, welding machines of various designs and types, pulsed, electronic, ultrasonic units, remote protection of automatic reserve start systems, units using an elemental semiconductor base.
  4. Installation/dismantling, troubleshooting of cable lines of special pipelines filled with oil and gas under pressure.
  5. Checking the accuracy classes of measuring instruments.
  6. Elimination of breakdowns in epoxy terminations of high-voltage networks, installation of couplings between aluminum and copper conductors.

The specialist’s tasks include preparing units for commissioning, testing electrical devices, motors, transformers after troubleshooting them. The responsibilities of an electrician also include regulating complex equipment, ensuring the rational and careful use of spare parts, materials, and tools.


An electrician can:

  1. Act independently within the limits of competence.
  2. Improve your qualifications and attend training events.
  3. Seek advice on issues beyond his competence from other specialists.
  4. Submit proposals to the head of the organization aimed at improving operating conditions.
  5. Interact with company departments on official issues.
  6. Inform the manager about detected shortcomings in the organization’s work and submit proposals for eliminating them.
  7. Do not start performing tasks if there is a threat to health/life.
  8. Require the manager to create appropriate conditions for carrying out his activities and ensuring safety.


Sanctions may be applied to a specialist within the framework of current legislation if he fails to comply with the requirements of regulations. The electrician is responsible for:

  1. Quality of execution of assigned tasks.
  2. Failure to comply with safety regulations.
  3. Contents of documents that are sent to the management of the enterprise.
  4. Reliability of information provided about the functional state of the units.
  5. Violation of regulations.
  6. Independence of actions and their results.

Sanctions against a specialist are applied in accordance with the seriousness of the violation and the severity of the consequences.

1. Job description of an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of the 4th category of energy supply service


1.1. The main task of an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of the 4th category is the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, electrical machines, electric starting equipment, electrical networks with a voltage of 0.4 kV, and electric lighting equipment.

1.2. Electrician for electrical repair and maintenance. equipment 4 rub. is appointed and dismissed from the position of the enterprise after agreement with the deputy for technical parts and the leading energy engineer.

1.3. For the position of email. Electrical repair and maintenance technician equipment 4 rub. a person who has reached the age of 18, has a special education, has passed a medical examination, training, and tested knowledge of the Rules to the extent of the requirements determined by the profession and has received a certificate is appointed.

1.4. Email Electrical repair and maintenance technician equipment 4 rub. Reports directly to the leading energy engineer.

1.5. Email Electrical repair and maintenance technician equipment according to the job description must know:

Basics of Electrical Engineering;

Connection diagrams for active and reactive energy meters through current and voltage transformers;

Power supply diagram and location of electrical equipment in the sanatorium;

The principle of operation and design of ballasts for fluorescent lamps, as well as DRL lamps;

Methods for finding places of damage in cable networks with voltages up to 1000 V and eliminating them with the installation of connecting couplings;

Methods of protecting electrical equipment from overvoltage;

Rules for measuring with portable instruments;

Electrical diagrams of the operation of electrical equipment of lifting machines;

Operating principle and design of AC machines;

Electrical diagrams for connecting electrical machines, insulation standards and insulation testing, overload protection, grounding;

Rules for work performed without removing voltage away from live parts that are energized;

Design, purpose and conditions of use of complex instrumentation;

Techniques for finding and eliminating faults in electrical networks with voltages up to 1000 V;

Work methods and sequence of operations for disassembling, assembling, repairing and adjusting electrical machines;

Purpose and arrangement of tools, devices, mechanisms and equipment during work;

Mode of saving and rational use of electricity;

Safety rules and personal safety when performing work;

Functional responsibilities;

Structure and organization of work of the department and sanatorium;

Resolutions, instructions, orders of higher authorities, methodological, regulatory and other guidance materials relating to its work;

Dates, time and place of classes on business qualifications, general public education, civil defense, sanitary days, sanitary hours, trade union meetings and other public events;

Law of Ukraine "On Labor Protection";

Law of Ukraine "On Fire Safety";

Regulatory documents and acts on labor protection;

Labor protection rules and regulations;

Fire safety and industrial sanitation rules;

Electrical safety rules;

Internal labor regulations;

Instructions for labor protection and fire safety;

Law of Ukraine on Civil Defense;

Regulations on Civil Defense of Ukraine;

Collective agreement;

Fundamentals of labor legislation;

Job description.


