Last call in Harry Potter style. Prom script “The Adventures of Harry Potter and His Friends. Harry Potter themed party idea

ZTM. On both sides of the stage there are screens on which a video clip from Harry Potter is projected. In the center of the stage, screens move apart, behind which are the hosts of the competition - Hermione and Harry Potter.

G. Harry, Harry Potter, 30 years have passed since the moment I first saw you at Hogwarts, and during all this time there has not been a day that you have not found yourself in some kind of story. What is this place, Harry?

GP. You don’t understand, Hermione, this place is at the very point of the earth’s passage, where the rays of the star Barlaon from the constellation Skalapetra and my flashlight are refracted in the consciousness of unconscious existence, forming an energy flow accumulated by the forces of higher spatial excitation and aimed at creating a directed flow of young minds with the goal development of paranormal abilities through training elements of elementary influence in psychophysical action in order to...

G. Harry, if I weren’t smart, I might now turn out to be a complete fool... Are you opening your own school?

GP. Our school, our school with you, Hermione, the school of witchcraft and wizardry. And this place...

G. Yes, I’ve already heard about Skalapetra...

GP. No! This is the place where the first applicants for one of the places will appear any minute free training at our school - the “GP and G” school!

G. "GP and G"?

GP. Harry Potter and Hermione!

Fanfare sounds.

G. Potter, Harry Potter, you invite students here, and you didn’t even think about the fact that you just need to tidy up here, remove anything unnecessary: ​​(says the spell).

Pr-lr-rpm. Harry flies off into the wings.

G. Sorry, Harry, anything unnecessary is not you.

The spell is spoken again. Pr-lr-rpm. “Elementary order” is restored on the stage.

G. Well, that's a completely different matter.

Music. A baby dragon runs onto the stage, throws a letter and runs away.

G. What did you do with your owl, Harry?

GP. This is not an owl, Hermione, this is a genetically modified Transelvanian postman dragon. Thanks Norbert!

G. Harry, there's a letter for you.

GP. To me? Do I need a letter?! First letter in 30 years?! Oh, letter, how I’ve been waiting for you!.. I wonder what’s in it?

G. Maybe you should read it, Harry?

GP. You're right as always, Hermione.

GP. takes the letter, opens the envelope and reads it.

GP. "Mr. Potter! The Ministry of Magic and Wizardry informs you of its consent to the opening of a new school of GP and G under our jurisdiction and is sending the first students to you..."

G. Harry, I’m just burning with impatience to meet these charming girls who have arrived to study at Our school! Where is our magic hat for enrolling in faculties? (The hat comes out.) Now everything is ready! So, we meet:

The presenters introduce the participants. After each, the Hat gives his summary. The participants line up on stage. Harry groans and clutches his scar.

GP. Mmmmmmmm!

G. What happened, Harry?!

GP. They're back...

G. Who?

GP. Those who cannot be named!..

G. What will happen now, Harry? Is our school in danger?!

GP. Yes-ah... No! I know what to do! No wonder Dumbledore said: “Keep your enemies to yourself, and they will become your best friends.” We need to talk about them. Let everyone know them by name, and by sight too. And they, in turn, will become the examination committee that will help in choosing the best student from the Harry Potter and Hermione school!

The composition of the jury is announced.

GP. Well, that's it: it's in the bag!

G. In a hat?

GP. Of course, Hermione, we’ll pass our truthful hat on to the masters for the impartiality and objectivity of their judgments and...

G. Is it in the bag?

GP. Exactly!

The hat goes to the jury, and the presenters invite the participants to prepare for the first task.

G. Well, Harry, an exciting life full of adventures begins again, just like 30 years ago at Hogwarts!

GP. Yes, Hermione, those were golden times... Thanks to our teachers, and, in my opinion, their efforts were not in vain!..

GP and G sing “Wizards-daughters”

G. Well, Harry, it's time for our students to introduce themselves.

GP. Yes, Hermione, and I would immediately like to know what the girls will become in 50 years, when they are already respected masters.

G. Is this possible?

GP. Of course: “Hyperaus!”

The GP says the spell, waves his wand, and the gong sounds. The participants present " Business card».


GP and G come out with huge books.

