Applications and orders for goods. Differences between a supply agreement and a purchase and sale agreement According to orders from buyers and suppliers

One of the traditional forms of economic relations between trade and production in a planned, administrative economy was the system of applications and orders submitted by trade organizations and enterprises to manufacturers of goods and planning authorities.

Applications and orders were intended to facilitate the correct determination of the volume and structure of plans for the production of goods, the systematic linking of the production of goods with the demand of the population.

Bid- a document of trade organizations (enterprises), reflecting their need for goods.

Unlike applications order- a requirement for the supplier to produce and deliver certain goods necessary to meet the demand of the population within a specific time frame. In essence, a purchase order for goods is a further specification of the request by which trade organizations inform specific suppliers of a detailed range of goods to be supplied for the upcoming period (within allocated limits or in quantities determined by the customer’s needs). The order submitted by the buyer serves as the basis for determining such terms of the contract as quantity, assortment, quality, delivery time. Therefore, the submission of an order is inherently a preliminary stage to the conclusion of a supply agreement and it is legitimate to consider it as a pre-contractual document. When the supplier accepts an order for execution, it actually turns into a supply agreement.

In conditions of transition to market economy organizational forms and the content of applications and orders changes, they lose the planning and directive nature of centralized regulation of economic relations and turn into commercial instruments for local regulation of economic relations between suppliers and buyers. In market conditions, an application is necessary for the manufacturer (supplier) of goods as a document informing about the identified need for goods and directing the manufacturer to produce goods needed by the population. However, unlike administrative-command management, when there was a cumbersome bureaucratic system of centralized submission and synthesis of applications in higher ministries (departments) and planning bodies, in market conditions the need for centralized submission of applications disappears and they retain their importance as a form of relationship between manufacturers and buyers (consumers) at the horizontal level.

At the same time, an order as an operational, pre-contractual document giving rise to commercial relationships for the supply of goods is also necessary in market conditions, especially when organizing direct economic relations between suppliers (manufacturers) and buyers of goods.

In Art. 527 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the order is provided for when concluding government contract for the supply of goods for government needs. It is on the basis of the order of the state customer for the supply of goods for state needs, accepted by the supplier (performer), that the state contract is concluded.

An order to a supplier is an agreement between an enterprise and a supplier for the supply of a certain list of goods and services. Fulfillment of the order by the supplier is the fact of delivery of the ordered goods to the warehouses of the enterprise; fulfillment of obligations on the part of the enterprise is payment for the goods received. Thus, order fulfillment is recorded in quantitative and cost terms. When organizing supply activities, suppliers should place orders only if it is intended to track the fact of their execution.

Otherwise, it makes sense to simply include the planned revenues and the required volume of purchases in the procurement plan.

Orders to suppliers can be considered as one of the tools for assessing the feasibility of customer orders or internal orders. This means that when placing an order with a supplier, you can explicitly indicate for which customer orders or internal orders the goods are purchased.

Work with orders is carried out within the framework of the supplier order management subsystem. management order supplier reservation

The orders themselves are formalized using the “Order to Supplier” documents. The subsystem for managing orders to suppliers is connected to many other configuration subsystems, therefore, when deciding to use this subsystem, you should pay attention to the organization of interaction between enterprise services for working with orders to suppliers.

The following subsystems related to maintaining orders to suppliers can be listed:

· Management of customer orders, management of internal orders. Orders to suppliers can be created to fulfill specific customer orders or internal orders.

· Inventory management. When an order is fulfilled to a supplier, goods are delivered to the company's warehouses, thereby increasing inventories. In addition, simultaneously with receipt, goods can be reserved for customer orders or for internal orders.

· Cash management. When planning consumption cash You can explicitly indicate which orders the supplier needs funds to pay for.

· Procurement management. Orders to a supplier can be explicitly included in the procurement plan, and a link to the orders will be saved during planning.

