Scenario of the fairy tale “Mitten” (middle group). "Teremok in a new way, or a fairy tale about friendship" staging a fairy tale for middle-aged children Staging a fairy tale in a middle group

Organization of cultural and leisure activities for the middle group, dramatization of the converted Russian folk tale “Teremok”

Target: creating conditions for the development of children's creative activity in theatrical activities; developing a desire to actively interact with peers and adults by participating in joint games; speech development and communication skills in children, introducing children to theatrical activities.
create a desire to participate in the dramatization of a fairy tale for middle preschoolers;
develop the ability to use known expressive means (intonation, facial expressions, gesture, movement) to embody an image;
develop a sustainable interest in theatrical and gaming activities;
improve gaming skills and creative independence through theatrical games that develop the creative abilities of preschoolers;
enrich and activate the vocabulary;
develop dialogic and monologue speech.
Means: gestures, facial expressions, intonation, movement.
Methods: visualization, storytelling, dramatization, memorization.

Progress: The teacher, a storyteller, comes out in front of the house to the music.
Hello, dear guys!
Hello, dear guests!
I want to invite you to a fairy tale.
Behind the forest, at the edge,
Someone's hut is hidden.
Not a hut, a little mansion,
He is neither short nor tall.
And here is the tower. Let's sit back and see what happens next.
Listen, who is it running along the forest path?
(A child in a mouse costume runs into the hall to the music)
I am a little mouse
I'm running through the forest
I'm looking for a home for myself
I'm looking, but I can't find it.
What kind of miracle is a tower?
He is not low, not high,
Mouse (knocks):
Who, who lives in the little house,
Who, who lives in a low place?
(The mouse looks around. No one answers. He enters the mansion and looks out of the window).
I will live and work in it,
Invite someone to visit you.
The Mouse began to live in the house,
I began to guard the house,

Here is a frog running across the field,
She stopped at the door and knocked.
(A frog jumps out into the clearing to the music).
River, midges and grass,
Warm rain, qua-qua-qua!
I'm a frog, I'm a frog,
Admire me
(spin around yourself)
What a miracle is this tower?
He is neither short nor tall!
Who is sitting in the mansion?
And looks out the window?
(knocks on the teremok)
Mouse: Who's there?
It's me, your girlfriend!
I am a green frog.
Bored in the mansion alone?
I'll live with you too!
There's a place for you
It's more fun to live together.
Now let's knead the dough,
And then we’ll have some tea!
Suddenly from the forest to a clearing,
The big-eared bunny has come running!
(A child in a bunny costume jumps into the hall to the music)
What a miracle, just like that!
How did I get here?
There is a tower in the clearing,
He is not low, not high,

