Suggestions based on the results of working time photography. Photo of a working day. What is a working day photograph and why is it needed?

Despite the dramatic changes in the country's economy, rationing has retained its role as the main factor in managing labor productivity. Working time photography (WPH) still remains one of the most convenient and rational methods for studying the costs and losses of working time, as well as developing certain types of labor standards. Mastering the PDF method allows you to obtain unique results in the field of personnel management and its productivity, even in conditions of incomplete coverage of work performed at the enterprise by standardization.

Productivity serves as a measure of the efficiency of using available resources (not only labor, but also raw materials, land, capital, information, time, etc.) to produce the quantity, range and quality of products or services required by the consumer. At the same time, labor productivity is one of the main, although not the only, characteristics of the efficiency of using both physical and material labor.

The productivity of an enterprise is determined by a number of factors, divided into two groups - soft and hard. Soft factors, which include, among other things, personnel, organizational system, work methods and management style, are quite easily influenced by the enterprise, manageable and at the same time have a significant impact on the overall performance indicator. That is why great attention has been and is being paid to increasing labor productivity.

One of the recognized tools for solving the problem of efficient use of an enterprise's labor resources is labor regulation.

In Ukraine, sectoral and intersectoral norms and standards have been and are being developed, for example, within the framework of the “Program for the creation and continuous updating of the national regulatory framework for labor and professional classification for 2004–2007”, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of March 18, 2003 No. 356. However, one One of the characteristic features of the country's current economy is the significant uneven development of enterprises, which causes a significant decrease in the applicability (compliance) of approved inter-industry and sectoral standards. At the same time, in accordance with the Labor Code of Ukraine, the introduction, replacement and revision of labor standards is carried out by the owner or a body authorized by him in agreement with the elected body of the primary trade union organization (trade union representative). The owner or his authorized body must explain to employees the reasons for revising labor standards, as well as the conditions under which the new standards must be applied. The owner or a body authorized by him informs employees about the introduction of new and changes to existing labor standards no later than one month before their introduction (Article 86 of the Labor Code).

Therefore, the approved interindustry and industry norms and standards are advisory in nature.

The main responsibility for checking the compliance of interindustry and sectoral standards with the actual organizational and technical conditions at the enterprise, determining errors, modifying, changing existing or developing new standards falls on the enterprise and its standardization specialists.

The main task of rationing- establishing the necessary costs of living labor (working time costs), materialized labor (equipment, technological process, subject of labor) and work conditions (workplace organization, division and cooperation, working conditions, etc.) in order to:

  • increasing labor productivity;
  • determining the required number, professional and qualification composition of workers;
  • organizing operational planning;
  • organization of remuneration;
  • improving labor organization.

It is customary to distinguish four types of labor standards:

Standard time- the amount of working time established to perform one unit of work by an employee or group of employees (team) of appropriate qualifications in given organizational and technical conditions.

Production rate- an established volume of work (number of units of production) that an employee or group of employees (team) of appropriate qualifications is required to perform (manufacture, transport, etc.) per unit of working time under given organizational and technical conditions. The production rate is the reciprocal of the time rate.

Number of people- an established number of employees of a certain professional qualification required to perform specific production, management functions or the amount of work in the given organizational and technical conditions.

Standard of service- the number of production facilities (units of equipment, workplaces, heads of livestock, etc.) that an employee or group of employees (team) of appropriate qualifications are required to service during a unit of time in given organizational and technological conditions. The controllability standard is a special type of service standards for normalizing the work of managers at various administrative levels.

The most widespread are time and production standards, which are used both directly for assessing and remunerating workers, and for planning production and personnel numbers. These standards are easy to use and understandable to all categories of workers.

Size and service standards are less common, especially sectoral and intersectoral. Such standards usually take into account the typical composition of work for the regulated category of personnel. If the scope of work at an enterprise, for example, accounting or repair and maintenance, differs from that given in the collection of standards, then the applicability of the standard is reduced.

The development, testing and implementation of labor standards is a multifaceted process that requires performers (standardizers) to spend a significant amount of time, labor and high qualifications.

Working time is used by enterprise personnel not only for work; the structure of working time is much more complex. It includes (see fig.) :

Opening hours- the period of time during which the worker performs this or that work, both provided and not provided for by the production task.

Completing tasks- task completion time consists of preparatory and final time, operational time and workplace maintenance time.

Preparatory and final time is spent by the worker on preparing himself and the means of production to carry out a new production task, producing a new batch of products, and performing all the work associated with its completion (obtaining materials, tools, devices, work orders and technical documentation, undergoing training, installing and removing tools and fixtures, equipment setup, delivery of finished products, delivery of fixtures, tools, work orders, technical documentation and remaining materials). It is calculated once for the entire batch of products. Depending on the serial production and equipment, it can range from 1 to 15% of working time.

