Modern scenario of the day of knowledge in the dhow. Leisure time for the Day of Knowledge “September 1 in kindergarten” for children of the middle group. Scenario. What they teach at school

Scenario for the holiday “Hello, our kindergarten!”
(for all groups)

To the music, children and their teacher are seated in the front row in the music room. Parents occupy rows in the auditorium.
The head of the kindergarten makes an opening speech.

Presenter - What beautiful and smart guys have gathered here!
How much you have grown over the summer!
We are very glad to see you at the very first holiday of this year!
And a holiday always means smiles, a cheerful mood and funny games.
Do you like to play?...
Then, to start the game, I need to get to know you, because some of the guys came to our kindergarten for the first time.

Now we will all say our names in unison and together. Agreed? One two Three!

Children say their names.

Leading- Amazing! Well, here we are. Now you can play.

Imagine that we are in a fairyland, and you can find out what it is called by guessing my riddle:

Affectionately named after the boy,
Friends with daisies and dandelions,
Their stems are slender and strong.
Flowers grow in the field... (Cornflowers)

That's right, our fairy-tale country is called “Cornflowers”. The people of this country are very cheerful and smiling.
Show how funny they are. (Children smile.)
They live in towns with fabulous names.
And now I propose to go on a fairy-tale train and meet the inhabitants of the first town.

The song “Here is our train is coming” sounds:
Here our train is moving, the wheels are knocking,
And the guys are sitting on our train.
“Choo-choo, choo-choo-choo-choo,” the locomotive hums,
He took all our guys far away.

Residents of the town “Friendly Company” come on stage to the music, holding the “coat of arms of the town” in their hands.

Leading- Hello guys! What is the name of your town?

Teacher and children- “Friendly company.” Because the residents of our town are friendly, polite and very well-mannered.
To the music, the clown Klepa comes on stage and mutters polite words: “Hello, goodbye, good morning, thank you, please, forgive me, excuse me...”.

Presenter - Oh, who is this? Yes, this is Klyopa! Hello, Klyopa!
Klyopa looks up at the presenter and shakes his hand.

Klyopa - Oh, sorry, good night!

Presenter - You are mistaken, because it is not night, but morning. Good morning, Klyopa!
Klepa shakes the presenter's hand.

Klyopa - Goodbye!
Presenter - Why, you just arrived! And you're leaving already?!
Klyopa - No, I'm not going anywhere, I came to visit the guys.
Presenter - Why are you saying goodbye to us?
Klyopa - I don't say goodbye, I say hello.

Presenter - I think I understand everything. Klepa has learned a lot of polite words, but does not yet know how to use them correctly. Guys, you probably know polite words. Let's help Klepa with the help of riddles. Residents of other towns are allowed to give advice.

Riddles about polite words
1. When you ask for a toy
With a boyfriend or girlfriend,
If they don’t give it, don’t complain:
You forgot to say... (“Please!”)

2. Cake, sweets, cup of tea...
And everyone treats you!
If you can no longer eat,
What should I say? …("Thank you!")

3. Wherever you are, goodbye, -
At least in Russia, at least in Australia,
Whether in France or Denmark, -
What will we say? …("Goodbye!")

4. If you pushed your neighbor
Or I didn’t notice my friend,
So that they don't get angry,
What do you owe? ...("Apologize")

5. Katya baby Ignatka
Put me to bed in bed -
He doesn't want to play anymore
Says: ... (“Good night!”)

Klyopa - Now I understand everything. Thanks guys!

Presenter - Yes, our guys are great! Well, it's time for us to move on. Goodbye, Klyopa!
Klepa says goodbye and leaves to the music.

Residents of the town of “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik” come on stage to the music, holding the “coat of arms of the town” in their hands.

Leading- Hello guys! What is the name of your town?

Children and teacher -"Seven-flowered flower." Our flower has seven petals and they are all different colors, and we know this because we really love to count.

Presenter - Very good! Then we will conduct tests to test your knowledge.
1. How many tails do six cats have? ( Children's answers)
2. How many noses do eight little dogs have? ( Children's answers)
3. How many ears do three babies have? ( Children's answers)
4. How many fingers do boys have? ( Children's answers)

Well done, you think well! I have petals, can you make a seven-flowered flower out of them?