There's smoke coming from the chimney,
There is a stump under the window,
I'll knock softly on the door,
And I'll call the owners.
(knocks on the tower)
Who, who lives in the little house?
Who, who lives in a low place?
I am a little mouse!
I'm the frog frog.
Who are you?
I am the Runner Bunny.
Mouse and Frog (in chorus):
So be it, perhaps to the house,
It's more fun to live with three people.
(The Bunny enters the house. The Mouse and the Frog disappear through the window. The Fox comes into the clearing with a bundle and heads to the tower).
It became more fun in the house,
The three of them began to live,
Suddenly he runs out of the forest,
Someone with a red tail.
(A fox sneaks along to the music, looks around, sees the little tower, examines it)
I am a fox, I am a sister,
I have a bushy tail
(shows off tail)
I'm walking along a forest path,
I decided to stretch my legs.
What a wonderful little house?
He is not low, not high,
Who's the boss here, tell me
And look out the window!
I'm Little Mouse.
I'm the frog frog.
I'm the Runner Bunny.
Who are you?
About the beautiful Fox
The rumor has been going on for a long time.
Everyone in the forest knows me!
There will be a place for her!
Come in, godfather, be bolder,
Lunch is just ready.
It will be more fun together!
There is no better home in the world!
(The Fox enters the house. The Wolf comes out into the clearing with a bundle and heads to the tower).
There is a teremok, teremok in the field,
He is not short, not high, not high.
Here, across the field, across the field, the top is running,
He stopped at the door and knocked.
Who, who lives in the little house?
Who, who lives in a low place?
I'm Little Mouse.
I'm the frog frog.
I'm the Runner Bunny.
I am the Fox - the beauty of the whole forest.
All (together):
Who are you?
I am the Gray Barrel Top.
Okay, Gray, come in,
Just don't bite!
We'll kick you out right away, mind you,
If you offend the Hare!
(The wolf enters the house. Everyone hides.)
It's a bit cramped for six of us.
It happened: in the little house
There is no empty corner.
In cramped conditions, but not offended
Everyone lives without seeing trouble.
(Bear comes out into the clearing with a bundle and heads towards the tower).
Suddenly out of the forest all shaggy,
A clumsy bear came out.
What kind of tower is this tower?
He is not low, not high,
I'll come up to the door,
Let me find out who's inside.
(knocks on the door)
Who, who lives in the little house?
Who, who lives in a low place?
I'm Little Mouse.
I'm the frog frog.
I'm the Runner Bunny.
I am the Fox - the beauty of the whole forest.
I am the Gray Barrel Top.
All (together):
Who are you?
And I am a bear from the forest,
I will sing songs with you.
I'll give you honey, friends.
If you let me in.
Everyone (in unison):
No, Bear, don't!
Bear (offended):
You shouldn't be doing that. I'll come in handy!
It hurts you are huge.
Don't be afraid, I'll fit.
I am modest in my requests.
(The bear climbs into the tower. The house begins to shake and falls.)
Bear (with guilt):
What have I done, brothers?
The tower has collapsed!
Okay, don't cry, my friend,
Let's build a new tower!
(A new tower appears)
That's how the tower is - a tower!
He is neither short nor tall!
Many animals live in it.
Life is more fun for us together!
He is not low, not high,
Our cheerful little mansion!
(storyteller introduces the artists)
Cast: (children's names)
This is where the fairy tale ends,
And who listened, well done!
(The animals bow and leave to the music)

“A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it”

Music from the cartoon “Last Year's Snow Was Falling” plays. It turns out Man- he is dressed in felt boots and hats, and has a cardboard ax on his shoulder:

I already sent it! I've been circling through the forest for three hours, I've seen enough of these fairy tales and these storytellers. There is no such thing as a normal Christmas tree! That's bad luck. And most importantly, some fairy tales are all wrong, not the same as before. Everything seems to be the same as before, but it feels like someone somewhere has changed something! I just entered the forest, and then a story happened to me...


A young man wearing a T-shirt with a yellow smiling emoticon appears on stage. Babka follows him, limping:

The granddaughters and the girls all looked so impudent! There is only one shame, not the girls! That one has not only her ears, but her entire face covered with glands, this tattoo is like that of a hardened prisoner, or she puts something like that on herself - Slava Zaitsev crosses herself and cries quietly in the corner. Don't mess with them, grandson!


Well, bah, I need them, these girls..! I went, the guys and I agreed to meet...

The grandmother leaves, Kolobkov “hits the road” to the song “Country of Limonia.”

Zaikina jumps out from behind the scenes to meet him. This is a real glamorous blonde - eyelashes, nails, hair, pink and fur galore.

Zaikina(speaks languidly, drawing out words):

Kolobkov! Where are you going?


Zaikina, get out of the way, I’m off and on my way...


I was thinking...


Did you even think? What a surprise!


Should I invite Kolobkov to some cafe? Tiramisu, cappuccino, I’m so beautiful... I think it’s a good idea!


Zaikina, I don’t want to upset you, but...

I am Kolobkov, Kolobkov,
Born engineers
Learned from TV,
Grandma warned...
I left my grandmother
And he left his grandfather,
I’ll leave you, Zaikina, even more so!

Just think about it - where do I, a simple schoolboy from an average family, have so much money to carry you and your false nails to cafes and feed you tiramisu? Adye, my furry rodent!

Kolobkov... Come with us to the cemetery today.