Operating time- the period during which the worker performs a given operation - changes the shape, properties and quality of the object of labor or its position in space.

Main time - part of the operational time spent on achieving the goal of this process for a qualitative or quantitative change in the means of labor.

Auxiliary time - part of the operational time spent on performing actions that make it possible to perform the main work (loading a machine with raw materials, unloading and removing finished products, installing and reinstalling parts, tools and devices, worker movements associated with the operation).

Workplace maintenance- time spent on activities related to caring for the workplace and maintaining equipment, tools and devices in working order during the shift.

Depending on the nature of the worker's participation in production operations, work time can be time manual, machine-handmade And observation time for the operation of the equipment.

Preparatory and final time, as a rule, is manual; basic - manual, machine-manual, machine, automated; auxiliary - manual, machine-manual or mechanized. Workplace maintenance time can be manual or machine-manual.

Work not according to instructions- time spent on performing random operations that are not typical for a given worker, which can be eliminated (going for a tool, correcting defects, etc.).

Chore- time spent on performing random operations that are not typical for a given worker.

Unproductive work- time spent on walking and searching (for materials, blanks, tools, foreman, adjuster, etc.), as well as on manufacturing products that were rejected through no fault of the worker.

Rest breaks and personal needs are used by workers to rest in order to prevent fatigue and maintain normal performance. (rest) as well as personal hygiene (personal needs) .

Breaks of an organizational and technical nature are caused by established technology and production organization, as well as disruptions in the normal flow of the production process.

Breaks for technological and organizational reasons - time to remove workers from the explosion zone, breaks between unloading and loading of the thermal furnace required by technology, etc. These breaks are regulated and included in the labor standard.

Interruptions due to disruption of the normal flow of the production process may be caused by delays in the supply of raw materials and semi-finished products, lack of energy, blanks, waiting for a foreman, auxiliary worker, transport, unscheduled repairs and other reasons that disrupt the normal course of the production process. These breaks are essentially downtime for various organizational and technical reasons depending on production.

Breaks due to violation of labor discipline(lateness, unauthorized absences from the workplace, premature departure from work, etc.) are downtime due to the fault of the worker.

When rationing labor at an enterprise, as a rule, they focus on rationing operational time. In principle, this is correct, since it is at this time that the products of the enterprise are created (services are provided), that is, the goods they sell on the market. At the same time, due attention is not always paid to increasing the share of operational time in working time, establishing standards for preparatory and final time, time for servicing the workplace and regulated breaks.

One of the most convenient methods for solving problems of assessing and analyzing the structure of costs and losses of working time, developing measures to improve the organization of work and increasing its productivity by eliminating losses and waste of working time is working time photo .

These photographs of working time can be used, in particular, for standardization:

  • preparatory and final time;
  • time to maintain the workplace;
  • time for rest and personal needs;
  • numbers;
  • service;

as well as to identify the reasons for non-fulfillment (exceeding) of standards.

Photography of working time, depending on the object of observation and forms of labor organization, can be individual, group or brigade.

Photography of working hours can be carried out by the method of direct observations (classical photography of working hours) and by the method of momentary observations. In addition, self-photography is common.

If working time photography is used to develop time standards, then the objects of observation are workplaces with good work organization, eliminating time loss, and workers who comply with the standards. If a photograph is used to analyze the structure of working time costs, then the workplace is analyzed “as is”; no additional measures are taken to improve work before taking the photograph.

When taking photographs of working hours, the following must be provided:

  • serviceability of machines, machines and equipment;
  • the required quality of materials and tools necessary to complete the work and their timely supply;
  • timely supply of electricity, gas and other energy sources;
  • timely provision of technical documentation;
  • healthy and safe working conditions (compliance with labor protection standards and regulations, necessary lighting, heating and ventilation, minimizing the harmful effects of noise, radiation, vibration, etc.).

If these conditions are not met, then the research conducted will not comply with the norms of the Labor Code of Ukraine (Article 88).

It is especially important to remember that a photograph of working time is not used to standardize operational time. For this purpose, time-lapse observations are used. The combination of photography of working hours and timekeeping is called phototiming.

Depending on the type of production, to ensure sufficient accuracy of the results, it is recommended to take from 5 (for single and small-scale production) to 20 (for mass production) photographs of working hours for each workplace (group of similar workplaces), summarizing the results obtained.

Individual photograph of working hours

When photographing individual working hours, the object of observation is one employee working at a specific workplace.

