Production of quail eggs wholesale at home. Method of obtaining powder from quail eggs, powder from quail eggs and mayonnaise Mineral fertilizers and pesticides used in the fields, as well as mass catching, led to a sharp decrease in the number

Field of technology to which the invention relates

The invention relates to the food and poultry processing industry, in particular to enterprises (shops) for processing poultry eggs.

State of the art

There is a known method of canning eggs (author's certificate No. 730335, published on April 30, 1980), which includes applying a protective film by successively immersing and keeping eggs in an aqueous solution containing 2.5-5 wt. % hydrogen peroxide, for 5-7 minutes and in an aqueous suspension containing 7-10 wt. % calcium hydroperoxide. The temperature of the aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide and the suspension of calcium hydroxide is 20-25°C.

The disadvantage is low biological value.

Quail eggs are known, marinated using a solution of salt, sugar, acetic acid, mustard and seasonings (Technical specifications 9846-202-2347684-98).

The disadvantage is the limited nutritional value of the resulting product.

The closest in technical essence and achieved positive effect is the method of canning quail eggs in soy sauce (RF patent for invention No. 2236143, published 09/20/2004). The method of canning quail eggs includes boiling the eggs, separating the shell and washing. Then the eggs are poured with soy sauce, sterilized within 2-3 minutes from the moment of boiling, packed hot in jars and kept for at least 5 days before sale.

The disadvantage of this method is the relatively high cost, since soy sauce is obtained through a complex and lengthy process of natural fermentation. In addition, this product has insufficient digestibility and low nutritional value.

Disclosure of the Invention

The basis of the claimed invention is the task of improving the taste and nutritional qualities of a canned product and reducing the duration of the canning process.

The technical result of the invention is to improve digestibility, increase the nutritional and biological value of the product and increase its shelf life, through the use of discharge-pulse brine processing technology and the introduction of a natural antioxidant in the form of rosemary extract.

The specified technical result is achieved by the fact that the method of canning quail eggs includes boiling the eggs, separating the shell, filling with brine, hot packing in jars and holding before sale, according to the invention, after boiling the eggs are cooled in ice water, holding before selling is carried out for at least 3 -x days; Moreover, the brine contains: sugar, table salt, vinegar essence, ground pepper, garlic, mushrooms and vegetables, as well as a natural antioxidant in the form of rosemary extract, and the brine is subjected to discharge-pulse treatment before pouring.

Carrying out the invention

This method of canning quail eggs includes the following steps. Eggs prepared in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN are boiled over low heat in salted water for 5-6 minutes from the moment of boiling, cooled with ice water, and the shells are separated along with the subshell membrane. The shells are separated manually, since dissolving them, for example, in vinegar, has a detrimental effect on the taste characteristics of the product.

The preparation of the brine is carried out in a vat, where seasonings are successively added: sugar, table salt, vinegar essence, ground pepper (black, allspice), garlic; spices: rosemary extract, cloves, cinnamon. The distinctive ingredient in the brine is rosemary extract, known as a natural antioxidant. Rosemary owes its antioxidant activity to phenolic diterpenes, carnosols and carnosoic acid. The last two substances provide 90% of rosemary's antioxidant properties. Rosemary is traditionally used in the food industry for its ability to protect the color and flavor of foods. Since it has good solubility, it is recommended to be used as an antioxidant in liquid media. Rosemary, compared to many synthetic antioxidants, has no side effects, and its effectiveness is 2-4 times higher. Adding rosemary extract to this brine allows you to increase the shelf life of the product.

Subsequently, the brine is subjected to discharge-pulse processing. The principle of operation of this technology is based on the local creation of high-pressure zones in an acoustic field of a wide range of frequencies during an electrical discharge in a liquid medium, with simultaneous bactericidal treatment of the surface of the processed raw material with ultraviolet radiation. The use of discharge-pulse brine processing technology makes it possible to reduce the duration of the canning process, provides bactericidal treatment of the product, which helps to increase the sales period of the finished product.

Mushrooms and vegetables are added as additional components when canning quail eggs: bell peppers, hot peppers, cherry tomatoes, onions.

Prepared eggs and vegetables are poured with boiling brine, packed hot in jars, hermetically sealed and kept for at least 3 days before sale.

Thus, the claimed method of preserving quail eggs makes it possible to increase the nutritional and biological value of the product, improve digestibility, and also increase the time for sale of finished products.

A method of preserving quail eggs, including boiling eggs, separating the shell, pouring brine, hot packing in jars and holding before sale, characterized in that after boiling the eggs are cooled in ice water, holding before sale is carried out for at least 3 days, and The brine contains sugar, table salt, vinegar essence, ground pepper, garlic, mushrooms and vegetables, as well as a natural antioxidant in the form of rosemary extract, and the brine is subjected to discharge-pulse treatment before pouring.

Similar patents:

The invention relates to a positioning device for half-carcasses of slaughtered livestock hanging on hooks, in particular pork half-carcasses, and can be used for optical imaging in the dismemberment plane with subsequent evaluation and classification.

