Topics of presentations for Cosmonautics Day. Event for Cosmonautics Day with presentation in elementary school. Sergei Pavlovich Korolev

Father of Rocket Science

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky


A great contribution to the development of rocket science was made by K.E. Tsiolkovsky.

He was not only able to theoretically substantiate the possibility of space flights, but also to calculate individual parameters of the launch vehicle. He is the founder of practical modern rocketry in our country.

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky - a teacher from Kaluga who knew physics, mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, and mechanics well. He is the author of airship projects, works in the field of aerodynamics and rocketry, one of the founders of the theory of interplanetary communications using rockets, and the developer of the principle of rocket propulsion. Many of his contemporaries considered him crazy. The scientist was able to outline the path along which humanity went into space.

General Designer – founder of modern cosmonautics

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev

( 1906 -1966)

Soviet scientist, designer and organizer of the production of rocket and space technology and missile weapons. Founder of practical astronautics.

The largest figure of the 20th century in the field of space rocketry and shipbuilding, together with the German designer Wernher von Braun. With the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite into orbit in 1957, a new era in human history, the space age, began.

He was small, this very first artificial satellite of our old planet, but his sonorous call signs spread across all continents and among all peoples as the embodiment of the daring sword of humanity.

S. Korolev

WITH . P . Korolev at the flight control center.

The first cosmonauts

The first animal launched into Earth orbit was the dog Laika. It was launched into space on November 3, 1957 at half past five in the morning Moscow time.

The first spacecraft to reach the Moon

September 14, 1959 The Luna 2 probe reached the surface of another celestial body for the first time in the world. The device made a hard landing and crashed on the surface of the Moon. Inside it was a metal ball, which shattered into fragments. They contained images of the coat of arms of the Soviet Union and the inscription “USSR”.

On August 19, 1960 it was launched. Second Vostok-class satellite ship, with dogs Belka and Strelka , and with them 40 mice, 2 rats, various flies, plants and microorganisms. They flew around the Earth 17 times and landed.

For the first time in the world

April 12, 1961 At 9 hours 7 minutes, the Soviet Union launched the Vostok spacecraft with a person on board into Earth orbit. The very first human flight into space lasted 108 minutes. During this time, the ship circled the Earth once.

He was the very first

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin

( 1934-1968)

USSR pilot-cosmonaut,

Hero of the Soviet Union,

colonel, first man,

having flown into outer space

1. Gagarin Yuri Alekseevich (Vostok-1)

2. Titov German Stepanovich (Vostok-2)

3. Nikolaev Andriyan Grigorievich (Vostok-3)

4. Popovich Pavel Romanovich (East-4)

5. Bykovsky Valery Fedorovich (Vostok-5)

6. Tereshkova Valentina Vladimirovna (East-6)

7. Komarov Vladimir Mikhailovich (Voskhod-1)

9. Egorov Boris Borisovich (Voskhod-1)

10. Belyaev Pavel Ivanovich (Voskhod-2)

11. Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov (Voskhod-2)

First woman astronaut

Valentina Vladimirovna Nikolaeva-Tereshkova.

The world's first female astronaut. Hero of the Soviet Union. Pilot-cosmonaut, colonel, candidate of technical sciences.

First time in outer space

Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov

On March 18-19, 1965, together with Pavel Belyaev, he flew into space as a co-pilot on the Vostok-2 spacecraft. Flight duration 1 day 2 hours 2 minutes 17 seconds. During this flight, Leonov made the first spacewalk in the history of astronautics, lasting 12 minutes 9 seconds.

The world's first planetary rover

On November 17, 1970, the Lunokhod-1 lander landed on the lunar surface. For more than 10 months, Lunokhod-1 moved along the surface of the Earth's satellite. He traveled 10.5 km, transmitted 25 thousand photographs, information about the properties and chemical composition of lunar soil.

First orbital station

Schematic representation of the Salyut-1 station and the Soyuz spacecraft

The first long-term station was Salyut-1, launched into low-Earth orbit by the Soviet Union. The Salyut had one docking port; its supply and refueling were impossible. The station existed for 175 days (of which 22 days were inhabited). After it there was the Mir station. Now the ISS is in orbit.

