Sample signature card sample. Bank card sample signatures

What's happened card with samples of signatures and seals? This is a document that records the signatures of all company managers and the imprint of the main seal. This card is issued when an organization opens a current account in one of the banks. The form of this document is common to all types of companies and organizations.

It is important to know the algorithm for correctly filling out this document.

  • We remind you that the form for filling out information on the card is the same for everyone, so the only possible changes in it are changes in the number of lines for basic information about the organization, the full names of the indicated managers and in the line where the account number is indicated.
  • You can enter data into the card by hand, using blue or black ink, or you can type the text on a computer.

Card with samples of signatures and seals

  • Different banks require different numbers of copies of this document. Detailed information can be obtained from the specific bank with which the organization intends to cooperate.
  • The “first signature” and “second signature” fields must be signed by the heads of the organization.
  • The first signature can be put by the head of the company or organization or a person who has a power of attorney as his representative.

To carry out settlements with funds in customer accounts, cards are issued.

The card includes the signatures of the client’s officials who have the right to sign for settlements, as well as the seal of a legal entity, the seal of an individual entrepreneur, a notary, or a lawyer (if any).

Responsibility for the accuracy of the information included in the card rests with the account owner.

Card forms can be produced by printing or using electronic computing technology, as well as using duplicating technology (provided that the copying is made without distortion). If there is not enough space to include all the necessary data on the card, it can be drawn up on two sheets.

Forms of cards with sample signatures and seal imprints should not exceed the size of an A4 sheet (210 x 297 mm), but may be smaller than this format.

The card is filled out by the account holder or an authorized employee of the Bank using writing or electronic computers in black font or a pen with black, blue or purple paste (ink).

The card columns are filled out in accordance with Appendix 17.

The authenticity of the signatures of persons who have the right to sign documents for making payments on the card is certified by an authorized employee of the Bank or a body authorized to perform notarial acts (at the request of the account owner), unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and (or) this Procedure.

For customer accounts that do not have persons on staff who have the right to second signature (which must be recorded on the card with sample signatures and seals), a card with a sample of only the first signature of documents for settlements may be submitted to the Bank Division. Responsibility for the accuracy of the data provided rests with the account holder.

Certification of the authenticity of the signatures of persons authorized to sign documents for making payments and the client’s seal on the card is carried out by an authorized employee of the Bank in the following order:

Establishing the identity of those entered into the card based on the submitted identification documents;

Establishing the powers of a person entitled to open an account, based on the study of constituent documents, documents granting the person the appropriate powers.

The persons indicated on the card, in the presence of an authorized Bank employee, affix their handwritten signatures in the appropriate field of the card.

In the column “Sample of seal impression” the client puts down a sample of the seal impression (if available) or makes a note about the absence of a seal.

Blank lines are marked with dashes.

To confirm the signatures of these persons in the presence of the client, an authorized employee of the Bank certifies the authenticity of the signatures and a sample of the seal imprint.

The certification inscription is placed on the back of the card in the place reserved for witnessing the signature(s) of authorized persons of the account holder. In this case, the full name must be indicated. and the name of the position of an authorized employee of the Bank in accordance with the staffing table, and also indicate the name of the Bank Division (for example: Natalya Ivanovna Petrova, chief economist of the corporate business center of the directorate of OJSC Belinvestbank in the Brest region).

The certification inscription is certified by the seal of the Bank's Division (if necessary, a special seal can be made in the prescribed manner).

The original card is scanned for electronic storage in the BARS information system.

The original card on paper is placed and stored in the file. Additional copies (electronic copies) of cards are produced by the Bank by electronic scanning and are intended for use by executors on statements.

If the information to be included in the card changes, the account holder is obliged to immediately notify the Bank and, within one month from the date of change in the specified information, issue a new card.

If the card requiring replacement is not issued within the specified period, the Bank refuses to execute the account owner’s documents for making payments until the new card is issued.

