Read business and entrepreneurship magazines online. The best business magazines. RBC Business Magazine

The success of any business depends on the amount of knowledge. Any successful businessman has a large amount of useful information. You can’t consider yourself a favorite; you’re a mediocrity. It is necessary to be constantly aware of emerging new innovative ideas and important world news. Moreover, for this you do not need to listen to unverified rumors, it is better to pay attention to trusted sources, and the best business magazines will always come to the rescue. Thanks to them, both established business sharks and newcomers will be able to obtain the necessary information.

Just don’t buy the first edition you come across. Before making this seemingly insignificant purchase, it is worth finding out which top business magazines are favorites among their peers.

The best business magazines will be able to add new shades to your usual morning or become an excellent companion in a hated traffic jam. They will not only help brighten up time, but also fill the brain with new, and most importantly useful, information. You should also read it if you want to achieve something.

Harvard Business Review – tops the TOP “Best Business Magazines”

The Harvard publication opens the list of the best business magazines. Their magazine managed to attract the attention of managers, financiers and businessmen from all over the world. It began its existence in 1922, and for 85 years it continues to delight customers.

Here are asked questions related to business management topics. A lot of useful advice, ideas, knowledge, which is often followed by famous leaders of huge companies. A huge number of people are responsible for the creation of each new number. These are professional journalists, managers, professors.

Based on the surveys conducted, the most popular among readers were articles about the art of negotiation, how to achieve success in your business and how to maintain a leading position.

As for our country, the list of the best business magazines in Russia also does not include Harvard Business Review. After all, it began publishing back in 2004, receiving the attention of many Russians. They are often covered here, you can read about and other information.

Forbes is the favorite publication of millionaires

The best business magazines in Russia and abroad simply could not help but include this publication. It was founded by Berry Charles Forbes back in 1917. Today the publication is considered the most authoritative. There is probably no person who has never heard of the popular Forbes list and has not dreamed of being on it. It regularly includes the world's leading entrepreneurs.

It certainly cannot be called unpopular, because within 24 hours the entire circulation is sold out, and it includes 100,000 copies. It can be seen on board business class aircraft or in five-star hotels.

He becomes a real assistant for beginning businessmen, and helps already experienced craftsmen well. It often writes about other economically important events.

Usually it is purchased by people with high incomes. Based on statistics, 60% of them are men, and 40% are representatives of the fair sex. Moreover, 70% of them are managers.

CNews – for those who follow the latest in technology

The press is focused on studying the field of high technology. It becomes a great find for IT specialists. It appeared in stores in our country relatively recently, only in 2014, but managed to gain wide popularity.

Here you can find various industry reviews and articles by experts, all on a global scale.

The main feature of CNews is an individual approach to each of its subscribers. After all, he knows each of them by name, which is sure to appear upon delivery. A small but such a nice bonus.

Moscow "Business Magazine"

Unlike its predecessors, the magazine was created for people from young and medium-sized businesses. Moreover, having appeared in 2006, it was able to gain wide popularity, and even received a well-deserved award for the largest circulation.

With its help, businessmen can be well informed about the business market and all its changes. A wide variety of industries are well covered here.

Great tips and ideas to help you formulate your own concept correctly. A special place is occupied by the analysis of sales and production markets under crisis conditions. We must not forget about real stories - people share their experiences and help newcomers. There you can find articles about how to organize a farm.

Fortune is a useful magazine for businessmen

The founder of the world-famous magazine was Henry Lewis. The man dreamed of creating a good publishing business, which could simultaneously include several popular industries. However, in the course of its development, everything went a little differently, but it was thanks to this that the publishing house was able to turn into the Time Warner conglomerate.

Fortune contains a lot of useful information - trends in business development to a global scale, analyzes of famous companies, useful advice, as well as a list of the largest companies from around the world. The main readers are people aged 25 – 55 years.

Thanks to the wide variety of publications, everyone can find a magazine that suits them.

“Forbes is the world's leading business magazine. The mission of the magazine is to provide readers with information that guarantees their success. The publication differs from many competitors in that it conducts bold investigations and is not afraid to call a spade a spade. Forbes provides its readers with important information before others, when the information has the greatest economic value. Fresh perspectives for independent thinkers. Forbes helps its readers capitalize on their business and financial opportunities—before anyone else does.”

Published weekly. Subscription index: 18000. Price according to the Russian Post catalog: 88 rubles/month, 528 rubles/six months.

