What is ogrn - what is its decoding and how is it used to verify a legal entity? What is a single state registration number? What is a legal entity’s ogrn

Learn more about what a OGRN is for a company, legal entity or individual entrepreneur. Why do you need a registration number, how can you find it out or check its authenticity in order to avoid cooperation with non-existent fraudulent companies. Detailed decoding of OGRN and OGRNIP.

OGRN is the main state registration number that characterizes the taxpayer (organization, company) operating on the territory of the Russian Federation. It contains all the information about its owner necessary for the tax office.

OGRN consists of a combination of 13 digits (x-xx-xx-xx-xxxxx-x), each of which carries specific information about the company.

OGRNIP is a registration number for individual entrepreneurs. It contains a 15-digit combination (x-xx-xx-xxxxxxxxxxx-x).

Explanations of OGRN and OGRNIP will be given below.

Before July 1, 2002, there was no OGRN. To identify companies and entrepreneurs, the TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number) was used. However, after the emergence of new forms of ownership and an increase in the number of companies, it was decided to introduce OGRN and OGRNIP (Federal Law No. 29-FZ of 08.08.2001).

Why do we need OGRN and OGRNIP?

OGRN indicates that a legal entity or company (LLC) legally operates on the territory of the Russian Federation and is registered with the tax service.

The OGRN is entered into the registration certificate, which, in turn, is entered into the Unified State Register (USR).

From the OGRN you can find out:

  • Date of registration of the company, legal entity or individual entrepreneur.
  • Form of ownership.
  • The subject of the Russian Federation in which the owner of the OGRN was registered and operates or is actually located.

OGRN simplifies the process of obtaining the necessary information about an individual entrepreneur or legal entity for various government bodies.

Who assigns the registration number and what is needed to obtain it

The tax service has the authority to provide OGRN. And to get it, you need to go through the following steps:

  1. Collecting the required package of documents and filling out the application in the approved form.
  2. Transfer of documents and applications to the tax service.
  3. Obtaining a certificate of registration.

Just 3 simple steps.

It is worth noting that at the last stage, instead of a certificate, you can receive a notification of refusal of registration. It indicates the reasons for the refusal. You can appeal such a decision in court.

How are the combinations of OGRN and OGRNIP numbers deciphered?

The OGRN contains complete information about the time of creation of the company, the tax authority to which it is assigned, the subject of the Russian Federation where the legal entity is registered, etc.

As mentioned earlier, the OGRN consists of 13 digits in the form of their combination x-yy-xx-bb-xxxxx-y.

X - form of ownership: 1 – legal entity; 2 – government agency; 3 – individual entrepreneur (in the case of OGRNIP).

YY is the year of registration of the organization (for example, 16 means 2016).

XX - state number of the legal entity.

BB - code of the tax service that carried out the registration.

XXXXX - number of the decision on state registration of a legal entity or company. In OGRNIP this number contains 7 digits.

OGRN is as follows: OGRN116374074756

OGRNIP has the following combination of numbers: x-yy-bb-ххххххххх-y. The decoding of this is:

X - indicates that the number belongs to an individual entrepreneur. In this case, this number will always be 3.

YY is the year when the entrepreneur was entered into the register. The last two digits of the year are used (for example, 16).

BB is the code of the subject of the Russian Federation (for example, 50 - Moscow), where the individual entrepreneur is registered and operates.

XXXXXXX - entry number in the state register.

Y - check number.

Thus, OGRNIP looks like this: OGRNIP3165074756725

How to find out your OGRN

To find out which OGRN is assigned to a company or legal entity, just visit the website of the Federal Tax Service - www.nalog.ru.

On the website, in the menu, you can choose which number you need: for an individual entrepreneur, an individual or a legal entity.

In the form that appears, you need to enter information about the company:

  • Name;
  • subject;
  • address;
  • registration date.

If all fields are filled out correctly, the service will show the OGRN or OGRNIP of interest.

Is it possible to verify the authenticity of the registration number?

You can check the authenticity of the OGRN either on the tax service website or by having a calculator at hand. Let's consider the last option.

The initial number is taken as the complete combination of OGRN or OGRNIP digits. The last digit must be removed from it. The result obtained is divided by 11 for OGRN and 13 for OGRNIP.

The resulting result is reduced to an integer, and it is multiplied by 11. Thus, a certain number X is obtained, which must be subtracted from the resulting integer. The result should be the last digit, which was removed from the number at the initial stage.

In this way you can find out the authenticity of any OGRN or OGRNIP. This will help protect against scammers posing as a legal entity or organization, but in fact not being one.

OGRN is a state-level registration number, which is assigned to each organization or individual entrepreneur upon registration and is registered in. What is the OGRN of an organization and individual entrepreneur, what does it mean in the details - we will find out further.

Decoding and features of OGRN

The abbreviation OGRN stands for “Main State Registration Number”. It can be assigned to both a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur upon registration. Throughout the entire period of professional activity, the OGRN does not change.

This code has a number of features:

  • There are 2 types of OGRN - for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. OGRN for individual entrepreneurs has a special name - OGRNIP.
  • Legal entities must indicate their OGRN: sometimes this code is even included in official stamps. At the discretion of the owner, the OGRN may be included in stamps or regular seals.
  • For individual entrepreneurs, indicating the OGRN in the documents is not a mandatory requirement.
  • Records about OGRN are made in order, that is, any enterprise after registration will receive its own unique number.

