Medvedev's ski instructor became a major entrepreneur. On the ski lift: how the winner of the USSR Cup became a ski resort builder

The tender for laying hot water supply pipelines to the Severnaya Dolina and RiverSide neighborhoods worth 1 billion rubles was won by the Rosengineering Project company of Dmitry Novikov, who was involved in training the prime minister on the mountain slopes

A major tender from the Smolny State Unitary Enterprise "TEK" for laying hot water supply pipelines to the Severnaya Dolina and RiverSide quarters worth 1 billion rubles was won by the Rosengineering Project company. She is part of the Rosengineering group of St. Petersburg businessman Dmitry Novikov, who, according to Forbes magazine, was Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev's alpine skiing instructor. Coincidentally, some media outlets also consider the new director of the State Unitary Enterprise “TEK” Igor Fedorov to be part of Medvedev’s team.

The state enterprise Fuel and Energy Complex of St. Petersburg has summed up the results of a major tender for the construction of a main pipeline from the Parnas-4 boiler house to the new quarters of the Severnaya Dolina microdistrict of the Glavstroy company. In addition, this tender includes work on connecting Setl City’s RiverSide quarter to the heat supply system near the Chernaya Rechka metro station. The maximum price of the competition is about 1 billion rubles.

As follows from the protocol published on the government procurement website, three companies submitted applications. Two of them - MegaMade and the Integrated Energy Solutions holding - have long been present in the engineering tenders market of the St. Petersburg government. Thus, back in 2011, KER received a contract for the reconstruction of boiler houses in various areas of the city for 300 million rubles, and in 2013 it was one of the main contractors of the State Unitary Enterprise Fuel and Energy Complex. The third participant, Rosengineering Project LLC, began participating in competitions of the State Unitary Enterprise "TEK" only this year. Thus, in the spring, the company received the right to modernize the sewerage system of the boiler house on Vaneev Street for 2.1 million rubles. And in the summer, she applied for a tender to prepare a project for the reconstruction of the Polytechnicheskaya boiler house for 90 million, but lost.

This time, Rosengineering Project was more successful: the company outscored its competitors in terms of points and received a contract worth almost 1 billion rubles. In particular, the company most seriously reduced the starting price - to 930 million rubles, and also confirmed its experience in similar work. The contractor has no problems with the latter: the company is part of the St. Petersburg group Rosengineering, which was one of Gazprom’s key contractors in Sochi in preparation for the Olympics. In particular, Rosengineering built the combined skiing and biathlon complex “Laura”, the mountain-tourist complex “Laura”, and a cable car. The company also received contracts for the reconstruction and construction of engineering facilities, including the Dzhubginskaya CHPP.

The president and founder of the company is St. Petersburg businessman Dmitry Novikov, a former winner of the USSR slalom cup. According to Forbes magazine, at the end of winter 2008, Dmitry Novikov taught the then first deputy chairman of the Russian government, Dmitry Medvedev, to ski in Sochi. Soon after this, Medvedev became president, and Rosengineering increased its portfolio of orders: for example, according to the SPARK analytical system, in 2009 the company’s revenue was 2.2 billion rubles, in 2012 – 37.3, in 2013 – 71.8 billion.

Judging by the state order website, Rosengineering is currently involved in the design of the Mountain Air sports and tourism complex in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and is the general designer of the Vera port in the Primorsky Territory. Under these conditions, receiving a large contract in St. Petersburg provides an opportunity to enter a new market. It should be noted that in 2015, Smolny intends to spend about 6 billion rubles (including the company’s own funds) on the reconstruction of the facilities of the State Unitary Enterprise “Fuel and Energy Complex”. The total volume of the targeted investment program of the specialized energy committee, according to the draft budget for 2015, will be 11.5 billion rubles.

