Private kindergarten open requirements. How to open a private kindergarten

The easiest way to open your own private kindergarten is to buy

But if you still want to do it yourself, we offer you step-by-step instructions from an expert from the “Little Country” company

According to statistics, the majority of entrepreneurs who decide to start their own business by opening a private kindergarten are young parents who are aware of what a “queue” for kindergarten is and quite possibly have already encountered the concept of a shortage of places in municipal kindergartens. They know firsthand that parents are willing or forced to pay to attend kindergarten. And if there are people willing to pay, then why not let them pay you?

But before you open your own kindergarten, you need to find evidence of its demand in your area or city.

First you need to count the number of residents in the area and find out their structure. For example, if the majority of the population is elderly, you are unlikely to be able to fill your garden with kids. It’s another matter when you open a private kindergarten in a new area, in which there is no state kindergarten nearby and where mostly young families live, who will provide you with preschool-aged children.

  • You can request information about district statistics at the passport office. And if we are talking about new microdistricts, developers can provide this statistics, since they have data on apartment buyers.

In other areas of the city, a private kindergarten may be in demand for several reasons. One of them is the notorious queues at municipal preschool institutions.

  • It is easy to find out about the existence of “queues” in the city administration, namely in the education department.

However, if there are several public kindergartens in the area you have chosen and their occupancy rates leave much to be desired, the private kindergarten you opened is unlikely to be very popular with parents. Be that as it may, in terms of the cost of a child’s stay in kindergarten, a private institution will always lose to a public institution.

But in contrast to this disadvantage, the sphere of private preschool education is gaining an increasingly significant advantage every year. The fact is that now more and more parents do not a priori consider a municipal kindergarten, but immediately look for a private kindergarten for their child. This category of parents has an average or above average income and places certain demands on a private kindergarten in terms of living conditions, quality of food, education and organization of leisure time.

However, so far in our country there are still more parents who send their children to private kindergartens not because they made this choice consciously, having weighed all the pros and cons, but because for some reason they cannot arrange your child to the state garden.

  • Enrolling your child in a state kindergarten is also not easy for “outsiders”. The problem is especially acute in Moscow and the Moscow region, where without registration or having a “Muscovite Social Card” it is almost impossible to send a child to a municipal kindergarten. Those who have come in large numbers have no choice but to send the child to a private kindergarten.

Don't forget to also analyze the area based on other indicators. For example, find out if there are other private gardens in the area and how many there are? Will you be able to compete with them on price or terms and additional services?

The primary expense item, which will significantly reduce your starting capital, is the renovation of the premises.

  • On average, a small kindergarten designed for one group can accommodate 100 sq.m.

Repairing a premises of 100 square meters and bringing it into compliance with the standards of regulatory authorities will require 600-700 thousand rubles (including payment for repair work and the purchase of building materials).

The second point of investment costs will be equipping the premises with everything necessary - from furniture and household appliances to bed linen and dishes. Having opened at least 50 kindergartens, we have set for ourselves the minimum amount of equipment costs - 600 thousand rubles. This figure is documented. For example, a refrigerator can be purchased for 15 thousand rubles at M-video, where you can also buy a four-burner electric stove for 8 thousand rubles, etc.

  • You need to understand that opening a kindergarten in the center of Moscow and in one of the residential areas of Ryazan requires completely different amounts of investment.

Is it possible to take out a loan to open a kindergarten?

Of course, it is preferable to open a kindergarten business with your own funds. But I also know those who took money on credit to start their kindergarten. Their experience suggests that you can work successfully and even develop, keeping part of the profit for yourself while paying off the loan.

Moreover, the very specifics of the private kindergarten business make it possible to qualify for benefits at the loan rate. There are a number of offers that significantly help in obtaining start-up capital to start this business.

For example, there is an interesting offer from the Our Future social entrepreneurship support fund, which offers a loan at 6%. Or you can apply for a small business competition as an entrepreneur who has opened a business in the social sector, and qualify for a subsidy from the state to reimburse the funds spent on starting a kindergarten. At the same time, if you work without a license for educational activities, you can be reimbursed up to 1.5 million rubles, and with a license - up to 10 million rubles, but the amount you receive should be no more than 60% of the funds spent on opening. In this way, you can compensate for most of the investments in opening a kindergarten.

In addition, in the process of work, you can also reduce your costs with the help of the state. For example, by submitting an application to receive subventions that will be paid to you from the municipal budget for the maintenance of one child per month.

  • For example, in Moscow 2.5 thousand rubles are paid for one child, in Krasnodar - 9 thousand rubles, and in the Moscow region - 12 thousand rubles.

