Pedagogical management definition. Pedagogical management in education. Text of the scientific work on the topic "Pedagogical management as the theory and practice of managing the educational process"

1. The concept of pedagogical management

2. Principles of pedagogical management

3. Functions of pedagogical management

1. The concept of “pedagogical management”

The English word “management” has three semantic aspects:

· a set of persons engaged in managerial work in the field of private and public business;

· a social and economic institution that influences business activity, lifestyle and the sphere of politics of modern society;

· a scientific discipline that studies the technical, organizational, social aspects of production management and other areas of public life.

In management theory, a special place is occupied by pedagogical management, which includes, at first glance, polar groups - teaching and learning.

Although management originated in the business world, today there is a widespread belief in the West that management- this is not only the management of a company, corporation, etc. - many of its postulates and theoretical positions are suitable for management activities in any field, including education.

All in all, management- This social organization management. In many contexts, the concept " social management" And " management" are almost identical.

Management– this is management based on a person-centric approach, which does not involve direct influence, but the creation of conditions for comfortable cooperation between a manager and a subordinate in effectively achieving the goals of joint activities.

Manager-Manager in his activities he relies on his own respect for people and the respect of people for himself, builds his relationships with people in his work activities on the basis of trust and, focusing on success, creates conditions for everyone to achieve it.

In modern scientific literature management is revealed as:

The process of setting and achieving goals through the mobilization of people’s labor, their intelligence, motives of behavior, as well as financial and technical resources;

Business management through filigree work with people;

A special type of management activity that revolves around a person;

A manager’s ability to achieve set goals using labor, intelligence and motives of behavior of subordinates;

Function, type of activity for managing people in a wide variety of organizations;

An area of ​​human knowledge that helps to effectively carry out management functions.

From the above definitions we can conclude that in science management is also considered in the sense of “ type of activity", and in the meaning " fields of knowledge ».

The most suitable and complete definition of management, which can be used in the non-profit sphere (for example, in education), was given by the famous American management theorist P. Drucker, who believed that modern management is a specific type of management activity revolving around a person, with the goal of making people capable of joint action, to make their efforts effective and to smooth out their inherent weaknesses, for human ability to make a contribution to society depends as much on the effectiveness of the management of the enterprise as on the own efforts and performance of people. Based on this, P. Drucker defines the tasks of management:

1) Rally people around the common goals of the enterprise, otherwise you will never create a team from the crowd).

2) Develop the needs of each employee of the enterprise and, if possible, satisfy them.

3) Do not stop the development of people for a minute.

4) Since the skills and professional training of people working in an enterprise are different, and employees perform various types of work, their production activities should be based on communication between employees and on their individual responsibility.

5) A company cannot be judged by its output and basic production lines alone. In this respect, an enterprise is similar to a person: just as it requires a variety of tools to assess its health and performance, the same different tools are required to assess the functioning of the enterprise.

2. Principles of pedagogical management

The traditional system of principles, reflecting the organizational and production side of management in education, was significantly supplemented when introducing the ideas of pedagogical management into the practice of educational institutions.

From the perspective of pedagogical management, Yu.A. Konarzhevsky highlighted the following managerial principles :

The principle of respect and trust in people;

The principle of a holistic view of a person;

The principle of cooperation;

The principle of social justice;

The principle of an individual approach in management;

The principle of enriching the work of a teacher;

The principle of personal stimulation;

The principle of consensus;

The principle of collective decision making;

The principle of targeted harmonization;

The principle of horizontal connections;

The principle of control autonomy;

The principle of constant renewal.

Let us dwell in a little more detail on each of the principles mentioned above.

Principle respect and trust in a person acts as a fundamental principle of the manager and teaching staff, reflected in the beliefs of each teacher, motivating his behavior, and completely permeating the life of the teaching staff and the entire school.

Requirements of this principle:

respect the personal dignity of a person, recognize the corresponding rights and opportunities for a person;

respect the person in yourself and respect the person in others; take care of the person in yourself because there is also a person in others;

provide individuals with freedom of choice whenever possible;

trust the person; its potential possibilities are inexhaustible;

create an atmosphere of trust based on mutual respect;

respect the person, but be quite demanding of him;

create an environment in which a person can express himself and reveal his capabilities;

develop initiative, creativity, and the ability to find yourself in a team as much as possible;

encourage the achievements and personal contribution of everyone to the affairs of the educational institution;

guarantee each teacher and child personal security in the team.

The principle of a holistic view of man– the second very important position in the value system of an educational institution, when the manager considers each member of the teaching staff not just as an employee carrying out professional activities, but as an individual with all his needs, motives, goals, experiences that he experiences in the process of teaching. At the same time, every teacher considers the child not just as a pupil of a preschool educational institution or a student, but as a personality in all the diversity of its qualities and manifestations. A number of specific requirements also follow from this principle:

build your relationship with the teacher not as an official with a subordinate, but as a person with a person;

do not limit your relationship with teachers only to job responsibilities, delve into their lives, spiritual world and aspirations, otherwise every teacher will inevitably feel alienated;

remember that the life of a teacher and a child is not limited only to the hours spent in an educational institution - it is much broader and richer;

When communicating with a teacher, never forget that his work makes up a large part of his life - do everything possible so that the hours, days, years spent at work are bright and joyful for the teacher;

the manager must be involved in the lifestyle of the members of the teaching staff, he must understand what their common needs are;

meet with teachers not only in a formal and official setting, but also in one where you can just chat, “have a heart-to-heart talk.”

