Games for a walk senior group autumn. Excursions and targeted walks in the senior group. Independent motor play activity

Long-term planning of targeted walks in the senior group for the 2015-2016 academic year



“What autumn gave us”

To consolidate and clarify children's knowledge about the “golden autumn”: the weather is sunny, dry, the trees have put on a colorful outfit. Fix the names of shrubs and trees in the park. Clarify children's knowledge that vegetables grow in the garden. Autumn is the time to harvest vegetables. Distinguish and name vegetables growing in vegetable garden beds. Introduce human activities in nature





To the park during

"golden autumn"

To consolidate and clarify children's knowledge about the “golden autumn”: the weather is sunny, dry, the trees have put on a colorful outfit. Fix the names of shrubs and trees in the park.





along Ostuzheva street

Continue to introduce the streets of your hometown, consolidate the ability to behave culturally on the street, consider public buildings and their purpose.





To the Dolphin Park (beginning of winter)

Teach children to distinguish trees by their bark; observe the changes taking place in nature: the snow lies in a thick layer on the ground, all the plants are covered with snow, under the snow the plants are warm, like under a blanket, the trees are covered with frost from the frost.





To the school stadium

Observe how schoolchildren engage in winter sports (skiing, skating); cultivate a desire to also play sports.





Along the street Leninsky Prospekt.

Transport surveillance

Continue to introduce children to the streets of their hometown and region. Tell children that streets are named after famous people; monitor the movement of traffic on the street; exercise in distinguishing transport, know its purpose (passenger, cargo, passenger).





To the Dolphin Park

(at the beginning of leaves appearing)

Observe changes in nature with the onset of spring: the sun warms up more, the snow has melted. The buds have swelled on the trees, the first flowers have appeared in well-lit places (coltsfoot)





Find signs of spring

In spring there is more light and warmth from the sun. The heat melted the snow and ice. Ice floats float on the surface of the water because... they are lighter than water; Under the influence of the sun, the ice melts and turns into water. Birds build nests to raise their chicks. The sky is bright and blue. Sometimes clouds roll in, from which warm spring rain falls. A warm wind is blowing





To the crossroads

To consolidate children’s ideas about the work of a traffic police inspector; consolidate knowledge about traffic rules





Meshcheryakova Alena Evgenievna

Each season has its own beauty: golden autumn, lacy winter, blooming spring, berry summer. All the nuances, transitions from one period to another can be seen in observing nature, reading books, looking at paintings. But the most effective is observation while walking.

Here on the Kola Peninsula, in Murmansk, it is very difficult to observe early autumn turning into golden, then into late and finally into winter. Everything happens quickly. Often falling asleep with the trees still green, you wake up with golden or fallen leaves, somehow winter comes suddenly, and in January everything may melt or it may rain. Therefore, every walk is a source of knowledge about ours. Northern, polar nature, about natural phenomena.

Our kindergarten operates according to the “Childhood” program and the most popular among teachers are walk cards, which you can take with you outside and replace if you wish; they reflect all the parts. The artistic word and folk signs, various types of games and work activities correspond to the themes of the observations.

I bring to your attention several options for autumn and winter walks in the senior group.

Autumn walks

Observation for changes in illumination during the day, the length of the day, changes in air temperature (working with a thermometer). Comparison of clothes for adults and children in autumn and summer. Formation about autumn as a time of year (cooling, shortened daylight hours, cold lingering precipitation).

If you get up at dawn - And at lunchtime it’s completely warm -
Roofs in gray silver... Smells of bitter wormwood,
The shadow lies long, smells of honey and mint
The leaf spins for a long time. And the grass is crushed.
If you go out in the morning - Just don’t believe it...
The jackdaws are freezing in the wind... It's autumn after all!
Hovering over the couples, the sun is paler,
Following the tractors. The sky is colder.
The day will clear up, - If you go out in the evening -
At noon you sit on a tree stump, the jackdaws freeze in the wind,
Look, in the heat of the day the shadow lies long,
Magpies are jumping. The leaf spins for a long time.