However, it is possible to take advantage of such subventions only with a state license.

And these are not all the available support programs for entrepreneurs who have decided to devote themselves to preschool education and the business of a private kindergarten. Knowing all the possible programs and knowing how to use them, you can not only return your investment as quickly as possible, but also earn good money by performing part of its functions for the state.

Step by step instructions

A private kindergarten can be opened as an individual entrepreneur, it can be registered as an LLC, and you can also choose the form of a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution) or an autonomous non-profit organization. The time for its registration will also depend on the choice of the organizational and legal form of your future kindergarten. For example, if it takes you two to three weeks to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC, then registering a preschool educational institution or autonomous non-profit organization will take 2 times longer.

  • Registration of a preschool educational institution with the Ministry of Justice will take about two months.

However, these temporary delays will not affect the opening date of the kindergarten. You can register your kindergarten in parallel with other matters, for example, enter into a lease agreement for an individual and start making repairs to the premises. Once registered, the contract can be renewed.

The choice of registration form will primarily affect the taxation system and the nuances of accounting. By choosing an individual entrepreneur, you can purchase a patent for a period of 1 to 12 months. The patent system is suitable for kindergartens in a small space and with a minimum number of staff. If you open an LLC, then according to the “simplified” method you will pay 6% of income. Preschool educational institutions and autonomous non-profit organizations have their own taxation and accounting features.

How to select employees for a kindergarten?

Hiring staff for a kindergarten is a separate conversation, which should also be approached wisely. Firstly, it is the staff, i.e. teachers and nannies work both with your direct clients - children, and with their parents, who directly pay the money. Secondly, the quality and quantity of employees will influence the economic model of the kindergarten: the larger the staffing table, the greater the wages.

The number of staff directly depends on the size of the kindergarten you are opening - the more children go to your kindergarten, the more staff they will require.

  • For one group of 20 children, the minimum list of staff is two teachers, one nanny and one cook.

It is taken into account that this entire small staff replaces both teachers of other specialties and a nurse. For example, one of the teachers may be a “musician” and conduct developmental activities with children, another may be an “artist”, teaching children how to express themselves through drawings. This approach to staff formation can significantly reduce the cost of personal wages. The same nanny can combine her direct duties with the job descriptions of a nurse, of course, provided that she has the necessary qualifications...

Speaking of qualifications. Inspection bodies put forward their requirements for the staff of a private kindergarten. Moreover, these requirements are the same for both private kindergartens and municipal ones. So when selecting teachers, cooks and nurses, you will have to pay attention to whether they have a medical book and a certificate from a psychiatrist. In addition, special attention is paid to educators - they must have a pedagogical education and undergo advanced training every three years. A complete list of requirements for kindergarten staff can be found when submitting documents for permission to carry out child care and supervision activities to Rospotrebnadzor or when applying for a license for educational activities from the Ministry of Education.

Many entrepreneurs who decide to open their own private kindergarten often have a problem finding suitable premises. The fact is that any room will not do. When it comes to children, the state carefully ensures that they are in conditions that comply with the standards. If the premises do not meet the full list of requirements, you are unlikely to be able to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor, fire safety and the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

All standards that the premises must meet are specified in the fire safety rules and SanPin, which should be studied in detail before starting to search for premises. These documents contain special requirements for the width of doorways and the length of corridors for evacuation routes for children, and for ventilation and natural lighting. They spell out everything that needs to be known and taken into account when creating a kindergarten - right down to the number of rooms that the kindergarten should consist of and their purpose. Of particular importance for Rospotrebnadzor will be the square footage of each room, for example, the same locker room or bathroom, depending on the number of children for which the kindergarten is designed. Another thing is the equipment of the rooms: for example, for one group of children in the bathroom there should be four children's toilets and sinks, one shower, and one sink for adults. In addition, a separate bathroom must be allocated for employees.

There are many such little things, but they all need to be known and taken into account.

At the same time, the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other regulatory authorities differ depending on whether the premises are residential or non-residential. And all thanks to the fact that today it is possible to open a private kindergarten both in separate non-residential premises, outbuildings and on the first floors of residential buildings, and in ordinary residential apartments, i.e. There is plenty to choose from.

  • The Ministry of Emergency Situations does not inspect residential premises and does not issue conclusions for kindergartens.

That is why, despite the apparent difficulties and problems with the selection of premises, an entrepreneur is only required to know the rules and mandatory norms and a scrupulous approach to the search.

Another issue that concerns the premises is related to payment of its rent.