Principle of cooperation provides for the transfer of management from a monological to a dialogic basis, the transition from communication to communication, from subject-object to subject-subject relations. Here are some requirements arising from it:

consider a person as an active factor, and not a passive element of the pedagogical system;

know and take into account the personal qualities of teachers and, on the basis of this, form optimal social and pedagogical connections between them, creating a highly productive working atmosphere in an educational institution;

Appreciate in a teacher a humane attitude towards children, competence, initiative, and responsibility. Always remember that you do not need a subordinate, but with worker, man of action;

create an atmosphere not only of assigning responsibility to the teacher, but also of awareness of the role and need for participation in the process of managing an educational institution;

treat with care the manifestation of any pedagogical expedient initiative on the part of your deputies and demand the same from them in relation to teachers;

The main passwords for the joint activity of the leader and the teaching staff should be: humanity, conscious discipline, initiative, pedagogically appropriate work. Initiative first, work later, humanity and conscious discipline - always;

first - close attention, analysis, diagnosis, then - decision making - this is the basis of cooperation.

N. Vitke believed that the whole essence of administrative work lies in creating an atmosphere of friendly collective cooperation, combining the universally recognized business and moral authority of the administration with the manifestation of the broadest initiative of the institution’s employees.

Principle of social justice provides for such management of the teaching staff in which each teacher is in an equal position with others, and his interaction with the administration is based on an understanding of a person as the goal of management, and not its means. Some requirements arising from this principle:

strive to evenly distribute not only educational, but also social workload among teachers, carefully and gradually including them in the social structure;

create conditions and prerequisites that provide an opportunity to demonstrate their professional and other abilities not only for “pedagogical stars”, but also for all teachers;

encourage and evaluate the activities of teachers without bias, objectively, on the basis of providing them with equal “starting” opportunities;

When assessing a teacher’s work, always bring his work achievements into line with their social recognition;

remember that one of the guarantees of social justice in the teaching staff is openness, systematic coverage in the collective of all the activities of the management apparatus;

the manager must take into account that the level of social justice is always reflected in public opinion, which evaluates it as a whole and according to individual parameters;

a feeling of injustice arises when a person admits that the ratio of his labor contribution and result is rated lower (unfairly) compared to the ratio of contribution and result of other participants in the activity. This is where conflicts arise.

The principle of an individual approach in management provides for managers to take into account the individual characteristics of teachers, their level of professional training, interests, life and social experience. Some requirements of this principle are formulated as follows:

remember that an individual approach can only be based on a deep study of the work system of each teacher and his personality;

based on this study, individualize the volume, frequency and forms of communication with the teacher, the level of his independence, didactic and methodological freedom, encouragement of some and expansion of requirements for others;

In the course of individual work with a teacher, help him strengthen the positive professional properties and qualities that he possesses. Instill professional confidence in him. Remember that encouraging desirable individual behaviors is always more fruitful than suppressing undesirable ones. Relying on strengths brings more benefits than endlessly “analyzing” weaknesses;

one of the main tasks of an individual approach in the management of an educational institution is the task of leveling the professional skills of teachers, gradually bringing those lagging behind to the level of advanced ones;

Determine for each teacher his individual goals and milestones for their achievement - this will provide him with a path to success.

The principle of enriching the work of a teacher lies in the desire of the leader to diversify the professional activity of the teacher, through awakening professional interest and supporting his professional confidence. Some specific requirements of this principle:

consult with teachers about their current and future professional needs;

create conditions for the inclusion of teachers in innovative activities;

organize visits to lessons (classes with children) of creative teachers in their own and other educational institutions;

conduct seminars and round tables on problems of educational methods;

monitor the professional development of teachers.

The principle of personal stimulation ensures the teacher’s personal interest in his work, facilitates his acceptance of certain obligations to the educational institution and the team. This is evidenced by some requirements arising from this principle:

every manager must have a well-thought-out incentive system, including material and moral incentives. In addition, it must be remembered that politeness, a smile, an attentive and sensitive attitude of the leader are also quite effective incentives for subordinates;

all work of the manager with teachers should be based on stimulating their activities: creating working conditions, creating an atmosphere of mutual satisfaction, creating a system of creative activity, creating conditions for self-education, etc.

Implementation principle of consensus will allow the leader, in the conditions of formation of independent views and different points of view among teachers, to bring the team to agreement, to transfer people from confrontation to cooperation. Here are some requirements of this principle:

consensus should be based on an objective assessment of the points of view of team members when discussing a problem or making a decision;

the leader must argue his point of view especially clearly and logically so that it is accepted by the “critical majority” in the team;

The main tool of a leader should be the logical analysis of erroneous judgments. He must be able to reveal contradictions in the judgments of colleagues, make them aware of these contradictions and revise their point of view when necessary;

know how to make mutual concessions, but not to the detriment of the cause.

The principle of collective decision making is one of the tools for democratizing management, based on the belief that people do not want to be eternal executors. Some requirements of the principle:

Not every decision should be made collectively (this applies to operational situations, routine, repeating cases). Decisions are made collectively that play a significant role in the life of the educational institution (adopting its Charter, determining the operating mode, adopting the Development Program, etc.), affecting almost every member of the team;

Each member of the team should become familiar with the information on the basis of which such a decision will be made;

a decision will only be actively supported by part of the team if teachers actively participated in its preparation;

We must always remember that where a decision is made by the majority, there is also a minority that does not agree with it. It is necessary to continue to work with this minority, involving it in the process of implementing the decision.