E. Blaginina

Outdoor game "Day and Night"

Basic movements: jumping on two legs with forward movement, long jump from a place and from a run (goal: to train children in different types of jump).

Low mobility game "It flies - it doesn't fly."

Work assignments: help the nursery teacher bring the children to kindergarten (goal: develop the ability to take care of the kids and provide them with assistance)

Role-playing game "Family"(goal: to develop independence in the development of the plot of the planned game, to coordinate individual creative ideas with peer partners).

Observation for trees and shrubs (goal: to continue to teach to recognize trees and shrubs by trunks, branches, remains of fruits and leaves).

Autumn!.. our whole poor garden is crumbling.
Leaves, yellowed, fly in the wind.
They only show off in the distance - there, at the bottom of the valleys,
Brushes of bright red withering rowan trees.

A.K. Tolstoy

Game “Find out by description”

The teacher describes the plant. And the children must approach the plant being described (goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the trees and shrubs growing on the territory of the kindergarten).

Outdoor game “At the bear in the forest”

Basic movements: walking with an extended step on a log (goal: to train children in balance); game exercise “Horses” (goal: to train children in straight walking).

Work assignments: offer children leaves and select the most suitable ones for drying (goal: consolidate children’s knowledge about the names of trees, continue to cultivate children’s desire to help adults and prepare material for future crafts).

Role-playing game "Builders"(goal: continue to teach children to use natural material in play and build buildings from it).

Observation behind the seasonal changes that occur in nature in the fall - the disappearance of insects, the departure of insectivorous birds, the cessation of growth and the death of the upper parts of plants (goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about the main signs of autumn and autumn changes in nature and the animal world).

The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But the first winter storms are still far away -
And pure and warm azure flows
To the resting field...

F. Tyutchev

Outdoor game “Migration of birds”

Basic movements: crawling between the slats of a ladder (goal: to train children in crawling between the slats sideways), walking with a side step on a gymnastic ladder (goal: to train children in walking with a side step on a gymnastic ladder, maintaining balance).

Low mobility game “Guess whose voice?”

Work assignments: invite children to help the kids clean the area from fallen leaves (goal: to cultivate in children a desire to help kids, to develop the ability to interact with younger preschoolers).

Role-playing games: “Family”, “Shop”(goal: to develop the ability to build new and varied game plots, to use natural materials, to develop the ability to understand the emotional state of peers by facial expressions, gestures, and voice intonations).

Observation for precipitation occurring in autumn - rain, fog, first frosts (goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about autumn precipitation, to introduce folk art - signs, proverbs).

  • Thunder in September foreshadows a warm autumn.
  • October covered the ground here with a leaf, sometimes with snow.
  • There are a lot of rowan trees in the forest - autumn will be rainy, but if there are few, it will be dry.
  • In spring the rain steams, in autumn it wets.
  • November builds bridges without an axe.
  • Proverbs:
  • Spring and autumn – there are eight weather conditions per day.
  • In autumn bad weather there are seven weathers in the yard: it sows, it blows, it swirls, it stirs, it tears, it pours from above and sweeps from below.

Outdoor game "Traps in pairs"

Low mobility game "Quiet - loud"

Basic movements: jumping over objects (goal: to train children in jumping over objects, to develop balance), walking with bags pressed between the knees (goal: to train children in the ability to perform movements with objects, to develop balance).

Work assignments: invite children to remove fallen leaves and branches (goal: to cultivate a desire to help each other, adults).

Role-playing games at the request of the children (goal: to stimulate children’s interest in events from their childhood, in their future, assessment of the present).

Observation behind the trees (goal: to clarify ideas about the functions of plants - nutrition, respiration, movement, growth and development).

Sad couple! Ouch charm!
I am pleased with your farewell beauty.
I love the lush decay of nature,
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold...

A.S. Pushkin

  • Oak and aspen have the latest leaf fall.
  • If in autumn a leaf from a birch or oak tree falls uncleanly, expect a harsh winter.
  • Late leaf fall means a harsh and long winter.
  • The aspen makes noise even without wind.
  • In October, even a leaf does not stick to the tree.

Outdoor game "Find your color"

Low mobility game “Which branch are the kids from?”