G. Harry, look what I found. Here is how to change the gravitational field of an individual mountain troll with a subsequent shift in brain disorder towards the Norwegian humpback dragon in order to obtain a fire-breathing Margalena of the third level! Can you hear me? What are you looking at there, Harry?

GP. Harry Potter Part Two on DVD.

G. Stop your jokes, Harry. At Hogwarts you were always in trouble in every subject because you were doing who knows what! Well, of course, I'm not talking about Quidditch - you've always been great at that game.

GP. Yes, Hermione, but yours: “cut the air and wave your wand “Wingardium Leviosa”, not “Leviosa””, has long been part of the educational books all schools of witchcraft in the world. So, Professor Granger, at our school it is you who will teach Livitation.

G. Thank you for your trust, Professor Potter. But what about our exam? I think the girls are ready to present us with their second task.

GP. And it’s true, let’s be curious about which subject they will give the most preference to, and what lessons they really love. "Hyperbeus!"

GP says a spell, waves his wand, and the gong sounds. Participants present “My Favorite Subject.”


GP and G come out, chant their chants and laugh.
Hogwarts, Hogwarts,
Take us into circulation;
It will be good for us.
Fill us with our attics
Good lessons
And now we have them
Mossy and abandoned.

G. Yes, witchcraft is not just about waving a wand and muttering stupid words.

GP. I completely agree with you, Hermione. And, therefore, in order to reveal the special abilities of our participants, our next task is transfiguration, or in other words, the art of transformation. Let's see how they deal with this.

G. Will we reincarnate ourselves?

GP. Of course: Petrificus totalus.

The GP says a spell and waves his wand. ZTM. Strobes. The heroes are transformed into simple presenters. Gong strikes.
The participants introduce their heroines (Catwoman, Witch, Lady Mary, etc.), the presenters ask each of them tricky questions.


GP. Yes, studying at our school will be fun and interesting. In physical education class, instead of jumping over a horse, you can fly on a broom. We will assign an essay about werewolves for homework, and in class we will turn baby mice into a box. This is a real little wonderland!

G. Is it possible to continue the transformation?

GP. Well, it hasn't harmed anyone yet.

G takes the doll, says a spell, ZTM, strobes, the doll turns into the lead singer of the “Romashka” project and sings.


G. Harry, haven’t you forgotten that our future students have already been invited to Hogwarts School for fun party, and now is the time to prepare for it.

GP. Yes, Hermione, perhaps it's time to start rehearsal. Somewhere out there, in a closet, our old friends are waiting in the wings. Well, let's wake up our friends! "Mobile-Arbus"

The GP says the spell, waves his wand, and the gong sounds. Various heroes appear on the stage, and then the competition participants. All this disgrace ends with a general photo shoot.

G. And, in my opinion, everything went fun and nice.

GP. And, in my opinion, too. Our participants passed all the tests with dignity and completed their tasks, and we transfer the fate of each of them into the hands of a respected magistrate.

G. Expelliarmus!

GP. What are you doing?

G. I remove them from the hall.

GP. Hermione, dear masters themselves know where the room for secret meetings is and are already heading to it to make a verdict.

Exit of the jury, applause.

G. Harry, I hope our party continues?

GP. Of course, Hermione, we can't make our guests bored. Moreover, I see that some of them are already eager to enroll in our school.

Competitions for spectators. Concert numbers. Announcement of the results of the competition.

This is the last call script for graduates. The script is unusual and interesting. The script uses ideas from the book "Harry Potter". Scenario of a fabulous last call.


Graduates, teachers and parents are seated in a festively decorated hall. The stage is designed as a reception hall in a castle (based on the book "Harry Potter"). On the foreground are the “coats of arms of the faculties,” the school’s graduating classes (you can give them names in the style of a fairy tale).

The signal sounds (or the school bell in the recording).

Attention! Attention! Attention - you know who! We ask all sorcerers, magicians, wizards and other teachers to urgently gather in the meeting room at 10 o'clock magic time, you know why, or rather, to discuss the candidates for graduates of the school of wizards... of the year. Availability cool magazines, curricula, characteristics are required. Please do not bring mice, rats, owls, spiders or other personal items with you. Please don't be late, otherwise you know what will happen!

