Step-by-step instructions for developing an internal project. Step-by-step instructions for developing an internal power supply project. We identify all interested parties


Steps from "A" to "Z" for beginners and experienced

Project: a set of planned actions taken to solve the problem of a specific target group, limited in time and resources, with specific results.

Social project: a program of real action, the goal of which is aimed at solving a pressing social problem in society, and the objectives are for positive results and changes in society.

Basic requirements that the project must meet:

relevance– the reason, the basis for the implementation of the project must correspond to the requirements of the time, a separate target group or other aspects that explain the emergence of the project idea;

time– the project must be limited in time;

resources– the project must have a clear description of the needs;

quality and results assessment– the scale for assessing the effectiveness of the project is determined in accordance with your goals, but the results you strive for must be clear, amenable to analysis and comprehension.

Projects can be simple and complex, short-term and long-term, with a limited and substantial budget, risky and with completely manageable risks, with different results. In any case, the project is aimed at solving a specific problem. The project must be systematic, logical and adequate, that is, each section must correspond to all the others (tasks must correspond to the goal, the mechanism must correspond to the goals and objectives, the budget must correspond to the goals, objectives and mechanism, etc.).

How to write and format a project? Steps from "A" to "Z"

Step #1: Decide on an idea, analyze the problem.

What would you like to change?

What and in what way (in the most general terms) would you like to achieve?

What problem do you want to solve?

You wrote down the answer → moved on to defining the scope of the project activity, defining the problem you will work on.
We analyzed the problem → determined what you want to change → a project idea arose → move on to detailing and describing the project.

Step #2: Write the goal of the project.

Target- a general description of the expected results and expectations, the highest point of achievement that the organization strives for during the implementation of the project. A goal is a course of action to achieve the desired result.

The goal should be formulated in such a way that its achievement completely solves the problem that has arisen. The formulation of the goal should be based on the formulation of the problem. We can say that the goal is the problem in reverse.

Ask questions for the purpose of your project:

Is there an exact expression of what exactly should be the outcome of the project?

Will we be able to see and measure the results of the project as a whole and its individual parts?

Is the goal realistic? Is it possible to achieve the stated goal given the available resources?

What benefit or benefits will be obtained as a result of achieving the goal by the project team and other stakeholders?

Step #3: Write the project objectives.

Project objectives- these are specific steps that need to be taken to change the existing situation for the better, these are steps to achieve the goal.

INimportant to remember! There can be several tasks, all tasks are steps towards achieving a goal, interconnected and related to the goal of the project.

Use verbs. For example, if you need to build a house, then the tasks will be: laying a foundation, erecting walls, building a roof, installing communications, doing interior decoration, etc.

Check. Objectives must completely cover the solution to the problem (the set goal).

Analyze. Tasks must be effective (as a result, changes after the project consist of specific results).

Step #4: Check the goal and objectives according to the smart criterion.

We look at our goal and objectives, check them according to the SMART criterion, and adjust them if necessary.





Time bound

For example: Goal: “Construction of a house” - can be specified according to the SMART criterion as follows: “Construction and commissioning of a 2-story, 6-apartment building for families of young professionals in the village of Vychegda by the second quarter of 2014.”

Step #5. We build a logical chain of actions from tasks.

We have determined the goal and objectives → Let’s start planning: how it will all happen.

From each task we build a logical chain of actions: how we will achieve the result. Sometimes it helps to draw the entire chain of actions and tasks in order to understand the logic of the project in each direction.

For example, if we are talking about building a house for the families of young professionals, then our task blocks may be related to:

directly by construction

agreements with government authorities

with working with the target audience – families of young professionals

working with the press on PR of the project and the event in general.

This logical chain will help us write a project schedule in its logical sequence.

Step No. 6. We write an action plan, a work schedule.

The plan determines the order in which all work will be performed: it describes what, who will do it and when, in a logical sequence + makes it clear what resources are needed. When planning, you can use various forms, schedules, plans.

For example: Project implementation plan. Example No. 1

Project implementation plan. Example No. 2

Project implementation plan. Example No. 3

It will also be useful to make a network plan - schedule.

Step #7. We calculate how much our project will cost.

Each stage of project implementation requires a certain expenditure of funds and resources:

how much money is required to implement the project? What will they be spent on?

From what sources is the money expected to be received? Grants, subsidies, sponsorships, etc.?

This section of the project must relate very closely to other sections of the project, especially the implementation mechanism and project schedule.

