“The Tale of Peter and Fevronia. Presentation - Family and family values ​​“Peter and Fevronia of Murom - an example of family relationships presentation about Peter and Fevronia

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If, unfortunately, everyone knows about the day of February 14 in our country, then very few knew about the day of the eighth of July until quite recently. But this is precisely our “Valentine’s Day,” and to be precise, this day in Orthodoxy is considered the day of remembrance of Saints Peter and Fevronia.

And these saints patronize loving people and strong families. And it is very joyful that in 2008 this day became a public holiday, and it was called very beautifully - “The Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.”

Who were Peter and Fevronia? According to the Lives of the Saints, the blessed Prince Peter ascended the Murom throne in 1203. A few years earlier, he fell ill with leprosy, from which no one could cure him.

In a dream, it was revealed to the prince that the peasant maiden Fevronia could do this.

The prince fell in love with Fevronia for her piety, wisdom and kindness and vowed to marry her after healing. Fevronia cured the prince and married him.

The couple carried love and loyalty to each other through many trials. They became famous for their piety and mercy.

Peter and Fevronia died on the same day and hour, July 8, 1228, having previously taken monastic vows with the names David and Euphrosyne. They just didn’t bury them together, contrary to the monastic rules.

They placed each of them in a coffin in different churches, but the next morning they found the coffins empty. And their bodies ended up in a common coffin.

People decided that someone had moved the bodies during the night, and they separated them again, this time locking them tightly. But the next morning the bodies of the spouses were together in the same coffin.

That’s why they buried them, Peter and Fevronia, together.

The Russian Orthodox Church canonized Peter and Fevronia as saints. The story of their love is described in detail and colorfully in the famous ancient Russian "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia."

Before the revolution in Russia, the holiday in honor of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom, who personified marital love and fidelity in Russian culture, was celebrated very widely.

Today this tradition is being revived. On the initiative of the residents of Murom, the pre-revolutionary traditions of celebrating the Day of Peter and Fevronia were restored in the city, which were then supported by many other cities in Russia.

With the blessing of the late Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II, a national program “In the Family Circle” was created in 2004.

In 2008, the day of celebration in honor of the patrons of marital love and fidelity received official status.

The organizing committee of the all-Russian holiday Day of Family, Love and Fidelity was headed by the wife of the Russian President Svetlana Medvedeva.

This is what she said when answering questions from one of the newspapers: “I think this holiday is especially significant for women. A woman should by nature strive for humility. Its purpose is to maintain peace and love in the family. Of course, today's couples are more inclined to have equal relationships. But still, the main things remain love, mutual understanding and respect.”

“This story of happiness excites any woman’s heart, and a man’s too. Since childhood, we all knew the saying “They lived happily ever after and died on the same day” and dreamed about it. This was said precisely about them - about Peter and Fevronia.”

“I have always lived by the principle “don’t make an idol for yourself,” but in family relationships the example of my parents and grandparents was important to me. Everyone in my family, including my husband’s family, lived in one happy marriage for many, many years.”

“We hesitated for a long time which word to put first in the name of the holiday: “love” or “family.” “Of course, according to history, love is primordial. And it is clear that the basis of a family should first of all be love, but, in addition to love, family is a great responsibility and work. And we decided to dedicate this holiday specifically to the family, to strengthening the institution of the family.”

The motto of the holiday: “Family – unity of thoughts and deeds.” Family is the fundamental basis of life. And we must strive to love the main thing that we have: husband, wife, children, parents - our closest people.”

“The holiday comes from the Orthodox tradition and has a spiritual origin, but today it is of a public nature and is designed to unite people of different faiths around the most precious thing that every person has - his family.”

“Keep the love of your loved ones...” These beautiful words belong to Ilya Reznik, who composed “The Family Anthem” especially for the holiday. There are also these lines: Family is the kingdom of great love, It contains faith, righteousness and strength. The family is the support of the state, my Country, my Russia.