Photographing, that is, direct observation and measurement of working time, is carried out according to the current time, usually with an accuracy of 30 seconds, which makes it possible to use a regular watch with a second hand. If greater precision is required, for example to separate auxiliary time from main time, use a stopwatch.

The observer must be at the workplace before work begins; observation begins at the “start of work (shift)” signal and ends at the “end of shift” signal.

Photographing is carried out according to the current time. The duration of elements is calculated when processing the results.

The measurement results are entered into the observation sheet (Table 1), in which the start time of observations is noted in the first line of the photo map. At the moment of the beginning of a new phenomenon (action), the observer enters its serial number and content in columns 1 and 2, and at its end - in columns 3 and 4 the current time according to the clock. Each record shows either what the employee did or what caused his inaction. Each element of work or break must be recorded separately by category of working time. It is especially necessary to clearly distinguish the elements of preparatory and final time from operational time, work on maintaining the workplace, as well as breaks in work, taking into account their nature and reasons. In this case, columns 1–4 (Table 1) are filled in directly during the observation process, the rest - when processing the photographic results.

After filling the photo map with the observation results, the duration of each element is calculated, the results of which are noted in column 5.

Column 6 “Overlaps No...” indicates the serial numbers of observation records containing machine time that overlap this manual work time measurement.

To characterize operational time, column 7 indicates the number of products produced (work performed).

Column 8 indicates the time expenditure index, that is, a characteristic of the type of working time expenditure in accordance with the classification adopted at the enterprise.

Typically this is:

  • PZ - preparatory-final time;
  • OP - operational time;
  • OM - workplace servicing time;
  • PN - losses (interruptions) of an organizational and technical nature, depending on production problems;

  • PR - loss of time depending on the worker;
  • PL - loss of time for personal needs and rest.

To increase the information content of the analysis by categories of time expenditure, an additional division, indicated by a number, is introduced: PZ-1, PR-5, OM-2, etc. The coding system is adopted for each enterprise independently.

Let's look at the procedure for taking photographs using an example (Table 1) .

The object of observation was the turner of section No. 3 of workshop No. 1 of the conditional enterprise; the observation was carried out on January 21, 2004.

The shift started at 8:00. The turner started the day by lubricating the machine (column 2), which he finished at 8:06 (columns 3 and 4). Then, before 8:11, he received a production task and a drawing, and before 8:14, he received a working tool. After receiving the tool, the site foreman gave instructions until 8:18. After instructions, receipt of workpieces (until 8:27) and setting up the machine (until 8:40), the turner began manufacturing parts.

All of the specified types of work of the turner, as well as all other types of his work and breaks, were entered into the observation sheet. The total observation time was 480 minutes (8 hours). Determining the duration by categories of working time costs is done by subtracting the previous one from the measurement time of each subsequent element in the time table.

Based on the results of observations, a summary of the same working time costs is compiled (Table 2), as well as actual and projected working time balances (Table 3) .

In our case, the preparatory and final time actually amounted to 42 minutes (8.8% of the observation time), operational time - 364 minutes (75.8%), workplace maintenance time - 30 minutes (6.2%), organizational breaks time - technical nature (not through the fault of the worker) - 23 minutes (4.8%), time of breaks due to the fault of the worker - 17 minutes (3.6%), time for rest and personal needs - 4 minutes (1.0%).

The data obtained give a fairly clear idea of ​​the structure of working time costs and their quantitative characteristics.

Development of time standards

The process of standardization at domestic enterprises is carried out at an insufficiently high level. As a rule, the standardization does not fully cover operational time and/or there are no standards for preparatory and final time, time for servicing the workplace and regulated breaks, both in general and their constituent elements. In this case, a photograph of working time is the main source of initial data for standardization.

IN table 4 A summary of the elements of preparatory and final time, obtained by analyzing photographs of working time, is presented. Photographing was carried out at the turner's workplace for five days. The production technology of products during this period did not provide for the use of special devices. The average duration of preparatory and final time was 24.0 minutes, or 5.0% of working time. The time spent on individual elements of preparatory and final time was also determined.

In a similar way, the collection and analysis of results is carried out when rationing the time for servicing a workplace based on a photograph of working time.

In cases where preparatory and final time has an insignificant share in working time, it is advisable not to allocate it as an independent part of the norm, but to include it in the norm of piece (for one product, operation) time. Using a photograph of working time, the percentage of preparatory and final time in working time is determined, and further calculations are carried out as a percentage of operational time.

Workplace maintenance time is usually calculated as a percentage of operational time.

Prospects for improved productivity

Photography of working hours can be used both to develop standards and to assess the prospects for increasing labor productivity in a given workplace.

