Everything is for the better proverb. Where does the phrase “No matter what happens, everything is for the better” come from? Failure is experience

Whatever is done, everything is for the better - a person is not given to know the causes and consequences of spoken words, actions, events. Therefore, hope for good luck is more beneficial for health and well-being than expecting all sorts of troubles and misfortunes. “Even in those cases when we found ourselves in unpleasant situations, he did not lose good mood and tried to convince me that “everything is for the best in this best of worlds” (V.K. Arsenyev. “Across the Ussuri region”)

Whatever is done, everything is for the better - a paraphrase of the saying of the German philosopher and mathematician G. W. Leibniz (June 21, 1646-November 14, 1716) (introduction to the treatise “Experiences in theodicy on the goodness of God, human freedom and the root cause of evil,” 1710).

The expression became famous and became the catchphrase “Everything is for the best in this best of worlds” thanks to Voltaire, who ridiculed it in his story “Candide” (1758)

“Pangloss taught metaphysics-theology-cosmology. He wonderfully proved that there is no effect without a cause, and that in this best of possible worlds, the castle of the sovereign baron is the most beautiful of all possible castles, and the lady baroness is the best of all possible baronesses.
“It has been proven,” he said, “that everything is as it should be; since everything was created in accordance with the purpose, then everything is necessary and created for the best purpose. Now, mind you, noses are made for glasses, that’s why we wear glasses. Legs,
obviously, they are appointed to put shoes on them, so we put them on shoes. Stones were created in order to cut them and build castles from them... "

Analogues of the saying “No matter what is done, everything is for the better”

  • Everything will be ground, there will be flour
  • Every cloud has a silver lining
  • If you don't catch a crucian carp, you'll catch a pike.
  • Live forever, hope forever!
  • Every dog ​​has his day

The use of phraseological units in literature

    “Soon Mitya stopped inflaming himself with all sorts of nonsense and once again made his usual conclusion: no matter what is done, everything is for the better!"(Andrey Zhitkov “Department”)
    “And then it will come out under bright sun, in the eyes of tens of thousands of people and one more person, whose gaze may turn out to be the most dangerous of all or the blindest of all - depending on which passion takes over - everyday or literary. Whatever is done is for the better. In the end, he was tired of his half-recognized championship” (Yu. M. Nagibin “One on One”)
    “However, who knows, it may very well be that the word “misfortune” is not entirely appropriate here, as they say: “everything that is done is for the better”; however, it must be admitted that the situation in which the young man finds himself looks alarming” (Alexander Zhitinsky “Staircase”)
    “We were having fun: there was not a single footprint anywhere, and our white hare was running through the fresh, untouched snow, as if through a book. “Whatever is done, everything is for the better!”- we said cheerfully to each other and ran around in a circle” (M. M. Prishvin “The Smart White Hare”)
    “Putting his glasses down on his nose, he read slowly, thoughtfully, and yet did not understand why, from the hero’s numerous misadventures, it follows that “everything is for the best in this best of all worlds”(G. N. Vladimov “The General and His Army”)
    “Martynov’s poetry nourished the illusion of a rational structure of the world and the hope that everything is for the best in this best of all worlds"(David Samoilov "Prose of a Poet")

Good day, dear readers! Today I want to start the post with another good news, namely, the blog was added to the Mail.ru catalog, free of charge, within 10 days! It was very nice. Thanks to them! And now closer to the topic.

Throughout our lives, we very often hear that whatever is doneeverything is for the better! Especially when something bad or unpleasant happens. I recently thought about this question. I repeat this to myself all the time, but I decided to figure out what’s what (just like Sherlock Holmes).

So, I noticed that life changes dynamically. Those. If something good happens, then something bad or unpleasant will definitely happen. Nothing is eternal, any state is temporary! It's like an economic crisis. After I delved into it and understood what this phenomenon was, I immediately drew an analogy with life.

Unfortunately, what I understood, I cannot fully convey in words, but after every rise there is a fall, and at the same time, the higher the rise, the lower and more painful the fall. Oh yes, these phenomena are inevitable, after one another will definitely happen (i.e. after a recession - a fall and vice versa. There must always be a balance, a golden mean).

But somehow I went off topic. I began to notice different changes. But everything has an explanation, and this moment should have one too. I think bad things happen so that we can taste happiness and joy. If everything is good all the time, then we will stop appreciating this state. How can we tell what salt is if we don’t taste the taste of sugar, etc.