“Mark Tishman wrote a good song - in just one night. A lot has been written about love, but about family, about how to take care of it... This is new. And this delights me!” Svetlana Medvedeva

Symbol of the holiday The symbol of the holiday - chamomile - did not appear by chance. The purest and most delicate summer flower. And there is nothing more beautiful and elegant than a wedding bouquet of daisies!

Since 2008, Patriarch Alexy II blessed at the Divine Liturgy on July 8 in all churches to read special petitions for well-being and strengthening of love in the families of believers, for spouses to renounce “all cowardice, pride and pride,” for the Russian people to be numerous and blessed The Lord's things would be inherited in him from generation to generation.

The Public Committee for Awards at the International Center "Family" and the "People's Club "Family", guided by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On holding the Year of the Family in Russia in 2008", issued the "Memorial Medal of the Holy Blessed Princes Peter and Fevronia, Murom Wonderworkers" with motto "Loyalty, Mercy, Feat."

In the morning in Murom, thousands of suns scattered and sparkled on golden crosses - just as they probably sparkled eight centuries ago, when Peter and Fevronia were married within the walls of the ancient Murom Kremlin.

As if for a wedding, believers went to the Holy Trinity Monastery with flowers and gifts. Families came from all over Russia, from abroad - English, German and even Arabic were heard.

By the middle of the day in Murom, even the few operating enterprises and institutions declared a day off - so great was the desire of the townspeople to join the holiday. Saints Peter and Fevronia have been revered here since time immemorial.

Sculptural compositions “Holy Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom” will be installed in ten cities of Russia, from Vladivostok to Yaroslavl. Slide 2

I never lose heart, And there is a smile on my face, Because I take Vitamins A, B, C. Prezentacii.com

Vitamin A Remember the simple truth - Only those who chew raw carrots or drink carrot juice see better.

Vitamin B It is very important to eat oatmeal at breakfast early in the morning. Black bread is good for us. And not just in the morning.

Vitamin C Oranges help against colds and sore throats. Well, it’s better to eat lemon, even though it is very sour.

Vitamin D Fish oil is the healthiest thing, even though it’s disgusting, you need to drink it. It saves you from illnesses. Without illnesses, life is better.

There are also many vitamins. Replenish your body with them strictly. Then you won’t get sick, you will have fun and sing.

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Class hour in 7th grade "a" Pomozdinskaya secondary school named after V.T.Chistalev
September 1, 2012 Class teacher – Ignatova Elena Vladimirovna

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Family and family values. Peter and Fevronia of Murom are an example of family relationships.

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Using the example of the relationship between Peter and Fevronia Muromsky, talk about family values. Objectives: - formation in children of an attitude towards family as a value; -development of spiritual and moral qualities.

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Peter and Fevronia of Murom

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Pyotr Muromsky
Peter of Murom - holy noble prince. He was the second son of Murom Prince Yuri Vladimirovich. He ascended the Murom throne in 1203. A few years earlier, Saint Peter fell ill with leprosy, from which no one could cure him.

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Fevronia is a peasant woman from the village of Laskovo in Ryazan land. The daughter of a “tree-dweller” beekeeper who extracted wild honey, the maiden Fevronia was known as pious and wise, wild animals listened to her, she knew the properties of herbs and knew how to treat ailments, she was a beautiful and kind girl.

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The prince turned to Fevronia to save him from a terrible illness. Fevronia, as payment for the treatment, demanded that Peter marry her after the healing.

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The prince agreed, and Fevronia healed him. But he did not keep his word, since Fevronia was a commoner. The illness resumed, Fevronia cured him again, and Peter still married the girl.

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The wives of his courtiers disliked Princess Fevronia because the beekeeper’s daughter ruled over them. They persuaded their husbands to turn to Prince Peter with a request that he drive away Fevronia, giving her enough wealth, and take another wife of proper origin. Peter sent them to Fevronia: what would she say? They then went to the princess herself and told her to leave, allowing her to take with her whatever she wanted. Fevronia agreed, but only wanted to take one thing with her: her wife Peter. Peter, realizing that they wanted to separate him from his beloved wife, chose to voluntarily renounce power and wealth and go into exile with her.