At the enterprise under consideration, in relation to the turner’s workplace, the standard value of the preparatory and final time is 24.0 minutes, the time for servicing the workplace is 24.0 minutes. At the same time, standard losses of working time associated with rest and personal needs of the worker are provided at 2.5% (12 minutes) of working time (Table 3). Thus, the standard duration of operative time is:

OP = RV – (PZ + OM + PL) = 480 – (24 + 24 + 12) = 420 min.

Based on the photographs of working hours, three possible directions for increasing labor productivity can be considered:

1. Increased productivity by reducing time lost for organizational and technical reasons. In relation to the example under consideration - by 6.3%.

2. Increased productivity by reducing worker-dependent time losses. In relation to the example under consideration - by 2.5%.

3. Increased productivity by eliminating unproductive work and lost working time. In relation to the example under consideration - by 15.4%.

Thus, by reducing unproductive losses of working time and increasing operational time, it is possible to increase labor productivity at a given workplace by 15.4%. In this case, with a constant product range, not 35, but 40 parts (products) will be produced during a shift, and with a variable range, additional products will be produced. In practice, this situation occurs quite often, and it is thanks to photography of working hours that it is possible to significantly reduce unproductive losses of working time.

An even more common situation is when there is an overfulfillment of piece time norms with the simultaneous presence of unproductive losses of working time.

Let's assume that the standard task was to produce 35 parts during a shift. In this case, the norm for piece operative time was 12.0 minutes. However, due to deficiencies in the organization of production and equipment maintenance, and violations of production discipline, there were losses of working time (Table 3). The worker, compensating for unproductive losses, spent 10.4 minutes on the production of each part, that is, 1.6 minutes less.

Typically, such exceeding of standards is welcomed and even financially incentivized. And very often unjustified. First of all, you need to find out how exceeding standards is achieved - through better organization of work or through violation of technology. Violation of technological conditions leads to overloading of tools and equipment, their premature wear and failure, and therefore increased costs for repair, replacement and maintenance. Quite often, a violation of technology leads to the release of hidden defects and affects the competitiveness of the enterprise. If the achieved level of productivity corresponds to the technical and technological capabilities of the equipment and the quality of the product does not deteriorate, then a decision is made to revise the standards in force at the enterprise for this type of product (operation). Otherwise, measures are taken to bring the production process into compliance with the requirements of the standards.

Thus, photography of working time is a fairly universal and accessible tool for rationing labor, studying the structure of working time costs, checking compliance with technological discipline, developing measures to increase labor productivity and reduce unproductive losses of working time. Working time photography can be used regardless of the presence or absence of time standards, output, etc. at the enterprise. The use of photography gives a practical result for standardizing the work of all categories of personnel - managers, professionals, specialists, technical employees and workers

F It is useful for workers at all levels of management to take photographs of their working day. Order the service photograph of a working day (working time photograph).

AND So, what is a working day photograph?

F Working day photography (or working time photography) is a type of observation in which all time spent without exception is recorded throughout the day. Even the smallest things are recorded, such as a minute conversation on the phone, a coffee break, etc.

IN As a result of the work done, they get an accurate snapshot of what exactly a particular employee was doing and for how long.

WITH I would like to note once again that a photograph of a working day (photography of working hours) is practically useless if it is taken for only one day and by prior agreement with the employee. And it is also useless if the data is not processed and conclusions are not drawn.

L It is best to take a working day photograph (working time photograph) during the week - then you will get more accurate data: the controlled person will relax and behave more naturally during the week, in addition, the quality of work changes on different days and you can get average values , if you compose photographs of several working days.

P execution order.

  1. Determining the purpose of taking a working day photograph (working time photography).
  2. Determination of the implementation technology (who will conduct it, when, how).
  3. Preparation of observation forms.
  4. Observer briefing.
  5. Taking photographs of the working day (working time photographs).
  6. Processing and analysis of results, development of solutions.

1. Purposes of working day photography (working time photography):

  • determination of actual working time costs,
  • development of standards,
  • identifying and eliminating time wastage,
  • improvement of the motivation system,
  • increasing self-organization,
  • optimization of the organization’s business processes and many others.

X I would like to point out that workers should know why they are being observed and what the purpose of the workday photograph is. At the same time, the results of working day photography (working time photographs) should not be used against employees - they must be used to improve work.

2. Observation form.

WITH You can download an observation form (self-photograph) or an individual photograph of the working day (working time photographs).

3. Training of observers.

N Introduce observers to the observation sheets and explain that they must mark all the person’s actions, while recording the start time of a new action and the duration of the action.

N The observer should not interfere with the employee’s activities, nor help him, nor enter into negotiations with him. The observer must only record all actions. At the same time, he must know well what the essence of the work of the person being monitored is.