Basic movements: throwing small balls at a basketball backboard (goal: to train children in throwing objects at a vertical target, to develop the eye), walking on wheels (goal: to develop balance in children).

Work assignments: collect toys and clean them of sand (goal: to cultivate a desire to help adults and peers, continue to teach children to put their toys in order after playing with sand).

Role-playing games with external material (goal: to develop independence in organizing games, to develop an understanding of the work and life of people in their hometown).

Winter walks.

Observation for sunrise and sunset (goal: to clarify children’s knowledge about the length of the day, the duration of the daylight hours; to consolidate the concept of “polar night”, the knowledge that the polar night occurs in territories close to the poles).

Here is the morning of the north - sleepy, stingy -
He lazily looks out the portico window;
The fire is crackling in the stove - and gray smoke is a carpet
Quietly spreading over the roof with a ridge.

  • The sun is for summer, winter is for frost.
  • According to S. Pokrovsky “Winter” (excerpt):
  • “According to the calendar, winter begins on December 1st. Scientists consider the beginning of winter to be December 22. On this day the sun rises low in the sky, the shadows are long, and the day is the shortest of the year.
  • And in nature, winter comes at different times every year.
  • Winter begins when the air temperature drops below 0 - water bodies freeze, and the ground is covered with a strong snow cover.”

Outdoor game "Jack Frost"

Low mobility game "Carousel"

Basic movements: throwing snowballs into the distance (goal: to train children in throwing objects with one hand from behind the head), jumping over snowballs (goal: to train children in high jumping).

Work assignments: cleaning the area after a snowfall (goal: to strengthen children’s ideas about rational ways of doing work in nature).

Role-playing game "Family"(goal: to deepen ideas about family relationships - brother, sister; systematization of the rules of polite behavior).

Observation for seasonal precipitation - snow, flakes, cereals; natural phenomena - blizzard, blizzard, drifting snow (goal: to clarify children’s knowledge that snow has different states depending on air temperature and wind).

Wonderful picture
How dear you are to me:
White plain,
Full moon
The light of the high heavens,
And shining snow
And distant sleighs
Lonely running.

  • When all the flowers withered, we flew from above.
  • We, like silver bees, sat on a thorny tree.
  • We flew to the fields, and the earth turned white.
  • White, not sugar, no legs, but walking.

Outdoor game "Snowflakes-fluffs"

Low mobility game "Let's find the bunny." There are hare tracks in different places on the site. Children dance around a snow slide or a snowman, and then they are asked to go around all the places to find traces of a hare. The one who is the first to discover the tracks of a hare is declared the winner (goal: to develop attention, restore breathing after an active game).

Basic movements: ski training. Performing a half squat - spring; alternately lifting the right and left skis. Skiing with a sliding step - 50 meters (goal: continue to learn how to hold your body correctly - with a slight tilt forward, coordinate the movement of your arms and legs).

Work assignments: building a slide or a snowman of the children's choice (goal: to teach ways of distributing collective work, to clarify ideas about the role of modern technology in the work activities of adults).

Role-playing games: games with snow and outdoor materials (goal: to activate kind, sensitive, responsive relationships between children, to teach them to see the negative consequences for their other careless actions).

Observation behind the trees (goal: continue to teach to distinguish trees and shrubs by the bark of the trunks, the location of the branches, the fruits remaining on the branches).

Sad birch
At my window
And the whim of frost
She's dismantled.
Like bunches of grapes
The ends of the branches hang, -
And joyful to look at
All mourning attire.

  • Frost on the trees means frost, fog means thaw.
  • Spruce is not pine, it makes noise for a reason.
  • A lot of fir cones - for a grain harvest.
  • This is interesting: evergreens, like all others, change their foliage. Pine leaves and needles live for 2-3 years.

Outdoor game "Hunters and Hares"

Low mobility game "Let's find the bunny"

Basic movements: let's walk along the bridge (goal: to practice walking on a snow bank, in balance), ski training (goal: to practice children in turns by stepping in place to the right and left).

Work assignments: building a snowman for kindergarten children (goal: to develop an understanding that young children need the care and attention of older children).