Selecting an organization in an order

“Order to supplier” is a management document, but the indication of the organization in the order is mandatory. The choice of organization in the order affects the choice of the contract under which settlements with the supplier will be made. The same organization will have to issue payment documents for the order and documents for receiving goods at the enterprise’s warehouses. That is, information about on behalf of which organization further accounting of business transactions under the order will be kept needs to be known already at the time of placing the order itself. If it is subsequently decided that business transactions order should be posted to another organization, then first you will need to adjust the information in the order itself: select another organization, change the settlement agreement with the supplier in accordance with the new organization value.

Date of receipt- this is the date of planned receipt of goods according to the order to the supplier. Specifying the planned date is optional; this date is used later in a number of cases to select orders to suppliers.

Payment date- like the date of receipt, is optional information to be entered into the order by the supplier. The payment date is set for the entire order as a whole and determines the date by which payment for the order must be fully completed by the enterprise.

What can you order from the supplier?

The list of items ordered from the supplier is entered into the tabular parts “Products”, “Containers”, “Services” of the “Buyer’s Order” document. If the type of operation “Equipment” is selected in the order to the supplier, then another tab is added for ordering equipment.

The following types of items can be entered into the “Products” tabular section:

· goods, materials, products and other material assets, for which the type of item with the “Product” type is defined in the item directory;

· sets of goods, in the tabular part “Product” a nomenclature is entered that describes the set, and not a list of its components;

· a set of goods, unlike sets, sets of goods in an order are filled not with one line describing the set, but directly with the composition of the set.

Placing customer orders and internal orders in orders to the supplier

The mechanism for placing internal orders and customer orders in orders to suppliers actually allows you to link the volumes of goods ordered from suppliers with the volumes that are needed to fulfill internal orders and customer orders.

From the point of view of orders to suppliers, such a connection allows them to justify why the goods are ordered, to fulfill what needs. And from the point of view of customer orders and internal orders, such a connection is the rationale that the order can be fulfilled by purchasing the goods from the supplier.

The placement mechanism is convenient to use when an order is placed with a supplier as the need for it accumulates, that is, as a package of customer orders is formed, for which goods must be purchased from the supplier and not produced in-house.

If an order to a supplier is closed or reduced, the customer orders and internal orders placed therein must be cancelled. The placement is automatically adjusted when generating the “Closing orders to suppliers” document, but if the process of closing an order as a whole is labor-intensive, time-consuming, and involves the work of several departments, then closing the order will not be completed soon.

To promptly remove a placement from an order, the “Product Reservation” document can be used.

When closing an order, it may make sense to run a procurement rescheduling cycle. If orders to suppliers were included in the procurement plan to provide materials for any important customer orders.

We enter documents: buyer order, supplier order, receipt of goods and services, sale of goods.

Buyer order chain – implementation

Let's introduce into the enterprise management system 2.0 the classic chain of movement of goods, starting with a buyer's order and ending with sales to this buyer.

Our chain will involve an order to a supplier. That is, the following documents will be entered - the buyer’s order, then the order to the supplier, the receipt of goods and services, the sale of goods and services to the buyer.

To place an order for the buyer, go to the “Sales” section. Select the item “Customer Orders”. By the way, if you do not have this item, you must not forget that the enterprise management system is customizable, and this item may be disabled in your system. And this is configured in the “Administration” menu in the “and sales” section. There is a corresponding checkbox here - “customer orders”. If it is disabled, we do not have “Customer Orders” in the “Sales” section. Let's turn it back on.

So let's get back to creating customer orders. We create new document. We indicate the client. This will be the "Shining Path". We need to choose the same agreement. And add the product that the client wants to purchase. We will indicate the quantity of the product and its price. We also need to indicate the desired date of shipment. Our document date is the 9th. Let the desired shipment date be the 14th.
Also, on the “Advanced” tab, you need to check the completion of payment stages. We will fill them in automatically. And we will select the payment option - “after shipment”, otherwise the program will not allow us to ship this product without payment, and we do not consider payment in this lesson. Click OK.

And in principle, our document is completed with the exception of this important moment, as "Status". Status is also a customizable item. Statuses can be disabled, but if they are enabled, it must be filled out in order for the document to be posted correctly. In this case, our status is “to be secured”. By clicking the up arrow, the program automatically sets the highest possible document status. Click the “Post and Close” button. And we create a document “Customer Orders”.