The invention relates to the poultry processing industry, to a method for producing liquid melange from enriched chicken eggs. Eggs are sanitized. Break the shell and remove the contents. The egg mass is filtered and pasteurized. Melange is packaged and labeled. Pasteurization of melange is carried out at a temperature of 67-69°C for 4-5 minutes. The invention makes it possible to preserve the quality of melange, namely the content of selenium and vitamin E, and increase the shelf life by 1.5-2 times. 1 tab., 4 ave.

The invention relates to the food and poultry processing industry, in particular to enterprises for processing poultry eggs. The method of canning quail eggs includes boiling the eggs, separating the shells, filling them with brine, packing them hot into jars and holding them before selling. After boiling, the eggs are cooled in ice water. The brine contains sugar, table salt, vinegar essence, ground pepper, garlic, mushrooms and vegetables, as well as a natural antioxidant in the form of rosemary extract. Before pouring, the brine is subjected to discharge-pulse treatment. The exposure before sale is carried out for at least 3 days. The proposed method of canning quail eggs improves digestibility, increases the nutritional and biological value of the product and increases its shelf life.

In our country, large farms have been created with a productivity of 700-800 thousand carcasses and several tens of millions of eggs per year. As a result of breeding work, significant poultry productivity has been achieved and egg lines have been developed. Quail farming as a branch of industrial poultry farming originated in Japan about 20 years ago. Japanese quails have become widespread in different countries of the world. In Russia, quail breeding is carried out by specialized farms and farms of collective and state farms, mainly in the Krasnodar Territory and in other southern zones of the country. Japanese quails are very similar to our common quails, but somewhat smaller. The live weight of an adult bird reaches 120-140 g.
Female quails begin to lay eggs at 35-45 days of age and produce 200-250 eggs weighing 10-12 g per year at a cost of about 5-7 kg of dry feed per 1 kg of egg mass. Compared to chicken eggs, quail eggs contain significantly more phosphorus, iron and vitamins, and the relative weight of the shell is less. Quail meat has a gamey taste and special gastronomic qualities. They are killed for meat at 50-60 days of age. Carcasses weigh 100-112 g, the pectoral muscle is well developed.
Quails are kept in cages, males and females separately, with 2-3 females per male, mating in this case takes place after 1-2 days. You can keep two females together with one male. With this method of keeping eggs, the fertilization of eggs reaches 75-80%. For incubation, eggs of regular shape with a smooth shell and a specific color are used. The hatching rate of young animals can be over 75%. During cultivation, the birds are well preserved. Eggs are incubated in conventional incubators at a temperature of 37.5-37.0 ° C and relative air humidity from 60% at the beginning to 70% at the end of the period.
Young quails are kept in cages measuring 145X60X30 cm, 50-60 heads each. For the first 5-7 days, the metal mesh floor is covered with paper. First, the young animals are fed and watered in cages, and later - from feeders and drinkers located outside the cages. Quails can also be raised in the first days under electric brooders, divided into several sections, and then in cages. Initially, the air temperature in the cages or under the brooders is maintained at about 35 ° C, by the age of one month it is reduced to 20-22 ° C. In the room itself for young animals, in the first week the air temperature should be 25-27 ° C, and by the age of one month 20 ° C C. It is necessary to observe that there are no temperature fluctuations. Quails are very afraid of cold and drafts. In the first two weeks of cultivation, the duration of daylight hours is 23 hours, and then every week it is reduced by 2 hours and increased to 14 hours.
One-day old young are very active and grow quickly. Over the course of a month, its weight increases by more than 15 times, and by 30 days of age it weighs 80-90 g. With such intensive growth, young animals are very picky about food. Compound feed enriched with vitamins and microelements is prepared for him (Table 65). In the first ten days of cultivation, hard-boiled crushed eggs, as well as a small amount of milk or curdled milk, can be added to the specified feed. From the 3-4th day you can also add chopped nettle or grated carrots, cottage cheese and baker's yeast. From 15 days of age it is necessary to start giving gravel. In the first days of rearing, young animals are fed 5-6 times, from 10 days of age - 4 times.
At 30 days of age, quails are separated by sex. Males have reddish-brown feathers on the chest with gray or black spots, the skin in the cloaca area is pink, and a round thickening is visible in the upper arch. Females have lighter chest plumage with round black speckles. The skin near the cloaca is bluish-gray. All excess males at one month of age are separated and fattened for 4-5 weeks in a darkened room, and females are transferred to the parent or commercial herd. Quails are placed in multi-tiered cages of 3-4 so that there is about 200 cm2 of floor area per head. The room temperature for adult quails is maintained at 18-20° C, daylight hours are 16-17 hours.

