What does OKPD 2 mean? Using OKPD2 when making a purchase. What is the OKPD2 classifier and why is it needed?

To organize a large amount of information, as well as for easier record keeping by types of activities and products produced by enterprises, specialized classifiers were developed and implemented at one time, which became the main tool for encoding data in various information fields. Moreover, the adoption of uniform standards was carried out almost immediately in all European countries, in Russia and a number of other countries. Today there are two main tools - OKVED-2 and OKPD-2. The first abbreviation stands for “All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities”, and the second – “All-Russian Classifier of Products by Type of Economic Activities”.

It’s worth noting right away that this is not the first version of the classifiers, as evidenced by the number “2” in the name. Initially, these lists were developed at the turn of the millennium and had a similar structure, but with the development of international trade, the emergence of new technologies and innovation, the need arose to supplement and update them, as a result of which large-scale work began in 2014 to modernize both classifiers. What are their functions and what they represent, later in this article.

Are OKVED and OKPD the same thing?

There is an opinion among inexperienced users that these tools literally copy each other and do not carry a separate meaning. Indeed, if you look at the structure of these classifiers, you can conclude that they are very similar. Then what was the point in seriously wasting public funds on the development of two identical encoders? And what is the difference between OKPD and OKVED honey? She is. Only at first glance it may seem that these are identical classifiers. However, they have completely different functionality and are designed to solve different problems.

All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities– a tool containing codes for absolutely all types of professional activities within the state. In other words, thanks to its numerical expression, it describes any type of business that a person is engaged in in Russia. This is necessary to maintain accurate records, analyze the country’s economy and timely make adjustments, financing and other measures to correct the situation. In addition, thanks to the data contained in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, tax rates are calculated and all kinds of deductions are collected from enterprises and individual entrepreneurs.

All-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity - the main tool that promotes effective interaction between the manufacturer, seller and consumer. So the OKVED-2 and OKPD-2 classifiers are used in completely different situations. The first is for tracking the activities of entrepreneurs and legal entities, as well as simple coding to describe their profile areas. The second is as a universal language in the field of public procurement.

Current trends

Surely, many might have a completely reasonable question about why it was necessary to develop an entire coding system, if all the names are already well-known, especially when it comes to specialized enterprises. The answer is simple. Every year, small, medium and large business entities are increasingly trying to establish fruitful relationships with state-owned enterprises, which are the largest customers and consumers. But any expenditure of government funds must be properly recorded. In addition, a catalog filled with numbers will take up significantly less space than one where products are described in words. And in order to fully understand the essence of this invention, it is necessary to turn to the formats that these classifiers offer.

Appearance of codes in classifiers

The OKVED-2 and OKPD-2 codes have a fairly similar structure, but consist of a different number of digits. When filling out an application in the first case, it is mandatory to indicate only the first 4 digits, two of which indicate the class, and the next two subclasses of activities. In the case of the All-Russian Classifier of Products by Type of Economic Activity, the situation is more detailed. Codes consist of 6 digits. The first 2 are a class, the third is a subclass, the fourth is a group, the fifth is a subgroup, the sixth is a species. Thus, by looking at such encryption, an experienced specialist will immediately determine what product we are talking about.

Navigating the numbers, especially when it comes to electronic databases, is much easier. And placing orders and deliveries in this format is faster and more convenient. Rather than explaining to the manufacturer what exactly the customer requires, it is better to write a six-digit code containing all the necessary information. However, there are some difficulties caused by the presence of classifiers. For example, the slightest oversight or error in the data will lead to complete non-compliance and, as a result, incorrect delivery of goods. Therefore, when working with numbers you need to be extremely careful and careful.

The all-Russian product classifier is usually understood as a national standard that is directly related to the unified coding system. The purpose of its practical use is to organize the processing of information about products within all spheres of the national economy. We are talking directly about standardization, statistics, economics, accounting. What OKPD2 is, how this norm is regulated, and how to use it rationally will be studied in the article.

What is the OKPD2 classifier and why is it needed?

The OKPD2 system is a classifier of products and services. Systematization of such a plan is necessary for the simple reason that in the process of placing an order for the provision of public services, specifics are required on the goods/works that must be received from the supplier. OKPD2 copes well with this task. Its use contributes to obtaining an extensive selection of purchases due to the unequal indication of the subject of delivery on the part of customers.

