Responsibilities of a restaurant administrator. Restaurant administrator: his role, functions and a detailed list of responsibilities Responsibilities of a fast food cafe administrator

The administrator is one of the most important positions in the restaurant, which ensures its smooth functioning.

At first glance it may seem that this is a quiet job, but in fact the manager performs a colossal number of tasks.

Relevance and necessity of the profession

Despite the fact that the culture of catering has its roots in antiquity, the tradition of hiring a manager appeared relatively recently. This is explained by the fact that previously these duties were performed by the owner of the establishment: he greeted guests, escorted them to the table and supervised the work of the service staff.

The position of “restaurant administrator” first appeared in France in the 20th century, and in Russia it was officially introduced into circulation in 1995, when it appeared as part of the classification of professions of the Russian Federation.

Previously, only the richest owners of large establishments could afford to hire a qualified customer service assistant, who could not independently perform all the functions of receiving visitors.

With the development of the restaurant business, the help of a qualified specialist who understands guest service issues has become a necessity.

Operating principle

It's no secret that the success of a restaurant depends on a complex of many factors: music, lighting, interior, training of waiters and cleanliness in the room. One person is responsible for all this - the administrator.

Therefore, we can say that the main the principle of its operation– to be inconspicuous and invisible to visitors, but at the same time set the tone for the restaurant’s work and create the necessary atmosphere.
The manager represents the establishment itself, so he must look personable, neat and friendly.

Difference This profession has a high level of responsibility and a large list of tasks to perform. No matter what difficulties occur in the kitchen, the administrator’s task is to ensure a good mood and comfort in the room.

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Personal requirements for candidates for the role of administrator

Despite the fact that representatives of both sexes can hold the position of manager, the choice often falls on the fair sex. The fact is that women are more flexible and are able to find a way out of any situation, and their natural charm can calm down the ardor of even the most unfriendly guest.

In addition, owners of such qualities:

  • Calmness and stress resistance;
  • Ability to quickly make independent decisions;
  • Good management skills;
  • Knowledge of foreign languages;
  • Compliance and non-conflict;
  • Composure and good memory;
  • Neat appearance and neatness;
  • Prepossessing appearance and friendly smile;
  • Decisiveness and talkativeness.

For information on service standards in restaurants, watch the following video:

Key Roles and Responsibilities

TO responsibilities manager include:

Features of working in a cafe and restaurant

These two similar positions have small differences.

Among other duties, administrators cafe must control the appearance and quality of food preparation, as well as monitor the operation of technical equipment, while restaurant managers do not interfere with the work of the kitchen.

In certain situations, the cafe manager is obliged to help waiters serve guests, and sometimes even perform their duties themselves. Another difference is the selection of dishes and the preparation of the cafe menu, as well as the processing and disposal of spoiled food.

Qualities and skills of job applicants

First of all, the employer pays attention to such resume points:

  • Availability of higher education;
  • Skills in working with simple office and accounting programs;
  • Experience.

Besides this, a huge advantage for you as a candidate for the position will be:

  • Knowledge of English and other foreign languages;
  • Knowledge of popular dishes, sauces and wines;
  • Experience in managerial positions;
  • Ability to work with high-profile clients and celebrities;
  • Experience in organizing events and outdoor celebrations.

In order to successfully pass the interview, establish yourself as a person who is well versed in the restaurant business. Most often, former employees are hired for this position - waiters, bartenders or even kitchen representatives - people who went through a certain school and saw the business from the inside.

If you have additional abilities (the ability to play the guitar; a certificate of art courses, etc.), feel free to declare them - in extreme situations, any skills can be useful.

You should not lie about or exaggerate your merits - during an interview or hiring, you may be exposed.

The principles of resolving conflict situations in a restaurant and other recommendations for managing a restaurant business are outlined in the following video playlist:

In job responsibilities restaurant manager includes planning, organizing and monitoring the work of the restaurant, organizing and monitoring the quality of service to restaurant visitors, and creating a positive image of the restaurant. We have provided all this in the corresponding section of our sample. restaurant manager job description.