Role-playing games children's choice, sledding (goal: to develop flexible role-playing behavior when playing games).

Observation: frost, frost (goal: to give children knowledge that frost is formed from water vapor during strong cooling, frost is water crystals. With mild frost, patterns appear on the windows - warm water vapor settles on cold glass and turns into ice crystals).

Frost looks out the window and breathes
And he writes patterns on the glass,
And against the frozen window,
Breath of Santa Claus
Decorated in brocade and pearls,
There is a curly birch tree...

S. Drozhzhin

  • Smoke in a column means frost.
  • If there was frost at night, snow will fall during the day.
  • Proverbs:
  • Thank you, frost, for bringing snow.
  • January – frosts, February – snowstorms.

Outdoor game “Two Frosts”

Low mobility game "Owl"

Basic movements: between snowballs (goal: to practice walking and running like a snake), who will throw the furthest (goal: to practice throwing objects into the distance).

Work assignments: clear buildings of snow (goal: develop the desire to take part in the work activities of adults, provide all possible assistance).

Role-playing games: games with snow (goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the conditions of snow and its properties)

Marina Bilibenko
Excursions and targeted walks in the senior group


1 TOPIC "From September to summer there is no turn" - EXCURSION

GOAL: To develop the ability to establish a cause-and-effect relationship between observed natural phenomena; note changes in plants in the garden; learn to draw conclusions about patterns and relationships in nature.

2 TOPIC "Going to the cinema" (watching cartoons) - target walk

GOAL: To expand children's knowledge about the life and way of life of the Russian people in ancient times. Give children a charge of positive emotions for the whole day.

TOPIC 3 "Observing changes in trees and shrubs with the arrival of autumn" - excursion

GOAL: Show children how the color of leaves on trees and shrubs changes in autumn, their number; show the beauty of the original autumn.

4 TOPIC "Our kindergarten" - target walk

GOAL: Continue to introduce children to kindergarten employees, the premises in which they work, and the work they perform.


1 TOPIC "Journey along the autumn trail" - excursion to the park

GOAL: Continue observing seasonal natural phenomena; consolidate the signs of autumn. Cultivate aesthetic feelings and emotional responsiveness.

TOPIC 2 "River in autumn" - excursion to the river

PURPOSE: To show children the changes taking place in water bodies (the water is dark, cold, leaves float on the water, near water bodies; to show the beauty of their native land.

3 TOPIC "Orchard" - target walk

GOAL: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the signs of autumn, to note the changes that have occurred in the garden with the arrival of autumn; fix the names of trees and their fruits.

4 TOPIC "Walk along Dzerzhinsky Street" - targeted walk

OBJECTIVE: Consider the variety of houses located on Dzerzhinsky Street; consolidate children's knowledge about movement and behavior on the street.


1 TOPIC "Examining fruits and seeds" - a tour of the orchard

GOAL: To teach to distinguish the fruits and seeds of trees and shrubs in the immediate environment. To provide knowledge about the importance of fruits and seeds in the life of plants and animals.

2 TOPIC "Walk along M. Gorky Street" - targeted walk

GOAL: To observe the transport passing by, to expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about ground transport, its classification, and purpose. To consolidate children's knowledge about safe movement on the street, across the street.

3 TOPIC "Late autumn" - excursion to the park

GOAL: To generalize the primary idea of ​​autumn (the sun is shining, but almost does not warm; the leaves are multi-colored, the grass has withered, leaf fall begins - people are removing leaves). Practice recognizing trees and shrubs by the autumn harvest of leaves, fruits and seeds. To develop the ability to admire the beauty of the autumn landscape.

4 TOPIC "Going to the cinema" (watching cartoons) - target walk

GOAL: To give children a charge of positive emotions for the whole day; enhance overall development.


1 TOPIC "Changes in nature in winter" - EXCURSION TO THE PARK

GOAL: To develop children's powers of observation, a sense of empathy, love and interest in their native nature.

TOPIC 2 “Walk around the kindergarten” - target walk

GOAL: Continue to introduce the signs of winter, strengthen the ability to observe natural phenomena and establish simple connections between them.