Sounds like "The Wizard's Song". The lights on the stage are dimmed, teachers and class teachers graduating classes slowly climb onto the stage and turn from ordinary teachers into wizards, mages and sorcerers, putting on black cloaks, hats, magic wands and books lying in different corners of the stage.


So! Gentlemen magicians, sorcerers, wizards and other teachers! Is everyone here? Teachers:

You know!


Well, then it's time to start. We have gathered here, in this room, for one single purpose - you know what. Today we have to decide whether our students - graduates... of the year can be declared real wizards. Are they ready for an independent life of magic in the world of magicians? What will be the opinions?

1st teacher:

No, I tell you completely responsibly - we are not ready. For example, Masha Sidorova does not know the spell of turning a fly into an elephant with enough confidence.

2nd teacher:

And Ivanov still cannot confidently repeat the magic phrase “Ristao prasto bur-katono farosto kraz” 333 times in a row.

Here, look (makes passes with his hands, as if calling Ivanov from the audience). Here, Ivanov, try it! (Ivanov tries.) What will he do without her?

Next, all teachers can enter into an argument, proving the readiness or unpreparedness of graduates to graduate from school, giving various arguments and inviting some graduates sitting in the hall to prove their knowledge in certain “magic” subjects.


We're arguing in vain! We have a magic hat. Well, let's try to find out what's in the heads of our students, what they think about on the eve of finishing school, what they managed to learn and remember from our lessons!

A magical black talking hat is brought out. The presenter goes out into the hall and puts a hat on some of the graduates in turn. During each try-on, the soundtrack includes excerpts from popular pop or children's songs that in one way or another characterize the graduates. For example, “Well, where are you, girls, girls, girls?”, “Take away what’s ready! Who is new?”, “Whoever goes to visit in the morning acts wisely”, etc.


We didn't teach them this...

The best school holiday scenarios


Yes, this is clearly extracurricular knowledge. Well, what are we going to do?


And I came up with an idea. Let's give them, our graduates, a test here. Let them tell you who they are, what they are ready for... What they have learned over the years.


Right. Well, now I will materialize them...

The presenter makes passes with her hands and, one by one, invites the graduating classes to the stage, who deliver greetings to the school and teachers.

Between graduates' performances, amateur performances may be included.

The presenter and wizard teachers rise to the stage again.


Well, now everything is more or less clear. Although it’s a pity for us to leave, it’s time. It's time to perform a magical procedure and finally turn our graduates into wizards. So, I begin to conjure. So... (Reads a magic book.) To make a wizard out of a graduate, first of all give the floor to the school principal.

The school director speaks with parting words to the graduates.

Presenter(continuing to conjure):

So... Now the last thing - give the last school bell in the lives of the graduates.


That's all? Is this all witchcraft?


Of course not... After all, you and I know that only a person with a kind and pure heart can become a wizard.

Teachers(one by one):

Brave, honest, noble.


And if we were able to teach you, dear graduates, to be brave, honest, and kind, you have truly become real wizards.

The final song plays and a little boy plays Harry Potter on stage.


I'm not a wizard yet, I'm just learning. But I firmly believe that if your hearts are always big and honest, you will be able to do any magic! Good luck, dear wizards!

Rings the last call.

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Thematic day of self-government, the scenario is designed for a school in which from 1st to 11th grade in one parallel.

Purpose of the event: Increasing students' motivation for teaching activities.

Objectives of the event:

  1. Formation of interest among schoolchildren in in-depth study of sciences.
  2. Satisfying students' needs for practical activities.
  3. Promoting career guidance for school graduates.

Form of organizing children's activities: self-government day. Grades 1-8 – students, 9-11 – professors (high school teachers).

Progress of the event

Classes start at 8.00.

At 7.40 the whole school gathers in the assembly hall. Professor McGonagall (understudy of the academic director) opens the event and says that the sorting hat will now distribute the classes into faculties (to the song of the sorting hat, the class prefects pull out pieces of paper from the hat with the names of the faculties: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff). The distribution ceremony takes place to the song of the sorting hat (appendix).

Professor Dumbledore (the school's understudy) introduces the professors and says a welcoming speech: “Before we start classes, I would like to say a few words. And my words will be like this: Berk Bubble Remnant Trick. That’s it, thank you everyone!”