Principle of targeted harmonization provides for purposefulness, expediency of management and such work of the leader with goals, as a result of which target integrity appears in the educational institution, i.e. a situation where the private, personally professional goals of members of the teaching staff correspond to the general goals of the educational institution, which is the task of managing the educational system. Some principles derived from this principle:

no matter what is done in an educational institution, everything should be done on the basis of a meaningful, pre-formulated, pedagogically appropriate goal;

target integrity in an educational institution is not formed immediately, it is the result of long and painstaking work of the head with personnel;

Commitment to the goals of an educational institution is associated with the beliefs of the teacher, with his commitment to the core values ​​of the educational institution and its culture.

The principle of horizontal connections ensures the establishment of connections between all members of the teaching staff, the exchange of information and experience, and does not allow the teacher to become professionally isolated in the team. Here are some requirements of the principle:

the principle is implemented in the process of delegating powers to teachers, collective decision-making, establishing a single status for all employees, etc.;

horizontal connections need to be formed expediently, having a program for a long time;

when forming such a system of connections, it is necessary to take into account informal, friendly connections between teachers, on the one hand, they will improve the quality of work, on the other hand, they can become a source of opposition to the administration and the goals of the educational institution.

The principle of control autonomy is one of the most important tools for democratizing management, being a necessary condition for the formation of groups of line managers (local managers within an educational institution). Autonomation makes it possible to decentralize control over the quality of teachers’ professional activities. Some requirements for the implementation of the principle:

Autonomous management areas must be headed by highly qualified teachers who have expressed a desire to engage in management activities;

it is desirable that teachers leading specific areas of management (methodological association, diagnostic support team, educational software team, child pedagogical support team, etc.) are selected or approved at a meeting of the entire teaching staff;

all teachers who become heads of autonomous units must undergo appropriate training.

The principle of constant renewal determines the transfer of an educational institution from a functioning mode to a development mode. This principle is the main guiding principle for organizing the process of mastering new technologies and methods of training and education, changing organizational and psychological structures, and other changes in an educational institution. Some requirements for its implementation:

any major changes must be prepared in advance, creating a certain psychological mood in the team;

changes must be based on a detailed plan (project) and calculations that will definitely lead to success - if there is no confidence in success, it is better not to carry them out;

the team must be theoretically and practically ready to implement changes;

resistance to change was, is and will be, given this, it is necessary to seek consensus and persuade people to the idea of ​​the inevitability and justification of making changes;

the process of change in an educational institution is, first of all, a process of change in the teacher himself, in his personality.

The principles presented above are systemic; in order to implement effective management, each of them “works” only on the condition that the others, interconnected with it, are also executed.

3. Functions of pedagogical management

In world practice management acts as science, art And activity to mobilize intellectual, material and financial resources for the effective and efficient functioning of the organization. In management, two directions are united: commercial-economic, or as it is also called, organizational-technical, and psychological-pedagogical, associated with managing people, with organizing a team to achieve the final goal.

Abroad management in education or school management defined as “focusing on the most important decision-making process in a school.” The main idea of ​​school management, for example, in the USA is based on the decentralization of management in the education system - in its context, a school teacher should be given the rights to participate in the development and adoption of the most important decisions for his school.

In our country, a manager (head of a workshop, director of a plant, chief physician of a hospital, director of a school, head of a kindergarten, etc.) has until now been appointed to a position based on an assessment of his professional readiness to perform the functions of an engineer, doctor, teacher, educator. As a result, he became organizer of the activities of production units(shops, factories, departments, hospitals, schools, kindergartens, etc.), head of production activities. The manager is organizer of people and must have, in addition to professional training, special training in the art of managing people.

Implementation pedagogical management into the practice of the activities of a modern educational institution is caused by the need to implement adequate management in the conditions of reforming Russian education, when educational institutions are moving away from uniformity, providing the population with varied educational services, developing on the basis of democratization, and participating in innovative processes. But such a significant change in the object of management - a school, preschool educational institution, etc. - requires a change in the subject of management.

Pedagogical management in the works of some modern authors appears as a set of principles, methods, organizational forms and technological techniques for managing educational systems aimed at increasing their efficiency .

1. Pedagogical management has its own specifics and patterns inherent only to it. Professional knowledge in management determines the awareness of managers associated with education of three different management tools: 1) organization, management hierarchy, the main means here is influencing a person from above with the help of motivation, planning, organization, control, stimulation, etc.; 2) management culture, i.e. values, social norms and attitudes, behavioral characteristics developed and recognized by society, an organization, a group of people; 3) market, market relations, i.e. relationships based on the purchase and sale of products and services, on the balance of interests of the seller and buyer.

Pedagogical management- a set of principles, methods of organization, forms and technologies, techniques for managing the educational and educational process, aimed at increasing its effectiveness.

It is possible to formulate a number of goals of pedagogical management that are adequate to the realities of modern Russian society: - first goal formulated as the idea of ​​comprehensive personal development and it is always relevant, and not just at this stage of socio-economic transformations in our country. The idea of ​​comprehensive development will be more understandable and realistic when it is supported by appropriate tasks that work to achieve precisely such development in harmony with the personal motives, goals and expectations of both the individual and society as a whole;

- second goal formulated on the basis of the idea of ​​educating a citizen-patriot of Russia. Patriotism in this case is understood as the dominance of the priority of Russian values ​​among those brought up with respect and a positive attitude towards the values ​​of other peoples and civilizations.