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Soon Peter and Fevronia, with several devoted servants, boarded ships and sailed along the Oka River in search of a new refuge.

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In Murom, turmoil began; many began to seek the vacant throne. Then the boyars asked the prince and his wife to return. The prince and princess, not remembering the evil, returned, and Fevronia subsequently managed to earn the love of the townspeople with wisdom, piety and kindness.

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In their advanced years, having taken monastic vows in different monasteries with the names David and Euphrosyne, the couple prayed to God so that they would die on the same day, and bequeathed their bodies to be placed in one coffin, having previously prepared a tomb of one stone, with a thin partition. They died on the same day and hour - June 25 (new style - July 8) 1228.

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Considering burial in the same coffin incompatible with the monastic rank, their bodies were placed in different monasteries, but the next day they found themselves together. The holy spouses were buried in the cathedral church of the city of Murom in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, erected over their relics according to a vow by Tsar Ivan the Terrible in 1553, and now they rest in the Church of the Holy Trinity of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Murom.

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People did not dare to put a monk and a nun in the same coffin, although they remembered their desire to rest together. Therefore, they were buried separately: Peter was buried in the city cathedral, and Fevronia in a monastery outside the city, near the Church of the Exaltation. The double coffin, also located in the cathedral in the city, was left empty. The next morning they saw that the individual coffins were empty, and the bodies of the deceased lay together in a common coffin in the cathedral. People were surprised, but they again put them in separate coffins, and in the morning they again found them lying next to each other.

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After that, people no longer separated them and left them to rest together in the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin. Now it is destroyed, and the relics of Peter and Fevronia lie in the cathedral church of the Trinity Monastery. Peter and Fevronia were canonized in 1547. The date of the holiday of Peter and Fevronia was July 8.

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Saints Peter and Fevronia carried their love, combined with devotion to the faith of Christ, through many troubles and trials, so it is probably no coincidence that the day of remembrance of the holy spouses - July 8 - in recent years in Russia has been declared a day of marital love, fidelity and family happiness, and they themselves Saints have long been revered by the Orthodox as the patrons of a truly Christian marriage and with their prayers bring down Heavenly blessings on young spouses.

The merciful rulers of Murom, Peter and Fevronia, left a memory of themselves as wise and kind rulers who won people’s love through their deeds of mercy and care for the city entrusted to them. Their reign was remembered by people as the most peaceful and calm period in the history of the city of Murom. Before their death, they decided to take monasticism, which was also quite common in Rus'.

Peter Prince Peter (monastically David) was the second son of Murom Prince Yuri Vladimirovich. He began to reign in Murom after his elder brother Vladimir Yuryevich, taking control of the principality on December 18, 1203. He came from a pious and holy family, and was raised in the Orthodox faith and chastity in the city of Murom. One day Saint Peter fell ill with leprosy, from which no one could cure him. In a dream vision, it was revealed to the prince that he could be healed by the pious maiden Fevronia, a peasant woman from the village of Laskovoy in the Ryazan land.

Giving up the principality The Murom nobility opposed this. The boyars declared to the prince: “Either let him let go of his wife, who offends noble wives with her origin, or let him leave Murom.” Therefore, true to the duty of a Christian spouse, Saint Peter decided to renounce the principality. He and his wife sailed on a boat along the Oka River from their hometown. The prince was left with poor means of living, and sad thoughts involuntarily came to him, but the intelligent princess supported and consoled him: “Do not be sad, prince, the Merciful God will not leave us in poverty.”