I also have a theory that we should all be able to experience a variety of feelings, for example: anger, joy, happiness, etc. This is because if a person strives for one thing, he gets that “one thing”! For example, there are people who try to constantly experience a feeling of happiness, joy, or rather, try to imitate it. To tell the truth, they seem a little strange to me, especially in communication.

I found one interesting moment in the film "Ten Commandments"(about Moses). He said this (I don’t remember exactly, but the essence is the same): “the same as all of us, people. Sometimes He may be angry, sometimes joyful, sad. He experiences the same feelings...” Something like that. you can watch the film yourself. These words alerted me to the idea that - a creature who is given the use of a wide variety of feelings, he must use them, and at the same time, he must always know when to stop! (Advice: You need to know when to stop in everything ). Let's continue to discuss further...

There are moments when if this misfortune had not happened, there would be no happiness. For example: a businessman hit a young girl (this is bad), but he took her to the hospital, and then they fell in love with each other (this is good). The most important thing, in my opinion, is to understand why or why this or that event happened. I must repeat myself by saying that there is an explanation for everything.

Also, we very often get hit in the head by life, and sometimes it hurts so much that we don’t want to live! This happens because they deserve it, or in order to woke up and changed. As a couple, we ourselves don’t notice how we turn into zombies, excuse the expression, into nerds! Isn't that right?! I think so, we're going on autopilot. It seems to us that we see, feel and understand everything, but this is all an illusion, in fact, we are on autopilot! And various life shocks lead us to a better path.

There is a category of people who see everything in black. We call them pessimists. And there are those who can find a way out even in the most hopeless moments. They believe that everything that is done is done for the better.

Failure is experience

I usually say this too when I'm trying to cheer myself up in a situation that has gotten out of control. These are not the best situations, rather failures. And behind the phrase “Everything is done for the better” lies self-help that does not allow you to give up.

At some point I began to understand how important these words are. After all, what is behind them? Failures. What are failures? Experience. An experience I don't want to repeat again. Experiences from which I learn.

They say that only fools learn from their mistakes, but I don't think so. It is impossible to feel and analyze someone else’s life; you need to fill your own bumps in order to understand in which part of the forest the exit is.

Therefore, it is with great pleasure that I say today the phrase “Everything that is done is done for the better.” She helps me analyze the situation and move forward without making previous mistakes.

My friend

But I have a friend who absolutely does not accept this expression. He works as a copywriter, sometimes he writes small computer programs and makes websites. His work requires good concentration and focus. If he does not take something into account or misses, a huge amount of work will go to the bottom. Therefore, any failure is perceived by him as an apocalypse.

Recently, just a couple of days ago, I had to turn to him for help with work. I contacted him by phone and asked for tea. I found my friend literally in tears. Without going into details, I realized that something was not working out for him. For me, if it doesn’t work out, it will work out tomorrow, but my friend is depressed.

I tried to calm him down and, to my misfortune, told him that everything was for the best. I wish I hadn't said that. I found out how much his working minute cost, what would happen if he didn’t turn in the work on time, sympathized with his failed vacation and calculated the number of dead nerve cells in his de-energized brain.

This phrase didn’t work for my depressed friend. Apparently, the level of pessimism in him is off the charts.

I read it once in smart book that our desire for better can be fueled by words. And it doesn’t matter who they come from. This could be praise from your boss, a compliment from your husband, or your own conversation with yourself.

It was in this conversation with myself that I realized that all our words work, the main thing is to say them correctly at the right moment.

So, if a black cat crossed your path, or a brick fell on your head, don’t be upset, everything is done for the better. Maybe it was you who saved humanity from the breaking of tectonic plates with your own head. You never know how that ill-fated brick would have fallen to the ground!

Do you use this phrase in your life?

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The principle “everything is for the better” works.

At least I haven’t had a single situation where it didn’t work.

Everything that is taken from you, that is not given, that does not happen as you would like, that you even destroy yourself - all this passes and is replaced by something much more correct and good for you. And then, of course, you can lose this again. And something better comes again.

For example, a sad breakup later turned out to be really right and useful - a much better relationship came. The breakup of the next ones was also beneficial - if there had not been a painful separation once again, then there would not have been much best story Then.

Or a large debt that arose due to a combination of seemingly unfavorable circumstances, and had to be repaid - thanks to it, new projects were built many times faster and not only was the debt paid off, but life also became much easier and more enjoyable, suddenly new opportunities appeared, which wasn't there before.