Volkova, damn it! Nevermind the invitation! I see you, I have a desire to cover myself with a blanket and under no circumstances hang my legs or arms off the bed - what if you’re hiding under my bed and how you’ll grab it! And you also invite me to the cemetery!


It will be fun, Kolobkov. Let's howl at the moon and celebrate a black mass. Quiet, calm, no adults...

Kolobkov(to myself):

Grandma is right, she’s right in everything... Listen, Volkova:

Sings his song, adding the line:
I’ll run away from you, Volkova, as fast as I can!

Medvedeva comes out to meet Kolobkov - a girl with a VERY heavy build, roughly speaking - plump.


Kolobkov! Come to our house for lunch today! Mom and I made dumplings, baked pies, and fried donuts. Look at my embroideries, I spent so many evenings on them...


As I understand it, the only thing missing from your plush table is Kolobkov. Medvedeva, you are my weeping willow, you are my wise Vasilisa, and I don’t even know what this embroidery of yours looks like!
Sings his song, adding the last line:
And I’ll leave you, Medvedeva!

Lisichkina comes out to meet Kolobkov. The girl is just like a girl, only red-haired.


Hello, Kolobkov. It's good that I met you. They say you understand computers, but something happened to mine - it won’t load. Maybe if you have a free minute, you can take a look?


Lisichkina, I'm in a hurry.
Sings his song, adding:
And I’ll leave you Lisichkina.


So I told you - when I have free time. And guess what? You help me with the computer, and I’ll help you with the essay, otherwise the class cried over your epic creation for the last time. Let’s do this - you give me a computer, and I’ll give you an essay!


But it’s true, it’s almost the end of the year, and I have something indecent about literature. Well, let her write, and it’s not difficult for me to see what’s on her computer... Let’s go, Lisichkina, let’s take a look. Do you have any firewood?

Talking, they leave.

It turns out Man:

Have you seen it? I'll be damned if that Fox didn't eat him! And everything seems to be according to the plot, but doubts torment me. Or here’s another thing - I move on, go out to the edge...

Crane and Heron

A young man, Zhuravlev, comes out from behind the scenes:

All the guys in the class have girls. And some manage to date several people at once. What's worse about me? The heron looked at me like that yesterday, she probably likes me. Maybe call her, ask how things are going with her on the personal front, and if not, then approach her gently?

Dials the number. Tsaplina comes out from another wing. Her phone rings, she picks it up:

Hello, I'm listening...

Hello, Tsaplina. What are you doing?

Ah, Zhuravlev, hello. I don’t do anything, I’m on VKontakte.

But tell me, Tsaplina, honestly, don’t you need a strong, handsome, courageous young man, 16 years old in full bloom? If you need it, here I am!

Zhuravlev, did you fall from the oak tree? Who is the strong one here? Who couldn’t pass the push-up standard for two weeks? And who is beautiful among us? Yes, even the Lyagushkin sisters shy away from you in all directions, and it would seem that there are three of them, and not a single one has a boyfriend, they could have fallen for it. Your masculinity is a big question; they say that when you watch melodramas, you cry like crazy! Well, why do I need such a treasure?

Well, Tsaplina! You're just kind of mean! (to himself) This is a bummer.

He hangs up and goes backstage.


Come on, just think! He's trying to be a guy with me... He's handsome, ha-ha-ha... (thinks). Well, actually... his eyes really are wonderful. And then he messed up his push-ups because of a cold, but he runs faster than anyone else and plays basketball great. As for melodramas, it’s still unknown whether he’s watching it or it’s some kind of joke. And in principle, let him look, I love them myself... I shouldn’t have offended the guy. I need to call him back.

Dials Zhuravlev's number. He comes out of the wings and picks up the phone:

Yes. Well, what else do you want, Tsaplina? Didn't you say everything?

You know, Gray, I think I got carried away. If you haven’t changed your mind, then I’m ready to accept your offer to date!

What? Offer? Yes, I was joking, Tsaplina! How could it even occur to you that I would want to date you? Do you think there aren’t any other cute birds in our swamp? Yes, the same Mashka Lyagushkina - her legs are longer, her waist is thinner, and everything else is also in place!