International Space Station (March 2009)

First on Mars

The first artificial object on Mars was a pennant with the symbols of the USSR, which got there on board the descent module from the Mars-2 probe. Following him, Mars-3 landed on Mars (5 days later)

Cosmonautics Day in elementary school with presentation

1. Organize activities for students to familiarize themselves with the spring calendar holiday of April 12 - “Cosmonautics Day”.
2. Expand students’ understanding of the first steps in space.
3. Promote the development of oral speech, thinking and imagination, promote the development of fantasy.
4. To foster discipline and mutual respect, a sense of patriotism and love for native nature, to promote the formation of environmental education.
Equipment: presentation

Progress of the event

1. Organizational moment
The bell rang and stopped
He gathered us all for the lesson.
- Guys, what time of year is it? (Spring)
- What changes in nature with the arrival of spring?
- How did the sun begin to shine? (Brighter)
-What is the sky like? (Blue)
- What happens to the snow? (melts)
- Has the day lengthened compared to a winter day? (Yes)
- What happened in living nature? (Nature comes to life, wakes up)
2. Introduction to the topic
- Guys, what month is it now? (April)
- What April holiday is approaching? Don't you know? Then I'll give you a hint.
(Slide No. 2)
- April 12, 1961 - on this day, the first man in space was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin, and therefore in the spring our country celebrates another holiday - COSMONAUTICS DAY!
(Slide No. 3)
- Yu.A. Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934 in the city of Gzhatsk, Smolensk region (now Gagarin). On April 12, 1961, he performed the world's first space flight on the Vostok satellite: he circled the globe in 1 hour and 48 minutes and returned safely to Earth.
One hundred and eight minutes of man's stay in space shocked the world. His homeland was waiting for him. His relatives were also waiting for him: his wife, two little daughters, who were only 2 years old, one 2 years old, and the other 1 month old. Also waiting for Gagarin were his parents, brothers and sister.
...Like a fairy-tale hero, he sank to the ground. The landing site was the vast lands of a collective farm, not far from the village of Smelovka, Saratov region. Gagarin saw a woman with a girl. The unusual appearance of an astronaut in a bright orange spacesuit scared them a little.
(Slide No. 4)
- “Ours, comrades, ours!” - Gagarin shouted to them. A few minutes later, tractor drivers and combine operators ran up to Yuri. He was hugged and kissed.
(Slide No. 5)
- Guys, Yu.A. Gagarin is not the only cosmonaut who has been in space. After him, many other astronauts flew and are flying. In addition to men, women have also flown into space. The first female cosmonaut is Valentina Tereshkova.
(Slide No. 6)
- Before Gagarin Yu.A. flew into space, dogs were sent. And the first was Laika.
(Slide No. 7)
- Then the dogs flew - Belka and Strelka.
(Slide No. 8)
Physical education - ophthalmic simulator
(Slide No. 9)
- Guys, our activity is unusual, today we will also visit space. But first we need to know who an astronaut is? How do you think?
(The man who works in space)
- Do you think anyone can become an astronaut?
- What should a real astronaut be like? What should a real astronaut be able to do?
- What should be the discipline? (Children's answers)
- Of course, guys, not every person can become an astronaut. A real astronaut must have good health, and most importantly, he must be resilient, because before flying into space you need to undergo very difficult training.
(Slide number 10)
And also in space, astronauts are in weightlessness, and not everyone can withstand this, it is very difficult. He must be attentive, do everything correctly, know a lot, study well, read a lot about space, train his memory.
- But in order to go on a trip, you must obey all the above rules of the “Real Cosmonaut”, and most importantly, you must be attentive!
- And to go into space we need... (Children solve the puzzle)
(Slide No. 11)
- That's right, a rocket.
- You and I know what we are flying into space on.
- And now we just have to find out how we will eat in space, and what we will have to wear.
- An astronaut should not get lost in a difficult situation and should always be ready to go out and find his way in any emergency situation.
- Guys, how many of you know the name of the clothes that an astronaut wears?
- That's right, this clothing is called a spacesuit.
(Slide No. 12)
It saves and protects from fire and various damages. Of course, it is not very comfortable, it restricts movement, but it is safe. The suit has its own air supply system. If an autonomous breathing system is connected to it, a person can go into outer space. This system is located in the backpack. They put it on your back, just like your briefcases, but this backpack weighs about forty kilograms. But in zero gravity this weight is not felt at all.
There is no air in space, there is very low pressure, and astronauts need to know how to work in a spacesuit under these conditions. On earth, rarefied air can be created in pressure chambers - this is a device in the form of a huge cylinder, from which air is pumped out and pressure is created, as at an altitude of 60 kilometers. Working at this altitude is as dangerous as working in space.
- Guys, in space you need to know how to eat properly! After all, there is weightlessness there. If you chew without closing your mouth, or talk while doing so, then crumbs of bread and porridge will immediately fly out of your mouth and float right in front of your nose. If some crumb, flying in zero gravity, gets into the windpipe, disaster can happen.
(Slide No. 13)
- That's all, you and I are completely ready for the flight! Everyone had already taken their seats, sat upright, put their hands on their knees, closed their eyes, prepared for the flight,
(Slide No. 14) (Splash screen - blue background)
- 5-4-3-2-1-0 START!!!
- Open your eyes, look around, imagine we are on another planet.
(Slide No. 14) (When you click the mouse, “Planet” appears)
“It’s lifeless, we need to create life here.” What will we do for this? Most importantly we need...? (Air)
- What else...? (Water, fertile soil, orchards, forests, fields...)
- Why sow rye and wheat?
- Do we need animals and birds, insects?
- And most importantly, our planet will be clean. That's why we call it Purity.
(Slide No. 14) (By clicking the mouse, the name of the planet appears)
(Pre-prepared students read a poem)
Everyone, everyone, everyone in the world needs each other,
And midges are no less necessary than elephants.
You can’t do without absurd monsters,
And even without evil and ferocious predators.

