Consulting profession. What subjects need to be taken to become a manager: tips and recommendations for applicants. Brief history of the profession

Business consultant is a specialist who provides competent and effective advice to entrepreneurs or firms on business issues. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in economics and psychology (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Brief description

The main task of a business consultant is to recognize a problem in a business and propose ways to successfully overcome it in the form of specific solutions. Having studied the state of affairs in the organization, the specialist conducts a comprehensive analysis of the situation, finds out the causes of a particular problem and draws up a set of recommendations for solving it. Sometimes a business consultant is directly involved in the implementation of his proposed solutions in order to clarify their effectiveness and adjust if necessary, bringing the project to successful completion.

Typically, business consultants specialize in a specific area and are hired for specific purposes, such as:

  • company registration;
  • marketing market research;
  • drawing up a business plan;
  • preparation of an investment project;
  • personnel certification;
  • real estate valuations;
  • legal advice;
  • performing an audit, etc.

A business consultant is designed to improve the state of the business, relationships between partners, increase profits by optimizing business processes. A business consultant can work either as a specialist in a consulting company or alone as an independent professional. But in the latter case, it must be a highly qualified specialist with extensive work experience. Typically, independent business consultants provide services to small firms or specific matters.

Business is the ability to make money

on any idea.

Features of the profession

The functional responsibilities of a business consultant are as follows:

  • initial assessment of the state of business in the organization as a whole and in detail - in terms of finances, labor and material resources, production and innovation potential;
  • identifying business problems;
  • assessment of the organization's development prospects;
  • analysis of the effectiveness of existing business projects;
  • developing recommendations for the economic, material and technical improvement of the organization - proposing specific actions, for example, attracting loans, changing the ratio of assets and liabilities, income and expenses, organizational structure, increasing production volumes and expanding sales markets;
  • creation of new projects for the development of the company;
  • preparation of materials for creating a new business project;
  • preparation of a financial and economic justification for a new business plan and its preparation;
  • calculations of possible risks;
  • consultations on the terms of concluded contracts, contracts, agreements, especially in large transactions;
  • conducting business trainings;
  • close cooperation with the management and management personnel of the company on all issues.

Business is a fascinating game in which

maximum excitement combined

with a minimum of rules.

Bill Gates

Pros and cons of the profession


Prestigious and highly paid profession

There are few good specialists in this area, the labor market is relatively free

The opportunity to communicate on equal terms with large businessmen, improving their business

A unique opportunity to establish business connections

The profession on the Russian market is young, very popular and in demand. In Russia, business consulting arose in the 90s of the twentieth century and is currently in a stage of active development.


The highest level of responsibility for your recommendations

It is not easy to become a good specialist, since there are very few worthy high-level trainings and they are usually expensive

Not always a positive attitude on the part of the employees of the company to which consulting services are provided

Important qualities

  • Flexibility of mind
  • creativity
  • ability to analyze and systematize large amounts of information
  • equilibrium
  • self-control
  • ability to make accurate, balanced and responsible decisions
  • Ability to work independently with minimal supervision
  • accuracy and thoroughness in working with documentation
  • ability to find non-standard solutions
  • focus on results
  • ability to persuade
  • constant desire to improve professional skills
  • organization

Where to study to become a business consultant

Higher Education Business Consultants

A business consultant must first of all have a higher economic or legal education. Preferred areas are “Accounting and Audit” and “Crisis Management”. In addition, additional education in the field of marketing, management, as well as at least 3 years of experience in a specific industry in production, services or trade in supervisory positions is required.

Place of work


Salary as of 06/04/2019

Russia 25000—100000 ₽

Moscow 30000—130000 ₽

Payment for the services of a business consultant depends on many factors: the volume of work performed and the object of consultation (the size of the company), the level of professionalism, and which company the specialist is a representative of (foreign or Russian). If a business consultant works independently, his experience and fame in business circles are important. Depending on these factors, business consultant fees can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars. Remuneration is usually hourly. Business consultants are classified as highly paid professionals whose salaries can range from 50 to 300 thousand dollars per year.

Career steps and prospects

A career can develop both vertically and horizontally. When working in a consulting company, a career can be built from a simple specialist to a department head. When working independently, predominantly horizontal development occurs, that is, the development of new directions and areas of activity.

