Where can I sell a finished article? Top article exchanges: why are they needed and how to choose the best one to make money? Where to sell text

Hello, friends and blog guests!

Today we’ll talk about a guaranteed way to make money on the Internet, namely making money by selling articles or how to sell an article online.

Nowadays, online business is developing rapidly and more and more people are looking for an opportunity to make money. Of course, the first thing a beginner does is go to the Google search engine and look for ways to make money on the Internet.

To be honest, this method of searching will not entirely lead to

a positive result, because now there are a lot of different dubious projects that quickly disappear along with the users’ money.

But if you really want to start making your first money online, I recommend starting with selling articles.

I started my journey in the Internet business with this income, and I can say with confidence that it really works and brings good results in terms of money. The technique of quickly reworking articles helped me a lot; if you are interested, please look here.

Here the question arises - how to sell an article on the Internet?

It is very easy to sell an article on the Internet, but first of all you need to write it. Information about what to write and how to write is in the same methodology. Therefore, if you You don’t want to figure out all the details yourself this earnings, you can safely take this technique and start earning money.

However, if you decide to start writing articles yourself and you already have a personal article that you want to sell. For this purpose, there are special article exchanges where you can put your creation up for sale.

Why are articles needed and who will buy them?, I think there is no need to explain. There are simply a huge number of sites on the Internet that will buy articles for their resources. They definitely need to fill their sites with content, either they write them themselves or buy ready-made articles.

At the moment, you can sell an article on the Internet on the etxt exchange. You can register on the exchange using this link. For beginners, this exchange is the best in terms of simplicity and unpretentiousness to the article itself.

After registering on the exchange, you can safely start writing articles and putting them up for sale.

How to write an article and what to write about?

I think for starters it’s better not to come up with something on your own, but to redo existing articles. Just find an article on the Internet, rewrite it with your own owls and put it up for sale. This method is called rewriting or rewriting.

It may be difficult to do this right away, but after ten articles written, you will be writing them at a professional level.

The only condition is that the article must be unique so that it cannot be found anywhere else on the Internet. Please, before putting an article up for sale, check the uniqueness of the article using an anti-plagiarism program. The normal percentage of article uniqueness is 95-100%.

How much can you sell an article for?

If you take the etxt exchange, then the price for rewritten articles will be approximately 15-20 rubles per 1000 characters.

To begin with, it is better to set the minimum price. This is necessary to increase your rating in the service. Then you can raise the price.

Maybe you have some doubts about whether they will be bought. They will definitely be, from my own experience I can say that my articles did not freeze for more than a week. Sometimes they bought in whole lots of 10-20 pieces.

Withdrawal of money is carried out to the WebMoney payment system when the threshold for the minimum amount for withdrawal is reached is 250 rubles.

You can write as many articles as you like per day, it all depends on your desire and lack of laziness. Your income will depend on this.

Step-by-step plan - how to sell an article on the Internet.

1. Register on the article exchange.

2. Write an article (copywriting and rewriting).

3. Put the article up for sale

Selling an article online is easy and quick, all factors contribute to this. Get down to business, don’t sit idly by, get involved.

P/S: Who hasn’t yet understood where all the people make money, come here and get a simple and correct system.

I wish you success! Earn money!

Good day! In this article I want to talk about making money from articles, namely, tell you how to write and sell texts for websites. As you know, it is relatively easy to make money on the Internet by writing articles. For those who find it easy to formulate their thoughts and retell other texts in their own words, you can start earning extra money in your free time. Moreover, the work of writing texts can be combined with the main job of hiring.

How to make money from articles

There are two ways to make money from articles on the Internet:

  1. write articles for sale;
  2. fulfill direct orders.

In terms of income stability, the most profitable thing is to take orders for work and collaborate with customers for a long time. This guarantees a daily influx of funds into your wallet, because... the work will be constant. But very often, this method is not suitable for beginner copywriters.

As a rule, complexity is caused by a lack of experience, reputation and recommendations from other customers, zero or low ratings, and fear of complex and not entirely clear order conditions. In addition, you will not have the right to choose a topic. Many customers want the text to contain certain keywords or the number of certain words to be repeated a limited number of times, and it is difficult for a novice copywriter without any experience to complete the task.