“SmartMoney helps you effectively manage your career, team, company, capital. We provide our readers with up-to-date, high-quality analytical information that helps them make smart decisions. Participation in the project of our long-time partners - the Financial Times and The Wall Street Journal - gives us the opportunity to look at business through the prism of the best world experience.

“Branded” for SmartMoney is the section “Competition” and its headings “Companies”, “Markets”, “Investments”. For the first time on the Russian market, we are highlighting the most undervalued companies, according to the analytical community, monitoring the derivatives market and testing Russian companies using the “Buffett test”. Since September 2006, the magazine has published an exclusive rating of mutual funds, which is compiled by recognized experts specifically for SmartMoney.”

Published weekly. Subscription index: 20409. Price according to the Russian Post catalog: 176 rubles/month, 1056 rubles/six months.

“For more than 75 years, BusinessWeek magazine has provided readers around the world with the information, analysis and insights they need to make sound business, financial and management decisions. We keep you up to date on a wide range of issues and developments in economics, finance and technology. BusinessWeek is the largest business weekly in the world, with a combined readership of 5.6 million. The traditional audience of BusinessWeek magazine is decision-makers in politics and business.”

Kommersant Money

Published weekly. Subscription index: 82411. Price according to the Russian Post catalog: 232 rubles/month, 1392 rubles/six months.

“Every week - about how to earn, save and spend money. What determines the successes and failures of famous entrepreneurs. How to organize your own business. How do famous Russian enterprises live today? The most promising and highly paid professions. How to achieve career growth. What you need to know when choosing a product and service.”

Published weekly. Subscription index: 17400. Price according to the Russian Post catalog: 240 rubles/month, 1435 rubles/six months.

“The Secret of the Company is a business magazine about how to manage a company, situation, competitors, market and business effectively and with minimal losses. The main question for the magazine is not what happened and what was done, but WHY it happened, WHY it was done and HOW exactly. “The Secret of the Company” is 80 pages of unique information about the technologies of modern business, about beautiful ideas, original solutions, the best deals, about current business problems, about what and where to study, about everything that a modern company manager should know in order to confidently lead her to success."

Published monthly. Subscription index: 18060. Price according to the Russian Post catalog: 77 rubles/month, 462 rubles/six months.

“RBC Magazine” is RBC’s first printed project in the business information niche, designed for a wide audience and covering a wide range of economic and business topics. The magazine is designed both for owners and top managers of companies, and for the fast-growing middle class - in short, all those who need to know about the latest trends and events in Russian and world business.”

Personnel Management

Published 2 times a month. Subscription index: 72035. Price according to the Russian Post catalog: 660 rubles/3 months, 1320 rubles/six months.

“In each room:
"Secrets of success" from top managers of successful Russian and Western companies
Analytical problem articles by leading experts in the field of business technologies
Results of our own special case studies on current management issues Exclusive interviews with well-known representatives of the business elite
Marketing successful business areas
Journal goals:
Capture new business trends
Have a professional understanding of modern management
Improve your knowledge in the field of personnel technologies
Analyze the achievements of successful companies
Bring fresh, proven ideas to your business"

Published 2 times a month. Subscription index: 72035. Price according to the Russian Post catalog: 110/month, 657 rubles/six months.

“The main characters are company owners demonstrating striking examples of business creativity.
The main topics are market ideas and management methods that open up new opportunities for successful business.
The mission is to unite people for whom entrepreneurship has become an exciting lifestyle.
Articles and interviews are based on facts from the real practice of companies and their owners.”

Published monthly, except July. Subscription index: 83909. Price according to the Russian Post catalog: 429/month, 2143 rubles/six months.

“The Harvard Business Review, the most authoritative publication on management in the world, was founded by Harvard Business School in 1922.
The magazine's mission: to serve as a source of ideas and solutions for business leaders
Contents of the magazine: advanced ideas, effective management technologies, innovations; analysis of specific business situations, problems of leadership, motivation; corporate strategy issues
Authors: global management gurus and heads of transnational corporations
Readers: top managers and company owners - people who make the most important strategic decisions, the intellectual elite of business"

Boss. Business: Organization, strategy, systems.

Published monthly. Subscription index: 47745. Price according to the Russian Post catalog: 110/month, 660 rubles/six months.

“This is a magazine for and about Russian bosses: for (and about) those who manage processes in economics and politics, who implement the country’s economic and political course.
The magazine is aimed at managers of large and medium-sized businesses (as well as large and medium-sized organizations that do not have a commercial status), heads of municipalities, and heads of regions.
The readers of the magazine are also heads of state and government, ministries and departments, leading national companies.
The journal is widely known in expert communities of economists and political scientists, both specializing in national problems and those dealing with regional and sectoral topics.”

