The best photographers for kids. Newborn photography. Newborn photo shoot Alexey Detkov: original approach

The first months of a child's life are the most touching and beautiful. In the hassle and worries of a new family member, they fly by quickly and unnoticed. During this period, the baby grows by leaps and bounds: he noticeably gains weight, stretches out, and acquires his first silky hair. His appearance changes so quickly that we sometimes do not have time to remember all the moments of his growing up. As a rule, amateur photographic equipment comes to the aid of all parents, but, unfortunately, the quality of photographs obtained in this way almost always leaves much to be desired...
Capture in memory the brightest moments of a baby growing up in best quality professional will help newborn photo session in Moscow. More and more modern mothers and fathers today are choosing in favor of photography masters: almost every family album contains at least a dozen frames taken by a professional in a photo studio or in the open air.
It is difficult to argue with the fact that in an age of rapid development technical progress quality comes to the fore: by using the services of a reputable newborn photographer in Moscow, you are guaranteed to receive clear, colorful photographs with author’s processing.
Why am I telling you about this? Because children's photography is something I have been passionate about for the past 2 years. For me, this is both my job and my life’s hobby. I get incredible pleasure from what I do, and this is most directly reflected in all the photographs that my satisfied customers receive.
Regular clients who come to me for a children's or family photo shoot year after year is one of the most important indicators of the quality of my work.
The main benefits that you get by inviting me to be your baby’s photographer:

  • high level of photo quality;
  • preliminary consultation on the upcoming photo shoot;
  • individual approach to every child;
  • the ability to choose between calling a photographer to your home or shooting in a cozy photo studio in Chernogolovka;
  • photo session conditions that are comfortable for a newborn baby;
  • the use of a certain set of attributes for newborns and thematic details in the interior during a photo shoot;
  • reasonable price for photographer services;
  • short deadlines for photo processing and correction;
  • the opportunity to order additional artistic processing of photographs of a newborn;
  • preparing an individual cover image and printing a photo book for your child;
  • production of any photographic products (by agreement).
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Newborn photography is one of the new trends in Russia and Moscow. Recently, this direction has become very popular. Many people try to learn the skill of photographing newborns from professionals, and, as practice has shown, there are quite a lot of them. This can be done truly professionally by a person who has a whole store of knowledge in this field of photography. On the one hand, newborn photography is no different from other types of professional photography; it also involves a lot of knowledge and skills. But, on the other hand, it has one very important exception. This is the only area of ​​photography in which the photographer is solely responsible for the safety and well-being of the child.
The birth of a child is the most long-awaited and anxious moment in the life of a family. And every parent wants to see the first emotions of their child and remember them for many years. And not everyone can find real photography professionals by affordable price. Many people start looking for these professionals through friends or on the Internet, but few have a guarantee of quality work.

A professional newborn photographer is not just a person who knows how to use photographic equipment. He must sincerely love children and understand child psychology in order to be able to calm them down and make them fall asleep.

A newborn photographer is not a profession, but a calling. Not every person can show patience, restraint and be able to attract the baby’s attention for a successful and beautiful photo. After all, it is very difficult to work with children, since they do not fully understand what adults want from them. But each of their emotions is real and special.

I, Alexey Detkov, have been doing professional photography for over 10 years. I am very inspired by the art of photography. I approach my work responsibly. Shortly before I became interested in photography, I graduated from medical university. As a person with a medical education, I can provide comfort and safety to the newborn. As a father of two children, I have considerable experience in dealing with them. When photographing newborns, I try to convey all their uniqueness and individuality so that each photo is filled with bright emotions. When shooting, I use modern and safe photographic equipment.

Many people think that photographing their baby is not necessary, since the baby will always be with them and they have plenty of time to take photographs. But parents do not take into account that the baby changes after the first three weeks. As a specialist in newborn photography, I try to capture this particular period of your baby’s life.

The cost of such a photo session is insignificant, but this photo session will be a real gift for every family, and when your baby grows up, you will all review the very first and most touching moments of your life together.

You can order family photography or newborn photography (Moscow and Moscow Region) by contacting me at the contact number or sending a request. I always guarantee high quality photo shoots and try to make the photos look more natural, lively and convey as many emotions as possible!

Expectant and new parents often search for “best newborn photographer” in an attempt to find the perfect photographer to take their baby’s first photo session. In fact, finding it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Below you will find some tips that may be useful to you.

What is he like - the best newborn photographer?

1. The first thing you should pay attention to is the specialist’s portfolio. The photographs of such a professional should at least evoke in you positive emotions and a desire to repeat the same with your baby. At the very least, it’s wonderful if when you look at them you feel genuine delight. It is worth noting that in order to evaluate the work of a photographer, you do not need to be a specialist; it is rather about the individual style of the master and whether you like him or not.

2. After you have studied the portfolio and you like it, you can move on to the second step in the selection - personal communication. You can, of course, limit yourself to a phone call, but it’s better to arrange a personal meeting with him. On it you can ask numerous questions that every parent naturally has: what is needed for filming? How to prepare? How long does it last? Are parents involved in photography? It’s better to make a list in advance so that you don’t forget anything at the meeting itself. Don’t be embarrassed that it will be long, but you will be able to find out everything you want.

3. The purpose of this meeting is not only to clarify the technical aspects of the future shooting, but also, first of all, to communicate personally with the newborn photographer. In order for it to be the best for you, first of all, contact is necessary. That is, you, parents, should feel comfortable with the photographer, because you will not only spend several hours together during the shooting, but also entrust him with the most valuable thing - your baby.

4. Don't forget about these too important points, such as the location of the shooting, duration and number of photographs taken, etc. Discussing them with the photographer before booking a shooting date is the best guarantee that everything will go without unpleasant surprises. However, a professional will most likely remind you of these important points.

To summarize, it is worth saying that finding your photographer is not at all difficult, but you need to set aside enough time to find him - optimally during pregnancy. The best newborn photographer is someone you will want to come back to shoot with again.

The birth of a child is a great happiness for a family. Of course, parents want to preserve this joy, the gentle and unique beauty of their newborn boy or girl. The best way To carry the memory of the first months of life through the years is to organize a professional photo shoot for a newborn, and it is important to do this in the first 7 days of life, while the baby retains the special flexibility of his body, which allows him to fix his arms and legs in an interesting pose. It is during the period up to one year that photographs of infants turn out to be especially touching! At this time, the baby is constantly changing, growing every day and newborn photographer must capture this transformation in a series of photographs of the first year of life.
One of the main advantages is the ability to quietly film when the baby is sound asleep; In addition, a baby at this age is not so restless, and with all possible help from his mother, you can help him take very funny poses.
Along with the baby, the main characters of a newborn photo shoot can be mom and dad. Hands holding a baby, their hugs, their eyes - all this can show bright, honest emotions and feelings, love for your baby.

Photo session of a newborn at home

Home newborn photo shoot It is carried out like this: I bring with me compact lighting equipment, accessories - baskets, hats, headbands, knitted fluffy blankets, made by myself. You choose in advance the room where the photographer and the newborn will meet. The room should be bright and warm, the baby should feel as comfortable and calm as possible. For home baby photo shoot Suitable for both a children's room and a living room - any well-lit room. If the weather in Moscow is good, we can arrange an outdoor shoot, for example, at your dacha. In any case, we won’t need a studio, so photographing a newborn baby will not cost much.

Baby photo session performed professional photographer newborns - an inexpensive, great gift for young parents; you can order