At the Beshatugorets broiler factory, a specialized farm has been organized, designed to produce 5 million quail eggs. In the breeding group it is planned to have about 5 thousand females with a corresponding number of males, in the industrial group - 16 thousand laying hens with an average egg production of at least 240 eggs. The herd is recruited 4 times a year.
The farm has built several buildings to house quails of all age groups in cages. The flow production system is designed to keep young animals up to 20 days of age in one of the premises. Then the birds, mainly males destined for slaughter, are transferred to another room for fattening until 50 days of age. There are separate rooms for replacement females and breeding males. Adult livestock are kept in a separate building. The technological process system includes year-round incubation with the hatching of about 100 thousand quails, as well as slaughter and processing of carcasses.
The basic standards and technological process for the production of quail eggs and meat are developed and refined as a result of experimental work and generalization of the experience of domestic and foreign farms.

In this material:

Quail breeding as a business seems very attractive to start a project with a small initial investment. To master the growing process, it is enough to start a quail farm for 500 birds. This will not be expensive, but, in addition to mastering the technology, it will allow you to make a profit within the first 3 months, which will recoup all the starting investments.

Why choose quail farming?

There are many reasons why the quail business is profitable:

  • high profitability;
  • low start-up costs;
  • no need to hire staff;
  • very flexible project;
  • does not require much space;
  • low competition;
  • You can practice not only in rural but also in urban areas.

High profitability is evidenced by the fact that the initial investment can be fully recouped in just six months. Initial costs do not exceed 250 rubles, but if you are smart, you can reduce these costs by 2-3 times.

The project is so unpretentious that quail breeding as a business can be done by 2-3 people. That is, at the initial stage, family members can be involved in this project. And later, when the breeding technology has been mastered, there are regular customers, and the farm has grown to 3-5 thousand birds, you can think about hiring staff.

The flexibility of the project lies in the fact that you can focus on the production of quail eggs, or you can also focus on quail meat. If desired, you can combine it to produce both meat and quail eggs. It depends on demand. If you manage to find regular customers, thanks to whom there will be a high demand for poultry meat, then you will have to focus on this activity. You need to do the same if you have regular customers for quail eggs.

This business can be started in a room of 10 m², especially if the cages with birds are correctly arranged in several tiers. Therefore, you can adapt a garage or shed for these needs. It is not recommended to do this in an apartment, although you can find such advice. Firstly, this should not be done for hygiene reasons: the risk of various diseases increases not only among apartment owners, but also among neighbors. Secondly, such use of living space is prohibited by law. It won’t be long until representatives of the housing department and the police arrive to respond to the applications submitted.

If you don’t have your own barn or garage, find and rent the necessary space. This will increase costs and will require hiring personnel who will not only care for the birds, but also perform guard duties.

Low competition in the market also encourages starting a business in this area. This is due to the fact that large corporations bypass the cultivation of quails, focusing their efforts on chicken eggs. And small enterprises cannot fully satisfy the demand of the population.

What is needed at the initial stage

First of all, you need to purchase laying quails. You can spend a little money and buy birds that are ready for laying. The average cost on the market is 150 rubles. A batch of 500 heads will cost 75 tr. In addition to the quails themselves, you need to purchase cages for them.

You can make them yourself or order them to be made by craftsmen, or you can immediately buy a ready-made version. For example, for only 19 tr. You can purchase a special cage that has 7 tiers, each of which can contain 50-60 quails. It is enough to purchase 2 such cages to place the first batch of birds in them. In total, the initial costs will be:

  • 700 birds - 105 TR;
  • 2 cells - 38 TR;
  • feed for a year - 25 tr.

In total - 168 tr. This does not include rent, hired personnel, project registration, premises renovation and additional expenses. You can start more economically. To do this, you need to buy eggs, not quails, and purchase an incubator in which you can raise these eggs. As a result, the initial costs will be:

  • incubator for 700 eggs - 30 rubles;
  • eggs - 1-1.5 t.r.

In addition, if you order the cells from craftsmen or make them yourself, they will cost 6-10 thousand rubles. With bird food, you can also try to reduce costs to 10-15 thousand rubles by purchasing it at markets or in rural areas. This approach will allow you to save 168 - (30 + 1.5 + 10 + 15) = 111.5 thousand rubles at the start.

But there are some peculiarities. For example, in the first case, no time is wasted on raising quails, which is 2 months. You can receive income from the first days. This is, firstly. Secondly, all 500 birds in the first case are layers, and in the second, out of 700 eggs, approximately 450 of them will hatch.

Expected income

Consider an option in which a farm with 700 laying hens focuses on selling eggs. It is expected that they will produce 400-420 eggs per day, which can be sold wholesale for 1-1.5 rubles. Total, daily income is 400-630 rubles, and per month it will be equal to 12-19 thousand rubles. Additional income of 3-5 tr. The sale of quail droppings will also bring.

In general, this is a low income, and the initial costs can be recouped in six months, maximum 8 months. But this is an option in which adult laying hens were purchased, for which they would have to pay over 100 rubles.