2.1. The area of ​​work of an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment of the 4th category is the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, electrical machines, electric starting equipment, electrical networks with a voltage of 0.4 kV, and electric lighting equipment.

The workplace is: a hydropathic clinic, a mud bath, a heating point, a lake-mud farm, a mineral water pump room, sanatorium buildings, and a park facility.

2.2. Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment 4 rubles:

2.2.1. Prepares his workplace.

2.2.2. Conducts inspections of the technical condition of serviced equipment and electrical networks.

2.2.3. Performs constant supervision of operating electrical equipment.

2.2.4. Keeps electrical equipment in good condition.

2.2.5. Conducts technical testing of electrical equipment and networks, current and major repairs of electrical equipment and electrical networks with a voltage of 0.4 kV.

2.2.6. Takes measures to immediately eliminate causes and conditions that may cause downtime, accidents or other damage.

2.2.7. Complies with and fulfills the requirements of rules, norms and other regulatory documents on labor protection, fire, electrical and industrial safety, industrial sanitation and labor legislation.

2.2.8. Complies with and fulfills the requirements of governing and regulatory documents on civil defense and in emergency situations.

2.2.9. Working to improve his skills.

2.2.10. Complies with internal labor regulations, labor and production discipline.

2.2.11. Participates in conducting sanitary hours and days.

2.2.12. Ensures complete safety of the property entrusted to him.

2.2.13. Fulfills the requirements of the collective agreement.

3. JOB RESPONSIBILITIES Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment 4p.

Required according to the job description:

3.1. Perform the functions assigned to him efficiently and in a timely manner in accordance with the requirements of current legislation, regulations, regulations, instructions and orders of the administration.

3.2. Carry out daily tasks received from the lead energy engineer and tasks according to the approved work plan.

3.3. Put on special clothing (cotton suit), check the availability and serviceability of grounding of the equipment being serviced, the serviceability and testing dates of electrical protective equipment and personal protective equipment.

3.4. Carry out inspections of electrical equipment, electrical networks, electric lighting equipment, electric starting equipment daily in order to identify emerging defects and determine the required amount of preparatory work to be performed during scheduled repairs.

3.5. Observe the operating conditions and operating mode of the equipment in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions; loading equipment in accordance with the passport data, preventing overload situations, shift lubrication, cleaning and cleaning of operating equipment; strict adherence to the order of starting and stopping power units established by the manufacturer’s instructions; immediate shutdown of equipment in the event of abnormalities in operation that could lead to emergency failure of the equipment, taking measures to identify and eliminate these abnormalities; transfer of equipment from shift to shift, which consists of inspecting and checking the condition of mechanisms and equipment.

3.6. Promptly tighten fasteners, eliminate defects in drives and guards, replace failed components, installation products, ballast coils without disassembling the unit or its individual unit.

3.7. Carry out technical tests of electrical equipment and networks to identify hidden defects and abnormalities in the operation of equipment, carry out timely adjustment work in order to restore and improve operational characteristics.

3.8. Inspect and check the fastenings of electromagnets, limit switches, control buttons, local lighting fixtures, etc.; repair of locks and blocking the opening of doors of niches with electrical equipment; cleaning tires, wiring, terminal blocks and contact connections, device housings from dust and dirt; repair and replacement of the electric motor; check the insulation of electric motors, the condition of terminal blocks and contact connections, clean the housings of electric motors from dust and dirt, the condition and replacement of lubricant, replacement of bearings; repair of electrical equipment, checking the insulation of electrical wiring (for overheating, charring and mechanical damage), electrical wiring fastenings, serviceability of the grounding network; insulation resistance measurement; if necessary, replacement of individual sections of electrical wiring; repair and replacement of damaged pipes, metal and rubber hoses; testing and adjustment of the electrical circuit.

3.9. Carry out a complete rewiring of all electrical wiring and replacement of failed electrical equipment, routine repairs of other electrical equipment; testing and adjustment of the entire electrical circuit.

3.10. Take measures to immediately eliminate the causes and conditions that may cause downtime, an accident or other damage, and if it is not possible to eliminate these causes on your own, immediately notify the leading energy engineer or other official.