OGRN replaced the classic TIN, the information from which was no longer sufficient for the inspection authorities. This code is in the public domain, therefore, knowing a minimum of information about the company, you can find it out.

What is the OGRN of an organization and individual entrepreneur?

OGRN of an organization and individual entrepreneur is a unique code that allows you to find out a significant amount of information about the enterprise. The OGRN of an organization consists of 13 characters, the individual entrepreneur - of 15. Moreover, each character has its own special meaning:
  • First digit - a sign of attribution to the state. registration number of the entry.
  • Second and third digits – last digits of the year of registration.
  • Fourth and fifth represent the number of the subject of the Russian Federation established by Article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  • Sixth and seventh digits indicate the number of the district tax office that registered the organization.
  • From the eighth to the twelfth (for OGRN) and from the eighth to the fourteenth (for OGRNIP) digits – this is the record number under which the organization was registered.
  • Last digit - control. Can be from 0 to 9.

Example of OGRN and OGRNIP in details

Let's look at the following example on how to correctly interpret OGRN 1137746358608 in the details. It consists of 13 characters, respectively, this is the code of the legal entity:
  • The first digit " 1 " means that the code refers to the main state. registration number.
  • Second and third digits " 13 " means that registration was carried out in 2013.
  • Fourth and fifth digits " 77 " is the number of the subject of the Russian Federation where registration took place. If we turn to the official list of subjects, we find out that this is Moscow.
  • Sixth and seventh digits " 46 " is the number of the Tax Inspectorate where the organization was registered. In this case, this is MI of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. 46.
  • From the eighth to the twelfth digits " 35860 » – the serial number under which the organization was entered into the state register during the year of registration.
  • The last digit of the code " 8 " is the calculated control number.
As an example, you should also analyze the OGRNIP 308500116000157 , which consists of 15 digits:
  • The first digit " 3 » – is responsible for assigning the code to the main state. registration number.
  • Second and third digits " 08 " - this is the year of registration of the individual entrepreneur.
  • Fourth and fifth digits " 50 » – number of the subject of registration, in this case the Moscow region.
  • Sixth and seventh digits " 01 » – the number of the Tax Inspectorate-Registrar, in this case the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate for the city of Balashikha.
  • From the eighth to the fourteenth digits " 1600015 » – the serial number assigned to the individual entrepreneur during the year of registration.
  • Last digit " 7 » – is the calculated control number.

What is a OGRN certificate?

The OGRN certificate is an official document that can be obtained when registering a legal entity at the district tax office. The document looks like this:

This document contains not only the OGRN code itself, but also some additional information:
  • The full name of the company with its official name.
  • The full date of registration of the organization under a specific registration number.
  • Abbreviated name of the organization.
  • Corporate name of the organization.
  • The name of the organization that carried out the registration (usually the district tax authority).
In addition, as part of the certificate, the seal of the registrar organization must be affixed (otherwise the document will not be recognized as valid), as well as the full name, signature and position of the expert who carried out the registration of the organization.

Video: Concept and explanation of OGRN and OGRNIP

The following video lesson will explain the concepts of OGRN and OGRNIP, and will also clearly demonstrate how they are deciphered:

Thus, among all the details, OGRN contains the most complete information about the registered person or company. At the same time, it is extremely important to be able to correctly decipher the data hidden in the code.

Main state registration number (OGRN, read as "ogereen") assigned when making an entry on the state registration of a legal entity in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) and is issued by the tax authority at the place of registration of the legal entity.

Only legal entities have OGRN. If you decide to check the OGRN of a company, organization or partner enterprise, you can do this on our website. Do you want to check a company by OGRN online? Fill out only one field and all the necessary information is in front of you.

OGRN is the most important means of individualizing a legal entity (organization, company, enterprise)

OGRN must be indicated on official seals, and on ordinary seals and stamps - at the discretion of the management of the legal entity.
In Russia OGRN was first introduced on July 1, 2002.

The following goals were pursued when introducing this identifier:

  1. systematization of legal entities in Russia through the main state registration number;
  2. creating the opportunity for market participants to verify, with the help of OGRN, the reliability of information about counterparties and their integrity;
  3. strengthening control over existing legal entities and newly created ones issuance of OGRN at the tax authority

OGRN of the organization

Before the introduction of the OGRN by the Federal Law “On Registration of Legal Entities,” it was possible to identify a company only by TIN: this number indicates that the organization belongs to a certain body of the Federal Tax Service and registration information in this department. The OGRN number contains more complete information about the enterprise.

The OGRN of an organization is a combination that can be verified. It is enough to divide the first 12 digits of the identifier by 11. The remainder must coincide with the last (check) digit. This way you can quickly verify that the organization’s OGRN is valid.
In the case of OGRNIP, the check is carried out in a similar way: the correspondence of the remainder of dividing the first 14 digits by 13 and the check digit is checked.

Using our service, you can check the registration data of a legal entity and protect yourself from interaction with fly-by-night companies.

