Business plan for rabbit breeding construction. Rabbit farming is a profitable business. Legal side of the issue

Raising rabbits at home is not a difficult and very inexpensive task, but when the hobby is ready to move to the business stage, it is necessary to think through the main issues related to keeping, raising rabbits and methods of selling meat. There are several main points that you should pay close attention to when drawing up a business plan for breeding rabbits.

A mini farm using the Mikhailov method requires only a few hours a week of care

A business plan for breeding rabbits consists of several items:

  • initial costs;
  • fixed costs;
  • permanent income;
  • additional income;
  • profit calculation.

Initial Investment

The initial investment includes:

  • purchase of a plot for construction (if you do not have your own plot);
  • expenses for paperwork;
  • costs of building a farm (materials, wages to workers, communications);
  • arrangement of an existing site (if necessary);
  • materials for shads with cages;
  • necessary equipment (refrigerator, mini-tractor), feeders and drinkers or material for their manufacture;
  • buying rabbits,
  • feed (compound feed, vegetables).

The costs of this item largely depend on the availability of land, premises and materials. When buying/renting a plot, you need to choose a location in a suburban area, but not near residential buildings.

The minimum desired area of ​​the future farm should be fifteen acres.

Fixed expenses

This article includes fees for veterinary support, food and wages for employees, if any. When calculating feed, a female rabbit and her offspring are taken as one production unit. During the year, one female brings 24-25 rabbits. Rabbits are slaughtered at three to four months, while their meat is tender and free of foreign odors. To obtain large, excellent skins with lush, thick fur, the animals are slaughtered after their autumn moults in November-December. However, it is not profitable to keep rabbits born in the first months of the year, so they are slaughtered at the age of four months, seven to ten after the end of the first molt.

One female with offspring needs approximately three hundred and forty kilograms of feed per year, since the feed is purchased, its cost is included in expenses.

Farmers themselves prepare green fodder, branches, and hay, reducing costs. Some farmers reduce this cost by producing their own feed, purchasing the necessary equipment and buying raw materials (grain waste) in large quantities from local flour mills.

This same item includes all expenses for gasoline, electricity, and water. The annual cost of veterinary support per production unit is more than three hundred rubles.

On Mikhailov mini-farms, rabbits are kept outdoors year-round

Fixed expenses must include the organization of a slaughterhouse, that is, the purchase of knives, cutting tables, a container for waste, a constant source of water to ensure the cleanliness of the premises, and a blood supply.

Don’t forget to periodically disinfect the room and have good ventilation.


The main type includes income from the sale of meat and skins. It’s easy to count them: the average carcass weighs more than two kilograms. Experienced farmers annually receive eight hundred to a thousand carcasses from three shad. Thus, the annual output will be at least two tons of meat; it remains to multiply this figure by the selling price of meat to obtain the amount of income.

Animal skins can be an additional source of income, or the main source if the goal is to obtain high-quality fur. There are many experienced rabbit breeders who professionally prepare skins and make hats, short fur coats, and decorative items from them, having their own market. The skins of meat breeds can be preserved and sold to fur studios. Their cost is relatively low. If high-quality dressing is not possible, the skins must be given to professionals, and only then sold in an atelier, then their price increases five to six times. Experienced breeders claim that in this case they have a net profit of one hundred rubles per head. You can go a little further and not sell the dressed skins in the studio, but give them to sew fashionable, popular products, and sell them yourself, which will bring almost fifty percent profit.

The third source of income is breeding rabbits. Once you have invested money in the purchase of purebred animals, you can easily make up for the costs by selling purebred young animals.

General questions when creating a business plan

Before you begin preparing a business plan, you need to familiarize yourself with and consider the legal side of the issue, methods of keeping animals, types of feed, and breeding features.

The premises where animals will be kept must be protected from drafts. In addition to proper nutrition, rabbits need proper care, namely:

  • daily cleaning of feeders and drinkers, bedding,
  • regular vaccinations,
  • fresh air,
  • periodic disinfection of premises,
  • timely isolation of sick animals.

When starting a business, you need to decide on the goals of breeding - obtaining meat and/or skins and select the appropriate breed.

Meat breeds include rabbits “gray giant”, “white”, for fur - Rex, butterfly, white downy.

To open your own farm, you need to have premises, a food supply (close proximity to meadows, forests), and start-up capital for the purchase of breeding rabbits and the manufacture of cages. And the main thing is to study the sales market in order to know how much meat can be quickly sold and at what price. To do this, it is better to visit local shops and markets, cafes, restaurants, hotels and motels.

For information: from a five-kilogram rabbit you get about two to three kilograms of meat with bones.

Legal side of the issue

If you want to not just engage in rabbit breeding, but make it your own business and earn money, you need to start with organizational and legal issues.

Personal subsidiary plot

Breeding rabbits as a business requires having your own or rented plot of land in a holiday village. You will need an appropriate certificate of personal subsidiary plot (LPH). The main advantage of private household plots is complete tax exemption. The main disadvantage of this form of activity is that there are restrictions on the circle of potential buyers. These include shops, supermarkets, restaurants and cafes, which have increased demands on product quality.

To sell meat in markets and stores you will need:

  • a certificate from a veterinarian or a veterinary laboratory stating that the rabbits are healthy and have
  • all necessary vaccinations;
  • they are packed in compliance with all rules;
  • a health certificate for a vehicle used to transport meat;
  • certificate from the veterinary laboratory with blood and carcass tests (meat safety).