Possible cost estimate for the project:

Name of items and expenses

Cost calculation

Financial costs for the project

Available funds

Requested funds

The “budget” (estimate) must be itemized.

Main expenses:

rental of premises and utility payments

travel and transportation expenses


communication and communication

holding special events

publishing costs


and other direct costs that directly go to your project.

"Other expenses"- this is an optional item that is included in the budget if there are expenses that are not reflected in other items. This article must be especially carefully argued.

"Payment"- includes direct wages of project personnel and specialists hired temporarily under a contract, as well as “Income tax accruals” - 35.8% of the total wage fund for personnel and attracted specialists.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the last three columns in the budget table: “available funds”, “requested funds”, “total”. The “available funds” column should indicate the funds that you and your organization are investing in the implementation of the project. For example: the involvement of volunteers as staff or external specialists must be reflected in the budget item “salaries” in the “available” column, and the amount will correspond to the costs that the organization would have incurred if paid employees had participated in the project implementation instead of volunteers specialists.

If the organization, you or sponsors provide any office equipment for the implementation of the project, then in the “available” column it is worth indicating its approximate cost, taking into account its service life.

In the “required” column, it remains to indicate the amount of funds that the organization lacks to implement the project.

Step #8. We write the results.

When drawing up an action plan and calculating a budget, we may realize that the results may be even greater than we planned. It is important that our results correspond to the purpose of the project.

In a project, the results can be written down in text; here we suggest you fill out a worksheet to determine the results:

Quantitative result(what will be done?) - records the number of services provided, participants in events, recipients of specific assistance, number of books published, etc.

Quality result(what will change?) - should reflect the positive changes that will occur as a result of events, provision of services, etc.

Efficiency- Are the results obtained commensurate with the efforts expended?

The criteria for assessing the effectiveness of a project are results that demonstrate how well the developers understand what they are striving for and how they will achieve it.

Step #9. we draw up the project.

A completed project usually contains the following sections:

Brief summary of the project: briefly describe your idea (3-5 sentences), goals, results (no more than 1 A4 sheet, 12-14 font)

Detailed description of the project:

The relevance of the problem, why your project is important and necessary.

Goals and objectives of the project.

Target group of the project: who is your project intended for, for whom are you doing it.

Project implementation mechanism: stages, substantive activities, events, etc.

Schedule plan for project implementation (remember about visibility, schedules are welcome).

Budget (estimate).

Specific expected results (quantitative and qualitative), criteria and methods for evaluating results, the effect of the project in the long term.

Possible further development of the project, if anticipated.

applications (photo materials, diagrams, sketches, etc.)

The design of the project text is as important as its content. Use large font (at least 12 font) and one and a half spacing. Highlight the main points, structure the text to make it easier to read, use headings and subheadings, bold fonts and underlining, bulleted lists, etc.

If you need to make a presentation:

for each section no more than 1-2 slides;

the font should be as large as possible and readable even from afar, the title and text of the presentation slides should be printed in the same font, it is recommended to use a font size of at least 20 in the presentation;

when using a light background, the font should be black or a very dark shade of other colors (brown, blue); when using a dark background color, the font is white;

Where to start when you start working on a project, how to avoid getting lost in the mass of data, and take into account the interests of all stakeholders? Victor Stepanov, head of the project office of the Izovac holding, trainer at BusinessTools, expert in the field of project management, spoke about the necessary actions at the start of a project. They will help you effectively prepare for work and achieve results.

1. Determine the owner of the project

At the very beginning, you should answer the question: to whom And For what do you need this project? In the case of an external customer, everything is simple - there is a specific client. In internal projects, the main stakeholder is the project owner.

In various literature it is also called a sponsor or customer. All these are synonyms and they denote the person for whom the project is being done. I emphasize: this is exactly Human , not company, business or society.

The owner of a project can be determined by two criteria: the project solves some problem for this person, and he himself is able to decide the fate of the project (give it the green light or stop it). Until you understand who you are doing the project for, you don’t even have to start work: without a passionate owner, the project is doomed. Sooner or later, interest in him will fade.

2. We identify all interested parties

In each project, in addition to the owner, there are such mandatory roles as:

  • initiator,
  • project Manager,
  • end users.

There are also project team members, their managers (projects are rarely limited to one division of the company), the program manager (if the project is part of a strategic program), suppliers and contractors, external controllers - in short, everyone whose interests are affected by the project. In project methodology, interested parties are called “stakeholders”. Moreover, their interests not only differ, but are often contradictory.