Game “Collect a flower - seven flowers”
Children from petals make up a seven-flowered flower.

Presenter - And we set off further on our journey.

The song “Here is our train is coming.”
Residents of the town of “Fidgets” come on stage to the music, holding the “coat of arms of the town” in their hands.

3. Town "FIDGE"
Presenter - Hello, city residents...

Children and teacher -"Fidgets"! Because we don’t like to sit for a long time, but really love to sing and play.

Leading- Then I have a musical game for you, which I think you will really like.

Game “Let's do everything like I do!”
1. Let's do everything like I do! - 2 times (CLAP-CLAP)
Let's all clap now!
P r o i g r y w: clap.

2. Let's do everything like I do! - 2 times (TOP-TOP)
All together, all together, all at once!
Let's all stomp now!
Play: clap, stomp.

3. Let's do everything like I do! - 2 times (AU)
All together, all together, all at once!
Let's hear it now!
Play: clap, stomp, whoop.

4. Let's do everything like I do! - 2 times (JUMP)
All together, all together, all at once!
Let's jump now!
The game is longer: clap, stomp, hoot, jump.

Presenter - What cheerful residents live in the town of “Fidgets”! Well, another town awaits us.

The song “Here is our train is coming.”
Residents of the town “Rainbow” come on stage to the music, holding the “town emblem” in their hands.

Also an excellent holiday scenario for Knowledge Day:

4. Town "RADUGA"

Children and teacher- “Rainbow” comes from the word joy, because we love to please everyone with our good behavior, skills and great knowledge.

Leading- This is very good. To get to know you better, I have prepared questions, if this is about you, then you answer “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends” and show in motion what you can do. If I ask questions that are not about you, then just stand there and be silent. This is a game of attentiveness.

Game “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends”
- Who is having fun in the open air in the forest, on the river, in the field?
- Who, I want to know from you, likes to sing and dance?
- Which of you, everyone will say “ah!” - sunbathes in boots?
- Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?
- Which of you is such a trickster - plays the ball better than anyone?
- Which of you, I want to know, is a bully and a brawler?
- Which of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear?
- Which one of you guys keeps things in order?

Presenter - Well done guys, it’s time for us to meet the residents of the next town.

The song “Here is our train is coming.”

Residents of the town “Skazka” come on stage to the music, holding the “coat of arms of the town” in their hands.

5. Town "FAIRY TALE"
Leading- Hello guys! What is the name of your town?

Children and teacher - Our town is called “Fairy Tale” because we love and know fairy tales very well.

Enter Kolobok, Masha and Cinderella.
Presenter - Oh, look who came to us?

Heroes of fairy tales - We are the heroes of fairy tales, but we have forgotten which ones exactly. We heard that the residents of your town are very fond of fairy tales. That's why we came to you to ask for help.

Presenter - I have riddles, by guessing which you can find out the names of your fairy tales. Guys, let's help fairy-tale heroes find their fairy tale?

Riddles about fairy tales
I didn’t tremble before the wolf,
Ran away from the bear
And the fox's teeth
Still got caught... (Kolobok)

The sorceress loved her goddaughter
Gave her crystal slippers
The girl forgot her name
Children, tell me, what was her name? (Cinderella)

Girl sitting in a basket
Behind the bear's back.
He himself, without knowing it,
He carries her home.
Have you guessed the riddle?
So answer quickly:
The title of this fairy tale is... (Masha and the Bear).

Heroes of fairy tales - Thanks guys, now we know our fairy tales.

Presenter - Well, it’s time for us to go towards the last town of the country, “Vasilki”.

The song “Here is our train is coming.”
Residents of the town “Solnyshko” come on stage to the music, holding the “coat of arms of the town” in their hands.

Presenter - Hello guys! How sunny and radiant you are! What is the name of your town?

Teacher and children- “Sunny”, because we are very affectionate: everyone we meet feels warm and joyful, as if from the sun.

Presenter - I know that the residents of your town live in sunny houses.

The presenter or his assistant lays out flowers of different colors, including 15 yellow flowers.