To confidently lead your business to success and stay up to date with all the important developments in the business world, it is extremely important to have reliable sources of information. And although the “live” press is gradually losing its position to information services and online blogs, many legendary magazines are still in demand among the rich and successful of this world. We will tell you about the most popular global and regional business publications.

TOP 5 best business publications


Our top five, of course, opens with the world-famous Forbes. The magazine was published in 1917 and still remains the most authoritative and popular business publication, informing twice a month about the latest world business and economic news. Russian-language issues appeared only in 2004 and almost instantly spread throughout the CIS.

  • List of billionaires;
  • List of celebrities;
  • America's Rich List;
  • List of the world's largest corporations;


Fortune is Forbes' main competitor and a structural division of the corporation. Time Inc. The world saw the first issues of the magazine in 1930 and the circulation only increases every year. Like Forbes, Fortune maintains its own ranking of the world's largest companies, but it also features interesting materials about specific companies, their management and activities.

The pages often contain advice on management and business development, which makes Fortune interesting for businessmen of various ages and fields. And although the popularity of Fortune lists is somewhat inferior to the popularity of Forbes, only the best entrepreneurs in the world can get on the pages of the magazine.

Harvard Business Review

Rightfully the best magazine for business, specializing in management and finance. First published with the assistance of Harvard Business School in 1922, appeared in the CIS only in 2004. Unlike Forbes, Harvard Business Revie pays more attention to management problems and provides specific and evidence-based advice for solving them. Even in the Russian-language edition the bulk of the material is devoted to international business and the latest strategies and only 1/5 of Russian business.

Material for Harvard Business Revie is prepared by professional business analysts and journalists, as well as top managers of major companies and even professors from various business schools in Europe.


A Russian magazine for businessmen with no less high-quality material than previous editions. Entrepreneurs from the Russian Federation and the region will be able to find here the latest news on the world economy, investment strategies and advice on business management, as well as ratings of the highest paid company executives in the Russian Federation and the world.

The main target audience of the magazine is managers and people with leadership ambitions. The majority of readers are men with high incomes, but 40% of the circulation is also purchased by women. A new issue of RBC appears every month and sells out in just a few days. You can also meet the publication on business class airplanes and in the rooms of five-star hotels, 10% of circulation are supplied to television companies, from where they are distributed to the owners of some satellite packages.

To successfully conduct business, it is necessary to regularly monitor innovative ideas in business. The ideal option to learn about the latest events in the business world is to study business magazines. These periodicals offer information that will help small and medium-sized entrepreneurs make their business more profitable and reliable.

Rating of Russian business magazines

Based on statistical data, it is possible to compile a list of the most authoritative and popular business periodicals in the Russian Federation. 1. First place: Forbes(citation index - 739.39) The most popular and influential financial and economic publication in the global business sphere. The magazine was founded by Bertie Charles Forbes in 1917. It went on sale in Russia in April 2004. The magazine is published weekly in English, and once a month in Russian. In addition, it is published in seven more languages: Chinese, Georgian, Polish, Estonian, Korean, Japanese, Portuguese. The main topics of the magazine:

  • advanced investment ideas;
  • review of the most profitable business projects;
  • information about the defeats and achievements of famous entrepreneurs;
  • analysis of the reasons for the failure of large-scale business projects;
  • learning the best business strategies;
  • rating of the richest people, etc.

The high popularity of Forbes is due not only to the availability of valuable information, but also to an objective assessment of events taking place in this industry. The magazine is read by more than 5 million people around the world.

2. Second place: Kommersant-Vlast(citation index - 132.53)"Kommersant-Vlast" is the largest information, analytical, as well as socio-political magazine in Russia. Its founder is M.V. Rogozhnikov, the date of creation is 1992. This is an independent publication that is published weekly (on Mondays). Available in two versions: printed and electronic. On its pages are presented:

  • information about the main political organizations of the Russian Federation;
  • comments from leading economists on the events of the past week;
  • analytical forecasts of business development.

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The magazine includes approximately 60 pages containing practical recommendations on how to earn, save and invest money wisely. The total circulation is 60 thousand copies. 3. Third place: Expert(citation index - 8.49) Expert is one of the most authoritative business publications in Russia. It is popular not only among domestic businessmen, but also foreign ones working in the Russian Federation. Published in Moscow since July 1995. Issue frequency is once a week. Magazine structure:

  • "Russian business".
  • "International Business".
  • "Finance and Economics".
  • "Science and Technology".
  • "Policy".
  • "Books."
  • "Society".
  • "Culture".