Rent eats up a significant portion of income and affects both the net profit received and the cost of the final product. Of course, a kindergarten can operate at any rental rate - from 1 rub./sq.m. to 1000 rub./sq.m. But when drawing up an economic model, you need to understand that the higher the rental rate, the more expensive the cost of visiting will be. And if there are competitors nearby, the “issue price” will be important for parents.

Of course, you need to approach the assessment of the premises individually. First, look at how well it fits the norms and requirements. Secondly, if the premises require significant investments in repairs, then a high rental rate will only increase the size of the investment and initially set a high price bar for the final product, and this is inappropriate.

However, even in Moscow, with the average market rental price of 1000 rubles per sq.m., only one of the kindergartens in our network pays rent at this rate. The majority finds more reasonable prices from 250 to 400 rubles/sq.m. This is the so-called social rent, when developers rent out large areas for kindergartens on the first floors of their housing complexes or individual multi-storey buildings. The presence of such tenants from the social sector is a definite plus for developers, so they are willing to reduce rental costs.

You can also find cheaper premises by taking advantage of assistance from the state. In some regions, there are special programs for preferential rental of municipal premises for representatives of the private sector of preschool education or social entrepreneurship. Therefore, it is worth exploring all possible options, calculating the economic model and identifying the optimal rental rate for yourself.

Opening checklist

Is it profitable to open

When opening a kindergarten, you need to decide how many children it will be designed for - 20, 100 or 200 kids. Your income and, accordingly, your benefits will depend on the number of small clients.

For example, you can open one kindergarten for 100 children, or you can open five small kindergartens designed for a group of 15-20 children. In both the first and second cases, you will end up with 100 children. It would seem that the profit in both options should be the same, but in reality this is not entirely true.

Firstly, by opening five kindergartens at once instead of one, you will spend 20-30% more money. Secondly, such an important indicator as the rate of profit per child will also differ.

  • If a kindergarten for 100 children earns 1 million rubles per month, the rate of profit per child will be 10 thousand rubles.

The larger the kindergarten and the more children go to it, the lower the rate of profit per child will be. This ratio is due to the fact that when opening a kindergarten for 100 children, you will be forced to rent premises many times more, hire several times more teachers, pay them salaries, and more funds will be spent on operating expenses.

  • Upon receipt of a license for educational activities, staff wage costs can be reduced by 10%.

A kindergarten for 20 children, located in a four-room apartment on the ground floor of a residential building, will have a completely different rate of profit. Rent in this case will cost a priori two times cheaper than in any non-residential premises. It will only be necessary to work to bring it into compliance with SanPiN standards.

How to open a private kindergarten - detailed business instructions

A child’s education needs to be addressed from an early age. All parents understand this. State preschool institutions are not capable of providing comprehensive development and good education for children. Large groups in which it is impossible to pay individual attention to the child, low-skilled staff, lack of necessary educational materials, poor quality food - all this makes public kindergartens uncompetitive in relation to private institutions. It's no surprise that more and more parents are sending their children to private kindergarten.

Features of the private kindergarten business

There is practically no competition in the field of private preschool institutions. There are very few prestigious legal kindergartens. Semi-legal mini-establishments, organized in apartments, often do not meet sanitary standards and cannot boast of qualified personnel, so they are not far from government institutions. At the same time, the demand for the services of private kindergartens is quite large and tends to increase. During the post-Soviet era, a middle class has formed in our country, which is able and willing to pay for a quality education for their children.

Taking into account the above, we can expect that the private kindergarten business will be profitable. However, you should not count on extremely high profits, since this type of business involves high expenses. A private kindergarten pays for itself if at least 20 children attend it. Parents pay for their child’s education in such an institution from $200 to $1,500 per month (the final cost depends on the level of the kindergarten, mode of operation, location, etc.). At the same time, the owner’s profit is about several thousand dollars per month.

The main difficulties that an entrepreneur will face when opening a private kindergarten:

  • obtaining the necessary licenses and permits;
  • searching for investors or accumulating start-up capital. You need to invest a lot of money in a kindergarten, and it will begin to generate profits only after the official opening.


Main areas of start-up costs:

  • registration of individual entrepreneur or non-profit organization;
  • obtaining opinions from sanitary and fire services;
  • rent for premises;
  • renovation of premises;
  • installation of fire alarms, communications;
  • purchase of office equipment, furniture, educational materials.

The amount of required starting investment will depend on the cost of rent, the quality and quantity of materials purchased, and the volume of repair work.
Main areas of fixed monthly expenses:

  • staff salaries, tax deductions;
  • payment of utilities, telephone, etc.;
  • monthly rent for the premises;
  • nutrition;
  • updating educational materials.

