Affiliate programs and cpa. The best affiliate programs for making money: a list of profitable programs and tips for working with affiliates. CPA-affiliate: what is it and what is its essence

In this article we will look at how to choose the right CPA offer in the CPA affiliate program. We will also talk about the factors influencing the choice of an affiliate program - and there are several of them... and each has certain nuances.

We will also look at the types of purchases that users (customers) make. We need to know this. Why? Next you will understand why this is so important for us...

And don’t miss anything important - all articles are in the “” section

So... let's get started:

What is a CPA offer in the CPA affiliate program?

An offer in the CPA affiliate program is the basis of all sales, a special advertising offer that clients simply cannot refuse. This could be a product, service, website, mobile application, etc. that is, the great variety of what is distributed on the Internet.

Choosing an offer is a responsible task, because in the end it depends on whether you will make a profit or not.
A well-chosen correct offer in the CPA affiliate program can work a great miracle if you need to introduce a new brand, product or service to the market.

When you have quite a lot of experience working with traffic in arbitration, you will be able to choose almost any correct offer from the available CPA offers...
... because you can sell almost anything - you will already learn how to do this.

CPA offer parameters in the affiliate program

The CPA offer in the CPA affiliate program has the following necessary parameters:

  1. Name of the CPA offer in the affiliate program;
  2. Offer category (CPA offers are grouped depending on their topic);
  3. Each offer has its own Rules that must be strictly followed.
  4. Commission (depends on the complexity of the lead, in other words, the more difficult it is to complete, the higher the payment for the CPA offer provided);
  5. The essence of a lead (leads... tasks that is, or what is proposed to be done) - buy a product, register, subscribe, order a service, etc.);
  6. Lead link that you need to advertise on your landing page (LP) or website (called an “affiliate link”);
  7. Country of promotion (GEO location);
  8. Allowed methods of promotion - the advertiser must indicate. If this requirement is violated, you may be left without commission payments;
  9. A correct, creative approach to the selection and use of visual and textual means of promoting a CPA offer in the CPA affiliate program (selection of pictures, banners, headings, the text itself, etc.). Also, product displays require proper feed setup (broadcasting products from an online store);
  10. To promote some offers, a webmaster needs to have a certain level. Usually there are up to three options for the webmaster level - Basic, Advanced and Super. Or there are three tariff options in the Affiliate program - Basic tariff, Advanced tariff and Super tariff;
  11. Some offers require permission to be promoted from the advertiser;
  12. A CPA offer can also have KPI indicators (optional parameters - the CPA network may not indicate them): , (%), - this means conversions approved by the CPA network (%), etc.

All these parameters of the CPA offer must be strictly observed and they are clearly stated in the Rules of any affiliate program.

But without experience, at the initial stage, you need to learn how to choose the right CPA offer in an affiliate program that meets certain parameters.

Therefore, first we will look at how online purchases occur and analyze the types of purchases made by users, and there are two types:

Types of purchases made by customers

Impulse buy- it is always random and does not happen planned. Her buyer did not want to commit at the moment. But since the cost of this purchase is not high, and the offer is quite interesting to the buyer, he buys it automatically.

Example: In a regular store (offline), when paying for purchases at the checkout, there are always impulse consumption products - single-serve coffee, chewing gum, Snickers, promotional products, etc. And you unknowingly buy them, because their cost is low and you want them, but in principle, you could do without them.

Conscious purchase- carried out by the buyer only as needed. When a person already wants something, he begins to look for and compare different options.

Therefore, before choosing a CPA offer, you need to clearly understand that depending on the type of purchase, there are different approaches to promotion:
There is promotion of impulse products and products that are purchased by customers consciously.

And now we can move on to considering the correct choice of CPA offer in the CPA affiliate program, namely:

Which CPA offer should a beginner choose?

First, we need to decide which CPA offer to choose for a beginner at the beginning of your affiliate marketing journey.

The easiest way to start making money in arbitrage is through product CPA offers.

Moreover, we do not mean goods in large online stores - but the so-called WOW goods or “wow goods”: interesting and necessary goods worth up to 2,000 rubles.

WOW products (wow products) - stable demand

This is because they are always in constant demand. Also, their quality is at a sufficient level and they have a low cost. And they themselves evoke an irrepressible desire to possess them.

The most important difference between WOW products (wow products) and ordinary ones is maximum high amount of remuneration.

Let me explain in more detail:

The thing is that beginning affiliate marketers have a problem at the very beginning of their affiliate marketing journey - their expenses almost always exceed their income.
And this is the main and only reason why people quit affiliate marketing at this stage.

Large online stores cannot afford to pay the webmaster a large commission, unlike those entrepreneurs who sell WOW products.

In the future, having gained experience, you will be able to afford to work with absolutely any offers. But now, at the very beginning of your journey, you should start with product offers (WOW products). Because they are the ones who pay the most commissions.

The conclusion is this: products that are sold on one-page sites - WOW products (wow products) and distributed through CPA networks - will always be in demand and there will be a stable demand for them...
... and you don’t have to worry that anything will happen to this market segment.

How to choose a CPA offer in the CPA affiliate program

There are two ways to select a CPA offer in an affiliate CPA network. Let's take a closer look at both:

The first way to choose a CPA offer

We select a CPA offer based on the data provided to us by the affiliate CPA network.
Here you need to focus on the indicator ( this is the average cost per click calculated for 100 or 1000 clicks).

In some CPA networks it is also called the KPI indicator (see screenshot below - we have already looked at it before). The larger it is, the better.

But this KPI indicator serves only as a guide - it does not give us any accurate data. And this does not mean that in the process of working with a CPA offer, yours will be exactly the same.

So... if you see that if this indicator ( EPC or eCPC) allows you to gain profit - then you already have an idea in which direction to go.
You already understand that this product is being bought (and who and how is the fifth thing...).
How can this be understood?

Let's look at an example

Example: If EPC The CPA of the offer you have chosen is 20-30 rubles. - then you need to compare this EPC with your cost per click, which you will receive... by directing targeted traffic to the landing page of this offer.

For example, if you pay 10-15 rubles per click, then, in principle, this CPA offer is worth working with. Moreover, the cost of your click will depend on the method of receiving targeted traffic.
It is quite possible to get this cost per click from advertising on the social network VKontakte.

The second way to choose a CPA offer

Another way to choose a CPA offer is to select it in the CPA network directory (CPA network aggregator). Now they have appeared on the RuNet - and there are quite a few of them.

The most interesting and informative catalog to date is considered CPA Daily(// It has good support and feedback.

He will tell you how to find and select the CPA offer you need, and also provide as much information about it as possible.

CPA offer - factors influencing the right choice

Several factors influence your correct choice of CPA offer in any CPA affiliate program:

  • Your budget;
  • Your knowledge of the niche (correct selection and analysis of the niche when conducting traffic arbitrage);
  • Demand for a product or service in the market;
  • Sources of target and real;
  • Competitiveness of CPA offers;
  • in the CPA network itself.

Now let's look at all these factors in more detail...

The budget for choosing a CPA offer matters

Your budget is one of the most important factors influencing the choice of a CPA offer.
Because working with some CPA affiliate programs requires a fairly large budget.

For example, you need to invest quite a lot of money in financial offers.

But if you have a small budget, choose what people really need and what they will definitely buy.

If a person buys something consciously ( informed purchase ... sorted out earlier) - then he will definitely buy it.

And if impulsively ( impulse buy ) - here you need to have some experience in selling such goods (WOW goods).

Here we need to say a few words about information products - this type of product is promoted using a multi-stage sales method.

First, a free product is issued (these are products such as consultation, mini-course, checklist, e-book, E-mail newsletter, etc.

