Universal entry VKontakte advertising. How to place advertising posts on VKontakte. How to make and place advertising in the VKontakte news feed

Just so you know, this article will be accompanied (with pictures and quotes) by the film “Pulp Fiction.” Why? Yes, because for me advertising on the Internet is like a Tarantino film - all parts of the plot are divided, mixed up and shown in the “wrong” order. Why then am I writing about this? To prove: if I figured it out, anyone can do it.

I really can't stand introductions in articles. It is often difficult to start somehow normally, without all these “Well, well. Let's move from theory to practice."

Mia: Do you hate it too?

Vincent: Hate what?

Mia: Awkward silence. Why do people have to say some nonsense just to feel at ease?

Vincent: I don't know. Good question.

(c) “Pulp Fiction”

First, briefly for those who like to read only the beginning of the article

Imagine, now you can get money with your advertising not only using Direct and Adwords. Now (after reading this article) you can spam any posts of your users in the news feed. Any users. A! What an idea!

Designing your advertising records, you can take advantage of all the hospitality of VK: attach songs, polls and anything else. You can also customize your target audience in the best traditions of online advertising: select users by interests, city of residence, age, etc. You can also parse the audience from communities of interest using special services (for example, Cerebro): find the specific people you need, and even get their friends.

Relatively cheap, easy to make, suitable for any (except elite) business. All in all. gotta take it!

But that's it in short :)

There is no need to “think” about anything. Need to know. (p.) “Pulp Fiction”

  1. Your advertising will hang in the feed of your target audience until they are blue in the face (well, or whatever you want). Well, or until the user does something with it (clicks, hides, etc.).
  2. There’s also this cool thing: you can embed additional pixel codes, which can then be used to track cross-channel marketing campaigns.
  3. You can also add a VK retargeting pixel and watch how the number of people who see your post grows (or does not grow).


  • No need to worry about the type of ad. Thanks to VK, your posts will look equally great both on a tablet and on a big screen.
  • By the way, about different platforms. It’s very cool that users of different gadgets will see one ad.
  • There are more chances to get into the halo of attention of a person who rarely hangs out in your community.
  • You don't hit the nail on the head with your advertising. Advertising posts fit very nicely and neatly into the user’s feed. Plus, they also alternate with regular ones: VK will show ads no more often than once every 25 posts.
  • If you set up your target correctly, the click will be impressively cheap.

In what cases can it be used (usually others use it)

Creating and setting up an ad

I think when this whole mess is over, you will understand. You will understand that everything is fine. And you will fucking smile at yourself from the mirror. (c) “Pulp Fiction”


  1. You can only promote posts that are published by the community. That is, no personal advertisements about “Garage for sale.”
  2. It’s logical (I’ll say it just in case) that you can’t promote recordings of closed groups and events in the news feed. Because they are closed :)
  3. One entry = one ad. And it won’t even work with anyone else. There is also important point: if you have archived your account, you will not be able to create a new ad on an already used one. Don't be lazy.
  4. You can only promote posts from communities for which you have admin rights. By the way, in the near future VK was going to be generous with special advertiser rights.

Requirements for communities

  • The business description should include the brand/company name and general information.
  • Logo in the community avatar.
  • Contacts: phone, website, mail, office address, or at least one of the above.

How to start promoting community posts on VK

Let's start together, hand in hand.promoting your community posts on VK.

Not so difficult, would you agree?

I’ll explain it for those who are especially smart. I'm not here to ask for anything. I'm here to tell you what to do. And, if the instinct of self-preservation is not alien to you, go ahead and start running. I'm here to help. But, if my help is not appreciated, I wish you good luck, gentlemen.

(p.) Woolf “Pulp Fiction”

Dmitry Kovalev

The article will be useful to those who want to promote goods, services or communities using VKontakte public pages, but do not know where to start. After reading, you will learn how to select groups with your target audience and create posts that help achieve maximum conversion.

Audience identification

Before looking for communities, find out who your potential buyer is and create a portrait of him.

Identify needs. Find out what need your product or service satisfies. It should be one thing that unites target audience. Surveys and forums will help you figure out what customers want.

Find out about interests. Find out about the interests of your audience to decide on the topic of the group.