The organization's OGRN, OGRNIP and TIN are the main identifiers of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. They are assigned once and remain unchanged until the organization is liquidated. Therefore, using the OGRN you can easily find out the TIN, and vice versa, and then view the information about the organization available to everyone.

OGRNIP - the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur. Unlike OGRN, this identifier consists of 15 digits, the last one is the control one.

The 13 digits of the OGRN carry certain information.

The first digit indicates the nature of the entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities - initial registration or change of data. The second and third are the last two digits of the year the entry was made. The fourth and fifth are the number of the subject of the Russian Federation in which issued by OGRN. The sixth and seventh digits correspond to the number of the interdistrict tax office, issued the OGRN. The next 5 digits of the OGRN are the number of the record of registration of a legal entity in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities in the year the record was made. The last 13th digit of the OGRN is the control digit.

OGRN is indicated:

  • in all entries in the state register related to this legal entity (organization, company, enterprise);
  • in documents confirming the entry of relevant entries into the state register;
  • in all documents of this legal entity along with its name;
  • in information on state registration published by registration authorities.

Why is the OGRN checked?

Verification of information about the OGRN of a legal entity (organization, company, enterprise) is carried out:

  1. to confirm the existence of a legal entity;
  2. checking the accuracy of documentation received from the counterparty;
  3. obtaining information about the last name, first name and patronymic of the director of a legal entity;
  4. finding out whether a legal entity is on the so-called “black list” of tax authorities, which includes shell companies;
  5. finding out whether the director of a legal entity (enterprise, company, organization) is on the so-called “black list” of tax authorities, which includes persons who have ever held the position of directors in shell companies;
  6. finding out the TIN of a legal entity;
  7. finding out the legal address of the company.

Today, all enterprises, organizations and other legal entities upon registration are assigned a large number of different numbers, codes, ciphers and identifiers, each of which has its own specific meaning.

Initially, government agencies used only an individual taxpayer number (TIN), however, as the number of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs increased, and new organizational and legal forms of economic activity emerged, it became obvious that one individual number was not enough.

Since the TIN contains only the following information: to which inspection of the Federal Tax Service the organization is assigned, and under what serial number it is registered there, the TIN does not contain any other information.

After the Federal Law of August 8, 2001 No. 29-FZ “On State Registration of Legal Entities” entered into legal force, a new form of numbering of institutions, enterprises and organizations arose - OGRN, which stands for " main state registration number".

This identifier contains all the necessary information about:

  • Form of ownership of the organization.
  • Date of establishment of the company.
  • The subject of the Russian Federation to which it is assigned.
  • The tax office to which the company is assigned.

From the point of view of technical understanding, this is the code that each enterprise receives when registering with the state. All legal entities of the Russian Federation are included in a single register, according to their location, in which the OGRN is assigned.

At the same time, this number can be regarded as a guarantee that the owner or manager of the company carries out its activities legally, which is confirmed by the documentation in which the OGRN appears.

When introducing this identifier, the Government pursued the following goals:

  • Creating a real opportunity for market participants to verify, with the help of OGRN, the reliability of information about their counterparties and their integrity.
  • Systematization of all legal entities in the country through OGRN.
  • Strengthening control over the economic activities of existing legal entities and newly created ones when issuing OGRN in the tax service.

Deciphering the OGRN is carried out according to a certain methodology. As an example, consider decoding the number 1-13-77-46-40873-3 , which consists of thirteen digits in the format S-YY-KK-NN-ХХХХХ-Ч:

  • 1 is a sign of assignment. If this number appears at the beginning of the cipher, then the legal entity is encrypted in the OGRN, if the number is 2- a government organization, and if 3– individual entrepreneur (but in this case it is no longer OGRN, but OGRNIP).
  • 13 - reports that that the organization was created in 2013.
  • 77 report that this legal entity was registered in Moscow. Since number seventy-seven is assigned to the city of Moscow in accordance with Article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (each subject of the federation has its own personal number, the full list of numbers is contained in Article 65 of the Constitution).
  • Collectively, numbers four through seven (7746) indicate a specific inspection of the Federal Tax Service in a specific region of the country. In this case, the code encrypts the forty-sixth interdistrict inspection of the city of Moscow.
  • Next five digits indicate the number of the decision according to which this legal entity was created. New records of decisions are entered into the tax register throughout the year; this number is also unique. In this OGRN number indicates that the organization was created in accordance with the decision, under the number 40873 .
  • You can check the OGRN using the last thirteenth digit. All the first twelve digits form a single number, which is divisible by eleven. The remainder of the division is written in the thirteenth position in the number; in this cipher it is the number three. If the remainder is ten, then the last digit is zero.

The OGRN number is unique in its essence; there cannot be two identical numbers. Just one year in the number determines that the OGRN of various companies can be repeated in at least a hundred years, however, an individual combination of the region number and the Federal Tax Service inspection will help to avoid such a repetition.

In practice, individual entrepreneurs (IP) often find themselves in a situation where they are required to have a OGRN, TIN, and KPP in order to prepare documents.

Entrepreneurs do not have a OGRN, but, as is the case with State registers, in which individual entrepreneurs are recorded in a separate register (USRIP), there is an analogue for individual entrepreneurs - OGRNIP, which stands for “main state registration number of the record of state registration of an individual entrepreneur.”