4. Processing of results.

IN All operations performed by the employee are grouped, and each group is assigned its own index. Similar operations have the same index.

WITH Among the generally accepted ones, the following are distinguished:

T pz - time spent on preparatory and final work (came to the workplace, turned on the computer, waited for the programs to load, etc.)

T op - operational time, that is, the time the employee spent on performing duties.

T obs - time spent on solving organizational issues and maintaining the workplace.

T lane - breaks in time.

D For a more accurate analysis, you can divide operational time into groups or highlight additional categories.

D Next, you draw up a balance of the employee’s actual time (actual working time, photograph of the working day).

ABOUT n is a table in which for each group the number of cases, duration (total time of operations for the group), and the share of time spent from the time of the entire working day (observed period) are calculated.

Working time utilization factor (Ksp):

To isp = Tpz+Top+Tobs+T n ex

where T pz, T op, T o6s is calculated based on the actual balance of working time;

T"exc is selected within the standard given in the task conditions;

Tsm - established duration of the working day (observation time), min.

Loss rate for organizational and technical reasons

Kpot = Tpot/T cm

Coefficient of lost working time due to violation of labor discipline

Kpnd= Tpnd+(T f exc - T n ex)

where K is calculated based on the actual balance of working hours;

T* ex and T n ex - time for rest and personal needs, respectively, actual (according to the actual balance of the working day) and normative (according to the conditions of the task).

Possible increase in labor productivity subject to reduction of direct losses working hours can be calculated using the formula:

ΔPT = Tpot+Tpnd+ (Tf exc - Tn exc) * Ks*100

where K c is the reduction coefficient for direct losses of working time (0.1; 0.2, etc. With a complete reduction in time losses, it is equal to 1).

5. Analysis of results and development of activities.

A Analyzing the results will allow you to understand how much working time is actually used, how often workers take breaks from work, how much time is spent on lunch, how much time is spent on preparatory work.

T You will also be able to determine what is preventing you from doing your work effectively.

IN Having identified all the problems and difficulties, develop activities that will help resolve the problems.

P Receive information about the service for taking working day photographs (working time photographs) You

It happens that an employee at the workplace does not have time to complete the tasks assigned to him. The reasons for this may be different - low qualifications, too much workload, or he simply does not do what he needs to do at work. Actually, this can be verified by conducting a special study. Working day photo: example of filling, and assignment cases should be considered in detail.

Workday Photography (WPD) is a tool that helps increase the productivity of any company, although at the first stage it helps to know where exactly the employee/employees spend their working hours.

Working time photography is a method that helps to study the time spent by a particular employee on certain actions during work. All observations and measurements obtained during the process are documented; a sample and example of filling out a photograph of a working day will be presented below.

If you successfully master the method, it will help you obtain unique data regarding the organization of the work process of any employee, and find out the productivity of each person. That is, in the future, adjust the workload and ensure that everything is done so that work tasks are completed.

An extremely detailed study and notation of the results will help find the answer to the following questions:

  1. How much time does the employee (researched) spend on each type of work he encounters daily?
  2. How long does it take different workers to perform the same tasks?
  3. Are there opportunities to improve labor efficiency and what is needed for this?
  4. Is it possible to simplify or eliminate any stages or transfer them to other structural units?
  5. Options for setting labor productivity standards.
  6. Reasons for non-compliance with existing work standards.
  7. How effectively does a particular employee use his or her working time?
  8. Are there technical problems that prevent you from completing your tasks?

Important! A photograph of working hours provides information that can be used in the future by economists and managers to draw up company plans and budgets, and adjust them.

Some features

Among the features of this process are the following:

  • FRD may occur after the introduction of new equipment that relieves some workers of their duties.
  • This type of work is often performed by an authorized HR employee.
  • Photographs can be taken throughout the day, as well as certain operations, stages, a team or one specialist.
  • Before starting FRD, it is necessary to determine the goals and job responsibilities of the subjects being studied.
  • Sometimes self-photography is allowed, that is, for the photograph of working hours to be taken by the employee whose activities need to be tracked. In this case, it is understood that he himself makes all the entries in the report and records the time periods spent on certain actions. This technique will help the employee determine in which periods his working time is wasted irrationally.

Types of FRD

There is a division into types depending on the number of objects that will be monitored. More specifically:

  1. Individual – concerns the study of the working time of a specific employee, while the detail of the effort expended will be as much as possible.
  2. Group photography – this photograph of a working day involves observing the activities of a group of employees who are connected by certain work processes. The main task of this study is to check how effective the interaction is, whether their actions are coordinated, how busy each of them is, and check other processes.
  3. Comprehensive – reveals the interrelationships of work processes. It turns out to study the rhythm of work, the rationality of using equipment. This method will be useful if you need to develop actions aimed at increasing labor efficiency.