The Rosengineering Project company was unable to promptly comment on its interest in Smolny’s engineering tenders. According to representatives of other companies, Rosengineering Project’s attention to this market became noticeable in the spring of 2014. “They contacted us, gave their presentation, looked for possible subcontractors,” says an interlocutor at one of the enterprises. Let us note one more interesting fact. The company received a large contract after the former governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Igor Fedorov, became the director of the State Unitary Enterprise "TEK". Fedorov was appointed head of the region under Dmitry Medvedev, and before that he served as deputy governor of the Arkhangelsk region for housing and communal services. As previously stated by journalists of the newspaper “Pro NAO” from Naryan-Mar, Igor Fedorov’s wife allegedly knows the wife of Dmitry Medvedev, which partly predetermined his appointment. He lost the post of governor during the presidency of Vladimir Putin. At the beginning of 2014, his powers expired and he announced his intention to go to the polls, but the head of state appointed another person as acting governor.

In Soviet times, Dmitry Novikov was a member of the slalom team, but the head of the Rosengineering Project company received the main prize under the current government.

Warmth on Zarechnaya Street

Recently, the hearts of future new residents of the St. Petersburg microdistrict Severnaya Dolina were warmed by warm news: the state enterprise Fuel and Energy Complex of St. Petersburg summed up the results of the tender for laying a main hot water supply pipeline along Zarechnaya Street to the new buildings. This means that there will still be heating in the houses.

But it will be even warmer in the pocket of the competition winner - the Rosengineering Project company, which is part of the Rosengineering group of St. Petersburg businessman Dmitry Novikov. For the construction of the heating network, Novikov is guaranteed to receive at least 934 million rubles from the state budget. Almost a billion!


This is despite the fact that previously this company, unlike its two other competitors (MegaMade and KER), did not actively participate in city engineering tenders. However, Novikov has another competitive advantage: according to Forbes, officials in the White House call him “Dmitry Medvedev’s ski instructor.” Nowadays, such a reputation is the best lubricant for a business career.

The first is Putin

But it all started with sports. At the age of 10, Novikov, as they say, fell ill with alpine skiing, and sports fever led him first to the CSKA club, and then to the Union slalom team. Twice, in 1989 and 1990, he won the country's Cup, and with the collapse of this country he did not lose either: in 1993 he created the first private ski resort near St. Petersburg.

“Wealthy parents of children involved in alpine skiing invested about $150,000,” Novikov himself spoke about the beginning of his entrepreneurial career. – I equipped a track, a small cable car, made a small club...

And then it went, went, rushed, like down a steep mountain.

Over the next ten years, Novikov developed and equipped almost all the resorts around the Northern capital and began to approach the Moscow region. In business he is considered “Medvedev’s man,” but Putin and he crossed paths even earlier. In 2005, Dmitry Novikov designed and equipped the Igora resort in Leningrad, built with money from Rossiya Bank.

In January 2006, a lift began working there, which was personally tested by the president of a different Russia, without quotes. After this, Novikov himself began to rise. In the same year – and this is open information – Gazprom signed a contract with him for the general contract for the construction of the Olympic mountain and tourist center. This is where his road to economic records began.

Medvedev without fanaticism

At the end of December 2007, the then head of presidential affairs, Vladimir Kozhin, admitted that he wanted to put the then First Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev on skiing:

“I think he’ll get to them.” We'll tighten it up.

Medvedev's chalet / RIA Novosti

A month later, at the end of January 2008, Dmitry Medvedev mastered the Sochi routes of Gazprom, accompanied by an experienced instructor. And already in early February, he was there quite confidently joining the company of such venerable skiers as Putin and Lukashenko, although he was not slow to emphasize his semi-professional status:

- Well, we are without fanaticism.

A month later he was elected president of the country. But if Vladimir Putin put Medvedev on the political track, then it was Dmitry Novikov who taught him to stand firmly on the mountain skiing. He was the same instructor who, in just a few hours, managed to captivate a badminton fan with extreme sports.

However, this is not the only service that the former athlete provided to the official. wrote that on the eve of the Olympics in Sochi, not far from Krasnaya Polyana, two new houses for receiving official guests opened their doors at once - “Achipse” (presumably for a guest with the last name Putin) and “Psekhako” (tentatively for a guest with the last name Medvedev).

Moreover, the customer for the construction of “Psekhako” - a chalet made of marble and precious woods - turned out to be the “Dar” foundation for regional non-profit projects, associated with the prime minister’s classmate Ilya Eliseev. So Novikov also joined the elite team.