Necessary documents for opening a private kindergarten

According to the law, educational activities can be carried out by an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity. Moreover, the latter must be registered in a non-profit organizational and legal form.

Registration of a non-profit organization is carried out by the Federal Registration Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. In the constituent documents you will need to indicate the selected specifics of the activity in accordance with the all-Russian classifier. The period for consideration of applications for registration of a non-profit organization is 1 month.

Next, you need to agree on the specifics of the activity with the relevant authorities, register with the tax services, extra-budgetary funds (pension, social and compulsory health insurance), and state statistics bodies. To open a kindergarten, you must obtain a license to conduct educational activities. The issuance of licenses is carried out by the Department of Education, as well as local authorities with appropriate powers.

Documents that need to be submitted to obtain a license:

  • premises rental agreement;
  • conclusions of fire and sanitary services that the premises meet the requirements for preschool institutions;
  • a certificate confirming tax registration;
  • organization charter;
  • educational program;
  • papers confirming the availability of the necessary methodological literature and educational materials;
  • data on the teaching staff, number of children, etc.

Obtaining a license is a long and troublesome task. However, this cannot be avoided. Carrying out educational activities without permission is subject to criminal liability. For entrepreneurs who want to avoid lengthy red tape in obtaining a license, there is one loophole: you can position your establishment not as a kindergarten, but as a children's development or training center. In this case, a license will not be required. But problems may arise with an unexpected inspection from the SES or other authorities. It is very difficult to explain to the commission why the children's center needs such attributes of a kindergarten, such as, for example, cribs in the bedroom.

Arrangement of premises for a private kindergarten

One of the most difficult and important stages of opening a private kindergarten is finding and preparing premises. SNiP provides a number of requirements for preschool institutions. According to the standards, each student must have at least 6 square meters. m. area. A kindergarten must have at least 3 rooms: a bedroom, a dining room, and a playroom. In practice, you will need significantly more rooms: the manager’s office, a locker room, rooms for hobby classes, a gym, a swimming pool, a catering unit, etc.

The height of window sills and ceilings matters. It is necessary to cover the walls with moisture-resistant paint and organize heated floors. Before opening a private kindergarten, it is advisable for the owner to familiarize himself with the full list of SNiP requirements for preschool institutions.

Theoretically, a kindergarten can be opened both in an apartment and in a country house. But the ideal option is to rent the building of a state kindergarten, the construction of which took into account all the requirements and norms. Such premises cannot be purchased. City authorities usually rent them out for a short term (from 1 to 3 years, less often - for 5 years).

The premises need to be renovated, communications installed, a fire alarm, a panic button, etc. installed. Furniture will be needed: cribs, tables, chairs, lockers for the changing room, shelves for toys, cabinets for storing educational materials, as well as furniture and equipment for adults (equipment for a room for teachers, an office for the manager, a kitchen, etc.). Educational materials and methodological literature are selected depending on the educational concept of the institution.

Recruitment of personnel for kindergarten

The staff of the kindergarten includes: teachers, nannies, head, health worker, cleaner, cook. Elite institutions can additionally hire a child psychologist, a sports coach, security guards, and a driver. The “calling card” of a private kindergarten is qualified teachers. As market analysis shows, most of these institutions focus on proprietary educational and developmental methods. Therefore, it is very important to assemble a team of professionals who can provide the appropriate level of preschool training.

Attracting potential clients

Profit private kindergarten directly depends on the number of students. Advertising campaign strategies need to be thought through at the stage of drawing up a business plan and begin to be implemented immediately after obtaining a license and opening a kindergarten.

  • targeted distribution of advertising leaflets to residents of the microdistrict in which the establishment is located;
  • advertising on playgrounds, in children's clinics, centers, children's goods stores, etc.;
  • contextual advertising on the Internet, if you configure the display of ads on regional thematic sites;
  • radio advertising.

And despite the fact that kindergarten business does not belong to the highly profitable ones and is accompanied by lengthy paperwork for obtaining permits, this direction is considered very promising. The popularity of establishments of this kind is increasing. And you can increase business profitability by introducing additional services.

Over the past decade, the number of newborns in Russia has increased sharply. And immediately an acute problem arose of a lack of places in state kindergartens. Young parents probably know about the problems of placing a child in kindergarten - to do this, you need to get in line immediately after birth and wait 2-3 years to get into the coveted free place. And in big cities you may not be able to get into a kindergarten at all. Therefore, the only way out of the situation is to enroll the child in a private kindergarten.