This classifier should not conflict with the data of the CPA 2008 (classification by type of economic activity). To ensure compliance of these parameters, the document separates individual parts of the code using special dots. The largest sections are designated by letter. An important role is played by division into categories and detailing. If it is absent, some characters are assigned a zero value. Division is used in situations where a category includes several narrow subcategories.

How is its use regulated?

Since February 2014, within the framework of Rosstandart Order No. 14-st dated January 31, 2014, the CPA 2008 classifier has been put into permanent operation. It is European and helps replace some outdated Russian standards. The document was developed by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

The norm is based on the principle of harmonization with the statistical classification of product units according to areas of activity in the EEC. Within the framework of document OK 034-2014, a significant increase in the level of detail is expected. After all, the number of sections in it is 21, while in the OK 034-2007 standard their number is 17. Special designating letters in the sections do not take any part.

Directory updates from 2020

The Directory is regularly subject to changes in accordance with the norms of current legislative acts. Therefore, within the framework of a classic virtual instrument, it is now not difficult to:

In 2020, the procedure for using the directory has become even more convenient and comfortable.

Directory structure and rules of orientation in sections

Since 2018, this reference book has been widely used, as it has become a worthy replacement for the defense industrial complex and OKPD. As part of the new document, the previous provisions were deciphered and supplemented. Although both versions were used simultaneously from 2014 to 2017, from January 1, 2017, exclusively the new OKPD2 standard is used.

The document facilitates the organization of a direct search for a particular position based on its membership in system classification elements. At the same time, there is a detailed systematization of products from the general to the specific.

Due to well-thought-out navigation, difficulties in terms of orientation in the tool are eliminated. Using the code designation, you can easily determine the numerical parameters of all product groups. In fact, the system is a “matryoshka” in which one code is nested within another, clarifying the generalization for each subtype.

Structure and decoding of the OKPD2 code

In total, there are 99 codes in the document. An approximate list of them is as follows:

  • 1-3 - agricultural, fishing, forestry products;
  • 4-9 - minerals (this includes coal, ore, oil, mining of mining resources);
  • 10-12 - food industry (these are everyday products (food), drinks and tobacco products);
  • 13-15 - clothing - textiles and leather products;
  • 16-18 - paper products and printing;
  • 19-25 – materials (this group includes petroleum products, metals, medicines, plastics, rubber);
  • 26-30 - machinery and equipment;
  • 31-32 - furniture and other finished products, respectively;
  • 33 — repair work;
  • 34-37 - water/gas and work related to them;
  • 38-39 – waste;
  • 40-43 — construction and installation activities;
  • 44-47 — trading activities;
  • 48-52 - comprehensive transport service;
  • 53 - mail and delivery;
  • 56 - public catering;
  • 58 - publishing activities;
  • 59-63 - television, radio, IT sphere;
  • 64-66 - financial, insurance services;
  • 68 - transactions with real estate;
  • 69-70 - jurisprudence, accounting, office activities;
  • 71-74 - architecture, research, scientific work;
  • 75 — veterinary activities;
  • 77 - rent, leasing;
  • 78 — selection of staff;
  • 79 - travel agencies;
  • 80 – investigations;
  • 81 - maintenance of buildings and certain areas;
  • 84 - management of a state nature;
  • 85-86 - education and healthcare;
  • 87-94 - public and social services and leisure activities;
  • 96-99 - other services.

The system itself has a completely logical and thoughtful structure. The document must strictly comply with the standards of the EU classifier. The maximum length parameter for the code value is 9 digits. The minimum value is 2 characters. The detailed transcript looks like this:

  • to indicate the class – **;
  • subclass – **.*;
  • groups – **.**;
  • subgroups – **.**.*;
  • type – **.**.**;
  • categories – **.**.**.**0;
  • subcategories – **.**.**.***.

In practice The OKPD2 scheme under consideration looks like this (detailed description):

  • 01 Agricultural direction
  • 01.1 Annual crops
  • 01.11 Cereals, legumes, seeds
  • 01.11.1 Wheat
  • 01.11.11 Durum wheat.

Where can I find the guide?

You can find a convenient directory format on the official website, but an acceptable search form is usually present on some commercial portals (for example, ppt.ru). There are also instructions for its use, so this issue will not cause any particular difficulties.