For example, managers of project team members typically cannot allocate as much of their people's time as the project manager would like; suppliers and contractors are interested in raising prices, and external controllers impose serious restrictions on certain costs or actions.

3. Determine the goals of the project

Any project is focused primarily on the goals of its owner. If the project does not meet the interests of, say, a supplier or specialist, there will simply be another supplier or specialist in the project, and this is not a tragedy. But if the project owner does not get what he needs, there will be no project.

It is important for the project manager to discuss in detail with the project owner why he needs all this, what problems should be solved or what opportunities should be used. For example, a company is developing a new product. Why is this being done? To sell more to existing customers? Or to attract new clients, diversify risks and squeeze out competitors? The answers to these questions become goals.

4. Determine the results of the project

The goals and results of the project are partly synonymous, because both are desirable for us. But if goals are the “why” of the project, its driving force, then the results are something concrete: things, documents, software that the team undertakes to obtain by the end of the project.

For example, when developing a new product (let it be a pie with filling), the results will be: recipe for the pie, cost calculation, possibly baking ovens, if they did not exist before, the necessary permits.

Responsibility for obtaining results lies entirely with the project team. When the results are received and transferred to the project owner, he will then achieve the project’s goals. And it is completely normal if an understanding of the success of the project can only come some time after it is completed.

Project deliverables are the clear commitment of the project team, while project goals are the project's guiding light. You may go the wrong way by choosing the wrong way to implement the project; but you can always “reboot” the project by agreeing with its owner on new project results, while its goals will remain unchanged.

5. Let's start planning the project

We all know very well that no one wants to implement other people’s ideas. Plans developed without our participation do not inspire confidence in us: the deadlines seem unrealistic, the very approach to solving problems may raise doubts. Therefore, to develop a plan, you need to work not alone, but as a team.

I recommend this technique: gather the team for what is called a “planning workshop.” Get out of the company walls into a separate room (if the project budget does not allow, you can gather at someone’s house or in the country) and devote the whole day to working on the project. Order pizza, take large sheets of paper, markers and stickers - this will allow you to work with a large amount of scattered information without distraction and not miss important details.

Clarify the formulation of goals and a set of results, try out different approaches to project implementation, together estimate the deadlines and estimate the budget. The day will fly by quickly, it is not a fact that you will get a perfect plan, but you can be sure that this will be the basis that the team will “sign up” to with you.

By the way, this day will give the observant project manager a lot of information about who is on his team. To what extent do these people know how to listen to others, do they have their own ideas, what are they willing to do for the success of the project, can you rely on them? Now is not too late to “put someone ashore.” Those who will remain in the project and form the core of the team must clearly understand what each member of the project team is responsible for.

6. We draw up a project charter

All this (goals, results, success criteria, everyone’s responsibility) can be recorded in the project charter. The finished project charter must be approved by its owner.

Is this document necessary for any project? Here I can draw an analogy between starting a project and starting a business. Today you can register a company in one day, and no one on the executive committee will even read your charter: the founders are entirely responsible for the contents of this document. But the worse the charter of a registered company is developed, the more difficult the proceedings will be at later stages of business development (both in case of problems and in case of business success).

Hence the advice: do not plant a mine under your project, negotiate on the shore. I believe that the charter brings 80% of its benefit at the start, because helps all project participants understand each other, eliminate discrepancies, and record obligations.

Of course, small projects do not need to be overloaded with methodology and procedures. There is no need to write a charter for an office party project for a dozen employees. Although it won’t hurt the party organizer to do all the work described above in his head. Then both the employees and the boss will be happy.

Victor Stepanov

Management and investment consultant, project manager. Author and presenter of a number of seminars on project management, including the “Advanced Professional Manager” course.

Experience in conducting corporate training programs in the project approach and project management tools: “Gamestream” (Wargaming), “Velcom”, “Milavitsa”, “Santa Bremor”, etc.

general manager

Combat practice taught: those who are frozen in their studies, lagging behind or do not want to notice new things in air combat tactics will inevitably be beaten. And nothing will save him - neither intuition nor personal courage

Ace pilot Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin

to whom: owners, top managers, executives

Composite tasks and projects as waste of a manager’s time

The age-old question: “ What is the reason for the high workload of managers with an endless stream of operational tasks generated by subordinates?“The answer may seem unexpected at first glance: one of the reasons is the manager’s lack of technology for managing component tasks and projects. In this case, a lot of managers' time is spent on two things:

  • Total control, because as soon as you let the task float more or less freely, it will definitely find its iceberg.
  • A thousand questions about each project and component task at each step of its implementation from a subordinate: “ We have done this, what should be the next action?”, “We are faced with such an obstacle, what should we do?”, “What are the important parameters to consider for this action?” etc.