What is it

Private kindergartens are a good way out if all the places in municipal institutions in your area are occupied. You can also consider private kindergarten as a business. Moreover, the business is very effective and ideal for a family. A private kindergarten is an educational institution that provides social services not at budget expense, but with parental money.

Private kindergarten is an excellent solution for parents

The responsibilities of the kindergarten include:

  1. Upbringing and primary education for the baby.
  2. High-quality health improvement and prevention.
  3. Child care from a very early age - supervision of him at the specified time.
  4. Educating parents about caring for their baby.

Such institutions operate for extra-budgetary funds. This means that money for operation will be allocated not from the city budget, but from sponsors or parents.

Pros and cons

Let's look at the main advantages and disadvantages of this phenomenon. The advantages include:

  1. Small groups. Usually their capacity is no more than 10-15 people. An undeniable plus is that the teacher will devote time and monitor all the kids, so they will never be left without attention. In small groups, children learn better, receive more attention, and hone their communication skills. With such a number of children, there are practically no conflicts.
  2. Professional educators. For the owner private kindergarten in the apartment This is a full-fledged business. Therefore, he chooses exclusively qualified staff who will satisfy all the needs of children and parents.
  3. Wide selection of additional services and programs. In a private kindergarten, your child can study foreign languages, prepare him for admission to the best schools and lyceums, teach him to swim, play musical instruments, ride bicycles and horses. The programs in such institutions are much more interesting - children are happy to attend classes.
  4. Homemade food. In municipal kindergartens they cook from products imposed by the education department through a tender. At home, everything is prepared from fresh ingredients purchased the day before. Here the child will be offered a balanced diet, treated to fruits and vegetables, given a supplement without any problems, eliminated from the diet a product that causes allergies, or prepared diet food.
  5. Virtual absence of queue. You can sign up for most private gardens after the start of the “season”. You don't have to wait several years to enroll in kindergarten.

Main disadvantages

Such establishments also have certain disadvantages - you need to know and keep them in mind:

  1. The cost of “training” is quite high. On the other hand, both father and mother will be able to work, so it is more profitable to send the baby to kindergarten rather than sit at home with him around the clock.
  2. Lack of a dedicated walking area. However, this only applies to kindergartens in apartments. Nowadays there are many private gardens in houses - they have their own high-quality playgrounds, fenced off from outsiders.
  3. The difficulty of opening this type of business. Getting started is very difficult - you will have to equip the premises, draw up a lot of paperwork and go through various approvals.

Organizing a small home kindergarten in an apartment is a profitable solution

Is it worth starting?

You should correctly calculate your strengths and capabilities. A kindergarten is more of a family business than a get-rich-quick scheme. Usually it is opened by mothers with small children, they are also educators, and fathers are involved in maintenance and solving all issues. Nevertheless, you can consider a kindergarten as a profitable business. Especially in large cities - there are always a lot of newborns and there is often an acute shortage of places in municipal institutions. In small towns, the wage level of the population is not very high, so not everyone will be able to afford such services, although situations vary.

Please note:There is practically no competition in this type of business, so with the right approach, your investment will definitely pay off. It will also be possible to offer additional programs to parents for a fee.

It is also important to develop a good program and overall concept for the institution. An original name, convenient location, modern programs, proprietary methods, additional classes, 24-hour opening hours - all this increases your attractiveness and motivates parents to come to you, and not to the municipal kindergarten.

Registration process

It should be understood that working with children requires strict adherence to all standards and regulations. Therefore, you will have to spend a lot of money on equipment for the premises.The registration process begins with obtaining a non-commercial patent. To do this, you will need to contact the Federal Registration Service of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and submit an application. When registering, you inform the specialist about the chosen field of activity, after which he indicates this specificity in the documents according to the all-Russian classification. Typically, the application is reviewed within 30 working days.

A wide variety of activities are possible in a private kindergarten

If it is approved, you should contact:

  1. To the tax service.
  2. To the pension fund.
  3. To the social and health insurance fund.
  4. To state statistics bodies.

In parallel with registration in the above services, you will need to contact the local government (mayor's office) and the education department to approve the opening of the institution. You will also need a bank account, a license from the Department of Education and accreditation from local governments.

Set of documents

To open you need the following list of documents:

  1. Agreement on ownership of premises or lease agreement.
  2. Conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological station on compliance with standards.
  3. Conclusion of the fire inspection on compliance.
  4. Document on assignment of TIN status.
  5. Charter of an educational institution.
  6. Detailed educational program approved by the Department of Education.
  7. List of educational materials and methodological literature.
  8. It's up to every teacher.
  9. An exact list of all children (preferably with phone numbers and full names of parents).