3.13. Undergo introductory, initial at-workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings, training in occupational safety and health, and testing of knowledge in occupational safety.

3.14. Comply with the rules and regulations of occupational safety, fire safety and industrial sanitation.

3.15. Stop the operation of machines, mechanisms and other equipment if there is a threat to life and health, and immediately report this to the leading energy engineer.

3.16. Carry out safe storage, transportation and use of radioactive, toxic, explosive, flammable and other substances and materials.

3.17. Comply with the requirements of regulations on labor protection, instructions, rules for handling equipment and other means of production, use collective and individual protective equipment.

3.18. Comply with labor safety obligations stipulated by the collective agreement and internal labor regulations.

3.19. Follow labor safety rules when working according to instructions No. _______.

3.20. Undergo preliminary and periodic medical examinations in a timely manner (at least once a year).

3.21. Cooperate with the administration in organizing safe and harmless working conditions, personally take all feasible measures to eliminate any production situation that poses a threat to his life and health or the people around him and the natural environment.

Reports hazards to the lead energy engineer or other official.

3.22. Immediately report to the leading energy engineer about industrial accidents and ensure the provision of timely medical assistance to victims.

3.23. Provide first aid to victims.

3.24. Inform the leading energy engineer or the chief of the Civil Defense and Emergency Situations headquarters about the preconditions for the occurrence of an emergency situation at the facilities.

3.25. Perform their duties as part of the non-staff civil defense formation of the sanatorium.

3.26. Know the civil defense warning signals and the procedure for acting on them.

3.27. Take part in promoting civil defense issues among sanatorium workers.

3.28. Work to improve your skills by attending classes on business qualifications held at the sanatorium and independently studying specialized literature.

3.29. Fulfill the requirements of general moral and ethical standards and deontology.

3.30. Maintain work schedule and labor discipline.

3.31. Be at the workplace sober and in a satisfactory state of health that does not interfere with the performance of your functional duties.

3.32. Provide a written explanation regarding violation of labor or production discipline (absenteeism, showing up at work while drunk or other misconduct).

3.33. Actively participate in the social life of the team.

3.34. Take part in sanitary days (hours), cleanup days for landscaping the territory of the sanatorium.

On a sanitary day (hour), he carries out cleaning, whitewashing, painting in his office (at his workplace), in common areas and on the assigned territory of the sanatorium, and also digs and weeds flowerbeds, mowing grass, removing weeds, dry leaves and grass stands , cares for plants, etc.

3.35. Ensure complete safety of the property entrusted to him.

Treat the property of the sanatorium with care and take urgent measures to prevent damage.

3.36. Comply with the requirements of the collective agreement.

The electrician's job description is signed by the employee.
The job description for a 4th category electrician must be approved and agreed upon.

2. Job description for electrician electrician

1. Is the executor of work on the technical operation and routine repair of power lines, electrical equipment (power plants, starting measuring instruments, grounding and grounding, group distribution and safety panels, adapter boxes, installation equipment) and is directly subordinate to the foreman, technician or foreman.

2. In its activities, it is guided by these instructions, the rules for the operation of the housing stock, technical conditions for the production and acceptance of special work, the current “Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations” (RTE) and the “Safety Rules for the operation of electrical installations” (PTB), approved by the Ministry of Energy and electrification of Ukraine, as well as orders and instructions from superiors and immediate superiors, transmitted through a foreman, technician or foreman.

3. The electrician performs the following duties:

In accordance with the schedule, carries out regular technical inspections of power lines and electrical equipment - twice a year;

Installs and changes switches, sockets, fuses, plug and ceiling sockets in workshops, service and office premises and common areas;

Conducts minor repairs of starting equipment and partial replacement of new group distribution and safety panels and boxes, as well as electrical installations (checking and repairing traverses, insulation, windings with painting and drying, etc.);

Arranges electrical wiring for lighting basements, attics and common areas (staircases, entrances, etc.), and also replaces burnt-out light bulbs and individual electrical wiring areas in these rooms;

Installs automatic switches in common areas and current limiters in communal apartments;

Installs and connects house lights, entrance signs, etc. to electrical networks;

Provides normal lighting of staircases, entrances, garbage bins, house lights;

Connects welding machines, winches and other mechanisms to house electrical panels;

Performs other minor work on the repair and maintenance of electrical networks and electrical equipment of the objects it serves;

If defects are detected that threaten the safety of people, the integrity of equipment and fire safety, or threatening accidents in the structures of the energy supply organization, immediately disconnect the emergency section and notify the energy supply organization.