Here we must take into account the fact that the form and number of the listed certificates are determined by the regulations of local authorities, so at the first stage it is good to go to the local veterinary station and find out the list of documents required for selling meat.

Individual entrepreneur

This is a more prestigious status than private household plots, but more expensive due to taxes.

You can minimize taxes by choosing a form of taxation in the form of a single agricultural tax on income in the amount of six percent.

The second way to pay this tax is on the difference between income and expenses; its value ranges from five to fifteen percent, depending on the rate adopted in a given region. An individual entrepreneur must have a certificate for a rabbit farm, a declaration of compliance with GOST of the Russian Federation and a phytosanitary certificate. Controls the activities of IP Rosselkhoznadzor.

Shed system for raising rabbits

Rabbits are bred in a variety of conditions and farms, but the shad system is more suitable for home-based businesses. Shed is a mini-farm where you can raise rabbits. It allows you to optimize production processes and facilitates calculations of feed requirements. The disadvantages of the shed system are the time required for entry and a certain inconvenience of maintenance, but this method is distinguished by the simplicity of construction and minimal monetary costs.

In essence, a shed is two batteries of cells under one roof. The length of the battery depends on the area of ​​the room; the accepted width is standard - three meters. It is important to note that this means that the cages are lined up in three rows/tiers on either side of a one and a half meter wide aisle. Before installing the cages, the entire floor in the room must be covered with boards or filled with cement, and a drain must be installed.

You can make cages in two sections, then two neighbors will have one manger for hay and branches, one nest. These cells have the following dimensions:

  • length - one meter,
  • width - half a meter,
  • nest size - thirty by fifty centimeters,
  • walking compartment - fifty by seventy centimeters.

You can make cages, shelves and feeders yourself - this will significantly reduce costs. Cages are made of wood, plywood, metal, metal profiles and other materials. A metal mesh is used for the front wall, but it is not recommended to use a mesh on the floor. If the cage is made entirely of wood, a window is made on the back wall for light and fresh air, which is covered with a mesh. Each cage must be locked to prevent the animals from running away.

Rabbit breeding

When breeding rabbits, one of the most popular options for housing animals is the option with eighteen female rabbits and two rabbits. A shad ten meters long will accommodate sixty cages, in which four hundred individuals can be obtained per year. Each row will house nine females and one male, the remaining forty are intended for growing young animals.

If you cover a female for the first time in February - March, then in a year she will bring at least twenty - twenty-five rabbits from three births. Please note that to obtain healthy offspring, it is important that the suckling period lasts two months. This will avoid exhaustion of the female rabbit with three litters per year - out of six possible. It should also be taken into account that experienced specialists do not cover the bulk of the female rabbits in winter, so that the females retain the necessary fatness until the next breeding period.

One female rabbit brings 30-40 little rabbits a year

If space allows, there are markets and cheap high-quality food, you can cover the rabbit in the winter, but then you will have to insulate the nests. For this purpose, a piece of foam plastic/polystyrene is placed under the bottom of the nest, and the nest is filled with hay.

Feeding rabbits

Drawing up a business plan is impossible without calculating feed and having a good feed supply. Domestic rabbits eat succulent, green, roughage and concentrated food, and their diet depends on the time of year.

So, adult rabbits weighing four kilograms in summer require 20-25 grams of feed, about 500-800 grams of greens/grass, in winter 35 grams of concentrate, 200 grams of hay and succulent feed.

For pregnant females, the amount of food is increased to 700 grams, and 70 grams of compound feed, in winter - 170 grams of hay, 85 grams of concentrates (including 10 grams of cake), 200 grams of succulent feed. During pregnancy, females need additional minerals and vitamins, for which they are given 11 grams of honey, 12 grams of salt, 60 grams of meat and bone meal, one gram of fish oil and vitamins. This is just one of many options for necessary supplements.

It is necessary to include in the plan the purchase of a sufficient number of automatic drinkers.

By following these simple recommendations and thinking through all the main points, you can create a productive and stable rabbit farm. The main thing is to pay enough attention to the preparation process and study of the sales market. More than half of the success of the enterprise depends on this.

Have you decided to start a rabbit breeding business, but don't know where to start? Read this article to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of this business, how to get maximum profit, write a business plan and become a successful entrepreneur.

When you decide to become a rabbit breeding businessman, you shouldn’t rush. Evaluate all the pros and cons, think about whether you can cope with a rabbit farm. Having finally decided not to rush to buy everything you need, draw up a business plan and turn to the government for help. Nowadays agriculture is, if not in a deplorable, then in a neglected state, so the state allocates grants and subsidies for its development. You can find out more about this at the employment service of the territorial entity. Even a little money will not be superfluous.

Is it possible to open? It’s quite possible if you follow our advice.

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The topic of rabbit breeding is discussed by a successful Russian entrepreneur who has been professionally involved in various areas of agribusiness for more than 15 years. Participated in the creation and development of both his own and third-party projects. Has extensive knowledge in many areas of agricultural production. The article contains a short but very comprehensive business plan for breeding rabbits (up to 1000 animals per year) with specific figures for income and expenses.