And at the moment when something happens, you don’t know why this or that situation is better for you - than it’s good that you missed the train, the sale of something you really wanted ended, you didn’t get into university, or you ended up in accident.

The path is often very long. It is forgotten what led to what, what the chain was, and where it all began. Or there is not enough awareness to understand and appreciate the full scope of what happened, this entire chain of events from start to finish.

For example, it’s like this for me - several years after the events ended, I now consider all the worst things that happened to be the main benefit for me. It was this that moved me most in an unexpected, but very good direction. I like where I ended up.

There can be a lot of reasons for “bad”, unpleasant events, the same esoteric ones - spoiled karma with something, the universe wants it to pass new lesson, you didn’t learn the old lesson, you wanted something too much, you were clinging or afraid, or you just latently wanted exactly this yourself - this destruction and change.

But the fact remains a fact. The most correct and effective thing is to perceive any situation “all for the better” and with humor.

If, of course, you are adequate, draw conclusions, take responsibility, work, improve your life, develop and move forward.

And don’t just slide into a hole, saying “everything is for the better” - this all may not work.

At the same time, it is not easy to be in the situation. It is often very painful when you are inside this tornado, you experience here and now emotions about the loss, a lack of understanding why this is happening to you, because just yesterday it was good. You just need to wait out this moment and continue to act actively in all directions, look for solutions and comprehend what is happening. It is possible that they want to tell you from above, what lessons you have not learned, or you need to radically change something in your life.

I began to consciously apply “everything is for the better” as a principle for processing situations, and not just as a folk saying.

This is the fifth rule - “The ability to give thanks for everything: both good and bad”.

I will quote it here in its entirety:

“By giving thanks for what is good, we strengthen it, and by giving thanks for what we consider bad, we transform it into something positive.

All non-positive events are low-frequency, and gratitude is a high-frequency vibration.

Thus, by giving thanks for the bad, we do not interact with negativity and do not allow it to take hold in our lives. And if we learn to be grateful for events that we don’t like, then over time we will be able to realize that through the bad, good always comes.

When we are not ready to accept the positive (categorical or emotionally dependent on what we are betting on), we are given the opportunity to cleanse ourselves through troubles. And this is not masochism at all, but the understanding that we are given a chance to realize something that we did not understand before. After all, God has no “bad” and “good”; God has everything that is useful; it is important that it is in its place and fulfills its function.

Seraphim of Sarov said that it is very good for an ordinary person, unconscious before death, to be sick for a couple of years, because the soul is cleansed through the fact that claims, attachments, and condemnations of the people around him are removed, and thus the person falls into higher frequency vibrations. We are also given troubles, indicating where we need to change our attitude. And after the changes, become more successful, rich and happy.”

All his rules are about being conscious, positive, grateful, or simply smooth (without distortions), i.e. maximum effective perception of reality.

Alexander also often says that In some situations, good things can only come to us through bad things..

“Depending on what level you are at, you will be given:

— or false information (in order for you to do the right thing);
— or information that you are ready for (and you will DEFINITELY need to act!);
- or the information you need, but if you DO NOT use it, then good things will come to you through bad things.”

Here's another piece of advice from Alexander Palienko:

Join Stodnevka - this is the best environment for conscious changes in life for the better! I have been in Stodnevki for the 5th year now, without breaks - because it works so well. The next Stodnevka starts on February 1, 2020 (beginners can sign up until February 5). Join the company of active, interesting Russian-speaking people from all over the world.

“If you want to be rich and successful, and get good things not through bad things - spend more energy on humor when the situation does not give you pleasure. Make jokes about it.

Because if we begin to condemn what we used in our lives yesterday and that was normal for us, we destroy today: “yesterday’s” becomes of poor quality and ineffective for us. However, we had it because it matched our energy.

When we come to some sad village and we don't like everything about it, we need to start thinking creatively about what we would like it to be like. This “creative” will save us, so that we do not take other people’s problems upon ourselves and do not work off this village. For example, they did not restore the roads there with their energy.

Condemnation is rejection. By condemning, we finance changes, which means that in our life there will be “this village and its broken roads,” while everything will be fine in the village itself.”

And more from Alexander:

« Happiness is a state in which you remain regardless of what happens. This is an emitter that creates events.

If you begin to depend on events, then it is not easy for you to be happy.