Earning money from selling articles is easier. You choose the topics of the articles yourself. If the text is not written, you can always put it aside and take on another topic.

What should the article be like?

To quickly sell an article on the Internet for money, you need to write it on a topic that is in demand. For example, on the stock exchange eTXT There is this rating of a catalog of categories and search queries, where you can see which topics are in demand among buyers at the moment:

Other article exchanges for making money by selling texts are listed here

Articles on similar topics sell quite well. For example, you write several texts on one topic, but at the same time, each article seems to complement the previous one and is a topic in its own right. For example, you chose some disease in a medical topic. You devote one article from the series to the symptoms and manifestations of the disease, another to the causes, a third to treatment with folk remedies, and a fourth to drug treatment. Or it may be that the sore has types and varieties, to which separate articles can be devoted. The customer would be more willing to buy a series of articles from you that cover a separate subtopic than to look for collecting material in parts from different copywriters.

Most often, buyers search for article titles using keywords. You can also use the key selection service for webmasters: https://wordstat.yandex.ru/. How to work with this site is described in detail.

And this picture clearly illustrates the selected list of topics that you can take into work on one specific topic:

Beginners can do this: write several similar articles on different topics. Of course, if you are knowledgeable in several topics. For those who find it difficult, write only about what you understand and where you have knowledge. Develop your skills.

I am often asked the question: where can I get the source text? You will find material for rewriting in the search results. Enter the title of the future article as a query and select the appropriate text for your work. Ideally, the text you create should be better than existing ones. Only in this case will it be useful on the new site. But buyers do not always understand this and post articles on their websites that are no different in content from existing ones, but only unique in terms of verification services...

I will not describe in detail the structure of the article; this information is in the article at the link. As for the size, write as much as necessary to cover the topic. The most popular articles are 2000 - 5000 characters long without spaces.

Check the article for spelling and punctuation errors. The MS Word editor will tell you the main errors. There is also a wonderful free spelling service, use it for more advanced analysis. Here is the link orfogrammka.ru

Do not post your articles for sale on several exchanges at once. If you do this, be prepared to quickly delete a copy of the sold article from another exchange. If it happens that your article is bought on two exchanges at once, arbitration will be on the buyer’s side, and you will lose your account.

Promotes quick sales beautiful packaging articles. When posting text on the stock exchange, you need to write an attractive, catchy title for it, create a description, and also provide a piece of text for viewing as a DEMO version. Choose the section of text that you think best demonstrates your skill. In the keywords, indicate those phrases that reflect the topic of the article, and those that you initially selected in Yandex Wordstat.

Value for money. Too low a price will scare off a serious buyer, because... he may decide that what he is selling is low-grade text. Too high a price in the absence of ratings and reviews will also not attract a buyer. For a beginner, the normal price would be one that is slightly below average. In your profile you can indicate: “high-quality texts from a beginner copywriter with a 20% discount for only 3 days.” This is a kind of advertising technique to attract potential buyers.

If you have several dozen articles for sale, you can advertise to quickly get an effect. eTXT has this option.

If you are just starting to make money from articles, download a free copywriting tutorial " How to become a successful copywriter ".

Write your thoughts in the comments, share your experience on how and where it is better to sell an article on the Internet.

The largest article store on eTXT
Sell ​​and earn

Sale of finished articles

  • Webmasters always need relevant and optimized materials for their sites, so buying and selling articles on the Internet is becoming increasingly popular.
  • Copywriters today do not have to write articles according to customer requirements; they can simply sell an article on the Internet for money.
  • Pros of selling finished articles:
  • Price at your discretion
  • There are no hard deadlines
  • Write on your favorite topics
  • Buyers find themselves

Where can I sell an article online?

It is better to sell unique articles on the Internet in specialized content stores. Searching for clients on your own and sending them texts directly means acting at your own peril and risk.

The eTXT Exchange store is the place where you can sell an article on the Internet quickly and at a good price. Your work is protected from copying, while being checked for uniqueness and accuracy. The exchange acts as a guarantor of a secure transaction, while ensuring stable customer traffic.