Everyone leaves for classes. After the second lesson, grades 1-7 go to the Boar's Head bar (dining room), and grades 8-11 after the third lesson.

During the day, all faculties gain points. Two classes per department.

After classes are over, everyone gathers in the assembly hall. Professor Dumbledore: “Now let’s determine the primacy of faculties in studies...”

To the music of a waltz, Professor Dumbledore and Magonagall open the ball. Then a concert for invited teachers and veterans.

The superiority of faculties in art is determined by musical numbers. Teachers evaluate. Then the professors end with a common song.



Harry Potter - Ksenia I.

Hermione - Alla A.

Ron-Olesya I.

Voldemort - Valentin N.

Albus Dumbledore - Marina Yurievna

Book - Elena A.

Professor McGonakal - Vika Yurievna

(To Slepakov's song Harry Potter, Ron, Hermione come on stage and sing about their problems )

Ron: My friends, I remembered that we have a magical spring.

Harry: Exactly

Hermione : We must use it!

( They run up to the jug (Phonogram of a drop), but it is empty, the heroes begin to be indignant)

Harry Potter: How so?

Ron: Who stole the elixir?

Hermione: Well, it’s just pure frustration. I know what we should do, at Hogwarts, in the library there is a book of secrets, and there is a recipe for making an elixir. Forward!

(there is a door on the stage, the light is dim, the characters go to the door, get scared of each other, trip over each other, Ron comes to the door and casts a spell)

Ron: Wooden door, please let us in!

(all the characters stand and look at the door, it doesn’t open).

(Harry says the spell)

Hermione: Ron, what are you doing? (laughs) You talk to the door.

Harry Potter : Deprimo! ( Soundtrack Opening the door)

(The door opens with a creak)

(The heroes end up in the library, look around, look for a book with lanterns, go backstage, magical music and slide library or video)

Harry: Well, where is this book? (looks for it)

Hermione: I'm already tired of walking.( shines a flashlight on the stage and also tries to find a book)

Ron: Harry, you stepped on my foot. Yes, what is it, the flashlight went out.

(The flashlights go out, a book appears on the stage in the darkness, a spotlight is directed at it, books fly behind the scenes)

(phonogram crying)

Hermione: What kind of hysteria is this, where does this sound come from?

(Go to the book)

(And the book begins to sing "Brown Mud")

Book: (sniffling) Hello. I am a magic book that knows everything in the world, but trouble happened: one of my pages disappeared. I don't know who did it.

Ron: What page?

Book: A page that contained an ancient recipe for a magical elixir of knowledge.

Harry: That's how it always is.

Hermione: We knew it.

Harry panics, Hermione calms him down.

Hermione: We must go to Professor Dumbledore for help, he knows everything, he will help us.

Dance with sticks

Dumbledore : I know who stole the page, our eternal enemy, and a tramp!

(The heroes look at each other and guess)

Harry: So Voldemort stole the page...

Hermione: But how can we find it?

Dumbledore : I can help you, I have him on Skype in enemies.

(We are calling, dialing soundtrack, the soundtrack of the “Wickedness” tone sounds)

(The curtains move, the lights blink)

Dance of wickedness

Video ( as Voldemort walks, eventually takes the stage and introduces himself)

Performance Voldemort (based on Leontiev's song "Casanova")

(after the song, the villain goes backstage, and the heroes come out to meet him, on both sides, blocking his path)

Dumbledore : We know that you stole the page with the recipe for the magic elixir of knowledge. Bring her back!!!

Voldemort: Yes, I stole it, but I am unable to return it, the page is torn into three parts.

Harry: How can we get her back now?

Ron: Harry, what are we going to do?

Hermione: (addresses the villain). Now how do we get these parts back, what do we need to do?

Voldemort: You must fulfill my three conditions, then parts of the page will return to you.

Dumbledore : And what are these conditions?


1 condition - You must destroy all your memories of life (about CDT).....

Condition 2 - You must make all your friends cry and fill the bag with their tears

3rd condition: And the last condition you must cast a dark spell on the school professors

Leads heroes astray

1 condition..

Ron: No! We can't do this.