We need everything in the world, we need everything,
Who makes honey and who makes poison.
Bad things for a cat without a mouse,
A mouse without a cat can do no better.

Yes! If we are not very friendly with someone,
We still really need each other.
And if anyone seems superfluous to us,
This, of course, will turn out to be a mistake.
Teacher: Everyone, everyone, everyone in the world needs each other,
And this is what you, children, must remember.
- And now, guys, we will go on a journey around the Galaxy.
(Slide No. 15)
(Slides No. 16–33)
(Slides with photographs of space automatically change to the music. Against the background of music, the teacher reads a poem)
People have always been attracted by distance,
The oceans have always called them.
And space lived slowly,
He was mysterious and scary. (A. Semenov)

Slide View
- That’s all, our journey across the Galaxy has come to an end, it’s time for us to return.
(Slides No. 34)
- Now you and I are on our planet, planet Earth.
- After his first flight into space, Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin addressed people with these words...
(Slide No. 35)
- “Having flown around the Earth in a satellite ship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, let us preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it!”

3. Solving the crossword puzzle
- And now I offer you a crossword puzzle.
(Slide No. 36-43)
1. A celestial body visible at night as a luminous point. (Star)
2. A celestial body is a red-hot fiery spherical body around which the Earth and other planets revolve. (Sun)
3. A celestial body moving around the Sun and glowing with its reflected light. (Planet)
4. Red Planet. (Mars)
5. The smallest planet. (Pluto)
6. Celestial body, satellite of the Earth. (Moon)
7. Universe, world or world of stars and galaxies. (Space)
- Read, guys, the key word. (Astronomer)
-Who is an ASTRONOMER?
(Slide No. 44)
ASTRONOMER - a scientist who studies cosmic bodies.

4. Summary of the lesson
- Guys, our journey has come to an end! You all did a very good job today!
- Let's remember what spring holiday is approaching us?
- What was the name of the man who was the first to go into space?
- What else do you remember from our trip?
- What did you like most?
- Thank you for your work!
(Slide No. 45)

Presentation for a dedicated class hour Author: Chenishkhova Shigotykh Medzhidovna, mathematics teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 3 a. Egerukhay Koshekhablsky district


Presentation of a class hour for Cosmonautics Day. Goal: to develop an idea of ​​space, to familiarize students with the science of astronomy and the profession of an astronaut. give students an idea of ​​what a spaceship, orbital station, Universe, galaxy, weightlessness, outer space, lander is; expand their ideas about stars and planets; introduce children to the biography of the first cosmonaut - Yu. Gagarin; history of space exploration; to cultivate the desire to always achieve a set goal, to be independent, to develop techniques of analysis, synthesis, comparison, visual memory, imagination; Teach children to listen thoughtfully and carefully.