In this case, the threshold for making a decision to purchase a product from a person is minimal. Therefore, it is usually easy to start working with this type of offer.

But not all affiliate programs of this type provide the most detailed statistics to webmasters so that they can control and optimize their work.

Your knowledge of the offering niche of the CPA market

The better you know the product, what needs it covers, how it can help the consumer, etc. The more effectively you can make an offer (explain to a potential buyer what the product is, and ultimately sell it.

Try not to take on offers you don’t know. But if you don’t know anything at all, then follow the recommendations that will go further.

Or study the niche on forums, in groups and communities on social networks, use search engines, etc.

The next factor is the demand for CPA offers...

Market demand for CPA offers

Firstly— it is necessary to evaluate the very niche of the product being sold. Evaluate how new the CPA offer is - new offers are not always the best and this does not mean that people will rush to buy the product right away.

It’s just that it’s not yet familiar to the audience and it needs some time to “mature” - it has to pass (or the company). It just takes two or three months (or maybe less) - and then people will start buying it.

But some offers need to be launched immediately, as quickly as possible... as soon as they appear. How to sort out this mess? Only with gaining experience.

Secondly... There is also the other side of the coin - “opened” offers are bought much less often, since the demand for them has already dropped significantly. That is, already “opened” offers simply will not allow you to gain profit.

And finally— always evaluate seasonality using the Yandex.WordStat service.

Example: A winter hat should not be promoted in the summer, and summer shorts should not be promoted in the winter.

Traffic sources for the CPA affiliate program

You may only know one traffic source (and be able to understand it). Therefore, some affiliate programs (advertisers) may not be suitable for you when choosing a CPA offer.

For example, you don’t know how to work with teaser networks, and you want to promote a product like “Goji berries.”
You should avoid promoting products of this type in other advertising systems, because they will definitely not allow such a product.
And in Teaser networks it will go with a bang.

Or vice versa - there is a very hot offer that people only buy consciously. In this case, it must be promoted in contextual advertising (Google AdWords and Yandex Direct).
And then, if you do not understand contextual advertising, you cannot choose this affiliate program (advertiser).

The CPA affiliate program may also itself prohibit certain types of traffic. This must be specified in. Therefore, always carefully read the Rules and carefully understand when choosing a CPA offer.

Now let's look at competitiveness...

Competitiveness of CPA offers

The competitiveness of CPA offers plays an important role when choosing a CPA offer.

Price- if it is too cheap or expensive, then as a rule, people try not to buy this product. They usually buy at an average price - it is always adequate.

The advertiser you like will not always set an adequate price for their product.
Therefore, if you want to compete in the same advertising system, then your advertiser’s price should not differ by 5-10% from competitors.

If the price differs by more than 10%, then you should switch to another traffic source and advertise the product there.


— If the price differs by less than 10%, you can compete through brand delivery, consumer conditions and landing page design.

— If the price differs by more than 10%, then you need to look for alternative sources of targeted traffic.

Delivery- if the buyer has to wait a long time for the delivery of the goods, then he will refuse to purchase it. Users usually try to choose delivery by courier “to the door” - although it is more expensive, it is more reliable. Upon receipt of the goods, you can check it and not take it away if you are not satisfied with something.

Brand— people trust familiar names of companies and firms. Whenever possible, always join “branded” affiliate programs.

Terms for the consumer- These are guarantees for the product itself and the return of the product in the event of a warranty case.

If your landing page has a Yandex card with the advertiser’s details and real contacts for communication, the person understands that he can always return the product. In this case, its purchase will become more realistic.

Well, the last factor for today...

Indicators of the CPA network itself

Not every CPA network provides objective indicators, and you must always remember that these indicators are mostly “blurred” and do not provide specific and accurate data about the offer you have chosen.

Therefore, it is necessary to focus on them only as a last resort - and even then with great caution.

Their indicators seem to give you a hint, a direction... And then - you yourself must carry out scrupulous work on choosing an offer and make appropriate decisions.


In this article, we examined the main factors in deciding how to choose the right CPA offer in the CPA network affiliate program.

That's all for today. Next time, we’ll look at how to do it and enter...

Hello, dear readers! Are you already in the New Year's mood? The holidays are very soon. The main problem that all Russians face during this period is how not to spend all the money on New Year’s Eve and live to see the advance payment? There is no need to deny yourself anything! I have prepared a review in which I collected the best CPA affiliate programs. Now you can earn money without interrupting your holiday feast! Interesting? Then continue reading and delving into it!

There is a huge selection of affiliate networks on the Internet. Why have CPAs become so popular? The main advantage of this type of affiliate program is that they are universal. It is in CPA that you will find the best offers for any audience. You have ample opportunities to increase your income by honing your traffic-driving skills. For experienced professionals, such affiliate networks have become not just a part-time job, but an entire business.

CPA networks operate according to the cost per action scheme, that is, “pay for action.” Most often, the following conditions are assumed to be met:

  1. follow the link;
  2. registration on the site;
  3. filling out a form;
  4. purchasing goods or online courses;
  5. downloading a paid or free application;
  6. applying for a loan or issuing a bank card;
  7. registration of insurance.

The webmaster, who has registered on the service as a partner, must select and bring the target audience to perform the required actions. How to do this? Imagine walking through the city and seeing a man dressed as a teddy bear handing out flyers and luring passers-by to a toy store! Is this a familiar situation? How! Well, exactly the same thing happens online. I described tools for attracting traffic in detail in a previous article about. Don’t be lazy to read, because in making money online, like in war, all means are fair!

Have you figured out strategy and tactics? Then the only thing left is to choose a “battlefield”. I studied several Runet directories and a number of foreign sources, personally registered with a couple of aggregators and asked friends for their opinions before presenting to you my rating of CPA networks. The list turned out to be impressive.

  • Leadbit is an international partner service that has been operating for several years. Key areas of cooperation are beauty, health, weight loss products, enlargers and economizers. Payments in the system are made for applications processed by the Call Center.

For each commercial offer, advertisers pay money. For one attracted lead, the webmaster is transferred from 5 to 10 US dollars. To increase profits, users can connect to several offers, use contextual advertising and promotion on social networks.

The optimal option for withdrawing earned funds is to a Webmoney ruble wallet

  • — the affiliate program will not be a revelation for many, because it has been operating since 2016 and has become popular all over the world.

The program implements offers in the field of beauty and health and occupies top positions in the field of nutra.

Just recently was significantly updated. And these updates have benefited both manufacturers and partners.

Judge for yourself, the number of offers has almost quadrupled, and now there are about 2,000 of them. The choice is huge: products for weight loss, treatment of arthritis, to combat acne, age-related changes and general skin health, to improve potency in men and much more. more.

So, if you have somewhere to get traffic from, then you can easily find the optimal offer for one or more product categories to direct it to.

Due to the increase in the number of offers, the call center was also expanded. So now you don’t have to wait long for approval, the call process is much faster.

The geography has also expanded. And now the affiliate program is represented in more than 100 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and of course in the CIS. This cannot but rejoice, because, as we know, the popularity of any product comes in waves, sometimes increasing or decreasing in one region or another. And if Ukraine has not yet been hit by a tsunami of interest in miraculous dietary supplements for restoring hair structure, then in Russia this wave is already declining.

Therefore, for experienced arbitrageurs, expanding geo, of course, will only benefit you and help you earn even more. works only with proven products with a positive reputation, which are known throughout the world and do not raise doubts. In addition, we have our own production.

Developers are constantly improving the interface, improving the quality of link conversions, and working on pre-monetization of traffic in order to create the best working conditions for their partners. Support works 24/7, and a personal manager is always in touch via Telegram, Skype or email.