- third goal lies in the need to avoid extremes in the formation of both collectivism and individualism in the individual. In Russia there has never been an orientation toward the formation of rugged individualism in its extreme, egocentric forms. In our country, the idea of ​​conciliarity and the help of man to man has always been at the forefront.

- fourth goal is formulated through an understanding of the idea of ​​sustainable development of society as a self-developing and purposeful system. Despite the episodic shocks and revolutions that explode society in certain periods of its development, it still does not degrade, but progresses. The idea of ​​development, improvement and self-development of society based on the continuous forward movement of all its individuals is confirmed by all ideological and social systems.

- fifth goal formulated as the idea of ​​rapid adaptation of the individual to the real conditions of a particular society. Invariance, poly functionality and multi-purpose orientation of modern pedagogical systems make it possible to realize all of the above educational goals more fully, efficiently and effectively.

We can identify general management tasks that apply to pedagogical management:

rally people around the common goals of the enterprise to create a team

develop the needs of each employee of the enterprise and, if possible, satisfy them

do not stop the development of people for a minute

build production activities based on communication between employees and on their individual responsibility

develop comprehensive methods and means for assessing the efficiency of the enterprise.

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This topic belongs to the section:

Social and pedagogical system

Education system. The main problems of school management. Structure of the education system. Education and Educational Policy of the Russian Federation. Pedagogy.

This material includes sections:

Socio-pedagogical systems, concept and types. School as a socio-pedagogical system

Main characteristics of the pedagogical system

Organizational structure of the educational institution. The structure of the school as a socio-pedagogical system. Structure of the school’s material and educational base

Regulatory and legal framework for the school's activities

The structure of the school team. Organizational culture, organizational values, philosophy and mission of the school. Organizational structure of intra-school management

Image of the educational institution. Organizational culture of an educational institution

State-social character of the education system. State educational policy of the Russian Federation

Educational authorities: federal authorities, educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipal educational authorities of the Russian Federation. Their competencies

Public authorities. Their competencies

Pedagogical management. The essence and characteristics of the main system-forming elements of pedagogical management as an activity system

Topic 1.26 Making management decisions based on pedagogical diagnostics

From the world of wise thoughts

Don't teach a fish to swim (Russian).

To strive is to live (German).

What the hunt is for, that’s the point (Russian).

Wisdom is the least burden on the journey (Danish).

How many heads - so many minds (Russian).

For pedagogical purposes, diagnostics of the social sphere and the actual pedagogical diagnostics of the educational process are important.

V.I. Andreev

Competency requirements for the topic:

· know and be able to reveal the essence of the concepts “management”, “pedagogical management”, “authoritarianism”, “cooperation”; “pedagogical diagnostics”, “testology”;

· understand the essence and be able to characterize the styles of pedagogical management; be able to apply this knowledge in the process of analyzing the management activities of an educational institution;

· know and be able to reveal the functions of diagnostics in education, the diagnostic tasks of a teacher;

· know methods of pedagogical diagnostics, be able to apply them in the pedagogical process; be able to reveal the mechanism for the phased implementation of pedagogical diagnostics;

· know the features of making management decisions in an educational institution based on pedagogical diagnostics.

Key questions:

1. The essence and structure of pedagogical management.

2. Styles of pedagogical management. Power, authoritarianism, dominance, cooperation.

3. The essence and functions of pedagogical diagnostics. Pedagogical measurements.

4. Features of making management decisions based on pedagogical diagnostics.

Topic concepts: pedagogical management, authoritarianism, dominance, cooperation, pedagogical diagnostics, testology.

1 Aksenova, L.N. Preparing teachers for the implementation of management functions / L.N. Aksenova // People's Asveta. – 2008. – No. 10. – P. 3–7.

2 Bobrovnik, L.I. Using the possibilities of pedagogical testing in the management of the educational system / L.I. Beaver // Adukatsiya i vyhavanne. 2008. – No. 10. – P. 51–54.

3 Mayorov, A.N. Theory and practice of creating tests for education systems (How to choose, create and use tests for educational purposes) / A.N. Mayorov. – M.: Intellect Center, 2001. – 296 p.

4 Prokopyev, I.I. Pedagogy. Fundamentals of general pedagogy. Didactics. Textbook allowance / I.I. Prokopyev, N.V. Mikhalkovich. – Minsk: TetraSystems, 2002. – P. 486–508.

5 Slastenin, V.A. Pedagogy: textbook. aid for students higher ped. textbook institutions / V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev, E.N. Shiyanov; edited by V.A. Slastenina. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2002. –P. 482–561.

From a socio-economic point of view, the concept of “management” is considered as a co-

a set of principles, methods, means and forms of management, that is, the art of management. Professional knowledge in the field of management requires awareness of fundamentally different management tools, including:

– organization, hierarchy of management, where the main means is influencing a person from above;

– management culture, that is, values, social norms, attitudes, and behavioral characteristics developed and recognized by society.

Pedagogical management has its own specifics, as it is associated with human creative activity in the field of education and training. Pedagogical management - is a set of principles, methods, organizational forms and technological techniques for managing the educational process, aimed at increasing its effectiveness(V.P. Simonov). This is a scientifically organized management with a kind of hierarchy: the head, the teaching staff, the team of students.