Agreed: Chairman of the trade union committee, Lawyer

We are familiar with the job description of an electrician.

3. Job description of an electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment in an LLC

1. General provisions.

1.1. Appointed to the position by order of the director of TRADE BASE LLC upon the recommendation of the person responsible for electrical equipment, subject to the availability of documents confirming training at an educational institution and a medical certificate. Allowed to work after preliminary testing of knowledge on occupational safety and health issues to the extent required for the position. Released from the position in accordance with the established procedure, including in the event of a repeated unsatisfactory result of the occupational safety knowledge test.

1.2. Reports directly to the energy specialist. Conducts its work in accordance with the schedule for maintenance and repair of electrical equipment, production plans and instructions from management.

1.3. The permanent workplace is the electrical workshop, as well as the enterprise facilities where he goes to perform his duties.

1.4. Guided by relevant laws, standards, rules, instructions and other regulations of Ukraine, industry, and enterprise administration documents.

2. Responsibilities

An electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment must:

2.1. Ensure safe, reliable and economical operation of electrical equipment in accordance with established requirements for its trouble-free operation.

2.2. Know the design, principle of operation, and schematic diagrams of electrical equipment used at the facilities being serviced.

2.3. Strictly comply with the schedule for maintenance and repair of electrical equipment, and comply with the requirements of the maintenance instructions.

2.4. Monitor the proper operation of metering devices and the correctness of their readings.

2.5. If electrical equipment malfunctions are detected, take measures to eliminate them, and if it is impossible to eliminate them yourself, report to management.

2.6. Maintain cleanliness and order in the workplace, use tools and protective clothing carefully.

2.7. Take care of personal safety and health, as well as the safety and health of others while performing any work or while on the territory of the enterprise.

2.8. Know and comply with the requirements of regulatory legal acts on occupational safety, rules for handling machines, mechanisms, equipment and other means of production, use of collective and individual protective equipment.

2.9. Undergo preliminary and periodic medical examinations in accordance with the procedure established by law.

2.10. Comply with internal regulations on occupational safety of the enterprise.

3. Rights.

An electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment has the right:

3.1. Visit all facilities of TRADE BASE LLC.

3.2. Suspend the operation of electrical equipment that is in emergency condition.

3.3. Make proposals for technical improvement of production processes and equipment.

3.4. Require relevant officials to provide materials, equipment, instruments, safety equipment and personal protection.

4. Qualification requirements.

electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment

4.1. Must have a special education confirmed by a diploma or certificate.

4.2. Must be trained and certified in the manner established by the State Labor Supervision Service of Ukraine, and have the appropriate certificate.

4.3. Must have an electrical safety clearance group of at least III/

4.4. Must know the basics of labor legislation, standards, GOSTs, guidelines, instructions, regulations, orders and other guidance materials relating to his activities, production technology, design and operating modes of serviced equipment, regulatory documents of Ukraine, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, industries and enterprises on occupational safety and fire safety related to the performance of work.

5. Relationships.

Interacts with officials of Torgovaya Baza LLC in accordance with current standards, regulations, instructions and orders for the enterprise.

6. Responsibility.

Bears disciplinary, material, administrative and criminal liability for violation of the requirements of this instruction and current legislation in the manner prescribed by law.

Compiled by: Responsible for electrical equipment

The job description of an electrician for repair and maintenance regulates labor relations. It determines the procedure for subordinating an employee, appointing and dismissing him from his position. The document contains requirements for the employee’s education, knowledge, and skills, a list of his rights, functional duties, and types of responsibilities.

Sample of a typical job description for an electrician for repair and maintenance

I. General provisions

1. A repair and maintenance electrician belongs to the category of workers.

2. The electrician for repair and maintenance is directly subordinate to the chief power engineer.

3. A person who has a specialized secondary education in the field of activity and work experience in a similar position for at least one year is appointed to the position of electrician for repair and maintenance.

4. The appointment and dismissal of a repair and maintenance electrician is made by order of the director of the organization upon the recommendation of the HR department/immediate supervisor.

