Job description for cafe administrator. Job description of the administrator Job responsibilities of those involved in serving restaurant visitors

This article is devoted to the profession of a restaurant administrator. In it we will consider in detail what requirements are imposed on this specialist, as well as the duties, rights and responsibilities of an administrative employee.

Who is a restaurant manager?

An administrator who runs a restaurant is a person involved in the organizational work of all employees of the establishment. He supervises the work of waiters, cleaners, security, wardrobe attendants and cooks. A person holding an administrative position ensures that to ensure that guest service is of high quality and carried out at the highest level. This person also oversees that all employees adhere to corporate ethics.

For everything that happens in the establishment, administrator answers. This person is responsible for selecting workers and training them. This employee is located in the hall of the establishment. He can greet guests and escort them to their table. And in case of conflict situations, the administrative employee resolves them.

General provisions of the instructions

Job description is a document that guides any employee in his work. In this case, the administrator has his own instructions. It contains general provisions, duties, rights and responsibilities.

An administrative worker is a specialist. He reports only to his immediate supervisor. Acceptance and dismissal of this employee occurs on the orders of the director. A person applying for this position must have secondary education or primary vocational education. Experience in the catering industry must not be less than two years old.

The worker must have the following knowledge:

  • orders, regulations, resolutions, other regulations that relate to the field of catering;
  • rules that relate to the sale of restaurant goods;
  • rules that relate to personnel and establishment management;
  • rules regarding guest service;
  • the entire range of products and services provided;
  • marketing rules;
  • rules of public catering;
  • rules regarding pricing;
  • professional ethics;
  • duties and rights of all employees of the establishment;
  • organization of wage payments;
  • rules that relate to internal regulations;
  • rules that relate to labor protection;
  • regulations that relate to labor.

Responsibilities and tasks

An administrative employee working in a restaurant must perform the following tasks and responsibilities:

In addition, the administrator must:

  • treats staff and guests attentively and politely;
  • comply with all the rules established in the restaurant;
  • comply with safety regulations.

Requirements for a specialist

A person applying for this job must have:

  • education;
  • work experience;
  • knowledge that allows him to work on a personal computer.

These requirements are basic and are mandatory. Also, when applying for a job, Other requirements may also apply.:

  • ability to speak foreign languages;
  • know the range of wine products;
  • experience in holding banquets;
  • Experience working with guests who are considered VIP clients.

Whether these exact demands will be made will depend on management and from the level of the establishment for which an employee is required.

There are no distinctions based on gender, but as practice shows, most often in restaurants the position of administrator is occupied by women who have a pleasant appearance.

Qualities this employee must have:

Responsibility and rights

In addition to the duties, the restaurant administrator has the following rights:

  • familiarization with the decisions of superiors that relate to his labor functions;
  • making proposals that relate to improving and improving its work;
  • interaction with establishment staff in order to perform their duties;
  • signing documents that fall within his competence;
  • requirements for assistance in performing their work functions;
  • a message about identified shortcomings in the work of staff and establishments.

In the course of performing their work duties, The cafe manager may be held accountable. It can occur if:

  • duties are not performed properly;
  • an offense has been committed;
  • material damage has been caused;
  • non-compliance with labor regulations;
  • violation of safety rules;
  • violation of fire safety regulations.

How to write a good resume for a restaurant or cafe manager

When applying for a job, many employers t require the applicant to have a resume. A resume is a document that an applicant must draw up, where he can reflect all his work experience and professional skills and qualities.

When writing a resume you need to remember that it should not be large, printed on several sheets. No employer wants to read a long story about a candidate. Anything he wants to know additionally, he can ask during the oral interview.

The resume should be short and concise, but should contain all the key points. In this document you must indicate your full name, as well as age. Then you must indicate your age.

A must enter information about the education received. Next, you need to indicate your work experience. To do this, you need to list all the places where the applicant worked, as well as the names of the positions. It is necessary to indicate what exactly were the responsibilities at previous places of work. If there are any completed courses, then this can also be noted.

At the very end of the document, you need to indicate your professional skills and qualities, which will help you carry out administrative activities. It is important to note the point why you are suitable for this position, and why you should be invited for an interview.

