Presentation. Man is famous for his good deeds. presentation for a social studies lesson (6th grade) on the topic. Man is famous for his good deeds presentation for a social studies lesson (grade 6) on the topic Drawing on the topic man is famous for his good deeds

The goals of the lesson are to form students’ understanding that good and evil are among the most general concepts moral consciousness, distinguishing between moral and immoral; form ideas about good and evil; continue to work on developing the ability to draw conclusions based on facts; cultivate highly moral qualities of the individual

Know and be able to know the Golden Rule of Morality; good; evil; virtue; Kind

Studying new material Know the basic principles on the topic of the lesson. Be able to analyze, draw conclusions, answer questions, express your own point of view or justify known ones; work with the text of the textbook, highlight the main thing, use previously studied material to solve cognitive problems; explain what a good deed, a good deed consists of, what kind of people there are more in the world: good or evil; justify your opinion. Understand the essence of the “golden rule of morality”

Actualization of the problem Chapter IV. Virtues OO What will you learn What is humanity? How to show care for loved ones? Do daredevils know fear (What questions will you answer (What is golden rule morality? (How does courage help overcome evil? (How to learn to do good?

Updating the problem @ What is good. Who is called good? @ Good means good. @ The main rule of a kind person. Proverbs and sayings about goodness: “They do not seek from goodness”; “He who does good will be repaid by God”; “It is bad for him who does no good to anyone”; “You will spend an hour in goodness, you will forget all your grief”; “He who lives in goodness walks in silver”; “Wishing for a lot means not seeing good”; “If you go for evil, you will not find good”; “In whom there is no good, there is little truth”; “To offend the poor, not to wish well for yourself”; “A good name is more valuable than wealth”...

1. What is good. Who is called good? “Poetic Word”, pp. 192 -193 Why did the prince cry, because he was called happy? Why did the Prince decide to help people? What did the Swallow sacrifice when she decided to help the Prince? Why did the Swallow feel warm, since winter was approaching? Oscar Wilde Goodness is when you do something useful, you help others. Good is a concrete matter. It feels good to do good, it warms the soul.

2. Good means good teaching, pp. 193 -194 What good feelings can you name? ( love, sympathy, mercy; ( compassion, gratitude; ( sympathy... ( Deeds can be good. O Give your examples of good deeds. O Why do they say that one should move from good feelings to good deeds?

Passive kindness Active kindness Creative kindness A person will not hit the weak, will not insult the weak. But he will pass by evil and will not rush to do good. A person does good deeds, but also passes by evil. Maybe he did good to others for his own benefit? Such kindness chooses its owner - a person with a sense of heightened dignity, who will protect the weak and help in trouble.

Once upon a time there lived a man Textbook, pp. 194 -195 A. D. Sakharov Can academician Sakharov be called a kind person? Why do you think so? Have you met kind people? Why do you think they are good? Think about whether you consider yourself a kind person or not. Why?

Picture gallery q What feelings, besides the joy of meeting, does the father experience? q What feelings, besides the joy of meeting, does his son experience? q The biblical parable says that, having met his son, the father exclaimed: “. . . My son was dead and is alive again, he was lost and is found. . . » q “I was lost and found” - this is understandable. But what does “he was dead and came to life” mean? Rembrandt. Return of the Prodigal Son

“The Poetic Word” Bulat Shalvovich Okudzhava, bard, performer, citizen ¶How do you imagine the hero of this poem? ¶How did you understand what he sees as the meaning of his life, why he lives on earth?

3. The main rule of a good person textbook, pp. 194, 197 -198 Treat others the way you want others to treat you! Why do people value it so highly and why has this rule lived on for many centuries? Do you always follow this rule?

Moral standards and religious do not lie do not betray do not steal do not offend the weak honor your father and mother do not be greedy Moral norms are based on people’s ideas about good and evil, good and bad, about justice, honor, conscience

Rules of Human Life ¶ Kindness is for the soul what health is for the body: it is invisible when you own it, and it gives success in every endeavor. Tolstoy L.N. ¶ Try to be at least a little kinder - and you will see that you will not be able to commit a bad act. Confucius ¶ Compassion for animals is so closely connected with kindness of character that we can confidently say that one who is cruel to animals cannot be kind. Schopenhauer A. Formulate and write down 2-3 rules that will guide you in life.