Restaurant manager job description

General manager
Last name I.O.________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General provisions

1.1. A restaurant manager is classified as a manager.
1.2. The restaurant manager is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of the head of the enterprise.
1.3. The restaurant manager reports directly to the head of the enterprise or his deputy.
1.4. During the absence of the restaurant manager, his rights and duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner.
1.5. A person with a higher professional education (in the specialty of management) or higher professional education and additional training in the field of management, with at least 2 years of work experience in the specialty, is appointed to the position of restaurant manager.
1.6. A restaurant manager should know:
- basic legal documents regulating the activities of public catering establishments;
- basics of management and its main functions (planning, organization, motivation and control);
- theory of production management and provision of restaurant services;
- basics of economics, marketing and logistics in the restaurant industry;
- merchandising;
- the state and development trends of the market for restaurant services and product suppliers;
- basics of office work and paperwork;
- basics of financial management and accounting;
- principles and methods of inventory management;
- basics of business planning;
- internal labor regulations;
- job responsibilities of personnel;
- basics of personnel management;
- methods of training personnel in the workplace;
- structure and layout of the restaurant;
- theory of organizing service for restaurant visitors;
- methods for studying the tastes and consumer preferences of restaurant visitors;
- principles and methods of working with complaints and suggestions from visitors;
- methods for monitoring the quality of visitor service;
- optimal parameters of light and temperature conditions in the restaurant premises;
- rules for operating heating devices and air conditioners;
- rules for preparing a restaurant for service;
- rules for table setting and bar design;
- styles, types and methods of serving restaurant visitors;
- range and characteristics of basic detergents and disinfectants;
- rules for cleaning various types of furniture;
- a list of services offered in the restaurant;
- sanitary rules and hygienic standards (in relation to the operation of a restaurant);
- rules of fire safety, labor protection, industrial sanitation;
- internal standards of clothing (uniform);
- principles of menu formation and updating;
- rules for accounting, washing and storing dishes and cutlery;
- rules for acceptance and accounting of products;
- rules for preparing primary documentation;
- the procedure for accounting for inventory and reporting;
- inventory rules;
- rules for storing, preparing for sale and serving drinks, prepared meals and packaged products;
- technology for preparing professional preparations (ice, side dishes, decorations, etc.);
- professional terminology;
- assortment and purpose of dishes and cutlery;
- brief characteristics, rules and features of serving alcoholic beverages;
- rules for serving tobacco products and replacing ashtrays;
- basics of interpersonal communication, rules of protocol and etiquette;
- psychology of sales;
- rules and features of serving mixed drinks (cocktails, punches);
- rules and temperature conditions for serving soft drinks, juices, mineral water;
- features of servicing certain categories of visitors (teenagers, families with children, disabled people, elderly people);
- methods of accepting payment (cash, credit cards);
- rules of cash transactions;
- rules of behavior in conflict situations;
- advanced domestic and foreign experience of the restaurant industry;
- basics, principles and types of advertising;
- basics of labor legislation;
- basics of scientific organization of labor;
- labor protection rules and regulations;
- forms and rules for preparing reports and internal documentation.
1.7. The restaurant manager is guided in his activities by:
- legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
- The company’s charter, internal labor regulations, and other regulations of the company;
- orders and instructions from management;
- this job description.

2. Job responsibilities of a restaurant manager

The restaurant manager performs the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Plans, organizes and controls the work of the restaurant (organizing the interaction of all structural divisions of the restaurant; rational organization of work of the restaurant staff; ensuring and monitoring the availability of the necessary stocks of inventory resources; monitoring the technical condition of technological equipment; maintaining accounting and reporting documentation; compliance with labor protection rules, equipment safety, fire safety, sanitary rules and hygienic standards).
2.2. Plans and rationally organizes staff working time (drawing up schedules and work schedules; using methods and principles of scientific labor organization).
2.3. Calculates the restaurant's needs for products and other inventory items, plans and organizes its logistics (analyzes the restaurant's resource needs taking into account the state and development trends of the restaurant services market and consumer demand; marketing analysis of the supplier market; control of timing, volumes and quality purchased products; analysis of the price-quality ratio).
2.4. Monitors the quality of service to restaurant visitors.
2.5. Manages personnel (reception and placement of personnel; distribution of responsibilities and delegation of authority; increasing work motivation through the use of modern socio-psychological management methods and improving the system of material incentives; planning, organizing and monitoring the effectiveness of personnel training, including in the workplace; development of internal corporate culture and work ethics; certification of restaurant staff).
2.6. Organizes office work, timely and high-quality preparation of documentation and statistical reporting (development and improvement of regulatory and technological documentation, including internal standards, instructions, rules, etc.; collection, computer processing and analysis of production information; preparation of statistical reports, information materials, etc. .d.).
2.7. Plans, organizes and monitors the effectiveness of advertising events.
2.8. Ensures the profitability of the restaurant based on a competent marketing policy and the most complete satisfaction of the needs of visitors.
2.9. Optimizes costs when doing business.
2.10. Forms a positive image of the restaurant (improving and monitoring the quality and culture of service to restaurant visitors; creating a pleasant and friendly atmosphere; studying the consumer preferences of restaurant visitors; preparing proposals and their implementation to improve customer service; establishing and expanding relations with the public and the media; accounting and analysis of complaints, claims and wishes of visitors; elimination of shortcomings in the work of the restaurant; compliance with the rules of protocol and etiquette).