If the right to sign documents for making payments is temporarily granted, as well as when one of the persons with the right to sign documents for making payments is temporarily replaced for a period of no more than two months, a new card may not be issued. In this case, the account owner submits to the Bank a temporary card with sample signature(s) of the person(s) temporarily having the right to sign documents for making payments, the accuracy of which is certified by the account owner (hereinafter referred to as the temporary card). The validity period of a temporary card should not exceed two months. (Appendix 18)

A bank card with sample signatures is one of the mandatory documents required by the bank together with the opening of a bank account or deposit account. In essence, it is a paper containing samples of signatures either of officials of a certain legal entity, or the signature of an individual entrepreneur. The general procedure, as well as the conditions for the registration and use by clients of such a bank card with signatures, are set out in detail in the special Instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Procedure, conditions for registration and use of bank cards by clients

This document is drawn up to conduct financial transactions with assets that are placed in the accounts of both legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. To issue a card, use the prescribed form. Fill it out according to the model, again provided for by the Instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. It is important when preparing this document to strictly follow the rules established by the Central Bank for filling out the fields. You can view a sample form, the approved form of this document with sample signatures, on our resource in the “Samples of Documents” subsection.

1. This Directive is based on Article 4 of the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, No. 28, Art. 2790) and Article 30 of the Federal Law “On Banks and Banking Activities” (Vedomosti Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR and the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, 1990, No. 357; Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, No. 6, Art. 492) establishes the procedure for preparing a card with samples of signatures and a seal.

2. Card with samples of signatures and seal impressions (hereinafter referred to as the Card)- Form N 0401026 according to OKUD (All-Russian Classifier of Management Documentation OK 011-93), established by the Appendix to this Directive, is submitted by a legal entity (separate division), or an individual, or a citizen carrying out business activities without forming a legal entity (hereinafter referred to as individual entrepreneur),or an individual engaged in private practice in accordance with the procedure established by law (hereinafter referred to as the client), to a credit institution (branch) or division of the Bank of Russia settlement network that has the right to open and maintain bank accounts for legal entities and/or individuals, along with other documents required to open a bank account.

3. The card is filled out by the client using writing or electronic computers in black font or pens with black, blue or purple paste (ink). The use of a facsimile signature to fill out the Card is not allowed.

4. The card is presented to the credit institution (branch) or division of the Bank of Russia settlement network in one copy for each bank account.

The required number of copies of cards with sample signatures and seal imprints for use in work is copied by a credit institution (branch) or a division of the Bank of Russia settlement network. The copies are certified by the signature of the chief accountant of the credit institution (branch) or division of the settlement network of the Bank of Russia or his deputy.

5. The order of filling out the fields of the Card:

5.1. In the field "Account owner" the client - a legal entity indicates the full name of the legal entity in accordance with the state registration certificate; in the case of opening an account for a separate division of a legal entity, the full name of the separate division is indicated in accordance with the regulations on the separate division approved by the legal entity;

the client - an individual indicates his full last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, details of the identity document;

the client - individual entrepreneur indicates his full last name, first name, patronymic, details of the identity document, also indicates: “individual entrepreneur”;

clients - individuals engaged in private practice in accordance with the procedure established by law (lawyer, notary, etc.), indicate the type of activity.

5.2. In the field "Location (place of residence)" the address of the permanent executive body of the client - a legal entity (separate division) or the address of the actual place of residence of the client - an individual, or the address of the client - an individual entrepreneur is indicated.

5.3. In the field "tel. N" indicate the intercity code of the locality in brackets and the telephone number.

5.4. In the field "Bank" the full name of the credit institution (branch) or division of the Bank of Russia settlement network in which the bank account is opened is indicated.

5.5. In the field "Bank mark" after assigning the corresponding number to the bank account, a mark is placed on the acceptance of the Card by the chief accountant or his deputy or another person who is granted this right. The specified person affixes a handwritten signature and the date (in numbers) from which the Card is used.

5.6. In the field "Other marks" a credit institution (branch) or a division of the Bank of Russia settlement network provides information on the provision of additional (temporary) Cards, the period of time during which they are valid, cases of their replacement, the procedure and frequency of issuing account statements, as well as other information necessary credit institution (branch) or division of the Bank of Russia settlement network.

5.7. On the back of the Card in the field "Short name of the account holder" indicated:

short name of the client - legal entity in accordance with the certificate of state registration;

short name of a separate division of a legal entity in accordance with the regulations on a separate division approved by the legal entity. If there is no short name, the full name of the client - legal entity (separate division) is indicated.

Clients - individuals indicate their full last name, first name, patronymic.

