What is the most profitable way to trade: a review of profitable offers. What can you trade profitably on the market?

There are many questions facing us, and one of them is choosing a niche for trading. And it is likely that a bad choice can only ruin a fledgling business. The problem is especially acute during a crisis, when the population is forced to save money and begins to give up spontaneous purchases and make purchases consciously.

In 2018, although the population rate slowed down (according to Rosstat), the economic situation is still considered unfavorable.

Up to 70% of Russians save on necessary types of goods: food, clothing, etc. Consumers tend to move away from expensive brands in favor of more affordable ones; more and more people are making a shopping list before going to the store. Consumers are more often focused on hunting for discounts, and the share of goods purchased through promotions is increasing. People shop less often and tend to be stricter about spontaneous purchases.

These factors indicate that it is important to take the choice of goods for trade seriously, first study demand, and analyze competitors’ offers for a specific product in a specific region. In conditions of declining purchasing power, it is recommended to concentrate on goods with stable demand: food, clothing and footwear, medicines, personal hygiene items.

Online trading or brick-and-mortar store?

The unfavorable economic situation intensifies competition, and this creates the need to optimize trade and reduce costs. One possible solution is to move your business online.

Online stores have a number of advantages over classic trading platforms:

There are also disadvantages: additional risks associated with server availability, a decrease in customer flow due to the fact that some buyers do not like to purchase things before they can touch them. Also, some product categories are simply not suitable for online trading, for example, food products with a short shelf life.

If the budget does not allow you to open a classic store, an online store is a suitable solution, but no one forbids combining the advantages of two types of sales by organizing your own pick-up points, which will also engage in independent trading.

Selling food is an option that will provide stability and... The main feature of food products is that everyone always needs them, which means that regardless of the income level of the population, the change in demand will be minimal.

It is important to take into account the low purchasing power of today's consumers and select the assortment accordingly: the emphasis should be on cheap and in-demand products.

Suitable for this purpose:

  • cereals
  • meat and fish
  • vegetables and fruits
  • milk and dairy products
  • confectionery

If the budget is not enough to open a full-fledged grocery store, or there is no uncertainty about the opening location, it is recommended to start with a highly specialized store. For example, hot baked goods are suitable. This will help estimate the purchasing power of local consumers more accurately. And then, based on the information received, you can slowly expand the range.

Trade in food products will provide stability of income, but it is low (on average 20%). Firstly, this is due to the high level of competition, and secondly, food products, as a product, are characterized by high elasticity of demand, which does not allow introducing a large markup. Selling products is profitable if you can find a place in a walkable residential area away from competitors, especially large shopping centers. However, there are usually few such free places.

In this case, additional costs associated with SES requirements should also be taken into account.

It is necessary to provide:

  • room cleanliness
  • product compliance with all standards
  • Availability of health certificates for staff

You can also consider: trade in snacks, coffee, soda. Servicing the machine will not require serious financial effort, but it still depends on a good choice of location.

Also, in terms of marginality, loose tea and coffee stand out. The cost of tea allows it to be sold at a markup of 200-300%.

Trade in clothing and footwear

Clothing trading potentially allows for high margins. However, for this it is necessary to find suitable suppliers who will provide not only high-quality and cheap goods, but also ones that are rarely found on the market. But searching for such suppliers takes a lot of time, and sending goods into trade that have not been tested by the local market is risky, so most often entrepreneurs sell the same clothes as their competitors. Margins, accordingly, turn out to be low, but this ensures stability of demand.

There is seasonality, the assortment will have to be constantly changed. It is also important to take into account changes in fashion and trends; some product may suddenly become very popular, demand will increase by thousands of percent, and in a year no one will remember about this product.

In conditions of declining real income, it becomes a good option. Such a business will allow you to achieve a sufficient level of profitability and payback, and the costs of starting a business are small. Also, in small cities there is no strong competition. But there are also disadvantages: a significant part of the audience avoids shopping in thrift stores, others do it on the sly and feel a sense of shame, which means that demand will be limited.