3 TOPIC "Watching the snow" - excursion

GOAL: To form a realistic understanding of inanimate nature, to consolidate knowledge that water can be in a solid state (snow, ice); teach comparison, develop cognitive activity.

4 TOPIC “In the winter park, among the branches, we will set a table for guests”

GOAL: Expand children's understanding of seasonal changes in nature; systematize knowledge about wintering birds; make you want to help birds in winter; deepen and expand knowledge about the birds of your region.


1 TOPIC "Excursion to the winter park"

GOAL: Continue to form an idea of ​​winter as a season; teach children to notice the characteristic signs of winter phenomena in inanimate and living nature. Compare winter and summer. Cultivate love for native nature.

2 TOPIC "Bird watching in winter" target walk to the park

GOAL: To form an idea of ​​the life of birds in winter. Foster a desire to take care of birds, highlighting signs of the living world.

3 TOPIC "Excursion to the park"

GOAL: To deepen the understanding of the typical state of inanimate nature in winter (snow covered the entire ground, it lies on tree branches, benches). Traces of people, birds, and animals are visible in the snow. Learn to highlight the beauty, peace and quiet of a winter park.


1 TOPIC "Walk along M. Gorky Street"

GOAL: During the walk, reinforce the rules of the road with the children. Strengthen children's ability to walk on sidewalks (sticking to the right side).

TOPIC 2 "Excursion to a winter snow-covered park"

GOAL: To teach children to notice changes that have occurred in nature (the day has become longer, the sun is shining brighter). Identify trees by branches and fruits; birds by voices. Foster a love for living nature.

3 TOPIC "Hike to the reservoir" - a targeted walk

GOAL: During the walk, teach children to notice changes in the reservoir in February (snow is loose, saturated with water, ice is gray, watery). Review the rules of safe behavior on the pond.

4 TOPIC "Observing seasonal changes"

GOAL: To form ideas about changes in nature, to learn to notice the characteristic signs of the end of winter (the first drop). Strengthen the ability to perceive a poetic description of winter.



1 TOPIC "Targeted walk around the kindergarten"

GOAL: To introduce the first signs of spring, to note the behavior of birds; expand your vocabulary by using words denoting signs of spring; cultivate a love for nature, the ability to feel its beauty.

2 TOPIC "Excursion to the pharmacy"

GOAL: Continue to familiarize children with the work of adults, the content of the work of a pharmacist; generate interest in the profession.

3 TOPIC "Targeted walk to the park"

GOAL: Observe the changes that have occurred in nature with the onset of spring; develop observation, attention, thinking.

4 TOPIC "Excursion to the library"

GOAL: To instill interest in reading and the history of book publishing, to introduce the history of books and writing; visit library subscriptions and book exhibitions.


1 TOPIC "Excursion to the birch tree"

GOAL: To consolidate children's knowledge that trees do not die in winter; buds remain on the branches, from which green leaves bloom. Teach children examination techniques and talk about their observations.

2 TOPIC "Targeted walk to the crossroads"

GOAL: To form an idea of ​​society (sidewalk, roadway, traffic light); establish traffic rules. Reinforce knowledge about the purpose of traffic lights.

3 TOPIC "Excursion to the laundry"

GOAL: Continue to acquaint children with preschool educational institutions, with the laundry, with the content of the work of a laundry operator; cultivate respect for the work of other people.

4 TOPIC "Targeted walk to the meadow"

GOAL: Observe the first spring flowers, grass; cultivate love and respect for living nature.

1 TOPIC "Excursion to the park"

GOAL: To introduce the phenomena characteristic of the height of spring (trees and shrubs are covered with leaves and flowers). To foster interest in observing spring changes in nature.

TOPIC 2 "Targeted walk to the kindergarten garden"

GOAL: To consolidate the idea that plants grow from seeds; introduce planting techniques; activate children's vocabulary.

3 TOPIC "Excursion to the art school"

GOAL: To visit the art school, introduce them to the clubs and classes that are held at the Children's Art School, in order to interest them in any activity.