Clients - individuals engaged in private practice in accordance with the procedure established by law, indicate the type of activity.

Clients - individual entrepreneurs indicate their full last name, first name, patronymic, and also indicate: “individual entrepreneur”.

5.8. In the field "Job title" the client - a legal entity (separate division) indicates the positions of persons vested with the rights of the first or second signature.

Clients - individuals, clients - individual entrepreneurs, as well as clients - individuals engaged in private practice in accordance with the procedure established by law, do not fill out the "Position" field.

5.9. In the field "Last name, first name, patronymic" the full last name, first name, and patronymic of persons vested with the rights of the first or second signature are indicated.

5.10. In the field "Sample signature" persons who have the rights of first or second signature put a handwritten signature next to their last name.

5.11. In the field "Fill date" the client indicates the day, month and year of filling out the Card.

5.12. In the field "Client Signature" a handwritten signature is affixed by the head of the client - a legal entity (the head of a separate division), who, in accordance with the law or constituent documents (regulations on a separate division), manages this legal entity (separate division), the client - an individual, the client - an individual entrepreneur or the client - an individual engaged in private practice in accordance with the procedure established by law.

5.13. In the field "Term of office of persons temporarily enjoying the right to sign" the term of office of the persons established on the basis of the client’s administrative act or the power of attorney issued by him is indicated.

5.14. In the field "Sample of seal imprint" clients - legal entities (separate divisions), individual entrepreneurs and clients - individuals engaged in private practice in accordance with the procedure established by law (if they have a seal), affix a sample of the seal impression.

Clients who are individuals do not fill out the “Sample of seal imprint” field.

The seal imprinted on the Card must be clear.

6. The right of first signature belongs to the head of the client - the legal entity for whom the account is opened, as well as other persons with organizational, administrative and economic functions, authorized on the basis of a written order (order) of the legal entity.

The right of the second signature belongs to the chief accountant and (or) persons authorized to maintain accounting records by written order (order) of a legal entity.

Several employees of a legal entity may have the right of first or second signature at the same time.

An employee of a legal entity cannot be given the right of first and second signature at the same time.

Other persons may have the right of first or second signature on the basis of a corresponding power of attorney.

7. If there are no persons on the staff of the client - a legal entity (separate division) whose responsibilities include maintaining accounting records, the Card is affixed with a handwritten signature (signatures) of the person (persons) entitled only to the first signature.

In this case, in the field “Last name, first name, patronymic” on the Card, instead of indicating the person entitled to the second signature, it is indicated: “there is no accountant on staff.”

8. The sample imprint of the seal of a legal entity (separate division), affixed by the client to the Card, must correspond to the seal that the client has in accordance with its constituent documents (regulations on a separate division), other documents and federal laws establishing requirements for the seals of legal entities.

9. Authenticity of handwritten signatures of persons holding the right of first or second signature, can be notarized O.

10. The card can be issued without notarization of authenticity of signatures in the presence of an employee of a credit institution (branch) or a division of the Bank of Russia settlement network authorized by an administrative act of the credit institution (branch) or a division of the Bank of Russia settlement network (hereinafter referred to as the authorized person). In this case, the Card is issued at the premises of a credit institution (branch) or a division of the Bank of Russia settlement network in the following order:

10.1. The authorized person establishes the identities of the persons indicated in the Card on the basis of the submitted identification documents.

The authorized person establishes the powers of persons vested with the right of first or second signature based on the study of the client’s constituent documents, as well as documents conferring the corresponding powers on the person.

10.2. The persons indicated on the Card, in the presence of an authorized person, affix their handwritten signatures on the reverse side of the Card. Blank lines are marked with dashes.

10.3. The authorized person puts a handwritten signature on the back of the Card to confirm the signatures of the indicated persons in his presence.

10.4. The signature of the authorized person is affixed with the seal of the credit institution (branch) or division of the Bank of Russia settlement network, determined for these purposes by an administrative act.

11. After concluding a bank account agreement, the Card is submitted to the accounting department of the credit institution (branch) or the settlement network division of the Bank of Russia.

After registering accounts opened for clients in the open account registration book, the accountant indicates the assigned bank account number on the back of the Card in the “Bank account N” field.