There is a record

Of course, this path was not without false starts. It’s not just a matter of numerous claims from ecologists (“Often, state expertise at their sites was done retroactively,” Yulia Naberezhnaya from the “Environmental Watch in the North Caucasus” explained to Sobesednik). Rosengineering’s joint work with Akhmed Bilalov on “Resorts of the North Caucasus” also did not work out.

Bilalov was suspected of fraud with state money, and he took his skis abroad. Novikov was also called in for questioning, but he did not leave the race. Moreover, the businessman not only remained at the top of the mountain in skiing. Recently, he decided to also take to the water: to build the Vera seaport in the Far East to export coal to Korea.

And now he’s also laying pipelines (it’s not for nothing, apparently, that the wife of the head of the State Unitary Enterprise “TEK”, who gave Novikov the billionth contract with which we began our story, is considered in St. Petersburg to be Svetlana Medvedeva’s girlfriend).

room / RIA Novosti

After Dmitry Medvedev was elected president of Russia in 2008, Novikov’s business took off like on a ski lift. According to the analytical systems SPARK and SKRIN, in 2009 the company’s revenue was 2.2 billion rubles, in 2010 – 5.8 billion, in 2011 – 24.2, in 2012 – 37.3, and in 2013 – already 71.8 billion. This, by the way, is 75th place in the Forbes ranking. Not the first, of course, but Dmitry Novikov is only picking up speed.

RBC calculated that this rate of revenue growth is an absolute record among other fast-growing Russian companies. And the fact that the Sochi Olympics are already behind us will not lead the businessman off the beaten track. Investments in the Vera port he is designing alone will amount to 1 billion (including government) dollars.

To be a champion in business today, you need to be able to slide across it rather than plow snow. By being a member of the right team.

/ By the way

"Interlocutor" asked Rosengineering whether it was true that the Dar fund forked out for the construction of "Medvedev's chalet" near Sochi, why the company suddenly decided to grab hold of the heating networks of St. Petersburg and how they themselves explain the fact that the group has become the fastest growing in the country in recent years. Here is the answer: “Unfortunately, we will not be able to comment on these issues.”

The tender for laying hot water supply pipelines to the Severnaya Dolina and RiverSide quarters worth 1 billion rubles was won by Dmitry Novikov’s Rosengineering Project company, which was involved in training the prime minister on the mountain slopes. A large tender from the Smolny State Unitary Enterprise TEK for laying hot water supply pipelines to the quarters " Northern Valley" and RiverSide worth 1 billion rubles were won by the Rosengineering Project company.

Medvedev's coach Dmitry Novikov

She is part of the Rosengineering group of St. Petersburg businessman Dmitry Novikov, who, according to Forbes magazine, was Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev's alpine skiing instructor. Coincidentally, some media outlets also consider the new director of the State Unitary Enterprise “TEK” Igor Fedorov to be part of Medvedev’s team.

The state enterprise Fuel and Energy Complex of St. Petersburg has summed up the results of a major tender for the construction of a main pipeline from the Parnas-4 boiler house to the new quarters of the Severnaya Dolina microdistrict of the Glavstroy company. In addition, this tender includes work on connecting Setl City’s RiverSide quarter to the heat supply system near the Chernaya Rechka metro station. The maximum price of the competition is about 1 billion rubles.

As follows from the protocol published on the government procurement website, three companies submitted applications. Two of them - MegaMade and the Integrated Energy Solutions holding - have long been present in the engineering tenders market of the St. Petersburg government. Thus, back in 2011, KER received a contract for the reconstruction of boiler houses in various areas of the city for 300 million rubles, and in 2013 it was one of the main contractors of the State Unitary Enterprise Fuel and Energy Complex. The third participant, Rosengineering Project LLC, began participating in competitions of the State Unitary Enterprise "TEK" only this year. Thus, in the spring, the company received the right to modernize the sewerage system of the boiler house on Vaneev Street for 2.1 million rubles. And in the summer, she applied for a tender to prepare a project for the reconstruction of the Polytechnicheskaya boiler house for 90 million, but lost.