Please note:Doing business without a license and educational programs is strictly prohibited - criminal liability is provided for this. But you can cheat and organize an organization for short-term visits by preschoolers (up to 4 hours a day).

In this case, you do not need a license - your enterprise will be registered as a training or development center. Programs are designed in any case - they are even made for clubs and sections.

Requirements for kindergarten

There are increased requirements for the premises in which the establishment will be located. All standards are regulated by SanPin, as amended on 04/04/2014. Study them carefully before choosing a room and starting its renovation. Among the key requirements:

  1. 6 m2 for each child.
  2. Different rooms are needed for eating, sleeping and entertaining.
  3. Mandatory presence of a nurse's office with medical supplies for first aid.
  4. Mandatory presence of the manager's office.
  5. Premises for “clubs of interest”. Roughly speaking, these are rooms in which children can practice choreography, fine arts, sports (gym with equipment), and communicate with a psychologist.
  6. A separate catering unit is required.
  7. Special toilet rooms for children. Can be combined with washbasins. They should have special cabinets installed in which towels and personal hygiene products (soap, toothbrushes, etc.) will be stored.
  8. Clothes storage room. Wardrobes in which children hang outerwear should not be in the bedroom or dining room - they are located in the hallway.
  9. Each room must have a working fire alarm.
  10. Each room should have natural and artificial lighting.
  11. The temperature in the premises should not be lower than 22 degrees.
  12. The walls are painted with moisture-resistant red.
  13. Beds and dishes must have quality certificates.

You will need to purchase children's toys and sports goods


If you have the appropriate education, you can start working on your own. But if you are wondering about how to open a private kindergarten and where to start, then, most likely, you are far from raising children. In this case, you need to find good teachers. Doing this is not as easy as it seems. Personnel should be selected not only based on experience and the presence of various categories, but, first of all, on personal qualities and love for children. For a full-fledged kindergarten, you will need to hire at least a couple of teachers, a nanny, a cook, a health worker, and a cleaner. We also need a manager who will keep order and communicate with parents on all issues. You will also need other specialists if you are going to offer any additional services. For example, an English teacher or choreographer. You don’t have to hire them on staff—you can simply sign an outsource agreement to conduct classes.

Selection of children

Once you have done and organized all of the above, you will want to recruit children of any age, just to recoup the investment. But you can’t do that. One group should contain children of approximately the same age (plus or minus a year). According to the program, teachers will work with children on drawing, learning letters, and developing logical thinking. The tasks should be completely different, because you cannot read the same thing to a three-year-old and a six-year-old. Therefore, either one group of approximately identical children, or several of different ages.

When admitting a child to kindergarten, parents must sign an agreement with you for the provision of educational services. It is necessary to describe as much as possible all points and possible situations. In principle, you can find a standard agreement on the Internet and adjust it to suit your realities.

Small groups in a private garden give more freedom to children and teachers

Family kindergarten

Above we described what is needed to open a private kindergarten. But you can take the path of least resistance and create a family kindergarten. Even an ordinary apartment or house will do for this. Children are in the establishment part-time (we wrote about this above), so a license is not needed. The requirements for premises and personnel are also significantly simplified, which allows for significant savings. But usually in such kindergartens there are 3-7 children - this is more of a club of interests than a full-fledged kindergarten. Nevertheless, this is an excellent solution for young parents and a very good solution for a family business.

Business plan

Now let's look at what all this will entail and how profitable it is to engage in such a business. First, let's calculate what you will need before opening the establishment:

  1. Registration will cost 7-10 thousand.
  2. Renting premises varies in different regions. But, on average, a suitable premises will cost you 30-40 thousand rubles.
  3. Utilities cost about 5-10 thousand per month.
  4. Repairs in the building, equipment of a bedroom, bathroom, playroom, medical room, etc. Here the amount can be very serious - from 100,000 to a million rubles.
  5. Advertising at the initial stage - at least 5,000 rubles per month.

On average, to open a modern kindergarten with video surveillance for several groups of people, you need about 500,000 rubles. If you save, you can fit in 200,000 rubles, but this will be only one group.

Now we need personnel, various household chemicals, office supplies, toys, and educational materials. On average, with a staff salary of 20 thousand and taking into account current expenses, the cost of visiting for a child will be about 20-25 thousand rubles per month. This is the minimum figure, taking into account the fact that 12-15 children will attend the kindergarten. An increase in their number leads to an expansion of groups and personnel. Download detailed business plan for a private kindergarten at home you can on the Internet - there are specially designed options for different traffic levels and cities.