Just add your work to the store, set a price and wait for a buyer:

Add an article to the catalog

1600 articles sold per day

The buyer will find himself

To the article store

Store articles on eTXT

Large number of buyers

Transaction security guarantee

System commission is only 10%

Opportunity to communicate with the buyer

5 secrets of selling articles on the Internet

On content exchanges, where selling an article is not difficult due to the daily flow of buyers, sellers have several secrets that you can use at your own discretion.

Secret No. 1

Featured articles. Imagine that you want to cook some dish. To do this, you will need several different ingredients, which will later form one whole. A series of feature articles is a ready-made dish. To make the site a “complete meal” for the target audience, it is necessary to include different ingredients that complement each other. If you write several texts that complement each other, the likelihood will increase that the customer will buy several articles from you at once. Advice: you should not call such articles parts (“Part 1”, “Part 2”...).

Secret No. 2

Value for money. How would you feel if you saw that the product you are used to is 5-10 times cheaper? Most likely, this would make you distrustful: if the price is so low, then what is the quality? A serious buyer is unlikely to pay attention to such a product; he will consider it second-rate. On the other hand, if you yourself value your creativity low, then you should not set a high price. The price of content should always correspond to its quality.

Secret No. 3

Beautiful packaging. When choosing a gift, we pay attention to the packaging: it should be beautiful, neat and make you want to open it as soon as possible and see what’s inside. Likewise, the title of the text should be catchy and correspond to the content of the material. Also, do not neglect the description that is available to the customer; from it you can judge the style and literacy of the writer’s speech.

The more unique articles there are in a publication, the higher its level (or the higher the traffic, if we are talking about a website). The fact is that many website owners are people who write complex programs and scripts. But at the same time they cannot formulate a sentence correctly. That’s why they don’t write themselves, but prefer to purchase content from people who write articles professionally. If you are one of those people who are engaged in writing articles, then your primary task is to write an article. Moreover, we are not talking about just one, but about finding a regular customer who will consistently order money for them.

To find a customer, do the following:

  1. In you can find a large number of content exchanges, which can be found through search engines. These exchanges have a large number of both advantages (popularity among customers, developed service systems, the ability to check the customer’s reputation, etc.) and disadvantages (low payment level, high competition, etc.). On these sites you can independently put up ready-made articles for sale by placing them in the appropriate sections, or take orders. Exchanges are great for beginning copywriters; this school is worth going through.

  2. You can sell your article on SEO forums. There is no such struggle for the customer as on exchanges, but you constantly need to maintain your reputation. In order to start selling your work on forums, you need to create a topic. In it you should leave a link to your portfolio, describe your work experience and indicate prices.

  3. A real opportunity to sell an article not only to Internet portals, but also to one of the periodicals is provided by various services for “freelancers”. These sites are engaged in intermediary activities. On them you will find a large number of orders placed by representatives of other Internet resources, blogs, etc. As you can see, there are not so few opportunities to find orders for writing articles, so if you have writing skills and initiative, you can get your first orders quite quickly. But don’t forget that the difficulty lies not in finding a customer, but in keeping him. And for this you need to follow the main rules: write quickly, competently, efficiently and charge adequate money for articles.

Video on the topic


  • How to sell articles on TextSale How to create and promote a blog

Every person strives for creativity. Some people draw, some people write. It's also a good idea to make money from your creativity. So to speak, combine business with pleasure. Selling articles on the Internet is quite a profitable business. Essentially, an article is content. Any website needs content to attract visitors and diversify its site. Therefore, interesting and useful articles are always needed.


Selling articles can be done in several ways. It all depends on the experience of the copywriter in . A beginner will be able to sell his work only on special exchanges for selling content. An experienced writer who has, often sells his to private site owners for a high price.

If you are a beginner, then you have a direct path to the content exchange. There are quite a lot of them on the Internet. Enter the appropriate query in the search engine and select the site you like. Most users prefer the Advego exchange. You can post your article on it, set a price and wait for it. Different exchanges have their own procedures for placing and transferring funds. Therefore, read the relevant sections for.

The price of an article on the exchange may vary. It depends on its volume, information content, subject matter, presentation. The conventional unit on article exchanges is the price per thousand characters. Consequently, the more it becomes, the higher its price. But again it all depends on its usefulness. An article with a lot of “water” will not have a high price.