Leading- Guys, please find your sunny house!

Game "Sunny House"
Children find their “House” and sit on the yellow flowers.

Presenter - Well done guys, you guessed your houses correctly!

The children take their seats in the auditorium.

Leading- And now we invite all of you, dear children and respected adults, to watch the musical puppet show “Hare - Lionheart”.

After the performance, the teachers playing roles in it come out with the dolls on their hands to bow.

Leading- We congratulate everyone on the holiday, and we are waiting for the children in our kindergarten country of knowledge “Cornflowers”! Welcome!
Everyone leaves to the sound of an audio recording of the song “Kindergarten.”

Title: Holiday script for Knowledge Day for all kindergarten groups “Hello, our kindergarten!”

Position: music director of kindergarten
Place of work: Kindergarten "Vasilki" at the Gymnasium of St. Basil the Great
Location: Moscow region, Odintsovo district, Zaitsevo village

Scenario for the Day of Knowledge holiday in kindergarten



Klepa the Clown

Baba Yaga

Klepa the Clown. Hello holiday, hello holiday!
The parade begins!
Congratulations to everyone today
Our fun kindergarten!
Dear children! Congratulations on the start of the school year!

Hooray….!!! (everyone screams)

Although it’s a pity for a little summer,
But we won't be sad
Because in our kindergarten -
We all came with joy.
Look at each other
Smile, hurry up
Hug, don't be shy!
Our kindergarten is a home for friends!

Everyone hugs

1 child
Summer flew by like a big bird.
Autumn is already knocking on our doors.

2 child
We have all been waiting for September for a very long time.
It's time for us to hurry back to kindergarten.

3 child
We will study all sciences here
Play and have fun, sing and dance.

4 child
And the autumn leaf flutters around
Knows that autumn comes on Knowledge Day

Clown We will celebrate the Day of Knowledge.
Joking, playing and dancing!
And now I offer you a game. If you agree with what I am telling you, answer:
“It’s me, it’s me, it’s all my friends!”

Clown: Who came to our kindergarten and is happy to meet friends?
Clown: Who woke up early in the morning and washed themselves under the tap?
Children: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!
Clown: Who opened paints, new books, coloring books today?
Children: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!
Clown: Who played with the toys and put them away?
Children: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!
Clown: Who broke a chair today and pushed a girl into a puddle?
(Children are silent)
Clown: Who dreams of growing up and going to school as soon as possible?
Children: This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!
Clown: Well done! Nobody was wrong! But they really say that the most cheerful people on the planet are children.

Summer is over, let's celebrate it with song!


Klepa: . But I see that after the summer we have a lot of new children. You should definitely meet them!

Musical game "Let's get acquainted"

Music with a clearly defined two-part form is selected. Children form two circles: external and internal. During the first part of the music, the outer circle moves to the right, the inner one to the left; for the second part of the music, the children of the inner and outer circles turn to face each other, the children opposite each other shake hands, say their names in turn, and perform counterclaps. On the first part of the music they move on. And so on several times.

"Disturbing" music sounds

Baba Yaga flies in on a broom.

Baba Yaga. Ugliness! What a holiday, and even without me! Not good! Did you think I couldn’t smell it? My nose is wow! Not a nose, but a pump! (Sneezes) What, aren't you afraid of me? (Children's answer.) That's right, he who has fun is not afraid! And I’m in a great mood today, I even want to sing! (Singing)

Two hundred years off your shoulder,

Into the whirlwind of dancing with your head,

Young man,

Dance with me!


Klepa: . Where are all the adults? Where did they go?

Baba Yaga (laughs evilly). These are my tricks! There are no more adults in your kindergarten! Look what I turned them into.

Teachers come out dressed up like children: bows, pacifiers, bibs, shorts, short skirts.

Klepa: Such miracles! What are we going to do with these kids now?

I came up with an idea! We will arrange funny competitions between our real children, and enchanted teachers will help us! Baba Yaga : If they complete all the tasks with you, then I will break the spell! Guys, do you agree? (Children's answer.) And you? (Answer from teachers.)