OGRNIP consists of 15 characters arranged in sequence SGGKKHHHHHHHH, which is deciphered as follows:

  • C (first character) denotes the sign of assignment of the registration number: to OGRNIP - number three, to another state registration number - number four.
  • G and G (second and third signs) indicate the last two digits of the year in which the entry about the individual entrepreneur was entered into the State Register.
  • K and K (fourth and fifth digits) is a code designation of a subject of the country, established in accordance with the federal structure of Russia.
  • X - X (from the sixth to the fourteenth signs) indicate the number of the entry that was entered into the State Register during the year.
  • H (fifteenth character)– this is a control number, which is the remainder of dividing the previous fourteen-digit number by thirteen.

Upon registration, each entrepreneur must receive a certificate of registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur with the corresponding OGRNIP.

Information about OGRNIP can also be ordered from Rosstat, where the number will be indicated in the extract of the statistics register (the extract must be ordered at the local Rosstat office, this service is paid). Also, the entry code for entering an individual entrepreneur into the register is indicated in the extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. It is in these three documents that an individual entrepreneur can see his OGRNIP.

For users of online accounting called “Accounting Kontur” A special service has been developed that allows you to find an individual entrepreneur’s number according to the OGRN absolutely free of charge (within any paid tariff). An entrepreneur just needs to make a request in his personal account to receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs and in a few minutes it will come to his personal account; a ready-made transcript in the extract can be obtained using a program from the tax service.

Using the extract, you can look at the OGRNIP by TIN, and also search by OGRNIP of a specific individual entrepreneur (for example, check the OGRNIP of the counterparty under the contract).

An extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs contains all the data about the individual entrepreneur at the time of the last changes:

  • Full name of the entrepreneur.
  • Citizenship.
  • Place of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • Method and date of termination by an individual of activities as an individual entrepreneur.
  • The date of state registration of an individual as an entrepreneur and the details of the document that confirms the fact of making a record of state registration in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.
  • Information about the types of economic activities carried out by individual entrepreneurs.
  • Information about licenses received by the entrepreneur.
  • Data on changes in information contained in the State Register.
  • Registration date, registration number, name of the government body that registered the individual entrepreneur - for entrepreneurs registered before January 1, 2004.

Video: what are OGRN and OGRNIP

The essence of registering an organization is that as a result, an entry about the registered organization is made in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE). All entries are made in order, i.e. have a unique numbering, uniform throughout Russia, i.e. Each organization has its own state registration number for the creation of a legal entity, which is called OGRN.

OGRN— main state registration number on the creation of a legal entity.

Law 08.08.2001 No. 129-FZ “On State Registration of Legal Entities” establishes that the state registration number of the entry on the creation of a legal entity is the main state registration number (OGRN) and is used as the registration file number of this legal entity.

Structure of the main state registration number of the organization

The state registration number of an entry entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities consists of 13 digits arranged in the following sequence:

  • S G G K K X X X X X X X H

    C (1st character) - sign of assignment of the state registration number of the record:

    • to the main state registration number (OGRN)* - 1.5

      to another state registration number of the record - 2

      to the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP) - 3

    YY (2nd to 3rd digit) - the last two digits of the year the entry was made in the state register

    CC (4th, 5th digits) - serial number of the subject of the Russian Federation according to the list of subjects of the Russian Federation established by Article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

    ХХХХХХХ (from the 6th to the 12th character) - the number of the entry entered into the state register during the year

    H (13th digit) - check number: the remainder of dividing the previous 12-digit number by 11; if the remainder of the division is 10, then the check number is 0 (zero).

(Appendix No. 1 to the Rules for maintaining the Unified State Register of Legal Entities).

Structure of the OGRN of an individual entrepreneur

OGRNIP— main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur. Consists of 15 digits, the last one is the control digit. It differs from OGRN in that:

    seven rather than five digits are allocated for the entry number in the register;

    the check digit is equal to the last digit of the remainder of the division by 13, and not by 11, of the previous 14-digit number;


Author: lawyer and tax consultant Alexander Shmelev © 2001 — 2019

Useful links on the topic "OGRN - main state registration number"

    Exclusion from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of inactive legal entities

    What is TIN

    Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities

    Registration of changes in the charter, constituent documents, Unified State Register of Legal Entities

    Change of director and amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on his passport data

    Reorganization of a legal entity

    Methods for liquidating an organization

    Addresses, telephone numbers, websites, details of tax inspectorates of St. Petersburg

    Addresses, telephone numbers, websites, details of Moscow tax inspectorates

    Addresses of tax inspectorates (other cities in Russia)

    How to pay taxes and submit reports?

    Government services via the Internet

    How to register your business yourself

    Individual entrepreneur registration

Tags: OGRN, - main, state, registration number


What is a OGRN certificate of a legal entity?