3. Rights of a restaurant manager

The restaurant manager has the right:

3.1. Give orders that are binding on employees subordinate to him.
3.2. Participate in the selection and placement of personnel for your activities.
3.3. Make proposals to management for encouraging and imposing penalties on employees of the enterprise in their activities;
3.4. Make proposals for the development and improvement of the enterprise's activities.
3.5. Request from management, receive and use information materials and regulatory documents necessary to perform their official duties.
3.6. Take part in meetings where issues related to his work are discussed.
3.7. Pass certification in the prescribed manner with the right to receive the appropriate qualification category.
3.8. Improve your skills.

4. Responsibility of the restaurant manager

The restaurant manager is responsible for:

4.1. Carrying out the duties assigned to him.
4.2. Organization of your work, timely and qualified execution of orders, instructions and instructions from senior management, regulations on your activities.
4.3. Rational and efficient use of material, financial and human resources.
4.4. Compliance with internal regulations, sanitary and anti-epidemic regulations, fire safety and safety regulations.
4.5. Maintaining documentation required by job responsibilities.
4.6. Providing, in the prescribed manner, statistical and other information on its activities.
4.7. Compliance with labor discipline and performance of official duties by employees subordinate to him.
4.8. Preparedness to work in emergency situations.

When drawing up a job description for a cafe administrator, it is important to take into account all the control and organizational functions of this profession. In fact, the cafe administrator is the chief manager and right hand of the owner of the establishment and is in charge of both the establishment itself and the staff. Client satisfaction is also supervised by the manager. Read on to learn how to most fully describe all the responsibilities of an administrator, take into account his rights and assign responsibilities to him.

Sample of a typical job description for a cafe administrator

The job description does not have strict requirements for form and content; the main thing is its presence. What exactly to include in it and how to compose it - this decision is made by the director of a particular organization, in this case, a cafe. A standard sample instruction should contain four main sections - general provisions, duties, rights and responsibilities. Each section must most fully reveal its essence and specify the information component. Often, to draw up instructions, a sample of an existing form is taken, which is adjusted to the requirements of a restaurant or cafe.

General provisions

The general provisions spell out the nuances of hiring, requirements for a candidate based on basic parameters, and questions about his replacement and dismissal. The administrator or manager of the hall is appointed by order of the manager. The general director of a cafe or restaurant may have special requirements for the manager, depending on whether he is a senior manager or his assistant.

A senior manager, in addition to secondary vocational education, whether relevant or not, must have 2 or more years of experience in this field. For an assistant, work experience does not play a significant role. Depending on the type of institution, there may be special requirements for the presence of certain skills and knowledge, for example, confident computer skills and/or knowledge of foreign languages. The gym manager must be able to communicate effectively with people, have decision-making skills, master the basics of marketing, advertising, psychology, organize staff work and customer service.

Job responsibilities of a cafe administrator

The senior hall manager, according to the job description, must keep everything in sight and manage any processes in the establishment.

The administrator performs the following duties :

  • In relation to visitors. Responsible for receiving guests, seating them and providing advice on the services provided. Receives complaints from clients, tries to prevent or resolve conflicts.
  • In relation to the staff. Obliged to organize their work to maintain cleanliness in the premises and on the territory under their control, as well as monitor the implementation of the instructions of the director or his deputy. Controls labor and production discipline. Complies with labor regulations and sanitary hygiene standards.
  • In relation to the premises. Preserves material assets, keeps records of them and carries out inventory activities. Controls the design of the premises and the availability of advertising products.

The work of a manager involves constant interaction with the manager and informing him about shortcomings and their elimination.


The administrator has the right to professional growth and improvement of your qualifications. The employer is obliged to assist him in this in all possible ways. The manager has the right to receive information about draft decisions being prepared that relate to the professional activities of the cafe manager. The manager must be informed and receive information regarding his work from other employees of the establishment. The director of the cafe is obliged to assist the manager in the performance of his official duties.


The administrator is responsible primarily for the safety of all material assets entrusted to him by his superiors. It is also important to comply with labor discipline requirements and job descriptions. The manager is held responsible for both the actions of the staff and the satisfaction of visitors. It is important to be correct and not to divulge secrets that are directly related to the profession. The employer can add additional items to any section of the job description at its discretion, thereby expanding or narrowing the powers of the manager.