“Golden Key” for owners and top managers

Is it possible for a manager to completely get rid of the time spent on monitoring and managing the component tasks and projects assigned to his subordinates? In my opinion, hardly. Because the direct responsibility of the manager is to be responsible for the results of the work of each subordinate employee.

But reducing the time spent on excessive control and your involvement in solving problems of subordinates by several times is real. For owners and top managers, this is one of the “golden keys” that allows them to open a way out of the “quagmire” of operational tasks and move to the level of strategic development and management of the company.

For this it is necessary change the approach to project management and component tasks. How to build effective project management in your company/division will be discussed in the article.

Basic definitions, differences between projects

Differences in projects will be important at some stages of the “Algorithm for preparing and managing a compound task or project.” Depending on the type of project, the set of actions within an algorithm step may differ.

By giving definitions, I mean that we are talking about projects and component tasks that are being performed for the first time (this is the difficulty, because there are no regulations for implementation and/or an employee who has performed this work previously). Because in the presence of up-to-date regulations, completing the task becomes a matter of technology (if, of course, your company has implemented “”).

Project is a set of tasks related to a single goal that must be completed within limited resources (time, people, money, etc.). For example, “implement CRM” or “launch contextual advertising” are classic projects.

Composite task- this is a small-scale project, a kind of “mini-project” (as a rule, it consists of no more than 40 tasks with a planned duration of no more than 1.5-2 months). Further, where the word “project” is used, “composite task” will also be implied (i.e., these concepts will be synonymous), unless the text contains a separate clause about their separation.

Unique project- a project that is likely to be completed once. For example, " implement a task management system”.

Recurring project- a project that is likely to be repeated many times in the future with minor changes. “ Implement CRM” will be a recurring project if the company where you work is part of a group of companies.

Mixed project- partly “unique”, partly “repetitive” project. For example, " draw up a standard contract for clients” will be a mixed project. The unique part here is the essence of the contract. The recurring part is the principles and rules for drawing up standard contracts, which are important to develop for subsequent similar work.

Internal project- a project that is aimed at solving internal problems of the company.

External project- a project that involves performing work for clients (usually paid).

Program- a project that lasts continuously for as long as the object it is aimed at exists. For example, the “sales system development” program has existed as long as the company that carries out commercial activities.

Before you start work, if you have a superior manager, then ask yourself: “ What type of project did he assign you?“For you it may be a “unique project”, but for him it may be a “repetitive” one.

Algorithm for preparing and managing a composite task and project

Before we begin describing specific steps, I would like to note the advantages of the proposed algorithm for both managers and subordinates.

Benefits of the algorithm for managers

  • The likelihood of successful project completion increases significantly. Without properly organized work, the results are often negative. For example: project losses and costs outweigh the positive results; everything was NOT done as it should be; everyone quarreled with everyone; the company does NOT achieve the results and goals of the project, etc.
  • Enormous time savings when managing projects and complex tasks.
  • The opportunity to finally take on many important tasks that have been put off for years due to the fact that the likelihood of their positive completion was extremely low.
  • Transparency: it is clear who will do what work, when and what. Who should you ask for the final results of the project?
  • Minimizing risks, and therefore increasing the likelihood of successful task completion.

Advantages of the algorithm for subordinates/performers

  • Less likely to receive a small or even large project from a manager, described in just a few words (for example, “ implement CRM!”, without any resources and approval of the project plan. After all, it is clear in advance that when delegating in this format, most likely you will be at fault, no matter what you do (and the execution algorithm was not the same, and the implementation was not organized correctly, and the results are unsatisfactory).
  • Clarity about who is responsible for coordinating the performers and for all the work on the project.
  • There are more opportunities to receive a positive assessment for your work from your manager, and these are: prospects for career growth, increased monetary remuneration, etc.

Now practice. We are talking about specific actions within the step-by-step algorithm for preparing and managing a project.

1. Assign someone responsible for the project

The person responsible for the project (project manager) must be singular. Get rid of “committees”, general meetings, collegial decisions and other technologies that “eroded” responsibility.

For example, in one of the companies the “banner drawing” project was regularly carried out. The person in charge had to approve the final version of more than five people, and based on the comments of each of them, changes had to be made to the banner.