Since ancient times, people began to think about the questions: “What is space? What if there is life on other planets besides planet Earth?” And then scientists and designers created the first Vostok spacecraft. A spaceship is a complex technical system. And before putting a person in it, the equipment must be checked.

Before man flew into space, animals were there. The dog Laika was the first to go into space. At that time, people still knew very little about space, and spacecraft did not yet know how to return from orbit. Therefore, Laika remained forever in outer space.

3 years after the unsuccessful flight of the dog Laika, two dogs are already sent into space - Belka and Strelka. They spent only one day in space and successfully landed on Earth.

In addition to Russia, Americans were also interested in space. They also used animals to test new rocket technology. The first monkey in America to fly into space on a Red Stone rocket.

After the successful flight of animals into space, the road to the stars became open for man. After 8 months, a man went into space on the same spaceship on which the dogs Belka and Strelka flew. On April 12, 1961, at 6:07 a.m., the Vostok launch vehicle launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. For the first time in the world, a spaceship with a person on board burst into the vastness of the Universe.

The ship was piloted by Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. He was the first person to see with his own eyes that the Earth was truly round, truly mostly covered with water, and truly magnificent.

First cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin On the Vostok-1 spacecraft, senior lieutenant Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin circled the Earth once

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin is the world's first cosmonaut. Born into a simple worker-peasant family on March 9, 1934 in the city of Gzhatsk in the Smolensk region. The family was large - four children. Yura was the third child. The Gagarin family lived in the village of Klushino. Parents worked on a collective farm, children were early accustomed to housework: caring for domestic animals, helping parents in the fields. In those days, children from peasant families really wanted to study, Yura, not yet a schoolboy, went to class with his older sister, participated in school evenings and read poetry.

Yura went to first grade on September 1, 1941, but classes at school stopped on October 1, as the front was approaching. The Gagarin family did not have time to evacuate and remained “under the Germans” for a whole year and a half. The Nazis settled in their house, and the family was forced to live in a dugout, which Yura’s father hastily dug. The older children, Valentin and Zoya, were taken to Germany. In the spring of 1943, the village was liberated by our troops. On March 9, 1943, school resumed. Since the Germans burned the school, lessons were held at the teacher’s home.

The older children managed to escape from captivity, and Valentin ended up in the active army, fought as a tank driver, and Zoya served as a nurse at a hospital, returning home only in 1946. In 1946, the Gagarin family moved to Gzhatsk. After the 6th grade, Yura entered a vocational school in Lyubertsy - near Moscow. Yura graduated from college and the seventh grade of evening school with honors. Then he was enrolled in the Saratov Industrial College. In technical school, Yuri became seriously involved in sports, was interested in theater, literature and physics, and was involved in a flying club.

After technical school, Yuri Alekseevich entered the Chkalov Aviation School. After college he worked in the Arctic. The work of a polar explorer pilot is hard, but Yuri’s physical training helped him. Yuri Alekseevich did not say anything to his relatives and friends about flying into space. Gagarin's family learned that a man had flown into space from the news on April 12, 1961. On April 12, 1961, the Vostok-1 ship with a person on board made one full revolution around the Earth in 108 minutes, this person was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

Descent vehicle. In which Yuri Gagarin landed. Yuri Alekseevich after landing.

How do astronauts prepare for flights? A centrifuge simulator is used to train astronauts. This huge, 18-meter pin creates the overloads that the astronaut experiences during the flight. She herself rotates in a circle, her head also rotates, the cabin rotates inside her head, and the chair with the astronaut rotates inside the cabin.

When underwater training is carried out, the station, along with the platform, the cosmonauts and divers being trained, is lowered under water into a hydraulic pool.

This is how they work in a hydro pool.

For more than 30 years, all cosmonauts, preparing for flight, for weightlessness, have been training in the so-called “flying laboratory”. This is the main simulator for practicing work skills in the absence of gravity to the Earth.