The structure of pedagogical management includes the following levels:

– management of the activities of the teaching staff;

– management of the teacher’s activities;

– management of student activities.

As a scientifically organized management, pedagogical management is based on certain principles (see diagram 90).

Scheme 90

Pedagogical management performs a number of functions:

– decision making (directions, orders, recommendations, plans, etc.);

– organizing the implementation of decisions made (material and technical support, coordination, taking into account the needs of the individual performer);

– preliminary, final and current control (recording of results, analysis and evaluation of effectiveness);

Determining the school's organizational culture.

ABOUT organizational culture of the school - a system of value orientations accepted by members of a given team and serving as a guide for them in thoughts, feelings, and actions. In the theory and practice of pedagogical management, the main provisions have been established that determine the organizational culture of the school (according to V.I. Petrushin):

– ways of making the most important decisions in the life of the school – from above or from below; the possibility of open expression and discussion on this matter;

– perception of the school as a model of an open democratic society;

– the presence of a communications system that notifies all teachers and students about events in school life (wall newspapers, radio, telecommunication systems, etc.);

– the presence of feedback between teachers and students;

– development of ceremonies, rites, rituals, traditions that express and strengthen the “spirit” of the school;

– attractiveness of the interior of the school premises (design, comfort, cleanliness);

– a culture of expression of emotions by teachers and school students;

– a system of values ​​and norms that form the basis of the school’s pedagogical process;

– building relationships between teachers and students (authoritarian, democratic, liberal);

– ways of assessing the achievements of students and teachers in educational and extracurricular activities;

– the predominance in the content of professional activities of teachers of cooperation and collaboration or competition and rivalry;

– the presence of general satisfaction of children and teachers with their presence in this school, etc.

All functions of pedagogical management are complex and have a completed cycle. Complementing a number of functions of pedagogical management such as motivation and stimulation seems especially relevant in connection with the increasing role of the subjective factor of human activity.

The Russian education system is an area in which various innovative concepts are actively being introduced. Among these is pedagogical management. This phenomenon may seem to be compatible primarily with business or politics. However, it can also be introduced into teaching practice. How? What are the most notable characteristics of this concept?

The concept of pedagogical management

What is pedagogical management in education? This term obviously denotes certain processes related to management. Traditionally, management is understood as activity carried out in business or, for example, in politics. But recently, management in education has begun to gain popularity in Russia.

The management process presupposes the presence of a subject and an object. This characteristic is also relevant for such a phenomenon as management in education. The subject of management in this case will be the employees of the institution in which the educational programs are implemented. The object is the educational organization itself, as well as the processes taking place in it. The task of management of the corresponding type is to improve the educational process, increase its efficiency, optimize, in terms of labor and financial costs, the activities of an educational institution in correlation with the required results.

National specifics

Management in education can be characterized by national specifics. For example, in US educational institutions it is associated with the vesting of school teachers with a significant amount of authority, allowing them to plan and optimize the learning process. In Russia, in turn, employees of general education organizations - if we talk about state and municipal institutions - are generally obliged to adhere to programs approved at the regional or even federal level. As a result, Russian management in education becomes the prerogative of predominantly private educational institutions. Although, of course, in some aspects of organizing the educational process in public schools, it can also be used - for example, in terms of extracurricular activities or, as an option, optimizing budget expenses.

System-forming factors of pedagogical management

Modern researchers believe that pedagogical management in education is characterized by a number of factors that influence the mechanisms of its implementation. Among them:

Specificity of system-forming elements of management as an independent environment of social activity;

Management objectives;

Methods used by management subjects;

The challenges facing a manager in the education system;

Key principles on which the teacher relies when building appropriate management communications;

Functions characterizing pedagogical management;

Criteria for the quality of management activity.

Some researchers believe that it is also permissible to include among the factors of pedagogical management the results of the activities of school employees aimed at implementing relevant management activities. Let us now examine the identified factors characterizing management in the field of education in more detail.

System-forming elements

The status of system-forming elements in pedagogical management, of course, will be its subjects and objects. The first will include employees of educational organizations in various positions. These could be school principals, their deputies, and teachers. The objects of activity within the framework of pedagogical management are, in turn, students. In some cases, subordination may be observed within these categories, as a result of which subjects may temporarily acquire the status of objects - for example, if we are talking about the relationship between the director and school employees subordinate to him.

The next system-forming element that includes management in education is the educational process and communications directly related to it, characteristic of the school - for example, teacher councils. All subjects and objects of pedagogical management, one way or another, take part in relevant events. The educational process is the most important system-forming element that consolidates the interests and priorities of individuals who are involved in social communications within the framework of the implementation of educational programs.

Management Goals

The next factor we noted is management goals. What may determine the introduction of pedagogical management mechanisms in a particular educational institution? Much depends on the specific level of training programs. Thus, management in vocational education, implemented in universities and colleges, can be aimed at increasing the efficiency of students’ mastery of various applied skills. If we are talking about the educational process in a secondary school, then the introduction of appropriate management practices may be due to the need for more efficient spending of budget funds - for example, in terms of purchasing materials, distributing working hours.

The purpose of using certain management approaches may be determined by the need to introduce any innovations in the education system. This initiative is most often accompanied by some expected positive results. Most often, the use of innovative methods of pedagogical management is associated with solving a particular problem that is characteristic of the education system as a whole, a specific curriculum, or reflects the specifics of an individual educational institution.