Peter took monastic vows in a monastery with the name David, and Fevronia in a neighboring monastery with the name Euphrosyne. But their love, no longer united by carnal ties, did not weaken at all, and they asked the Lord to take them to Himself at the same time. Their last prayer was answered: they ended their earthly journey on the same day and hour, June 25 (July 8, New Style) 1228, in order to receive another, unearthly Kingdom. According to one version, they were buried, according to another, their bodies were found miraculously incorrupt in one grave. Their popular veneration began almost immediately after their death, and some time later the Church officially canonized them. They are also depicted together in the icon. Almost immediately, Peter and Fevronia began to be revered specifically as patrons of married life. Those who wanted to find a worthy partner in life turned to them for prayerful help, which was reflected even in proverbs and sayings. “Like Peter and Fevronia,” they said to a negligent husband, which meant: there is no need to blame your wife; what you deserve is what you have

Return to Murom In Murom, discord of non-reconciliation soon opened up, power seekers grabbed swords and many of the nobles lost their lives. The Murom boyars were forced to ask Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia to return to Murom. So the prince, faithful to his duty, triumphed over his enemies. In Murom, the rule of Prince Peter was truth-loving, but without severe severity, merciful, but without weakness. The intelligent and pious princess helped her husband with advice and charitable deeds. Both lived according to the commandments of the Lord, loved everyone, but did not love either pride or unrighteous self-interest; they gave rest to wanderers, eased the lot of the unfortunate, honored the monastic and priestly ranks, protecting them from needs.

The wisdom of Fevronia One day, while sailing along the river on a ship, the princess ordered a nobleman, captivated by her beauty and looking at her with evil thoughts, to sip, scooping up water with his hand, from one side and the other of the ship. And when he fulfilled her will, she asked: “Do you find the difference between this or that water?” “None,” answered the nobleman. The saint then said: “In exactly the same way, female nature is the same; in vain, when you leave your wife, you think about someone else’s.” In old age, the holy noble prince fell into physical illness and took monastic vows (with the name David). Holy Princess Fevronia also took monastic vows (with the name Euphrosyne). They died on the same day and hour, June 25, 1228.

Miracles Having received new names - David and Euphrosyne, they bequeathed to put them in a single stone tomb. Before her death, Fevronia sewed gold into the air and wanted to finish the work, but when brother David informed his beloved sister for the third time that he was leaving, she wrapped the thread around a needle and stuck it into her work. The golden thread stopped stretching, and Euphrosyne’s earthly life stopped with it. The people of Murom were afraid to put the monastics in a single coffin. The next morning the saints were together. And again they were separated. The miracle happened again. This time people "lay them in a single coffin." “And in that hour the blind began to see, the dumb to speak, the deaf to hear, the sick from many ailments, and all were healed.”

After the death of blessed Prince Peter, the nobles and boyars mourned him as a father, the townspeople as their intercessor and protector, the poor, widows and those without food as their feeder and helper. The honorable bodies of the saints, the prince and princess, were celebrated in triumph by all the inhabitants of the city and buried in one coffin, according to their will. To this day, the saints, through their honest relics, perform miracles for the glory of God to those who turn to them with faith. In their lives they were an example of Christian marriage, ready to endure all hardships for the Gospel commandment of an indestructible union. And now with their prayers they bring down heavenly blessings on those entering into marriage. The glorification of the saints began at the beginning of the 16th century, and at the Moscow Council of 1547 it was decided to locally celebrate their memory. Subsequently (probably from 1552) this celebration became widespread.

Modernity In 1992, the secular authorities of the city of Murom decided to combine City Day with the Day of Glorification of the Blessed Couple Peter and Fevronya. Since then, the date of the holiday has become July 8 of the Murom Holy Trinity Convent, which houses the relics of the Blessed Peter and Fevronya

The ideal of marital love Saints Peter and Fevronia, thanks to their extraordinary life, glorifying the “union of love, wise marriage,” are known throughout the world. “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom” was the favorite reading of Russian people from tsars to commoners, and now this work is called “the pearl of ancient Russian literature” (D.S. Likhachev).

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The blessed Prince Peter was the second son of Murom Prince Yuri Vladimirovich. He ascended the Murom throne in 1203. Several years earlier, Peter fell ill with leprosy, from which no one could cure him. In a dream, it was revealed to the prince that he could be healed by the beekeeper’s daughter, the pious maiden Fevronia, a Ryazan peasant woman. Peter sent his people to that village. When the prince saw Fevronia, he fell in love with her so much for her wisdom and kindness that he vowed to marry her after healing. Fevronia healed the prince and married him. The couple carried their love for each other through all the trials.