On the website you will find ready-made cases for working with, which are also available to subscribers of the telegram channel, as well as a bunch of positive reviews from advertisers.

A convenient platform for analyzing data and receiving reports in any context, withdrawing funds twice a day without delay.

So, if you want to make money, have your finger on the pulse and want to get the most out of your traffic with minimal intervention, then this is the affiliate network for you.

  • AdmitAd– I have described this network more than once and consider it the best. Although in the CPA Inform rating it scored only 6.3 points out of 10. Admitad appeared in 2010, and 7 years of work were not in vain. There are a bunch of tools here to increase the conversion of your traffic - product feeds, promotional codes, widgets and much more. Instant withdrawals without commission with a minimum wage of only 300 rubles, an individual approach to each partner. There is a mobile application. You can find out more in the article. I highly recommend and assure you, no one paid me for this.
  • – the owners of this site spared no expense on creativity, because the name stands for Kiss My Ads. A very daring slogan, what do you think? Immediately after registering in the system, you receive a personal manager and 24-hour support service.

There are more than a thousand active offers here, and these are not only goods, but also various services, games, entertainment, innovations, in general, everything your heart desires. Payments are made upon request, the minimum amount is 2000 rubles, a huge selection of wallets, including Yandex.Money, PayPal, WebMoney, Qiwi, and others. In addition, you can transfer earnings to a bank card. Among the tools presented are the ability to park domains, create subaccounts to divide traffic into streams, and an API. Everything you need for complete happiness. My rating is 10 out of 10!

  •– this aggregator has been operating since 2010. Specializes in banking and financial offers. The site has its own system of user statuses from beginner to Platinum. You receive payments depending on your status - a couple of times a week or upon request. The higher the status, the more interesting offers you can receive. Beginners can improve their knowledge at the CPA school, which is on the website. In your personal account, you can view statistics in any convenient form - by offers, by days, by search queries, etc.

Average rates:

  • offers more than 1000 offers, most of which are product offers, but there are also other categories - finance, education, goods by mail, gambling (games), subscriptions. Everything you need for productive work is already here - exclusive offers, round-the-clock technical support, individual approach to partners, API, convenient personal account and progressive statistics.
  • is a CPA marketing agency that will be convenient for both advertisers and webmasters to work with. They develop their own products and promise large royalties for them. About 10 new offers are created every month. They have many call centers in different countries that help in obtaining order confirmation. Draws for cash prizes, Apple gadgets and cars are regularly held between active partners. Payments are made 3-4 times a day directly to the partner’s wallet. The site maintains a blog, which is updated a couple of times a week. There are good information materials, features and cases here. For the convenience of webmasters, you can download a mobile application with support for Android and iOS.

You are allowed to use various traffic sources: your own websites, contextual advertising services, social networks, teaser networks, and many other sources. As with all other affiliate programs, there are strict requirements for spam and pornography. Violators are subject to penalties in the form of withholding funds or blocking an account.

  • Where is the elephant? – the affiliate network cooperates with a large number of Russian and foreign online stores. Recently it has become increasingly popular and is gaining a leading position. The best tools for partners are collected here - return and redirection of traffic in case of termination of the affiliate program, 5 different subids for analyzing traffic conversion and receiving reports, uploading in XML format, the ability to use direct and affiliate links, a large number of connected payment systems. Network users are increasingly leaving positive reviews and have a positive impact on the affiliate’s rating.
  • CPAelectro– an interesting service for those who can drive traffic to offers in the field of gambling and binary options. Payments every day. Good technical support, training in the secrets of the skill, ready-made landing pages. Users praise it for its reliability. If there are delays in payments, they are small. There is no deception, you can really make good money. I would like to add a little more tools here, such as trafficback, for example, and you can aim for the top. I hope that the site creators will hear me!
  • CPApagetti– another lovers of creativity with proven recipes on how to make money on CPA. The program started in 2014 and in a short time has changed a lot for the better. The creators regularly replenish the user experience with advanced tools. A simple, intuitive interface, work all over the world, a large number of product offers, a flexible system of cooperation, instant daily payments without commission to the most popular wallets and bank cards. Personal managers will always help and advise. Join the system and grow with it.
  • Leadtrade. A good advertising network that contains a sufficient number of offers in all known areas from entertainment to finance. Choosing a priority one will not be difficult for you. Suitable for arbitrageurs. Permitted sources include your own websites, banner and teaser networks, contextual advertising, and social networks. Among the advantages, I would like to note that there is no shame in using doorways. All high-tech tools are at your service. On the main page there is an image of Comrade Rockefeller, who, like a machine gun, shoots quotes on the topics of success, business and personal growth. Very motivating, isn't it?

It’s not just that I asked you about the New Year’s mood at the beginning of the article. What's the best way to lift it? Of course, white fluffy snow! And if it’s snow on the slopes of the mountains, then you can’t think of anything better! What am I talking about? Moreover, on the LeadTrade website they are currently giving away a trip to the Alps! Join now and start working. Even 1 lead gives you the right to participate in the competition!

I really wanted to make the TOP 100, but, as always, I didn’t have enough time. I think that this brief review is enough to make your choice. If your colleagues are still undecided, be sure to give them a link to my article. Let them read and think about it, because all affiliate programs have different tastes and colors. I wish all readers fruitful work and stable payments! See you again, friends!

The principle “wherever they pay more, I’ll go there” doesn’t work. If you are promised mountains of gold, this is at least a reason to think about it. The issue of choosing an affiliate program needs to be approached consciously, and for this you will need to understand how the world of affiliate programs works.

Operating principle

Affiliate programs are created by product manufacturers, service providers or intermediaries who help a business sell goods or services.

The basic principle of operation: a partner helps a company sell their goods or services, and for this the company pays the partner a percentage of the transaction or a fixed amount.

Let's look at a simple example of how work with affiliate programs works:

  • The partner places advertising materials on his website that generate a flow of traffic to the advertiser’s website;
  • Some people buy a product or service;
  • The advertiser pays the partner a reward for completed transactions.

Types of affiliate programs

The effectiveness of cooperation depends on the choice of an affiliate program. You need to determine what type of program is right for you. And this has to do not only with your desire to earn money, but also with what type of traffic you have, how suitable the product is for your audience, how you placed advertising materials and other factors.

The remuneration payment format is one of the parameters to choose from, but not the only one. For 2020, the most popular payment formats are:

  1. Pay per click (PPC - pay per click). The webmaster places pre-selected advertising materials on the site. When visitors click on them and go to the advertiser’s website, the webmaster receives a reward to his personal account.
  2. Payment for impressions (PPV - pay per view). Website owners receive money for the number of impressions of advertising materials. Traditionally, every thousand impressions are paid (CPM - cost per mile). The number of clicks on the link does not matter and is not taken into account when determining the reward.
  3. Payment per sale (PPS - pay per sale). After clicking on an affiliate link, the user is taken to the advertiser’s website. The webmaster receives a reward in the form of a percentage of the purchase amount. Often cooperation is offered by online stores.
  4. Payment for actions (PPL - pay per lead). The reward is generated based on user actions on the advertiser’s website. There are affiliate programs that pay for registration, downloading files, watching videos, filling out a questionnaire, etc. On the Internet, this is often called payment for leads.

In all payment formats there are two sides - one side makes money by attracting people, and the other side makes money by selling a product or service. The choice of format is based on what is most beneficial for each party.


When choosing the best affiliate networks, beginners get lost in a large number of incomprehensible terms. This reduces productivity and causes a lot of time to be spent figuring things out. For convenience, all concepts are formed into a single table.