Klepa: In this case, all that remains is to name the teams

And we will have several teams of children, because there are so many of them, kids! Some children will play in one game, others will take part in another competition. Agreed? What will your teams be called, guys? (Children call their teams “Toons-1”, “Toons-2”, “Toons-3”)

Baba Yaga . Teams, line up! The first game is called "Through the Hoop". We begin to do everything according to my whistle.

Game "Through the Hoop"

Teams of 7-8 people line up in a column one behind the other at one end of the hall. At the other end of the hall, opposite each of the teams, there is a hoop. At the signal, the first players from the teams each run to their own hoop, thread it through themselves, put it in place, return to their team, pass the baton to the second in the team; the second runs to the hoop, etc. The team that completes this task faster wins.

Baba Yaga (takes out the ball and tosses it several times). Eh! Where are you, my young ones! Do you like to play ball, iris? (Children's answer.)

Then our next game is with balls.

Game "Who is bigger?"

There are a large number of small and large balls scattered around the court. At the signal, the teams begin to collect them. One team is big, the other is small.

Klepa: And now the teams stand in one big circle for the game “Who is the most dexterous?”

Game "Who is the most dexterous?"

Pins are placed in a circle; there are always one fewer of them than the participants in the game, who also line up in a circle, one after another. Music is playing. The participants of the game dance and move in a circle. At the end of the music, everyone must grab the nearby skittle. The one who does not get the pin is eliminated from the game. The game continues until there is only one pin left. The team whose member ends up capturing her wins.

Klepa: It's time to rest. And the best relaxation, in my opinion, is dancing. I just love them!

Dance "Chicken PI"

Klepa: . In agility, speed, and ingenuity, all the “Toons” have no equal. Children, did you like your teachers enchanted by Baba Yaga today? (Children's answer.)

And when do you like them more: when they are ordinary educators or when they are as mischievous and cheerful as you? (Children's answer.)

Klepa: That's wonderful! May your teachers always remain so kind, cheerful, and sometimes mischievous. And the friendship between you will be strong and strong. And now, Baba Yaga, it’s time to disenchant the teachers - they have completed all the tasks with the children!

Baba Yaga: Okay!(casts a spell) Chupa-chupa-chupa-fas! Disenchant in an hour!

Chupa-chupa-chupa-fu! I'll treat everyone now!

Baba Yaga . (carries a box) Come on! Take it apart!

Children open the boxes, and instead of sweets, they contain pebbles.

Klepa , we tried our best, had fun from the bottom of our hearts, and you are back to yours!

Not good, not good! They say all's well that ends well. And what do we get?

Baba Yaga . I can't do anything about my harmful nature! It's really trouble!

Klepa: Baba Yaga, what if we ask you in a good way to return us a real treat? And let's all sing a song about magic words together?

Baba Yaga . Well, try it. Maybe something will work out for you...

Song "Polite Animals"

Baba Yaga . Oh oh oh! What's wrong with me? Where are my little legs taking me? (Baba Yaga and the children move towards the hidden basket with treats, the children find it.)

So I became kinder,

More gracious and generous.

Here are your gifts. Help yourself to your health!

Klepa: And I wish you a whole year of fun and sunny mood!

Baba Yaga and the clown say goodbye to all the participants of the holiday and leave.

Scenario of leisure time dedicated to the Day of Knowledge “September 1 in kindergarten” for children 4-5 years old “Here we are!”

Target: creating a favorable climate in the group.
Development of creative abilities;
Learning to act as a team;
Expanding ideas about the holiday of September 1.

Progress of the event:

Educator: Hello, dear guys. We are glad to see you again within the walls of your favorite kindergarten. Today our holiday is dedicated to September 1st. Guys, do you know what kind of day this is?
Children: This is the day of knowledge.
Educator: Yes, right. Although you and I are not at school, you and I are also starting a new school year. We will go with you to the land of “Knowledge”, where every day we will learn something new. Do you guys agree?
Children: yes.
Educator: In order to go to a magical land, we need to say magic words.
“Turn around yourself, you will find yourself in a magical land”
Educator: We found ourselves in the country. Guys, what do you see? (the numbers of the “station number” are laid out in advance)
Children: Numbers. 1,2,3,4,5.
Educator: Correct, what number do we start with?
Children: 1.