If a person commits a bad act, then his soul becomes heavy. When a person tries to remove the stone from his soul, it becomes easier for him. Goodness helps you and others, it brings happiness.

I think that conscience forces you to do a good deed. Goodness lives in everyone, you just need to awaken it within yourself.



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Slide captions:

"The man is glorious good deeds»

when you help someone. If a person commits a bad act, then his soul becomes heavy. When a person tries to remove the stone from his soul, it becomes easier for him. Goodness helps you and others, it brings happiness. I think that conscience forces you to do a good deed. Goodness lives in everyone, you just need to awaken it within yourself. Good is:

Feelings can be kind: Love Sympathy Mercy Compassion Gratitude Sympathy

Rules of kindness: 1. Be friendly and polite. 2. Be attentive to people. 3. Do good deeds. 4. Do not return evil for evil. 5. Forgive others for their mistakes. 6. Feel sorry for others, not yourself. 7. Treat people the way you would like them to treat you.

Words with the root “good” Kindness Good-natured Respectable Conscientious Good-natured Kind-hearted Benevolent Virtuous Good health Good afternoon

Proverbs: A kind word also pleases a cat. It's warm in the sun, good in mother's presence. The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out and you won’t catch it. A good word heals, but an evil word cripples.

" Kindness". It is not at all easy to be kind. Kindness does not depend on height, Kindness does not depend on color, Kindness is not a gingerbread, not a candy. You just have to, you have to be kind, And in times of trouble, don’t forget each other, And the earth will spin faster, If you and I are kinder.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

“Man is famous for his good deeds” social studies lesson 6th grade

Development of a social studies lesson in the 6th grade based on the textbook by L.N. Bogolyubov “Man is Glorious for Good Deeds” with presentation and applications...

Man is famous for his good deeds

Plan - summary of a lesson on social studies in the 6th grade. 1. Purpose of the lesson: Educational - to create conditions for the formation of ideas that good and evil belong to the most general concepts of moral consciousness...

Man is famous for his good deeds. Social science. 6th grade

Basic textbook: Bogoloyubova L.N. Social science. Grade 6 (Enlightenment, 2008) Lesson purpose ( brief description): to bring students to an understanding of what it means to be kind....

What is GOOD? Everything positive,
good, useful.
Good - selfless
and sincere desire for
realization of the good.
Good as a rule
associated with
generosity and love are not
only in relation to
to a person, but to everything

What is good

D - goodwill
O - responsiveness
B- unselfishness
R- work
O- courage

Good behavior

Good behavior or just
The word "politeness"
comes from Old Church Slavonic
“vezhe”, that is, “expert”.
Politeness is moral
human quality for
whose respect for people
is the everyday norm
behavior It includes:
attentiveness, manifestation
friendliness, delicacy,
tact, modesty.

kind man

A good person is the one
who loves other people
often complete strangers,
more than yourself. Such
a person does not live for himself,
and for others



Good means good

Doesn't come cheap
Happiness on difficult roads...
What good have you done?
How have you helped people?

Good deeds

Protected the weak
Visited the patient
Helped the elder
Picked up trash, etc.

People doing good deeds

A janitor introduces children to beauty with paintings in the snow

A 53-year-old lives in Izhevsk
Semyon Bukharin, who
draws with a broom for the locals
useful pictures for schoolchildren.
A man works as a janitor in
school and is famous for its
talent among students and
teachers. Administration
school also asks the janitor and decorator for help in
decoration of premises and
building facades.

Lamb Rescue

Saving a koala from 40C heat

How goodness manifests itself

Good deeds that schoolchildren can do
Do a small charity
Let someone go ahead in line
Lend some change to someone in line
Give up your seat on the metro, minibus or tram

Learning to do good

Do a good deed
Gain experience
Say a good word and

Do good deeds!!!