The procedure for buying and selling traffic in order to make money by attracting buyers
Offer A company operating in an affiliate network, offering the webmaster conditions for earning money. In the classical sense - an advertiser
Lead A useful action on the part of clients that brings benefits to webmasters
Traffic The exact number of visitors for the allocated period of time
Hold A set time during which the user who came from the webmaster must confirm the action
CPA (Cost per action) Payment for completed actions. Sometimes the term CPA refers to the entire industry
CPC (Cost per click) The cost of one click, which is translated by the advertiser within the contextual system
CPS (Cost per sale) Sales price. The advertiser pays a percentage of the purchase of the user referred by the webmaster
Conversion Rate

The ratio of the positive result to the general indicators for the selected time range

ROI (Return of investment) Webmaster's income or loss indicator

Study these terms to avoid problems when working with affiliate programs on the RuNet.

Traffic sources for affiliate programs

The most important thing is that your traffic should be interested in the product or service. You can't sell a BMW to a kid who was looking for a place to watch a cartoon.

It is important to differentiate traffic geographically. Ukrainian and Russian affiliate programs are often the same platform. However, it’s not just about the language, but about the products that are offered and the requirements for traffic sources.

For example, citizens of Ukraine will not be interested in tours departing from Moscow. You will not be able to sell tickets to Moscow cinemas if the main audience of your project is in Kyiv, and vice versa.

All traffic can be divided into two large groups:

  • Targeted traffic. For example, these are visitors who came to the site using a key request - “buy an air conditioner”, and the site sells air conditioners, and the visitor is interested in buying an air conditioner;
  • Untargeted traffic. For example, these are visitors who come to the site by chance and are not interested in a product or service.

As a rule, targeted traffic works better in affiliate programs, since you need to sell products and services. In search of quality traffic, pay attention to the main sources:

  • Search engines;
  • Contextual advertising;
  • Banner advertising;
  • Teaser advertising;
  • Email marketing;
  • Article marketing;
  • Social media.

We deliberately avoided Click-Under, iFrame, Toolbar and other “black traffic”. It is prohibited in many affiliate programs.

Traffic from the Yandex.Direct and Google Ads advertising networks is an excellent source for those who do not have their own project. Despite the fact that this is white traffic and if you correctly set up a targeted advertising campaign, be careful, since contextual advertising is prohibited by some affiliate programs. Click-based affiliate programs are not suitable in this case, since in 99% of cases you will receive less per click than you spent on it in the advertising network.

How much can you earn from affiliate programs in RuNet in 2020?

It all depends on you - how much you can sell. Be prepared that at first you will even be in the red. For example, by purchasing advertising, you will spend money, and the first sales may not start in the first month.

When collaborating with affiliate programs for the sale of goods, deductions range from 5 to 15%. Rarely in product affiliate programs are accrued up to 40%. High percentages are set by market newcomers to attract more interest in their products or by those who sell unclaimed products.

The final earnings are formed from several components:

  1. Amount of traffic. High website traffic increases the number of link clicks, increasing the likelihood of generating income.
  2. Traffic quality. Users who come to the site must be interested in the advertised products. You should not advertise washing powders on a website about computer games.
  3. Amount of deductions. There is a direct impact on earnings - the higher the commission, the more money received.
  4. Product quality. Users will not click on an advertisement if they know that the product is of low quality.

By choosing the best affiliate programs through trial and error, you can find the ideal source of income. Testing may take months, but the results are worth it.

How to earn your first money

Selection of an affiliate program and registration is the first stage of earning money. As a rule, after registration, the webmaster is given access to the control panel, where tools and statistics are located. If this is not just an affiliate program, but an entire advertising network, then several programs are available to the user. In this case, you need to select the optimal offer from the list that suits the topic and conditions.

Once you select a product, use the tools available. For example, place a banner on your website or leave an affiliate link in the comments on a social network.

When talking about your product, use attractive slogans and unique appeals, this will allow you to grab attention. To do this, the webmaster must study in detail what he offers. If you can’t try the service, then it’s worth studying other people’s experience of using it.

You should not make intrusive advertising that will scare away users. Moreover, the best affiliate programs for making money prohibit aggressive advertising. In case of violation, your personal account is blocked without the possibility of withdrawing money. Therefore, studying the conditions is important not only for choosing an affiliate program, but also for successful work.

Affiliate programs for tourism and travel

Tourism and travel are something that is close to all people. On average, every person travels at least once a year, and this is a great reason to make money. You can earn money on air tickets, hotels, tours, insurance, car rental and other travel services.

Let's look at a small example of how to make money on a travel affiliate program.

  1. Select the product you are interested in: air tickets, hotels or other offers.
  2. Download the manual "".
  3. Place affiliate tools on your website: search forms, banners, links.
  4. Generate sales and receive a percentage of each product or service sold.

Travel affiliate programs are a broad term; you can narrow the choice to specific categories, for example, affiliate programs for air tickets, or for tours, or for insurance, etc. Let's look at the most popular categories separately.

Air ticket affiliate programs

An affiliate program for selling air tickets will allow you to earn money by selling air tickets. Partners can be owners of travel websites, agencies, heads of tourism groups on social networks, bloggers and anyone who has tourism traffic.

Affiliate Reward Payments Technologies
Aviasales 1,3-1,8% API, WL, Mobile SDK
Skyscanner 0.5-25 rubles for switching to BA WM, YaD, Paypal API, WL
OneTwoTrip (Closed) 2% YandexMoney, WebMoney, Qiwi, BankCard API, WL

Aviasales is the first metasearch engine for air tickets on the RuNet. Jetradar is the foreign version of Aviasales, and both affiliate programs are included in Travelpayouts. Partners have access to 20+ tools, 5 withdrawal methods, fast technical support and the ability to change advertising materials to suit themselves.

Car rental affiliate programs

You can make money by renting cars not only in Russia, but all over the world. The specificity of rental affiliate programs is that most of them accept traffic from all over the world, and most importantly, they have ways to convert it, since they offer rentals all over the world.

Affiliate Reward Payments Rental locations
Economybookings 60% of income WM, YaD, Paypal, ePayments, bank account 25 000
AutoEurope 10% of booking 20 000
MyRentacar 50% of income No data

Affiliates differ in terms of booking cars, assortment of cars and the ability to select according to criteria, down to the color and type of radio used.

The MyRentacar offer is tailored to 7 regions - all of Russia, including the resorts of Sochi and Crimea, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Georgia, Cyprus, Bulgaria and Greece.

Hotel Affiliate Programs

Hotels are one of the best products in travel. The average check is high, and you receive a high commission - 3-7% of the booking cost.

Affiliate Reward Payments Tools
Hotellook 4-5% WM, YaD, Paypal, ePayments, bank account API, WL, Mobile SDK + 10 tools 4% Links, banners, forms
agoda 3-5% Paypal, bank account Links, banners, forms 4,92 Yandex.Money, WebMoney, bank account Links, banners, forms

It is important to understand that a hotel website can both “sell” hotels and allow you to find the best price. These are different products for the user - in the first case, he sees the same price. In the second case, for example, in Hotellook, the user compares prices on dozens of sites with one click and finds the best offer.

The value of the product for the user is one of the important elements that must be taken into account when choosing an affiliate program.

Insurance Affiliate Programs

You can make money on insurance for traveling abroad (TZR), as well as on compulsory motor liability insurance.

It is important to know the specifics of your audience. Who are these - people who are traveling to Schengen and need insurance for a visa, parents with children, who are traveling to Asia or someone else? Each audience has its own product - get into it and you will see excellent conversion.