Station 1 "Greetings".
Educator: I will now read a line to you, and you will continue it:
1. Game "Hello"
- When we meet the dawn,
We tell him... (Hello)
-With a smile the sun gives light,
Sending us your... (hello)
- When we meet after many years
You will shout to your friends... (hello)
And they will smile back at you
From a kind word... (hello)
- And you will remember the advice
Give to all your friends... (hello)
Let's all answer together
We will say to each other... Hello!
(during the game, children do not stand, but greet each other; you can use different options: the first line with the word hello, hands up, the second line with the word hello, smile at each other, etc.)

Educator: Well done boys. And now to station 2, you and I must gallop like bunnies.

Station 2. “We are strong guys”
Educator: We passed the first station successfully. Guys, do you like exercises?
Children: yes.
Educator: And this station will show us whether this is true or not.

Physical exercise.
We are athletes no matter what,
Yes, yes, yes! (claps hands)
We love to run, we love to jump,
Squats and push-ups (movements on the text in place)
And bend like a fish (exercise “fish”)
We are athletes no matter what, (hands on the belt, turns to the sides)
Yes, yes, yes! (claps hands)
We lift dumbbells
We walk along the path,
We stood on our heels, then on our toes, (movements through the text)
Our victories are very close. (jumping legs together and apart, clapping hands above head)

Educator: Well done, we are now real athletes. We need to walk to station 3 on our heels.

Station 3 “Guess the melody”
Educator: And at this station they ask us to guess the melody (children can not only guess, but also dance to the excerpt). Children turn on the music and guess.

List of songs:
1. Antoshka ** - music. V.Shainsky, lyrics. Y. Entina - m/f "Merry Carousel #1"
Pinocchio ** - words. Yu. Entina, music by A. Rybnikov - film "The Adventures of Pinocchio"
2. Two cheerful geese ** - Ukrainian folk song, m/f "Merry Carousel"
3. Song of Winnie the Pooh - lyrics. B. Zakhoder, music. M. Weinberg - film "Winnie the Pooh"
4. Song of Leopold the Cat (Twist, twist, pedal) - lyrics. A. Hight, music. B. Savelyev - m/f "Leopold the Cat"
Little Red Riding Hood's Song ** (If it's long, long, long) - lyrics. Y. Mikhailova, music. A. Rybnikova - film "The Adventures of Little Red Riding Hood"

Educator: Well done guys, we can move on. We need to get to station 4 by train, one after another.

Station 4 “Guess what?”
We were waiting for mother with milk,
And they let a wolf into the house...
Who were these
Small children?
(Seven kids)

And the little hare and the she-wolf -
Everyone runs to him for treatment.
(Dr. Aibolit)

The nose is round with a snout,
Small crochet tail.
They were friendly brothers
The evil wolf was defeated.
Answer me guys
These brothers...

It doesn't taste good with sour cream.
He is cold at the window.
He left his grandmother
He left his grandfather.
I escaped from the forest animals,
The fox got his lunch.

Educator: Now guys, we need to get to station 5 like mice on tiptoes and quietly - quietly.

Station 5 “Creative Corner”
(Children are offered paints, pencils, felt-tip pens, sheets of paper, laid out on the tables in advance).
Educator: what good mice we have. Guys, tell me, what day is it today again?
Children: September 1st, holiday.
Conversation: “September 1”
1. What kind of holiday is this?;
2. Attributes of the holiday;
3. How does he feel about kindergarten? (beginning of the school year).
Educator: Well done. And at this station you and I have to depict this holiday. Do you agree?
Children: yes!
(Here you can use two options. 1- Free drawing. 2- Team work.)
Educator: how interesting it all worked out for us, but it’s time for us to return to the group.
“Turn around yourself, return to your group”
Educator: Did you guys like it?
Children: yes!
Educator: Will we still travel to a magical land and learn a lot of new things?
Children: yes!.

A well-thought-out scenario for holding the “Knowledge Day” holiday will help children understand why it is necessary to acquire knowledge, what benefits it brings to them, and what they need to be able to do in order to go to school.

In this section, teachers can post notes on interesting scenarios and plans for ongoing events dedicated to September 1st. Young professionals will be able to receive the necessary recommendations for conducting events, according to the program content.