But what about a project involving hatchery chicks? In this case, from 700 eggs no more than 450 laying hens will be produced, the rest will be cockerels. These hens will begin laying eggs only 2 months after placing the eggs in the incubator, as mentioned above. They will produce no more than 300 eggs per day, as a result of which the monthly income from the sale of eggs will be 9-13.5 thousand rubles. Additionally, you will be able to earn up to 5 thousand rubles. for the sale of the litter.

Quail meat can be sold both by kilograms and by carcasses. To reduce hassle, it is better to sell in carcasses. The wholesale price is 50-70 rubles. per carcass. Since there are still 250 cockerels left on the farm, they can be sold for 12.5-17.5 thousand rubles. In total, it will be possible to earn 26.5-36 thousand rubles from the sale of eggs, meat and litter.

But this is profit for 3 months, and in the first case, the profit that would be received for the first month was calculated. For 3 months it will be 45-72 tr. During this period, the owner can make a final decision to expand the project and increase the number of heads, for example, 5 times, which will make it possible to make a profit of 100 thousand rubles. monthly.

Both the first and second approaches have a right to exist. The main thing in them is sales and proper care of the birds so that their egg production does not fall. The second is ensured by proper care and feeding.

Features of care organization

In caring for birds, a lot depends on the place in which they are kept. For quails, the cages should be made of a metal frame, the welded mesh should be taken from galvanized wire. It should have feeders and nipple drinkers with a drip catcher. In addition, it is necessary to equip them with a special egg collector and a tray into which manure falls: this makes it easier to collect it and clean up after the birds.

Above were mentioned cages of 7 levels for 350 quails. The size of this cage:

  • in height - 2 m;
  • in length - 1 m;
  • in depth - 0.55 m.

That is, for a farm of 700 birds, taking into account aisles, 3-4 m² is enough, provided that cages of this particular design are used. Increasing the number of cells, for example, to 10, will not significantly affect the required space for them. Taking into account the passage, it is enough to provide 10-12 m².

Of course, it is better to take a room 1.5-2 times larger. The smaller it is, the more forced air exchange is required. The room temperature should be maintained at +18°C. Birds need to be bathed once a week to maintain hygiene.

As for feed, the industry does not produce ready-made options for quail. Since corporations do not breed quails, there are no related products for them. You'll have to make it yourself. 100% of the feed requires the following components:

  • corn - 25%;
  • wheat - 33%;
  • ground shell - 5%;
  • barley - 5%;
  • fishmeal and sunflower cake - 32%.

The result is a very nutritious composition that gives good bird growth and egg production.

Important point!

For the narrow specialization of the project, choose special breeds of quail.

If you are going to organize exclusively the production of quail eggs, you need egg-bearing breeds. But if there is an option for a good sale of meat, then we raise birds of meat breeds. If you mix it up, you get the following picture: meat breeds lay 1.5 times less eggs, but egg-bearing breeds weigh 2 times less than meat breeds, so the wholesale price for such carcasses will be lower. All this will be reflected in the profitability of the enterprise.

But here, too, not everything is so simple, because a lot depends on the buyer. For example, selling meat quails to restaurants is difficult due to their large size. For one serving the carcass is very large, but for 2 servings it is not enough. Therefore, for such customers it is better to raise ordinary egg-laying birds.

As far as litter goes, don't underestimate this product. It is valued by farmers as a very good fertilizer. It can also be used for the needs of the farm itself as an excellent source of biogas. As a result, the farm receives free heating, which reduces operating costs.

Sales of products

Growing quails as a business requires exactly the same well-established sales. They need to be dealt with at the stage of preparation for production. An entrepreneur needs to bypass:

  • supermarkets;
  • grocery stores;
  • market outlets;
  • catering establishments;
  • sanatoriums, clinics, hospitals.

The purpose of the crawl is to find future wholesale buyers of the products. With those who have expressed a desire, enter into an agreement of intent. To do this, you need to register an individual entrepreneur.

You can also consider the possibility of independently selling eggs at retail through your own retail outlets. But in this case, you need to open them, hire sellers and purchase other products for sale. A retail outlet will not be profitable on quail eggs alone.

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The invention relates to the food industry. The method of obtaining powder from quail eggs involves washing quail eggs in running water at a temperature not exceeding 45°C. The egg mass is separated from the shell, filtered and dried in a vibrating fluidized bed of inert granules. The temperature at the entrance to the drying chamber is 140°C, at the exit - 80°C. The resulting powder is crushed and sifted. Quail egg powder is characterized by the fact that it is obtained using the method described above. Mayonnaise contains quail egg powder obtained by the method described above, refined deodorized sunflower oil, skimmed milk powder, granulated sugar, salt, mustard powder, acetic acid, stabilizer, beta-carotene, baking soda and water in the stated ratios of components. The invention makes it possible to create a high-tech method for producing egg powders, which makes it possible to obtain a product of improved quality with preserved natural properties, to expand the range of egg powders of improved quality, as well as to expand the range of food products in the form of mayonnaise, using quail egg powder in it, to increase the nutritional and biological value mayonnaise, improve microbiological parameters and increase the shelf life of the product. 3 n.p. files, 3 tables.

