Easy ways to disconnect users. What is it

When working with the 1C program, the Internet user support connection window may periodically pop up. Sometimes it comes up so often that it begins to irritate and distract from work.

If you do not need Internet support to work with the 1C database, you can simply disable it temporarily. This can be done in two ways.

An example is shown in the 1C: Enterprise Accounting 3.0 program. Similarly, Internet support can be disabled in other 1C programs such as: ZUP 3.1, UT 11.3, KA 2.2, ERP 2.2, etc..

Method 1 - Postponement of the reminder for 7 days

In order for this window to pop up only once every 7 days, you need to check the box (as shown in the picture) next to the phrase: “Don’t remind me to connect for seven days”.

Method 2 - Complete shutdown

This method allows you to completely disable Internet support for all or a specific user of the 1C database.

To do this, you need to open a special external processing in the 1C database, which is called . To open processing in 1C, do the following: File - Open then select the cloud drive N (External processing) and select processing DisablingEnableInternetUser Support, then click the button Open.

A window will open in which you can see which user has this option enabled. To do this, click on the button Show current status.

Here you can Connect or Disable Internet support for everyone or a specific user.

To turn off, press the button Disable internet support. A message will immediately appear in the processing window indicating which users have had this option disabled.

To selectively disable or enable support for users, go to Extended operating mode and uncheck the boxes next to those users who need to disable support. Then click on the button Save changes. A message will immediately appear at the bottom of the processing window indicating which user has had Internet support disabled.

That's it, Internet support is disabled.

Software products based on the 1C platform, they have many functions, both specialized and applied, that is, administrative. The profile functionality (of course, depending on the purpose of the solution) concerns such areas as the purchase of goods, their sale, warehouse, operational and management accounting, accounting, CRM, and in the case of integrated solutions- and all together.

Naturally, one employee is not able to control all the business processes of an organization, even if they are automated. Therefore, 1C system administrators have to deal with tens and hundreds of users working with certain system functionality. Each of them has to set up special rights so that they have at their disposal all and only the documents, functions and reports they need at the same time. And here we begin to consider the applied or administrative functionality of 1C solutions, which specifically includes setting up user access rights.

User settings 1C 8.3

In 1C 8.3, special objects of the configuration structure - “Roles” - are responsible for user rights. Most typical configurations already have a certain list of standard roles created. You can use them when creating accounts and setting access rights for them. If the standard set does not suit you, then you can change it or add your own roles.

Each user can be assigned several roles that are responsible for specific rights. In order to configure 1C user rights, you need to find out what roles they currently have. This information can be obtained in two ways:

  • Through the configurator. This option is suitable for any configuration;
  • In some configurations through the "Enterprise" mode.

Launch your 1C database configurator under a user name with full rights and open the “Administration” -> “Users” menu. To find out the rights of a specific user, you need to double-click on the line with his last name and go to the “Other” tab. The roles that are available to the user will be checked. To add or remove a specific role, change the checkboxes and click OK.

If, after analysis, you realize that standard roles cannot fully satisfy the requirements for the delimitation of rights, then you need to change them. To do this, find the desired role in the configuration tree and double-click on it. On the left side of the window that opens, you will see a list of all configuration objects. On the right side, checkboxes indicate those actions, the rights to which are assigned to this role, in relation to the selected object on the left.

You can not only give and remove permissions for certain actions with configuration objects by checking and unchecking the boxes. In addition, the 1C platform has a very convenient mechanism built into it that is responsible for limiting user rights at the record level - RLS. It allows you to set a condition, only when fulfilled the user will see the data information base. Using RLS, user rights in 1C 8.3 can be configured so that, for example, each specific warehouseman will see information only for his warehouse.

Another way to add rights to an object to a user without changing standard roles is to create a new role. To do this, click on the “Add” button while in the “Roles” configuration branch and name the new object. In the window that opens, find the required configuration objects on the left, and set the necessary rights and restrictions on the right. After saving the new role, you need to update the configuration, go to the list of users and add a new role to certain users.

The responsibility of the 1C information base administrator is not limited to creating users and assigning rights. Employees may change, responsibilities may be redistributed, and administrators must respond quickly to all these changes. If an employee who performed certain functions in 1C quits, then it is necessary to disconnect the 1C user in order former colleagues didn't use it account. The list of users, which can be opened in the configurator in the “Administration” menu, will help us with this.

Having opened the 1C user settings, you need to uncheck the boxes responsible for finding the employee’s name in the selection list and authentication. This way, you will prohibit logging in under the last name of the departed employee and save the access rights settings in case the employee returns. These settings will also be useful if all powers are transferred to a new employee - you will not have to configure the roles again.