Famous business consultants of the world

      1. Michael Porter is a professor at Harvard Business School, the author of a methodology for analyzing industries and choosing a business direction, as well as an expert on business competition and the competitive advantages of countries around the world.
      2. Clayton Christensen is a Harvard professor and author of The Innovator's Dilemma, a seminal work on the theory of disruptive innovation.
      3. V. Kim Chan and Rene Mauborgne are two professors at INSEAD business school from France, authors of the fundamental work “Blue Ocean Strategy” on creating your own market niche in a competitive environment.
      4. Don Tapscott is the author of the bestselling book on resource and labor allocation, Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything. It also suggests new ways to use the Internet to solve the world's problems.
      5. Marshall Goldsmith is a business coach, author of 30 books on business theory. There is a popular digital library, Marshall Goldsmith Library, with his books downloaded about 9 million times. Goldsmith is the author of the 360 ​​Degree Method for personnel assessment, which involves a comprehensive analysis of employee performance. The most famous books are “The Leader of the Future” and “Mojo: How to Get It, Keep It and Return It if You Lost It.”
      6. Linda Hill is a Harvard Business School faculty member specializing in emerging executives, emerging economies, and bridging the gap between management theory and practice. Her famous work: “It's hard to be a boss. Models of successful leadership."
      7. Roger Martin is dean of the School of Management. Joseph Rothman, author of books about business, its creation, strategy and innovation: “Playing by the Rules”, “I-Style Thinking”, “Business Architecture”.
      8. Herminia Ibarra is a professor at INSEAD Business School whose research focuses on women's careers in business and participatory management. The popular book "Finding Self: Extraordinary Strategies to Transform Your Career."
      9. Rita McGrath is a professor at Columbia Business School and an expert on strategic business growth in uncertain market conditions.
      10. Daniel Pink is a speech writer for US Vice President Al Gore, an expert in the philosophical view of relationships within the company. Notable works: “Drive: What Really Motivates Us” and “It’s Human to Sell: The Surprising Truth About Motivating Others to Action.”

Brief history of the profession

The profession of a business consultant arose relatively recently, at the beginning of the 20th century. But it received active development as a consulting service in the 70-80s in Japan, the USA, and Europe.

Business consulting, thanks to the refinement of its technology, can be carried out not only in reality, but also via the Internet, working with clients from other cities.

More and more schoolchildren are interested in what subjects need to be taken to become a manager. The thing is that “management” is a very common specialty now. After graduation, you can become a manager in one field or another. But what do you need to know about admission? What subjects will you need to pass to become a manager? Where can I go for further education? It's not that difficult to figure all this out. Of course, you should first choose which one you can enroll in, then check the exams for admission to a manager there. But in general terms, the enrollment process will be the same in all universities.

Management is...

What subjects do I need to take to become a manager? Before finding out the answer to this question, you must first understand what profession we are talking about. After all, schoolchildren try to choose either promising areas of study, or those where it is easy to study. Management, as already mentioned, is a very common area of ​​study.

But who will the citizen be after graduation? Does it even make sense to acquire this profession? A manager is a manager. Most often it is about sales. And any - both in the IT field and in regular stores.

In Russia it is considered both promising and useless. High competition is what you will have to face. And even a person without a diploma can work as a salesperson in a store. Not everyone will be able to achieve heights. That is why the profession of a manager is not very respected by parents and is preferred by applicants. This is a humanitarian direction, it is easier to study than, for example, to become a programmer. And if you just want to get at least some kind of diploma, you can think about what subjects you need to take to become a manager.

List of items

Management is a common liberal arts field of study. And almost every student knows what exams he will have to take after 11th grade to be admitted. It is worth noting that there are no additional tests or competitions when considering applicants as future students. Therefore, it will be enough to successfully pass the Unified State Exam. And submit documents to one or another institution for study.

But what subjects need to be taken as a manager? At the moment it is:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics;
  • social science.

The last exam is a profile one. Actually the main one. It is on this basis that applicants will be assessed first. Taking into account the fact that now in Russia they plan to divide all exams into ordinary and specialized ones, it is simply necessary to know that social studies plays a paramount role for a manager.

Where to go

You will no longer have to take any additional tests, tests or difficult subjects. Where to apply to become a manager? This is a rather difficult question. After all, there are a lot of training options.