Over time, you will be able to gain popularity among article customers. If your articles are of high quality and quality, then this will happen quite quickly. Every site administrator is interested in content. Therefore, a good and reliable copywriter is always needed. Writing articles for a person will bring much more, but the quality requirements will be higher.

Video on the topic

People are passionate about different things. Some people like to crochet or knit, some cross-stitch, some draw, some make creative and beautiful objects with their own hands, and some are fond of literature and write articles.


If you are interested in writing articles on various topics, you should remember that such a hobby can bring you not only spiritual satisfaction, but also a fairly high income. So, to make money from articles, you need to sell them by submitting them to various sites. Selling an article is not that difficult. There are many different article exchanges for this purpose. By registering there, you post your work on this site, which is not available to buyers until they make a payment. If a buyer needs an article, he goes to the exchange and enters the topic that interests him into the search bar. At his request, the search returns all articles with relevant topics. However, the buyer does not see the text of the article. He sees only a small part located at the very beginning of the article. If the beginning satisfies him, he transfers money to the account, thereby buying his creation from him.

Imagine that you already have an article. Now all you have to do is send it to the customer. Go online and use any search engine. Enter the following phrase into the search bar: “articles”. You will see a list of sites on which you can post your article and get paid for it. Choose any exchange, for example, Texchange, register there and put your work up for sale.

In addition to posting ready-made texts on exchanges, try registering on any resource and writing a custom article. This is done on the same exchanges, the most popular of which are Relevant Media, Advego, ETXT and others.

In addition to selling articles, you can run your own blog, where you will receive payment for each view of your text. One of the most popular blogs is the website www.site. To submit your article there, you need to register. After its completion, you will be taken to your personal account, where you will see the button: “Write an article.” After filling out the “Article Title”, “Category”, “Sub-Category” and “Format” fields, copy and paste the text of the article itself into the main fields. Below you will see the “Submit for review” button. By clicking on it, you will post your work on this site. However, readers will only be able to view it once the article has been reviewed by the editor.

Video on the topic

Have you, dear copywriter, ever been in the shoes of a customer? Have you tried to look at the situation on the stock exchange through his eyes? Have you purchased at least one article? If not, then you have no idea how articles are actually purchased.

Important note: we will talk about selling articles in article stores on various copywriting exchanges.


The bulk of customers can be divided into three large groups. The first is those customers who are just starting their project. This could be a website, block, information portal, etc. They come to the exchange, as a rule, with a ready-made site plan, a semantic core, and some kind of commercial displays. If this is an online store, customers know exactly what category of products they will sell, what the design will be and other little things. Therefore, they look for articles for specific requests, descriptions of specific products. Such customers pay less attention to the rating of performers and the price (unless it is completely overpriced). Most of them have calculated their budget and are ready to pay the average price for quite high-quality, more or less solid material. These customers know what they want. So if your article meets their needs, they will buy it anyway. If they don't find a suitable article, they will leave the order.
How to sell an article to such customers? Describe in detail what “keys” your article is tailored to, what audience it is intended for, what subheadings, provide a plan. Then the customer will have more complete information about what is written in your article, and will choose it rather than a “pig in a poke” without a description. If you are describing a product or category, be sure to include a couple of mid-frequency “keywords” from Wordstat.

The third group is customers who use your articles to promote their projects. For example, when exchanging posts, when ordering backlinks on Rotaposta or GoGetLinks, when posting on forums and social networks, when creating a network of satellites, and so on. For such customers, it is not so much the quality of the text that is important, but rather the topic and keywords. Such customers select articles for specific requests. Since they need a lot of articles, they choose the cheapest ones. In fact, such texts are needed not for people, but for search engines. On the other hand, the time of “gray” and “black” optimization has sunk into oblivion, so texts should look like for “white” projects.
Selling articles of this kind is quite easy. It is enough to indicate the key phrases, their percentage of occurrence, sign that the article is ideal for article promotion and set the price below the “hospital average”. The articles fly, but you don’t get much benefit from them. So whether it’s worth it is up to everyone to decide. However, for accumulating an initial rating, this is the best option.