You are a pig, Zhuravlev! I definitely won’t forgive you for comparing you to Lyagushkina!

He hangs up. Goes backstage.


It seems to me that I really am a pig. Well, I like her, to be honest. She’s not only pretty, but also smart, she’ll help if you have anything with your studies... I’m calling... I hope she won’t send me to the swamp!

Tsaplina comes out and answers the call:

Zhuravlev, if you’re calling me to tell me something else about the delights of the other Lyagushkin sisters, then you shouldn’t bother. They are proverbial beauties!

No, Tsaplina. I want to apologize, but still think about my proposal to meet...

Zhuravlev, Christmas trees! No! Go kiss Masha, what if she turns into a princess!

Both go backstage.
It turns out Man:

They still haven't reached an agreement. They call a friend. It’s just that maybe I’m confusing something, but in the fairy tale they went to each other, weren’t there telephones in the fairy tale? And what kind of phones are in the swamp? But it was the last story that finally finished me off:


A table and two chairs are brought onto the stage. A guy and a girl come out. The guy is wearing a tracksuit and a cap, the girl is wearing a miniskirt and heels, but also wearing a sports windbreaker. They behave cheekily. They sit on chairs and crack seeds.


Hey, Maha, do you think Ryabov gave us a report on history?

Young woman:

Why, do you think he dares not to roll?

They laugh stupidly. A young man, Ryabov, appears to be a typical “nerd”:

Young woman:

And go for a walk, come on.


But we agreed that the three of us would do the report! What should I do now, write a new one for myself?


Well, like, if you don’t want to, don’t write. You’ll get a couple... And don’t blather there, otherwise... (shows fist)

The bell rings. The girl opens the door:

Oh, Myshkin... Hello!

Myshkin enters - a healthy guy, about two meters tall.

Well, what do you have here? Ryabov? Why are you here?


Yes, he, like, asked for a visit. He says show him some tricks, like self-defense. He's leaving now.


They say we have a history report coming up, but I can’t sleep.

The guy and the girl look at each other in fear. Ryabov clears his throat, adjusts his glasses, takes a step forward, clearly wants to say something.


Ryabov, get out of here, whoever you told! Then all the tricks!


Why is this on your table? Paper? Is there anything printed on it?

He takes it and reads it from the warehouses:

- “Gold of the Scythians.” Oops! History report! This is where I entered successfully! Who dashed off?


They dashed off! Not only are they good at tricks, they are also real scholars!


So, I’ll take this, and you, if you’re so smart, will write for yourself! Fuck me, let's go!


Ryabov.., a “bad” person, so what have you done? Now I’ll really show you a couple of tricks, but you probably won’t like it.

Young woman:

Now I'm a couple of years old on the history of the house!


Yeah, why didn’t you stop Myshkin?


Yes, he will put me down with one left hand.


Okay, don’t cry grandpa, don’t cry grandma... I’ll write you another report, but let’s do it for three. How do you like the topic: “Gold Rush” in the Wild West - the reasons for its occurrence?”

Young woman:

Ryabov, dear, sit down and write quickly...

They go backstage.

It turns out Man, this time dragging a Christmas tree (artificial) behind him.

Phew, now we can go home. I'm tired of these incomprehensible things. Look, what are they kicking out! The main thing is not to meet anyone else at the exit from the forest, otherwise I will completely go crazy.

Runs him out Wife:

Oh, Lord, there you are! And I already searched all over the forest for you! I’ll ask Kolobok, then I’ll ask the Heron. A mouse ran by, waved its tail in your direction, and that’s how I came to you. What, you fool, have you been walking around all day?


Yes, you won’t believe it, maybe I ate something wrong, but your Kolobok and Mouse are no longer the same. Have you noticed anything strange?


You understand a lot. What time is it now? Such are the times, such are the tales. Moreover, you probably forgot the saying: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!” Let's go, poor fellow, he's frozen...

They hug and leave. The final music from the cartoon “Last Year's Snow Was Falling” plays.