What happened in the end? To the manager’s question: “ Why is there such a thing in the banner?” the predicted answer was received “ This thing was suggested by one of those who made additions" Since all the amendments were discussed by five people at three meetings, and without taking minutes, no one could remember by whom and when the proposal was made. And moreover: who is responsible for its adoption.

This thing was suggested by one of the contributors!

How to organize the process correctly in this case? Assign only one person responsible. The rest of the interested parties make recommendations and they are recorded, but the person in charge himself decides whether to respond to them or not. Based on the final result of the work and how the person in charge came up with truly valuable recommendations, his professional suitability for leading this project is assessed.

It follows that when choosing someone responsible for a project, it is necessary to take into account both his current qualifications and the area of ​​immediate development. Correlate them with the criticality of the quality of the process + result and the timing of the task. After weighing the pros and cons, determine degree of participation project manager at the preparatory stages listed below (possible options: total with the implementation of the most important work, with the hands of employees for the purpose of training them, preparation of plans and control - the rest is done only by the performers).

2. Define project goals

An important stage, which, as usually happens, is skipped in the rush to start work quickly.

Project goal- this is the result that must be obtained based on the results of the work. V.K. Tarasov says: “ The meaning of any activity lies outside its boundaries" Therefore, the goal of the project is certainly different from “complete the project.”

The meaning of any activity lies outside its boundaries

In practice it looks like this. The goal of the project “Implementation of CRM” is different from “implement CRM”, and should sound something like this: “ Create a database of customers and interaction with them in a formalized form to increase sales and reduce personal dependence”.

It is also useful to define auxiliary goals for the project, guided by the principle that the right solution “closes” several other related tasks along the way. For example, through the correct implementation of CRM, you can solve the problem of saving time when recording interactions with clients (automatic recording of phone calls and saving correspondence).

3. Record project success criteria

Classic success criteria are compliance with and/or acceptable deviations from key project parameters. Has the project achieved its key and secondary objectives? Was the project completed on time and within the initially allocated resources?

If the response is received " No“at least one of the questions following the results of the project must be followed by an analysis of the reasons and proposed actions to prevent, if possible, such deviations in the future.

It is important to formulate the criteria so that the project manager understands how his work result will be assessed.

4. Identify risks and opportunities. Consider how to prevent and respond to risks and how to seize opportunities.

Work with risks in two approaches. The first is before drawing up a project plan. The second is after compilation, when the list of risks can be supplemented by clarifying specific actions to complete the task.

I recommend identifying risks and opportunities using classic SWOT analysis. For a detailed description of the method, see the link. Briefly: as part of a SWOT analysis, you need to draw a table in the cells of which you write:

  • Inner strengths(internal factors depending on the company that increase the likelihood of project success. The answer to the question “what is the strength, brother?”) - relate to opportunities.
  • Internal weaknesses(internal factors on the part of the company/experience/technology, etc., which “weaken” or may negatively affect the project) - relate to risks.
  • External Strengths(external factors that increase the likelihood and help and/or may help the implementation of the project) - relate to opportunities. For example, in the project “implementation of CRM”, great competition in this market allows you to choose a contractor based on the price/quality ratio, i.e. get quality work without “cosmic” investments.
  • External weaknesses(factors external to the company that pose risks for the project) - relate to risks. For example, for the project “implementation of CRM” this is software for which it is difficult to find contractors + lack of regular and rapid development of the product.

Algorithm for working with risks

Based on the results of compiling the SWOT analysis table, first write down sequentially for each risk(rank them by severity and likelihood of occurrence):

  1. actions that must be taken to minimize the likelihood of its occurrence;
  2. actions that are planned to be performed if the event does occur.

Include both points in the project work plan. But don’t get carried away, it’s unlikely that your manager will appreciate your noble impulse when you provide him with ten pages on working out the risk of a “sudden nuclear attack” for the “CRM implementation” project.

Algorithm for working with capabilities

Now it's time for opportunities. For each of them, write down sequentially (arrange the opportunities according to the degree of usefulness and the likelihood of their occurrence):

  • actions that must be taken to take advantage of and/or increase the likelihood of this opportunity occurring;
  • actions that are planned to be taken if the opportunity “opens up”.

A typical opportunity when purchasing software (and more!) is to ask the question: “ Are there any promotions currently running? What promotions are planned in the next 2 weeks?” When you make a project plan, supplement it with the resulting actions.