"Good morning!" –
Will you tell someone
And it will be for him
Very good morning,
And it will be a good day,
And good meetings,
And kind, of course,
Evening will fall.
How important and necessary
So that right in the morning
They wished you well.

Social studies, 6th grade

Lesson No. 24-25

Chapter III . Moral Foundations life

(7 hours)

D.Z.: § 10, ?? (p.91), tasks (p.91-92);

projects “They give good things to people”

© A.I. Kolmakov

Lesson Objectives

  • Let down students to understand the term “good” as a category of ethics through explanations of the meaning of goodness, humanity, developing the ability to give examples of kindness, manifestations of the golden rule of morality;
  • Develop reflection, self-assessment of actions and deeds.
  • Promote developing an understanding of the meaning of specific good deeds, readiness to support those in need of help;
  • Promote education Students have good feelings, the ability to sympathize, and have compassion.

Universal learning activities

  • Characterize And illustrate examples of goodness.
  • Drive examples , illustrating the golden rule of morality.
  • Evaluate in model and real situations, people’s actions from the point of view of the golden rule of morality

Concepts, terms

  • The Golden Rule of Morality;
  • good;
  • evil;
  • virtue;
  • Kind;
  • moral

Learning new material

  • Man is famous for his good deeds.
  • Good means good.
  • Morality.
  • The golden rule of morality.
  • Let's learn to do good.

Updating the problem

  • What is good? Who is called good?
  • Good means good.
  • The main rule of a good person.

Proverbs and sayings about goodness:

  • “They do not seek good from good”;
  • “He who does good will be repaid by God”;
  • “It is bad for him who does no good to anyone”;
  • “You will spend an hour in goodness, you will forget all your grief”;
  • “He who lives in goodness walks in silver”;
  • “Wishing too much means not seeing good”;
  • “If you go for evil, you will not find good”;
  • “In whom there is no good, there is little truth”;
  • “To offend the poor, not to wish well for yourself”;
  • “A good name is more valuable than wealth”...

  • Man is famous for his good deeds .

“The Poetic Word”, p. 86

Why did the prince cry, because he was called happy?

Why did the Prince decide to help people?

What did the Swallow sacrifice when she decided to help the Prince?

Why did the Swallow feel warm, since winter was approaching?

Oscar Wilde

Good - this is when you do something useful, you help others. Good - this is a specific matter. It feels good to do good, it warms the soul.

2. Good means good

What good feelings can you name?

  • love, sympathy, mercy;
  • compassion, gratitude;
  • sympathy…
  • Good things can happen.
  • Name words synonymous with the word “good”.
  • Give your own examples of good deeds.
  • Why do they say that from good feelings one should move on to good deeds?

Good - something positive

good, useful, opposite to evil.

Passive kindness

Active kindness

A person will not hit the weak, will not insult the weak. But he will pass by evil and will not rush to do good.

A person does good deeds, but also passes by evil. Maybe he did good to others for his own benefit?

Creative kindness

Such kindness chooses its owner - a person with a sense of heightened dignity who will protect weak , will help in trouble.

Fill out the table!

Why does the second column take forever to fill?

  • "Good afternoon"
  • "bon voyage"
  • “everyone knows the kindness of this man”
  • "Please"
  • "good health to you"
  • "good piece of pie"
  • "good weather"
  • "good fellow"


- parting words

-character trait

- appeal

- wish

- the size of something

-state of nature



What manifestations of good are we talking about in these


There lived a man

Textbook, page 87

Can Academician Sakharov be called a kind person?

Why do you think so?

Have you met kind people?

Why do you think they are good? Think about whether you consider yourself a kind person or not. Why?

A.D. Sakharov

Picture gallery

  • What feelings other than

does the father experience the joy of meeting?

  • What feelings, besides the joy of meeting, does his son experience?
  • The biblical parable tells that, having met his son, the father exclaimed: “...My son was dead and is alive, he was lost and is found...”
  • “I was lost and found” - this is understandable. But what does “he was dead and came to life” mean?