The invention relates to the fat and oil industry, namely to the production of mayonnaise, as well as to the food industry, in particular to the production of powders from viscous liquids.

In terms of the quality of their composition, quail eggs differ somewhat from the eggs of other bird species. They are superior to chicken eggs in many nutrients. A quail egg is a storehouse of nutrients that has therapeutic properties. Compared to a chicken egg, one gram of a quail egg contains more vitamins: A - 2.5 times, B1 - 2, B2 - 2.2 times. In five quail eggs, equal in weight to one chicken, the level of phosphorus and potassium is five times higher, and iron is 4.5 times higher. Quail eggs contain significantly more copper, cobalt, and amino acids. When comparing essential amino acids such as tyrosine, threonine, lysine, glycine and histidine, quail eggs are superior to chicken eggs.

Mayonnaise is a creamy, finely dispersed oil-in-water emulsion prepared from refined, deodorized vegetable oils with the addition of emulsifiers, thickeners, flavorings and spices.

There is a known method for producing egg powder, including evaporation and subsequent spray drying in a coolant medium; the evaporation process is carried out with simultaneous stirring, while the temperature of the coolant at the beginning of drying is maintained at 200-220°C and at the end 70-90°C (see SU 824943, A23B 5/02, 05/03/1981).

The disadvantages of this method are the low yield of the resulting product due to the fact that the egg mass foams and part of it is carried away along with the foam, and the resulting egg powder is of low quality.

A known installation for drying liquid products in a vibro-fluidized bed of inert material (see "Installation for liquid products A1-FML-20". Found on the Internet:

The disadvantages are that when using a known device, specific modes of implementation of the method are not described, as well as the low quality of the target product, since preliminary filtration of the egg mass is not carried out.

An analogue to the method of obtaining powder from quail eggs is the method of obtaining egg powder, which involves evaporation and subsequent spray drying in a coolant medium, the evaporation process is carried out with simultaneous stirring, at the drying stage the temperature of the coolant is maintained at first 145-165 ° C and at the end 51-65 ° C (see SU 878231, A23B 5/02, 07.11.19810).

The disadvantages of the analogue are that the evaporation stage is carried out with intense stirring, which leads to a decrease in the quality of the resulting product due to the occurrence of the process of separation of the egg mass under the influence of centrifugal force; the use of high temperatures at the beginning of the process and low temperatures at the end causes a large temperature difference, which leads to a deterioration in the quality of the product, in particular to a decrease in the nutrients and biologically active substances of the resulting product, as well as the use of chicken eggs.

An analogue to the second object, namely powder from quail eggs, is powder obtained from chicken eggs (see SU 878231, A23B 5/02, 07.11.19810).

The disadvantages of the analogue are that they use specific raw materials, namely chicken eggs, and the low quality of the resulting product.

The closest analogue to the third object of the invention, namely mayonnaise, is mayonnaise containing vegetable oil (soybean oil), a quail egg in the form of a pasteurized egg, salt, granulated sugar, acetic acid and a stabilizer (see ES 2147515 A1, A23L 1 /24, 09/01/2000).

The disadvantages of the closest analogue are the low nutritional and biological value of mayonnaise and the deterioration of its quality due to the use of pasteurized quail eggs, since during pasteurization the egg undergoes significant destruction of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, and protein denaturation occurs.

The objective of the invention is to create a high-tech method for producing egg powders, which makes it possible to obtain a product of improved quality with preserved natural properties, to expand the range of egg powders of improved quality, as well as to expand the range of food products in the form of mayonnaise using quail egg powder with improved microbiological characteristics, nutritional, biological value and increasing the stability of the product during storage.

The problem is solved by the fact that the method of obtaining powder from quail eggs is characterized by the fact that quail eggs are washed in running water at a temperature not exceeding 45°C, the egg mass is separated from the shell, the egg mass is filtered, dried in a vibro-fluidized bed of inert granules, while the temperature at the entrance to the drying chamber is 140°C, and at the outlet - 80°C, then the resulting powder is crushed and sifted.

The problem is also solved by the fact that quail egg powder, according to the invention, is obtained using the above method.

The problem is solved by the fact that mayonnaise containing vegetable oil, quail egg, salt, granulated sugar, acetic acid and a stabilizer, according to the invention, contains refined deodorized sunflower oil as a vegetable oil, and as a quail egg - quail egg powder obtained in the stated way. In this case, mayonnaise additionally contains skimmed milk powder, mustard powder, beta-carotene, soda and water, in the following ratio of components, wt.%: refined deodorized sunflower oil 55.5; quail egg powder 0.1-5.0; skimmed milk powder 2.0-2.2; granulated sugar 2.0-2.2; salt 1.0; mustard powder 0.75; acetic acid 0.55-0.75; stabilizer 0.1; beta-carotene 0.12; soda 0.05; water - the rest.