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The Murom boyars did not want to have a princess from among the common people and demanded that the prince kick her out. But Peter renounced the principality, and the spouses were expelled. They set sail on a boat along the Oka River from their hometown. Peter was left with little means of subsistence, and sad thoughts involuntarily came to his mind, but his intelligent wife supported and consoled him. Soon, unrest began in Murom, and the people demanded that the prince return with his legal wife.

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The holy spouses became famous for their piety and mercy. They died on the same day, July 8, 1228, having taken monastic vows with the names David and Euphrosyne. Saints Peter and Fevronia are an example of Christian marriage. They were canonized as saints in 1552. The holy Murom princes are revered by the Orthodox Church as patrons of newlyweds as victims for the holiness and inviolability of marriage. Their memory is celebrated on July 8 on the day of repose, on July 6 along with the Council of Vladimir Saints, on July 29 together with the Council of Russian Wonderworkers.
Day of Family, Love and Fidelity - this is the name of the holiday, which is celebrated on July 8 in our country. According to the Orthodox calendar, this is the day of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom - patrons of family and marriage.

What God has joined together, let not man put asunder

Last year I was interested in the story of Peter and Fevronia, but I didn’t have time to write a blog. Since the days of studying at the music school and the institute of culture, where much attention was paid to the history of culture, including painting, and to this day I really like paintings, especially by Russian artists, for example, Vsevolod Ivanov from the series “Vedic Rus'”, and much more , what is connected with Russia: its history, folklore, ethnography... While preparing the blog, I found on the Internet wonderful paintings by the St. Petersburg artist Alexander Prostev from the series “The Life of Peter and Fevronia”, which harmoniously fit into my blog.

Young Prince Peter

Young Fevronia

Prince Peter

Saint Febronia

According to legend, several years before his reign, Peter fell ill with leprosy. In a dream, he dreamed that only the beekeeper’s daughter Fevronia could heal him. She cured Peter and asked the prince to marry her as a reward. However, he did not keep his word, since Fevronia was a commoner, and the illness returned again. Then he still married the girl, but having inherited the reign after his brother, he encountered resistance from the boyars. They did not want the peasant princess and demanded that they drive her away or leave Murom with her.

Prince Peter's Dream

Meeting of Peter and Fevronia

The deception of Prince Peter. Fevronia leaves

Prince Peter's repentance

Prince Peter's Dream


Fevronia the bride

Wedding of Prince Peter and Fevronia

Unity of souls

Envy of the boyars' wives

Whispering of the boyars

The prince took Fevronia, and on two ships they sailed along the Oka. In the city, unrest, struggle for the throne and murder began. The boyars asked the prince and princess to return, they agreed, and subsequently Fevronia managed to earn the love and respect of the townspeople.

Expulsion of Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia

Princess Fevronia consoles Prince Peter

Return to Murom

Peter and Fevronia became a model of marital love and fidelity. According to legend, they lived happily ever after and died on the same day - June 25 (July 8, new style) 1228. Their bodies, placed separately, ended up in the same coffin, which was considered a miracle. In the 16th century, Peter and Fevronia were canonized and have since been considered the Orthodox patrons of the family. Their relics are kept in the Holy Trinity Church in Murom.

Holy spouses

I bring to your attention the cartoon "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia" VGIK Studio, Director: Nadezhda Mikhailova. The text is read by Gleb Deryabkin. Duration - 13 min. 2008. Take a look, you won’t regret it!

The plot is based on the life of Russian saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom. The light of their love and loyalty reaches us to this day. The holy spouses walked their earthly path, never being separated, overcoming with meekness, patience and wisdom all the difficult trials that befell them.

The symbol of the holiday is chamomile. In Rus', for many centuries there has been a tradition of getting engaged on July 8th. In modern Russia, Family Day has become widely celebrated quite recently, since 2008, but it also already has its own customs: for example, celebrating a wedding on this day.

Congratulations to everyone on the holiday of family, love and fidelity! Value your family, love and take care of the most sacred thing in our lives - your loved ones!

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