Affiliate programs for selling bus tickets

We already, but let’s refresh our memory:

Affiliate Reward Payments Region
GoEuro 3.4% or 0.26 euros per click WM, YaD, Paypal, ePayments, bank account Europe
Autobus.Travel 55% of income CIS, Europe, Russia
9.9% (no more than 600 rubles) CIS, Russia
Busfor 7% CIS, Europe, Russia

GoEuro is a service that is mainly aimed at Europe. The remaining 3 services are for the Russian market.

Affiliate programs selling tours

Please note that in Travelpayouts you can find offers for selling tours online, both departing from Moscow and from the regions. In addition, we have an offer with flights from Ukraine.

Affiliate Reward Payments Departure
Misto.Travel 50% of income WM, YaD, Paypal, ePayments, bank account From Ukraine
Onlinetours 4,2% From Russia 3,8% From Russia 3,3% From Russia

Misto.Travel is a service that is focused on Ukraine. The remaining 3 services offer tours departing from Moscow and other Russian cities.

TemplateMonster Affiliate Program

If the web design industry is your thing, welcome to the ranks of TemplateMonster's partners. Register in and expand the standard chain of sales participants.

So, who will be interested and profitable to become a TemplateMonster partner?

First of all, web masters, designers, hosting providers, don’t forget about bloggers, as well as online marketing consultants. For example, in 2016, TemplateMonster reimbursed $1.5 million to its partners. Is your name on this list?

What does TemplateMonster offer?

Let's start with the fact that for more than 15 years, TemplateMonster has been creating high-quality website templates on completely different topics. To be more precise, the company’s collection includes more than 26,600 ready-made multilingual solutions, both for business websites and resources related to beauty and fashion, medicine, entertainment, eCommerce solutions for online stores, as well as blogs. As you understand, the number of ready-made solutions can impress even the most inveterate skeptic. Don't believe me? Check it out.

By the way, since 2016 the company has become a marketplace, so it invites everyone to contribute to the replenishment of the company’s collection of templates. And yes, every day the collection is already being supplemented with the latest designs and solutions for various purposes.

How to become a TemplateMonster partner

So, to become a TemplateMonster affiliate, you need to register and once your account is active, your task is to select the products you like. In other words, it doesn’t matter who you are as a blogger, website designer or hosting service provider, study the products, make your choice and start promoting it. Everything is as simple as one, two, three.

  • Step 1. Registration.
  • Step 2. Product selection.
  • Step 3. Product promotion.

Benefits of the TemplateMonster affiliate program

To understand the essence of the possible profit from the TemplateMonster partnership, it makes sense to remember that TemplateMonster offers more than 26,600 ready-made solutions with a price range from $70 to $200. All designs are available for different target audiences.

Next, for calculation, you can take the average price for the product, which is $80-$90. So, your earnings as an affiliate will be 30% of every purchase made by each unique user using your affiliate link, which comes out to $27. For every next purchase made by the same user, you already receive a 10% commission from the check amount.

It should be noted that such progressive conditions cannot be found in every affiliate program. Plus, program statistics convincingly show that 90% of all purchases through affiliate links are unique.

Another feature of the program is the presence of a personal affiliate manager who will help you make decisions. If you are at a loss as to which product to promote or which promotion tool to choose, contact your affiliate manager for help.

Tools for earning money

Study information about the company, as well as its products, to understand what tools will suit you when promoting products. Thus, partners help the company promote their products and at the same time talk about its advantages.

Each partner of the company has access to the section, which is located in their account. There, you can block this or that type of template, as well as buy a ready-made solution at a discount.

So, the company offers such tools for promoting its own products as banners and logos, showcases (collections with thematic designs, for example, templates for business and service websites), landing pages, webAPI, widgets. For active bloggers, opinion leaders or owners of promoted resources, advertising placement of banners and showcases will be one of the intensive ways to make a profit.

So, you can write review articles about the company’s products, create a separate section on your own resource for selling ready-made solutions, and also add advertising banners and logos.

Reputable web studios, web developers and freelancers can easily place both ready-made page layouts and landing pages on their resources to attract a larger audience and increase sales. You can also use webAPI and widgets that can be configured as an internal profile to display prices, terms or conditions.

Affiliate program Logaster

The Logaster affiliate program is a great way to earn extra money for anyone involved in small business. Freelancers, startupers, entrepreneurs, bloggers - each of them can receive considerable passive income by recommending a useful and convenient logo creation service to their clients, partners, colleagues or subscribers.

To participate in the Logaster affiliate program, you will need a minimum of actions:

  • Receive a unique affiliate link and affiliate tools;
  • Publish them on websites, forums, social networks and any other places;
  • Earn a commission for new Logaster users and withdraw it in a convenient way.

Online designer Logaster helps you develop a unique professional logo for your company or personal brand. The designer does not require any design skills, and allows you to easily and quickly select the optimal logo for any specialization and area of ​​business. With its help, you can create not only a logo, but also a number of other branding elements: business cards, forms, favicons, patterns, screensavers, avatars, brand books and much more.

How to become a partner?

To join the Logaster affiliate program, you need to follow a simple sequence of actions consisting of the following steps:

  • Go through the quick registration procedure, which will take no more than a few minutes. If you encounter any difficulties during this process, our step-by-step guide will help you solve them.
  • After successful registration, go to your personal account, where a unique partner link and a set of affiliate materials (forms, pictures, videos, banners) will be waiting for you.
  • Distribute your link and materials wherever the target audience can see them: on your own websites, partner websites, social networks, applications, forums and other platforms.
  • Track the statistics of users who followed your links and the number of purchases they made, as well as the amount of your commission earnings in your personal account.

Advantages of the Logaster affiliate program

  • High percentage of commissions . Partners receive a reward - 30% of the purchase amount of each Logaster client who came to us through their referral link.
  • Lots of affiliate content . In your personal account you will find an extensive set of marketing materials: a variety of banners, forms, pictures and videos. Among them you can easily find the optimal tools for promoting your affiliate link on any websites, social networks and other platforms.
  • Remuneration for sub-partner . If another Logaster partner registers using your link, you will receive 3% of the purchases of all clients he brings to us.

  • Bonus after registration . Each new partner receives a nice bonus from us in the amount of $5, which will be credited to your affiliate account immediately after registration.
  • Convenient payment system . You can withdraw your earned commission in various ways, choosing the most suitable one. Any amount starting from $15 is available for withdrawal.

Dating affiliate programs

Dating affiliate programs offer webmasters payment for attracting new users to dating sites. All sites can be divided into two large groups:

  • To search for husbands or wives;
  • To find partners for intimate relationships.

According to statistics, the monthly audience in Russia in this area is 11 million people, which is a good argument - try your hand at this niche.

Traffic sources can be teaser networks, websites, social networks and, in some cases, even spam. The latter, as a rule, is only allowed in venues that balance between white and black, and are themselves on the verge of falling into the “adult” category.

Finance Affiliate Programs

Finance is a broad concept, as is the concept of financial affiliates. There are credit products, insurance products, and even ICOs of cryptocurrencies. In this category you can make money on everything related to the world of finance. In this category you can find both outright financial pyramids and reliable banks.

Affiliate Reward eCPC Hold Confirmation
Ingosstrakh from 355 to 700 rubles RUB 29.64 14 days 100%
CreditPlus 160 rubles RUB 1.82 30 days 16%
Loan-Express 826 rubles 2.15 RUR 10 days 36,6%
eKapusta: Instant loans 720 rubles 16.95 RUR 5 days 30,2%
BitFin24 (CPL) 6 dollars RUB 36.83 7 days 90,5%
Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development 5500 rubles RUB 2.32 60 days 52%

You can earn money for various actions, for example, a loan application, a confirmed loan, a valid application for a card, registering an account in the binary options system, etc.