A happy person is one who is happy no matter what happens, and then, in his likeness, corresponding events begin to occur for him.

Much has been said about the transition to a new dimension. We measured everything by length, width, height. And now what comes to the fore is how much Love there is in this.

We need to understand that the most dangerous thing now is information. Because even if we talk about love, but at the moment we talk about love, we don’t have love, we push people into an even greater state of fear.

And this means when we read literature in which we need to do very well and efficiently in order to be happy, where the most precise events that can lead us to happiness are described, but the internal state of the person who gave this information is not included , then this information, it always requires fullness, takes our vital energy in order to be realized, and the future is always realized on emotions, which means the first thing that is done is our emotions are activated - no matter what, and then through the bad the good begins to come.

The Ecclesiastes says that “knowledge casts one into despondency,” but it does not say why. There is only one reason - knowledge should always be less than love. Or there should always be more love than knowledge.

When there is more love, then love harmonizes knowledge and brings us to a state of happiness. When we have a lot of knowledge, we, without love, cannot harmonize the structure of this knowledge, we become arrogant and say “we know more than you,” and what to do in these situations. Or we become discouraged because we can’t even imagine how we can make this world happy.

So, any information always requires a supply of love in order to structure and harmonize it.

If we do not have a reserve of love, we have more knowledge, then they take advantage of our life and do not enter into life correctly in order to be realized here in physics.

And it turns out that when we read empty books, even about very good things, then they lead to troubles and problems in our lives.

The Bible says “speak out of abundance of feelings” because feelings and emotions shape our future.

If you speak and write correctly, but there is no inner feeling, the state that you experience, then these words will only create troubles, problems, difficulties for other people who read it, because they will begin to be attracted to what would it was happening. They do not have the emotional state to produce this in their lives, and this requires energy. Where does energy come from? From health, from business, from family relationships.”

The benefits of difficult situations for us

Different unexpected and unwanted situations give us a lot:

— They increase their capacity—the ability to lose more and receive more, i.e. move to the next level. This means that in the future we will get a chance for larger changes in life. That's great.

— They train the spirit, an effective attitude towards life. Stimulates thinking, awareness, change, learning to switch quickly. It’s like a simulator; without it, illness will begin, muscles will atrophy, and strength will go away. Everything in life will never be perfect. But the good news is that starting from a certain level of spiritual and material upgrading, problems will turn into simply interesting tasks, fear will turn into curiosity, excitement.

- They provide an opportunity to claim greater power. . Spirit and strength are basic concepts in stalking (Castaneda, etc.)

“They throw us into major changes, give us the opportunity to get them in a rush, very quickly, if before that we were afraid for a very long time or did not find time for them. But relaxing and accepting everything is one of the most difficult moments.

Esoterics and psychology

I believe in both esotericism and psychology and try to combine them. The practice of accepting the situation as it is and accepting everything for the best works in both interpretations.


Gratitude, calmness, acceptance, positivity, humor raise the frequency of vibrations. High frequency aligns everything - what is happening, the future, karma, and forms new good events. By staying on a low-frequency wave, you stimulate the attraction of new bad events.

Sometimes good things can't come to you except through bad things.

What is happening “bad” (and it can only be so in your current perception) is usually always compensation- for the past or the future. For what was wrong, incorrect in your past action or perception, or for your lack of readiness to perceive current information, for not being ready for change, growth, for the lack of your energy to build the right, correct future for you now.

The universe, God, has no duality - there is no black and white, bad and good, everything is equal, fair. Everything is to your advantage in this current situation.

Treating everything as a game is the most correct state. Upgrade as a character from level to level.

The Universe is insisting that you go through some situation, learn a lesson, change your perception of the situation and behavior. If you don’t get through it now, you’ll encounter the same thing again.

Remove categoricalness, be flexible in accepting situations, and do not react overly emotionally. And then there will be no diseases that could be caused by these psychosomatic reasons. Alexander Palienko often says that at the head of all problems is haste. The desire for everything to be the way I want it right now, as quickly as possible. From haste comes categoricalness and other emotional and energetic imbalances.


Accepting a difficult situation as it is allows you to look at the situation you are in truthfully. Perhaps somewhere you should work on important resources - Work, Economy, Image, Family.

When we are in internal dissonance - we try to pass one thing off as another, we often end up in some kind of accident, unpleasant situation, because... inside everything is aimed at solving this dissonance, and such “turmoil” occurs.