It contains information such as the type of organization, the year and place of its creation, the code of the division of the tax office associated with it, the number of the decision on the organization of this enterprise. This code is very multifunctional. It may be useful to you if you need confirmation of the existence of this organization and the accuracy of the documentation received, obtaining information about the inclusion of a company or its owner in the “black list” of the Federal Tax Service, its location address, TIN number and the identity of the owner of this company. The OGRN is indicated in the following documentation: in entries in the registration register for a given legal entity, in papers confirming the entry of this organization into the register, in all documentation that relates to this enterprise (for example, in details), in information about the state registration of the company.

How to decrypt? The number is unique for each company.

What is TIN, OGRN, KPP?

Tax authorities began to assign OGRN and OGRNIP to everyone since June 2002 on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On the Unified State Register of Legal Entities” No. 438 dated June 19, 2002. The register is open, that is, any person has the right to contact the registering authority with a request to provide information from the state register for any company or for any entrepreneur registered within the region served by this registration authority.

OGRN consists of 13 digits, OGRNIP - of 15. They contain the following information: 1 digit - sign of assignment of the state registration number of the record (to the main state registration number (OGRN) - 1, 5; to another state registration number of the record (making changes) - 2; to the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur (OGRNIP) - 3) 4, 5 digits - the serial number of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation according to the list of constituent entities of the Russian Federation established by Article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

14-digit number by 13, not 11. Using the example of OGRN 1117746358608, let’s consider all the information that we can get from this digital combination: 1 digit – 1.

Responsible for assigning records to the main state registration number. The 2nd and 3rd digits are 11. This is 2011 - the time when the entry was made into the state register. 4th and 5th digits – 77.

What is a registration number?

So what does this term mean?

Registration number (or registration code) is a strictly defined sequence of characters (most often letters and/or numbers) assigned to a specific object to identify it. In a series of homogeneous objects, it serves as an analogue of a name and can contain information not only about the serial number of the object among many of the same, but also about certain characteristics.

What are OGRN and OGRNIP and how to decipher them?

Later, new forms of ownership appeared (individual entrepreneurs, civil companies, public corporations, etc.).

etc.), and the existing ones began to evolve in such a way that one identifier became insufficient to distinguish them. Since the TIN contains the only information: which Federal Tax Service inspection the enterprise is assigned to, and under what serial number it is registered there. No more information can be extracted from the TIN, no matter how hard we try.

Therefore, after some time, or rather, after Federal Law No. 29-FZ of 08.08.2001 came into force.

OGRN decoding

That is why checking the OGRN can easily identify a fraudster and confirm the existence of a specific company. There are three ways to find out if the number is correct: 1.

Having submitted an official request to the tax authorities, find out after paying the state fee all the necessary information. 2. Through the official website of the Federal Tax Service, where you can access information about legal entities included in the Unified State Register. 3.

Registration number in the Pension Fund of Russia and the Social Insurance Fund, how to find out

I didn’t dare go there either - the huge queues killed all my desire.


General aspects

Certificates of registration for real estate are no longer issued in 2019. Now this document exists exclusively in electronic form.

This rule is due to amendments to the current legislation on registration of rights. The innovations replaced the previously valid certificate with an extract from the Unified State Register.

Nowadays, ownership is certified only by an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate. The cancellation of “pink” state registration certificates caused alarm among many owners.

But in reality, the fears are purely psychological. People were simply accustomed to stamped papers with stamps confirming ownership.

For many years, eligibility was confirmed by paper documents, and citizens could not imagine how they could do without “papers.” How can I prove my rights now? But there is no reason to panic.

In fact, previous certificates were not previously considered legal evidence of ownership. The paper document may not be current at the time of the transaction.

From the moment it was received, a lot of things could happen - seizure, registration of a pledge, the emergence of another encumbrance.

The technical characteristics of the object could also change due to reconstruction or redevelopment.

Therefore, before, as now, before concluding a transaction, it was advisable to order an extract from the Unified State Register (USR).

This acted as a document confirming the fact of registration of the owner’s right. In fact, a paper certificate is a duplicate of an extract, or rather an entry in the state register.

Therefore, the cancellation of certificates actually did not change anything. We can say that only the form of the title document has changed.

What is it

State registration of rights to real estate is a legal act that recognizes and confirms the emergence of a specific person’s right to real estate, as well as any modification or termination thereof.

A restriction on the right or an encumbrance on the property is also registered.

After the functions of the BTI were transferred to Rosreestr, state registration records began to be entered into the Unified Register of Rights.

In parallel with this, a real estate cadastre was maintained. Registration of an object for cadastral registration was reduced to making the appropriate entries in the State Property Committee, which was also maintained by Rosreestr.

Due to the fact that the two main registers were maintained in parallel, but separately, confusion often arose. Often a situation arose when an object was listed in one database, but was missing in another.

For this reason, the Unified State Register of Real Estate (USRN) was formed, combining the Unified State Register with the State Property Register.

At this time, only the presence of an entry in the Unified State Register serves as evidence of the actual existence of an officially registered, and therefore official, ownership right of a certain person to a specific object.

And the confirmation of the right is precisely an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

Purpose of the document

The extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate did not in any way change the registration process in relation to real estate transactions. It was previously requested by realtors and more or less knowledgeable apartment buyers.

The document became a confirmation of the legal purity of the apartment, since it contained up-to-date information.

Thus, it was possible to find out not only the legal owner of the apartment, but also to check for possible encumbrances.