Children's clothing can be divided into a separate subcategory. Children are constantly growing and need new clothes regularly. Children regularly stain and tear it. The average parent will be the last to save on their child; all this guarantees a stable and high demand for children's clothing and shoes. Accordingly, the average markup in this segment is higher than average.

Trade in services

One of the highest-margin niches is trade in services. Most of the expenses come from equipment, rent and wages. This includes hairdressing salons, printing houses, repair services, various training courses and many other services.

We bet that you have ever visited a local bazaar or collective farm market? Or maybe you dream of opening your own outlet there? And what? It's warm, light and flies don't bite. You are your own boss—trade whether you like or not. Complete independence and independence from the employer. Moreover, the state can help you with this with money - in the amount of 58 thousand rubles. How? Read carefully!

The site has already written about that. In this article, based on numerous requests from readers, we will give some useful tips and provide complete instructions on how to do this.

So, if you decide to start working for yourself for the first time, then you are entitled to help from the state - a subsidy for Federal Targeted Employment Program. According to the program, everyone who wants to start their own business is paid free financial assistance in the amount of 12 months of unemployment benefits. In 2018, state financial assistance to a start-up entrepreneur is 58,800 rubles. This first step on the way to its own market independence.

How can an entrepreneur get a subsidy to develop his own small business?

Before applying for this subsidy, you must be officially unemployed. For a period of at least a month. This requires registration with the local government Employment Center (PEC). During the unemployed month, reject all vacancies offered by the center. Let's make a reservation right away. Unfortunately, this instruction does not work for people who have violated the registration rules of the employment center; having a criminal record; receiving an old-age pension; full-time students at a university; dismissed from their previous place of work by court decision; who completed their entrepreneurial activity less than 6 months ago. For the rest, as we say in Russia, “welcome to the club.” In other words, in Russian - welcome, dear citizen!

Having resolved all the formalities with the Entertainment Center, you can begin to receive a subsidy. According to the federal program, in most regions it is the central tax center that is responsible for financial assistance to entrepreneurs.

To do this, you should contact the center’s specialists to find out what targeted assistance programs exist in the region and what is needed to participate in them. You may have to take a short test to identify entrepreneurial knowledge.

After clarification, as a rule, you need to describe your own project in detail in a small business plan. This is where it comes second step to their own market independence. Yes, yes. In the business plan submitted to the Employment Center, you need to write about what the point of sale will be, assortment, ways of promotion, expected profit and other details. If you can’t handle it yourself, then knowledgeable intermediaries will draw up a good plan at a low cost.

A business plan, a statement of desire to receive a subsidy and other documents must be submitted to the Center for Significance. Where within 10 days, after consideration of the application, the final decision will be made. You may have to defend your own project before the city commission. If the decision is positive, you need to move on to third step. Registration of an individual entrepreneur (you can do this automatically using the link) and opening a current account. It is to this account that the subsidy will be transferred in the amount of 58,800 rubles.

This amount will be used to rent retail space at the local market and purchase the initial batch of goods.

How to organize proper and profitable trading in the local market

Of course, if an entrepreneur had just taken the first steps towards trading, then he was on the market only as a buyer. And he has his own idea of ​​​​market trading. Most often, the ideas are somewhat erroneous or too ideal. The market, like any other trading establishment, functions according to laws and established traditions.

1. More sellers - fewer buyers. After making a purchase, we think: at a certain purchase price, how much does the seller earn if he serves 10 customers in a day? What if there are 20 buyers? Stop. Unfortunately, we forget that the purchasing flow has its ceiling. Demand is not flexible, increasing the number of offers does not increase sales. Therefore, when deciding on the assortment, you should not stand in a row where all merchants have the same type of product. It turns out that the number of buyers has not increased, but there are more offers. Who will be left without profit?

The market has not been open for the first time, the number of sellers dealing with a similar assortment has self-balanced - the extra ones, with poor profit indicators, have changed their trading orientation. Do you want to follow their path?

To organize your own retail outlet, you need to think about the product range. Ideally, find something that is in demand, but is not yet on the market.