Video on the topic

There are more than two dozen copywriting exchanges in RuNet, where you can not only write materials to order, but also sell ready-made articles in the store. Each exchange has its own conditions for accepting articles for sale. For example, in some places articles are manually moderated and checked by an editor, and if there are errors, they are rejected. And on some exchanges, articles are accepted without moderation, but in this case the average cost of 1000 characters will be low. The amount of earnings from selling articles depends only on the copywriter. The more articles posted on content stores, the more sales there will be.

Where to sell articles to a beginner copywriter

Beginning copywriters are recommended to try their hand at copywriting exchanges, where articles are accepted for publication without moderation. However, the lack of moderation does not mean that you can do your job poorly - upload articles for sale with grammatical errors and low uniqueness. Such violations will be detected fairly quickly, which will lead to account blocking.

On exchanges where articles are not checked by editors, prices are usually very low, but there are a sufficient number of buyers who need cheap SEO content.

On the Textsale exchange, articles posted for sale in the content store are not moderated, but are checked for uniqueness. It is not advisable to sell articles on this exchange for more than 30-40 rubles per 1000 characters, since buyers mainly come to Textsale for cheap content. And most of the authors of this exchange are ready to sell their works at a price of 15-20 rubles per 1000 characters.

Money for sold articles goes to an internal account in the system. Payments are made to the WebMoney wallet on the second day after the withdrawal request. The seller of articles is charged a commission of 10% of the cost of each article sold. The minimum withdrawal amount is 1 WMZ (equivalent to 1$).

Where to sell articles to an experienced copywriter

If you have experience as a copywriter and are striving for a decent income, then to sell articles you can choose stores on the copywriting exchanges Copylancer, TextTrader and Miratext. On these exchanges, when paying out funds, the copywriter is charged only the standard WebMoney commission - 0.8% of the amount.

All articles uploaded to the Copylancer exchange store are manually moderated. If there are two or three grammatical errors, editors reject articles with a note that the text needs improvement. But having written a competent and interesting article on a popular topic, you can put it up for sale at a price of 60-90 rubles per 1000 characters. To understand which topics are in greatest demand, just look at the sales statistics on the main page of the content store. To make sales more intense, it is recommended to regularly upload new articles to the store. The minimum withdrawal amount is 120 rubles. Money is withdrawn to a WebMoney wallet.

  • Article Store
  • Catalog of articles Texttrader
  • Exchange of articles Textsale
  • Article store copylancer

Good day, my dear friends! I often talk about making money from articles. Beginners might have a question: “Where can I show myself and start making money?” Today I'm here to answer. I want to talk about article exchanges, where thousands of people already receive decent income from texts.

The text exchange is an intermediary site for performers and customers. There, copywriters sell their articles or write to order. Webmasters and bloggers are not left out either. They can buy or order content if they don’t have the time or skills to deal with it. In the end, everyone is happy.


One of the leaders in copywriting, rewriting - Text. Customers and performers love it for its own tools that help them check texts and make them better.

The disadvantage is a decent commission. Beginners pay 10% of income.

Everyone is assigned the status of a school student. It changes as the rating increases. Points are awarded individually for each order. For work from a customer with PRO status, you get more than usual.

On average, they pay 30 - 50 rubles for 1,000 characters. There are orders with a high rating for 100 - 300 rubles/1,000 characters.

There is an article store. But the requirements are stricter than on Etxt. Often texts end up in the trash due to errors.

You can read how to register on the site, take an order or sell an article in my.


You can not only write articles, but also comments, repost on social networks, and retype audio into text.

For the site order:

  • texts,
  • reviews or comments,
  • filling groups on social networks,
  • visiting sites to improve the site in search results.

Accounting is carried out in dollars. Money is paid to WebMoney, Qiwi or a bank card. To do this you need to dial 5 $.

The typical price for 1,000 characters without spaces is $0.5 - $1.

- a brand new creation. It was born in 2015. In 2 years, the project managed to gain several thousand users, which is a drop in the bucket compared to large exchanges.

There is a standard guarantee for the contractor and the customer. I did it - I received it, no - the rating was lowered, the money was returned from the account.