The technical result of the claimed invention is the production of a more coarse powder with better flowability, less caking and an increased shelf life due to heating of inert bodies throughout the entire volume. This technical result is ensured due to the stated mode of the drying process, namely the inlet temperature is 140°C, and the outlet temperature is 80°C. The coolant is the inert bodies themselves. Heat is transferred to a thin film of the dried material by contact from heated inert bodies. In this case, the temperature and humidity gradients in the layer of the dried product coincide in direction, which contributes to the intensification of the drying process. A vibro-boiling layer of inert bodies allows the product to be evenly applied to their surface and ensures uniform heating of the bodies and the dried product.

And also, when using the claimed method for obtaining powder from quail eggs, the biological properties of the product do not change, that is, the resulting product contains the same amount of nutrients, vitamins, microelements and amino acids as in a natural quail egg, namely an increased content of vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, calcium and phosphorus 5 times, iron 4.5 times. The powder also contains selenium, which makes it possible to use in the production of food products, such as mayonnaise, not raw eggs, which do not have a long shelf life, as well as microbiological purity, but powder from quail eggs.

The use of powder obtained from quail eggs according to the claimed method in mayonnaise, in combination with prescription components in the stated quantities, makes it possible to obtain mayonnaise with improved nutritional and biological properties, increased resistance to microbiological and oxidative spoilage of mayonnaise during storage.

The characteristics of the finished product are given in tables 1 and 2.

According to organoleptic indicators, the resulting quail egg powder meets the requirements specified in Table 1.

According to physical and chemical parameters, the resulting quail egg powder meets the requirements specified in Table 2.

The method for obtaining powder from quail eggs is as follows.

The eggs are inspected, eggs with damaged shells are removed, placed in mesh trays and washed until dirt is completely removed in warm running water at a temperature not exceeding 45°C. The eggs are then separated from their shells.

The resulting egg mass is poured into a receiving tank for drying liquid products, supplied by a transfer pump through a filter to a supply tank, then by a metering pump through an air cap into pneumatic nozzles.

The product is dried according to the following regime: inlet temperature 140°C, outlet temperature 80°C. Compressed air for spraying the product into a vibrating fluidized bed of inert granules is supplied to the nozzles from the compressor. Water is supplied to the compressor through a filter, an electromagnetic valve and is controlled by a flow switch. The vibration drive provides vibration liquefaction of the layer of granules. The drying agent is fed through an inlet filter by a blower fan into an electric heater, where it is heated to a predetermined temperature and enters the drying chamber. The dried product is carried by the drying agent into the cyclone, where it is separated from the air flow.

The dried product is crushed and sifted.

Mayonnaise is prepared as follows.

In the first, an acetic-salt solution is prepared by supplying the required amount of process water and the recipe amount of acetic acid so that the concentration of the working solution is no more than 7-9%; the recipe amount of salt is added to the vinegar solution, mixed and filtered before use. Next, prepare mayonnaise paste, where water is added to the second container, heated to 40°C, the recipe amount of granulated sugar is added, mixed thoroughly, brought to a boil and boiled for 15 minutes. The prescription amount of mustard powder is poured into the third container, hot water is added at a ratio of 1:2 with stirring. The mustard mass is leveled. Pour hot water on top and leave for 8-12 hours. Water is supplied to the first mixing tank, equipped with a mixing device and a heating jacket, heated to a temperature of 40°C, and with the mixer running, the prescribed amount of baking soda and skim milk powder are added. The mixture is heated to a temperature of 90°C for 15 minutes. The prescription amount of stabilizer is placed in the fourth container, deodorized vegetable oil is added in a ratio of 1:3 and mixed thoroughly. The pasteurized mixture from the first mixing tank is pumped into the second mixing tank, equipped with a mixing device and a cooling system. With the mixer running, add sugar syrup, mustard paste and water. The resulting mixture is cooled. Quail powder is introduced and pasteurized at a temperature of 60C for 15 minutes. Then an oily solution of the food additive (beta-carotene) and a mixture of vegetable oil and stabilizer are introduced. The mayonnaise paste is kept at a temperature of 60°C for 5 minutes. After which it is cooled to 30°C and, without stopping the mixing process, the supply of vegetable oil is dosed. Then the vinegar-salt solution is introduced. The resulting emulsion must be thoroughly mixed for 5 minutes. After this time, the emulsion is pumped into a storage tank and then fed to the homogenizer. Next, the mayonnaise is packaged and stored at a temperature of 0-10°C.

In mayonnaise, any acetic acid is used in a concentration acceptable for mayonnaise.

The invention is illustrated by the following examples, which, however, do not cover, much less limit, the entire scope of the claims of this invention.

Example No. 1. Mayonnaise contains the following components, wt.%: refined deodorized sunflower oil - 55.5; quail egg powder - 0.1; skim milk powder - 2.0; granulated sugar - 2.0; salt - 1.0; mustard powder - 0.75; acetic acid - 0.55; stabilizer - 0.1; beta-carotene - 0.12; baking soda - 0.05; water - 37.73.