In general, an extract is more of a “means of reassurance”, since the document is a document confirming title, but not establishing title.

The basis for the emergence of law, as before, are documents establishing title. Thus, an extract from the Unified State Register is a purely voluntary document.

There is no need to receive it simply so that the document exists, if the property right has passed state registration.

As a rule, the need for an extract arises only when conducting real estate transactions.

What caused the certificate to be cancelled? The goal is to increase the legal protection of owners when concluding transactions.

Now, on the eve of a transaction, you can receive up-to-date information and thereby eliminate double sales or the use of fake certificates.

Most citizens considered the certificate to be a comprehensive document. As a result, they acquired real estate with encumbrances, and sometimes even belonging to another owner.

Legislative framework

On July 3, 2016, amendments to Federal Law No. 122 were adopted, which slightly changed the documentary support for state registration of ownership rights arising in relation to real estate.

The certificate of registration of the right was replaced by an extract from the Unified State Register. From now on, when the owner is replaced, a certificate will not be issued.

On January 1, 2017, Federal Law No. 218 “On State Registration of Real Estate” came into force.

According to this regulatory provision, the Unified State Register is replaced by the Unified State Register and, accordingly, an extract from the Unified State Register becomes confirmation of rights.

The fundamental essence of all these documents - certificates and extracts - is the same. They confirm the actual existence of officially registered ownership of real estate.

But the latest edition of the legal document, in particular the extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, is the most complete.

In addition to information about the owner and the basis for the emergence of the right, the extract also contains other significant data.

Where is a certificate of state registration of property rights issued?

Rosreestr, as before, is maintaining the new register. And it is he who is obliged to issue legal extracts from the Unified State Register.

This document contains fundamental information about the property and the existence of rights to it.

In particular, the extract includes the following information:

  • description of the object (address, type, floor, area, year of construction);
  • registered rights of owners;
  • grounds for the emergence of rights;
  • cadastre data;
  • restrictions and encumbrances;
  • change and transfer of rights;
  • termination of rights;
  • rights of claim that are asserted through the court;
  • date of acceptance of the request for an extract;
  • date of issue of the document;
  • recipient of the statement.

In addition, there are other types of statements:

  • on the transfer of rights to an object;
  • about the rights of a particular person to the objects he has (or had);
  • on recognition of the copyright holder as incompetent or partially capable.

Any citizen can receive a standard extract. The information contained in the documents is open to the public.

Information that is in the public domain is provided solely at the request of the owners.

You can also request several statements if circumstances require it. But in each case a separate application is required. One statement is issued per request.

Required package of documents

To receive a standard statement for any real estate property, you will need to provide:

The employee who accepted the documents will issue a form indicating the date the extract is ready. Typically, the document is prepared within five to seven days.

If an extract is needed urgently, then an electronic application is advisable. In this case, the fee can be paid in cashless form online.

The completed statement is sent to the applicant’s email address as soon as possible (sometimes several hours). But you need to take into account that not all authorities can accept such an electronic certificate.

For an apartment

When it comes to receiving an extended statement for an apartment, then, as already mentioned, only the owner has the right to receive it.

The legal documents are:

  • contract - privatization of housing, purchase and sale, exchange, rent, equity participation;
  • certificate - about the right to inheritance, about the right of ownership of a share in common property;
  • certificate from the housing cooperative regarding the payment of the share;
  • a court decision that has entered into force.

In this case, the documents must be submitted in originals so that their authenticity can be verified.

The type of title document depends on how the owner received the apartment into his possession.

For a plot of land

In the case of a land plot, title documents may also include agreements on:

  • purchase and sale;
  • me;
  • donation;
  • privatization.

But in addition, acts and resolutions of government bodies can act as title documentation for land.

In particular, these are the documents on the basis of which the privatization of land was carried out. For example, an administration resolution on the provision of a plot or a document confirming the purchase of land.


In the case of a house, the title documents are the same as for an apartment.

But the act of accepting into operation an object recently built directly by the owner can also establish the emergence of ownership rights.

It is worth noting that having a right to a house does not mean that you also have a right to a land plot under the house.

Sometimes the house and the land may have different owners. Therefore, when ordering an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate, you should request separate title documents for the house itself and the land underneath it.

To the garage

In the case of a garage, confusion most often arises as to which documents are title deeds.

Of course, these include standard alienation agreements (sale, exchange, donation).

But the problem is that many citizens have only a membership book in their documents for a garage, since most of the garages were provided for the use of citizens as part of cooperatives.

Membership in the GSK in no way provides ownership rights. The owner of the garage must privatize the object and, on the basis of the privatization agreement, register ownership.

An extract is issued only if there is a registered right. If the garage is not private property, then the response to the request will be “No information about the object.”

Where to go

All information about registered property rights is stored in the Unified State Register of Real Estate. And since this database is maintained by Rosreestr, this is where you should apply for confirmation of eligibility.

When applying, a proper package of documents and, if necessary, title documents are submitted.

If a representative acts on behalf of the owner, a notarized power of attorney will be required.

You can also submit a request through the MFC, which acts as an intermediary between the applicant and Rosreestr.