Among them are:

  1. Admission to university. After 11th grade, having passed the Russian language, mathematics and social studies, you can enroll in the “Management” program at almost any university in the country. This direction exists at both Moscow State University and MGIMO. You can also pay attention to any humanitarian universities.
  2. College education. At the moment, in Russia they offer to study to become a manager even after 9th grade. Or after 11 - depending on the educational institution. It is worth paying attention to liberal arts colleges. There will definitely be a direction in “management” or separate specialties such as “advertising manager”, “sales manager”.
  3. Retraining. Most often, retraining occurs on the job. Or take courses from the labor exchange.
  4. Taking courses. Not the best solution, but the profession of a manager can be mastered in specialized courses. They are organized, as a rule, by private training centers. You won't have to hand over any.

Now it’s clear where to study to become a manager. As practice shows, universities are in greatest demand. After completing your studies, you can work in the field of management without any problems.

Duration of training

How many students study in their chosen field? It all depends on which educational institution the person applied to. At a university, a bachelor's degree takes 4 years, and a master's degree takes another 2. In colleges, the average time to obtain a specialty will be the same as at a university (bachelor's degree). Advanced training courses require about 6 months of retraining. And if you visit private centers, you can become a manager in 2 months or a year.

It is worth noting that some universities, in addition to the listed exams, may require you to pass several more subjects. It all depends on the character and specific focus. What items need to be submitted additionally to the manager in some cases? This:

  • geography;
  • biology;
  • physics;
  • chemistry;
  • story.

Work as a business consultant– a very popular and necessary profession today. This is a special person who increases sales and improves the business efficiency of a company or enterprise. His job is that he brings new clients for the company, is engaged in sales growth, and advertising activities for the enterprise. This profession is popular among companies with small and medium-sized businesses.

The work of a business consultant is not only interesting, but also important for businesses and organizations. We can say that in almost any company, store or service organization there are many shortcomings in work or service. To solve such problems and all emerging issues, a business consultant is most often hired. These employees find weaknesses in the business and solve problems. This is a positive moment for an entrepreneur and income for a specialist. In such a situation, everyone wins, since problems are solved, the organization’s efficiency increases, and the business consultant gains more experience.


If a business consultant does not have much work experience, then his salary ranges from $700 to $3,000 per month. People who hire such specialists pay a lot of money for their services. Typically consultations are held for about an hour, once a week. Approximately, a business consultant is hired for three months, during which time it is quite possible to study problems and provide solutions to them. They charge an advance payment for their work and can work with several clients at the same time.

Consulting business and its options

You can engage in consulting while working on the Internet. This option of online consulting is very convenient, since it is possible to work with customers who are located in different cities. For example, living in a small town, you can work with clients in large cities such as Moscow. This specialization is not limited to a specific city or country. In every country, markets need increased sales and increased consumer demand.

Today, this profession is not yet widespread in all countries, but if there are many such specialists in the city, then this is not a reason to abandon this business. Beginners always have many chances to succeed. To begin with, you can select enterprises that operate in the same industry. Clients always try to choose consultants who specialize in a particular industry as they learn more about that area. You can be a business consultant with a narrow profile.

A business consultant can not only be his own entrepreneur. If you wish, you can organize a consulting firm, and train your consultant employees in this matter. Of course, this will also increase profits. If you take a place in the business market in the city in time, this provides the company with prospects. A consulting firm provides an opportunity for growth for a business consultant.

Where to look for a customer for a consulting business

It is almost impossible to meet an organization or company that has no problems at all and everything is fine in matters of sales, demand, advertising and management itself. Every company has some shortcomings. Questions always arise in the organization of work. The customers themselves are there, so you shouldn’t sell your services on the business market.

How to become a business consultant

It has long been in demand as a responsible and serious specialty. Training in the consulting business is based on a methodology that has been tested on many consultants who came to this profession as newcomers. It is also important that not only the methodology itself is studied, but also working documents, plans, contracts, checklists. Thanks to this, learning becomes effective, and no prior knowledge is needed before it. Today, obtaining the profession of a consultant has become perfect; such training technology can be put on stream.

To become a professional in this field, you need to work on your expertise, show it, learn from experienced specialists and interact with clients. The consultant's specialty is an important factor in self-study. Of course, everything changes, clients have new requirements, business criteria become more perfect, and, accordingly, the methods for solving them also change. A consultant should strive to improve his knowledge, this allows him to maintain the level of a professional. Self-education is not a way to learn on one's own, but rather a person's willingness to learn. One of the main characteristics of a business consultant is his desire to go further, the desire to learn new things and move forward. Perhaps this is the main criterion for success.