Example No. 2. Mayonnaise contains the following components, wt.%: refined deodorized sunflower oil - 55.5; quail egg powder - 3.5; skim milk powder - 2.1; granulated sugar - 2.1; salt - 1.0; mustard powder - 0.75; acetic acid - 0.65; stabilizer - 0.1; beta-carotene - 0.12; baking soda - 0.05; water - 34.13.

Example No. 3. Mayonnaise contains the following components, wt.%: refined deodorized sunflower oil - 55.5; quail egg powder - 5.0; skim milk powder - 2.2; granulated sugar - 2.2; salt - 1.0; mustard powder - 0.75; acetic acid - 0.75; stabilizer - 0.1; beta-carotene - 0.12; baking soda - 0.05; water - 32.33.

The mayonnaise obtained according to the invention has a uniform creamy consistency, a slightly spicy, sour taste without pronounced bitterness with the smell and taste of mustard and vinegar, a creamy white color, uniform throughout the mass. The shelf life of mayonnaise is 90 days, at a temperature of 0 to 10°C, due to the absence of yeast and mold in the finished mayonnaise (see Table 3). The nutritional value of 100 g of mayonnaise is: fats - 55.5 g, proteins - 3.1 g, carbohydrates - 2.5 g. The energy value of 100 g of the product is 521.0 Kcal.

According to physicochemical and microbiological indicators, the resulting mayonnaise, according to our tests, meets the requirements specified in Table 3.

Table 3.
Name of indicators, units of measurementMeaning of indicatorsND on test methods
Mass fraction of moisture, %, no more38,5 37,5 GOST R 50173-92
Mass fraction of fat, %, not less55,5 55,5 GOST R 50173-92
Acidity in terms of acetic acid, %, no more0,85 0,35 GOST R 50173-92
Emulsion resistance, %, not less98,0 98,4 GOST R 50173-92
Peroxide value ½ Ohm mol/kg, no more10 3,6 GOST 26593-85
Lead, mg/kg, no more0,3 0,04 GOST 30178-96
Arsenic, mg/kg, no more0,1 0,05 GOST 26930-86
Cadmium, mg/kg, no more0,05 0,02 GOST 30178-96
Mercury, mg/kg, no more0,03 Not detectedGOST 26930-86
Aflatoxin B1, mg/kg, no more0005 Not detectedGOST 30711-2001
HCH, mg/kg, no more0,05 Not detectedMU No. 2142-80,
DDT, mg/kg, no more0,1 Not detected"Krolos", 1983
Coliforms (coli forms) in 0.1 g.Not additionalAbsentGOST R 50474-93
Salmonella in 25Not additionalAbsentGOST R 50480-93
Yeast, CFU/g, no more500 AbsentGOST 10444.12-88
Mold, CFU/g, no more50 AbsentGOST 10444.12-88

As can be seen from the table, mayonnaise according to the claimed invention has increased resistance to oxidation, low content of harmful metals (lead, arsenic, cadmium), as well as a complete absence of yeast and mold in relation to acceptable standards for mayonnaise.

The technical result will be achieved only by using the entire set of features.

The invention makes it possible to create a high-tech method for producing powders from quail eggs, which makes it possible to obtain a product of improved quality with preserved natural properties, to expand the range of egg powders of improved quality, and also to expand the range of food products in the form of mayonnaise using quail egg powder with improved microbiological characteristics , nutritional and biological value and increase the shelf life of the product.

1. A method for obtaining powder from quail eggs, characterized by the fact that quail eggs are washed in running water at a temperature not exceeding 45°C, the egg mass is separated from the shell, the egg mass is filtered, dried in a vibro-fluidized bed of inert granules, while the inlet temperature into the drying chamber is 140°C, and at the exit 80°C, then the resulting powder is crushed and sifted.

2. Powder from quail eggs, characterized in that it is obtained by the method according to claim 1.

3. Mayonnaise containing vegetable oil, quail egg, salt, granulated sugar, acetic acid and a stabilizer, characterized in that refined deodorized sunflower oil is used as vegetable oil, and quail egg is used in the form of a powder obtained by the method according to claim 1 , while mayonnaise additionally contains skim milk powder, mustard powder, beta-carotene, baking soda and water in the following ratio of components, wt.%.

We present to your attention a very simple and effective business idea: the production of quail eggs and the breeding of Japanese domesticated quails for meat. With an appropriate number of quails, the production advantages are obvious. Quails will not only feed your family with eggs and healthy meat, but will also begin to generate a stable income. In order to place quail cages in production, you do not need a lot of space. The size of one cage (120 x 60 x 180cm) can hold up to 100 laying quail hens. You will need an area of ​​only 0.72 square meters. This space is enough to organize a mini-farm in the extension of a private house. Even a balcony in a city apartment can become your production. If you count, then on average one quail will lay from 15 to 20 eggs per month, one egg weighing 11-12 grams. At the same time, quail eats 30-40 grams of food per day. This means that in a month, 100 quails will need about 120 kg of feed, for which the quail will lay 1000-1500 eggs. Consumer interest in quail eggs is growing every day. I think it will not be difficult to calculate the cost-effectiveness depending on the market price of feed and quail eggs in your city. Since everyone knows many facts about quail eggs and the benefits they bring, the implementation will be effective. In addition, to the quail eggs, add another similar farm for a hundred quails to produce a healthy delicacy - quail meat. Moreover, quails are ready for slaughter at the age of 2.5 months. Thus, it is possible to expand the range of products in production. Here is an approximate diagram of one quail farm for 100 heads. If you are a creative person, then you can create this simple device yourself. Thanks to your imagination, you can create more original and practical cages for keeping quails.