In the order itself, we can see the progress status of this order. This report shows: how much the client has ordered, how much needs to be provided and by what date, and how much, in fact, is already collected in the warehouse, and how much has been shipped to him. That is, in this report you can see a complete picture of the execution of this order.

Based on this customer order, we will enter an order to the supplier. Click the “Create based on” button. And select “Order to supplier”. We will open a new order for the supplier. You can also enter an order to a supplier through the “Purchases” - “Orders to Suppliers” section.

So, we have filled out the document on the basis of the order to the supplier. We need to specify the supplier. We also have a tabular section filled in where we just need to indicate the price of the order. On the “Advanced” tab, we must also indicate the stages of payment to the supplier. We indicate the payment stages so that the accountant can pay all our orders on time, so that we have a clear picture of the money that will come to us and the money that we must pay, so that our organization does not have a cash gap. From payments and receipts we create the so-called “payment calendar”. Click OK. We also set the status of the order to the supplier. Click the “Proceed” button.

And then we will create “Based on” directly from the form of this document“Receipt of goods and services.” The system tells us that we cannot enter the receipt of goods and services because the status of this document does not allow us to do so. This can be done only after the status is ready for admission. In order for the status to be “For admission”, we can set it to “For admission” and post the document.

Now we create “Based on” - “receipt of goods and services”. We indicate the date of the document – ​​the 10th day. Here we can also indicate that an invoice has been received from the supplier. On the “Advanced” tab we must indicate “Division”. Let's indicate the division - “Purchasing Department”. And click “Post” the document. The document will be processed. And in the “Order to Supplier” we can see the progress status of this order. We see that 5 pieces have been ordered. and also decorated 5 pcs. In the “Order to supplier” we set the status to “Closed”. And we will carry it out.

Now let's go back to our “Customer Order”. And check its execution status. As you can see, it has not changed at the moment. Let’s enter “Based on” the customer’s order the document “Sales of goods and services”. The system does not allow us to enter a document for the sale of goods and services while the document is in the “for collateral” status. We will transfer it to the “for shipment” status. Let's do it. And let’s introduce “Based on” - “sale of goods and services”. Here we also need to indicate the division on the “Advanced” tab. Let's indicate "sales department". We will also create an invoice. And we'll go through the document.

Let's return to the customer's order. Let's see its execution status. As we see, in the document 5 pieces were ordered, 5 pieces were issued. Thus, we see that the order has been completed. Let’s set the status of the customer’s order to “Closed”. And we will carry it out.

Thus, we went through the entire chain from the client’s order to the sale of goods to the client. Let's see how this affected the company's activities. Let's go to the "Finance" section. Let’s open the “Financial Reports” item. And open the “Enterprise Gross Profit” report. Click the “Generate” button.

As we can see, the system shows us revenue and cost by department, organization and manager. But in this case, the cost has not been calculated and the program shows us 100 percent profitability of our operation. What is this connected with? This is due to the fact that the cost in this program is calculated separately.

Let's calculate the cost of our operation. To do this, go to the “Month Closing” section in the “Finance” menu. Click the “Calculate” button opposite the “Cost cost calculation” item. The cost will be calculated.

If your cost has not been calculated, then perhaps you have not set up an accounting policy for calculating cost. To do this, you need to go to “Settings and Directories”. And indicate the setting of methods for assessing the cost of goods. In this case, it is indicated as the average for the month. But it can be FIFO weighted or rolling valuation. Also a very important checkbox is to update the cost with a regulatory task. It means that the cost will be recalculated automatically once every predetermined period of time.

But let’s return to our “Enterprise Gross Profit” report. Let's form it. We will see that the cost has been calculated. We achieved gross profit and profitability.

If a client contacts us with a request to sell him products or provide services, and we intend to satisfy this request, then the Customer Order document is drawn up in the system:

The order header indicates its main parameters (client/partner, agreement/contract, supplier organization, warehouse, as well as status, condition, payment procedure, priority), and the goods are filled in in the tabular section:

To select items for the tabular section, a variety of tools are used. The price for an item can be automatically filled in from the previously specified price, with the possibility of manual adjustment.