12. In case of replacement or addition of at least one signature and/or replacement (loss) of a seal, as well as in other cases of change of details allowing identification of the client (change of the organizational and legal form of a legal entity, change of location; change of last name, first name, patronymic individual, individual entrepreneur, etc.), the client presents a new Card, issued in the manner established by this Directive.

If the right of the first or second signature is granted temporarily to persons not specified in the Card, then additional (temporary) Cards with samples of signatures of these persons, drawn up in the manner established by this Directive, are presented. In this case, the “Temporary” mark is placed in the upper right corner on the front side of the Card.

13. Filling out the field “Cash checks issued” regarding the registration of numbers issued by a credit institution (branch) or a division of the Bank of Russia settlement network to clients of cash checks, as well as other necessary information to be included in this field, is carried out by the credit institution (branch) or settlement division network of the Bank of Russia in the manner prescribed by regulations of the Bank of Russia.

14. In the field “Place for a certification inscription attesting to the authenticity of signatures,” the notary makes a certification inscription in accordance with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The authorized person indicates his position, surname, first name and patronymic (in full), surname and initials of the person (persons) whose signatures are being certified, indicates the date and affixes a handwritten signature.

15. Card forms are prepared by credit institutions (branches) or divisions of the Bank of Russia settlement network independently in the form established by the Appendix to this Directive.

An arbitrary number of lines is allowed in the fields “Account owner”, “Last name, first name, patronymic”, “Position” and “Signature sample”, taking into account the number of persons vested with the rights of the first or second signature.

16. Re-issuance of Cards submitted to credit institutions (branches) or divisions of the Bank of Russia settlement network before the entry into force of this Directive is not required. The form of the Card established by this Directive, as well as the procedure for filling it out, are applied to clients - legal entities (separate divisions) after two months from the date of entry into force of this Directive.

All operations with a current account from the moment of its opening, maintenance and closure are carried out by the responsible person, as a rule, he is the director. In this case, all signatures of authorized representatives are checked against a card with sample signatures and seal imprints. The form of the card is the same for all credit institutions and approved by Bank of Russia Instruction No. 28-I dated September 14, 2006, in Appendix No. 1, its OKUD number is 0401026.

Sample of filling out a card with sample signatures

The card form can be printed (made) either by the client himself or by the bank. In this case, it is imperative to take into account that the form strictly corresponds to that approved by the Bank of Russia. It is only allowed to change the number of lines in such fields as “Signature sample”, “Last name, first name, patronymic”, “Account owner”, depending on how many people will have the right of first and second signature on bank documents.

In addition, provided that persons authorized to sign documents at the bank and one operator simultaneously maintains several accounts with the client, then in the sample signature card column “Bank account number” can also have the required number of lines.

The card with sample signatures can be filled out either by hand (with a ballpoint pen) or using computer technology, and you must use only a purple, black or blue pen. Sample signatures can only be affixed by the person responsible; the use of facsimiles in this case is not allowed.

The bank may request a sample signature card either in one copy or in several, depending on their internal requirements. Some banks require all cards in the form of originals, while others themselves can make the number of copies they need from the original.

The right of first signature of documents, as a rule, belongs to the director of the organization or a third party who is authorized to maintain accounting records on the basis of administrative documents. Most often, signatures are placed on when making various payments.

The right of the second signature is often granted to the chief accountant or also to a third party who, in accordance with administrative documents, carries out accounting.

It is possible that the right of first and second signature is granted simultaneously to several employees of the organization. So the founders can reserve such rights for themselves and it is not necessary that such rights will be transferred to the chief accountant or director.

In addition, only the first signature can be indicated on the signature card - if the director independently maintains (is responsible for) accounting and manages the enterprise at the same time. In this case, in the “Second signature” field, you should make an entry that the right to put a second signature on documents does not belong to anyone.

Filling out the document is as follows:

  • Signatures on the card are placed only in the presence of the person certifying this document. They can be approached by a bank representative or a notary (in this case, he is provided with the same package of documents as for a bank to open a current account).
  • The card indicates the position, surname and initials of the employee who certifies the signatures on the document.
  • The date is indicated in numbers.
  • Next, the bank employee puts his signature and puts the seal (stamp) of the bank, which is reserved for these purposes by the credit institution.