The volume of quail egg production depends on the number of quails

There are two main breeding methods that are commonly practiced in quail production. It is quite logical that in order to increase egg production you need to increase the number of birds. To effectively breed quails to the required quantity, there are two most popular methods. The first is when the cockerels and hens are in the same cage, the ratio should be 1:2.5, this means that for 4 quail cockerels there should be 10 quail hens. If you are just starting out, then this method will suit you as a beginner. But keep in mind that this method has a number of disadvantages, such as frequent fights between males, which leads to general nervousness in the cage and poor fertilization and, accordingly, egg production may become irregular. But if you have already sold the first batch of eggs and want to increase the quality of production, and, accordingly, the profitability of farms, then you are ready to use a different method of breeding quails. The second method is a little more complicated, but more effective. The essence of the method is to keep the males and females separately and place the cockerels in the chicken cages periodically so that they do their job. In this way, you will achieve high fertility rates and the breeding quality can also be well controlled. This method is good for increasing production performance and is also especially good if you want to take your breed further. For example: add Chinese painted quail, where with this method you have the ability to have better control over the desired colors and patterns that you desire. Or breed meat breeds like PHAROAH or laying hens like JAPANESE QUAIL. The only disadvantage of this production method is that it takes a long time.

Effective production requires control over quail eggs during the incubation period

Domesticated quail have lost the instinct to hatch eggs, so to a large extent the only way to breed quail is in an incubator. Collect eggs 3-5 times daily to reduce infection rates. When engaged in efficient production of quail eggs, follow simple rules. Select large eggs with a strong shell, checking them carefully for any cracks or other damage. Do not wash quail eggs or you will remove their porous protective coating and leave them vulnerable to bacterial infections. Moreover, eggs should not disturb the humidity level. It is also recommended to perform a candling test. This will show you any possible cracks in the eggs, healthy yolks and the size of the air spaces. Store quail eggs in a cool, dry place on egg trays. Storage temperature should be between 12 - 17 degrees Celsius and at a relative humidity of about 70 - 80 percent. Be careful if the temperature rises above 18° as this temperature may trigger a false incubation process. DO NOT store hatching quail eggs in the refrigerator, it is too cold for them. Some say you can use quail eggs up to 10 days old for incubation, but we would not recommend using quail eggs older than 7 days.

Quail eggs need a production ventilated incubator

Any effective production needs high-quality equipment. The room where you install the incubator should have a stable, constant temperature. The incubator must be clean and disinfected. Ultimately it is your choice which incubator you use, but we recommend using ventilated incubators with automatic egg turning. You need to turn the eggs 3-4 times a day. Then there are only two main things that you should not miss. The first is maintaining the correct temperature, which is 37.8 ° C and humidity 45-55%. Like this for the first 7 days. When your business operates and makes a profit in the future, you can then purchase an incubator that is equipped with an alarm and a reminder function via SMS to your phone. On day 7, you can test the eggs by candling to see how many eggs are fertile. At this stage, you should already notice a quail embryo inside the egg. Remove empty eggs. On the 14th day, stop the egg turning mechanism. But quail eggs need to continue to be looked after. At this stage, the humidity level should be increased to 80-85%. This will soften the shells, which will help the small quail chicks break the shell and be born. Japanese quail chicks begin to hatch from day 16 of incubation, but most should hatch by day 17. Chicks that did not hatch on the 18th day most likely died. If you managed to achieve 75% or higher survival rate, then you did everything very well.

Features of chicks hatched from a quail egg

Keep the chicks in the incubator until they are dry and fluffy, then place them in a preheated nursery. A quail chick can be left in the incubator for up to 24 hours (some say even 48 hours) after hatching. During the first week, use super fine crumbs of food, as due to the large size of the food, the quail chicks will not be able to cope. The food should be sprinkled on the floor so they can find it easily. The water should be kept away from the heat source to keep the water cool. The source of heat for young chicks in your production in the first week will be a regular 100W lamp, and after that you need to change it to 60W. When the quail chicks are 4 weeks old, they are ready to leave the nursery and move to their new homes - quail farms. When you can breed quails up to 200 pieces, then your business can already be called a farm for the production of quail eggs with a productivity of 100 pieces per day. To achieve this result, you do not need specialized investments and it will take no more than three months. An ordinary household incubator can hold 250 quail eggs per laying. And then you can develop your owl business to a scale convenient for you.