Scenarios September 1

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 1271.
All sections | Day of Knowledge. Scenarios for holidays and events. September 1

“How Kolobok went to school”. Active faces: Leading Gingerbread Man Hare Wolf Bear Fox Leading. Guys, do you like fairy tales? Then I’ll tell you a fairy tale that everyone knows, but in a new way. (Russian folk music sounds) Leading: Grandfather says one day Grandfather: Grandma, I have become old and grey...

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Day of Knowledge. Scenarios for holidays and events. September 1 - Scenario for celebrating September 1 “Knowledge Day”

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

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"September 1". Holiday scenario HOST: Good morning, dear students, dear parents and beloved teachers! This morning can be called good not only because of the clear sky and bright sun, but above all because of the goodness that it brings to us. After all, today – September 1st – is the beginning of a new school year, new...

Scenario of the holiday dedicated to the Day of Knowledge “And Baba Yaga is against!” But Baba Yaga is against it! (SLIDE No. 1 “Day of Knowledge”, FONFARS HANGING) Presenter 1: Good morning, dear children, dear parents and teachers! Presenter 2: This morning can be called good not only because of the clear sky and bright sun, but above all because of the goodness that it brings to us....

Day of Knowledge For kids - one of the long-awaited holidays after the long summer holidays. Although the process of educational and educational work in preschool educational institutions does not stop for a minute, preschool children, looking at smart schoolchildren with flowers on September 1, dream of becoming older and going to school. A good motivation for future schooling is the preliminary work carried out by preschool teachers. One of these methods is an event dedicated to learning: “Knowledge Day”.

When planning the course of the event, teachers are given common goals:

  1. Developing interest in learning and education.
  2. Formation of communication abilities, creative and musical interest.
  3. Consolidation of acquired knowledge in the summer.

The holiday scenario can have a classic version (structure, poems and songs dedicated to teaching, upbringing, etc.), or using a theatrical performance by adults or children. The Day of Knowledge can be dedicated to events held during the week (performances, sports and recreational activities, excursions to school, etc.)

The events and entertainment presented in this section set teachers and students up for further fruitful cooperation in the process of learning and education, bringing new ideas and opportunities to life.

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Summarize children's knowledge about the holiday and develop cognitive activity.

Integration of OO “Physical development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Cognitive development”, “Speech development” according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

Target: Summarize children's knowledge about the holiday and develop cognitive activity.

Tasks: create positive motivation for learning activities, enrich children's vocabulary, develop creativity, skills of interpersonal interaction with peers and adults, and build a sense of confidence.

Forms of organization: frontal, individual.

Form of activity: joint activities of adults and children.

Progress of the event

Children enter the hall to the music.

Presenter: Hello adults! Hello children! We are very glad to see you today! A variety of people are in a hurry to learn; the Day of Knowledge is underway in our homeland.

1st Child:

Red day in the calendar -
Festival of Knowledge in September!
This holiday is the most important
This is a holiday for all children.

2nd Child:

This day is everywhere for us
The whole country celebrates.
This day is the best
Good calendar day!

Leading: We congratulate you all on the holiday and want you all to like it and remember it. This day opens the school year. Let it be exciting and interesting, bring you new knowledge and discoveries.

– Moms, dads, kids
They go to kindergarten in the morning.
Flowers grow in that garden
Unprecedented beauty.
These are our children -
The most fun on this planet!
They play, dance, sing here
And they live as a friendly, cheerful family.
Do our children like to play?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Then I suggest you play an interesting game. If you agree with what I say, then answer: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!”

If you don't agree, keep quiet.

  1. The kindergarten came to life today after the summer holidays.
    The world of knowledge, children, is very complex,
    Who is ready to go there? ( children's answers)
  2. Who will study letters?
    Reading slowly
    Will not pester mom:
    “Well, at least read a little bit!” ( children's answers)
  3. Who will sing and dance,
    Write, read and draw,
    So that later the rating is “5”
    Receive in lessons? ( children's answers)
  4. Who is capricious and lazy?
    Come on, answer quickly! ( children are silent)

Well done guys, no one made a mistake!