It is quite possible that the goals of introducing pedagogical management concepts will be localized, that is, aimed at achieving results within a specific lesson, a series of lessons, or a curriculum in a particular subject. For example, if a school teacher is tasked with preparing children for an annual test, he or she can plan the content of the preceding lessons accordingly so that students gradually learn the necessary skills to solve problems that are likely to appear on the test.

The purpose of introducing pedagogical management methods may be the implementation of educational programs. For example, those related to preparing high school children for service in the armed forces. Methods of pedagogical management in this case can be aimed at optimizing the schedule of relevant classes relative to the main ones provided for by the school curriculum, or drawing up a schedule of necessary extracurricular activities, for example, drill training in army units.


Another significant factor in pedagogical management is the methods used by its subjects. There are many approaches to their classification. Among the most common:

Economic (involving optimization of budget expenditures in correlation with educational programs);

Administrative and administrative (through these, subjects of pedagogical management can give orders to objects);

Social-psychological (imply the use of effective communication algorithms between subjects and objects).

As a rule, the noted methods are used in various combinations or all at the same time.


The next system-forming element is the tasks of a manager in education. Most often they are presented in the following list:

Create the tools necessary to achieve goals;

Prepare the necessary personnel;

Obtain the necessary resources for use - financial, organizational;

Implement selected management concepts in practice;

Analyze work efficiency.

Of course, the specified range of tasks can be expanded, supplemented, and specified.

Principles of pedagogical management

The fundamentals of management in education include algorithms on the basis of which the principles of relevant management activities are formed. In many ways, they are subjective in nature, that is, each participant in the educational process can determine them based on personal priorities. But we can also identify general principles that are widespread and practiced in Russian pedagogical management. Let's study them in more detail.


Firstly, this is the principle of rationalism. The actions of a manager in the education system should be aimed, first of all, at improvements that can be observed in the form of specific indicators - for example, in terms of real budget savings due to more efficient organization of the educational process. The teacher must formulate educational programs based on specific indicators and identify those that need to be improved as a priority.

Social orientation

Secondly, this is the principle of social orientation. It doesn’t matter whether management is implemented in preschool education, at the level of secondary educational institutions or in universities - the activity of the teacher should be aimed at achieving socially significant goals. Those that are important both for local societies, such as a particular class, group, course, and for society as a whole.


Thirdly, this is the principle of stability. In the course of introducing the concepts of pedagogical management, those methods should be selected that are capable of providing sustainable results when used repeatedly under the same conditions. Of course, if we are talking about some completely new approaches that have not been tested by anyone before, then some kind of experiment is possible, but it should not violate the functionality of social communications that had been established by that time and the structure of existing educational programs.

Consistent approach to innovation

In this sense, innovative management in education should not be revolutionary. If we are talking about, say, the introduction of distance learning methods, then their one-time use in all school curricula may not be the most rational step. It should be adapted only to those disciplines for which the corresponding communication mechanism is best suited - for example, this may concern computer science classes.


The next most important element of pedagogical management is functions. Modern researchers identify several of them.

First of all, this is a planning function. It is important in terms of consistently solving the goals and objectives set by the leadership of a school or other educational institution. For example, if the goal of introducing relevant management concepts is professional retraining, management in education can be used as a tool for drawing up an algorithm for its implementation, adapted to current curricula. That is, teachers working at school can attend the necessary retraining classes, while someone can always replace them at their main workplace.

The motivating function of pedagogical management is extremely important. It consists in creating an increased interest in learning among students. In practice, this can be expressed, for example, in the introduction of innovative concepts. Among those that require the use of a wide range of tools that management in education contains is distance learning. As we noted above, the appropriate format for implementing curriculum should be introduced into school practice gradually, so that the effectiveness of its application is sustainable. Pedagogical management in distance learning can also be useful for the purpose of adapting students to innovations in the educational process from the point of view of their discipline. The considered format for completing educational programs may involve students not being in the classroom, but at home or, for example, on the territory of another educational institution, as a result of which children’s perception of the educational process may be somewhat different than in the case when they master the material in the classroom.

Another significant function of pedagogical management is control. Its essence is in the subject’s implementation of control and monitoring of the activity of objects, both in the process of implementing certain decisions, and in order to verify their implementation upon the fact of the corresponding modernization of the educational process.

Management quality criteria

The next element of pedagogical management is the quality criteria for relevant activities. The researchers provide the following list of them:

Practical effectiveness, traceable through specific figures (budget savings, improvement in grade point average);

The level of positive social perception of the concepts being introduced (among the subjects and objects of pedagogical management);

The presence of indirect indicators of improving the quality of the educational process (for example, a larger percentage of school graduates who entered prestigious universities).

As we noted above, among the possible tasks in solving which management in education can be involved is the retraining of specialists. In this case, the criterion for the effectiveness of the corresponding concepts may be the growth of interest in teachers working at the school from other educational institutions in the city.

Two human inventions can be

to manage and the art of educating.

I. Kant

In the conditions of emerging market relations, professional educational institutions (PEIs) received greater independence, which manifested itself in the transfer of some of the main powers to them from the upper levels of management. They received the right to choose the type of institution, the specialization of education, taking into account the supply and demand for educational services, the selection and formation of new educational content, the formation of new organizational structures and management mechanisms; carry out experimental work on new pedagogical technologies of training and education. At the same time, in the process of development and subsequent certification, it became possible for the educational institution to transition to a new status - a professional lyceum, college, center for continuous professional education, and an integrated educational complex.