Rembrandt. Return of the Prodigal Son

3. The main rule of a kind person

textbook, page 89 "Journey to the Past"



just like you


so that others


to you!

Why do people value it so highly and why has this rule lived on for many centuries? Do you always follow this rule?

Moral standards

and religious

don't lie

don't betray

don't steal

don't be greedy

honor your father and mother

don't hurt the weak

Moral standards are based on people's ideas about good and evil, good and bad, justice, honor, conscience

Rules of Human Life

  • Kindness is for the soul what health is for the body: it is invisible when you own it, and it gives success in every endeavor.

Tolstoy L. N.

  • Try to be at least a little kinder - you will see that you will not be able to commit a bad act.


  • Compassion for animals is so closely connected with kindness of character that we can confidently say that someone who is cruel to animals cannot be kind.

Schopenhauer A.

Formulate and write down 2-3 rules that will guide you in life .

Where does kindness begin?

Write it down in your notebooks

“Three rules for caring for loved ones”

Test yourself

  • What is a good deed, a good deed?
  • Which people are there more in the world: good or evil? Justify your opinion.
  • What is the essence of the golden rule of morality?


  • What did you learn?
  • In what way?
  • What did you learn?
  • What difficulties did you experience?
  • Was the lesson interesting?

Complete the tasks!

Complete the tasks!

Complete the tasks!

Explain how to do it in practice

three rules of goodness!

  • Work programs “Social studies. Subject line of textbooks by L.N. Bogolyubova. 5-9 grades." M: "Enlightenment", 2011
  • Textbook. Social science. 6th grade. Vinogradova N. F., Gorodetskaya N. I., Ivanova L. F. / Ed. L. N. Bogolyubova, L. F. Ivanova.
  • Workbook. Social science. 6th grade. Ivanova L. F., Khoteenkova Ya. V.
  • Lesson-based developments. Social science. 6th grade. Bogolyubov L. N., Vinogradova N. F., Gorodetskaya N. I. et al.
  • Portnova I.V., teacher of history and social studies, Moscow, http :// / portnova-irina-viktorovna

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content methodological developments, as well as for compliance with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

In August 2008, a sculptural composition dedicated to charity appeared in the city of Kazan. The prototype of the monument was the honorary citizen of Kazan Galimzyanov Asgat Galimzyanovich, who was involved in charity work all his life.

Participants: 9th grade.

Target: make children think about the role of goodness in human life, to be noble in life.

Tasks: expand children’s understanding of what charity is; form a positive moral assessment of such human qualities, like mercy, empathy, sympathy; promote kindness and warmth; encourage children to participate in charity events.

Design: on the board there are epigraphs for the event (statements by V.M. Hugo, N.I. Stepanov, photographs of the monument to philanthropist Asgat Galimzyanovich Galimzyanov in the city of Kazan in the Republic of Tatarstan, a poem about kindness).

Expected result: increasing the level of moral development of students, attracting students’ attention to the events that happen around us.

Progress of the event

I. Introductory part. The meaning of the concepts “kindness” and “charity”.

Teacher's opening speech.

There are, as always, not enough good people...

There are, as always, not enough good people,
There is, as always, a shortage of kind people.
Kind people are not always understood
The hearts of the kind hurt more.
Kind people generously help the sick,
Kind ones - they give warmth and comfort,
The good ones walk in step with the weak ones
And no thanks are expected.

Genrikh Akulov

– You listened to the poem. What is it about? (about goodness, oh good people)

– What are we going to talk about today? (we will talk today about kind people and good deeds).

- So, the topic of our class hour“Man is glorified by good deeds” (topic appears on slide 1)

-What is kindness?

In Ozhegov’s dictionary, “kindness” is responsiveness, emotional disposition towards people, the desire to do good to others.

L.N. Tolstoy wrote: “Kindness is responsiveness, sympathy, empathy, attention to people; everything is positive, good, useful.”

– Name as many good, positive qualities as possible that can be united by such a simple and at the same time capacious word, kindness? (patience, mercy, nobility....)