Pay attention! In order to obtain an extremely accurate picture and true data, photography is carried out over several days, weeks and even months.

Who benefits from FRD data?

A photograph of working hours will provide a lot of useful data for the manager and owner of the company. They get a picture of employee performance. Also, this data will be useful for the HR manager, the HR department for the formation of job descriptions, staff, etc.

Of course, the data obtained as a result of the FRD will help the employees themselves if they are interested in increasing the efficiency of their work and fulfilling their job responsibilities.

Procedure for conducting FRD

Photographing working time is a process that requires the utmost scrupulousness and attentiveness from the performer. He literally needs to record everything, including telephone conversations on personal topics.

It all starts with preparation, defining a goal. So, if the purpose of observation is to determine whether employees are following the rules, then photographing groups of employees can be carried out at once. If labor discipline is violated, it will be noticeable immediately. For example, they often go on smoke breaks or drink tea outside the designated periods, instead of doing work.

In situations where it is necessary to optimize the working day of one employee, a photograph of the working day is taken individually for each. Not only what he does is recorded, but also the processes of interaction with other employees and their effectiveness.

Important! FRD can be carried out either explicitly or covertly, that is, without informing the employee about it. As practice shows, it is the second option that helps to identify where most of the working time is actually spent. If the second method is chosen, then at the preparation stage you should come up with a legend regarding the implementation of the observer.

It is worth noting that the final results depend on the instruction and training of those who will conduct the FRD. Also at this stage, you should agree on the forms on which the information will be entered.

Rules for entering data into the FRD

In order for the form to meet the requirements, you must enter the following information:

  • Name of the company, its structural division.
  • Name of observation, number and date of its implementation.
  • The form itself contains data regarding the employee being monitored - full name, profession, position, work performed.
  • Brief description of his job responsibilities.

This is followed by a tabular part in which specific time costs and a description of the actions that took this time are entered. For example:

  1. Turning on the computer – 5 minutes.
  2. Smoke break – 10 minutes.
  3. Communication with clients – 45 minutes.

And such a chronology records all the actions performed by the employee during the working day. All observations are carried out in real time. At the end, a summary is made where the following important time costs are calculated:

  • Preparatory and final actions.
  • Time for workplace maintenance.
  • Operational time.
  • Time for breaks.

Important! The document must be signed by the head of the structural unit where the subject works.


Working time photography is an effective tool for checking what employees are doing and why they are not able to complete the tasks assigned to them. Such observation will help, among other things, identify applicants for dismissal or find out how many people need to be added to the staff.

The company's profit is directly related to the efficient use of the working day by employees. Its rationality is directly related to the costs of human and technical resources. Their reduction and redistribution can significantly increase production profits. How can you analyze how employees use their working hours and equipment, what is photographing a working day, and how is it carried out? These and other questions are answered in our article.

What is a photography card for?

The difference between working time photography and timekeeping is:

  • In the object of measurement. When using the photographic method, the entire continuous selected process is measured; when carrying out timing, operational (routine) work is measured;
  • The timing of it. In photography - the entire period (shift, day), in timing - this is its segment, the beginning and end of some process;
  • In the performer - in the first case (photo) - this is an individual employee, in the second (chrono) - this can be done by the employee himself, recording his work.

Working Time Photography Methods

There are two methods for taking photographs:

  • direct measurements;
  • instant observations.

The direct measurement method consists of recording the duration of the measured processes - the entire cycle from start to finish. The snapshot method is based on the analysis of repeating elements of the process.

To carry out the analysis, determine:

  • category under study;
  • number of repetitions;
  • research route;
  • unequal start time of the study.

Analysis stages:

  • Preliminary - determine the purpose and object of analysis;
  • Conducting a study - consists of observing and recording in detail everything that happens, indicating the duration in minutes;
  • Processing of analysis results. The duration of each stage of the process and the index are calculated.

Types of working time photos

To study the cost of working time, the following types of photographs are used:

  • individual- record and analyze the work of one employee or process;
  • group- remove several workers or processes that are not related to each other;
  • brigade- elements of the work process or workers who are removed are interconnected;
  • multi-machine operator- recording operating time at each stage and equipment;
  • route- this is the observation of one moving object or several;
  • self photography- identification and recording of irrational costs in the process of performing tasks directly by the employees themselves. Requires their special responsibility and motivation.

When is an individual working time photograph used?

The individual photo research method is used when it is necessary to measure the labor costs of one employee or the work process.

It is carried out for the purpose of:

  • drawing up regulatory documentation and instructions;
  • identifying losses of production hours for further rationalization of their use.

When is a group photo needed?