Modern pedagogical science and practice strive to comprehend the holistic pedagogical process from the standpoint of management science and give it a strict scientifically based character.

Under management generally refers to activities aimed at making decisions, organizing, controlling, regulating a management object in accordance with a given goal, analyzing and summing up results based on reliable information; a function of organized systems of various nature, ensuring the preservation of their specific structure, maintenance of the mode of activity, implementation of their program and goals.

Management objects there may be biological, technical, social systems. One of the types of social systems is the education system.

Main goal management - the effective and systematic use of forces, means, time, human resources to achieve optimal results, as well as improving the decision-making process of those who are directly affected by them.

In the context of restructuring management structures in our country, special attention is paid to management – management experience of developed countries of the world. But transferring management models from one sociocultural environment to another is practically impossible, since the features of management are determined by a combination of factors, including forms of government, types of ownership, degree of market development, etc. In management theory, there are three fundamentally different management tools: the first is organization , management hierarchy, where the main means is influencing a person from above (using the basic functions of motivation, planning, organizing and controlling activities, as well as the distribution of material goods); the second is management culture (i.e., values, social norms, attitudes, behavioral characteristics developed and recognized by society, an educational institution, or a group of people); the third is the market, market (i.e. based on the purchase and sale of products and services, on the balance of interests of the seller and buyer) relations.

In social and economic systems, these three components always coexist, and the shape of the socio-economic organization of society is determined by which of these tools is given preference.

The general trend in management is manifested in the desire for informal, democratic, flexible methods and methods of management. Management is used not so much as a system of power in the form of a hierarchical pyramid, but as a resource for the development of a horizontal organizational system.

Modern educational institutions are considered as an open pedagogical system and as a special socio-economic organization of society. Updating the POU management system can only occur on the basis of new technologies for managing its development.

The theory of pedagogical management opens up inexhaustible reserves for POU managers and teachers, as it has the following capabilities:

· Firstly, allows you to move from a vertical command-administrative management system to a horizontal system of professional cooperation, which is based on a corporate management style that takes into account the natural qualities of each person and a person-oriented approach to his activities to achieve maximum results;

· secondly, provides the opportunity for the development of each individual, coordination of the motivational orientation of managers and teachers who create conditions for developing and developing POU;

· thirdly, creates a comfortable psychological and pedagogical climate for all participants in the educational process.

Pedagogical management has its own specifics, as it is associated with the creative activity of people. In the work of V.P. Simonova “Pedagogical management: 50 know-how in the field of educational process management” pedagogical management characterized as the theory, methodology and technology of effective management of the educational process. Management in general can be understood as the ability of a leader to achieve goals using labor, intelligence and motives of behavior of other people, and as a fusion of the science and art of managing people and social processes.

In terms of the educational process, pedagogical management is a set of principles, methods, organizational forms and technological management techniques aimed at increasing the efficiency of the educational process. Within the framework of this definition, it can be noted that any teacher is, in fact, a manager of the educational-cognitive process (as a subject of its management), and the head of the educational institution is a manager of the educational process as a whole.

Pedagogical management has its own specifics and patterns inherent only to it. This specificity is expressed in the uniqueness of the subject, product, instrument and result of the manager’s work.

The subject of the manager's work the educational process is the activity of a controlled subject, product of labor– information, a tool of labor – language, word, speech. The result of the work of the manager of the educational process is the degree of training, education and development of the object of management - the students.

Control theory. Basic Concepts

Management theories

No winner believes in chance.

F. Nietzsche

The definition of the educational system as a social institution makes it possible to use approaches from the theory of social management to solve problems related to the problem of managing such systems. Within the framework of this theory, the concept of management characterizes the influence of the subject on the object of management and implies the optimization of processes during the purposeful transition of social systems from one state to another. In developing the theory of management of social systems, it is advisable to consider five main approaches that are of particular interest for organizing the management of educational systems: allocation of schools in management, process, system, program-target, situational approaches .

According to the first approach, in management there are several scientific schools that consider management from different points of view: the school of scientific management, administrative management, human relations, behavioral sciences, as well as the school of management science or quantitative method.

Founder schools of scientific management , widely known in the world as the “scientific organization of labor,” was the American engineer F. Taylor (1856 - 1915). The main idea of ​​the concept of this school is to build management on the basis of scientific research aimed at increasing work efficiency. Scientific management developed using this approach was intended for implementation only in industrial production.

Greatest contribution to development classical or administrative management school was introduced by the French scientist A. Fayol. Representatives of this school tried to create universal principles of management that affected two aspects. The first is the development of a rational management system for the organization, the second is the construction of the structure of the organization and employee management.

If the strategy of scientific management is associated with the use of scientific approaches to various aspects of the production process, then in classical management theory, management activities themselves and methods of rational organization of management systems were first studied.

The theories considered by representatives of this school and the principles formulated by them have not yet lost their relevance.

With the development of psychological science, the formation of schools of human relations in management, behavioral approach to management . Representatives of this school (M. Follett, England; E. Mayo, USA, 1930–1950s) believed that if management increases care for its employees, then the level of employee satisfaction should increase, which will inevitably lead to increased productivity. The main emphasis was on the social aspect of management. The management approaches developed by this school were intended to compensate for the shortcomings of the classical approach, in which the human factor was not recognized as an element of organizational effectiveness.