Real estate affiliate programs

They don’t buy apartments over the Internet yet, at most they place advertisements. However, the “Real Estate” category also exists in the world of affiliate marketing. Here you will find information products and services in the field of real estate.

Affiliate programs for online stores

Affiliate programs for online stores are confidently among the TOP affiliate programs on the Runet. A huge number of products at different prices and various terms of cooperation guarantee that you will certainly choose a product to your liking. This category includes T-shirts, watches, food, accessories, adult products, furniture, clothing, etc.

Affiliate Reward eCPC Hold Confirmation 10% RUB 2.31 30 days 77,2%
Lamoda 10% RUB 5.33 30 days 61,1%
Hobby Games from 3 to 8.5% from 3 to 30 days 82,7%
Audiomania 5% RUB 3.96 60 days 85,4% 6,5% RUB 3.75 15 days 58,3%
L'Etoile 280 rubles 2.25 RUR 30 days 53,4%

Sometimes these same programs are called product affiliates. They will be a great addition to other products. For example, you can sell both an airline ticket and a Samsonite suitcase to one person.

Affiliate programs for online games

Such programs should only be used if you have the appropriate traffic. Typically, products are niche and aimed at a specific category of people.

Affiliate programs of banks

They pay for issuing a credit or debit card, opening an account, or completing an application for a consumer loan. This is a separate type within financial affiliate programs.

Well-known banks offer to attract clients to open bank cards. Sometimes they offer accruals in the amount of established percentages of the client’s turnover on a credit or debit card. In some cases, you can also receive compensation for other services or products, for example, for deposits or investment life insurance.

Affiliate loan programs

From the entire list, CryptoCredex differs from the rest because it issues loans where cryptocurrency is accepted as collateral.

Software affiliate programs

Companies offer to sell programs, engines for websites, computer games and other similar products.

One of the most difficult categories for making money in RuNet in 2020. Since the audience still prefers to download a pirated version instead of buying a licensed version. Therefore, with a large market, there are not many active buyers.

Affiliate training programs

This product can also be combined with others. For example, the person who bought a Moscow-London air ticket from you may want to learn English before the trip.

Other affiliate programs

  1. DVN – sale of video content. Partners receive up to 25% of the paid order. As volumes increase, additional accruals and bonuses are offered.
  2. Gold-affiliate – sale of jewelry. Offered 10% of every customer order. According to statistics, the average order price is about 5 thousand rubles.
  3. Eirgroup – cell phones with an offer of 10% of the product price. All-gsm offers from 10 to 30% of the order on the same topic. The exact calculation depends on the type of advertising materials used.
  4. Adwad represents a CPA network for selling content for mobile phones. The exact working conditions are available only after registration, and are often set individually, based on the specific situation.
  5. Leadia offers the sale of applications for legal advice. Accruals from 15 to 135 rubles per client application. As of 2020, this is one of the best legal affiliate programs in RuNet.
  6. AliExpress offers customers 60 million products. Affiliate royalties up to 50%. Sales statistics are kept for ease of analysis. A high rate is available only on cheap goods; expensive ones, such as laptops or smartphones, will bring 3-6 percent.
  7. Sabrinavi – clothes for women. Webmasters offer clients 5% discounts. His deductions will also be 5% of the order amount.
  8. Aromat – cosmetics and perfumes with a rate of 3% of purchases. Payments via WebMoney or cash.
  9. Astroworld is an unusual astrology affiliate. The commission is formed depending on the product purchased - paid services (65% commission), PC program (40% of the company’s income), application for astrologer services (15% of the order price).
  10. Goodbody – products for medicine and sports. Webmasters can count on 10% of the ordered goods.
  11. Fairy TalesPro – products for children. When selling a book, the commission is $20.
  12. Fabylon – various products are sold here in dozens of categories. The payment reaches 20% of the final order.
  13. Alpari is an affiliate program for attracting new clients to the Forex market. Payouts from 25 to 32% of the spread amount for each transaction.
  14. Avtocod is a service for checking car history. Partners receive 70 rubles for each application.
  15. Powerpartners – catalog of electrical goods. 15% commission on all orders placed. Payments using WebMoney twice a month.
  16. Pult is an electronics store. Webmasters receive from 1 to 12% of the order volume.
  17. Top Shop TV – teleshopping with payments depending on order volume. Rate from 5 to 20%.
  18. Haxi is an association of 15 stores where the same conditions work - 20% of the order of visitors attracted by the webmaster.
  19. Flamingo – sale of flowers with payments to partners of 10% of the order value. For the minimum withdrawal you need to collect 500 rubles.
  20. “8088” is a service for receiving consulting services. In the field of medicine, the cost of an application is from 150 to 400 rubles. In the field of jurisprudence from 40 to 60 rubles.
  21. SendPulse is a service for organizing mailing lists. The affiliate pays 25% from purchases of tariff plans and 10% from account top-ups in the service.
  22. Telderi is a website sales and purchase service. Partners can receive up to 20% of the system's earnings.
  23. Rookee and Seopult are link aggregators for automating the purchase of links. In the first case, the commission is 25% of the company's income. In the second case, 2.5% of the amount of money spent by clients.
  24. Timeweb – webmasters expect payments from 10 to 40% when attracting clients to purchase hosting.
  25. Savechange is an electronic money exchanger with payments from 20 to 50% of the company’s income.
  26. All of Dragunkin on DVD - a training program in foreign languages. Price – 2700 rubles. Clients receive 20% of the course price.
  27. The category of Ukrainian affiliate programs is represented by offers from Rediska (from 25 to 40% per order from a client) and Prikid (from 7 to 15% of the purchase volume).
  28. Gigagame – selling audiobooks, movies or music. Deductions from 8 to 15% of the cost of the ordered goods.
  29. Moviecash – provides the opportunity to earn money by downloading movies or selling discs. When sending SMS, the webmaster receives 70% of the cost. When selling discs 20 rubles. In 2020, SMS affiliates lost their former popularity.
  30. Cpazilla is an entertainment theme with gaming services and dating sites. Payments from 20 to 30%. Banners and landing pages are used to attract customers.
  31. Shopotam is a service for purchasing goods at auctions abroad. Payments of 25% of the amount of service earnings when ordering from clients.
  32. – cheat sheets in the form of documents for schoolchildren and students. For referrals, payments are 40 and 15%.
  33. Ilfumomoney – sale of electronic cigarettes and tobacco. Standard commission is 30% of the order. Increasing turnover will increase earnings up to 40%.
  34. Luxcash – replica watches of world brands. The affiliate offers 20% of the customer’s order value.
  35. Tamata is a program for webmasters who attract users interested in furniture products. The commission range is from 4 to 12% of the entire order.
  36. “Butter King” – food products in different categories. The store pays 8% when attracting a client. The payment amount is taken from his order.
  37. Metaprofit – online tests. From 82 to 90% of the company's income is paid.
  38. Youtube - the legendary video hosting service also has its own affiliate program. You can earn money from views of your own videos. Or you can use your YouTube channel for monetization through other affiliate programs, for example, tourism ones. with channel owners who earn not only from the YouTube affiliate program, but also with Travelpayouts.

The best Runet affiliate is the one that suits you and brings a consistently high income. If you are just starting out, then don’t make the classic beginner mistake and don’t expect quick and big money.

Earning money from affiliate programs in Russia is a job like any other. You have to work to make a profit, but with our review and rating the latter will be easier, because now you know what to choose from.

This top presents the coolest affiliate networks that are great for making money on the Internet. You can choose any of them and count on quality, honesty and a gigantic selection of various goods and services for which you can get traffic if only, as they say, your hands don’t grow out of your ass.