A mini-kindergarten at home is most often set up in your own or rented apartment.

Advantages of home kindergarten:

  • A small number of pupils, which helps children quickly get used to the team;
  • Individual approach to each child;
  • Almost home conditions;
  • Possibility to adjust the schedule of visiting the garden to the needs of parents.

Despite the fact that a private kindergarten in an apartment is an excellent alternative to public institutions, this type of activity has its own characteristics that must be taken into account:

  • Disgruntled neighbors who will complain about noise can put your business at risk;
  • Such activities are most often illegal or semi-legal, which creates certain problems;
  • The inability to officially register hired employees, which complicates the selection of personnel;
  • You need to think in advance about who can see you in case of illness or vacation.


If you decide to organize a mini-kindergarten at home, you will have to fill out the appropriate documents and register with the tax service.

To obtain a license, you need permission from the regional expert council for licensing and certification of educational institutions

The procedure is very strict; you will have to prepare a lot of documents that can confirm the seriousness of your intentions.

To partially legalize such a business, they obtain permission for individual labor activity, calling the created institution not a kindergarten, but a children's studio or circle. But if an inspection comes, you will have to explain the availability of beds and a kitchen, since it is understood that children are in such an institution part-time. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account all the pros and cons and make the right decision.

Preparing the premises

To open a kindergarten at home, you must first of all find premises.

In addition to generally accepted sanitary standards, it must meet the requirements described in the “State Building Standards”.

  • The premises intended for opening a kindergarten should not be located near parking lots, garages, highways, gas stations and other objects that are considered environmentally harmful.
  • It must have high ceilings (3 m), moisture-resistant walls, and insulated floors.
  • It is advisable that the windows face south and east.
  • The distance from the floor to the window sill is at least 60 cm.
  • It is good if the yard is equipped with a playground, since children need walks in the fresh air.

According to the standards, each child should have 6 m2 of space. The premises for a home kindergarten must have a locker room, rooms for games and sleep.

By law, only an institution that is located in a non-residential building and meets all the necessary requirements can be called a kindergarten. Finding such premises is difficult, and it is expensive.

The ideal solution is to rent premises in an existing kindergarten, but this will require permission from the administration. The best option is a private house, which is located far from the highway.
Most often, a private or rented 2-3-room apartment is used as premises for a semi-legal kindergarten. But this may cause discontent among neighbors. In addition, you will not receive permission from the health authority.

Selection of furniture and equipment

Furniture for a kindergarten at home should not only be beautiful and modern, much more important is how comfortable and safe it is.

  • The premises allocated for such purposes must be clean. In order not to complicate the cleaning process, it is better to choose furniture that folds.
  • Carpet on the floor is better, linoleum, polypropylene rugs. Large rubber puzzles are also suitable for this purpose; they can also serve as a game aid.
  • The playroom should have tables and chairs for children.
  • In addition, it is necessary to have shelves and cabinets in which books, manuals, creativity kits, etc. will be stored. It is convenient to store toys in baskets and hanging organizers.
  • If finances allow, it would not be a bad idea to purchase sports or gaming complexes.
  • The kitchen must have a refrigerator, sink, and stove. In order to save time and provide children with healthy nutrition, it is advisable to purchase a double boiler or. Can't do without.
  • To save space in the sleeping area, you can purchase bunk beds.
  • If one room is allocated for a playroom and a bedroom, then it is better to purchase pull-out beds and chests of drawers.
  • Lockers in which children's clothes will be stored are also needed; it is better to place them in the hallway. If there is not enough space, you can equip the room with individual hangers, hooks and benches.

Each child in a kindergarten must be provided with an individual sleeping set, dishes, a potty or a toilet attachment.

In addition, you will also have to purchase:

  • Materials for creativity;
  • Developmental literature;
  • Coloring books;
  • Books to read;
  • Discs with songs, fairy tales, cartoons;
  • Toys for indoors and outdoors.

Personnel and list of responsibilities

Before you open a home kindergarten in an apartment, think about whether you can handle it on your own or whether you will need an assistant. Considering the volume of daily work, having a person who will take on some of the responsibilities is very desirable. Perhaps you have relatives who would agree to do this kind of work.

If possible, it is advisable to involve a music worker, an English teacher with an hourly wage, in raising children. Qualified staff will make your establishment popular and in demand.

Do not forget that all employees must undergo a medical examination and have permission to work with children.