The Cerebro Target audience search tool is suitable for this task. It allows you to analyze the interests of potential clients of the selected community.

In the “User Analysis” section, insert a link to the group in which you assume your target audience belongs.

“Cerebro” will well complement another tool located in the Facebook advertising account − Audience_insights. He shows marital status, position, as well as the top favorite sites of your audience members. And if you are studying the market in the USA, then in addition to the above, you will also have access to the salary level.

Determine gender and age. First, these parameters will help you choose groups with the right audience. Secondly, make the message in your post more personal. The service from Mail.Ru will help you find them out.

Selection of communities

After creating an avatar of audience representatives, collect as large a list of pages as possible to which potential clients can subscribe. To do this:

  1. Use the Community Search on VKontakte.

  1. Find groups through " Market platform» in your personal account.

  1. Use third-party tools to work with VK groups, such as “Publer”. To start the selection, go to the “Publics/Profiles” section, subsection - “VKontakte Publics”.

Community Analysis

When you have a decent list of groups on the same topic, check each of them according to five criteria.

Availability of target audience

To find out whether your potential clients are members of a community, check the gender, age and geography of its members. This data can be viewed in the “Statistics” tab.

Check the presence of an audience in the group by gender, age and geo

Participants' activity

If there are people of the right age and gender in the group, we check it for involvement. This indicator is abbreviated ER (engagement rate) and is calculated using the ratio of actions to coverage.

To understand whether ER is normal in a group, compare it with the indicators of leading communities in this topic.


You can find out the percentage of bots through the VKontakte application: “ Searching for “dead” members and subscribers" To do this, go to the application, paste the link to the community and click “Scan”.

The presence of bots is also shown by Pubbler.

Typically, groups have 10–20% bots. Anything more is a scam

Another way to check a community for “dead souls” is to look at the outflow of subscribers. To do this, look at the number of unsubscribes in the page statistics. A high jump in the graph of unsubscribers is a clear sign of a large number of bots.


Reach indicates the number of views of a post in a news feed or on a community wall. When calculating this metric, only unique users are taken into account. Moreover, VKontakte does not count fast forwarding of an entry in the feed. A person must pay attention to the text or image. You can also see this indicator in the group statistics.

The normal reach rate is 10–20% of the total number of subscribers. If a million people subscribe to the group, the reach should be 100,000 - 200,000.

Advertising entries

If competitors placed only 1-3 times, most likely their advertising did not bring results. It’s worth checking her for professional suitability (read about this in the “Writing a post” block).

If competitors’ advertising posts are published regularly, most likely the group has the audience you need. And to get a part of it, distance yourself from competitors with the help of creatives and unique selling propositions.


Via administrator

To place directly:

  1. Find the administrator's contacts on the page. If they are not there, write your proposal in a message or in a sentence on the wall.

  1. Agree on the price, time and conditions of accommodation. By purchasing a package of accommodations at once, you can negotiate a discount. But you should only buy more than one advertising space at once in already verified communities.
  2. Choose the posting time based on subscriber activity. If the seats are only available for a period of low activity, ask the administrator to reduce the price a little. You can view the activity in Pubbler in the “Detailed Statistics” tab.

  1. Submit the post for approval. Please note that edits may need to be made. Therefore, it is better to send the recording in advance so as not to redo it five minutes before publication.

Through the VK exchange

Publishing through the VK advertising exchange is 10-15% more expensive. Suitable for those who do not use third-party tools to search for communities, since the service itself offers accommodation options. And also for those who do not connect third-party metrics to analyze advertising effectiveness, because in your personal account you can view detailed statistics after the campaign.

To post through the exchange:

  1. Create an ad and submit it for moderation.

When the post passes verification, it will appear in the “Active” tab - you can post it. If it doesn’t work – “Rejected”. In this case, the moderators will definitely indicate the reason, after correcting which the ad can be sent back for moderation.

  1. Using the specified parameters, find groups for placement. You can search for them based on topic, budget, coverage, number of participants, etc. However, you won’t be able to find a specific community by name - the service itself will offer options.

  1. Submit a request for accommodation. Your ad will be automatically placed within the time range you specify.

Composing a post

After you have agreed on publication, prepare an advertising post.