5. The electrician must know:

  • basics of electronics, electrical and radio engineering;
  • arrangement of electrical machines, units, measuring instruments;
  • technical characteristics, design, principle of operation of devices and equipment;
  • provisions of the organization’s governing documents that define the activities of the electrician;
  • rules for servicing electronic devices;
  • rules, methods for establishing the operability of electrical machines, mechanisms, electrical devices, instruments;
  • automatic control circuits, methods of their repair and maintenance;
  • rules for handling electrical materials;
  • methods of comprehensive testing of electrical installations, electrical devices, devices;
  • standards, methods of repair, installation of cable networks in explosion and fire hazardous conditions;
  • rules for drawing up electrical diagrams and other technical documentation for electrical equipment;
  • operating principle of automatic protection;
  • electrical circuits for switching distribution equipment;
  • signs of damage to electrical equipment and methods for eliminating them;
  • permissible loads on transformers, electric motors, electrically conductive lines of various sections;
  • standards for the use of spare parts and materials;
  • norms, rules of safety, labor protection, fire protection;
  • organization and technology of electrical installation work;
  • basics of labor law of the Russian Federation;
  • internal labor regulations.

6. During the absence of an electrician for repairs and maintenance, his rights, functional duties, and responsibilities are assigned to another official appointed in the prescribed manner.

7. The repair and maintenance electrician is guided in his activities by:

  • this job description;
  • orders, instructions from management;
  • governing and regulatory acts of the organization;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • orders of the immediate superior;
  • legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • Charter of the organization.

II. Job responsibilities of an electrician for repair and maintenance

A repair and maintenance electrician performs the following job responsibilities:

1. Monitors the proper, trouble-free operation and proper operation of the equipment being serviced.

2. Performs the following work in a timely manner:

  • adjustment, repair and regulation of critical, experimental electrical sections of technological equipment, communications of automatic lines;
  • disassembly, repair, assembly, installation of high-voltage electrical equipment of various types with voltage more than 15 kV;
  • maintenance, adjustment and regulation of electronic devices;
  • adjustment, maintenance of welding machines of various types of design, pulsed, ultrasonic, electronic installations, remote protection of automatic transfer switching systems, equipment using semiconductor element base;
  • repair, installation and dismantling of cable lines in special pipelines filled with oil and gas under pressure;
  • checking the accuracy classes of measuring equipment;
  • repair of epoxy terminations in high-voltage networks, installation of couplings between copper and aluminum conductors;
  • preparing electrical equipment for commissioning;
  • testing of electrical motors, devices, transformers after major repairs.

4. Instructs employees operating electrical equipment on how to prevent work-related injuries.

5. Study the operating modes of equipment, establish the causes of increased wear, take measures to prevent and eliminate them.

6. Studies and implements advanced methods of repair, maintenance, and installation of the assigned type of equipment.

7. Participates in equipment troubleshooting, installation, configuration, electrical testing.

8. Places and prepares requests for spare parts, materials, tools. Ensures their careful, rational use.

9. Repairs and regulates complex, critical, experimental electrical devices and instruments.

10. Participates in the preparation of measures to improve the quality of work, the reliability of fixed technical devices, and the modernization of electrical equipment.

11. Carry out comprehensive tests of electrical equipment, motors and transformers after major repairs.

12. Prepares electrical equipment for commissioning.

III. Rights

A repair and maintenance electrician has the right to:

1. Act independently, within your competence.

2. Improve your qualifications and participate in training events.

3. Contact consultants on issues beyond the competence of an electrician for repair and maintenance.

5. Interact on official issues with departments of the organization.

6. Be informed about decisions related to your own work.

7. Require the management of the organization to create normal conditions for performing duties and ensuring safety.

8. Inform management about identified shortcomings in the organization’s activities and submit proposals for their elimination.

9. Do not begin to perform your duties if a danger to health or life appears.

IV. Responsibility

The repair and maintenance electrician is responsible for:

1. Quality of performance of job duties.

2. Violation of safety regulations.

4. Reliability of the information provided about the operation of the equipment.

5. Violation of the provisions of the organization’s governing documents.

6. Results of decisions made, independent actions.

7. Violation of labor discipline rules, internal labor regulations, fire protection standards.

8. Causing damage to the organization, its employees, or the state.

9. Improper performance of one’s official duties.

Find out what the job description of an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment includes, what requirements are imposed on a specialist by the professional standard of an electrician.