Remember that a properly written resume is already half the success. Next, at the interview, you will need to show yourself professionally, as a good specialist.

Pros and cons of the profession

The advantages of working as a manager include the following key points:

Other disadvantages of being a manager include:

  • you should always smile and be friendly, regardless of your mood;
  • you need to spend a lot of time on your feet;
  • you need to remember a lot of information;
  • guests can be different, including conflicting ones.


Administrator, or whatever they call him differently the restaurant manager is the face of the establishment. That is why this employee must always look neat, neat, have a friendly and attractive appearance. This employee can meet guests, show them what available seats are available, escort them to the table, and invite the waiter.

The manager is engaged in organizational work, which in itself is not easy, so this work is not suitable for everyone. You must always be focused, be able to remember a large amount of information, and be able to find a way out of conflict situations. The manager must supervise the work of all staff, must monitor the service of visitors, ensure that the room is clean and tidy.

The manager also answers all calls that come to the establishment and accepts orders for banquets and celebrations. He also makes sure that the restaurant has all the necessary products. Control must contact the chefs, purchase missing goods, so that there is no stop list for dishes, and customers can order exactly what they want.

This video will give you a deeper insight into the work of a restaurant administrator.

The restaurant administrator is responsible for everything that happens in the establishment and, in fact, is the manager of the restaurant. The administrator selects and trains staff, greets and sees off visitors, manages all work processes and is responsible for the quality of the restaurant (cleanliness, politeness, atmosphere, delicious cuisine and other aspects), and also resolves all non-standard issues.

Places of work

The position of restaurant administrator is required in such establishments as:

  • restaurants;
  • cafes, bars, snack bars;
  • sports and entertainment clubs with dining facilities;
  • hotels and inns.

History of the profession

Despite the fact that catering has been around for several thousand years, restaurants and cafes have become common establishments not so long ago. It can be considered that France was one of the first countries to make a cult and almost ritual action out of food. It was there that two or three centuries ago, establishment owners began to pay special attention to serving visitors. The first managers were maitre d'hotels (hotel owner - translation from French). They greeted guests, organized rest and decent food for them.

The profession of a restaurant administrator appeared already in the 20th century, when there were a huge number of restaurants, cafes, bars and canteens, and the need for competent managers and directors arose.

Responsibilities of a restaurant administrator

The responsibilities of a restaurant administrator include:

  • meeting visitors;
  • maintaining comfort and a pleasant atmosphere for guests in the hall;
  • personnel management (training newcomers, drawing up work schedules, motivating employees, monitoring the work process);
  • work with documentation, reports, inventories;
  • resolution of conflict situations.

The responsibilities of a restaurant administrator also include:

  • organization and holding of banquets;
  • maintaining and accounting the cash register;
  • carrying out official assignments of the manager.

Requirements for a restaurant administrator

Basic requirements for a restaurant manager:

  • higher education;
  • work experience of at least 1 year;
  • PC knowledge (P-Keeper, MS Office, 1C).

In addition, additional requirements may be put forward:

  • knowledge of foreign languages;
  • knowledge of wines;
  • experience in organizing and holding banquets;
  • Experience working with VIP clients.

Sample resume for restaurant administrator

How to become a restaurant administrator (manager)

The profession does not require special basic education, although higher education is welcome. To become a good administrator of a cafe or restaurant, you need to gain some work experience and have organizational skills - usually all restaurant managers in the past were waiters, bartenders or cooks themselves.

Restaurant administrator salary

The salary of an administrator or restaurant manager almost always consists of a fixed salary of 20 - 30 thousand rubles per month and bonuses based on performance. The average salary of a restaurant administrator is 30 thousand rubles per month.

A job description is the main document for an employee in any position. All his main duties are indicated here, which he must perform at his workplace, depending on the nature of the position held and the specifics of the employer’s activities.

The employer is obliged to familiarize the applicant with this document before the employment contract is signed. After reading the instructions, the employee must put his signature on the last sheet. This suggests that he knows his job responsibilities and will strictly observe them. Only if the employee has the signature can he be subject to disciplinary action for failure to fulfill his official duties.