2. Demand creates supply. Not the other way around. Everything is simple here. If the product does not work, it needs to be changed. None - I like it, which means my customers will like it too. The winner in the market is the one who satisfies the buyer, not his own ambitions.

Pareto principle: 20% of effort gives 80% of the result. That is, in relation to trade, 20% of the assortment brings 80% of the profit. You need to find that 20% and focus on it. Not forgetting about the rest of the range. The buyer does not go to an empty shop.

3. It’s not the place that makes the man. It determines the range of sales. The market has an entrance and a general trading area. Those trading at the entry level can expect impulse selling. That is, a product with everyday demand and random demand. Food, groceries, household utensils and the like. In places that are not located on the aisle, which is what they give to newcomers (good places have been occupied for a long time), such goods do not sell well. There you should sell what the buyer will come for - special, narrowly targeted and characteristic goods. For example, a pavilion with yarn and fabrics; everything for fishermen; cosmetics and more.

The main disadvantage of this approach is that it is necessary to constantly attract buyers. Advertising at the entrance, banners, announcements over the local public address system are a prerequisite for successful trading.

4. Money loves counting. When starting your own business, you need to assess all possible risks. Products without demand, rent increases, taxes are expenses independent of income. That is, the primary risk. Without compensation capital, when the month may end in negative territory, it is not worth starting such a business. As a rule, this amount should be enough for 3 months of the existence of a retail outlet without profit. That is, payment of all risks must come from this reserve amount.

5. “First you taste...”. The main mistake of all beginners is that without experiencing all the “charm” of trading, they immediately hire sellers. Thus, they completely lose control over demand and do not study all the subtleties, for example, the influence of location on sales volume. An employee works for a salary. The owner is down to business. That is, without trying yourself in trading, you cannot draw conclusions about its success. It's better to do this with someone you trust (a friend or relative). But not with a hired worker.

How to start successful trading on the collective farm market

Undoubtedly, government assistance is a big plus for those who want to open their own business and choose the most affordable option - opening a retail outlet on the market. Subsidies, preferential loans and other local programs, depending on the region of residence, remove the last barriers between unemployment and a person’s financial independence. All that remains is to increase this capital: rent retail space, find a product range, attract buyers.

The key feature of a business when opening a retail outlet is that the seller works with market visitors, that is, he simplifies the consumption pattern as much as possible; other problems with the functioning of the premises are not his responsibility.

As you can see, some sellers at the market are trading very actively and briskly, while others have the same goods gathering dust on their shelves. This is because there are several secrets that will help you sell any product quickly and efficiently. But not every seller knows these secrets.

The most important secret is the politeness and friendliness of the seller. According to surveys conducted among Russians who make purchases at the market at least once a month, 78% of them believe that the right decision is to refuse a purchase if the seller in the chosen pavilion is impolite and frowns on them. But 91% of buyers answered that they would definitely return to shop again at the pavilion in which the seller politely spoke to them, joked and smiled. Therefore, the question of how to trade successfully in the market can first of all be answered – with a smile!

Another important point is the price. Before you start trading, you should determine for yourself what pricing policy the retail outlet will adhere to. For example, seasonal sales or very low prices for the entire sales period will help attract customers. Many entrepreneurs are confident that products that are cheaper than those of competitors will bring even greater profits due to a significant increase in sales volume. By the way, few buyers know how to bargain in the market correctly and effectively. But the “bargaining is possible” poster does a great job of attracting people to the pavilion. You can add a certain amount to the price in advance, which the seller will concede during the bargaining process. This gives the buyer the impression that he is being distinguished from other clients and is receiving special treatment in this pavilion. He will definitely return to such a place for shopping again.

A few more secrets on how to sell goods on the market. Not all entrepreneurs take into account that the appearance of a retail outlet also greatly influences sales. Even a novice businessman can afford and do a cosmetic renovation of the premises where trade takes place and slightly improve the area in front of the entrance. Cleanliness, comfort, nice furniture, pleasant music, flowers in the flower beds - all this helps to attract even more customers and form the right impression of the store. You can also study a little about the psychology of color and choose colors for walls, furniture, doors, etc. for a retail outlet that will increase the likelihood of a purchase in that particular place. As a rule, these are cool shades.