  1. In your ad, take into account the audience’s needs and tell them how your product will solve their problem.

  1. Analyze competitors' advertising, if any. Then come up with unique offer and post design so that your creatives stand out from the general background.

  1. Study the content of the public in which you plan to post. Finding out which ones are the most popular will help you better understand your followers' interests. This will help make a more interesting and less promotional post.

  1. Fill the text with emoticons to make it more noticeable and focus attention on the main thing. Just don’t overdo it, the post should look natural, and the emoticons should be meaningful.

  1. Shorten long links in the text using vk.cc or Google URL Shortener. This way the recording will take up less space, look neater and, most importantly, inspire more confidence.

  1. The image should be catchy so that your post is noticed in the feed, but at the same time relevant to the offer.

  1. Write a catchy title. To do this, bring the main benefit to it. If it does not interest the target audience, then no one will read your text, even the most useful and selling one.

Working with comments

Negative. After publishing a post, people will leave comments under it, and not always positive ones. Therefore, try to work off all the negativity.

Informational. People can also ask questions: “how to order”, “how much does it cost”, “what is the advantage of the product”, etc. They also need to be answered in a timely manner.

By outsiders. Any off-topic comments can be asked to be deleted by the administrator.

Evaluation of results

To make it convenient to keep statistics and analyze the results, create a table in Google Sheets or Excel with the following fields:

  • name and link to the community,
  • advertising post,
  • cost of accommodation,
  • date and time of posting,
  • administrator contacts,
  • number of transitions,
  • number of applications,
  • ER groups,
  • profit.

For data on transitions and applications, see Yandex.Metrica. And to distinguish your advertising posts and the communities in which you are posted, add UTM tags to your links. Dmitry Dementy discussed this topic in more detail in the article: “”.

If you were placed through the VK exchange, in the advertiser’s personal account after the advertising campaign you will be able to see:

  • the total number of users who viewed the advertisement and their distribution by gender and age;
  • the number of unique users who followed at least one link in the post;
  • number of users who shared, commented or liked the post;
  • the number of subscribed users, if the community was advertised;
  • number of applications per group.

To open detailed statistics, click on the corresponding icon in the section of the corresponding advertising campaign.

If you sent a request directly, but there is no way to connect the metric, ask the administrator for post statistics before deleting it. She shows:

  • overall reach and subscriber reach;
  • likes, reposts and comments;
  • the number of users who have hidden a post from their news feed;
  • number of complaints about the publication;
  • the number of people who clicked on the link in the post.

Repeated placements

If your first few posts in the community are successful, continue posting. But keep in mind that the ad conversion rate will decrease over time. Most members will notice your ad after a few placements, so they will ignore it next time. To overcome banner blindness, update your post every few placements.

  • Test the new header.
  • Change emoticons.
  • Change the structure of the text.
  • Post with a different image.

Give your post a new look and users will start noticing your post again.

For example, I posted several times in the community with the following announcement:

The first placement brought ten leads, the second - eight, after the third there were only two applications, after the fourth - three.

I changed the photo, came up with a new title, added different emoticons, and the next day I posted in the same group.

Repeated postings with a new post brought eight, and the second time - seven applications. Despite the fact that the text of the ad remained the same, only its visual part and the title changed.

Search for new communities

To increase your reach, you need to constantly look for new groups to post. In order to find similar communities, use a tool to find the intersection of audiences, for example, such as Cerebro Target. In it, you can follow a link to a public page in which you have already successfully advertised and find similar ones, which will contain some of the same subscribers. To do this, go to the “Audience search” section, the “Groups with target audience” subsection and paste the link to the desired page.

Groups can be filtered by the parameters you need and download links to them as a text document or in Excel.

To find audience intersections, you can use free analogues, for example, the “

If you are one of those people who think that VKontakte advertising does not work, that you will waste a lot of money and get nothing, then this article is for you.
In this article you will learn: how to create a VKontakte advertisement, what settings and functions are available.

The VKontakte audience is 90 million people, of which more than 68 million are active users. From this we can understand that this social. the network provides an excellent opportunity to find the audience you need.

Types of advertising on VKontakte

Targeted advertising on VKontakte

Creating an advertisement on VKontakte

After that, click on the “Create ad” button. This is where the fun begins :)

Creating an advertisement begins with choosing the format that suits you.
Let's look at what they are and what purposes they serve.