Tales from the chest

Integration of musical and speech activities

based on Russian folk tales

in the middle group of preschool educational institutions

Compiled by Burganova L.G. music supervisor

MBDOU No. 25 p. Osinovo Zelenodolsk district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Children enter the hall to the melody of the song “Come, Fairy Tale” by the muses. Vl. Dashkevich

Leading. Hello guys. Look how beautiful this chest is. Are you wondering what's in it? (Yes)

The presenter takes out sticks from the chest.

Leading Guys, what beautiful sticks! They are probably not simple, but magical.

How did they get to us? (Children express their assumptions: from a fairy tale, brought by a wizard, etc.)

Do you love fairy tales? (Yes) Can you name them? (Children's answers) Today I invite you to take a journey through your favorite fairy tales with the help of magic wands.

Children take sticks.

Download the sticks

(“Kuklyandiya” by M.I. Rodina, A.I. Burenina)

You'll bounce sticks like sunbeams!

Jump-jump, hop-hop, we galloped onto the meadow.

With your right foot - stomp, stomp! Left foot - stomp, stomp!

They sat on their heads and sang a song

Legs, legs, did you walk? - We walked, we walked.

Legs, legs, were you running? - We ran, we ran.

Feet, feet, were you knocking? “We knocked, we knocked.”

Legs, legs, did you dance? - We danced, we danced.

Legs, aren't your legs tired? - Not tired, not tired.

Leading. Of course, you are not tired, but the chopsticks need to rest and be returned to their place.

Put the sticks in the chest. Magic music sounds

Leading. We got riddles in the chest,

We will instantly solve the riddles now.

Children look at a slide depicting animals from the fairy tale “Teremok”

Guess it quickly, my friend,

This is a fairy tale...


(Slide 1)

Leading. That's right, Teremok. We need to build a house so there will be somewhere for the animals to live.


(Finger game)

“Physical minutes for every day” compiled by Zabaluev A. A.

From your fingers, my friend, make a tower. (put your palms together above your head)

This is the gate, this is the castle. (put your palms in front of you, make a “lock”, clasping your fingers)

Here's a little gray bunny

Here is a little mouse,

Foxy sister, (smooth hand movements)

Frog frog.

But then the bear climbed into the tower . (hold round hands in front of you, stamp feet)

The house is broken. (hands drop down, slapping themselves on the knees)

The people fled. (squats)

The clubfoot bear wanders (They spin around and waddle, pretending to be a bear)

He can't find a place for himself. (spread their arms to the sides, expressing annoyance)

I will build a big tower (“building a tower” - they hit each other with their fists, raising their hands up)

And they will live there with me: (Hands make a shelf in front of the chest)

Gray bunny, (show “ears” - put palms to head)

Little mouse, (put your palms in front of you, bringing them together)

Foxy sister, (smooth hand movements)

Frog frog. (put their arms out to the sides, showing palms)

We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house.

Who were these

Little children?

(kids from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids”)

(Slide 2) “Wolf and seven kids”

Leading. You did it again guys

We will jump like little goats.

Dance – game “Mischievous little goats”

(A.I. Burenina “Communicative dance-games for children”)

The presenter takes out the next riddle from the chest.

Oh, and the girl is cunning,

I baked pies for everyone,

She climbed into Mishkin’s box,

So I got home (“Masha and the Bear”)

(Slide 3) “Masha and the Bear”

Leading. Guys, what kind of pies do you like? What kind of filling is there?

The slides show products: berries, cabbage, apples, etc.

Children call: berry, cabbage, apple, etc.

Leading. Let's help Masha bake pies,

We'll heat up the oven.


Two children stand facing each other and perform movements according to the text,

You drank, drank, drank. (Hand movement “Saw”)

we chop, we chop wood, (clap hands alternately)

We'll heat up the oven,

We will bake pies.

There will be a lot of pancakes here (One puts his hands forward with his palms up, the other puts his hands on his palms)

And with pies filling. (The first one must catch the palms of the partner who is hiding his hands behind his back)

Leading. The next tale from the chest is hidden behind this riddle:

Grandmother grabbed onto grandfather tightly:

“Oh, I can’t pull it out, help, kids!”