4 TOPIC "Targeted walk to the monument to fallen soldiers"

GOAL: Continue to cultivate patriotic feelings, introduce the history of the Second World War; develop respect for veterans.

Thank you to everyone who visited my page.

Summary of a targeted walk in the senior group on the topic: “Autumn”


formation of ideas about changes in nature;

development of interest in folk signs.


learn to distinguish the signs of the onset of autumn;

introduce children to folk signs;

cultivate a love of nature and care for the environment;

Enrich your vocabulary.

Preliminary work:

Looking at albums with trees and various plants found in nature.

Conversations about the seasons, their signs,

Observing the weather, working with the nature calendar,

Reading fiction about nature, poems about autumn.

Drawing autumn landscapes.

Progress of the walk

The teacher tells the poem to the children:

The leaves are falling, falling

Leaf fall in our garden

Yellow, red leaves

They curl and fly in the wind.

Birds fly south

Geese, rooks, cranes

This is the last flock

Flapping its wings in the distance.

Educator: Children, what time of year is the poem talking about?

Children: The poem talks about autumn.

Educator: Correct. Tell me, kids, what signs of the onset of autumn do you know?

Children: The leaves on the trees turn yellow, the birds fly away to warmer climes, it rains, and it gets cold outside.

Educator: That's right, guys, well done. Indeed, in the fall the grass and leaves on the trees turn yellow, the flowers that delighted our eyes in the summer wither, the birds fly south, the weather changes: the sun shines less than it did for us in the summer, it often rains. In the fall, guys, the days get shorter and the nights get longer.

Educator: Now let’s guess the riddles?

The teacher asks the children riddles, the children complete the riddle by inserting the desired answer.

Autumn has come to visit us

And she brought with her...

What? Say it at random!

Well, of course...(leaf fall)

The field, forest and meadow are wet,

City, house and everything around!

He is the leader of clouds and clouds,

You know it's -....(rain)

I bring the harvest

I am sowing the fields again,

I send birds to the south,

I strip the trees

But I don’t touch the fir trees and pines.

I am a beautiful yellow...(autumn)

The cold scares them so much

They fly to warm countries,

They can't sing and have fun

Who gathered in flocks? ...(birds)

Educator: Children, do you know that in addition to the signs of the onset, there are also signs of autumn?

Would you like me to tell you about them?

The teacher tells the children about the signs of autumn.

A large harvest of rowan - to severe frosts in winter;

If migratory birds fly high in the fall, there will be a lot of snow, and low, there will be little snow;

The birch turns yellow from below - winter will be late, and if it is spring - early;

Aspen leaves lie face up - for a chilly winter, inside out - the winter will be mild, and if on both sides - the winter will be average.

Educator: These are the folk signs of autumn. People observed nature, remembered and passed them on from generation to generation. Guys, look, there is rowan growing in our garden. Is there a big harvest this fall?

Children: No.

Educator: Indeed, last year the harvest was much larger. So, according to the sign, there will be no severe frosts in winter, right? In winter, we'll see if this sign is true.

Now let's look at the birch tree. According to legend, if the birch tree turns yellow from below, winter will be late, and if it is in spring, it will be early. Let's see, guys, do the birch trees have more yellow leaves on the bottom?

Children: No, they are the same everywhere.

Educator: So winter won’t be late, right?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Now, guys, let’s go to the aspen tree and remember one more sign. “Aspen leaves lie face up - for a chilly winter, topsy-turvy - the winter will be mild, and if on both sides - the winter will be average.” Look carefully at how the leaves lie.

The teacher shows and explains to the children how the leaves lie “face down” and how vice versa.

Children: The leaves lie on both sides.

Educator: So, according to legend, winter will be average: neither warm nor frosty, right?

Children: That's right.

Educator: And we still have one more sign, let's listen to it again: “If migratory birds fly high in the fall, there will be a lot of snow, and low there will be little snow.”

Look at the sky, do you see migratory birds?

Children: No, we don’t see it.

Educator: Yes, it’s a pity that the birds aren’t flying now. But next time we will definitely see and remember how they will fly: high or low, okay? We definitely need to find out whether there will be a lot or little snow in winter!