This time, Rosengineering Project was more successful: the company outscored its competitors in terms of points and received a contract worth almost 1 billion rubles. In particular, the company most seriously reduced the starting price - to 930 million rubles, and also confirmed its experience in similar work. The contractor has no problems with the latter: the company is part of the St. Petersburg group Rosengineering, which was one of Gazprom’s key contractors in Sochi in preparation for the Olympics. In particular, Rosengineering built the combined skiing and biathlon complex “Laura”, the mountain-tourist complex “Laura”, and a cable car. The company also received contracts for the reconstruction and construction of engineering facilities, including the Dzhubginskaya CHPP.

The president and founder of the company is St. Petersburg businessman Dmitry Novikov, a former winner of the USSR slalom cup. According to Forbes magazine, at the end of winter 2008, Dmitry Novikov taught the then first deputy chairman of the Russian government, Dmitry Medvedev, to ski in Sochi. Soon after this, Medvedev became president, and Rosengineering increased its portfolio of orders: for example, according to the SPARK analytical system, in 2009 the company’s revenue was 2.2 billion rubles, in 2012 – 37.3, in 2013 – 71.8 billion.

Judging by the state order website, Rosengineering is currently involved in the design of the Mountain Air sports and tourism complex in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and is the general designer of the Vera port in the Primorsky Territory. Under these conditions, receiving a large contract in St. Petersburg provides an opportunity to enter a new market. It should be noted that in 2015, Smolny intends to spend about 6 billion rubles (including the company’s own funds) on the reconstruction of the facilities of the State Unitary Enterprise “Fuel and Energy Complex”. The total volume of the targeted investment program of the specialized energy committee, according to the draft budget for 2015, will be 11.5 billion rubles.

The Rosengineering Project company was unable to promptly comment on its interest in Smolny’s engineering tenders. According to representatives of other companies, Rosengineering Project’s attention to this market became noticeable in the spring of 2014. “They contacted us, gave their presentation, looked for possible subcontractors,” says an interlocutor at one of the enterprises. Let us note one more interesting fact. The company received a large contract after the former governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Igor Fedorov, became the director of the State Unitary Enterprise "TEK". Fedorov was appointed head of the region under Dmitry Medvedev, and before that he served as deputy governor of the Arkhangelsk region for housing and communal services. As previously stated by journalists of the newspaper “Pro NAO” from Naryan-Mar, Igor Fedorov’s wife allegedly knows the wife of Dmitry Medvedev, which partly predetermined his appointment. He lost the post of governor during the presidency of Vladimir Putin. At the beginning of 2014, his powers expired and he announced his intention to go to the polls, but the head of state appointed another person as acting governor.


During his working visit to Krasnaya Polyana, President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev visited the Olympic facilities on the Psekhako Ridge, the construction of which is being carried out by Gazprom OJSC - a combined complex for holding cross-country skiing and biathlon competitions, as well as a cottage community of the mountain Olympic village.

During a working meeting at the construction site, Chairman of the Management Board of OJSC Gazprom Alexey Miller told the President of the Russian Federation about the progress of the project and the features of the complex under construction. “The first test competitions will be held here in the winter of 2012, from February 6 to 11,” noted Alexey Miller.

During the visit, the President of the Russian Federation inquired about the difficulties that arise during the construction of Olympic facilities. Alexey Miller said that the cost of the land on which the Olympic facilities are being built has increased due to the new cadastral assessment. The President of the Russian Federation instructed Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kozak, who is in charge of preparations for the future Olympics, to maintain “the current rental rates for the entire construction period, as well as the possibility of preferences for the period of operation.”

At the end of the inspection of Gazprom facilities under construction, the Chairman of the Management Committee reported to the President of the Russian Federation on the implementation of the construction schedule. “We will leave on time, there is no doubt that we will launch the facility,” said Alexey Miller.


The combined ski and biathlon complex includes two stadiums, two separate track systems and start-finish areas for each type of competition, a biathlon shooting range for 30 targets and other sports infrastructure facilities. The length of the permanent ski track will be 5 km, the temporary track for the period of the Olympics will be 12 km. The complex is designed for 9,600 spectators.