  • Text-graphic block (TGB)

Located on the left under the main menu in the form of short blocks with images and text.

Advantages of TGB (Objectives):

  • a lot of transitions
  • low SRS
  • placement - desktop only
TGB includes advertising of communities, external sites and applications or VK games.

Technical requirements for advertising formats:

TT for these formats are approximately the same: the ad title can contain from 3 to 33 characters, including punctuation marks and spaces. Description - from 3 to 70 characters. Image weight up to 5 MB, formats: JPG, PNG, BMP, TIF or GIF (without animation). The text in the image should occupy no more than 50% of the total area of ​​the photo.

2. Cross-device formats

Cross-device formats are formats displayed in the news feed on all platforms: desktop and mobile versions of the site, as well as in all official mobile applications VKontakte.

  • Advertising post

Announcements are published in the news feed or on community walls.
An advertising post can be called a native format that fits into the user’s news feed and does not cause rejection.
Users see them along with the usual content they subscribe to and posts from friends.

Let's look at each of them separately.

You can add a name to each card, brief description, an image, a button, a link, and two prices, for example, to show a discount.

This format is suitable for selling goods or services, for example, online stores.

Advantages of the Carousel format:

  • Multitasking
    - Attracting users to the site to make a purchase or other targeted action;
    - Increasing brand awareness;
    - Attracting new subscribers to the community.
  • Cross-device
  • Comfortable
    Payment for the format is available for both transitions and impressions.
- one or more images, GIF animation or video.

Using a universal post, you can promote posts that allow you to reach 90% of RuNet users as in full version website and on mobile devices.

Advantages of the “Universal Record” format:

  • Native
    Brand content automatically adapts to the advertising format.
  • Spot
    All targeting settings are available, as well as retargeting.
  • Honest
    You can connect third-party pixels to track statistics.
  • Cross-device
    Advertising is displayed on all available user devices.
  • Accurate
    The frequency of ad serving per person, not per device.
- a great tool for generating traffic. The button encourages you to take some action, for example, going to a website or community.


  • visually noticeable;
  • contains a call to action;
  • intuitive for users;
  • leads to a specific page specified by the advertiser;
  • You can select the button text depending on the advertising objective.
is an application for collecting contacts of those who left you a request.

The application allows you to:

  • create convenient application forms in the VKontakte interface;
  • Auto-filling of user data works in the fields of the questionnaire, thereby increasing the level of conversion of completed data.

Questionnaires can be flexibly customized so that users share exactly the information you need.

Technical requirements for advertising recording formats:

  • You can add from 3 to 10 cards containing information about products and services to the carousel.
  • Entry text can contain no more than 220 characters, including punctuation marks and spaces. The text should not contain links, hashtags or mentions.
  • The card title must contain from 3 to 25 characters.
  • The image size in the carousel must be at least 400x400 px.
  • Supported image formats are JPG, PNG or GIF (without animation).
  • The text in the image should occupy no more than 50% of the total area of ​​the photo.

  • Entry text can contain a maximum of 16,384 characters, including punctuation and spaces.
  • You are allowed to use no more than 6 emoji in the text of the entry.
for image
  • You can add up to 10 images to your entry in JPG, GIF, TIF or PNG format.
  • The text on the image in the advertising post should occupy no more than 50% of the total area of ​​the photo.
for GIF animation
  • The GIF animation must be attached as a document.
  • The weight of a GIF animation file can be no more than 50 MB. Autoplay of GIF animation works for files weighing no more than 10–12 MB.
  • Each side of the GIF image should be no more than 1000 px.
  • The GIF image must contain more than 1 frame, the interval between frames is from 0.01 to 1 second.
for video
  • The maximum allowed video file size is 2 GB.
  • Supported video formats: AVI, MP4, 3GP, MPEG, MOV, FLV, F4V, WMV, MKV, WEBM, VOB, RM, RMVB, M4V, MPG, OGV, TS, M2TS, MTS.
  • The maximum video recording resolution is 1080p.
  • Horizontal, square and vertical videos are supported.
  • It is possible to embed videos from other video hosting sites (Youtube, Rutube, Vimeo, etc.).