Conclusions from the SWOT analysis

Based on the results of studying the risks and opportunities, I recommend briefly listing “ the most dangerous risks" And " the most magnificent opportunities” + make a conclusion about whether it is worth continuing to work on the project at all or whether the risks are so great that it needs to be completed immediately or shelved until better times.

5. Make a detailed work plan for the project (total decomposition)

I don’t remember who said that “the quality of the plan determines 70% of the result of the work,” but my experience shows the truth of this saying. It’s not for nothing that I used the term “total decomposition” in the title. It is understood that each item in the plan will be described in as much detail as possible. If there are regulations or principles for performing work for any of the stages, there must be a link to them next to the corresponding item in the work plan.

The quality of the plan determines the result of the work by 70%.

If the results of the project will be used in other projects or the project will be repeated regularly, be sure to supplement the plan with a clause on the need to develop regulations and instructions based on the results of the project.

Immediately plan intermediate control work at key points in the project plan. Key point- a task, in case of an error and/or incorrect execution of which, it will be expensive and/or difficult to change anything, or highly likely unpleasant consequences may follow. In other words, this is the point at which risk occurs.

One of the most important properties of the plan (forgive me for the banality!) is that after reading it, the performers must understand what they need to do.

How to make a plan when the project is very cumbersome

There are isolated cases. when the project is very complex and large-scale (the so-called super-project or long-term program). A classic example of such a project is “website development”.

They can help us out a lot here mind maps. With their help, it is convenient to develop non-obvious plans and solve complex problems (I talked about the use of mind maps and the program for creating them in the article “”).

Make a mind map for a super project. Divide it into simpler subprojects and run them through this algorithm. For example, “website development” can be divided into subprojects: “Collecting and posting reviews from clients”, “Creating an FAQ directory”, “Integration with mailing services”, etc.

How to choose a planner

I am often asked the question: “ And who should draw up the plan, the manager or the subordinate who is entrusted with the project?“When choosing “who will draw up the plan,” it is reasonable to take into account both the qualifications and the area of ​​immediate development of the subordinate.

If a person has not made plans before, then one cannot expect that he will succeed at least “satisfactorily” the first time. Recommendation for managers: teach and help employees to master the technology of drawing up project plans.

If an employee is required by a position and necessity, but there is no positive dynamics due to lack of talent or laziness, such a person, unfortunately, is unsuitable for the profession. I tell you what to do with this in “”.

Let me remind you that based on the results of drawing up the plan, it is necessary to update the list of risks.

6. Make a list of key documents for the project

The list may include both completed and ongoing projects, partially related to the topic, as well as documents, information from which can be very useful in a global sense (what is useful for a specific point in the plan should be indicated there). There must also be links to any previously developed materials.

For example, you are starting a project “creating a system for attracting customers from the Internet” (by the way, in this case we can help you draw up a good and correct project plan as part of the “ ” service). Here it would be correct to include in the list of key documents: the current sales algorithm, a link to previous reports on work from contractors, results of marketing research, etc.

7. Determine the amount of resources needed and allocate them to the project manager

Yes, now that you have a detailed plan, determining the amount of resources needed is a matter of technique (very different from the “out of the blue” method, isn’t it?”).

Be sure to allocate the required resources to the project manager. The phrase “ Any fool knows how to deal with resources, but you find everything yourself” obviously guarantees failure. If this is exactly what happens in your company, try moving to the stage “Assessing the results obtained and organizing. conclusions." Are you satisfied with the results? Congratulations, you are a level 80 wizard and know how to fashion gold bars “out of shit and dust.” Close this article immediately, it will only harm you :-)

8. Record intermediate results and agreements in the project log

Project log- this is the place where you need to record the intermediate results of the project (if you have everything formalized in the task setting system, record links to them), key agreements, changes in resources and other parameters.

For example, as part of the “CRM implementation” project, you decided to research various services, recorded the results in a separate document and discussed them with the CEO. The final decision and the principles that guided the general director must be recorded in the project log. Otherwise, you understand, then no one will “find the end”.

9. Start the project, manage and control

Before starting, a project can be divided into several stages. Depending on the scale, the project manager transfers some of the tasks or all of one of the stages (and maybe all at once) to a task setting system in a formalized form (for example, Bitrix24).

The best control on the part of the manager is preliminary, i.e. at the level of setting goals, assessing risks and opportunities, and, of course, drawing up a work plan.

Checkpoints for beginners within the framework preliminary control can be located after each of the stages, for the “advanced” after drawing up a work plan, and for the “bison” - free swimming is possible if their competencies have been repeatedly confirmed by previously completed work.