School of Behavioral Sciences significantly departed from the school of human relations. According to this approach, the employee should be helped to understand his own capabilities through the application of behavioral science concepts to the management of organizations. The main goal of this school is to improve the efficiency of an organization by increasing the efficiency of its human resources through the study of various aspects of social interaction, motivation, the nature of power and authority, organizational structure, communication, changes in the content of work and the quality of work life.

School of Management Science, or Quantitative Method is based on the use of exact sciences (mathematics, statistics, engineering, cybernetics) in data management and involves the active use of modeling and computer technology. The use of models significantly simplifies the consideration of complex management problems and allows one to reduce the number of variables to be taken into account to a manageable number. Realizing the benefits of quantitative measurements (quantitative approach) provides the ability to compare, analyze and predict the behavior of the model. Distinctive features of the science of managing social systems are: the use of the scientific method, system orientation, modeling. The scientific method involves the use of observation, formulation of a hypothesis, and verification (confirmation of the hypothesis). A systems orientation provides the ability to view an organization as an open system. Modeling allows you to make objective management decisions when using models created for these purposes.

Certain ideas of this method are in demand for solving problems of managing educational systems: the use of modern information tools and technologies in management, making management decisions only on the basis of the results of quantitative measurements.

Another approach, the developers of which made a great contribution to control theory, was called situational approach . The essence of this approach is that the most effective management method is the one that most closely matches the current situation, since the situation, i.e. specific circumstances have a significant impact on the organization at a given specific time. The situational approach is not a simple set of prescriptive recommendations, but a way of thinking about organizational problems and their solutions. Using it, managers can better understand which techniques are most conducive to achieving organizational goals in a particular situation.

Application of systems theory to management in the late 1950s. was the most important contribution of the school of management science and, in particular, of the American scientist J. Paul Getty. According to this theory, a system is a certain integrity consisting of interdependent parts, each of which contributes to the characteristics of the whole. At systematic approach An organization is viewed as a collection of interdependent elements, such as people, structure, tasks and technology, that are focused on achieving various goals in a changing external environment.

Under the influence of the systems approach, the formation took place program-targeted approach (program approach, goal management), containing three main procedures: defining goals and their ordering in the appropriate hierarchical system (“tree of goals”); development of comprehensive programs for the development of organizationally separate complexes of social activity; formation of specific organizational structures.

Currently widely used process approach . It was first proposed by representatives of the school of administrative management, who tried to describe the functions of a manager. According to this approach, management is viewed as a process of continuous, interconnected actions (functions), each of which, in turn, also consists of several interrelated actions. They are united by the processes of communication and decision making. At the same time, management is considered as an independent activity. It involves the possibility of influencing employees so that they work towards achieving goals.

The basic approaches to management discussed above, having certain advantages and complementing each other, develop the theory of management of social systems. Therefore, when solving problems of managing educational systems, it is advisable, depending on the type and complexity of the problems being solved, to use them comprehensively, as the most general theoretical basis.

Until the 1970s–80s. The basis of management in the field of domestic education was school science, which was mainly limited to summarizing the experience of the best school leaders and preparing practical recommendations on the organization of school affairs on this basis. The gradual transition from traditional school studies to the development of scientific foundations of intra-school management, theoretical understanding of the processes and phenomena observed in the practice of education is due to the dissemination of ideas from the theory of social management, which have significantly intensified research and development in the field of educational management.

Many domestic researchers have made a significant contribution to the development of the theoretical foundations of management. Among them is M.K. Bocharov (general control theory), V.G. Afanasiev. V.A. Zverev (social management), Yu.V. Vasiliev, Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, M.I. Kondakov, M.M. Potashnik, T.I. Shamova, P.V. Khudominsky, V.A. Yakunin (management of educational systems), S.Ya. Batyshev, A.P. Belyaeva, A.G. Sokolov, R.Kh. Shakurov (professional education management).

The implementation of the ideas of a systematic approach marked the beginning of the use of new methods of managing public education and educational institutions. From the standpoint of a systems approach, education is considered as a complex social system that has its own substructures, phenomena, processes, between which there are various connections and relationships.

Like any open system, a school has an input, transformation processes and an output. The input refers to students, material, technical, software, methodological and other means and restrictions (goals and objectives, regulatory requirements). At the same time, the internal environment of the school is made up of a value system (school philosophy), a graduate model as the school’s target, as well as educational, innovative and supporting subsystems. The output of the “school” system is the results of education.

Recently, education management has developed concepts of management by objectives and by results .

The essence target management consists in the deployment of activities in the name of achieving clearly formulated goals, agreed upon at various levels of the educational system and decisions made jointly with subordinates on the means of achieving them. In this case, the goal, performing motivational, control and system-forming functions, becomes the main criterion for selecting the content, methods, forms and means of implementing the educational process.

In contrast to target management, where the main emphasis is on planning activities in accordance with the set goal, in results-based management attention is more focused on the state of the real management process, motivation and qualifications of managers. The process of predicting results begins with an analysis of the organization's mission, the influence of external and internal situational factors. Results that meet the organization's aspirations are expressed in the form of defined end goals, strategies, key results and intermediate goals. In general, this concept implements the ideas of a procedural approach to the management of social systems.

Currently, the approach focused on management of not only the functioning, but also the development of an educational institution(T.I. Shamova, M.M. Potashnik, P.I. Tretyakov, etc.).

Educational institutions must represent a unified system that functions taking into account the individual typological characteristics of an individual personality developing in this system.