Harry: My friends, we need to find some way out.


Video of memories, Video of good deeds, song

(pool of memories _ we are under glass, videos about CDT). Live song from Larisa or Alla, a wonderful country student song

Talking hat

Connecting with the dark lord on Skype 3 times, he gets worse each time

The heroes will either call, or introduce themselves, or go out with the professor

Condition 2 (Professor McGonakal) game with the audience (Musical cutscenes) and cause mass joy which one of the heroes collects in a bag

Song - Sketch by teachers

Login to Skype: you win, get your pieces (recipe) back

Book: Thank you, my friends, for returning the page. Now I have again become a magical book of great secrets. And now each of you will find in me.........

The teachers come out to the music and Professor Dumbledore reads out the recipe that is in the book. Meanwhile, letters with a recipe appear on the slide.

Mix six cups of LOVE with CARE,
Three spoons of TRUST, a cup of WORK,
Two cups of FORGIVENESS and a handful of KINDNESS,
Add a little LOYALTY, a gentle DREAM.

Three cups of HOPE and FRIENDSHIP half a bowl,
A glass of RESPECT for elders and loved ones.
Two spoons of LAUGHTER, a little LUCK,
A pinch of PATIENCE. And your task

Season everything with a heartfelt SMILE and AFTERNESS,
And your life will turn into a “Fairy Tale” again.

Soundtrack of water murmur (jug full)

The professor takes the jug, everyone surrounds him, and each teacher complements the jug with his own wishes and the heroes also wish.





As a result, they say a general spell, which is aimed at the hall, so that the children also receive a source of knowledge.

Hermione: Hooray! I finally got my presentation done.

Pugachev's song "On the Road to the Sun" Presentation of associations

Ron: I have a thirst for knowledge.

Hermione: There's a lot more we want to know

All the characters approach the stacks of books on the advance stage, take them and the flash mob begins.

Flash mob dance with books

Teacher's Day in the format of “self-government day”

in the style of "Harry Potter." At Hogwarts"

Purpose of the event: Increasing student motivation for teaching activities.

Objectives of the event: 1. Formation of interest among schoolchildren in the in-depth study of sciences.

2. Satisfying students' needs for practical activities.

3. Promoting career guidance for school graduates.

Form of organizing children's activities: self-government day. Grades 1-8 – students, 9-11 – professors (high school teachers).

Progress of the event:

Classes start at 8.00.

At 7.40 the whole school gathers in the assembly hall. Professor McGonagall (understudy of the academic director) opens the event and says that the sorting hat will now distribute the classes into faculties (to the song of the sorting hat, the class prefects pull out pieces of paper from the hat with the names of the faculties: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff). The distribution ceremony takes place to the song of the sorting hat (appendix).

Professor Dumbledore (the school's understudy) introduces the professors and says a welcoming speech: “Before we start classes, I would like to say a few words. And my words will be like this: Berk Bubble Remnant Trick. That’s it, thank you everyone!”

Everyone leaves for classes. After the second lesson, grades 1-7 go to the Boar's Head bar (dining room), and grades 8-11 after the third lesson.

During the day, all faculties gain points. Two classes per department.

After classes are over, everyone gathers in the assembly hall. Professor Dumbledore: “Now let’s determine the primacy of faculties in studies...”

To the music of a waltz, Professor Dumbledore and Magonagall open the ball. Then a concert for invited teachers and veterans.

The superiority of faculties in art is determined by musical numbers. Teachers evaluate. Then the professors end with a common song.

Appendix 1.

Name of items.

Potions - chemistry, herbology - biology, defense against the dark arts - life safety, transfiguration - Russian, spells - physics, divination - mathematics, flying on a broom - physical education.

Appendix 2.

Bell for classes and breaks - music from the film. Attached.

Appendix 3.

Song of the Sorting Hat.

Appendix 4.


Appendix 5.

Lesson schedule.



Russian language

Russian language

Surrounding world





Russian language






life safety



Surrounding world


Russian language















Russian language




Magic Spells



flying on a broom




Magic Spells




defense against the dark arts


flying on a broom

Magic Spells



flying on a broom




Magic Spells

flying on a broom

flying on a broom

flying on a broom





Magic Spells

defense against the dark arts