It is not recommended to completely delete a user due to the fact that the system various documents There are links to the responsible user. If you delete an entry, there will be broken links and confusion about who created specific documents, which can lead to confusion. It is much more effective to disable the 1C user from logging into the system, and in some cases completely remove rights (roles). Also, some companies have the practice of marking inactive users with a certain icon in the “Name” field, for example: “*IvanovaTP”.

In some cases, the 1C administrator may urgently need to “throw out” users from the 1C database. This can be done in two ways:

  1. Via Enterprise mode from a user with administrative rights. Not supported by all configurations;
  2. Through the application server using the console of a 1C server cluster.

To use the first option, you need to go to “NSI and Administration”, open “Maintenance” and launch the “Active Users” form. We will see a list of active users and a “End” button at the top, clicking on which will forcefully terminate user sessions. In addition, in this list you can see the computer name and start time, which will help track down frozen sessions.

The second option for disabling active users requires more attention and responsibility, since most often the cluster console is hosted on the application server. If you have access to this server control panel, you can end the user session as follows:

  1. Open the cluster console;
  2. We go to the list of information bases and open sessions for the one we need;
  3. Find the required user in the list;
  4. Call the context menu by right-clicking the mouse, there will be a function - “Delete”.

In the 1C platform, developers have included a convenient mechanism for setting up rights and managing users. Therefore, the described capabilities are available to owners of all configurations, even those written independently. Another advantage is that it does not require deep knowledge of the 1C system. Any responsible and attentive administrator is able to cope with these operations.

In new versions of 1C:Enterprise, users are notified of new versions of the 1C platform and configurations. These alerts appear in the form of periodic pop-ups. For ordinary users who do not update, pop-up windows interfere with their work and act as an irritant.

In this article we will tell you how to turn off intrusive reminders about new version programs using the example of the "Trade Management" configuration, edition 11.3.

On the initial page of the program, a list of news is displayed for each user in the lower right corner. Alerts about new versions of the program are part of 1C news. To go to the news settings on the home page, you must click the “All news” hyperlink, it is highlighted in red in the figure below.

In the "News Display Settings" window on the "News Feeds" tab, you must disable the "Updates to standard configurations" checkbox and click the "Ok" button. You're done, no more pop-up windows with update messages will bother you!

In order to disable pop-up windows for all users, you must go to the section “Research data and administration” - “Online user support”.

In the "Manage news settings and updates" group, click the "Open news management settings" hyperlink.

In the window for managing settings and updates for news, on the “User Settings” tab, you need to check the boxes of the users for whom you want to change the settings, then click the “User Settings” button. In the user settings on the "News Feeds" tab, disable unnecessary checkboxes and click "OK". After this, you need to click the “Record and close” button in the window for managing settings and updates for news.

Hello! Today I will have an article on a “technical” topic, which it would be nice for users working in 1C programs to have an idea about.

Sometimes users ask questions regarding the technical settings of 1C Enterprise 8.

Many people note that when performing any actions in the program, a pop-up appears in the lower left part of the screen. small window with information about indicators that are not at all interesting to the user, and often interfere with him and irritate him.

The window usually says “Current calls” and “Accumulated calls” indicating their number:

In the managed interface of 1C Enterprise 8 it looks something like this:

In the Taxi interface it looks a little different:

Users are often interested in what these indicators are and how much an accountant needs them when working.

What is it?

This - server call performance metrics, one of the 1C developer tools. It shows the developer in real time, in 1C:Enterprise mode, information about the number and duration of server calls, as well as the volume of received and transmitted data.

This tool serves to clearly show the developer how many times the system contacted the server when performing certain actions, and how much data was transferred.

When installing 1C, the default display of these indicators is enabled in the infobase parameters. It is clear that the user does not need this information when working and only gets in the way.

Popup window settings.

The number of indicators displayed in the window can be customized. To do this, right-click on the window (or on the icon with two monitors in the lower left corner in the Taxi interface), and select “Settings” in the context menu that opens.

A form will open where you can check all the indicators that you want to see in this window or uncheck the boxes next to unnecessary indicators.

How to turn off server call display mode?

1. Administrative method.

We go to the Configurator (in Enterprise launch mode, place the cursor on the desired base and click on the “Configurator” button).

In Configurator mode, open the infobase parameters (menu “Tools” -> “Options”):

In the parameters, select the “Launch 1C:Enterprise” tab, and on it, select the “Advanced” tab.

On this tab, uncheck the “Display performance parameters” checkbox, then click on the “Apply” (or “OK”) button.

After this, we launch 1C in Enterprise mode.

2. Custom method.

In Enterprise mode, click on the Main Menu button (upper left corner of the screen), select “Tools” -> “Options”.

In the settings window that opens, uncheck the “Display performance parameters” checkbox.

Click on the “OK” button.

All! The pop-up window will no longer distract you from your work.