Question 1.62 of exam 1C: Professional ERP Management enterprise 2.0. The system provides the following options for using customer orders:

  1. Order as invoice
  2. Order from warehouse
  3. Order from warehouse and to order
  4. Options 2 and 3
  5. Options 1 and 2 and 3
Verified. The correct answer is number five, all of these options are possible. The option used is configured in the menu Master data and administration -> Sales.

Question 4.1 of exam 1C: ERP Professional Enterprise Management 2.0. Placing a customer order (in the "For execution" status) means:
  1. Our intention is to sell the items specified in the order
  2. Options 1 and 2
  3. Options 2 and 3
  4. Options 1 and 2 and 3

Verified. The correct answer is number six. “Intent to sell” follows from the very ideology of the system; When placing an order, the system records the collateral requirements and the planned debt:

Question 4.2 of exam 1C: ERP Professional Enterprise Management 2.0. Placing a customer order in the system (in the “For execution” status) means:

  1. Customer's intentions to buy the item specified in the order
  2. Formation of order supply requirements
  3. The occurrence of planned client debt
  4. Options 1 and 2
  5. Options 2 and 3
  6. Options 1 and 2 and 3

The correct answer is number six, similar to the previous question.

Question 4.5 of exam 1C: ERP Professional Enterprise Management 2.0. When creating an order (supplier/client), you can select a counterparty:

  1. By the first letters of the name
  2. According to the first digits of the TIN
  3. According to the latest TIN numbers
  4. Options 1 or 2
  5. Options 1 or 3
  6. Options 1 or 2 or 3

Verified. The correct answer is fourth. Let's check. Selection by first letters works:

And according to the first digits of the TIN:

Based on the latest digits, the counterparty will not be able to select the TIN.

Question 4.6 of exam 1C: ERP Professional Enterprise Management 2.0. When creating an order (supplier/client), you can select a partner:

  1. By the first letters of the name
  2. According to the first digits of the TIN
  3. According to the latest TIN numbers
  4. Options 1 or 2
  5. Options 1 or 3
  6. Options 1 or 2 or 3

The correct answer is fourth. Similarly, he selects by letter:

Based on the first digits, the TIN is selected (provided that a counterparty is specified for this partner):

The TIN will not be found based on the last digits.

Question 4.7 of exam 1C: ERP Professional Enterprise Management 2.0. When creating an order (supplier/customer) without using contracts, but using agreements, the document currency is:

  1. Must match the currency of the agreement
  2. May differ from agreement currency
  3. The currency is not established in the document, but is taken from the agreement
  4. The currency is not set in the document; the currency of management accounting is used

Verified. The correct answer is the second one. Let the order indicate an agreement with the currency rubles:

In the order itself, we indicate the currency - crowns:

For comparison, the price of this item in rubles:

Question 4.28 of exam 1C: ERP Professional Enterprise Management 2.0. The transaction with the client may be indicated in the documents:

  1. Customer order
  2. Production order
  3. Order for assembly (disassembly)
  4. Options 1 and 2
  5. Options 1 and 3
  6. Options 1 and 2 and 3
Verified. The correct answer is fifth.
Although, orders for assembly (disassembly) do not contain the Transaction attribute.

Question 4.3 of exam 1C: ERP Professional Enterprise Management 2.0.

  1. Reserved in stock
  2. Purchase separately (indicating this customer order)
  3. Placed in production orders
  4. Options 1 and 2
  5. Options 2 and 3
  6. Options 1 and 2 and 3

Verified. The correct answer is fourth.

Question 4.4 of exam 1C: ERP Professional Enterprise Management 2.0. The product specified in the customer order may be:
  1. Reserved in stock
  2. Reflected in the goods movement schedule
  3. Placed in orders for disassembly (to obtain the necessary components)
  4. Options 1 and 2
  5. Options 2 and 3
  6. Options 1 and 2 and 3

Verified. The correct answer is fourth.