Surely you know the saying: “ The surest way to throw money away is to invest it in agriculture" Well, the time has come to completely refute this saying and forget about it once and for all. After all, we will talk about one of the most stable and profitable areas - rabbit breeding as a business. Namely, about creating your own rabbit mini-farm, which will provide you with a constant source of income all year round.

Firstly, rabbit meat has exceptional dietary properties. In addition to the fact that rabbit meat contains all the essential amino acids, it is absorbed by the human body by 90% (pork, beef and lamb by only 60%) and helps regulate metabolism. And you can play well on these properties of rabbit meat. Agree that there are now more than enough people on a diet for one reason or another.

Secondly, the rabbit meat market is practically empty, and it won’t be difficult to break into it. This is primarily due to the fact that no one can compete with rabbit meat: neither poultry farms, nor pig farms, nor livestock complexes, i.e. this niche is actually empty. And ask yourself, how often do you see an abundance of domestically produced rabbit carcasses on supermarket shelves?

Organizational and legal aspects of running a rabbit breeding business

Before opening a mini-farm, let’s consider the two most acceptable forms of doing business: peasant farms and individual entrepreneurs.

Peasant farm (peasant farm).

In fact, the activities of a peasant farm enterprise are the same as an individual entrepreneur, but with only one difference: it may include citizens who jointly own the property of the enterprise and have the right to carry out any economic activity. At the same time, the peasant farm does not have its own statutory documents, constituent agreement and its own name. By registering a peasant farm in your own name, you become its head, or more precisely, an ordinary individual entrepreneur.

But whether it is worth accepting new shareholders into its composition or not depends on the situation, but I would answer this - no. Since, if successful, problems will inevitably arise with partners (shareholders), which can lead to the complete liquidation of the enterprise. In addition, according to the law, you have the right to manage a peasant farm as one person. The advantage of a peasant farm is that it can count on government support in the form of all kinds of subsidies and tax benefits.

IP (individual entrepreneur).

To be honest, in my opinion, this is the most acceptable form of business organization for a rabbit mini-farm. The fact is that the legal field of peasant farming does not have clear boundaries, and there have been constant disputes around this for a whole decade. And the so-called advantage of peasant farms in receiving government benefits and subsidies is completely smashed against the bureaucratic wall.

For example, to get a preferential loan for agricultural producers, you need to submit an application to the local district administration. The commission considering such applications will include good men and women who are vitally interested in obtaining these same loans. Now guess who will win the tender for a soft loan?

Tax form for rabbit farming

As a taxation system for this type of activity, it is worth choosing from two forms of taxation: Simplified taxation regime, income minus expenses or the Unified Agricultural Tax.

Economic activity type code

OKVED with coding - A.01.25.2 will suit you. What does it mean: breeding rabbits and fur-bearing animals on a farm. This group has restrictions prohibiting the production of skins and hides of animals obtained as a result of hunting and trapping.

Organization of material and technical base

In order to mechanize the entire process of raising and keeping rabbits as much as possible, it is best to use a shed system. A shed is a shed with a wood or metal frame that houses rabbit cages under one roof.

Place for a mini farm

To build a mini-farm, no special permission is required. All you need is to have a plot of land outside the city, owned or leased. The only catch is the permissible distance of the mini-farm from residential buildings. Such things are regulated by local governments, so find out in advance where you can install a farm and where it is unacceptable.

The place for the farm itself should be on a hill or on a piece of land with a slight slope.

Try to avoid low areas, as rabbits cannot tolerate high humidity. Ideally, the entire site for the farm should be asphalted, concreted or filled with gravel, and a storm drain and water drainage system should be installed.

So, the mini-farm project will allow producing 700-1000 rabbit carcasses per year, and the farm area will be about 800-1000 m² of land.

  • Sheds - 3 pcs. Total area - 360 m².
  • The feed shop and the car access to it are 200 m².
  • Room for equipment and spare building materials - 40-50 m².
  • Premises for slaughterhouse and refrigeration equipment - 40-50 m².
  • Manure collector - 30 m².
  • The rest of the area is passages and passages for a mini-tractor.


Sheds for rabbit breeding

Due to the fact that the cages in the sheds are located in one place, this significantly saves building materials and time on their maintenance. Cages in sheds are installed in two tiers, on both sides of a covered passage. To allow more light and fresh air into the cages with rabbits, windows measuring 20x100 cm are made on their back walls, with removable boards on hinges. The length of the shed can be arbitrary (in our case it is 20 m), the height is 240 cm, the width of the passage is 120-140 cm. The floor in the passage is concreted or asphalted with a slope towards the cages.

Rabbit cages

The cage for the main herd has a length of 100-130 cm, a width of 60-70 cm, with a front wall height of 55 cm, a back wall of 35-40 cm. For ease of manure removal, the roof of the lower tier cages is made with a slope back and is a second solid bottom for upper tier cells. There should be a similar tray for the cells of the lower tier.

All cages are best made from galvanized welded mesh(cell size 18X18, 20X20, 16X48 mm).

The cages in the sheds are divided into two compartments - feeding and nesting, and mesh nurseries are placed between them (mesh size 35X35 or 25X50 mm), but feeders and drinking bowls are located under the nurseries, which significantly saves space. Thus, one shed can accommodate 60 cages, in which up to 400 young animals can be raised in a year.