Group photo is used when it is necessary to analyze the working hours of several employees at the same time. As a rule, they are not related to each other.
Team photography is sometimes referred to as a group method. It is used when it is necessary to check the effectiveness of a group of people united by a common task.

The purpose of the group study is:

  • determine the duration of each individual team member’s work segment and the associated costs;
  • fixing an hour to complete the entire volume;
  • determining the hour of downtime, the speed of work, the rationality of the participation of each employee in the team.

What do the results of working time photography show?

Based on the results of the working time photograph, the following coefficients are calculated:

  • Shift duration. This indicator calculates the required shift duration and associated costs;
  • Rest, for performing operational work, for personal needs, for preparing the production site, duration of the shift;
  • Loss of production hours due to technical and organizational reasons;
  • Loss of production hours due to labor violations;
  • Potential productivity gains if direct waste of operating hours is eliminated.

Sample of filling out a photograph of working hours

The form to fill out is quite simple. It consists of a document header, which states:

  • Date of the study;
  • Place;
  • Full name of the employee being photographed.

The table consists of four columns, they record:

  • object of research (observation) – employee’s action, task, etc.;
  • the time of the observed specific action of the worker, stage of production;
  • duration in minutes of the recorded action, work (this indicator is calculated);
  • cost index.

To calculate the index, a single time expenditure classification system is used.

In order for a company to avoid unnecessary expenses, but at the same time not overload its employees, it is required carefully consider the need for each work unit in the enterprise.

There is a special system for this, which is called working time photography. This is a special document that allows you to determine the effectiveness of the employee or an entire department.

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Based on the photograph of working hours, management has the opportunity make the right decision regarding staffing. If the result of research shows that a certain position is indispensable, it should not be given under any circumstances. Those people who do not benefit the company may be fired.

What is it?

By FW we mean a special form of monitoring the work process.

In this case, for a certain amount of time, for example, per day, all actions of a person occupying a specific position are recorded. Next, the information received is checked against the work plan, on the basis of which certain conclusions are drawn.

It is worth noting that a photograph can be taken not only of a specific person, but also of an entire department. According to the survey results it is possible to determine quite accurately how accurately the work is being carried out, and how much time this requires. As a result, the work schedule or even the viability of the position may be reconsidered.

Photos are used most often to assess the quality of workers in production. But this method can evaluate not only physical, but also intellectual work. Therefore, using the PDF, you can determine the workload of the accounting department, human resources department and management staff.

A photograph of a working day is often used to to reduce employee costs. This makes it possible to more carefully calculate the necessary financial resources for a specific position. For example, after verification, a position may be transferred to part-time status.

FW makes it possible to correctly determine the structure of working hours, identify the reasons why the plan is not implemented and employees waste time. A photograph of several workers allows you to determine which of them works more efficiently.

This is convenient when you need to part with part of the team. Moreover, this approach makes it possible to see why the leaders in production appear.

A photograph of working hours allows you to see How well and comfortably is the employee’s workplace equipped?. If during the verification process it turns out that there are barriers to quickly completing a task, they can be eliminated.

Some people mistakenly confuse FFR and working time timing. The difference in this case in the duration of the study. In the latter case, this can last about 7 days or a month. The timing of the timekeeping is determined directly by the employee himself.

Photography is an official procedure initiated by the head of the company. When working with the FRF, information must be recorded on a special form. After this, the documentation is submitted for review to management, who will make the final conclusions.

Goals and functions

Working day photography is a set of activities, the purpose of which is most often the feasibility of using a specific workplace or even department. If work is found to be ineffective, layoffs may follow.

The purpose of photography may be detection of causes of lost working time. Depending on the results obtained, certain measures are taken. This often greatly increases worker productivity. Photography of working hours also helps to correctly develop standards for maintaining the work process.

Such methods are multifunctional. They enable management to establish a clear picture of how how employees work individually or as a team. The success of an enterprise can largely depend on labor efficiency. But FW can be an assistant not only to the head of the company. This method is used by managers and department heads.

Such research work makes it possible to competently create job descriptions and monitor the effectiveness of staff.

Working day photography is often initiated by the employees themselves. However, to carry out such work, the consent of management is required. Employees can use the PDF to determine the effectiveness of your work.

Types and stages of implementation

Total There are several types of FRFs. This can be an individual examination for each individual employee, as well as mass and team photography.

Some workers use self-photography method, that is, they use a self-certification method. But this must be agreed upon with management, otherwise such a document will have no meaning.

Individual research is one of the most common FRF methods. This work is carried out to determine the effectiveness of a particular employee. In this case, the labor commission within one working day carefully observes how the specialist works.