Happy reading. I hope you find what you are looking for.

CPA Networks – TOP 10 Affiliate Programs

The CPA network is a team of experienced arbitrageurs and specialists who have already proven themselves in the CPA market in Russia, the CIS and abroad. Led by Artem Prokofiev and Tanechka Alexandrova.

1. Work with real pros;

2. Convenient platform, tailored for Gambling;

3. Transparent statistics on deposits and player activity;

4. Exclusive casino offers that only we have;

5. Flexible conditions for rates for effective monetization of any type of traffic;

6. Only top offers from our partners, with a verified envelope;

7. Really the best support for webmasters!

8. L any support for partners: assistance in finding and testing links, providing creatives, solving technical problems, providing mobile applications for draining traffic, farming Facebook accounts for you is a product affiliate specializing in nutra. The affiliate program began its work in 2016.

At the moment is:

  • payments up to 2 times a day;
  • 2,200+ nutra offers;
  • 50 beauty and health niches;
  • 100+ GEOs with Trial, SS and COD solutions;
  • 10,000+ registered web sites;

The purpose of conversion to is a confirmed application. Affiliate fees range from $4 to $70 depending on the offer. The average approval level is 20-45%.

All drugs are accompanied by documents with information about manufacturers and certification checks. For each offer, several options of professionally designed landing pages and pre-landing pages are provided.

  • Fixation and payment of affiliate income in is made in rubles or dollars.
  • Withdrawal is possible to webmoney, paypal or traffic sources.
  • Payments upon reaching the minimum amount of 3,000 rubles or $50 (but not more than 2 times a day).

One of the best affiliate programs. This aggregator presents a large number of offers and convenient internal functionality for the work of a webmaster. There is also the opportunity to receive a bonus of $100 for every 500 confirmed leads.

Another new affiliate network, the minimum wage is 700 rubles, there are a number of exclusive offers, I described everything in more detail in .

You see a little man flying, breaking through the clouds, and that’s how you take off with their offers. Arbitration in general and don’t worry about anything.

Binary options broker (and that says it all). From personal experience I can say that working with financial traffic is one of the most profitable. The broker provides the webmaster with the opportunity to earn 50% of the company's profits.

This is generally a topic if you know how to fool simpletons and convince them to register with them and top up their account in the hope of finding easy money. Then this topic is for you. Previously, in VK it was good to talk about this crap, but now their moderators get stuck if they paint everything too beautifully.

The minimum payment is 5 rubles. An excellent affiliate network, with a huge number of offers, this includes products and games and installing an application, in general there is a choice.

Many webmasters start with it. And now you can find more than 300 different goods and services here. The list of available programs is constantly updated.

In general, there is plenty to choose from, as long as, as they say, your hands are straight.

The minimum payment is 800 rubles. One of the oldest affiliate programs, a lot of different products, more than 1000 programs.

For beginners there is a nuance; for offers you need to request access to add, describe your skills in working with traffic, I may require screenshots as confirmation, but there are rarely problems with this. The choice is here. Of course it is large and the working conditions are quite adequate.

In general, I can recommend it for work. And this is, after all, one of the oldest prototypes of the RuNet, a kind of dinosaur, there is also Chinese crap that goes well in teasers and offers from various online stores.


The minimum payment is 500 rubles.

Well, I’ll be surprised if you haven’t heard about this affiliate program before. Here you have almost everything you need to earn money on the Internet. There are tons of available programs. According to the working conditions, the attitude towards the webmaster is loyal, payments are stable, high-quality support, internal analytics system. In general, here you can find a complete gentleman’s set of arbitrage traders.

The minimum payment is 300 rubles.

The minimum payment is 1000 rubles.

Cool aggregator of Chinese crap. I think that here is one of the largest concentrations of a wide variety of goods from China with a huge markup and miracle properties. Of course, there is plenty to choose from, but the quality is lousy, but it is for sale. One of their special features is that they have their own call center, which uses super effective scripts and sells with high approval)

They also have a public page on VK where they share tips and cases.

CPA for app installations:

– The minimum payment is 1000 rubles.

CPA networks with info products:

Well, how could it be without him, he should generally top the rating for hiring buyers by cunning authors of miracle courses, no matter how they cheat and promise magical earnings and a miracle method of how to conquer the currency exchange, so much so that the wolves on Wall Street seem like lambs.

In general, there is a lot of things there. But so...

Excellent service for selling information products, good affiliate royalties. Convenient service and responsive support. There are tons of products here and of course there is a lot of information and slag, but there is still plenty to choose from and here there are higher deductions than in other similar services and very convenient withdrawal of funds.

In general, use it for your health, as I think, if half of the authors there have no conscience, then the partners are the same. And their support service is in holy ignorance. Well, the service is just awesome.

Product affiliate programs:

The minimum payment is 30 rubles. There are thousands of products here, on a variety of topics, you can choose different landing pages and edit them to suit you, which is very convenient, this also applies to analytics, you can easily set your own metrics and set up your goals, but not every affiliate program has this.

There are many other CPA Networks, but if you are just starting out, I recommend starting with the proven ones.)

Also, each network may have some unique offers, and the payment amounts for one product may also differ, so you need to register in different networks and select the best conditions for yourself.

Have a great day and high conversions!


They also offer bonuses here, I advise you to try it, an extra penny won’t hurt your pocket. Good luck.

Some tips on working with affiliate programs or how to be in the Top, and not in the

The main task here is to find profitable offers for which it is profitable to drain traffic.

And also so that the affiliate program is reliable, does not deceive, and it is convenient to withdraw money and analyze traffic.
For work, I recommend choosing products carefully, making a copy of the landing page, installing your analytics system, and then working with a copy of the landing page in order to more accurately analyze traffic.

Test. For example, you can take 5 offers and test which one will be the most profitable. You can also register with several affiliate programs and see which offers have higher payouts; it happens that some pay 500 rubles for a confirmed application. And others already have 600, so it’s more profitable to work where you pay more.

Also, carefully read the terms and conditions of working with webmasters; everyone usually doesn’t do this. However, there may be peculiarities, for example, there is a point that if the percentage of confirmed applications (approval) is low, for example less than 60%, the webmaster is not paid anything or is paid but with restrictions.
Also carefully study which traffic sources are allowed for a specific product, because some, for example, Yandex Direct, are prohibited. Because the advertiser himself advertises there, and if you do not take this point into account, then you will not be paid anything, all your applications will be canceled.

He can help you with a variety of issues that may be confusing. They all have Skype or a VK profile. You can ask which combinations (that is, traffic source + creatives + offers) are the most effective at the moment. And since it is in the manager’s interest that you earn as much as possible, he will be happy to assist you. So don't be shy and ask. This will help you find the right path and prevent you from making some mistakes.

All these points must be taken into account and all options must be considered.

If you have information that such and such an affiliate network is behaving dishonestly, scamming webmasters and not paying out the money they earn, then you can write to me and I will write a fair review with you, publish it on my website, so that it goes out in top search engines.

Evgeniy Malyar


# Business on affiliate programs

The best affiliate networks for making money

Article navigation

  • List of CPA affiliate programs
  • Evaluation criteria
  • Rating of CPA networks
  • Admitad
  • EPN
  • Dr.Cash
  • M1-SHOP
  • LuckyOnline
  • AD1
  • Where is the Elephant?
  • Mixmarket
  • KMA
  • Actionpay
  • Leadia
  • Everad
  • Sellaction
  • Traffic Light
  • MonsterLeads
  • CityAds
  • Saleads

The opportunity to earn money at home, at the computer keyboard, attracts a huge number of people, especially since such paid activities are actively offered on many Internet resources. Most often we are talking about participation in affiliate programs of various online stores that promise rewards for specific actions or a percentage of product sales.