Feed shop

A feed shop is a room where an impressive supply of concentrated feed (compound feed, grain) will be stored, which should be enough for 2-3 months. If desired, the feed mill can be equipped with a professional grain crusher (production capacity of at least 500 kg/h) and a granulator to independently produce feed and save on this cost item.

Also on the territory of the mini-farm there should be a room for spare equipment (feeders, drinking bowls, etc.) and building materials (mesh, boards, fasteners, etc.).

Slaughterhouse and refrigeration equipment

In case of mass slaughter of rabbits, it is necessary to build a separate room, or rather an extension to the building where the refrigeration equipment will be located. In the slaughterhouse, a separate place for slaughter is allocated, which is equipped with a blood flow and special equipment. oven for burning offal (heads, paws, entrails, illiquid skins, etc.). This approach allows you to create a continuous process for processing rabbit carcasses. That is, they killed it, cut it up, immediately packaged it and froze it.

Manure collector

A manure pit is an ordinary pit with concrete walls and an open roof (canopy). The depth of the pit is at least 3 meters, the width and length are arbitrary. The manure collector is located in the farthest corner of the farm and as far as possible from the shads, feed shop and refrigeration equipment.

Business process: raising and feeding rabbits.

Let's consider business processes for raising rabbits for meat.

What breed of rabbits is it profitable to breed?

Since the main product of a rabbit mini-farm is meat, the breeds of rabbits must be meat accordingly. There should be no downy, meat-skinned, and especially crossbred rabbits. At first glance, there is no difference in weight between adult rabbits of meat and skin breeds, but the latter already reach a live body weight of up to 3.5 kg by the age of 3 months. There are only three of them: New Zealand red, New Zealand white and Californian.

  • New Zealand red. Adult rabbits reach a live weight of 4.5-5 kg. They are characterized by high growth energy, especially at an early age.
  • New Zealand white. These rabbits are also distinguished by high growth energy, meatiness and early maturity. The live weight of young animals already at three months of age is 2.7-3.5 kg.
  • Californian. The average daily growth of young animals of this breed is 40-45 grams. per day until two months of age, as a result of which these broiler rabbits reach a weight of 4.5 kg by 5 months.

My advice to you: do not buy breeding young animals at poultry markets. The best place to buy is specialized agricultural supplies. exhibitions. Here you can find good suppliers of purebred rabbits, evaluate their products on the spot and compare the rabbits offered with breed standards.

Organization of feeding

I very often heard the opinion that rabbits are herbivores and you can get tons of rabbit meat from grass alone. Believe it or not, this is not true.

Succulent and herbaceous food (grasses, hay, straw, etc.) in the diet of rabbits in terms of nutritional value is only 15-20%, the rest is grain flour feed. At the same time, there are a huge number of diets for feeding rabbits, as well as the characteristics of the feed given to them. In order not to confuse you in all sorts of comparisons, below I will provide a table of the combined type of feeding. Be aware that succulent and grassy foods in this table are interchangeable.

Table No. 1: Maximum daily yields of basic feed for rabbits in grams.

SternAdult rabbitsYoung animals aged, months.
from 1 to 3from 3 to 6
Grass of natural meadows 1500 200-500 500-900
Legume grass 1200 150-400 400-700
Green branches of deciduous trees 600 50-200 200-400
Beet tops 200 50 50-100
Feed cabbage 600 100-150 250-400
Cabbage leaf 300 100 100-200
Carrot 600 100-250 250-400
Fodder beet 200 100 100-200
Sugar beet 600 100-250 250-400
Turnips, rutabaga, turnips 400 50-100 100-200
Boiled potatoes 400 50-150 150-300
Raw potatoes 150 50 50-250
Silage 300 20-80 80-200
Hay 300 100 100-200
Cereal grain 150 30-60 60-100
Legume grain 50 10-20 20-30
Pancake week grain 20 5-10 10-15
Bran 100 5-20 20-80
Cake and meal 100 5-20 20-80
Meat and bone meal 15 5-10 10
Salt 2.5 0.5-1 1
Chalk 2 0.5-1 1

But the following table will help you understand not only the annual feed requirement for each category of rabbits, but also calculate the feed requirement for each day.

Table No. 2: The annual feed requirement of rabbits with a combined type of feeding.

Physiological stateAnnual count kormodnyFeed in kg.
concentrateshayrootsgreen stern
Female rabbit and male during the non-mating period 33 3.46 1.19 3.23 4.48
Female rabbit and male during breeding period 32 4.16 1.44 3.84 5.6
Female rabbit 120 16,8 6 15,6 23,1
Lactating rabbit 180 62,4 21,1 57.2 83,35
For one head of young animals from 45 to 120 days 75 10,14 3,14 - 11.97
In total for 24 heads of young animals - 243,36 75,36 - 287,28
Annual requirement of replacement young stock 42 5,25 1,89 5,67 8,19
Male annual requirement 365 47,50 16,40 44 64
Male share per female rabbit - 5,93 2,05 5,5 8
For one female rabbit with offspring (24 heads up to 4 months of age) - 341,36 109 91 420

In the morning, rabbits are given succulent feed and greens, and in the afternoon and evening - concentrates (compound feed, grain). At the same time, rabbits must be provided with clean drinking water around the clock.