You can earn money in two ways:

  1. Submit articles for sale. The authors estimate the work at 35 - 60 rubles/1,000 characters. Sometimes they simply set a price for the entire text.
  2. Search for orders. The cost per kilosign is almost the same as on other exchanges without restrictions - 40 - 60 rubles. If you're lucky, you'll find generous customers who will pay 110 - 120 rubles.

Webmasters can stock up on content here. The prices are attractive.

The site has its own anti-plagiarism. However, only registered users are allowed to use it without a limit. Guests can check 1 text once a day. It's a little slow and you have to wait a long time for results.

Famous for low competition. It's very easy to get a job for 0.8 $ kilosign. The requirements for authors are so low that among the top performers there are illiterate ones.

Neotext has the wildest commission - 20%. Earned $100, give $20 of that.

It’s also unpleasant that they take back their commission upon withdrawal. You immediately see how much money leaves your account, and your motivation decreases.

U Copylancer and the prices are nice, and the administration is fluffy. The exchange has been operating since 2007 and has managed to recruit over 50 thousand authors and customers.

Some orders can be taken immediately without applications. Just fill out your form first. There is no need to pass tests, just upgrade your status along with your rating. They grow based on customer ratings.

Copywriters receive from 50 rubles. for 1,000 characters, and rewriters - 30 - 70 rubles, depending on the level.

Webmasters and bloggers also have something to profit from here. More than 15 topics, plagiarism protection help fill the site without problems. You can buy not only an article, but also a unique photograph. You will save time searching for content.

The exchange transfers money to a bank card, WebMoney and Qiwi.

I also discussed this in a separate article.

A lifesaver for a SEO specialist or blogger. The site specializes in promoting articles. You can buy advertising space for your site, but you must provide not a link, but an entire article with a thematic anchor.

Where can you get articles for Miralinks if you don’t know how or don’t want to write? You create an order on one of the top copywriting exchanges and choose one worthy author among the heap.

Positions itself as an article store. You can take orders here, but there are few of them, and they are available to beginners only for a fee - $10.

The price for 1,000 characters starts from 20 rubles. and soars to 150 - 200 rubles. With a small rating, exorbitant prices will not work.

You can earn decent money. But selling is such a thing... Today I was able to sell an article, and then you wait a whole month in hopes of a buyer. Until you receive good reviews on your profile or rating points, do not rush to make Textsale your main place for earning money.

Bloggers and content managers will enjoy the rich assortment here. A website on any topic can be filled from the first to the last page.

We have it too.

Top text exchanges for advanced copywriters

I believe that along with experience, income should grow. Have you learned how to insert keys, write hypnotic texts without errors, and not receive 30 rubles. for 1,000 characters.

I offer you a list of top exchanges where you can earn from 110 rubles/1,000 characters.

Of course, no one will just let the elite into the squads. Be prepared to take exams.

What to do if it doesn't work out? It will help you to rise to a new level, increase your income, and prepare for exams on stock exchanges. You will become better than 90% of authors on the RuNet. No competition will be scary.

Now let's move on to our high paying exchanges.

The performers are paid well. Pros with a high rating even receive 150 - 300 rubles. for 1,000 characters. Beginners start at 22 rubles, but is that bad? Some exchanges offer 5 - 10 rubles. for beginners.

The main catch is that you will have to take a test and submit your essay for review. If you are given a score below 4, only micro-tasks such as likes, reposts, and comments will remain available.

The commission stings. The system takes 20% of the income. But the high prices make it worth it.

Why is the exchange attractive to customers? Quality. All performers are selected according to strict requirements. Therefore, the risk of receiving not an article, but a set of letters, is minimal.

In our article.

- a harsh exchange for real professionals. Active since 2011. Examinations for admission to orders take place in two stages. Several wrong answers and access is closed.

Even after passing the test, I don’t recommend relaxing. Moderators monitor the quality of articles, and if they spot errors or violations of technical specifications, they may lower the rating or ban you for a week.

The advantage for a copywriter is the prices. No one here will allow you to set a price of less than 20 rubles. per kilosign. If you want it cheaper, go to another exchange - site policy.

I advise customers to pay attention to the site due to the strict selection of authors. You will get a job as a professional, not as a student.