List of CPA affiliate programs

In some cases, a potential SMO or SMM employee (these abbreviations denote the activities of promoting commercial products on social networks and other popular resources) due to his inexperience does not see the difference between ordinary affiliate programs and CPA networks, but there is a significant one. It consists in the fact that the network is an aggregator of affiliate programs. Its function is to connect the advertiser (the owner of the product) and the performer, hereinafter called a partner.

The problem for a novice participant is to choose a good intermediary who will not only take his allotted percentage, but will also select customers whose product (be it goods or services) will be easiest for him to promote on the market.

Evaluation criteria

The general catalog of CPA networks is very extensive, and navigating through it is not so easy, especially at the beginning. It remains, as in many other cases, to rely on the prevailing public opinion expressed in user reviews. Based on them, the 2020 rating was compiled, which includes CPA networks with the best reputation. The following indicators serve as criteria:

  • The level of deductions, that is, the percentage due to the partner in case of successful completion of the sale or for any activity that promotes sales and is specified in the agreement;
  • Convenience of the payment system;
  • Efficiency of technical support service;
  • Number of offers and available landing pages.

You can draw conclusions about whether an affiliate network is good or not based on a number of other indicators, including the concept of honesty (some participants seriously claim that they are sometimes deceived and underestimated earnings), but in this case it is better to operate not with subjective, but with objective data .

Rating of CPA networks

The current year has not yet come to an end, and information from the past could be considered outdated, but judging by the preliminary results of surveys, the market situation has not undergone significant changes. The position in the list of some CPA networks may change slightly, but the overall composition of the best of them remains the same.

Logo Website Number of offers Attendance (per month) Grade 1051 21 million 9.8 45 5 million 9.5 2000+ 1.85 million 9 200 160 thousand 9 803 1 million 8.4 100+ 180 thousand 8.4 1318 880 thousand 8.4 281 390 thousand 8.3 267 385 thousand 8.3 574 365 thousand 8 95 170 thousand 7.5 175 150 thousand 7.5 351 145 thousand 7.5 757 135 thousand 7.4
357 135 thousand 7.3 840 120 thousand 7.3 84 100 thousand 7.1


Our TOP CPA networks for earning money are opened by the undisputed leader in the CIS countries. Cooperation with this network consists of attracting potential clients of online stores, banks and game users. Work on several advertising platforms at the same time (the more, the better) of different directions is allowed and encouraged, for which all conditions have been created and tools provided. This, according to many users, is the main advantage of Admitad.

In addition, the network’s assets include hundreds of advertiser sites with accessible landing pages and high traffic (400 thousand visitors per day). All these factors attract webmasters, of whom more than two hundred thousand are already participating in the program.

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A CPA network that specializes in cooperation with the largest online stores in the CIS and China, including Aliexpress, Ozon, MVideo, Svyaznoy, Rozetka and many others. For webmasters, one of the advantages of working with the site is the ability to attract customers using cashback and coupons. The statistics are displayed correctly, there are no problems with payments. Among the disadvantages, we can note the long hold time for goods from the Aliexpress online store. But given the delivery time from China to Russia, this measure is justified.

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The best affiliate program for working from the inside. The beauty and health niche is always in demand, which is what webmasters working with take advantage of. The site contains cases that will help even beginners make a profit. All offers are original and have no analogues in other CPA networks. Earned money is withdrawn without problems, payments are made 2 times a day (another unique feature of the affiliate program).

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Exclusively product specialization with the provision of the most effective offers. On average, each confirmed order brings an M1-Shop partner 620 rubles in income.

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A growing CPA network with product offers. The affiliate program is attractive to webmasters in many ways. Among the main ones:

  • high stakes;
  • wide GEO;
  • weekly offer updates;
  • unique promotional materials;
  • fast payments (on the day of application);
  • responsive and competent 24/7 support.

Withdrawals are possible to bank cards and electronic payment systems (ePayments, WebMoney, Yandex.Money, QIWI, ZaleyCash). When withdrawing through the ZaleyCash system, the webmaster receives bonuses. It is also possible to withdraw money directly to some advertising networks.

Special mention should be made about the call center. In LuckyOnline it is one of the largest in Russia. Its staff is more than 500 people. Operators are native speakers of the language corresponding to the selected GEO.

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The main advantage of the network, according to many participants, is that the platform provides partners with a large variety of tools, and also takes on a significant part of the risks, thereby insuring against possible losses. The most important advantage of AD1 is the presence of a rotator that automatically sets the sequence of publishing promotional materials and tracks traffic.

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Where is the Elephant?

The network offers more than a hundred landing pages, which are pages of large online stores, both Russian and foreign. The number of product offers exceeded three million.

The advantages of the affiliate network “Where is the Elephant?” This includes a large selection of products, ease of setting up your own affiliate online store and accessible withdrawal systems.

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The network cooperates with leading Runet advertisers. Indeed, among the many offers you can find quite well-known and popular platforms: World of Tanks,, Svyaznoy, Ozon and others. In general, Mixmarket is focused on e-commerce, tourism, and gaming topics. The site presents a selection of the TOP 10 most popular offers, which will help beginners decide on the choice of program.

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A network popular among webmasters working with health-related offers. The assortment includes weight loss products that have been bringing profit to affiliate marketers for many years. There are other offers, such as a fuel saver, a breathalyzer, and car care products. In general, the choice is quite wide; the offer can be selected to suit any target audience.

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Be careful! In 2020, the affiliate program does not pay out earnings. The reasons for non-payment are not disclosed.

The partner network has offices in the USA, Hungary, Ireland, India and Brazil. More than a thousand affiliates from all over the world work with her. Huge selection of mobile offers. The platform is characterized by high technology and customer focus.

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A small number of offers should not mislead potential partners. CPA network Lydia is a leader in its niche. Each of you has seen a pop-up window on different websites offering a free consultation with a lawyer. This is exactly the main tool of the Leadia affiliate program. In addition to legal advice, offers are available on the topic of loans, real estate, medicine, etc.

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One of the ten best CPA networks on the market, which is confirmed by almost all compiled ratings, although the line number may “float”. The highest (up to 90%) “approval” (a level of 45 – 50% is considered normal).

Help: approval is the percentage of paid orders out of the total. In other words, out of one hundred potential buyers, for example, thirty refused to purchase the product. The remaining 70 are “approval” (from the English approve - “approval”).

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The site interface has been updated and now allows you to operate several affiliate programs at the same time, which is also a big plus of the Everad network.


The geography of received traffic is very wide - the CIS, USA, Europe, Latin America, Asia.

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Traffic Light

This CPA aggregator has many unique original offers for any audience. High sales to webmasters are ensured by a 24-hour call center. Withdrawal of funds is almost instant, the support service is responsive and prompt. The selection of offers is varied: inflatable sofas, anti-smoking products, home equipment, car care products and much more.

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This year the network celebrates its fifth anniversary, which indicates the reliability of the company. Among the product offers there are also unique ones, which have no analogues in RuNet. A 24-hour call center, the possibility of early payments and a wide geography for traffic allow MonsterLeads to occupy high places in various ratings.

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An advertising network with a universal set of offers. Here you can find health and beauty products, children's toys, games for mobile phones and PCs, and men's products. We are also pleased with instant payments, prompt technical support and detailed statistics.

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The affiliate program offers a huge number of offers, among which there are quite serious and monetary ones - loans, bank accounts, investments. The geography of traffic is wide. There are many interesting tools available for webmasters, the statistics are detailed and customizable using any filters. There are no problems with payments. CityAds takes seventh place in the ranking of the best affiliate programs of 2020.

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