– I would also add the word “charity” here. After all, only a kind, sympathetic, noble person can engage in charity. Charity is a good deed. This is a gratuitous action and deed aimed at public benefit. Moreover, constantly, and not just once according to the mood. To do a good deed, you need to have a good heart.

I believe that the concepts of “kindness” and “charity” are closely related.

– Are these qualities born developed and perfect in a person? (They need to be raised and developed throughout their lives).

– For some reason, in our time, kindness has lost its moral force, and there is a shortage of mercy. We do not strive to master the ability to listen in order to hear other people's pain and suffering. Therefore, I really want you to understand in today’s lesson the importance of acquiring these qualities in life, which always emphasize and indicate only the good essence of a person.

And for our conversation to take place, guys, I want to tell you about a very kind and amazing person who was involved in charity work. (The teacher's story is accompanied by a slide presentation).

Teacher: In August 2008, a sculptural composition dedicated to charity appeared in the city of Kazan. The prototype of the monument was the honorary citizen of Kazan Galimzyanov Asgat Galimzyanovich . (Slide 2) All his life he was involved in charity work. The Monument to the Benefactor was made with personal funds from the family of Mintimer Sharipovich Shaimiev and installed on the personal initiative of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan. The bronze sculpture personifies the image of a kind grandfather who leads a horse harnessed to a cart where children are sitting. The sculptural composition weighs about 5 tons, its length is about 7 meters.

Asgat Galimzyanovich worked first in the police, then as a driver, mechanic, and for the last seven years as a driver in one of the district food stores. His salary is small - 110 rubles. And when they once asked him how much he, Asgat Galimzyanovich, “gave to people,” their mouths opened in surprise when they heard the answer: “Yes, probably something like a hundred thousand.” This is what the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper wrote about him on December 4, 1986. Asgat Galimzyanovich was awarded the International Gold Medal named after L.N. Tolstoy and the Order of Merit of the Republic of Tatarstan for humanistic, selfless efforts in defense of childhood, shown in all spheres of human activity.

Asgat Galimzyanovich was born on March 2, 1936 in the Tatar village of Bolyn Balykchy, Apastovsky district of Tatarstan. Having received a certificate of eight-year education, he went to work on a collective farm. Then, after serving four years in the army, he moved to Kazan. Having gone through a lot of specialties, he never found something to do for his soul, and got a job as a cab driver at the collective farm market. The authorities were perplexed: a man with an eight-year education, an ordinary cab driver, but at the same time transfers considerable sums to orphanages, hospitals, and families with adopted children. Where do the funds come from? The City Executive Committee opened a file on him - a folder with the inscription “A. Galimzyanov, case No. 2891,” and this “case” could well develop into another - a criminal case. OBHSS, sanitary and epidemiological supervision, city authorities - they looked for Asgat Galimzyanovich’s sins or at least selfish motives. And they didn’t find it. They quickly found out where the funds came from: it turns out that he fattened the pigs and sold the meat at the collective farm market. I fed them with waste from the same market. Having bought pigs with his last money, Asgat Galimzyanovich organized an underground dwelling for them in a barn next to the horse Orlik. So that the neighbors would not notice, he dug a cellar, supplied water and light, and he himself invented and made units for feeding feed and removing manure. All waste was transported to the landfill at night in metal flasks. For almost 6 years no one knew about his activities.

Having not found any crime behind Asgat Galimzyanovich, they tried to distract him from philanthropy, which was unusual for Soviet people, by administrative means: they limited the number of heads of livestock that he could keep, and they warned him in writing about the demolition of the house and pig farm that he had built without permission.

But Asgat Galimzyanovich’s business developed: he once noticed an abandoned barracks near a railway embankment and bought these ruins. My son and brother built a farm and began to take up to 300 bulls from the collective farm for fattening. Grass, nettles, and weeds for bedding were even found near the walls of the Kazan Kremlin, in ravines and vacant lots. It’s hard to imagine a farm in the center of the Tatar capital, but it appeared as soon as the state allowed entrepreneurship. The Soviet Peace Fund received more than 600 thousand Soviet rubles from Asgat Galimzyanovich; donations from him to the children of Armenia during the earthquake in Spitak, to the children affected by the Chernobyl accident, to the Kazan Children's Home No. 1 and the Ivanovo International Boarding School were also significant.