How do astronauts live in a rocket? In space there is no air to breathe, there is no water, much less there is no food. All this is loaded into the spacecraft on the ground and then consumed in flight. There is nothing in space except emptiness and sunlight. It is light that powers the spacecraft through solar panels.

On the ship, all objects, including animals, are in a state of weightlessness. On earth, all objects have weight; they are attracted to the earth's surface. This doesn't happen in space. Inside the spacecraft, all objects are fixed on special holders. Otherwise they would all be flying.

The astronaut's clothing is a spacesuit. Cosmonauts wear it during the launch and descent of a rocket, when they go into outer space.

During the launch and descent of the rocket, the astronauts lie down in a special “Bed”.

What do astronauts eat? Astronauts eat food that is stored in canned form. Before use, canned food and tubes are heated, and packages with first and second courses are diluted with water.

Research in space Biological (plants are grown, various experiments are carried out). Medical observations (the effect of space on the body); Technical observations (provide space and radio-television communications, study the surface of the earth, report on places where minerals are discovered).

Astronauts report natural disasters: forest fires

About places in the mountains where snow falls can occur.

About storms on the seas

Checking the weather forecast

In just 51 years since the first manned space flight, 100 astronauts have been in space, including 3 women.

Spring is rich in wonderful holidays, but one of them is especially dear to the hearts of Russians. This is Cosmonautics Day, which has been celebrated for more than fifty years. Traditionally, schools hold classes dedicated to this day. Depending on the age of the students, the form of delivery is chosen and certain tasks are formulated.

The main goals and objectives of the class hour

When choosing the purpose of a class hour, it is necessary to focus on the age of the students, the pedagogical validity of the event and the desired result. If we are talking about a class hour for elementary school (grades 3-5), target may sound like this: creating conditions for enriching students’ knowledge about the history of the “Cosmonautics Day” holiday.

In this case, this goal will be realized by the following tasks:

  • Introduce students to the history of the holiday.
  • To develop the cognitive activity of students, to stimulate further interest in studying the event.
  • Foster patriotic feelings.

For high school students, it is appropriate to choose more local goals, for example, those with a local history focus.

Historical background

A class hour on the topic “Cosmonautics Day” must contain a mandatory block of historical events. The main thing that children should learn about is the event that happened on April 12, 1961. The first man flew into space. This was a citizen of our Motherland - Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. He made his 108-minute flight on the Vostok-1 spacecraft.

A year later, on April 9, 1962, at the suggestion of German Titov, the second Russian cosmonaut, the Cosmonautics Day holiday was approved by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

By the way, German Titov was the second Soviet person to conquer space, and still remains the youngest cosmonaut to be in Earth orbit.

As of 2014, 558 people had been in space, 56 of them were women. The first woman in space was also our compatriot Valentina Tereshkova. She made her flight on June 16, 1963 on the Vostok-6 spacecraft.

A class hour about astronautics is an opportunity to instill in schoolchildren a sense of patriotism and pride in their people. After all, the first people to go into outer space were our compatriots. Alexey Leonov did this on March 18, 1965. Svetlana Savitskaya accomplished her feat on July 25, 1984.

It is necessary to discuss with high school students the severity and danger of this profession. Since during all the flights into space, 22 cosmonauts died, 5 of whom were citizens of our country. The heroism and valor of these people evokes respect and admiration, and the teacher’s task will be to instill these feelings in his students.

Filling the classroom and decorating the office

To prevent the event from becoming a boring list of facts, it is necessary to fill it with an entertaining and educational component.

The teacher needs to select an epigraph suitable for the topic of astronautics and put it on the board. The statements of K.E. are perfect here. Tsiolkovsky, the founder of theoretical cosmonautics.

  • “What is impossible today will be possible tomorrow.”
  • « All our knowledge, past, present and future, is nothing compared to what we will never know.”
  • “It cannot be that there is not matter, time and space somewhere. They are infinite, continuous and eternal. It also cannot be that there is no life somewhere. She is also eternal, continuous and omnipresent..."

You can use the famous phrase uttered by Yu.A. Gagarin after landing.

Developing an extracurricular activity is a labor-intensive task, so you can download ready-made work from the site for free and directly prepare the class hour.