Allows you to choose the one you like. However, there are those where even a beginner, with a certain approach and effort, can begin to make a career. One of these is a consultant, who is this, what requirements and opportunities can be obtained - read on.

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Features of the profession

The provision of advisory services allows a person to solve a number of problems related to the explanation of not only certain terms and designations, but also various characteristics of goods.

It is for this reason that a consultant is a person who is a professional in a certain industry and provides consulting services in this particular field of activity.

Today, in the labor market, specialists who have a certain level of training and are able to provide consulting services on various issues are especially in demand.

The consultant profession is divided into 2 main types :

  1. providing services at the internal level, when, as an employee of the organization, a specialist can provide consultations not only to his colleagues, but also to clients seeking help;
  2. providing services at an external level. Most often, this will be an individual entrepreneur providing advisory services using a special agency.

Let's look at the main areas in which professional consultants can work.

Sales consultant

One of the most popular professions in the labor market is a sales consultant. Its main task is to correctly tell about the product, and so that it is immediately purchased.

Like many, the specialty of sales consultant provides specialists with the opportunity for career growth. However, this will require maximum effort and energy. Only in this case will he succeed on a rather difficult path to the top.

Career growth will occur in several stages:

  • the entry level will be a simple salesperson providing advisory services;
  • senior sales consultant;
  • shift manager;
  • manager of a store or salon.

With a lot of effort, nothing is impossible.

Financial Advisor

Providing financial advisory services is always in demand and requires a specialist to have deep knowledge in this industry. This consultant is contacted at those moments when there is a need to make transactions, assess the financial condition, develop a strategy, select an investment object, or resolve the issue of purchase and sale.

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  • At the same time, the specialist is required to be a professional in the financial industry. Constantly monitor changes occurring in the stock market, study and understand changes in legislation, analyze the financial situation in the country and abroad, always be aware of all opportunities for successful investment and much more.

Modern business cannot operate without knowledge of tax legislation. It is for this reason that the services of a tax consultant will always be in demand.

  • Only from them will it be possible to obtain detailed information regarding problems arising with taxation. In order to be in demand, specialists study not only tax issues. But also regarding tax law.

Business consultant

For those who are planning to start their own business or are already an entrepreneur, it is important to obtain qualified advice on running a business.

This includes questions such as:

  • competent and correct preparation of a business plan;
  • conducting personnel certification;
  • audit control;
  • registration of a company;

These and many other questions can be solved by specialists who have chosen the main profession of a consultant. Who is this? The main requirements were covered in this article.

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A business consultant is a specialist who provides consulting services to various types of companies and entrepreneurs. Most often they are involved in drawing up a business plan, conducting an audit, personnel certification, market research, etc.


30,000–400,000 rub. (

Place of work

Specialists are on staff of consulting companies, legal centers, advertising agencies and other companies providing B2B services.


The main task of a business consultant is to identify a problem and propose a specific solution. In the future, it is necessary to accompany the project until its successful completion.

The work steps might look like this:

  1. Research and analysis of the company's activities.
  2. Description of business processes.
  3. Development of corporate regulations and accompanying documentation.
  4. Project support.
  5. Conducting business trainings.

Important qualities

In the profession, important qualities are: analytical mind, desire for constant self-education, resistance to stress, ability to process large amounts of information, excellent memory, sociability, charisma.

Reviews about the profession

“...The applicability of the knowledge gained at the trainings, unfortunately, is not very high. When it is sales or negotiation training, presentation training, delegation training, this is justified. Another thing: training in business processes or project management. They can be made very good, so that people will be happy, but they will not be able to fully apply the knowledge. We need to help people go through this path, hold their hand at first. Don’t do it for them (this is the other extreme), because then they are not able to apply it on their own. But not just to teach, but as a mentor to move next to them, help them, support them.”

Mikhail Rybakov,
business consultant.

Stereotypes, humor

Russian consulting emerged only in the 90s of the last century and is now in a stage of active growth. The profession of a business consultant is becoming increasingly complex, popular and in demand.


No educational institution has a program called “business consultant.” To become a business consultant, you often need two higher education degrees. Most often, you need to graduate from the Faculty of Law or Economics. You can become a direct specialist in business processes only after internship in large companies.