The biathlon stadium is a permanent structure and is in the final stage of construction - finishing work is underway. The ski stadium will be temporary, made of prefabricated structures. The cottage community is part of the mountain Olympic village, designed to accommodate 1,100 people. Already in the fall of this year, all cottages will be put into operation.

OAO Gazprom, in accordance with the “Program for the construction of Olympic facilities and the development of the city of Sochi as a mountain-climatic resort”, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, is an investor in the construction of a number of Olympic infrastructure facilities in the city of Sochi: a combined complex for holding cross-country skiing and biathlon competitions, a mountain Olympic village, Adler thermal power plant, the Dzhubga - Lazarevskoye - Sochi gas pipeline and other objects.

"Rosengineering Project" won the competition for the construction of dormitories on the GSOM St. Petersburg State University "Mikhailovskaya Dacha" campus. The subsidiary of the Rosengineering company, which belongs to former alpine skier and coach Dmitry Medvedev Dmitry Novikov, will build five buildings for 1.1 billion rubles by the end of the year. Rosengineering's competitor, Maxim Shubarev's Setl Group, dropped out of the race for the tender due to the fact that it did not provide documents on experience of similar work.

(St. Petersburg State University) summed up the results of the tender for the construction of five dormitories on the Mikhailovskaya Dacha campus of the Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University in Strelna. Rosengineering Project LLC won the tender. The company offered to carry out the work for 1.1 billion rubles, that is, it reduced the original price of 1.147 billion rubles by 4%.

"Rosengineering Project" belongs to Dmitry Novikov, president and main owner of the company, which builds and operates ski resorts. Dmitry Novikov is a former athlete; he was a member of the USSR slalom team. He is also called the Prime Minister's Alpine Ski Coach. In addition, he serves as president of the St. Petersburg Ski and Snowboard Sports Federation.

In business, Novikov's company has clear specialization - Rosengineering was the contractor for the construction of Gazprom's Olympic facilities in Sochi, and the company also built some facilities at the Rosa Khutor resort of Vladimir Potanin. Although Rosengineering Project also participates in other tenders - for the development of planning projects, land surveying, survey work, etc.

After concluding a contract with the university Dmitry Novikov’s company will be engaged in the engineering preparation of the territory and the construction of five dormitory buildings with a total area of ​​11.25 thousand m2, designed to accommodate 333 bachelors of GSOM St. Petersburg State University. The contractor must complete work under the contract by the end of 2016. In total, nine 3-story buildings are to be built on the campus, but a competition for the second batch of dormitories will apparently be held next year.

On the Mikhailovskaya Dacha campus already The main academic building, the canteen building and the utility building are ready. This is the first stage of the project, which was built by Setl City (part of Maxim Shubarev’s Setl Group). The company also participated in the competition for the construction of dormitories, but its application was rated lower than others. Settle City offered the highest cost of work, reducing the price by only 7 million rubles. But according to the “qualification of the participant” criterion, the company claimed the largest number of points, since it had previously completed similar work for 19.6 billion rubles, while for its competitors this figure did not exceed 2.8 billion rubles.

However, when evaluating applications, the experience of Setl Group the commission did not take it into account because “the participant did not provide copies of acts reflecting the volume and cost of the work performed,” according to the documentation posted on the government procurement website. The company did not comment on this situation due to the departure of management.

In addition, the competition included JSC "ElTech SPb", which offered the same price as "Rosengineering", and LLC "Anteres", which was ready to build buildings for 0.9 billion rubles. The latter company was not allowed to participate in the competition due to the fact that it did not provide an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and documents confirming the payment of the security deposit.

So far, the GSOM campus is the only one an example of the integrated construction of a campus for students, which is currently under implementation. It was planned to build another campus of St. Petersburg State University on the alluvial territories of Vasilyevsky Island, but there has been no progress on this project yet. The project to create a campus was also frozen by the St. Petersburg State University of Economics, which planned to develop 220 hectares in the Gorskaya area.

Another project - "Innograd", which ITMO and Zakhar Smushkin’s Start Development plan to implement on the territory of the satellite city of Yuzhny. Half of the project budget, the cost of which is estimated at 20-30 billion rubles, is planned to be financed from the federal budget, but the money has not yet been allocated.

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