Rabbit breeding

When breeding rabbits, I use the following scheme. Shed has 60 cells, the upper tier of cells is occupied by females (14 cells) plus one male (1 cell). The remaining 45 cells are used to raise young animals. From each rabbit I get 3 litters: spring, summer and autumn. I keep young rabbits with a female together until they are 2 months old, and sometimes more (in late autumn). One female produces about 25 rabbits per year, which in total amount to 300-350 young animals (14 females multiply 25 rabbits).

It is impossible to determine the exact number of young animals, since mortality among rabbits is inevitable, so we will take a minimum of 300 pieces. This number of young animals is freely placed on the remaining tiers with cages (7-8 pieces per cage). As a result, we have the following data: 3 sheds multiplied by 300 pieces. rabbits and the output is 900 rabbit carcasses per year.

But I would not advise you to keep a separate herd for purebred breeding. If you calculate the maintenance of such a herd in terms of time and money spent on feed, then it will be easier to buy breeding replacement young stock every two years.

How to save on feed

As you understand, the main expense item in rabbit farming as a business is feed. It is very expensive to feed rabbits with purchased feed, it is impossible to grow grain on your own, and it is also impossible to reduce the amount of feed given, as this will lead to a sharp decrease in productivity. Therefore, the only way to reduce this expense item is start your own feed production.

All you need is a powerful grain crusher and a feed granulator, since rabbits are reluctant to eat ground grain. And, of course, raw materials in the form of grain and grain waste. This is precisely the essence of saving, because grain waste costs two times less than compound feed.

Below I will give 3 recipes for concentrated feed for rabbits of all ages.

1) Recipe No. K-92-1 concentrate feed for adult rabbits.

2) Recipe No. K-91-1 concentrate feed for young animals.

3) Recipe for concentrated feed for rabbits of all ages.

Do not try to prepare such succulent food for the winter yourself as silage and root crops. It’s one thing when you keep 20-30 rabbits, and a completely different thing when their number exceeds 1000. Procuring and growing such food will not only take a lot of time, but will also require significant investments in paying hired workers. The only exception is hay, since it is quite difficult to buy well-leafed and vitamin-rich hay.

Try as much as possible mechanize all manual labor. A good option in this case is a mini-tractor, which can be used to transport feed to the shads and remove manure. Also take care of automatic water supply for rabbits.

Ways of implementation

So we come to the main component of our rabbit business - the sale of meat. And here you need to take into account all possible ways.

Own customer base

Creating your own customer base can be a good start. That is, acquaintances, relatives, acquaintances of acquaintances, and so on. This category of people should not be underestimated. There were times when I lost almost the entire batch of rabbits right from the yard. Some took live carcasses, some took ready-made carcasses, but something else is important, how to create this database quickly and efficiently?

With friends and relatives everything is clear, they called, came, bought, but strangers are attracted through advertising. Use any advertising: ads in newspapers, on the street, etc. The main thing is an acceptable pricing policy. Don’t raise the price of meat to the skies, make it affordable for all categories of buyers, and those who want to taste tender, homemade rabbit meat won’t have to wait long.

You can sell meat directly from the farm without any permitting documents. The exception is resellers who need a regular certificate from the veterinarian about the presence of rabbits.

Sales of rabbit carcasses through restaurants

Selling rabbit carcasses through restaurants seems very attractive at first glance. However, be prepared for the fact that almost every restaurant will refuse you. And all because most restaurants do not have rabbit dishes on their menus.

Therefore, you should not directly contact the administration of such establishments with an offer to buy rabbit meat. It’s better to contact the chef, and not with an offer to buy meat, but simply cook it and present him with 2-3 rabbit carcasses. For many, this approach will seem ridiculous, but believe me, it works great. Of course, not all restaurants will become your clients and at first you will lose some profit, but those who agree will become a stable sales channel.

However, here, unlike selling meat from the yard, you you will need a veterinary certificate form No. 2. In addition to the local veterinary department, be sure to contact the local SES, regional center for standardization and metrology. The fact is that all sorts of regulations governing the sale of meat are constantly changing, so you should get advice from the authorities described above.


Wholesale centers, shops and supermarkets are not an option within our project. It’s just that everything depends on the volume of meat produced, and our volumes are small - 2 tons of meat per year, which are made up of the following indicators: 1 rabbit carcass - 2 kg, 1000 carcasses - 2000 kg. It's all about certification of the farm itself, the slaughterhouse, the processing shop, etc. The annual registration and confirmation of all these documents will eat up the bulk of the profit. But if you decide to use this option, then I advise you to contact the sales points directly and resolve such issues individually.

When trying to sell rabbit meat through retail chains, you will encounter large wholesale suppliers, and these will mean extremely low prices for your product. And they are low to such an extent that they can completely ruin your enterprise. Such a sales route is appropriate only when the volumes produced exceed 5-6 tons of meat per year and additional sources of income are added to this.

Additional sources of income

Let's look at how to use by-products to generate additional income.

Rabbit skins

For the majority of the population, rabbits are not only tasty and dietary meat, but also fur. However, the situation with the sale of skins is terrible, but not a dead end.

When slaughtering rabbits, be sure to preserve the skins, and it does not matter what they are, summer or winter, since there is a buyer for each product. It’s just that the price for them is quite low, about 30-40 rubles. per piece. They are purchased mainly by large enterprises producing leather and fur products. Therefore, in your free time, be sure to look for those in your region. Of course, on this income item you won’t earn much, but at least you’ll pay back part of the same feed.