A very important point is medical care for children. This point must be specified in the agreement concluded between the parents and the head of such an institution. Perhaps among your friends there is a qualified specialist who can provide medical services. But basically, if necessary, they call a private ambulance, which is pre-agreed with the parents and specified in the contract.

In any case, it is necessary to have a first aid kit in the apartment with all the necessary materials and medications.

Before assigning responsibilities, you need to plan them. Your daily tasks will be.

In our country, private institutions for children are still rare. It’s not easy to figure out what it takes to open a private kindergarten on your own. The biggest obstacle to this is the long paperwork. They are issued by a variety of institutions. Sometimes it seems that the paperwork was invented by officials on purpose, and it will not be possible to open a case. Despite this, such institutions exist. Some businessmen have the patience to register their work legally, while some “disguise” the activities of a child care institution under the guise of providing other services. We will look at how to do the right thing so that regulatory authorities have no complaints, parents receive a decent quality of services, and children have fun and useful time.

  • Where to start opening a kindergarten?
  • How much can you earn
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • How to choose equipment
  • Which OKVED ID must be indicated to open a kindergarten?
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Which taxation system to choose for opening a kindergarten
  • Do I need permission to open?
  • Business technology

It is quite rightly believed that kindergarten is a purely women’s business. As a rule, it is wanted to be opened by young mothers who know first-hand the needs of children, are not busy with another job and want to earn income. The scheme of work itself looks very simple. You need to rent a room, attract parents with children and arrange interesting leisure time for the kids so that they have a desire to come to you again. In fact, organizing a business in the form of a private kindergarten requires serious economic calculations. To make money, you need to calculate the optimal price for the stay of one child and correctly calculate your own costs. Most of the money will have to be invested long before the opening. But we’ll look at what needs to be done in more detail below.

Since opening a private kindergarten in our country is not cheap, it is advisable, in addition to desire, to also have investments. This could be your own premises, credit funds or family savings. If you do not retreat and achieve legalization of your activities, then this business can become the favorite thing of your life.

According to specialist research, such an institution now has an income of $300 to $1,000 per month of a child’s stay. Depending on the region, this barely covers the cost of raising children. There is no need to talk about super-profits in this industry, but this does not make the desire to open a private “boarding house” any less.

Where to start opening a kindergarten?

You need to start registering a business from the premises. If it does not meet all the requirements, it will be impossible to obtain a license. And you will need to collect permits and sign approvals no less than for a private catering facility. To open a garden, you will have to register a legal entity (CJSC or LLC). Individual entrepreneurship is not encouraged for such enterprises.

When looking for premises for a kindergarten, you need to take into account that according to the standards, at least 6 sq.m. should be planned for one child. area. Separate provision should be made for the opening of a children's room for sleeping, playing, and eating. A private kindergarten must be equipped with equipment for sports. Special attention should be paid to fire alarms, medical support and catering for the facility. These three points contain a lot of requirements, norms and rules, without which it is impossible to obtain a license to open a child care institution. Here is a list of documents that will need to be provided to obtain a license. You need to start something like organizing your own private kindergarten by collecting them.

In addition to the above documents, you will need to attach information about how many children are planned to be admitted to the kindergarten. Sooner or later you will have to get a license. Conducting such activities without permission is criminally punishable.

A few more requirements for the premises that need to be mentioned:

  • Ceilings and window sills must be at a certain distance from the floor.
  • The walls must be covered with moisture-resistant paint.
  • The flooring on the floor of the children's room should be warm; it is better to organize their heating.

Apartments, and even entire private houses, are often converted into private institutions. However, it is difficult to achieve all SNiP requirements there. You can rent the premises where the state kindergarten was previously located. It has already been built taking into account these rules. The lease agreement is concluded with local authorities for a period of one to five years.

After the renovation of a private children's facility is completed, you need to purchase furniture:

Every parent wants qualified teachers to take care of their child. Organizing their work is also the task of a businessman. Opening a sought-after private kindergarten in itself implies original educational programs and new methods for the development of children. Only a professional team can ensure a high level of preparation of children for school. The organization of a private children's institution is impossible without first forming a team.

When the team has been assembled and the premises are ready, you need to think about attracting parents and children into your premises. Some of the advertising methods that can be used for this type of establishment include:

This business cannot be called highly profitable, but, nevertheless, the question of how to open your own private kindergarten interests many teachers and young mothers today. Such services are increasingly in demand among parents. If you formalize the opening, obtain all the necessary papers, permission to operate, then the business will be quite profitable.