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Many people have to have lunch or dinner in a restaurant at least once in their lives, but not everyone knows that in order for a client to feel comfortable here, it takes a lot of effort and devoting a lot of time to it. And this is precisely the responsibility of a restaurant administrator.

Recently, the restaurant business has been developing at incredible speed, but, unfortunately, it is very difficult to find qualified staff. This is faced not only by those who are just starting to work in this field, but also by owners who have been in this business for a long time. In order for the director to do his job correctly, it is necessary to clearly define the responsibilities of the restaurant administrator, only then will you be able to benefit your establishment.

To avoid problems with choosing a specialist, before the interview it is worth deciding what job responsibilities of a restaurant administrator the employee should perform, only after that start selecting candidates. First of all, he must have the following theoretical knowledge and skills:

  1. He must be aware of all laws, orders, decrees that relate to the sphere
  2. He must be clearly aware of the economic activities of the restaurant and all its departments, and be aware of the main function that the establishment performs.
  3. Familiar with the principles of remuneration and pricing of products and services, as well as methods of stimulating the work of staff. It is also necessary that the manager is aware of labor protection laws in the Russian Federation.
  4. The administrator must strictly comply with all labor safety requirements.
  5. And most importantly, the responsibilities of a restaurant administrator include perfect mastery of staff management skills and abilities. Lack of experience, even with high theoretical literacy, leads to the fact that the administrator will not be able to find a common language with employees and, accordingly, this will lead to discord in the team, and, consequently, in the business.

The job description should consist of the following points:

  1. Full control over the activities of restaurant staff. It is necessary to monitor the preparation and control of all medical and technical requirements, distribute responsibilities among employees, and have a complete understanding of the work of all subordinates, including methods of reward and punishment.
  2. A good specialist must understand the specifics of pricing, the average cost of a check, and how many people walk in a day. He should also make suggestions on how to improve these indicators.
  3. The responsibilities of a restaurant administrator include making decisions between employees and visitors, monitoring the maintenance of order in the premises, and the quality of service to regular customers.

A restaurant administrator is a responsible position, and the success of the entire business depends on how qualified the specialist is. Finding a really good employee in this area is quite difficult, so if you manage to do this, you need to value your staff.

The profession of a cafe administrator is also known as a hall manager, head waiter or manager. This is the person who manages the activities of the institution as a whole. The main thing a cafe administrator does is organize the work of staff (cooks, waiters, cloakroom attendants, cleaners, security guards, etc.), control the quality of service, resolve possible conflict situations and create a good mood for visitors.

Places of work

An administrator is needed in all catering establishments, be it a cafe, bar, restaurant or canteen.

History of the profession

The term “head waiter” appeared in France in the 18th century (from the French ma?tre d’h?tel - hotel owner). This was the name given to the owner of the inn where travelers and tourists rested and dined. He greeted visitors, seated them in the dining room, took orders, made payments and commanded the servants in the kitchen.

Today, a head waiter is the administrator of a restaurant or cafe, without whom it is difficult to imagine any catering outlet.

Responsibilities of a cafe administrator

Typically, the job responsibilities of a cafe administrator are as follows:

  • organizing the efficient operation of the cafe;
  • personnel management (drawing up work schedules, training, monitoring work processes and compliance with institution standards);
  • monitoring the operation of equipment and the quality of prepared dishes;
  • control of timing of finished product sales;
  • communication with visitors;
  • assistance to waiters;
  • preparation of necessary documents and reports.

Also, the functions of a cafe administrator may include:

  • personnel selection;
  • carrying out inventories;
  • management of the assortment of prepared dishes;
  • working with the cash register;
  • organization of banquets.

Requirements for a cafe administrator

The requirements for a cafe administrator are very simple - work experience. It is always needed.

As a rule, it is necessary:

  • know the basics of working in a restaurant;
  • be able to organize the work process;
  • use a PC.

Depending on the nature of the establishment, there may be certain requirements for the age, appearance of the employee, or knowledge of a foreign language.

Cafe administrator resume sample

How to become a cafe administrator

You can get a higher education in the specialty “Organization of services in public catering” or complete a course in restaurant management. However, in this profession, experience is everything, and a beginner can only count on the position of administrative assistant.

Cafe administrator salary

The average salary of a cafe administrator is 30 thousand rubles per month. A newcomer will be offered about 20 thousand rubles per month. An experienced administrator earns around 40 thousand rubles per month.