  • The text of the entry can contain no more than 220 characters, including punctuation marks and spaces, no more than two line breaks (the use of links, including hashtags, in the text is not allowed).
  • You are allowed to use no more than 6 emoji in the text of the entry.
  • The image in the snippet next to the button must be at least 537x240px.
  • The text on the image in the snippet should occupy no more than 50% of the total area of ​​the photo.
  • Supported image formats: JPG, PNG or GIF (no animation).
  • The snippet text next to the button can contain no more than 80 characters, including punctuation marks and spaces.
  • The label for the button can be selected from the list provided. The list of available captions depends on the ad's landing page.

Settings and targeting

After you have chosen the form you need, move on to the targeting settings.
Let me immediately note that the target audience and recommended price will change depending on your settings.


Select the subject of the ad and age labeling, if needed.
You can find out more about the rules for placing advertisements. 2. Geography

You can select a country, cities, regions, and also exclude those you don’t need.

In addition, there is a convenient function for placing points on the map. Using the “Place Type” setting, you can choose which users to show ads to - those who regularly visit, live, study, work or are in the specified location right now.

Great for businesses whose target audience should be located near the office.

3. Demographics

Gender, age, marital status - understandable.

But the “Birthday” function is well suited for a promotion in the style of “Happy Birthday! Only for you...”

Birthday information is updated daily, so you only need to set up your ad once and your ad campaign will remain relevant. This is especially convenient when you have permanent discount for birthday people.

4. Interests

    Interests are a very important section of your settings.

    Here you select a group of users who are interested in a particular topic. VKontakte classifies users into audience segments based on their activity on social media. network and on external sites.

5. Education and work

This section does not work entirely correctly, since many users do not indicate their place of study or work in their profile.

It is better to target users by education only if you are interested in graduates of specific educational institutions or recently graduated from an educational institution.

Targeting by job title is best for equipment advertising, such as dentists. Of course, there will be few people, the information may not always be up to date, but sometimes it’s at least something.

6. Additional parameters, or retargeting

Retargeting is simple and effective way increase the number of customers and repeat orders.
You can show ads to users who have already shown their interest in your brand - they visited your website, added something to their cart, made a purchase, or simply saw your ad.

You can also exclude audiences, such as users who opened a form and submitted a request, so that you don't show your ad to them again.

To select a retargeting audience in the settings, we first need to create it, or, more precisely, install a pixel on your website.

Setting up a retargeting pixel

First, you need to create a retargeting pixel. To do this, go to the “Retargeting” section on the left in the menu. Next, click “Pixels” and then “Create Pixel.”

A window will appear where you will need to write the name, allowed domain and select the theme of the site.

After this, a window will appear with the code that will need to be placed on the site, and an explanation of how to do it.

When you install the code on the site, you will need to check whether it works or not.
You can do this there in the pixel settings.

Now that you have a working pixel, you can create an audience.
To do this, click on the “Audiences” tab and the “Create Audience” button.

A window will appear where you can choose the most convenient option for creating an audience: using a pixel or from a file.

The "Load from file" option assumes that you have your own customer base contacts. Creating such an audience will be a plus, since you will be able to exclude your customers from the ad audience so as not to spend your advertising budget on them.

Also in the “Retargeting” section there is a “Similar Audiences” or look-alike tab.
Here you can find VKontakte users whose behavior is similar to your clients.

You can use any initial retargeting audience with at least 1,000 users.
To create a LAL audience, click on the “Find Similar Audience” button.

Next, in the window that appears, select the desired audience from the list for which you will create a similar one.

The search can take anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours, so check back periodically to check the status.

Once you've finished creating your audiences, go back to creating your ad and select your audience from the list.

7. Audience saving settings

Here you can collect the audience that interacted with your ad. And also select the events on which she interacted: they watched the post, went to the community, hid the post from the news, and so on.
You can add multiple audiences.

8. Price and location settings

In this section, you can select the sites where advertising will run, the payment method - per click (CPC) and per impression (CPM), as well as limiting impressions per user and advertising campaign.

Cost of targeted advertising

Targeted advertising on VKontakte works on the principle of an auction, which allows you to optimize costs. You decide how much you want to spend on advertising.
But let me immediately note that if you greatly underestimate the recommended price, the ad will be shown, but will reach a small share of the audience, or will not be shown at all.