Good helpers will come running soon,

Common, friendly work will defeat the stubborn person. (Turnip)

Slide 4 “Turnip”

Important dog Barbos

Round dance - Game exercises to the melody “Oh, you canopy!”

Children choose "Barbosa". They walk in a circle, “Barbos” in the center of the circle goes in the opposite direction.

Once upon a time there lived a shaggy dog, he was very important.

Every morning I went out to the clearing for a walk.

“Barbos” walks with an important air, holding his head high

He walked in the park, he walked importantly, he looked to the sides

Walking with your head turned

It is also important to twirl your tail busily.

Walking with hip rotation

Suddenly he saw a squirrel on a branchy tree.

Put your hand to your forehead and be surprised.

The dog will squeal: “Woof!”

The squirrel will jump.

Our park has gone crazy.

“Barbos” makes a jump, shouting: “Woof!”

"Squirrels" run away

Cat and mouse

Speech game with noise instruments

The mouse sits here quietly and rustles quietly.

Children sound out the text using “rustles”, rustling paper, or scraping their fingers on the floor

The cat sneaks slowly, maybe the mouse...

Knee spanking

You'll get caught!

Clap your hands

Leading. Next fairy tale. (takes out a riddle from the chest)

Near the forest on the edge

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs.

Three beds, three pillows.

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

(Three Bears)

Slide 5 “Three Bears”

Three bears

Round dance - game

“Physical minutes for every day” compiled by Zabaluev A.A.

Children stand in a circle around rattles. In the middle "Teddy Bear"

Three bears were walking home - the children were waddling.

Dad was big, big, (Raise your hands up)

Mom is shorter than him. (The hands depict “holding onto the ends of the scarf”)

And my son is just a little boy. (stop)

He was very small, he walked with rattles, (squat a little)

Ding-la-la, ding-la-la. (claps)

My rattle! (When the music ends, the “bear cub” must take any rattle, the children also try to take the nearest rattle)

Leading. The last riddle.

Mixed with sour cream, chilled on the window,

Round side, ruddy side

Rolled... (Kolobok)

Slide 6 “Kolobok”

Leading. The bun rolls, we will stand in a circle behind it!

Dance "Kolobok"

Leading. The bun rolled, rolled, and rolled into our garden.

These are the tales the chest helped us remember, goodbye, guys!

Staging “Toys in the Hut”, in the middle group

Ignatievskaya Olga Ivanovna, Educator, MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 3 "Forget-me-not" Moscow region, Protvino
Target: develop children's theatrical abilities.
Tasks: develop children’s speech, develop children’s creative abilities, cultivate interest in fairy-tale characters.
LEADING. Today toys will come to us for the holiday. They want to invite you guys to visit them.
The house moves out.
Toys live in this hut.
Whose call will you press -
You'll be able to visit him.
Let's press the first bell (presses the button).
In the first room - Parsley in a bright red cap,
A well-known toy
With a rattle in hand.
Petrushka comes out.
Hey guys, come over!
Look at Petrushka!
I'm dancing
I sing
Listen to my song!
Parsley sings a song(music by G. Fried) or recites, dances.
Children clap their hands. The presenter seats Petrushka among the children.
The child presses the second bell. Doctor Aibolit comes out.

Hello kids. What hurts?
SEVERAL CHILDREN (from the spot).
Nothing hurts
Nothing, no one.
Maybe I need some aspirin
Maybe lubricate it with iodine?
SEVERAL CHILDREN (from the spot).
Better give me some vitamins
Treat yourself to honey!
Aibolit takes boxes of pills out of his pockets and puts them on the table. The children thank you. The presenter seats Aibolit among the children. The child presses the third bell.
The Bear comes out with a large jar of honey and bows.