Gradually, Asgat Galimzyanovich became famous, and not only in Tatarstan. Ogonyok magazine wrote about him in 1987, and when the first conference of the Albert Likhanov Children's Fund took place in Moscow in 1988, Asgat Galimzyanovich became its delegate at Likhanov's personal invitation. He also became an honorary member of the fund for helping orphans, a laureate of a rare international award - the Leo Tolstoy Gold Medal, which was once awarded to such people as Agnia Barto, Astrid Lindgren, and Mother Teresa. It is difficult to calculate how much money Asgat Galimzyanovich earned during his life. It is impossible now to take into account how much he distributed to those in need - the elderly, orphans from an orphanage, people who unexpectedly found themselves in trouble. It is impossible to count the number of televisions, fur coats, shoes and toys that he donated to shelters, boarding schools, homes for babies, the disabled, and the elderly.

I bought and donated 73 buses alone. Each car costs at least 430 thousand rubles. It turns out that the “bus depot” alone costs at least a million dollars!

Asgat Galimzyanovich himself, meanwhile, continued to live in the barracks, dress in whatever Allah sends, but it is imperative that he wears his favorite Panama hat. The Galimzyanovs did not like to spend money on themselves and on the needs of their family: they once bought themselves a Volga car, but realized that there was nowhere to drive it. A GAZ car is much more useful for work, but a Volga was donated to an orphanage.

If the driver of the Kazan district food store, Asgat Galimzyanovich, had ever been told that during his lifetime a monument would be erected in the city center, he would have laughed for a long time. But the monument was erected, and Asgat Galimzyanovich sometimes came to admire himself in bronze. (Slide 3) The sculptor, however, depicted not only Asgat Galimzyanovich, but also the philanthropist’s faithful assistant - a horse with a cart full of children. The opening ceremony of the monument to the Philanthropist took place on August 30, 2008 in Kazan on Millennium Square.

“I loved my people both then and now - equally. It doesn’t matter whether it’s allowed or not, he kept animals, helped people, at least Soviet Union, even Russia. I live to do good,” Asgat Galimzyanovich liked to repeat.

Attention to the screen.

On the screen there are statements about kindness and charity (slide 4).

"Of all the virtues and virtues of the soul
the greatest virtue is kindness.”

Francis Bacon

"In inner world a person’s kindness is the sun.”

Victor Marie Hugo

“The charitable soul will be satisfied,
and whoever gives water to others will also be given water to drink.”

Proverbs (King Solomon)

“He whose hand lends money is renowned among men.
The one whose hand gives alms is glorious before God.
The one whose hand gave to the temple gave to both the dead and the living.”

N. I. Stepanova.

– Which of the sayings is close to our hero?

– Which saying would you choose to define Asgat Galimzyanovich as a personality trait?

Students explain their choice and express their opinions. The teacher also participates in the choice, but does not impose his position.

– What conclusion did you come to?

Children answer:

Good done in secret is rewarded openly.

Hurry to do good.

Good deeds make a person beautiful.

Life is given for good deeds.

Good is not dashing, he walks quietly.

Without good deeds there is no good name.

A good deed has no limits.

Final words from the teacher. Well, children, our lesson is coming to an end. Today we touched on important topic There is kindness in every person's life. To do good, you must first of all possess it. Each person has their own path to kindness. It is given to us from birth, it is not inherited. Therefore, it is necessary to try hard, day after day, to cultivate it in yourself - Kindness. Kindness should be selfless, our help should not be boastful.

I would like to end our lesson with lines from a poem by R. Kazakova:

Good people, nothing will cool us down,
And don’t slam open doors!
We will be kind, and the world will be kinder,
We will be kind, and life will be kinder.