However, the official and current version of the document can only be found in the latest edition of Rosstandart Order No. 14-st dated January 31, 2014 (with all amendments and additions).

When placing an application on the website of the Unified Information System of Government Procurement, you can use the built-in code search system.

Rules for finding the required codes

You can find the required designations using several common methods:

  1. By name. Knowing the type of product/service you need to find, you can get detailed information about the code by entering the name in the search line. As a result, the system will issue a complete code designation with type, category and group.
  2. Regarding the code. By entering some part of the code value into the search bar, you can get the full picture, that is, the entire code. The system will determine which product/service the entered item belongs to and will provide a total upon request.
  3. By industry. You can also search depending on the industry (medicine, construction, education, science, entertainment, etc.). You need to enter the direction you are interested in and get the desired result.

A well-thought-out navigation system in virtual mode will allow you to find the required code as simply and quickly as possible.

Errors in the application of OKPD2 codes and the consequences of violations

Application of codes may not always be correct. Sometimes errors occur. The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows:

  • system shortcomings (occur rarely);
  • technical problems;
  • incorrect user input;
  • he has no idea what he needs to get in the end (what type of code and with how many values ​​is needed).

Using incorrect code will result in errors in completing the documentation and requires immediate correction.

Thus, OKPD2 is a system created for detailing product units, commodity items, certain works and services. The purpose of this tool is to provide the user with comprehensive assistance and simplify the procedure for filling out commercial documentation.

The rules for using the online search for the required code are presented below.

OKPD-2 codes are a classifier that groups types of products taking into account the type of economic activity. OKPD-2 is used to encode goods, works, and services for various purposes. Let's take a closer look at this classifier, approved by Order of Rosstandart dated January 31, 2014 No. 14-Art.

OKPD Classifier 2: basic concepts

The code designations provided by the OKPD-2 system are one of the areas of work in the national sphere of standardization and make it possible to correlate the designations of product classification levels in the Russian Federation and European countries.

Objects that fall within the sphere of influence of OKPD-2:

  • services;
  • execution of work;
  • manufactured products.

The OKPD-2 code (2018) is used in the process of filling out statistical reporting, in the field of taxation, when grouping fixed assets of enterprises, etc. Product types can be assigned multi-level codes.

The classifier represents the structure of the OKPD-2 code in the form of numerical combinations. Products can be designated with a 9-digit code. If, according to OKPD-2, with decoding by type of activity, no division into product categories is made, then “0” is put instead of the corresponding code numbers.

OKPD-2 code (classifier 2018) consists of the following categories:

  1. The first two characters indicate belonging to a certain class (for example, “31. Furniture”).
  2. The next hierarchical link is the subclass (“31.0 Furniture”).
  3. With further detail, a group of objects is displayed (“31.01 Office furniture”).
  4. At the next stage, OKPD-2 (2018) is given with a breakdown of the subgroup and type of product (“31.01.12 Wooden office furniture”).
  5. The last two blocks of designations are a category and a subcategory detailing it (“ Wooden desks for educational institutions”, “ Desks for preschool institutions”).

Types of activities according to OKPD 2

The classifier consists of several parts, each of which groups similar goods or services. A complete list of current codes is presented in the table.

OKPD-2 (2018) with a breakdown by type structurally consists of the following sections:

  • A - products from the category of agriculture, commercial fish products;
  • B - products obtained in the mining industry, according to OKPD-2, equipment and inventory, special-purpose machines are also in this section;
  • C - results of work of processing production organizations;
  • D - in OKPD-2, the decoding of the codes collected in this block relates to the production and supply of electricity, gas, steam, activities related to air conditioning;
  • E - this group in OKPD-2 - work on waste disposal and reclamation, water supply;
  • F - in OKPD-2 - repairs, a complex of construction works and general information about structures;
  • G - in OKPD-2 - supply and sale of goods wholesale and retail;
  • H - transport services and operation of warehouse facilities;
  • I - in OKPD-2 - service by catering organizations and hotel enterprises;
  • J - block of information services and works related to the provision of communications;
  • K - this section systematizes the funds of the financial and insurance services market according to OKPD-2 codes;
  • L - complex of real estate transactions;
  • M - in OKPD-2 - technical, engineering, scientific area of ​​activity;
  • N – area of ​​services provided by support and administrative structures;
  • O - public administration, military security and social security;
  • P - services of educational institutions;
  • Q - this section is medical (OKPD-2 groups therapeutic, preventive and social services);
  • R - area of ​​art, organization of sports and entertainment events;
  • S - reflection of the activities of public institutions and associations;
  • T - results of household work;
  • U - types of services related to the sphere of influence of extraterritorial organizations.