Books about space

In the office it is worth making a small book exhibition of books, both fiction and scientific. Open encyclopedias and atlases on bright and memorable pages. You can use the following books:

  • Galina Zheleznyak “Cosmonautics. Discovery of the Universe".
  • Mark Garlick, The Illustrated Atlas of the Universe.
  • Planets: a navigator for the young and brave.

Invite students to read fiction about astronautics and adventures in space. For example:

  • K. Bulychev “The Adventures of Alice”;
  • A. Ivanova, V. Merzlenko “Petya’s extraordinary adventures in space” and others.

It would be appropriate to hang portraits of the first cosmonauts, a star map, and images of spaceships in the classroom.

It is better to conduct the entire event against the backdrop of music, light and unobtrusive. While students are speaking the material, the volume should be reduced.

It would be useful to use short fragments from BBC documentaries about astronautics, to show chronicles of the first flight of Yu.A. Gagarin.

The choice of the form of a class lesson about Cosmonautics Day largely depends on the age category of the students. The easiest way is to combine several forms into one, then the event will be rich and will definitely remain in the memory of the students.

For an elementary school classroom, it is more harmonious to use the lecture form combined with the competitive form. Conduct a short quiz about space, ask riddles on the topic of astronautics.

Possible topics for class hours dedicated to Cosmonautics Day

For grades 1–5 of primary school, it is better to choose simple and understandable topics. For example:

  • "Forward to the stars!"
  • “What is astronautics?”
  • “Who is he, the first cosmonaut?”
  • "Path to Space"

The following topics are suitable for high school students:

  • "Preparing a person for space flight"
  • "Secrets of the starry sky"
  • "Heroic profession - astronaut"
  • “Prospects for further space exploration”

When creating a presentation for Cosmonautics Day, several conditions must be met:

  • brevity;
  • information content;
  • cognition;
  • literacy;
  • presence of a visualized series.

You can use . This will greatly simplify teacher preparation for class.

To successfully complete the class hour, you need to conduct reflection. This can be expressed in the form of a table that students fill out, in the form of a survey, in the form of a secret vote, etc. After processing the results, it will become clear whether the initial goals were set correctly and to what percentage the objectives of the class hour for Cosmonautics Day were achieved.

  • April 12 – Aviation and Cosmonautics Day (50 years)
  • 2011 is an anniversary year for the domestic cosmonautics. It is from this that the chronicle of man's conquest of outer space is considered. And the most pleasant thing about this anniversary is that our compatriot Yu.A. Gagarin became the pioneer of the conquest of endless space!

First human flight

The first human flight was the most difficult and dangerous, but the desire to conquer space of many thousands of people who took part in preparing the flight overcame all obstacles. In honor of this historical event, April 12 is celebrated around the world as World Aviation and Space Day.

First man in space

On April 12, 1961, the whole world was shocked by the announcement of the beginning of a new era of space flight. On this day, Soviet cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin flew around the planet Earth on the Vostok orbital spacecraft. He made one revolution around the globe, lasting 108 minutes.

  • Yuri Gagarin... Fearless knight of space, glorious son of our great Motherland. The man who conquered the sky. A man whose feat and smile conquered our planet. The first space flight lasted 108 minutes. Nowadays, when multi-month expeditions are carried out on orbiting space stations, it seems very short. But each of these minutes was a discovery of the unknown.

Man conquered space for the first time.

The holiday was established by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on April 9, 1962. Since 1968, the domestic Cosmonautics Day has received official worldwide recognition after the establishment of World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day.

Flight duration

The flight of the first cosmonaut lasted 1 hour 48 minutes.

After one orbit around the Earth, the spacecraft's descent module landed in the Saratov region.

At an altitude of several kilometers, Gagarin ejected and made a soft parachute landing near the descent module.

An astronaut is an explorer

An astronaut must not only have a good knowledge of the research and experiment program, but also be able to work with scientific equipment. And every year, scientific space flight programs become wider and richer, scientific equipment becomes more complex and diverse.

Man and space

Aviation and Cosmonautics Day today

And on this significant day

I would like to congratulate all those who raised this sphere

And immediately put it on stream.

Our successes

Today we see amazing successes in space technology: tens of thousands of satellites orbit the Earth, spacecraft have landed on the Moon, Venus and Mars, several spacecraft have left the Solar System and carry messages to Extraterrestrial Civilizations.