The best control on the part of the manager is preliminary

Yes, at the stage of assessing the quality of the work plan and risks, additional time of the manager may be spent. But this is exactly the one “golden key”, which I mentioned at the beginning of the article. But in the process of completing the work, many times more time will be saved for both the manager and the subordinate!

Naturally, control is not limited to this. Both the project manager and his immediate superior must implement and intermediate control(think about “key points” and planned intermediate controls during the work plan phase). Evaluate both the dynamics of project implementation, compliance with specified parameters, as well as emerging problems and the methods used to overcome them.

10. Final. Analyze the results and correct errors

Anyone who does not perform analysis and does not work on mistakes steps on the same rake over and over again. As part of the final control, analyze and record the following in the project log:

  1. The quality of the result obtained and compliance with the formulated standards. Are there any deviations? Why and what is the reason for their occurrence? What actions need to be taken to prevent them in other jobs and projects? Read more about assessment methods in the article “”.
  2. Errors and difficulties that arose in fact and actions taken to solve them. Why couldn't they be avoided? How to avoid them on other projects and jobs? What regulations need to be drawn up and/or amended to existing ones?
  3. What difficulties and mistakes were you able to avoid? Why? How to avoid them on other projects?
  4. Opportunities and successes used in the work on the project. Why did they arise? How did you manage to use it? How to use it in other works and projects? What regulations need to be drawn up and/or amended to existing ones?
  5. What features were not used? For what reasons? How to use it in other works and projects? What regulations need to be drawn up and/or amended to existing ones?

After recording and analyzing the results, the project manager submits the result to the task director, who actually chooses where to put a comma in the sentence “ reward cannot be punished”.

What software to use for project management

If you are just switching to project management, I recommend the following method:

  1. Use a file in GoogleDocs format (other text editors that you can work with online are also suitable) for all the points listed above. It is very convenient to discuss risks and work plans using a system of comments on the document and the ability to edit/add it at the same time. When it is difficult to create a project plan, resort to the help of mind maps. Divide a large project into several subprojects.
  2. Transfer tasks from the plan to the task setting system (we use Bitrix24 for this). Control time and other task parameters in this system. As for Bitrix24, it has the ability to make connections between tasks, as well as create second- and third-level tasks (subtasks).
  • One of the options for entering into the system. Make one “root” task for the entire project, assign a responsible project manager. Make subtasks for her according to the number of stages with the same person responsible. Next, add second-level subtasks to the newly created subtasks, which will correspond to the items in the project plan, assigning responsibilities and planned time for completion.
  • Also enter control tasks into the task setting system!

Bonus for attentive readers: “Project Log” template!

Would you like to receive a sample “Project Log” template with a developed structure: goals, SWOT analysis, plan, summary?

Follow 2 simple steps:
1) Leave a comment to the article at the very bottom, as in the screenshot at the link: (Write briefly about how you manage projects and component tasks? What difficulties have you encountered? Please give reasons for your answer . If you wish, add questions to your comment).

2) Send a request to receive a document through my personal accounts on social networks (via personal message):

The bottom line, or how a manager can get freedom from endless and useless work

The final task of the manager is as follows: each subordinate must be able to draw up detailed work plans for projects and component tasks(except for low-skilled line personnel: cleaner, merchandiser, call center operator, etc.) and, of course, manage them in such a way as to achieve a positive result (project goals within the resources).

This will save you from an endless stream of operational tasks, questions from subordinates and problems arriving in a flock.

After reading this article, the tools for working with projects and component tasks are in your hands!

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We deal with a lot of things every day, constantly make choices, and look for new opportunities to achieve our goals. In everyday life, people don’t even think that they are constantly developing projects. This happens unconsciously. However, often the person who believes that he has managed to build a real one has actually done unnecessary work. To focus your efforts on the necessary actions and get the desired result, you need to know what the design process is.

What is a project

Any idea that cannot be realized cannot be called a project. This is a specific mechanism, the purpose of which is to achieve the set goal and implement the development into practical activities. So, the signs of the project:

  • There is a specific start date for the design process.
  • When the project development stages are completed, you need to mark the completion date of the work in the calendar or documents, if any, or present the final result.
  • The final design result must be new, previously unknown. It is not necessary to achieve complete uniqueness. It is enough that the result will be a revelation for the team members working on the project.
  • To develop a project, certain resources are required. They are always limited.