The instructions are drawn up by specialists from the HR and legal departments. The document must reflect all the nuances of this position. No employee should perform work beyond their duties specified in the job description.

Job responsibilities of a restaurant (cafe) administrator

The administrator of a restaurant or cafe is the “face” of the establishment. His job responsibilities include:

  • meeting restaurant (cafe) visitors, communicating with them and seating them at tables in accordance with their preferences;
  • accepting orders;
  • developing plans for banquets, buffets and other celebrations;
  • knowledge of daily and banquet menus;
  • the ability to offer restaurant visitors this or that dish, depending on their preferences;
  • full control over the work of staff in the hall of a restaurant or cafe;
  • control over waiter service to guests;
  • control over the quality of service by communication between staff and clients;
  • control over relationships within the team. The restaurant (cafe) administrator must ensure that there are no conflicts between the restaurant (cafe) staff;
  • control over the neat appearance of hall employees;
  • recruitment, testing and training of personnel;
  • knowledge of the necessary documentation and its competent maintenance;
  • control during the working day over the cleanliness of the room and proper lighting;
  • control over the serviceability of instruments and equipment;
  • smoothing out conflict situations that may arise between visitors to the establishment;
  • admission of hall employees to work;
  • control over compliance by employees of the establishment with safety and labor protection rules and regulations;
  • control over compliance by waiters and other employees with sanitary and hygienic standards.

Many people have to have lunch or dinner in a restaurant at least once in their lives, but not everyone knows that in order for a client to feel comfortable here, it takes a lot of effort and devoting a lot of time to it. And this is precisely the responsibility of a restaurant administrator.

Recently, the restaurant business has been developing at incredible speed, but, unfortunately, it is very difficult to find qualified staff. This is faced not only by those who are just starting to work in this field, but also by owners who have been in this business for a long time. In order for the director to do his job correctly, it is necessary to clearly define the responsibilities of the restaurant administrator, only then will you be able to benefit your establishment.

To avoid problems with choosing a specialist, before the interview it is worth deciding what job responsibilities of a restaurant administrator the employee should perform, only after that start selecting candidates. First of all, he must have the following theoretical knowledge and skills:

  1. He must be aware of all laws, orders, decrees that relate to the sphere
  2. He must be clearly aware of the economic activities of the restaurant and all its departments, and be aware of the main function that the establishment performs.
  3. Familiar with the principles of remuneration and pricing of products and services, as well as methods of stimulating the work of staff. It is also necessary that the manager is aware of labor protection laws in the Russian Federation.
  4. The administrator must strictly comply with all labor safety requirements.
  5. And most importantly, the responsibilities of a restaurant administrator include perfect mastery of staff management skills and abilities. Lack of experience, even with high theoretical literacy, leads to the fact that the administrator will not be able to find a common language with employees and, accordingly, this will lead to discord in the team, and, consequently, in the business.

The job description should consist of the following points:

  1. Full control over the activities of restaurant staff. It is necessary to monitor the preparation and control of all medical and technical requirements, distribute responsibilities among employees, and have a complete understanding of the work of all subordinates, including methods of reward and punishment.
  2. A good specialist must understand the specifics of pricing, the average cost of a check, and how many people walk in a day. He should also make suggestions on how to improve these indicators.
  3. The responsibilities of a restaurant administrator include making decisions between employees and visitors, monitoring the maintenance of order in the premises, and the quality of service to regular customers.

A restaurant administrator is a responsible position, and the success of the entire business depends on how qualified the specialist is. Finding a really good employee in this area is quite difficult, so if you manage to do this, you need to value your staff.

a well-known professional with extensive experience in the restaurant business, head of Good Idea Prof Horeca Consulting. In 2014, despite the financial crisis and the political situation in Ukraine, Inna Andreishina’s team launched several successful restaurants and cafes in Kyiv and Ukrainian regions.

The reason for writing this article was my observations of a misunderstanding of the role and function of a restaurant administrator on the part of employees, managers, restaurant owners, and even the administrators themselves.