Natural organic fertilizers have always been and will be in price, but you can’t make a lot of money from manure, due to the small volumes. Vermicompost is another matter. Biohumus is a liquid, highly concentrated fertilizer obtained as a result of fermentation of manure in special biogas plants. Surely you have heard about this, when natural methane gas is obtained from animal waste, but vermicompost is a by-product of processing. I saw a similar fertilizer, bottled in plastic bottles, in stores for summer residents, and people readily bought it. So no one is stopping you from doing this kind of business, and vermicompost has a long shelf life.


Hopper feeders, rabbit watering systems and cage batteries are always in demand. Many owners of country houses prefer to raise small animals for their own needs in the warm season. For example, a 3-cell cell battery made of galvanized mesh and metal. profile, as well as equipped with feeders and drinkers, costs about 5-8 thousand rubles on the market.

Income and expenses of a business raising rabbits

Initial investment.

But here, dear rabbit breeders, I cannot give exact figures for the initial investment, even if I wanted to. And I won’t take them from the ceiling to paint a beautiful picture (as is done everywhere), looking at which one gets the impression of easy and multimillion-dollar earnings. After all, everything depends on the specific situation.

Firstly, prices for building materials are different in each region. Secondly, some already have the necessary equipment, supplies of building materials, the same mini-tractor, etc., while others will have to start from scratch. Therefore, I will simply provide a list of the necessary equipment and building materials, based on which you can easily calculate the initial costs for yourself.

  • Building materials - metal profiles, galvanized mesh, roofing and lumber.
  • Preparation of documents for a land plot. Owning it is expensive, renting is almost free.
  • Improvement of a mini-farm - storm drainage, water drainage, asphalt, concrete or crushed stone.
  • The costs of building a farm are payments to hired workers or your own labor costs.
  • Equipment - mini-tractor, freezers, grain crusher, feed granulator.
  • Breeding rabbits - at least 50 pieces at the age of 3-4 months.
  • Possible expenses include purchasing equipment (I don’t recommend it, it’s better to do it yourself).

Income per month and per year

Annual expenses.

  • Feed consumption per 1 production unit is 340 kg, multiplied by 5 rubles. per kg, we get 1700 rubles. and add 300 rubles to this amount. for other expenses: paperwork, fuel, etc. As a result, one unit of production costs us 2 thousand rubles. per year.
  • In a mini-farm of 3 shads, we have 42 production units (14 females in each shad), multiply 42 units by 2000 rubles, and the annual expense will be 84 thousand rubles. But, as you know, everything is beautiful on paper, but in reality it’s different, so let’s add a couple of force majeure events to this figure and round it up to 100 thousand rubles. per year.

Annual income.

  • One production unit is 50 kg of rabbit meat (25 carcasses of 2 kg each). Let's be realistic, since most of your customers will not pay any attention to the dietary and beneficial qualities of rabbit meat. For them, the main thing is the price of the product, so we will set it within 200 rubles. per kg. And we get the following figure - 10 thousand rubles. from one production unit.
  • Then everything is simple, from 10 thousand rubles. we take away our expenses - 2000 rubles. and we get net profit - 8 thousand rubles, which we multiply by 42 production units - 336 thousand rubles. per year. This is about 30 thousand rubles per month.

Of course, these are not petrodollars, but also not a meager salary at some municipal enterprise. This income will be fully consistent with your labor costs on the mini-farm, which will be 3-4 hours a day.

Last argument: no one is stopping you from expanding production over time. As soon as the system works and proves itself, and you realize that you are capable of more, then boldly move forward, exploring more and more new markets.

Every rabbit breeder will be glad to learn from our article the basics of rabbit farming as a business. We also attach one of the popular and effective business plan options that can ensure your success in this endeavor.

Prerequisites for breeding rabbits

Many people like rabbit meat, because it is tasty, tender and dietary, completely justifying its cost. Rabbit fur is a wonderful raw material for making warm, cozy winter clothing, from fur coats to hats and children's mittens. It can also be imitated as the fur of rare breeds. The down of this animal is in great demand in the production of velor, suede and knitwear.

Considering that there are no more prolific animals in the world than rabbits, their breeding business can bring you a large income, paying off in the first year. Just one female in a year can give you half a centner of meat and about three dozen skins from her offspring. If this is a downy female, you get a whole kilogram of down. Just one, and that’s not the limit! But on a rabbit farm more than a dozen of these animals can be bred.

Video about rabbit breeding

You need to be a serious business person to raise rabbits. Don’t start starting a business without first taking care of knowledge about this craft, its pros and cons, and also without being armed with a business plan and the necessary funds. What kind of animal is a rabbit, how does it feed, reproduce, what illnesses it suffers from, how to treat it - all this needs to be known before breeding begins and taken into account in the process.

The simplest scheme in case of an acute shortage of the family budget may be several purchased cages, or even the simplest homemade ones. However, this is not the best way to get rich, because you won't be able to breed enough rabbits this way. Although, unlike industrial rabbit breeding, private farming is usually not so automated, and feed is used, as a rule, cheaper and easier, purchased cages, building materials and the rabbits themselves for breeding will not soon pay off.

Many people like rabbit meat, because it is tasty, tender and dietary, fully justifying its cost

Having a sufficient area of ​​land, you can breed animals in a pit. A small hole can accommodate up to two hundred rabbits, and they dig holes for themselves and multiply there without your special attention. There may be several holes. A major disadvantage of this method is that rabbits from the pit are not suitable for the subsequent sale of skins, only for the sale of meat. However, this is a very profitable method; several carcasses a day are easily sold out at the market.