When selecting a code for a generalized group of products, a separate list of codes can be created as a result. For example, according to OKPD-2, office supplies can be found in groups 17.23 (paper products), 22.29 (for plastic stationery), 23.13 (for glass products) and 25.99 (if the product is made of metal).

Description of the service

The selection of OKPD2/KTRU codes is carried out based on an analysis of government contracts under 44FZ. Based on this data, in response to the user’s request, the server reports how many times a particular OKPD2 / KTRU code was assigned to the desired product in the actual purchases made. In this case, the results are ranked in descending order of frequency.

Source of information:

The data source is an xml download of a database of government contracts from the government procurement website zakupki.gov.ru. Our server analyzes the data and returns statistics on the use of a particular OKPD code in relation to the product name.

For the most effective search, try to optimize your search query in this way:
1. Enter only meaningful words, for example, “preductal”, “printer”, “roof repair”. You should not search for "GENIUS Keyboard" as Genius or LG keyboards have exactly the same codes.
2. Try to indicate words in the singular nominative case.
3. If you are not sure about the end of a word, put the * sign. For example, “craft bag*”, “tomato* paste*”.

OKDP is the abbreviated name of the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities, Products and Services. The classifier is a systematic set of qualification groupings of relevant objects. OKDP is an integral part of both systems of classification and coding of economic and statistical information. They use the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities, Products and Services as a common language for communication between producers and consumers, as well as for describing and regulating the national economy of Russia. The classifier was developed as part of the program for the transition of the Russian Federation to the system of statistics and accounting adopted in international practice.

What is the scope of application of OKDP

The scope of application of the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities, Products and Services is organizations, departments and enterprises of all forms of ownership operating in the domestic market. The classifier makes it possible to solve problems, including:

  • In the production sector, the organization of “horizontal” connections between producers of products and services and consumers;
  • In the domestic market, ensuring a system of state contracting and wholesale trade;
  • In the markets of foreign countries, providing information about domestic products by recoding them through appropriate transition keys;
  • Ensuring and organizing the functioning of the taxation system for enterprises and organizations;
  • As part of the work on state statistics, implementation of a set of accounting functions;
  • Creation of information systems in order to ensure the functioning of trading exchanges and houses with access to international electronic information transmission systems operating within the framework of ISO “EDIFACT” standards;
  • Application of codes from the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities, Products and Services as query languages ​​in the process of working with international information banks.

What are the classification objects in OKDP?

In OKDP, the idea of ​​integration is to create a unified classification scheme to describe organizations by type of economic activity and the results of this activity. Such a scheme is adapted to the greatest extent to the tasks of economic management in market conditions. The objects of classification are types of economic activity, and services and products, in turn, represent the main classification characteristics of organizations. Sharing the codes of territories and settlements according to OKATO, OKPO codes and OKDP codes during descriptions of enterprises allows you to create a holistic description scheme for an enterprise as a multidisciplinary economic entity.

The all-Russian classifier of types of economic activities, products and services makes it possible to create automated information systems in regions, central departments, enterprises and their associations using a unified methodology in terms of the language for describing organizations.

What is the code structure in OKDP

Codes of the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities, Products and Services are a convenient means of formalized description of enterprises and organizations, products and services in automated information systems. The main classification feature of OKDP is functional. The functional feature is supplemented, if necessary, with a design and technological feature that is inherent in the object of classification.

OKDP uses a seven-digit code that displays the classification scheme. It should also be noted that OKDP makes it possible to code types of economic activity with any level of detail.