An electronic extract can be obtained through the official website of Rosreestr or the State Services portal.

When requesting a simple extract electronically, it is enough to know the address of the object and/or its cadastral number.

If an extended extract is required, that is, containing classified information, then title documents (scans) must be attached to the request.

If you need a copy (duplicate)

Since the issuance of certificates of registration of ownership of real estate has been cancelled, citizens can now only receive an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate as a title document.

But those who had a certificate but lost it may need a copy.

If a record about the object was made in the Unified State Register, then you can obtain a duplicate certificate from Rosreestr or through the MFC.

When the owner does not know for certain whether an entry was made to Rosreestr, then an extract should be requested. When an object has not been registered with Rosreestr, a duplicate will have to be processed through the archives.

Video: technical error when registering rights

To do this, you can contact the City Property Department or the BTI. An archived copy of the certificate or its duplicate can also be ordered through the MFC or the State Services portal.

To restore a document you will need:

  • applicant's passport;
  • application for restoration of the certificate;
  • request from a notary (upon receipt of the document by the heir).

Once the application is accepted, a document will be issued within two weeks.

Where can I see the issue and episode?

The registration series and number in the state registration certificates of ownership were indicated at the bottom of the front side of the document. But in the certificate from 2015 the number is not in the same place.

The document number in new certificates is indicated on the reverse side. And on the front side there is the entry number in the Unified State Register.

This replacement is due to the fact that the certificate is now nothing more than a certificate that the property is registered and the proper entry is entered into the Rosreestr.

How can I check

Although the certificate of state registration of property rights was cancelled, this document is still in circulation.

It is often presented by sellers during real estate transactions as part of title/title documentation.

Is it possible to somehow verify the authenticity of the certificate by series and number? The number indicated corresponds to the state registration number of the right.

Therefore, you can check the document by ordering an extract from the Unified State Register. It will contain the same numbers as on the certificate.

The certificate of ownership has always been a secondary document. First-level documentation is the documents on the basis of which a person has the right of ownership of real estate.

And it is these documents that remain key for any owner in Russia. And the legality of such is confirmed by an entry in the unified register.

And if you need to confirm your ownership, then you need to receive not a certificate of state registration of ownership, but an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.


What is a Unified State Register of Legal Entities certificate?

The certificate of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities received by the organization looks like an ordinary white A4 sheet. But this concise paper includes all the necessary information to ensure possibility of operating a business structure in the official legal field. The database is maintained by the country's tax service.

The certificate of entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities includes information contained in the state register database. It confirms the fact of entering data about the organization obtained from the official constituent documents. Materials at the stage of creating a new structure are transferred by the founders to the Federal Tax Service.

It is the responsibility of the organization to ensure that any changes that occur are included in the database. To update, it will be necessary to timely transmit new information in the form of copies of accepted documents. All data is entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, which contains data on all individual entrepreneurs operating in the state.

What is a TIN?

To obtain data on single registration, it is enough to know the TIN of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. Such an individual taxpayer number is necessarily assigned to both legal entities and individuals. To provide it, it is enough to submit information about the citizen or organization to the regional office of the Federal Tax Service at the place of registration. The assignment of a number, which has been carried out since 1999, helps the tax service control the flow of taxes into the state budget.

After processing the application, each applicant a unique individual number is assigned. The digital sequence is not repeated. The tax officer easily understands the required data by reading the digital information. Even a layman can easily distinguish between the TIN of an individual and a legal entity. Citizens are assigned a sequence of 12 characters. The TIN of a legal entity includes 10 positions. In any case, the first two of them show the region of registration. Thus, 01 is assigned in the Republic of Adygea, 77 - in Moscow, 78 - in St. Petersburg. The two numbers indicated below will tell you the Federal Tax Service department where the registration was carried out. This is followed by 6 or 8 individual values ​​assigned to the taxpayer.

What does the Taxpayer Identification Number look like? The assignment of a number is confirmed by a paper document on an A4 sheet or a plastic card duplicating it for ease of use.

The paper version must be endorsed with the official seal. Control over the relevance of data on taxpayers is entrusted to the Federal Tax Service. Knowing the TIN of an individual or legal entity, you can easily find out the number of the certificate of state registration of a legal entity on the official website of the tax authorities.

There are other specialized resources on the Internet that help you obtain information about the state registration of a legal entity.

Why do you need Unified State Register of Legal Entities data?

The TIN must be linked to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. This allows you to obtain data on the certificate of an organization or individual entrepreneur on the official website of the tax service simply after entering the TIN in a separate field. The information is publicly available, including facilitating control over the payment of taxes by a certain individual or legal entity.

Having seen the OGRN certificate of a legal entity, a sample of which can be found on the official website, any interested applicant receives a full, complete and up-to-date information about the organization, including information about its charter and the amount of authorized capital. Information about the founders and legal address is available for public use. This helps you easily find the structure you need.

It is worth considering the potential presence of irrelevant information on the Internet. It is not the responsibility of the organization or tax service to control data that may be contained on the Internet and include outdated information.

For this reason, the prospect of obtaining accurate data is provided only if you contact the official website, for example, of the Federal Tax Service.