Breeding rabbits as a business is especially important with good financial investments. The more you invest, the more you get. Good money helps keep animals in decent, best conditions. But the better the yield from them, the better the conditions that determine health, growth, reproduction rate, quality of skins, and marketing opportunities. This means that carcasses, skins and fluff can be sold more expensively and more often.

  • Animal breeding work is properly organized;
  • You can choose the ideal time for prevention, mating, and litters;
  • Feed is consumed more economically;
  • It is much more convenient to carry out breeding work.

Cages can be placed both indoors and outdoors, it depends on climatic and weather conditions

Cages can be installed both indoors and outdoors, depending on climatic and weather conditions. In the summer they are taken out into nature, and the rabbits wintering takes place indoors. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the constant change in the microclimate in the rabbitry - regulate the content of water and ammonia vapor, ventilate the room. If the winter in your area is warm, not frosty, the cages can be left outside in winter.

What cells should be like:

  • The farm uses cages made of different materials - wood, metal, adobe, and even brick.
  • Galvanized metal mesh is recommended.
  • For cells to be easily transported, they must be mobile. Thanks to their lightweight and simple design, which makes them easy to clean and inspect the rabbits themselves, they can be installed in several tiers, saving space.
  • When placing cages in tiers, provide a slight slope and waterproof roofs so that the urine and feces of rabbits do not fall on the “lower floors”.
  • The floor should consist of mesh or slats based on oak, maple or beech. This allows you to maintain cleanliness. To eliminate dermatitis on rabbit feet (pododermatitis) and swelling, an additional wood floor is installed under the mesh.

The choice of design for rabbit hutches is very wide.

The choice of design for rabbit hutches is very wide. They can have a square or round shape, be short or long, accommodate one rabbit or many, and have a single or multi-tiered design. There are even specialized “houses” for males, young rabbits or females with offspring. In order to walk young animals, it is recommended to cover the walks.

Gaining increasing popularity shad rabbit breeding system. It differs from the external cage in its increased convenience regarding working conditions, such as, for example, simple mechanization that allows you to quickly remove manure and deliver water and food to rabbits. At the same time, labor productivity increases incredibly. A single worker can serve up to one hundred and thirty females with over a thousand rabbits in their litters - twice as many as when using conventional cages. Having spent once on sheds, you free yourself from paying salaries to a second employee.

Advice to rabbit breeders raising rabbits for fluff and skins: provide the animals with the opportunity to constantly live in the open air. The quality of the product becomes much higher.

Breeds of rabbits are classified according to their output: downy, meat and meat-skin breeds

Breeds of rabbits are classified according to their output: downy, meat and meat-skin breeds. The latter includes not only the famous chinchilla, but also the butterfly, giants (gray and white), silver and black-brown. Valuable breeds produce, accordingly, valuable fur, but not everyone can afford to breed them. However, among the variety of breeds, you can definitely choose the one that would be most convenient for you to breed based on your means, conditions and goals.

Breeding downy breeds of rabbits is currently not very relevant, since it is not possible to sell fluff and skins everywhere, which were booming in popularity in Soviet times. Therefore, for novice businessmen, we recommend starting rabbit breeding with meat breeds.

You can breed rabbits either by crossing individuals of different breeds or by mating individuals of the same breed (purebred). The first option helps to improve such qualities as: early maturity, fertility, vitality, economy in feed consumption without compromising the weight and quality of meat. Since these qualities appear less and less with each new generation, crossbred rabbits are usually sent to slaughter immediately after fattening. Using the second option, rabbits develop new valuable qualities that are preserved from generation to generation, and, if necessary, then enhanced by the first method.

You can breed rabbits either by crossing individuals of different breeds or by mating individuals of the same breed.

To make your business grow faster, you can increase the fertility of females and the number of litters per year. This is achieved very simply - immediately after the birth of the cubs, the female meets the next male. This comes out without any problems, but you need to take into account that in this case the female ages faster if she is not fed properly. This is done with the help of a sufficient amount of varied and concentrated green food, which replenishes the high energy expenditure of females during simultaneous pregnancy and lactation.

A healthy female rabbit gives up to 8 litters of about a dozen rabbits per year. Monitor the consistency of the females' productivity - over time it decreases, and the females have to be culled.

As we have already mentioned, the importance of proper rabbit nutrition for the prosperity of your business is enormous. Any food used must contain the entire set of nutrients and additives necessary for the growth and development of animals - carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. Rabbits should not need clean water either. What feeds are used for this?

Rabbits should not need clean water either.

  • Green, consisting of a variety of non-poisonous herbs, fresh tree branches, and other fresh greens;
  • Rough, represented by hay and dry branches;
  • Juicy, represented by cabbage, silage and tubers, among which the most popular are beets, Jerusalem artichokes, carrots and turnips;
  • Mineral, consisting of bone meal, table salt, old slaked lime and chalk;
  • Concentrated, which includes various feeds, legumes and cereals, as well as food waste.

As you can see, rabbits are not very picky about food, they simply require variety. However, females during lactation and cubs additionally need animal feed rich in proteins and a spectrum of B vitamins. They include: fish meal, meat and meat and bone meal, milk (both fresh and dry), as well as skimmed milk.