In addition to all of the above, a very effective way to increase sales is to train sellers on how to sell goods in the market correctly. For this purpose, you can hire a specialist who, in just a couple of days, can teach employees the basics of fast and effective sales, or you can try to do it yourself. However, in the second case, such training does not always give the desired result. Having tried all the available ways to increase sales, each entrepreneur will decide for himself which of them are more effective and which ones to focus on.


The question is asked by Oleg Nikitin:

Hello everyone! Please tell me what is profitable to trade in the market or in stores in your city these days? What can you sell to make it profitable? I've already broken my head.

Hello, Oleg!

You're not the only one scratching your head with this question. It's actually hard to find stuff to sell these days because it seems like there's already so much of everything. It is true! But you can try to organize the sales process a little differently or expand the range of some products and you will differ significantly from your competitors. The main thing is to understand this.

If we return to the question of what to trade, then no one will give you a definite answer. You need to look at demand specifically in your city and in general.

There are products that will always be in demand:

  • Food;
  • Clothing, shoes, accessories;
  • Medicines;
  • Auto parts;
  • Hygiene products, household chemicals;
  • Etc.

The following articles may help you on this topic:

There are also other products that always sell well:

  • Alcohol and tobacco products;
  • Construction materials;
  • Plumbing;
  • Household appliances and electronics (oversaturated market in general);
  • Animal feed;
  • Cosmetics and perfumes;
  • Stationery;
  • Equipment (industrial and commercial);
  • Furniture;
  • Toys;
  • Etc.

Of all of the above, you can sell not only someone else’s production, but also start producing something yourself. For example furniture, food, etc. Now small-scale production is held in high esteem again.

The most important thing is not only to find a product to sell, but also to think about how to sell it. You need to be different from your competitors in at least some way, otherwise it will be difficult to compete.

Also be sure to read articles on this topic:

With the advent of huge self-service supermarkets, even in the most run-down towns and villages, trading at the market has ceased to bring good income, but buyers only go there for a certain category of goods. As practice shows, some goods can be purchased here for a much lower price and are also of high quality. Find out what is profitable to trade on the market in this article.

What goods are profitable to trade on the market?

  1. Meat, lard, offal. Residents of villages and villages who themselves raise pork and beef come to the market to sell such goods, so its quality remains high, which cannot be said about the meat that is presented on supermarket shelves. In addition, it is mandatory to be checked by regulatory authorities, so you should not be afraid of poisoning.
  2. For those who are interested in what products are profitable to trade at a spontaneous market, the answer is seasonal vegetables, fruits and berries. Of course, it is tempting to buy a peach in the supermarket in winter, but you must remember that the various chemicals and pesticides with which they are treated are responsible for its safety. Seasonal ones, grown in the beds of local residents, do not have these disadvantages, and their price, as a rule, is not high, because the owners do not need to spend money on transportation.
  3. Household chemicals, all kinds of fertilizers, insect killers, paint and varnish products, etc. They are always in good demand, and the weather does not affect their safety in any way, so this is an excellent option for those who are thinking about what is profitable to trade on the market in winter.
  4. Various hosiery, underwear, knitwear. The cost of such goods, as a rule, is low, so it is not profitable to sell them in covered pavilions, where all the profit will be “eaten up” by rent. In addition, women most often go to boutiques to buy expensive lingerie, but they buy inexpensive lingerie at spontaneous markets.
  5. For those who are wondering whether it is profitable to trade in clothing on the market, it is worth answering that this is not the best option for. First of all, there is no place to try on clothes, as a result of which the seller loses half of his potential clients. It is very important here to study the demand, understand exactly what items of clothing people need and present them in this particular market.
  6. Household goods such as window thermometers, extension cords, flashlights, etc. They are always in price and there is always a demand for them.