From the article you will learn:

How to write a job description for an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment

The job description of an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment prescribes the employee’s job function, includes a list of his responsibilities, as well as the limits of responsibility, indicates the body of knowledge necessary for the successful performance of job duties, professional experience, and so on.

At the legislative level it is not specified in what order it should be job description for electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment. The employer has the right to independently determine such a procedure and enshrine it in a local regulatory act.

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Regardless of the method of registration, the job description of an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment includes the following sections:

The section “General Provisions” indicates the procedure for determining the duties, rights and responsibilities of an employee, decisions on appointment to a position, and release from it. They enter information about the education and work experience of the employee, what regulatory, technical and local regulatory documents the electrician must follow in the course of his work.

In the “General Provisions” section of the electrician’s job description for repairing electrical equipment, it is recommended to include requirements for the specialist’s knowledge, ability to use the appropriate technical tools, instrumentation, techniques and sequence of work performed. It is worth pointing out to knowledge of fire protection, safety precautions, knowledge of techniques for providing first aid to victims in the process of performing electrical work.

In addition, they write down who the employee reports to, who will replace him during periods of temporary absence due to illness, vacation, and so on.

Job responsibilities in accordance with the job description of an electrician

The job description of an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment in the “Job Responsibilities” section contains requirements for the specialist’s labor function. The employee is required to perform simple repairs and maintenance of electrical equipment under the guidance of a highly qualified electrician.

In addition, the electrician is required to install and repair distribution boxes, panels, terminal blocks, and lighting fixtures. Provide cleaning and purging of parts with preliminary disassembly, wiping and washing, clean contacts and contact surfaces directly. Splice and solder wires that have voltages up to 1000 V.

Depending on the specifics of the organization’s work, job responsibilities include work on laying, installing cables, wires, servicing and repairing wind and solar electrical installations, performing plumbing, installation, and other types of work. An electrician is required to connect and disconnect electrical equipment, perform simple measurements, and work with pneumatic and electrical installations. Check the insulation resistance, transformer windings, cable inputs, outputs, etc.

What requirements are included in the professional standard for an electrician?

The professional standard for an electrician for servicing electrical equipment contains:

  1. characteristics of labor functions in accordance with the level of qualifications;
  2. possible job titles;
  3. requirements for the level of qualifications and education, for training (are advisory in nature);
  4. requirements for practical experience as an electrician;
  5. special conditions of admission, etc.

In accordance with the professional standard for an electrician, a specialist must work for at least one year as an electrician in production in electric power organizations or in industries that are directly related to the work profile of the relevant department for the maintenance and repair of communication equipment.

Special conditions for admission to independent work in accordance with the professional standard of an electrician include passing medical examinations: primary, regular, periodic, internship, studying and passing a knowledge test on the fire-technical minimum, safety precautions and first aid to victims. The qualification group for electrical safety must be set at least III. Such requirements are established in “Worker for maintenance and repair of electrical network communication equipment.

The rights and responsibilities of an employee according to the job description of an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment

An electrician has the right to get acquainted with all design decisions of the manager that directly relate to his activities, to make personal proposals for improving work related directly to the responsibilities provided for in the job description.

In addition, the employee has the right to inform his immediate supervisor about all shortcomings that are identified during the performance of his official duties, as well as make proposals for their elimination. Require immediate management to provide assistance in the performance of official duties and rights. Request information and documents necessary for him to perform his official duties.

Responsibility occurs within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation for improper performance or failure to fulfill assigned job duties, which are provided for in the job description.

For violations committed by an electrician in the course of carrying out his activities, within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal or civil legislation of the Russian Federation. An employee may be held liable for causing material damage within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

How to make changes to the job description of an electrician for servicing electrical equipment

Changes and additions can be made to the job description of an electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment if necessary, if the scope of job responsibilities has changed. Adjustments may be required, in particular if organizational and/or at the enterprise.

The procedure for making changes or additions is not regulated at the legislative level. Organizations have the right to establish it independently and enshrine it in local regulations.

If the DI is an annex to the employment contract, it is rational to prepare head of the organization and .