In parallel with the topic of nutrition, attention should be paid to preventing animals from diseases. By nature, rabbits have very weak immunity, and there are many diseases to which they are susceptible, including those that affect people. In order to protect broods from diseases, you should not only keep the cages clean at all times, but also consult with a competent veterinarian and vaccinate all rabbits against the most common infections.

In parallel with the topic of nutrition, attention should be paid to preventing animals from diseases

Being in any way connected with business activities in the countryside, you can seriously think about how useful it will be for you to also breed rabbits. Is such a business profitable for you personally? Finding the answer to this question is best started by reading the business plan for rabbit farming. We present one of the best examples for this endeavor below.

Business Plan Review

This business plan describes all the intricacies of the rabbit business, allowing you to assess the degree of profitability of such a project in business. To call this project exclusively rural would be incorrect. After all, rabbit breeding can also be done in partnerships organized by gardeners and gardeners, or in urban suburbs. Therefore, a closer definition of the category for breeding rabbits, the business plan for which we present, is a livestock business. The easiest way is to start with breeding meat breeds in order to then sell rabbit meat, so below we will focus on this.

Of the organizational and legal forms of doing business, the optimal form for rabbit breeding is an individual entrepreneur. It involves significantly lower taxes, a simplified form of accounting, as well as mutual settlements with end consumers.

The easiest way is to start with breeding meat breeds, and then sell rabbit meat.

Since the demand for rabbit meat, firstly, is not too high, and secondly, it depends on the sales region, this project is considered moderately successful, and also highly dependent on your ability to find end consumers.

To determine the profitability of rabbit breeding specifically in your region, you should analyze the local market in the field of livestock farming, and rabbit farming in particular. This will allow you to identify potential buyers, wholesale and retail, and determine their needs. The latter will help you not to waste more than necessary financial resources on starting a business.

In our example, your enterprise will be a rabbit breeding farm for 60 heads, which subsequently has the opportunity to expand its specialization, in addition to meat, also selling skins and liver.

Having settled the rabbits in cages, hire a worker to take care of your farm

Production plan:

  1. Select a suitable plot of land, both in terms of natural conditions and rent. You should choose a plot of at least five acres in area. On a smaller one it will be impossible to arrange all the cells and the necessary utility rooms.
  2. Buy cages for rabbits. If financial resources allow, it is best to buy ready-made ones - they are more functional, stronger, and the rabbits themselves are more comfortable in them. However, if you are not free enough financially, you can make the cages yourself.
  3. Buy the rabbits themselves. The initial livestock is purchased immediately in the quantity indicated above. Of the 60 heads, 40 are females, and only 20 are males. The choice of breed depends on the factors that we have already touched on above.
  4. Having settled the rabbits in cages, hire a worker to take care of your farm. At the same time, take care of purchasing feed, having previously calculated the required quantity based on the number of animals, the frequency of purchase of feed, and the recommendations of experienced rabbit breeders.

The easiest way to sell meat is to locate the farm near district or regional centers

Even before all these operations, a sales plan should be formed in order to eliminate the factor of overproduction and make the sales itself more efficient. The easiest way to sell meat is to locate the farm near district or regional centers where large supermarkets are located. Other significant buyers may also be meat markets and stores, meat counter owners, and private individuals. If, in addition to selling meat, you also sell skins, it will matter how far away private fashion designers and fur studios are located.

Financial plan

Speaking about the financial plan, we have come close to the question of exactly how much money you can earn in a year by engaging in private rabbit breeding. Below we will outline all the main columns of expenses and income.

How much will you need to spend:

  • For renting a plot – 20-80 thousand rubles. annually. This spread is determined by the difference in rental costs in different regions of the country and specific locations in the regions.
  • Purchasing or creating rabbit cages – 10-40 thousand rubles. one-time. We recommend that you do not skimp on quality and buy functional and durable cages in specialized stores.
  • Purchase of rabbits – 18-30 thousand rubles. for sixty heads. The cost depends on the region and breed.
  • The cost of compound feed is 50-100 thousand rubles. annually. Costs also vary by region.
  • The employee's salary is 10 thousand rubles. per month, total - 120 annually.

As you can see, rabbits are not very picky about food, they simply require a variety of it.

Total costs in the first year: 218-370 thousand rubles.

How much will you receive:

  • For the sale of meat - 300-370 thousand rubles. in the first year. This is an approximate figure, based on the calculation that each of forty female rabbits will bring about twenty rabbits per year, each weighing almost two kilograms, in total - one and a half tons of meat from 800 rabbits annually, with a meat cost of 200 to 250 rubles per kg.
  • For the sale of skins - 160 thousand rubles. This is if we take into account the average price for a skin - 200 rubles.

Total income for the first year: 460-535 thousand rubles.

Thus, the net profit for the first year of operation of the enterprise will be from 90 to 235 thousand rubles, on average - 160 thousand rubles.

Video about the secrets of rabbit breeders

You can increase your profits even further. To do this, send the most active and healthy rabbits not to the cutting room, but to mating, while simultaneously increasing the total number of cages. This will involve additional expenses, but your income will increase proportionally.

When breeding rabbits, it is important to take into account the main thing - once you start a business, do not stop halfway, treat the matter with all the attention, and you will undoubtedly be rewarded with a decent, stable profit!