No, it's not bad for neighbors to live next to a teddy bear!
He's flexible
He will bring you a jar of honey at any time of the year.
Eat, eat, guys.
I have a rich supply...
The children thank you. The presenter seats the Bear among the children. The child presses the fourth bell.
Matryoshka dolls of different heights appear, each holding a cup on a saucer. Matryoshka dolls are lined up in front of the house.
Three nesting dolls, three - toys,
Three rosy-cheeked girlfriends.
In silk scarves,
Aprons with flowers.
How will the guys come to us?
Our Moti is right there.
To the music, the nesting dolls walk towards the table one after another in small steps, holding a cup in front of them. They spin around and stop behind the table. Place the cups on the table.
We have tea for you
we treat you,
don't regret it
not as a bite, but as an overlay, so that it’s tasty, so it’s sweet.
LEADING(seating nesting dolls among the children). Children, the nesting dolls treated you to tea, Doctor Aibolit - vitamins, Mishka - sweet honey. Petrushka amused you. Let's tell them all - thank you!
The children thank you.

Teachers come out of the house with beautifully decorated trays with gifts on them and hand them out to the children.
Thanks to the entire Soviet country for a fun children's holiday.
Long live the October holiday!
All the children shout “Hurray!” and they leave the hall to the music.
Note. Children of four years old can play the roles of toys if they can handle it without much difficulty. You can learn this fairy tale with children five or six years old and show it to the kids at a matinee.

Tasks: Learn to act out performances based on familiar fairy tales, using expressive means: intonation, facial expressions, gesture.

Develop interest in theatrical activities

Costumes: ant, hare, sparrow, butterfly, frog caps, overalls and mushroom cap

Decorations: fake trees and mushrooms, tree leaves.

Characters: Presenter, Mushroom - adult, Butterfly, Frog, Ant, Bunny, Sparrow, Fox - children.

Music is playing.

Leading: In the clearing, along the roads

A white fungus has grown.

He is not a simple mushroom -

You brought us a fairy tale.

Music is playing. A mushroom grew in a clearing.

Leading: Autumn. The rain is getting heavier.

The Ant hurries to the mushroom.

An Ant walks to the music of the Mushroom.

Ant: I was almost completely wet.

I'll quickly hide under the fungus!

Leading: He just got under the fungus

The butterfly goes to the fungus.

The Butterfly appears to the music.

Butterfly: Hello, good Ant!

Hide me quickly.

I can't fly anymore.

Ant: Well, of course I will help!

Hide, hide, hurry up!

The Butterfly and the Ant stand together under the Fungus.

Leading: A wet Sparrow is jumping.

Sparrow: You, friends, let me in.

Have pity, don't drive.

I was completely, completely wet.

You will let under the fungus.

Ant: And there will be a place for you.

Butterfly: At least we're a little cramped.

Leading: Three of them. They are too cramped.

The Mouse came running to the Fungus.

Mouse runs to Mushroom to the music

Mouse: Let me go under the Fungus

I'm wet! Help!

Ant: Although the three of us are cramped,

We'll save you from the rain.

Butterfly: The rain, look, it's getting heavier!

Mouse: Hide, hide, Sparrow!

Music is playing. A Bunny appeared in the clearing.

Leading: Who is that in the clearing?

So this is a gray Bunny!


Who is there, who is there under the Fungus?

You will save me!

Fox is chasing me

Hide, help!

Ant(addresses Mouse, Sparrow, Butterfly):

I feel sorry for the Hare, he is wet.

All: Hide quickly under the Fungus.

Presenter: And here comes the red beauty -

the gossip is running - Fox.

To the music, the Fox appears in the clearing. She looks around for the Hare.

Fox: Who is standing there under Mushroom

Do you recognize me?

Answer quickly

Have you seen the hare?

All: No!

Fox: It's better not to waste time,

Music is playing.

Leading: The rain has stopped. And so

Rejoice forest people!

All the heroes come out from under the Fungus.

The Frog jumps towards the Mushroom.

Frog: Kwa-kwa-kwa!

How did you position yourself under it?

Can you guess what happened?

All: The mushroom has grown!

We thank you

And we say “thank you”!

All heroes bow to Fungus.

Mushroom: Don't thank me

Say “thank you” to yourself.

Your friendship saved you

And sheltered from the rain!

All the heroes dance to cheerful music around Mushroom.

Prepared by a teacher of the highest qualification
categories Shevchenko Svetlana Nikolaevna.
MDOU No. 33 “Forget-me-not” “Kindergarten of a compensating type” in the city of Kaluga.