More than 200 qualified economists and experienced journalists work on the creation of the magazine. The main goal is to promote the development of small and medium-sized business activities in Russia.

RBC Business Magazine

RBC business magazine is a truly Russian business publication with analytical articles about global processes in the economy. It contains original ideas in the field of investment, lists of the highest paid top managers in Russia and abroad, reviews of the largest Russian companies.

RBC is published once a month with a circulation of one hundred thousand and is completely sold out in just a day. Isn't this popularity? The content of this business magazine includes stories about influential businessmen, descriptions of new ideas and innovative technologies, as well as tips on how to implement them in your business.

RBC magazine is distributed by mail based on the total subscriber base. The publication sends 10% of the monthly circulation to owners of expensive satellite television packages, for example, NTV+. RBC magazine can also be seen on board business class aircraft, in five-star hotels, and in luxury train compartments.

The readership of RBC magazine consists of 60% men and 40% women, respectively. Of both genders, 70% are managers and 30% are employees. Typically, this magazine is read by people with high incomes or stable incomes above average.

Business magazine CNews

This publication focuses on the area of ​​high technology, and is intended for IT managers and their subordinates. It has been produced in Russia since the end of 2014 in a relatively large circulation. A distinctive feature of the magazine is its focus on vertical markets, one way or another related to high technology. In each issue you can find annual industry reviews, which are carefully studied by the CNews analytical department.

The magazine pays a lot of attention to comments and articles by experts and managers of leading companies in the ICT market, not only in the Russian but also in the global segment.

A unique feature of CNews magazine is that it knows each of its subscribers by name. The publishing house has 15 thousand addresses for registered postal and courier delivery. About 10 thousand copies are distributed annually at events sponsored by CNews magazine. You can subscribe to this magazine for a fee; for this, there are subscription agencies located in many cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Samara, Rostov-on-Don and others. CNews magazine subscribers are successful people: chief engineers, IT specialists, department heads, general directors.

"Moscow Business Magazine" - review of a major information player

This informative publication is aimed at people from small and medium-sized businesses. The tasks of the publishing house are obvious: informing readers about the business market and all its changes. The magazine covers important issues such as innovation in the food industry, pharmaceutical services and restaurant business.

Each issue of the Moscow Business Magazine includes innovative techniques that can make it easier and much more effective. Readers' attention is focused on controversial issues related to the legislative framework. When developing their own business, almost every new entrepreneur faces difficulties and controversial issues. The magazine provides a unique opportunity to consider these problems from a different angle, not using your own example, but someone else’s.

In addition to all of the above, in the magazine you can read about new business models and try to implement them in your business. In 2014-2015, almost one third of the magazine’s total content was devoted to the analysis of production and sales markets in the context of the crisis and European sanctions.

On the pages of the Moscow Business Magazine, entrepreneurs and other interested people can exchange experiences in running a business, read stories from the practice of colleagues in the “shop,” and get acquainted with various marketing and financial tools. In other words, gain information that will help improve your business activities.

“Moscow Business Magazine” was created in 2006 and in the same year was awarded the “Record of the Year” award for the largest circulation. Almost the entire business press of the country took part in the competition. The publication of this magazine has special goals: attracting a diverse audience, including middle and senior managers, large businessmen and top managers of famous enterprises in the country.

Business magazine Fortune

Fortune business magazine is widely known in business circles. This magazine is owned by Time Inc. It was founded by Henry Lewis in 1930. Initially, Lewis wanted to create a publishing business that would simply include several divisions: Time, Fortune, Life and Sports Illustrated. But the publishing house developed by leaps and bounds, and a few years later it became Time Warner.

In 2000, Time Warner was acquired by the largest media conglomerate AOL. Now Fortune's main competitor is the business magazine Forbes, published twice a month. In the background of competition is the BusinessVik magazine.

Fortune magazine, today, is one of the leaders in the Russian press market. The articles often include themes of business development trends on a global scale; there are materials describing individual companies, their leadership and management. Interested readers (entrepreneurs, businessmen, top managers and people simply not indifferent to the topic) expect updated lists of the world's largest companies every year. The magazine is popular among men and women aged 25 to 55 years. Thanks to such a wide range of readers, it is one of the leaders in terms of circulation.

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