If you solve situations based on your internal locus of control - relying as much as possible on what you yourself can do right now to solve the situation so that you feel better, then such an attitude and a successful solution straightens the locus more and more. And straightening the locus, finding a way to solve problems that is accompanied by maintaining and increasing self-esteem, gratitude and respect for people and situations - all this then affects all subsequent situations very favorably, and even creates good situations.

Your energy, all your messages, your communication become less hungry, looking for someone to blame. And then you automatically become more pleasant to everyone around you and to yourself too - people intuitively perceive you better, as stronger, and value you higher. Self-esteem is still growing.

You focus more on the fact that “okay, let’s assume that everything is for the best, but what exactly should I do now?” instead of “This is all terrible, I don’t want it, who’s to blame for this?”

Humor and ease of approach to situations make us more charming; gratitude, separation of boundaries, and internal locus make our importance higher in the eyes of other people.

My story yesterday

This is not the first time I notice that when I try to talk about something on a blog, then some kind of rudeness comes to me that was not there before. It’s as if the universe is saying, “You write about this so easily, come on, if you put your nose into such a situation, will you be able to follow those wonderful positive rules that you write about.” By the way, it dips quite lightly, but compared to ordinary life it is noticeable.

That’s why I don’t like to write about something in the spirit of “I learned it, I’m doing it this way now, do everything the way I think,” but sometimes, of course, it slips through, and then it’s as if they immediately give the situation to test.

Yesterday I wrote a draft of this post and went with my child to Saigon to get new passports. And there, early in the morning, in a crowded and seemingly safe park, where my grandparents were playing sports around me, my favorite Kindle e-reader was snatched out of my hands in a very unpleasant way.

In general, the universe is like this with popcorn - yeah, I’m ready to apply the principle, well, go ahead) And I’ve never had anything stolen from me in my life. And what to do if nothing can be done? I sit, think that everything is for the better, but in the first half hour of the situation I am emotional, I cannot come to terms with it and accept it. It’s angry that everything could have been smooth and successful on this trip, but it wasn’t. That everything is usually fine - why and why such an out-of-the-ordinary event, it seems like I didn’t break any particular rules?

Then, of course, I imagined that if they asked me - what are you ready to lose now, if you definitely need one of the things in your hands - your phone, your child’s, a bag with documents and everything, a backpack with other documents or a Kindle ?) Of course, Kindle is the least evil. If he had stolen the bag, I would not have been able to calmly go and pick up the passports; a long story would begin with their recovery. Then I just remembered how Alexander Palienko said “through the bad comes the good.” I remembered how I recently lost my favorite expensive sports jacket, but I took it as a hint that I needed to buy something new, and indeed, I love the new one much more, and I am very happy about this replacement, even though I had to invest financially. Gradually it let go.

What am I talking about - not for the first time I come to the conclusion that you have to be very careful with your self-confidence. When you think that you have learned your lesson, that you are the smartest, that you are ready for anything, and that you are teaching others how to live, this is very thin ice. And it's not just about blogging.

I’ll write all this now, and something else will come)

But as a researcher, I describe the principles that are most interesting to me, and may be interesting to others.

Plus no matter what happens

It all started when an acquaintance sent me a short therapeutic fairy tale (the author is listed at the end), and I decided to write my thoughts on this topic.

« Matthew's principle.

She remembered a joke that a friend told her the other day.

A new Russian came to the store to hand over a New Year's garland.

– Doesn’t it work? - the seller asks him.

- Why? “It really works,” he answers.

- What's the matter then?

The buyer sighed and replied:

- Not happy.

That’s how it was with her: everything seemed fine, but nothing made her happy. And it’s strange, but with each passing month the problems only accumulated.

First, a pipe in the bathroom burst and flooded the neighbors below. Then they scratched the fender of her jeep. Then a friend's puppy, while they were drinking tea in the kitchen, ruined her new Italian shoes. Well, when a painting suddenly fell in the middle of the night and almost hit her, SHE realized that she had clearly messed up somewhere.

When she told her colleagues about this in the morning, marketer Sveta just shrugged:

-Matthew's principle, dear.

- In terms of? – SHE didn’t understand.

- Well, the Bible says: “...to him who has, more will be given to him and he will have abundance, but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.”

-Who will take it?

- Well, who-who? “Like a little girl,” Sveta answered and she raised her eyes to the sky.

- So what should we do?