CPM (cost per mille) is a payment model in which you pay per 1000 impressions of your ad.
CPC (cost per click) is a payment model in which you only pay when users click on your ad.

Auction VKontakte

1. The principle of formation of the transition cost

When paying for transitions (CPC):

  • The bid is affected by the creative (CTR of the ad).
When paying using the CPC model, the cost of transitions is inversely proportional to the CTR of the ad: the lower the CTR, the higher the CPC.

The minimum transfer cost is 5 rubles. (technically the minimum rate) when paying using the CPC model.

2. The principle of cost formation per 1000 impressions

When paying per 1000 impressions (CPM):

  • the bid is affected by the number of advertisers for a given target audience in the auction;
  • the bid is NOT affected by the creative (CTR of the ad).
When paying using the CPM model, the cost of transition does not depend on the CTR of the ad.

The minimum transfer cost is 30 rubles.

  • Advertising campaigns
    This section displays a list of advertising campaigns and advertisements within them. This is your main working interface, here you can perform any actions related to creating and managing advertising.

    You can see the remaining budget, how much was spent today and yesterday, as well as some statistics on advertising campaigns.

    Be sure to set limits!
    Otherwise, VK can “eat up” your budget for the month in a day.

If you click on the campaign name, you will be taken to the “ Advertisements", and then clicking on the ad title will take you to the ad section itself.

Here you can see all the information about the ad: what it looks like, how many clicks, complaints, etc. was.

  • Budget
    Here you can view and top up your advertising account balance.

How to top up your VKontakte balance?

Go to the “Budget” section and click on the “Top up” button.

You will be asked to select a payment type.

If you decide to make a payment convenient for individuals. persons, then you then select a payment method, indicate the amount and make the payment. The minimum payment amount is 500 rubles.
If for legal persons - just enter your bank details.

Setting up and creating a VKontakte advertisement

With its help, you can automatically negotiate with the administration of communities that suit you about placing your ads in them.
There are no more complicated processes of coordinating a post with the community administration; it is enough to indicate the budget and dates of the campaign - the system itself will offer the optimal list of groups with maximum coverage within the budget.

  1. Create an advertising post and submit it for moderation.
  2. Specify your budget and placement period.
  3. Explore the list of communities selected by the platform.
  4. Confirm placement.
Let's look at each step in more detail.

In a pop-up window, you will be asked to select the type of post - a post with text and attachments or a repost of another post - write the text, a short name, and also select an advertising campaign.

“A post with text and attachments” can be called a “regular post” on a community wall, while a “repost of another post” is more suitable for promoting your community or VK page.
To each new entry up to 10 attachments can be added: photos, videos, audio recordings, etc. Only one attachment can be attached to a “repost”.

In the “Short name” field, you can write a name that will be used to identify the entry in your personal account and SMS alerts. No one but you will see it.

2. Specify your budget and placement period
Click on the “Post Entry” button and select the parameters you need to search for suitable communities.

3. Study the list of communities selected by the platform
Based on the above data, the market platform will offer you a list of those communities that meet the stated criteria.

If any of the communities are not suitable for you, you can exclude them by clicking on the appropriate button.

4. Confirm placement
After you have finished selecting communities, click on the “Post” button.
Your place will be booked automatically within the time range you specified.
Information about your applications will appear in the “Pending publication” section.

Application statuses

VKontakte advertising campaign statistics

Once your post is published, you can monitor its performance.
You can view detailed statistics for all posts or for a single post in a particular community.

You can find out the total reach of users who viewed the advertising post, the number of clicks on the link, the number of people joining the group if you are promoting it, and so on.

This data will help you analyze the impact of ads placed in different communities and adjust your advertising campaign to get the best results.


Thus, we can conclude that thanks to the simple interface and many settings options, finding the VK target audience you need is easy and simple. In addition, it does not require a large budget.

The advertising format in the VKontakte news feed was conceived to promote your business through the social network. For those who have opened and run their own groups, it is possible to set up the display of posts from them to a wider audience using targeting, that is, in essence, this is the same target vk. The difference is that here you can promote only posts published in your group, or create new ones, but only if you have administrator rights.