Now, let's stand in a circle and play a little.

Outdoor game:"Sunshine and Rain"

Children stand in a circle.-

“The sun looks out the window, They walk in a circle.

It shines into our little room.”

“We will clap our hands, They clap while standing still.

We are very happy about the sun.

Top-top-top-top! Rhythmically stamp on

Top-top-top-top! place.

Clap-clap-clap-clap! They clap their hands rhythmically,


At the signal “it’s raining, hurry home,” the children run away.

The teacher says “The sun is shining”, the game is repeated.

Well done guys, are you tired? Let's rest a little, sit on the benches.

During rest, the teacher asks the children questions:

Tell me, guys, what signs of autumn do you now know?

Let's remember which trees we approached today to see the signs?

What signs of autumn do you know?

Why do birds fly south in the fall?

Educator: Okay, children, you remember everything correctly. Did you enjoy our walk? Tomorrow we will continue the conversation about folk signs, and for tomorrow’s walk I will ask you to prepare a small home activity: ask your parents and grandparents what signs of autumn they know. You will definitely remember them and tell us tomorrow, okay? Won't you forget?

And now, our walk has come to an end, we are returning to the group.

List of children going for a walk:

Olga Pospelova
Targeted walk for children of the senior group “Golden Autumn”

Program content: to form children interest and love for native nature, teaching to admire beauty autumn trees. To develop the ability to observe natural phenomena and establish simple connections between them. Enrich your active vocabulary children with adjectives: rowan, birch, linden, maple. Introduce children with the poetic ideas of the Russian people about autumn.

Progress of the lesson


Look around, what is the weather like today? (answers children)

What time of year is it?

Why did you decide that autumn has come?

What signs autumn you know? (answers children)

Listen to a poem about autumn.

The forest is like a painted tower,

Lilac, gold, crimson,

A cheerful, motley wall

Standing above a bright clearing.

Birch trees with yellow carving

Glisten in the blue azure,

Like towers, the fir trees are darkening,

And between the maples they turn blue

Here and there through the foliage

Clearances in the sky, like a window.

The forest smells of oak and pine,

Over the summer it dried out from the sun,

AND Autumn is a quiet widow

Enters his motley mansion.

What else changes besides the leaves? autumn in nature(answers children.)

Autumn can be different: sad and cheerful, cloudy and sunny.

How do you understand the Russian proverb “One leaf fell from the tree - wait autumn? (answers children.)

But autumn beautiful in every moment. Let's remember what trees grow on the site of our kindergarten. (Rowan trees, birches, poplars, larches, lindens.) What happened to the leaves? Listen to how the poet described autumn leaves.

Leaf fall, leaf fall,

Yellow leaves are flying.

Yellow maple, yellow beech,

Yellow circle in the sky of the sun.

Yellow yard, yellow house.

The whole earth is yellow all around.

Yellowness, yellowness,

Means, autumn is not spring.

(V. Nirovich)


What's the name of this one? golden shower? That's right, it's leaf fall.

Very beautiful, isn't it? Look under your feet, there is a carpet of colorful leaves everywhere. Let's find leaves from birch, rowan, maple and look at them.

Birch leaves, what kind of leaves (Birch.)

What color are they?

What other leaves are under your feet? (Maple, linden, rowan.)

What color are they?

What is leaf fall?

Which autumn months you know?

What month is it now?

The second month is coming autumn - October. October is crying cold tears.

There are many proverbs about October.

In October before lunch autumn, and after lunch it's winter.

In October, it's raining and snowing at the same hour.

October is cold, my dear, and November has made it too cold.

The nights in October are quite dark, because there is no snow yet.

There are also proverbs about weather signs.

If the snow falls on the damp ground and does not melt, then in the spring the snowdrops will bloom early and amicably.

October will cover the earth with leaves and snow here and there.

In October, in October

Frequent rain outside.

The grass in the meadows is dead,

The grasshopper fell silent.

Firewood has been prepared

For the winter for stoves. (Samuel Marshak)

Now let's collect the last leaves together and decorate our group.