Find out the OKOPF code of an organization by TIN

On the website ClassInform there is a possibility in the mode determine OKOPF online for free and without registration using your TIN. All codes correspond to official data Rosstat on 2017

To determine OKOPF, enter a ten-digit TIN in the search field (10 digits only, TIN letters do not need to be entered)

Rosstat— Federal State Statistics Service

OKOPF - All-Russian Classifier of Organizational and Legal Forms

TIN— Taxpayer identification number


  • Search by ClassInform

Search through all classifiers and reference books on the ClassInform website

Search by TIN

  • OKPO by TIN

Search OKPO code by INN

  • OKTMO by TIN

Search OKTMO code by INN

  • OKATO by INN

Search OKATO code by INN

  • OKOPF by TIN

Search OKOPF code by TIN

  • OKOGU by TIN

Search OKOGU code by INN

  • OKFS by TIN

Search for OKFS code by TIN

  • OGRN by TIN

Search for OGRN by TIN

  • Find out the TIN

Search for TIN of an organization by name, TIN of an individual entrepreneur by full name

Checking the counterparty

  • Checking the counterparty

Information about counterparties from the Federal Tax Service database


  • OKOF to OKOF2

Translation of the OKOF classifier code into the OKOF2 code

  • OKDP in OKPD2

Translation of OKDP classifier code into OKPD2 code

  • OKP in OKPD2

Translation of OKP classifier code into OKPD2 code

  • OKPD to OKPD2

Translation of the OKPD classifier code (OK 034-2007 (KPES 2002)) into OKPD2 code (OK 034-2014 (KPES 2008))

  • OKUN in OKPD2

Translation of OKUN classifier code into OKPD2 code


Translation of the OKVED2007 classifier code into the OKVED2 code


Translation of the OKVED2001 classifier code into the OKVED2 code


Translation of OKATO classifier code into OKTMO code

  • Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity in OKPD2

Translation of the HS code into the OKPD2 classifier code

  • OKPD2 in TN VED

Translation of the OKPD2 classifier code into the HS code

  • OKZ-93 to OKZ-2014

Translation of the OKZ-93 classifier code into the OKZ-2014 code

Classifier changes

  • Changes 2017

Feed of classifier changes that have come into force

All-Russian classifiers

  • ESKD classifier

All-Russian classifier of products and design documents OK 012-93

  • KIES

Classifier of institutional units by economic sectors


All-Russian classifier of objects of administrative-territorial division OK 019-95

All-Russian currency classifier OK (MK (ISO 4217) 003-97) 014-2000


All-Russian classifier of types of cargo, packaging and packaging materials OK 031-2002


All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities OK 029-2007 (NACE Rev. 1.1)

  • OKVED 2

All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities OK 029-2014 (NACE REV. 2)

  • OKGR

All-Russian classifier of hydropower resources OK 030-2002

  • OKEY

All-Russian classifier of units of measurement OK 015-94 (MK 002-97)

All-Russian classifier of occupations OK 010-2014 (MSKZ-08)

  • OKIN

All-Russian classifier of information about the population OK 018-2014


All-Russian classifier of information on social protection of the population. OK 003-99 (valid until 12/01/2017)

  • OKIZN-2017

All-Russian classifier of information on social protection of the population. OK 003-2017 (valid from 12/01/2017)


All-Russian Classifier of Primary Vocational Education OK 023-95 (valid until 07/01/2017)


All-Russian Classifier of Government Bodies OK 006 – 2011

  • OKOK

All-Russian classifier of information about all-Russian classifiers. OK 026-2002


All-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms OK 028-2012

  • OKOF

All-Russian classifier of fixed assets OK 013-94 (valid until 01/01/2017)

  • OKOF 2

All-Russian classifier of fixed assets OK 013-2014 (SNA 2008) (valid from 01/01/2017)

All-Russian product classifier OK 005-93 (valid until 01/01/2017)

  • OKPD2

“Customers often indicate incorrect OKDPs that do not comply with the requirements...”

Hello! Thank you, it's fixed!

How to find out the specific OKVED code for our activities in installing ABS and UOS

Copyright 2017 — KnowBusiness.Ru Portal for entrepreneurs

Copying of materials is permitted only when using an active link to this site.

How to check OKVED by TIN

Opening an individual entrepreneur and starting economic activity is always accompanied by registration with the tax authority and assignment of a code in OKVED and TIN. These data are linked to each other and, if necessary, you can easily check your OKVED by TIN.