Dunno enters the hall to the music.

Leading: Guys, who came to us for the holiday? Is it really Dunno?

Children: Yes, Dunno!

Dunno: So you guys call me Dunno! As if you are smarter than everyone else and know everything in the world?! And by the way, I’m not stupid either.

Leading: Is it true? Then help the children solve the riddles.

The presenter asks riddles. Dunno shrugs and says that the riddles are complicated. Children guess.


  1. The bell has already rung - What awaits us now? (Lesson)
  2. 33 there are letters in it - What do we call it? (Alphabet)
  3. Where will they teach us to write, and count, and draw? (At school)
  4. What awaits you all after kindergarten? (First grade)

Dunno: Oh, I really don’t know anything. Guys, can I stay with you in kindergarten?

Leading: Of course stay, Dunno!

Dunno: Only I want to play! Let's play, guys?

Game "Show the flower".

When Dunno shows a red flower, the children are silent; when it shows yellow, the children stomp; when it's blue, the children clap.

Dunno: Had a great game, kids. And now it's time to dance!

Children perform a previously learned dance.

Dunno: But I don’t know where to get books. That's why I don't read them at all. Where can you get them, if it’s not a secret?

Children: In library!

Leading: That's right, guys, the library is a home for books, they live there. When you learn to read, you can take books from the library to your home. What books do you love most?

Children: Fairy tales!

Dunno: I also know and love fairy tales!

Leading: Dunno, let's check how the guys know fairy tales?

Dunno and the Presenter ask questions about fairy tales.

  1. How many wishes can a goldfish grant? (three)
  2. Who were the seven little goats afraid of? (wolf)
  3. Who won the Golden Key? (Pinocchio)
  4. What are the names of the three little pigs? (Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf)
  5. What was the name of the hen that laid the golden egg? (chicken Ryaba)
  6. Which girl has blue hair? (at Malvina's)

Dunno: Look how smart these guys are! Everybody knows! Let's play some more. I will tell you the first part of the names of fairy-tale characters, and you will tell you the second part? Do you agree?

Children: Yes!

  1. Baba–...(Yaga)
  2. Father Frost)
  3. Little Red Riding Hood)
  4. Crocodile Gena)
  5. Sister Alyonushka, and brother... (Ivanushka)
  6. Fly Tsokotukha)
  7. Dr. Aibolit)
  8. Dragon)

Dunno: Well done boys! You know fairy tales well, so you really aren’t wasting your time here!

Leading: Of course, Dunno. Our guys already know a lot, but they still have a lot to learn.

Childreads the verse:

We can draw
Hold a pencil in your hands.
We can dance
And also - count a little.
We know the names of the animals
We respect those who are older.
We need to help each other -
This is the main thing for friendship!
We grow and don't get bored
We are slowly learning everything!

Dunno: You are certainly great, mischievous tomboys! Everything is clear with the kindergarten, it is clear what you are doing here. Now I’m wondering, what is it like at school, is everything exactly the same there, or different?

Leading: But really, what is the difference between school and kindergarten, guys? Let's tell Dunno.

Childrenread the verse:

There is a quiet hour in the kindergarten, bedtime is at lunchtime,
We won't sleep at school - there are no beds there.
In the toy garden there is darkness for every whim,
There is not one at school - there will be a surprise for us!

We go for a walk in kindergarten - more than once,
At school they won’t take us on a walk.
The teacher is dear here, the teacher will be there,
But many discoveries await us at school!

Leading: Guys, studying at school is very responsible and honorable. Do you want to study at school?

Children: Yes!

Dunno: Guys, it’s so interesting and fun to be with you! You are all so great! Looking at you, I realized that I also want to study and now I will strive for knowledge like you! But it’s time for me to return to my fairyland, time has flown by quickly. I will miss you very much!

Leading: Come to us again, Dunno, we will always be glad to see you! Really, guys? ( Children's answers.)

Dunno says goodbye and leaves.

Leading: Our holiday is over. And we have a whole year ahead of amazing discoveries in the world of knowledge. Congratulations to you guys on Knowledge Day!

In our kindergarten we learn to make friends, play, draw, sing, dance, read and count.