Sveta sighed:

- Plus.

- What? – SHE didn’t understand.

- All! - she answered. - Both good and bad.

SHE would have forgotten about this strange principle, but after a couple of minutes the guard said that the second wing had been scratched. And then she decided that it was worth trying this Svetkin law... Therefore, when at lunch the director criticized her new project, she calmly replied:

“That’s fortunate,” and left the office.

I added it.

Then I decided to do something nice for myself - I went to my favorite cafe. 10 minutes later the secretary called: “Let's go back. The boss decided that one of the competitors was interested in your project, so he urgently put it into development.”

Until the end of the week, SHE answered all minor problems: “Counted,” “Plus,” “Fortunately.” And with a creaky heart she accepted the larger ones: “Well, good, and this is in the piggy bank,” “Everything is for the better.”

And what’s strange is that in some incomprehensible way this principle of Matthew worked. Because somewhere was taken away, but at the same time some new opportunities opened up. And where SHE did not expect at all.

And when Misha suddenly decided to leave her... she wasn’t even surprised.

– Do you really care that I’m packing my things now? – he asked indignantly.

“I don’t give a damn,” SHE answered, “But you are for a civil marriage, you are not ready for children and you don’t even want to introduce me to your friends.” Then I have a question for myself: “Why do I need you like that, if I’m for a relationship, I want children and usually the life of the party?” Therefore, your departure, Misha, is fortunate.”

He went nuts from such words and even stopped packing his things, but SHE already began to help him, pulling out the second suitcase...

Sveta was right: Matthew’s principle worked, and now no one cut off pieces of what she had. On the contrary, where there was little, there was an increase from somewhere. If problems arose, then as a lesson or reminder: do not do bad things to others - he will definitely return. But still there was more good. Many times more. It’s just that whoever notices what he already has will be given and it will increase.”

Veronica Kirilyuk

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Once upon a time there was a king, and he had an adviser who had great faith in God. No matter what happened, the adviser always repeated:

“Everything that is done is for the better.” God arranges everything very well and wisely: if we get something, it’s good, if we don’t, it’s even better.

When the king did not succeed in something he had planned, the adviser said:

- This is for the better!

At such moments, the king did not really like to listen to this:

“It can’t be that if something bad happens and we fail, then it’s all for our good.”

One day they were walking in the forest, and unnoticed, while talking, they went deeper into the thicket. The king began to look for a path and stepped on the thorn of a very poisonous plant. The adviser, without hesitation, pulled out a dagger and instantly cut off the king’s toe, into which this thorn had dug, saying at the same time:

- How well God arranged everything!

The king became furious:

“You cut off my finger, how can that be good?”

The advisor replied:

“If I had not cut off the finger, the poison would have spread throughout the body and you would have died.”

These words did not reassure the king, and he drove the adviser away, saying that he did not want to see or hear him anymore.

Continuing the road alone, the king tried to get out of the thicket. But to his misfortune, in this place and at this time, one very cruel tribe of savages was holding a holiday, for which they just lacked a suitable victim. The king was captured and led to the sacrificial altar. The savages began to prepare for the ritual. But suddenly, unexpectedly for the king, they let him go, emitting dissatisfied cries: the victim turned out to be handicapped, she was missing one toe.

Frightened, but alive, the king reached the palace and immediately called an adviser to him. Having given him generous gifts, the king asked:

“You said wise things, and in the end everything turned out very well, but explain what was good about the fact that I drove you away in the forest then?”

To which the adviser replied:

“It was very good, king, that you drove me away: if I had stayed with you, the savages would have let you go, but would have left me.”

From then on, the king also began to believe in the wisdom of the divine plan.

Nothing surprising happens on Earth - all events go according to the divine plan. When a person's actions are fully consistent with God's plan, the person is united with Him, and success awaits his work, even if at first it seems that the whole world is against it and nothing is going well. In the end, everything will be as God wants. If a person resists this, he creates difficulties for himself.

God has a plan for every soul. Nobody knows what will happen in ten years - in which direction life will turn, and what will happen is important. The main thing is to remember that God has the best for you. best plan. You shouldn’t be sad if difficulties arise, or ask God dissatisfied: "Why are you doing this?". Everything is changing on this planet. By the grace of God, a fool can become smart, and a poor person can become rich, misfortune can turn into success and vice versa. God's plan is always perfect for every person. According to His plan, everything happens on time and beautifully.