Features of advertising in the VK news feed.

  • Advertising posts can be shown in the news of any users without spam, legally.
  • The news hangs for as long as you like, unwinding happens slowly.
  • Low cost per click with precise targeting settings.
  • You can create a new message directly in your advertising account and disable its display to group subscribers, so as not to waste your budget.
  • Likes and reposts are given, that is, if your proposal is interesting, you can expect it to go viral.

You should know that you are allowed to create one ad per post in the community, no more. Therefore, most often such advertising is used to attract attention to new discounts, promotions or events. This is also an effective way to increase awareness of your brand or some promoted product.

Entries from closed groups are not accepted for posting on the VKontakte news feed, which is quite logical, that’s why they are closed.

The format is very expanded - in addition to text, pictures, videos, surveys, maps are added, that is, there are practically no restrictions. This makes it possible to catch the user’s attention with creative offers, but do not forget that the ads are moderated by VK, which, as usual, is very strict.

How to make and place advertising in the VKontakte news feed.

Everything here is the same as in setting up a targeted campaign - go to “advertising-targeting-create ad”, click “community post” and enter a link to the page with the post.

If you do not want the ad to be shown in the subscribers’ feed and in the group itself, which is quite logical - its members can already familiarize themselves with all the offers in the community, we create so-called “hidden” advertising.

To do this, click “create record”. To write a new post, you are asked to indicate the community on behalf of which it is being written.

Let's continue

Pay attention to the explanations at the bottom of the window - community members are excluded from the display, and money from advertising budget they will not spend money on them. To familiarize your subscribers with your offer, if necessary, you can create a new message in the group itself and it will not cost you a penny.

Now turn on your imagination, peek, write text and upload what you need - pictures, videos, audio, surveys or maps. You can insert a button with a link to a community or external site, as well as a phone number for contact (ordering).

Campaign settings in the feed.

There are some differences from the usual settings. For example, when creating a new entry in targeting, your group is excluded from impressions

When choosing a price, there is no payment for clicks, there is only a payment “for 1000 impressions”, and limiting the display of a post is allowed up to 1 impression per person (in this screenshot, targeting is not configured, the coverage is “for everyone”, hence the cost).

That's it, wait for moderation, and after approval the ad will start rolling out automatically.

Yes, it’s simple - open a new community, even a fake one. Here it should be said that VK will not allow you to launch a campaign if it is not formalized - there is no logo in the avatar, name and information about the company, or any contact information.

If you use the group purely for advertising purposes on various topics, you can call it neutrally, like Virt-Cap (whatever came to mind). And from it, send advertising posts for various offers to the news feed. It is created simply: in your VK account, go to “groups - create a community” and further along the list.

Let's start our today's tutorial on setting up advertising in the VKontakte news feed from the direct creation of an advertisement. To do this, let's go to personal account and click on the “Create ad” button and in the window that opens, select the value “Post in the community”:

Next, you need to select the post you plan to advertise. We have already created it in the previous article and will use it. Click on our finished post and copy its link, as shown in the image below. We return to the ad creation page and paste it into the field. Click on the “Continue” button.

Or you can create a new post. The whole process is similar to creating a post from your community page. However, in this case, your group subscribers will not see the finished published post: it will only be available to you for further advertising. We recommend this method for our clients, since it is quite convenient not to disturb your group with advertising posts.

The only nuance that needs to be taken into account is the minimum price value when paying for impressions of 30 rubles. If you choose less, the advertisement will not run. Don’t forget to indicate the number of impressions per person to avoid boring him and to get a larger final reach.

Select the “Create new” item in the “Advertising campaign” column, title it and click on the “Create ad” button. Ready!

After you get the first results from your advertising, you can view detailed statistics using the link:

In the window that opens, you will see statistics in numbers, namely:

  • How many people viewed your ad.
  • How many saw your post thanks to reposts from other users of the VKontakte system.
  • How many people joined your group from the post.
  • How many joined the group?
  • How many people followed the link to your landing page.
  • Feedback: user interaction with an advertising post.
  • Hiding entries. It is normal if this indicator differs from zero. It is important that it is not too high. Otherwise, it's worth reconsidering your ad.