What information is contained in the codes

Existing types of business activities are included in the All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities. At the time of starting a business, the entrepreneur selects the appropriate code and indicates it in the registration application. The current classifier was reissued in 2016.

TIN - taxpayer identification number, also, is assigned during the period of registration and start of activities of an individual entrepreneur. The ten-digit code contains information about the place of registration and the serial number of the entry in the journal.

Knowing the TIN of an individual enterprise or organization, you can obtain information about the type of economic activity. Such a need may arise in the absence of detailed information about the partner.

Regardless of the reason why the counterparty did not provide this information, you can check the OKVED by TIN yourself.

How to find out the type of activity using the TIN

Data on the types of activities of organizations and enterprises are publicly available and are publicly available in state registers. You can find out which code is assigned to the enterprise in OKVED by looking at the corresponding extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Also, this information is in the registration documents of the individual entrepreneur, in particular in the letter from Rosstat.

If for some reason the named sources are missing, You can get information about the code in the following ways:

  • send a request to the Federal Tax Service to receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The application should indicate the TIN and other available details of the organization. To send a request, you can visit the tax office or send it by mail;
  • use the Internet service of the Federal Tax Service, which contains in the public domain all public information of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. To do this, you need to know the TIN of the organization.;
  • use classifiers.

Before you can find out the OKVED code of an organization online using its TIN, no special permission from the individual entrepreneur is required. This data is open and free.

To obtain information upon request from the tax office, you will have to pay the following tariff:

  • 200 rubles as usual;
  • 400 rubles in an expedited manner.

Persons who are interested in how to find out their OKVED IP on the statistics website should go to the official website of the FSGS and expand the “Information for respondents” tab. After this, select the “All-Russian classifiers” section. In the window that opens there will be a link to download OKVED, where you can get the information you are looking for.

To obtain information about the type of activity of an organization or individual entrepreneur, it is important to know the TIN. Given the frequent repetition of names, searching only by name can be difficult. Extended information including the address will simplify the task. However, the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) narrows the search results to the one required organization.

Find statistics codes

When registering a company or individual entrepreneur, other statistics codes are assigned:

When generating primary documents, drawing up reports, creating bank accounts and in a number of other cases, these codes may be required. Also, it may be necessary to find out the codes of a third party. To obtain this information, you do not need to personally contact statistical services or send applications.

How to find codes on the statistics website

If you need to find out the counterparty’s statistics codes or your own, you can submit a corresponding request to Rosstat or a private company. A search on the statistics website will help you get this information for free. In addition, information about statistics codes can be obtained by using the services of specialized law firms.

  1. Before finding statistics codes by TIN, you need to go to the Rosstat website and select the required region from the list.
  2. Next, there will be a transition to the regional website, where detailed instructions will be provided.
  3. To obtain the data, you need to enter the TIN, OGRN or OGRNIP in the appropriate columns.
  4. After issuing the codes, you should click on “Generate notification”.
  5. The data will be available for downloading and printing via a browser.

If the service does not provide the requested information, you can use the customer support service. At the bottom of the page there are phone numbers that you can call to solve the problem. Please note that the service may not work on weekends and holidays.

Search using the "OKPD" classifier

To form a schedule for placing orders until 2016, it was necessary to determine the OKPD code for each item of the item being purchased. Pay attention! For the needs of 44-FZ, when creating procurement plans in the Unified Information System, from January 1, 2016, the OKPD2 classifier is used. A search for OKPD2 codes is available on our website.

Find OKPD code:

  • 01 — Products and services of agriculture and hunting
  • 02 — Forestry products, logging and related services
  • 05 — Fish and other fishery and fish farming products; services related to fishing and fish farming
  • 10 - Coal; agglomerated coal; enriched coal; services for coal mining, coal preparation, coal agglomeration; peat
  • 11 — Oil and natural gas; services related to oil and gas production, except for geological exploration work
  • 12 — Uranium and thorium ores
  • 13 — Metal ores
  • 14 — Other mining products
  • 15 — Food products and drinks
  • 16 — Tobacco products
  • 17 — Textiles
  • 18 - Cloth; fur
  • 19 — Leather and leather goods
  • 20 — Wood and products made of wood and cork (except furniture), products made of straw and wicker materials
  • 21 — Pulp, paper and paper products
  • 22 — Printed products and recorded media
  • 23 — Coke, petroleum products and nuclear materials
  • 24 — Chemical substances, chemical products and chemical fibers
  • 25 — Rubber and polymer products
  • 26 — Other non-metallic mineral products
  • 27 — Metals
  • 28 — Finished metal products, except machines and equipment
  • 29 — Machinery and equipment not included in other groups
  • 30 — Office equipment and computer equipment
  • 31 — Electrical machines and electrical equipment
  • 32 — Electronic components; equipment for radio, television and communications
  • 33 — Medical products; instruments and instruments for measurement, control, testing, navigation, control; optical instruments, photographic and film equipment; watch
  • 34 — Vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers
  • 35 — Other vehicles and equipment
  • 36 - Furniture; industrial goods, not included in other groups, other
  • 37 — Secondary raw materials
  • 40 — Electricity, gas, steam and hot water
  • 41 — Collected and purified water, water distribution services
  • 45 — Construction work This group includes: — preparatory and auxiliary construction work — work on the construction of new facilities, major and current repairs, reconstruction, restoration of residential and non-residential buildings or engineering structures. This grouping classifies services (works) that are essential components of the construction process of buildings and structures of various types, which represent the products of construction activities. This grouping does not include: - conv.
  • 50 — Services for trade, maintenance and repair of vehicles and motorcycles; services for retail trade of motor fuel
  • 51 — Wholesale trade services, including trade through agents, except for services in the trade of motor vehicles and motorcycles This group includes: — resale services (sale without modification) of new or used goods to retailers, industrial, commercial, institutional or to professional users or other wholesalers, as well as trading services through agents who buy and sell goods on behalf of other persons or companies on a contract basis
  • 52 — Retail trade services, except for services in the trade of motor vehicles and motorcycles; repair services for household and personal items This class includes: - services for the resale (sale without change) of new and used goods for personal consumption or home use in shops, department stores, tents, mail order companies, street traders or peddlers, etc. - services related to the sale of goods: services for their
  • 55 — Hotel and restaurant services
  • 60 — Land transport and pipeline transportation services
  • 61 — Water transport services This group does not include: — services of restaurants and bars on board ships (see 55.30.12, 55.40.10) — services for cargo handling, storage, port operations and other auxiliary services of water transport (ship mooring to the berth, pilotage of ships, etc.) (see 63.22)
  • 62 — Air and space transport services
  • 63 — Transport auxiliary and additional services; travel agency services
  • 64 — Postal and telecommunication services
  • 65 — Financial intermediation services This group does not include: — insurance and pension services (see 66)
  • 66 — Services for insurance and non-state pension provision, except for services for compulsory social insurance. This group also includes: — services in the field of additional pension insurance. This group does not include: — services in the field of compulsory social insurance
  • 67 — Support services in the field of financial intermediation
  • 70 — Services related to real estate
  • 71 — Services for the rental of machinery and equipment (without an operator), household products and personal items. This group includes: — services related to operational leasing and other types of rental of machinery and equipment without an operator (driver, machinist, pilot, crew, etc. .). In accordance with the lease agreement, the lessor provides the lessee with machines and equipment without an operator for a fee for temporary possession and use without providing services for its management and technical operation - services for
  • 72 — Software products and services related to the use of computer technology and information technology
  • 73 — Services related to scientific research and experimental development This group includes: — services related to fundamental scientific research, i.e. theoretical or experimental research aimed at obtaining new knowledge without any specific purpose associated with the use of this knowledge - services related to applied scientific research, i.e. research aimed at obtaining new knowledge in order to solve specific practical problems. At
  • 74 — Services related to business activities, other
  • 75 — Services in the field of public administration, military security and social security
  • 80 — Educational services
  • 85 — Health services and social services
  • 90 — Sewage and waste disposal, sanitation and similar services
  • 91 — Services of public organizations not included in other groups This group does not include: — services in the field of education (see 80) — services in the field of health care (see 85.1) — social services (see 85.3) — services in the field of sports (see .92.6)
  • 92 — Services for organizing recreation, entertainment, culture and sports
  • 93 — Other personal services
  • 95 — Household services with hired workers
  • 96 — Products produced by private households for their own consumption, various
  • 97 — Services provided by private households for their own use, various
  • 99 — Services provided by extraterritorial organizations and bodies