Now we can say that design means building an apartment, looking for a job, learning a foreign language, switching to a different daily routine. The stages of project development are unique in each case, but if you can realize your idea and bring it to life, then it is much easier to look at all the difficulties as stages of implementation along which you will rise even higher.

There are several types of research. They differ from each other in different characteristics.

Project stages: general characteristics

Although there are many types of projects, each of them is implemented according to a specific scheme. In general, the design process goes like this:

  • The idea is analyzed and a project plan is developed.
  • A project manager is selected.
  • The design goals are clearly stated, taking into account all possible restrictions.
  • Design participants are identified.
  • The start date of work and the planned scope of the project are determined.
  • Possible risks and consequences are identified.
  • We are working towards our goal.
  • Problems that arose during the work are eliminated.
  • The final result of the project is analyzed.
  • The result is presented to management.
  • The final result and the work of the participants are assessed.

Depending on the type of design, this plan can be adjusted for specific purposes. New stages of work on the project can be introduced or existing ones can be eliminated if they are not needed.

Development of a school project

A school project is usually not a long-term project. Students must prove themselves as capable and purposeful people who know how to reach a compromise. The stages of the project at school are as follows:

  • Preparing for work. At this stage, the task is formulated and a design plan is developed.
  • Project objectives are formed, each participant offers their own ideas that will help achieve the goal.
  • Determining the method for collecting the necessary information, distributing tasks among all project participants.
  • Collecting information, analyzing it, performing design tasks.
  • Formulation of appropriate conclusions.
  • Preparation for defense of project work.
  • Presentation of the results of activities to the teacher, defense of the work.

After defending the project work, the teacher gives an appropriate grade, which depends on the degree of achievement of the design goal, the work of all participants in the study, the complexity of the topic, and the ability to present their results to society.

School research is the simplest form of work, during which students are just beginning to comprehend the basics of working on their own idea. The stages of work on a project do not represent certain calculations, which cannot be said about the investment sphere of activity.

Development of an investment project

An investment project implies that its participants take into account a certain financial risk, since implementation requires certain investments. It depends only on the person whether he is ready to do this. are:

  • Pre-investment stage. It includes all activities to prepare for work, including checking the main idea, planning, allocating certain financial resources, choosing a research site, concluding an agreement with an organization, developing technical equipment, developing and approving certain documentation, obtaining permission to implement the project and approval relevant documents. This stage is adjusted if the investor wants to change anything.
  • Investment stage. It includes the direct execution of work, including installation, production of samples and related components. During this period, the idea is introduced into reality.
  • Operational is the final period of work on a project; it includes the application of the idea in practice. This stage also involves the calculation of all economic indicators and forecasts.

These are the main stages of the project. They can be supplemented with some actions if the investor requires it or the implementation of the idea in practice requires it. Implementing an investment project is a complex task, the successful implementation of which can only be accomplished by people with special education and entrepreneurial skills.

There is another type of project - creative. Its development also takes place according to certain stages.

Development of a creative project

A creative project is the same research as an investment one. However, there is one difference, which is that the end result must be a finished product. must be able to translate his thoughts and ideas into reality so that his abilities do not remain useless. For this you need to master the skill of design. The stages of a creative project are:

  • Selecting a design theme, setting goals and corresponding tasks.
  • Setting all sorts of restrictions.
  • Determining the required resources.
  • Gathering the necessary information.
  • Drawing up a design plan.
  • Manufacture of the product taking into account all of the above factors.
  • Evaluation of the finished product.
  • Analysis of results.
  • Registration of the study in paper form.
  • Project protection.

Each creative person sees these stages of the project in his own way. Therefore, it is not necessary to strictly follow the instructions. It is enough just to adopt these requirements in general terms.

Project design

Any project must be properly designed. For this purpose, every aspect of the study is presented in printed form. The text requirements are:

  • The presence of headings and subsections.
  • Description of the research progress.
  • Availability of conclusions.
  • Description of the research result.
  • The presence of applications, which can be drawings, photographs, graphs, diagrams, etc.

After the project is finalized, the protection stage begins.

Project protection

Defense is the final one, which includes justifying the research results to the customer, buyer or the public. Usually, to obtain approval, a short and competent story about the progress of the study, supported by graphs, drawings and presentation, is sufficient. Remember that the perception of your work by others depends on this stage.


Thus, design is a long-term work on the main idea. If you feel strong enough to realize your idea, start recruiting a team and bringing your thoughts to life. The described project stages are your guide. Hard work will help you achieve your goal.