Mostly, the understanding of who an administrator is remains within the following framework (answers from the interviews of the candidates for the position of administrator themselves and the answers of some managers and owners of restaurants):

  • he greets guests;
  • controls the work of waiters;
  • accepts reserves;
  • assists the manager; conducts recounts of dishes; interviews waiters.

Very often, an administrator is confused with a hostess and, accordingly, the wrong requirements and criteria are presented to this position, and as a result, the result of the work remains controversial.
An administrator is a full-fledged deputy manager of a restaurant. That is, this is a person who must understand all the processes of the restaurant! The administrator organizes the work of the entire shift and is responsible for the performance of duties by all his subordinates.

Control of waiters' work

The administrator’s task is not only to assign waiters to positions and spend “five minutes” with them - an effective administrator, like a director, always keeps every waiter, bartender, and housekeeper in sight and sees the quality of their work. At the right time, it will correct the error, redirect to another position, help make a sale, prevent a conflict, and much more.

What is the difference between an administrator and a hostess administrator in this matter?

The administrator must:

  1. Know the order on each table in order to control the time the order is issued; suggest to the waiter what else can be offered to guests to increase sales, based on the order already placed.
  2. Monitor every table calculation to avoid calculation errors and conflict situations. And also to avoid dubious situations such as account fraud. It is best when the administrator himself carries out the calculation (in those restaurants where there are no cashiers).
  3. Keeping the guests' tables in sight is the so-called table reading procedure, in order to tell the waiter how to make the service discreet and professional.
  4. During a slowdown, the administrator’s task is to literally manually manage the process so that there are no failures.
  5. Monitor the work of waiters according to the KLN in order to track the weaknesses of each waiter and identify specific topics for training.
  6. Monitor the microclimate in the relationships between waiters and other restaurant employees. A restaurant with internal conflicts will never succeed.
  7. Every day, announce sales plans to each waiter and mini-goals for the personal development of each employee. Keep the guys informed about who is at what stage of completing their tasks and plans.
  8. Praise and support, set you up for work.

Control of work with guests

The administrator must always be in the hall when there are guests there. If the administrator leaves the hall, he is obliged to appoint a person responsible for performing administrative functions during his absence. When in a restaurant I hear from a waiter the phrase “We’ll call the administrator now,” and this administrator does not appear for 10-15 minutes, for me this is a signal that the guest in this restaurant is given the very last place and that, most likely, this will be my last visit to this establishment.

A professional administrator will always monitor the mood of the guests at each table so that they feel comfortable and cared for.

The administrator's task is to prevent any conflict with the guest or, if one arises, to immediately notify the manager and chef so that they can rectify the situation and the guest leaves satisfied.

The administrator’s task is to unobtrusively collect information about regular guests: place preference, taste priorities, lifestyle, personal holidays, family, etc., in order to prevent desires and surprise.

Role in team formation

The administrator is the person who communicates most closely with all the employees in the restaurant every day. The more efficiently and professionally he performs his work, the more respectful all his subordinates will treat him. The administrator's task is to set up the entire shift correctly. Praise employees who do their job well, train those who make mistakes, and deal individually with each problem that arises due to the employee’s fault. And, most importantly, strictly follow all the rules, procedures and restrictions in the restaurant. An administrator who punishes employees for constant smoking breaks during work, but allows himself to sit down with a cup of coffee and smoke a cigarette when there are guests in the hall, you must admit, is unlikely to earn respect from his subordinates.

An administrator shouting at employees (often with an obscene set of epithets) is a completely disgusting picture, which should make the manager or owner think about the suitability of this person for his position. In a word, if you want there to be a healthy atmosphere in the team, start with yourself.

Self-development and training

What characterizes any effective manager, not just a restaurant manager? In my understanding, this is continuous learning and self-development. In my practice, there were cases when people did not come to training, they laughed, saying, “I already know it all, I just don’t fly,” they refused to study because they had to work for at least 6 months after training. Therefore, the restaurant manager is obliged to draw up a training and personal development plan for the administrator and help implement it.

What to train an administrator:

  • Internship in every process of restaurant operation.
  • Sales planning.
  • Sales technique.
  • Professional service standards.
  • Etiquette.
  • Communication and negotiation techniques.
  • Psychological typology of guests and models of behavior and communication with each of them.
  • How to teach others.
  • Effective management tools.
  • How to plan and create a menu.
  • Analytics in a restaurant.
  • Pricing.
  • Budgeting and cost control.
  • Computer literacy.
  • Marketing Basics.
  • Fundamentals of financial management. Finance for non-financiers.
  • Basics of production processes.
  • Labor protection.
  • Psychology of motivation.
  • Languages.
  • Cultural development.
  • Personal development.

And of course, experience, experience and more experience under the mentorship of the restaurant manager.

An example of the daily responsibilities of an administrator of an operating non-chain restaurant


Restaurant opening 09:45

  1. Take the restaurant from security.
  2. Check that all personnel report to work according to their reporting schedule.
  3. Check the hygiene of all staff, including kitchen staff. Fill out the log of pustular diseases.
  4. Check the appearance of waiters, bartenders, and household workers.
  5. Check the condition of employees' uniforms. Waiters without uniforms are not allowed to work!
  6. Check the quantity and condition of the menu, bar list, special offers.
  7. Check the Red Book for the previous day, move unfulfilled tasks to priority ones, and enter current tasks for the day.
  8. Assign tasks to waiters to prepare the restaurant for opening.
  9. Fill out a sales report (daily sales plan report).
  10. Record a sales report for waiters for five minutes to distribute the sales plan for the day.
  11. Water the flowers, first checking each flower for moisture/dryness.
  12. Check the reserve book. Remind the restaurant chef about pre-orders and reservations.
  13. At 11:00, spend five minutes with the waiters, cleaners, bartenders, chef or chef.
  14. Check the waiters' knowledge of stop and top lists.
  15. Warn each waiter about the reserves at his position.
  16. Check the condition and quantity of textiles.
  17. Check the condition and quantity of candles and candlesticks.
  18. Check the condition and number of sets.
  19. Check the condition and quantity of serving items: napkin holders, special supplies, toothpicks.
  20. Check the availability of housewares for the washers/cleaning ladies.
  21. Check the condition and availability of sheets and pencils for guests’ creativity on all tables.
  22. 11:30-12:15 conduct training for all waiters on the topic indicated in the training calendar.
  23. Walk through the entire restaurant and check the readiness of all restaurant areas according to the checklist. As tasks arise on the checklist, immediately assign tasks to waiters, bartenders, and cleaners and transmit information about problem areas to the chef.
  24. Check again the implementation of problematic items in the checklist.
  25. Check the presence and condition of all promotional materials.
  26. Check the condition and availability of reserve bottles and cash registers.
  27. Check the quantity of all dishes and cutlery before starting the working day. Record the discrepancy in the log of damage and loss of dishes.
  28. Wish all employees a good working day.

Work during the day:

  1. Greet and seat guests or assign a waiter on duty.
  2. Accept reservations and reservations for tables with immediate transmission of information on pre-orders to the chef.
  3. Accept orders for banquets from guests. Prepare commercial proposals for the guest for approval by the manager. Send offers to guests, adjust, confirm orders.
  4. If necessary, search for musicians, designers, florists, event companies for events.
  5. Monitor the work of waiters according to the KLN (checklist for assessing the work of a waiter): whether the waiter is in his position, etc.
  6. Monitor each order by table: compliance of order and delivery, time of order fulfillment, time of delivery of drinks, order of order fulfillment.
  7. Analyze each order in order to advise the waiter on specific drinks and dishes that should be offered to this particular table in accordance with the order to increase the average bill.
  8. Count guests.
  9. Constantly monitor the sanitary areas of guests, kitchens, staff, public toilets - once an hour.
  10. Check the condition of the restaurant after lunch at 15-16:00 using the checklist. Distribute tasks according to identified problems in the checklist.
  11. Submit an application for a housekeeper.
  12. Control the supplies of the housekeeper.
  13. Give the household items to the washers/cleaning ladies. Control over the economical consumption of all household supplies, including guest supplies.
  14. Supervise the cleaning of tables and their preparation by waiters for the next guests.
  15. Monitor the filling and filling quality of the drivers. Check the quality of rubbing of devices.
  16. Constantly monitor the cleanliness of the summer terrace.
  17. Control the sound of soundtracks by time: morning, afternoon, evening.
  18. Control lighting according to schedule.
  19. Monitor the condition of trash cans in the backyard.
  20. Monitor the cleanliness of the asphalt and the road between the restaurant and the cinema.
  21. Check the condition and quantity of all materials, toys, pillows, and chairs for children.
  22. Train waiters from 16:00 to 16:45 according to the topic specified in the training calendar.
  23. Work with the Red Book.
  24. Prepare the hall for dinner: monitoring the execution of tasks by waiters.
  25. Control the smoking area.
  26. Monitor hand washing procedures.
  27. Monitor the appearance of all employees during the day.
  28. Conduct an evening 5-minute meeting with the staff (waiters, bartenders, chef) on tasks for the evening and setting a sales plan for each waiter.


  1. Meeting and placing guests or assigning a waiter on duty.
  2. Accepting reservations and table reservations with immediate transmission of information on pre-orders to the chef.
  3. Control of each order by table: compliance of the order and delivery, time of order fulfillment, time of delivery of drinks, order of order execution.
  4. Analysis of each table of the order in order to advise the waiter on specific drinks and dishes that should be offered specifically to this table in accordance with the order to increase the average bill.
  5. Calculation of guests.
  6. Constant monitoring of sanitary areas of guest rooms, kitchens, staff, public toilets - once an hour.
  7. Lighting control.
  8. Include signage and window displays.
  9. Solving problems with guests. Apologies, refreshments according to the approved list from the manager.
  10. Seeing off guests.
  11. Drawing up a personnel delivery route and calling for delivery.

Restaurant closing 24:00

  1. Monitoring the preparation of the restaurant for closing: cleaning tables, cleaning the hall, throwing out garbage, washing textiles.
  2. Thanks to all employees for their work.
  3. Removing the cash register and preparing money for collection.
  4. Sending SMS about the sales of the day.
  5. Control of restaurant closures according to the closure checklist.
  6. Turn off all signs, shop windows, lighting, devices and equipment unnecessary at night (according to the procedure).
  7. Transfer of the restaurant to security.

Administrator's areas of responsibility

The restaurant administrator is a financially responsible person, for which the relevant documents are signed: Agreement on individual financial responsibility, Agreement on collective financial responsibility, Agreement on non-disclosure of commercial information, Agreement on compensation of training costs.

In addition to the daily duties described above, the administrator’s area of ​​responsibility includes:

  • Organizing and conducting re-registration of household goods and household materials once a week.
  • Organizing and conducting daily inventory counts of all utensils and cutlery (except for equipment).
  • Organizing and conducting daily inventory of textiles: tablecloths, textile napkins, handbrake handles, uniforms, blankets.
  • Organization of laundry and dry cleaning in the restaurant.
  • Drawing up a monthly staff work schedule and monitoring its implementation.
  • Maintaining sales reports.
  • Accepting requests for banquets from guests.
  • Drawing up preliminary banquet proposals.
  • Receiving and monitoring table reservations from guests.
  • Waiter training.
  • Formation of folders of personal files of employees.
  • Monitoring the expiration of employee medical records.
  • Monthly testing of the knowledge of waiters, bartenders, and household workers according to work standards.
  • Search for employees of all positions.
  • Monitoring the availability and expiration dates of medical records for employees.
  • Monitoring the completion of guest review sheets.
  • Control of filling out tasting sheets.
  • Responsibility for damage to flowers due to failure to care for them.
  • Controlling the consumption of household supplies in a restaurant.
  • Monitoring energy savings.
  • Controlling the presence of excise taxes on alcohol in a bar.
  • Calculation of guests.
  • Maintaining cash discipline.
  • Internal collection of funds to the accounting department.
  • Responsible for cash in the cash drawer during the work shift.

As you can see, the work of an Administrator is multifaceted, interesting and, frankly, difficult. But nothing is impossible. And, as practice shows, a good administrator will always become a good manager, and then it’s not far from his restaurant.