Procedure for obtaining information

To obtain the necessary information on such a resource, you will need to enter in the special “Search” field:

  • address of the required structure;
  • Name.

It is the TIN that guarantees obtaining the most reliable information. The address changes frequently, and in some situations such changes are not reported for adjustments. The name of the organization may also be non-unique.

A certificate of a registered legal entity on such a resource will be prepared in 15 minutes online and sent to the applicant’s email address specified in the request.

The certificate will include:

  • officially registered name of the organization, full name of the founder, contact numbers belonging to legal entities;
  • information that helps to find out information about the officially registered authorized capital;
  • the economic activity in which the selected structure is engaged;
  • information about representative offices and branches, if they exist;
  • the date when the desired organization was officially registered;
  • information about liquidation or reorganization.

All this data is necessarily included in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities certificate, a sample of which is posted on the Internet. All information is publicly available. Anyone can receive it. Data transfer is completely free. A completed certificate sent to the email address specified in the application is recognized as an official document through an electronic signature.

If you need more detailed information, you will need to contact the tax authority in person. Extended help includes:

  • detailed information about the founders and, if they are present, about the legal successors;
  • passport details of the founders;
  • information about possible legal representatives of a legal entity and much more.

Issuance of a certificate of state registration of a legal entity

The extended certificate is prepared in the number of copies specified in the request. They can be sent to the applicant by mail or handed over in person at the next visit. The date for receiving the information is set by the tax officer at the time of filing the application.


Decoding and features of OGRN

The abbreviation OGRN stands for “Main State Registration Number”. It can be assigned to both a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur upon registration. Throughout the entire period of professional activity, the OGRN does not change.

This code has a number of features:

  • There are 2 types of OGRN - for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. OGRN for individual entrepreneurs has a special name - OGRNIP.
  • Legal entities must indicate their OGRN: sometimes this code is even included in official stamps. At the discretion of the owner, the OGRN may be included in stamps or regular seals.
  • For individual entrepreneurs, indicating the OGRN in the documents is not a mandatory requirement.
  • Records about OGRN are made in order, that is, any enterprise after registration will receive its own unique number.

What is the OGRN of an organization and individual entrepreneur?

OGRN of an organization and individual entrepreneur is a unique code that allows you to find out a significant amount of information about the enterprise. The OGRN of an organization consists of 13 characters, the individual entrepreneur - of 15. Moreover, each character has its own special meaning:

  • First digit - a sign of attribution to the state. registration number of the entry.
  • Second and third digits – last digits of the year of registration.
  • Fourth and fifth represent the number of the subject of the Russian Federation established by Article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  • Sixth and seventh digits indicate the number of the district tax office that registered the organization.
  • From the eighth to the twelfth (for OGRN) and from the eighth to the fourteenth (for OGRNIP) digits – this is the record number under which the organization was registered.
  • Last digit - control. Can be from 0 to 9.

Example of OGRN and OGRNIP in details

Let's look at the following example on how to correctly interpret OGRN 1137746358608 in the details. It consists of 13 characters, respectively, this is the code of the legal entity:

  • The first digit " 1 " means that the code refers to the main state. registration number.
  • Second and third digits " 13 " means that registration was carried out in 2013.
  • Fourth and fifth digits " 77 " is the number of the subject of the Russian Federation where registration took place. If we turn to the official list of subjects, we find out that this is Moscow.
  • Sixth and seventh digits " 46 " is the number of the Tax Inspectorate where the organization was registered. In this case, this is MI of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation No. 46.
  • From the eighth to the twelfth digits " 35860 » – the serial number under which the organization was entered into the state register during the year of registration.
  • The last digit of the code " 8 " is the calculated control number.

As an example, you should also analyze the OGRNIP 308500116000157 , which consists of 15 digits:

  • The first digit " 3 » – is responsible for assigning the code to the main state. registration number.
  • Second and third digits " 08 " - this is the year of registration of the individual entrepreneur.
  • Fourth and fifth digits " 50 » – number of the subject of registration, in this case the Moscow region.
  • Sixth and seventh digits " 01 » – the number of the Tax Inspectorate-Registrar, in this case the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate for the city of Balashikha.
  • From the eighth to the fourteenth digits " 1600015 » – the serial number assigned to the individual entrepreneur during the year of registration.
  • Last digit " 7 » – is the calculated control number.

What is a OGRN certificate?

The OGRN certificate is an official document that can be obtained when registering a legal entity at the district tax office. The document looks like this:

This document contains not only the OGRN code itself, but also some additional information:

  • The full name of the company with its official name.
  • The full date of registration of the organization under a specific registration number.
  • Abbreviated name of the organization.
  • Corporate name of the organization.
  • The name of the organization that carried out the registration (usually the district tax authority).

In addition, as part of the certificate, the seal of the registrar organization must be affixed (otherwise the document will not be recognized as valid), as well as the full name, signature and position of the expert who carried out the registration of the organization.

Video: Concept and explanation of OGRN and OGRNIP

The following video lesson will explain the concepts of OGRN and OGRNIP, and will also clearly demonstrate how they are deciphered:

Thus, among all the details, OGRN contains the most complete information about the registered person or company. At the same time, it is extremely important to be able to correctly decipher the data hidden in the code.