All data is entered into a special form called an observation sheet. Next, this paper is transferred to the manager, who can draw certain conclusions regarding a specific employee.

Mass photography is performed when necessary evaluate an entire department or group of employees. The stages of work in this case will not differ from the previous version. But as a result of general certification, you can see the effectiveness of not only the group, but also individual employees.

It is not uncommon for the person conducting the study to divide work time into periods, in each of which a specific worker is observed. This gives the opportunity not to create a large certification commission. The data is entered into one general sheet, however, with certain notes in the form of letters.

Team research is no different from group research. Similar steps are used here, but only the number of people may be greater than in the previous case.

Any type of photograph of working hours, except self-photography, should only be carried out by management personnel. For this purpose, a certification commission is determined, which may consist of engineers, personnel managers, accounting employees, or.

Most often, when it comes to individual photography, an employee of the HR department is appointed as the person in charge.

The workday photograph map does not always show a clear picture, since quieter periods may occur on certain days of the week or month. That's why It is advisable to carry out certification several times. And enter the average indicators into the final form.

Each specialist who is appointed to conduct certification must first carry out high-quality preparatory work. This will let you know characteristics of the employee’s work, the specifics of his workplace and other important parameters, which do not influence the final assessment.

Example of an accountant's financial statement

They can evaluate not only those workers who work physically, but also conduct certification of intellectual workers. The principle of drawing up a map will be approximately the same, but sometimes some parameters have to be changed in order to get a clearer picture of what is happening at a particular workplace.

As an example, you can take an individual photo card of an accounting employee’s working hours:

Working time research:

  1. The working day starts at 8:00;
  2. Preparation for work, turning on equipment from 8:00 to 8:10;
  3. Work with documents from 8:10 to 9:30;
  4. Checking the accuracy of documents in the 1C program from 9:30 to 10:30;
  5. Pause from work for personal needs from 10:30 to 10:40;
  6. Reception of visitors, preparation of documentation and its verification from 10:40 to 13:00;
  7. Lunch break from 13:00 to 14:00;
  8. Drawing up a register of arrears in payment of bills from 14:00 to 14:30;
  9. Drawing up reconciliation reports with counterparties from 14:30 to 15:10;
  10. Work with counterparties and responsible persons to negotiate debts and sign documents from 15:10 to 16:00;
  11. Pause from work for personal needs from 16:00 to 16:10;
  12. Interaction with warehouse employees, accountants and suppliers to prepare reporting documentation from 16:10 to 16:40;
  13. Working with the application to generate a log of reporting transactions for the month from 16:40 to 16:55;
  14. Turning off the computer, cleaning the workplace, moving important documents to the safe from 16:55 to 17:00;
  15. Leaving home at 17:00.

This is an example of how to fill out a time photograph form for one employee. Here all work processes are scheduled that the employee accomplished in one day.

In order to obtain more reliable information about the performance of a given employee, additional certification should be carried out. But often the leadership makes a decision based on one study.

Filling out the form

The working time photo card form is standard. Regardless of the field in which the specialist will work, his assessed according to one standard and enter data into a specific paper. In this case, the department in which the person works must be indicated.

When filling out a working time photograph form, you must indicate the name of the enterprise, the details of the employee being checked, with the obligatory indication of the position, as well as the type of work performed.

Next, the representative of the certification commission can begin filling out the table. Each stage of work is entered here with mandatory indication of the time period, which was spent on certain actions.

You can also see a column for notes on the form. Here you need to enter various information that is only additional character, but they were obtained in the process of research work.

Sample filling individual working time card:

Results and conclusions

The results are summarized below the table. Here you can determine the time for preparing and completing the work process, the period during which the employee completed the main tasks, as well as the number of breaks. Next the form is signed and sent to senior management.

One of the important points will be determination of efficiency coefficient working hours. The formula can be used for this:

K=(PZ+OP+OR)/420, Where

  • K – efficiency coefficient,
  • PP and OP are the preparation and completion of the work process,
  • OP is the amount of time it took to complete the task.

The result is expressed as a percentage, where being close to a hundred is the best indicator.

Low numbers may cause the employee's work to be considered insufficient quality. Such an employee can be easily replaced or even fired if it is proven that others can handle his day-to-day activities.

is a fairly effective tool which makes it possible to qualitatively check the actions of each individual employee. This allows the company to form a team of highly qualified employees who strive to improve results and responsibly perform assigned tasks.

For a manager, a photograph of his subordinates’ working day is an effective means of identifying candidates for dismissal, as well as to understand the picture of what the enterprise should be like.

However, it is not always worth drawing conclusions based on one test. If the work time utilization rate turns out to be very low, it is quite possible that more research should be done.

Learn a little more about workday photography in the video:
