Adaptation of new employees in an organization example. Personnel adaptation program - measures for personnel adaptation. Special personnel adaptation program

In order for a new employee to quickly and effectively become a full-fledged part of the team, it is necessary to carry out certain actions and activities. The optimal option is to create a personnel adaptation program in the organization. It includes the basic steps that are taken to involve the employee in the process. In this case, priority is placed not only on his work responsibilities and production standards, but also on the psychological and social aspect. This is due to the fact that integration into a team is an important, and sometimes decisive, part of development.

What could a personnel adaptation program be like at an enterprise?

The personnel adaptation program at the enterprise is usually drawn up on the basis of the relevant regulations. The latter prescribes the general procedure and regulates the main aspects of this issue. The program is created for a separate case, that is, it becomes a practical embodiment of the situation.

It is possible that the company does not have provisions on personnel adaptation. However, this does not mean that an appropriate document cannot be drawn up. In this situation, it is more difficult to compose it than if there is a basic part. There are three main aspects to consider when drafting:

  • clear structuring and sequence of actions;
  • language that is clear to understand;
  • defining the roles and responsibilities of each participant.

That is, in order for the adaptation program for new employees at an enterprise to be effective and practically useful, an appropriate program should be drawn up. Experts indicate that such a document is drawn up in two parts.

The first contains general aspects and is similar to the stated provision. The second indicates certain plans that are carried out to achieve the objectives. In total, such an order is calculated for a period of several months.

Some argue that full integration of a new employee takes place within a year. It is indicated that well-designed planning helps reduce this period to six months. However, in practice, only the probationary period is usually taken into account.

Social program for personnel adaptation

A personnel adaptation program is being developed based on the job responsibilities of the new employee. In this case, its primary or secondary integration is taken into account. In the first case, it comes to involving the employee practically from scratch.

With regard to the work process, the main priority of integration is to achieve the production rate of a full-fledged employee. To do this, a plan is drawn up that involves a gradual increase in current indicators, as well as methods for encouraging and motivating the employee.

A separate aspect is the social program for personnel adaptation at the enterprise. Establishing contacts and connections with the team plays an important role. The better an employee feels at work, the less likely he is to leave. To socialize an employee, the following steps can be taken:

  • a mentoring scheme in which an employee is introduced into the general system;
  • mutual assistance and support of the group or individual curators;
  • assignment of certain tasks that are associated with the team;
  • holding joint events, both inside and outside the work process.

These methods are intended to create conditions for maximum comfort for the newly arrived employee. Their achievement is no less a priority than the professional growth of the employee.

Special personnel adaptation program

A special personnel adaptation program at the enterprise covers individual employee training. That is, after the general plan has been carried out, a special one can be used. Most often it covers the following issues:

  • determining the functionality of the unit and the employee himself so that he understands his role in achieving common goals;
  • an indication of the standards and obligations, as well as the liability that follows for violation of certain regulations;
  • reporting according to current production;
  • social regulations and rules of behavior in a given group.

If the employee adaptation program is completed and the results are not fully achieved, special measures may become necessary. This usually concerns the need to improve the employee in certain issues - conduct additional training to improve professionalism or an interview to overcome social withdrawal.

Personnel adaptation program using the example of a company

The adaptive integration plan for a new employee at an enterprise is best considered using a step-by-step example:

  • the first stage is preparatory and precedes the employee’s going to work - the HR department calls him and clarifies the necessary questions, prepares a workplace and relevant documentation for review;
  • at the second stage, the employee enters his position for the first time - here he becomes familiar with the basic working conditions, with his immediate superior, the team, and complete information is provided on all issues;
  • during the first week, the third stage of integration occurs - during this time, an assessment of the newcomer’s competence is made, a personal plan for professional training is drawn up, and basic contacts are established within the framework of the work process;
  • the fourth stage can be considered final - the employee is surveyed, his professional abilities and socialization are assessed, and if necessary, additional measures are taken to achieve standards.

Such an integration process requires an appropriate attitude from all its participants. Therefore, a clear indication of responsibility is required; without it, it will be difficult to implement the plan in practice quickly and effectively.

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In this article we will focus on the following questions

  • Principles and tips for maximum onboarding effectiveness
  • How to implement an adaptation system in a company and encourage newcomers
  • What savings does professional staff adaptation help achieve for a company?

You will also learn

  • What idea did Enter manage to implement in its adaptation system, based on the plot of Star Wars?

Our company was facing drastic changes - production was expanded, a decision was made about the need to attract many new employees. It was not possible to find all the necessary specialists in our republic, so a search also began in other regions. In particular, a quality director was invited from St. Petersburg. Naturally, we did not want to lose a valuable employee with a salary of 100-200 thousand rubles after completing a probationary period and paying for relocation (including a car, housing, health insurance and other expenses). For any company, staff turnover cannot be considered beneficial. Therefore, we thought about creating and implementing a personnel adaptation system at our enterprise, which was intended to reduce staff turnover.

Let's consider the main elements that made up our personnel adaptation system.

Work plan for a newbie on the first day and first week

Plan1- th working day:

  • Meeting with your immediate superior.
  • Getting to know the team - under the guidance of the head of the department.
  • Familiarization with the workplace is carried out by the head of the department.
  • Familiarization with the organizational structure (head of department).
  • Watching a corporate training film, filling out your employee workbook.
  • Meet the curator.
  • Mandatory briefing on technical safety, etc. (organized by specialists from the labor protection department).

Plan for the 1st week of employee adaptation:

  • Studying the job description, asking questions to your manager
  • Study of current training and development programs during a meeting with the manager, a training schedule is drawn up.
  • Also at this meeting, a travel schedule is drawn up and their goals are indicated - if necessary, to meet employees of other departments.
  • Clarification with the manager of the criteria that will be used for the success of the probationary period, with receipt of tasks for this period, recommendations for achieving the goals.
  • Studying the basic rules and regulations in the work of the enterprise - the names of the documents required for study by the HR department are provided; the new employee will need to find them on the corporate server independently.
  • Meet your colleagues, learn about the tasks of each of them, discuss working methods, and exchange your experience.

Let's consider methods of personnel adaptation that have proven themselves in our company.

Personnel adaptation program: 7 approaches

Educational film. A 40-minute video was shot in which the viewer was introduced to information about our enterprise. This included information about the production process, sales channels, brands, strategy, work area, etc. A working group was invited to deal with the script and filming. This group included a quality director, a technical director, a commercial director, and a production manager. A media relations officer (from the marketing department) became responsible for the filming. We had to separately invite only the operator-editor under a contract - allocating about 40 thousand rubles for his services. We refused to over-detail information in our film. We decided that a general idea of ​​our company was enough for the audience, and that an employee would be able to gain specific knowledge while working in his department.

Our company became the first in the holding to begin filming such a film. To get feedback, we decided to show our film to other managing directors, also vice presidents and some employees of other companies included in our group (the focus group consisted of about 20 people). The film received positive reviews from a focus group. The rest of the enterprises followed our example - making their own educational films in the same year. This approach is now actively used in the work of the holding’s parent company. Our group companies are located in different parts of the country, so employees cannot personally visit the parent company.

Usually, newcomers watch the created film on the 1st or 2nd day at work. Then the employee fills out a special workbook to make sure the answers are correct. This notebook is intended only for self-control; you can enter notes while watching a movie or communicating with company employees - no one will check. A beginner should understand for himself that if there are many incorrect answers, he should then review the recorded film or clarify any questions with his colleagues.

Informing about company slang. Given the specifics of the company, our work uses many abbreviations, and it is simply impossible to remember all of them. To ensure that employees spoke the same language, an alphabetical table of abbreviations was compiled in alphabetical order. This catalog is located on the server, so any employee can download it and print it. We left free fields in our catalog so that the employee himself could record his comments or indicate new abbreviations that are not recorded in the general list, but are necessary for his work.

New Employee Guide Brochure. A brochure of 20 sheets is provided, indicating the names, contacts and positions of employees, information about labor regulations, the organizational structure of the enterprise, answers to frequently asked questions, and the main points of our policy. This brochure also contains a list of tasks that are assigned to the employee during the probationary period. Electronic and printed brochures are provided.

Meetings of newcomers with employees of other departments. For all newcomers, the department assistant creates a schedule of meetings with employees of other departments of his company - marketing, sales, production, accounting, etc. The duration of each meeting is about an hour, under the guidance of a leading specialist or department head.

During the meeting, the employee is told about the impact of the department’s work on achieving the overall strategic goals of the company, what tasks are assigned to the department, and what issues the newcomer will need to discuss with the department’s specialists. Such meetings are held during the first 2 weeks of a new hire’s work. He will be able to find out how different employees in the company interact, understand all stages of the work process in the future, and with whom to discuss the implementation of the project. Meetings are usually held separately for each newcomer. Although, if 2-3 employees are employed at the same time, they attend meetings together.

The innovation was accepted normally by the heads of the department, since it was clear to them that today they would devote an hour of work to employees of other departments, and tomorrow their colleagues would help bring the subordinates they already needed up to date. Such assistance turned out to be beneficial to everyone, so newcomers from all departments quickly mastered the necessary information about the activities of the enterprise.

A supervisor for each new employee. An employee with at least 3 years of experience, recommended for this position by his supervisor, is usually invited to take on the role of curator. However, you should not force anyone to take on this role (such work is not paid additionally) - therefore, you need to choose only among those willing to meet the established requirements. The curator will help the newcomer with useful recommendations on his specialty and work, and resolve everyday issues if the employee has moved from another city. In particular, he will recommend the best places to rent an apartment, search for kindergartens or schools, fitness centers, etc.

Request feedback. A fairly common tool in our work. To do this, we offer a form that an employee can send to colleagues by e-mail, asking them to fill out. In particular, you can ask for an assessment in an oral conversation (optional procedure). We teach this during thematic seminars.

Results of the probationary period. Based on the results of the probationary period, the employee must organize his own meeting with the manager. We need to see initiative on the part of each employee of the company, and not just fulfillment of their duties. During the meeting, the new employee will have to summarize the results of his work over the past months (3-6 months, depending on the specific position), report the results of his tasks, the achievement of certain goals, and share his impressions of the work.

If the manager is satisfied with the new subordinate and is ready to keep him on staff, the new boss should draw up plans for the employee for the next six months.

Results of implementation of the personnel adaptation system

Results of the implementation of the personnel adaptation system. Every month our company measures the level of staff turnover, with data analyzed for the quarter and year. Thanks to the adaptation program, we were able to significantly change the situation in the company:

  • staff turnover among middle managers decreased by 65% ​​over the year.
  • reducing staff turnover among top managers by 30% per year.
  • reduction in the number of people quitting in the first half of the year - by 250%.
  • saving the company money on workers' compensation medical examinations. Indeed, in the operation of a food enterprise, such costs must be compensated - the savings amounted to about 200 thousand rubles annually (for each inspection about 3 thousand rubles).
  • reduced the cost of compulsory training for employees of various specialties - by approximately 50 thousand rubles per year.

The total economic effect due to the adaptation system in our company reached about 3 million rubles. The benefits were also complemented by a general improvement in the atmosphere in the team.

Examples of personnel adaptation

Alexey Dmitriev, Director of Corporate Development of the Enter retail chain, Moscow

The adaptation and mentoring program in our company is aimed at office workers. The program, called "Path of the Force" (based on Star Wars), brought a number of improvements to the company's work. The most experienced employees are assigned the role of Jedi, while newcomers remain Padawans. The employee responsible for the employee adaptation system downloads data from the accounting system every day about employees who will soon return to work. Next, he manually assigns his own Jedi for each. We have 2 rules - Jedi must work in pairs, they can be from any department, except where the new employee will be placed. It is more convenient to work in pairs - given the different workload schedules, it is also easier to communicate with strangers. When Jedi are approved, a notification is sent to them automatically, and a reminder is added to the calendar about the day the employee returns to work.

Correspondence acquaintance. The day before a new employee goes to work, the Jedi will call him - introduce himself and ask him to contact him immediately after appearing in the office to meet and discuss work matters. On this day, the Jedi also establishes whether everything is prepared for the work of the new employee - he makes sure that he has a computer and the necessary programs, calls the head of the new employee’s department to remind him that the new employee is coming to work.

1st working day of a new employee. A pair of mentors greet a new employee in the morning, explaining the available information on the company portal. As a rule, a couple of hours is enough for this. Such a meeting makes the newcomer understand that he was expected.

Subsequent days. A new employee has the opportunity to ask any questions to his Jedi, for example, what to do if a chair breaks or to resolve a conflict with a colleague. At the end of the probationary period, he receives a letter in which we ask him to evaluate the help of the Jedi. Mentors are given points for the work they do for the corporate game “Olympiad” - in order to encourage excellent results from our employees.

Svetlana Kuzmicheva, Deputy Vice President for Production and Development, Komos Group LLC

  • Adaptation, onboarding

Key words:

1 -1

Currently, there are several approaches to personnel adaptation. As HR consultant E. Makhotina-Garaeva points out, most often in enterprises adaptation occurs “spontaneously” and, as a rule, its result is negative. A person does not find his place in the organization, his performance gradually decreases, and then he often simply quits. There is another approach - something like a “young fighter course”, when a newcomer is given a heavy workload from the very first days of work. If he copes, good; if not, the organization does not need such “fighters”. The third approach, according to E. Makhotina-Garaeva, is the most optimal. This is the existence of a clear adaptation system at the enterprise: developed programs, schedules, documentary support for the adaptation of a new employee.

In his article in the magazine “Personnel Management” T.V. Kotova offers the following approximate adaptation program for a new employee:

“Stage 1. Acquaintance with the management and personnel of the organization, production features, corporate culture and rules of conduct at the enterprise (6 hours, first two working days). Responsible: HR manager.

Stage 2. Practical acquaintance of the new employee with his responsibilities and requirements that are imposed on him by the organization. The immediate supervisor introduces the company and its history, personnel policy, working conditions, explaining the tasks and requirements for the work, introduces the employee to the work group, encouraging assistance from experienced workers. The orientation program includes short lectures, excursions, and workshops (work at individual workplaces or with certain equipment). It is mandatory for the workshop foreman to provide instructions on safety and labor protection. Determine with the employee the differences in the organization of the production process with existing experience (system of knowledge and skills), identifying training needs (8 hours, third and fourth working days). Responsible: HR manager. The following issues were raised during the orientation program.

General overview of the company:

Goals, priorities, problems;

Traditions, norms, standards;

Products and their consumers, stages of bringing products to the consumer;

Variety of activities;

Organization, structure, relations of the company;

Information about managers.

Organization policy:

Principles of personnel policy;

Areas of professional training and advanced training;

Assistance to employees in case they are brought to justice;

Internal regulations;

Rules for the use of different working hours;

Rules for the protection of trade secrets and technical documentation.


Norms and forms of remuneration and ranking of workers;

Payment for holidays and overtime.

Fringe benefits:

Insurance, work experience records;

Temporary disability benefits, severance benefits, benefits for illnesses in the family, in case of bereavement, maternity benefits;

Support in case of dismissal or retirement, etc.

Occupational health and safety compliance:

Warning about possible hazards at work;

Fire safety rules;

Rules of conduct in case of accidents and the procedure for reporting them.

The employee and his relationship with the trade union:

Terms and conditions of employment;

Appointments, movements, promotions;


Rights and obligations of the employee;

Union regulations and company policies;

Management and evaluation of work performance;

Discipline and penalties, filing complaints;

Communication: communication channels, postal materials, dissemination of new ideas.

Household service:


Availability of service entrances;

Conditions for parking private cars.

Economic forces:

Labor cost;

Cost of equipment;

Damage from absenteeism, delays, accidents.

After completing the general orientation program, a special program may be conducted which may cover the following issues.

Functions of the division:

Goals and priorities, organization and structure;

Areas of activity;

Relationships with other departments;

Relationships within the department.

Job duties and responsibilities:

Detailed description of current work and expected results;

Explaining the importance of this work, how it relates to other work in the department and in the enterprise as a whole;

Standards for the quality of work performed and the basis for assessing performance;

Working hours and schedule;

Additional expectations (for example, replacing an absent employee).

Required reporting:

Reporting forms and periods, reporting structure;

Relations with local and national inspectorates.

Procedures, rules, regulations:

Rules specific only to this type of work or this unit;

Behavior in case of accidents, safety rules, reporting of accidents and dangers;

Hygiene standards;

Security and problems related to theft;

Relations with employees who do not belong to this unit;

Rules of conduct in the workplace;

Control of violations;

Telephone conversations of a personal nature during working hours;

Use of equipment;

Monitoring and evaluation of performance.

Stage 3. Effective adaptation (internship). A new employee is assigned a mentor, i.e. a person accompanying an employee through the mentoring system (8 - 12 hours, from the fifth to the eleventh working day). Responsible: mentor. The mentor provides maximum support to the new employee, regularly assesses the effectiveness of activities and the characteristics of interaction with colleagues. The HR manager regularly trains mentors. For additional workload, the mentor receives additional payment.

Stage 4. Operation. This stage completes the adaptation process. The new employee gradually overcomes production and interpersonal problems and moves on to stable work, during which he undergoes a series of certifications, i.e. control and evaluation of work performance (4 hours, after eleven working days). Responsible: head of a structural unit, HR manager.”

And here is the adaptation calendar for a new employee at JV Palmira-Ruta LLC:

“First day of work at the central office.

1. Registration in the HR department of JV Palmira-Ruta LLC in accordance with the Regulations on employment in the company. A new employee must sign a document on non-disclosure of trade secrets and confidential information.

2. Interview with the HR manager. The HR manager tells the newcomer about the company’s activities, its employees and partners; hands over the booklet Employee Handbook of the Palmira-Ruta company, comments on it, talks about the structure of the company. The following points are discussed:

Length of working day;

Requirements for the appearance of the employee;

Lunch break;


Regulated breaks for tea/coffee and rest;

Using the phone for personal purposes;

Company policy regarding overtime work;

Terms and procedure for payment of wages.

3. Introducing the newcomer to office staff.

4. Conversation between the new employee and the immediate supervisor. The range of tasks that are within the competence of the newcomer, his job responsibilities according to the job description are discussed; functions of other department employees; procedure for interaction with the manager (office hours, range of issues). The manager introduces the newcomer to the methods of planning, reporting and control adopted in the department, and appoints a mentor from among the experienced employees of the department. An induction plan is being considered. The procedure for interaction with other departments is discussed.

5. Getting to know the workplace and department colleagues. Clarification of the location of the workplace, its technical equipment and configuration.

6. Acquaintance with employees of other departments with whom the new employee will interact according to the nature of his duties.

The first working day of a salesperson in a store of the Monarch (or Brooks) retail chain, owned by the Palmira-Ruta company.

Induction into the position takes place in four stages, each lasting one shift.

Stage I (first shift) - preparatory. First working day. The task is a detailed acquaintance with the activities of the company.

Obtaining information about the Palmira-Ruta company, familiarizing yourself with the procedure and working conditions:

History of the organization;

Products and services;

Management structure (including names of managers, location of individual departments);

Working conditions - established work schedule, vacations and days off, benefits for employees;

Elements of corporate culture;

Requirements for the preparation of basic company documents;

Setting goals;

Creation of motivation (opportunities for increased wages, advanced training, job growth).

Familiarization with departments and employee’s workplace:

Presentation to colleagues;

Explanation of the daily routine;

Study of job description;

Familiarization with production functions and features of the store;

Familiarization with documents regulating the production process.

Responsible person: store manager. The personnel service is responsible for preparing a package of basic documents.

Familiarization with the organization of interaction between company divisions:

A list of departments with which a new employee needs to interact during the work process;

Technology of interaction between departments (written or oral form, documents and features of their design, deadlines);

Possible difficulties of the production process;

Problem solving mechanisms;


Responsible person: store manager.

The second and third days - work according to plan, at the end of the shift a report is provided. The store manager summarizes the work during the first orientation shift and conveys the information to the new employee.

Stage II (second shift) - initial period. The task is for the newcomer to practically master his responsibilities and requirements imposed by the administration for this position.

Summing up. At the end of the shift, the manager gives an initial assessment of the compliance of the declared knowledge with the real skills that the newcomer has; gives recommendations to a new employee.

Stage III (third shift) - period of adaptation. The task is to include a new employee in the production process and adapt to the legal, social and organizational requirements of the company; establishing interpersonal relationships.

Summing up. The manager evaluates the results of work, focusing on socio-psychological aspects: joining the team; establishing relationships with colleagues; perception of new information; adaptation to new requirements that do not coincide with previous experience; reaction to criticism, etc.; If necessary, helps the new employee establish normal interpersonal relationships. Responsible person: store manager.

Stage IV (fourth shift) - completion of the induction period. The goal is stable work for the employee.

The newcomer acts within the limits of his competence according to the shift plan. At the end of the shift, the manager sums up the adaptation period and conveys the information to the new employee and the personnel service.”

Despite some differences in both examples given, their similarity is obvious: the system for presenting information to a new employee is precisely defined, new information is presented “in portions”, in a logical sequence. In addition, both adaptation plans demonstrate a clear time connection of each stage to a certain period of stay of the newcomer in the organization.

The personnel adaptation program is a set of measures aimed at more effectively integrating newly hired employees into the labor process, which involves familiarization with the norms and rules of corporate ethics, methods of carrying out professional activities, and the establishment of informal connections in the team. We'll tell you what it consists of and how to organize it.

What is personnel adaptation

Everyone is faced with the need to get a new job and join the team. This process in the language of labor legislation is called labor adaptation.

The faster the staff adaptation process goes, the easier and more logical it will be for a new person to join the workforce. Otherwise, a person who lingers in the habituation phase will not be able to establish relationships with the work team and will subsequently become an outcast among his colleagues. The situation, of course, depends on the employee himself, on his ability to find a common language with other people, build relationships with colleagues, on his professional knowledge and skills, and the level of his psychological preparation.

Successfully completed professional adaptation of personnel indicates a high level of moral and material reward in the future, receipt of social recognition and other benefits.

Goals and objectives of personnel adaptation in the organization

Organizing the management of career guidance and personnel adaptation is the work of the personnel department and the head of the department where the new employee works.

Adaptation is an important point in personnel management, which determines which personnel will work in the organization, what the psychological climate in the team is and how well and productively employees will perform their duties.

The goals of the adaptation of new employees are:

  • accelerating the process of introducing a new employee to the job, familiarizing him with his job responsibilities;
  • complete elimination or reduction of staff turnover in the organization;
  • motivating employees to be interested in the result, to be motivated to perform their job duties better, and to give maximum return to their work;
  • increase in labor productivity;
  • improving the psychological climate in the team.

Only taking into account all the listed factors and working in this direction will give the best result.

Stages of personnel adaptation

Adaptation of personnel at an enterprise is a delicate and multi-stage process. Each organization has a program and its own developed approaches to solving this issue.

But all possible stages of personnel adaptation can be divided into:

  1. Primary (preparatory). After hiring a new employee, the manager introduces him to the rest of the team. Introduces the employee himself to his new workplace, appoints a curator (a more experienced employee who will help the newcomer at the beginning of work), and completes the preparation of all necessary documents. This stage may include familiarization with the history of the enterprise, its structure, mission, products, procedures, and rules of corporate ethics.
  2. Theoretical (training). At this stage, the employee is introduced to the theoretical part of his main job, functional responsibilities and requirements for further work performance.
  3. Practical (application of knowledge). Directly performing some practical tasks: first under the supervision of a mentor, then independently.
  4. Final (passing the probationary period). It consists of summing up the work of the new employee. It is assessed how successfully he settled into the new team, managed to master new skills, and integrated into the team. At this stage, the employee’s strengths and weaknesses, his successes and failures are already visible. Based on everything taken together, management makes a decision on its future fate. Whether he passed the test and will continue to work or not, and the company no longer needs his services.

Based on the foregoing, one can understand how labor adaptation of personnel is an important and serious thing, and that this is one of the indicators on the basis of which a decision is made whether the applicant will remain in the organization or will look for work elsewhere.

A successful example of adaptation

Adaptation of personnel in the organization, using the example of one of the companies, occurred as follows. More experienced employees were assigned the role of mentors. The employee in charge of the newcomer onboarding system daily downloaded data from the accounting system about people who needed to return to work soon. Each person was manually assigned a different mentor. They had to work in pairs. Mentors were selected from any department, except the one where the newcomer would work in the future. It is more convenient to work in pairs, taking into account different workload schedules, and it is easier to communicate with strangers. Once mentors were approved, automatic notifications were sent to them, and a reminder was added to the calendar about the day the new employee would start.

The day before, the mentor called the newcomer for correspondence acquaintance and so that in the future the newcomer would contact him upon arrival at the office to meet and discuss work issues. The mentor must check whether everything is ready to accept a new employee, make sure that the workplace is organized, and remind the head of the department where the newcomer is getting a job about the new employee’s departure.

On the first day, a pair of mentors meet the new recruit in the morning, talking about the available information on the corporate portal. This takes a couple of hours. This meeting makes it clear to the employee that he was expected. On all other days, if questions arise, he can contact his mentors, ask them questions to solve any situation, from a broken chair to a conflict situation with another colleague, and they help resolve them. At the end of the probationary period, the employee must evaluate the work of the mentors and their assistance. Mentors are awarded points for this, which subsequently affect their financial incentives.

Personnel adaptation methods

The research program for the personnel adaptation system identifies the following forms of personnel adaptation:

  • mentoring (providing assistance at the initial stage of work by a more experienced employee through consulting, introduction, assistance in getting to know the team);
  • attending trainings and seminars (training and developing certain employee skills, for example, communication, public speaking skills, preparing presentations, developing stress resistance, etc.);
  • conversation (an introductory conversation between a newcomer and a HR manager, supervisor, or HR department employee, during which the employee receives answers to his questions);
  • a specialized program (for example, educational films or team role-playing games aimed at team building);
  • excursion (sightseeing tour of the organization, its structural divisions, territory, familiarization with the history of the company, employees, corporate culture);
  • request for feedback (at the end of the period of adaptation and completion of the probationary period, the employee is asked to fill out a feedback questionnaire);
  • other methods (corporate events, certification, testing, training, etc.).

Types of personnel adaptation

Adaptation can be of the following types:

  • professional involves learning new special skills, acquiring a new one or improving an existing skill or professional skill. This type depends on the desire and ability of the beginner to learn, the desire for new knowledge, and his ability to learn. This also includes preparing the workplace and providing all necessary materials;
  • socio-psychological implies a person’s adaptability to work in a new team, under the leadership of a new boss, submission to the traditions, norms and rules of behavior that have developed in the organization;
  • organizational is based on the employee’s understanding of what is required of him, working with job descriptions, determining his place in the structure of the enterprise, and participation in the production process.

Only an integrated approach to professional and psychological adaptation leads to the successful completion of the probationary period by the employee and saves the company’s costs on searching, training and evaluating personnel.

What does the adaptation program consist of?

An adaptation program for employees is a plan for introducing an employee into a position. This document is needed to apply a uniform approach to the adaptation procedure across departments of the organization. The document is an extensive list of actions for the adapting employee and for his supervisor, who will help adapt to new working conditions.

For an employee, the most difficult period is the first two to three months, which usually coincide with his probationary period. Often the duration of the program is equal in length to this period.

An optimally formed program is characterized by the following features:

  • clear planning;
  • clear content;
  • strict distribution of roles and tasks.

The document consists of two parts: general and individual.

The approximate structure is as follows:

1. The general part, which helps to form a general idea of ​​the enterprise, its features, hierarchy, established relationships between departments, distribution of functionality, working conditions, etc.

Consists of:

  • orientation introductory conversation;
  • personal acquaintance with the enterprise and personnel;
  • getting to know the place where work duties are performed;
  • orientation conversation with the manager heading the structural unit.

2. The individual part, which is formed by the immediate supervisor who supervises the induction of the employee. It is agreed upon with the head of the area of ​​activity and the head of the HR department. This component helps the employee obtain detailed information about the activities of the organization and the direct functional responsibilities of the employee.

Consists of:

  • inauguration plan;
  • entry assessment plan;
  • definitions of a curator-mentor;
  • employee report on the results of work performed, information about ratings and feedback from mentors and supervisors.

What does the plan look like?

There is no single established algorithm for document development. The reason is the need to orient the document to specific conditions in the organization.

However, there are a number of features common to different programs:

  • include several stages;
  • have similar goals.

The plan includes the following items:


Involved personnel

Adaptation Day No. 1

  1. Inform the team about the update of the composition and the arrival of a new employee.
  2. Ensure the availability of information for the new employee - information that will be provided to the employee on the first day, including contact numbers of employees, identification, pass, PC, telephone, office equipment.
  3. Prepare a set of necessary office supplies.
  4. Introduce the organization, goals, objectives, history.
  5. Issue a guidebook for a newcomer who is in the adaptation period (if available).
  6. Prepare and complete required personnel documents.
  7. Introduce a new employee.
  8. Introduce them to the place of work, the necessary software, connected communication networks, and access passwords.
  9. Conduct training on compliance with labor safety requirements.
  10. Inform about the general work schedule.

HR department

Occupational Safety Specialist

Personnel adaptation week No. 1

  1. Assign a mentor and introduce them in detail to the employees of the department.
  2. Learn the terminology used in the organization.
  3. Study the regulations on the unit.
  4. Study the documents required for work.
  5. Study job responsibilities.
  6. Study the algorithm for interaction with other departments.
  7. Familiarize yourself with the organization's document flow rules.
  8. Develop a work plan for the adaptation period.
  9. Familiarize yourself with the criteria for assessing the effectiveness of activities.
  10. Create a training schedule during the adaptation period.
  11. Join educational trainings at the institution.

Onboarding Month #1

  1. Complete the tasks planned for the adapting employee.
  2. Provide a performance report.
  3. Pass an exam on the basic skills acquired.
  4. Conduct an analysis of the results of the adapting employee’s work activity.
  5. Create a list of tasks for the rest of the adaptation period.

Head of department, mentor

Adaptation Months #2-3

  1. Complete assigned tasks.
  2. If necessary, adjust the task plan for the adaptation period.
  3. Conduct a work analysis based on the adaptation results.
  4. Summarize the employee adaptation period.
  5. Evaluate the results of the completed adaptation period.

Head of department, mentor

The result of a successfully implemented adaptation program will be an indicator of the duration of an employee’s work in a particular institution. The success of the adaptation procedure largely depends on the second party involved in the process - the manager or mentor. their desire to help the newcomer will help the latter get used to the organization as quickly as possible.

Regulations on personnel adaptation, sample

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To make the “acclimatization” process as comfortable as possible for a newcomer, the personnel service, headed by a manager, is involved in drawing up and implementing an adaptation program.

What is the document?

An adaptation program is, in other words, an induction plan. It is necessary to establish a unified adaptation process in all departments of the company.

The program contains an extensive list of actions for both the new employee and the supervisor - a specialist who will “guide” the newcomer.

As a rule, the document includes two parts: general and individual.

Personnel management specialists note that the final “infusion” of a person into the company occurs within 10-12 months.

The most difficult period is the first two to three months, which often coincide with. That is why the duration of adaptation programs often coincides with this period.

A clear, well-designed adaptation program can reduce the “acclimatization” period to six months or even less.

A good induction plan has the following characteristics:

  • it is meticulously planned;
  • its content is extremely clear;
  • The roles of participants in the adaptation process are clearly distributed.

The structure of the adaptation program is presented in the table:

General part Individual part
Description Designed to form a general idea of ​​the organization, its features, the specifics of the relationship between the company and employees, working conditions, etc. It is compiled by the direct manager, agreed with the head of the department and the head of the personnel department. Includes a detailed introduction to the activities of the company and the position.
What does it include Introductory orientation Inauguration plan
Personal acquaintance with the company and employees Position Evaluation Plan
Familiarization with the workplace Assigning a Mentor
Orientation conversation with the immediate supervisor Ten working days before the end of the probationary period, the employee’s report on the work done, as well as an individual plan with assessments and feedback from the supervisor and manager, are sent to the personnel service.

It should be noted that the adaptation process includes several stages, and different companies practice both simplified options and more complex, structured programs.

Implementation goals

Adaptation programs in various companies are drawn up and implemented taking into account the specifics of a particular company.

Their main goal is to ensure an attentive approach to a new employee, creating the most comfortable and at the same time effective conditions for taking up a position.

A personnel adaptation program is needed so that the organization has a seamless, proven procedure for hiring employees.

Its main task is to quickly and easily introduce a newcomer to the business, familiarize himself with the team and job responsibilities.

The induction plan helps to minimize errors, reduces initial discomfort and increases the employee’s skill level from the very first days.

Features of development and implementation

There is no single algorithm for drawing up an adaptation program, since the document must be focused on the specifics of the company’s activities.

However, what all adaptation programs have in common is that they contain several stages and pursue similar goals.

Who is preparing the project?

The program is drawn up by the HR manager together with the manager.

In some organizations, managers take this task entirely upon themselves. However, most often managers are directly involved in drawing up an induction plan, which relates to the individual part of the program.

Main participants of the program:

  • direct manager;
  • curator;
  • HR specialist.

The following should know the program and use it in their work:

  • general director;
  • heads of departments;
  • heads of structural divisions;
  • mentors;
  • HR specialists.

Practical examples

An example of an onboarding program for new employees gives a clear idea of ​​what the document should look like and contain.

Onboarding program for new employees (example)

Sample program:

The adaptation process consists of four periods, each of which involves solving assigned tasks. Each task is assigned to a specific program participant: a HR specialist, a mentor, or a direct supervisor.

First stage. Responsibilities of participants three days before the employee leaves.

HR Specialist:

  • calls the employee before he leaves, makes sure that everything is in force;
  • informs the team about the departure of a new employee;
  • prepares materials needed on the first day: a list of internal and landline telephone numbers of the company; form for access to the Internet and e-mail; rules for making long-distance calls; application form for participation in corporate communications;
  • prepares a pass;
  • checks the workplace: PC (office programs, documentation, network connections, printing settings); office equipment (fax, photocopier, etc.); a set of stationery and consumables.

Direct supervisor:

  • checks the service instructions;
  • appoints a mentor.

Second stage. First working day.

HR Specialist:

  • meets the employee and escorts him to the workplace;
  • carries out personnel registration, provides accompanying documents;
  • discusses management style, specifics of corporate culture, etc.;


  • introduces the employee to the team, introduces him to the mentor;
  • discusses job responsibilities, fills out a task sheet for the probationary period;
  • talks about the system of bonuses and penalties;
  • explains the procedure for reimbursement of expenses, payment of wages, payment of sick leave;
  • talks about the organizational structure;
  • discusses the first day of work.


  • introduces labor regulations;
  • provides household information (location of bathroom, dining room, rest area);
  • talks about the traditions of the department;
  • introduces the system of communications and connections;
  • talks about behavior during an emergency;
  • discusses the first day of work.

Third stage. First working week.

HR Specialist:

  • talks about procedures and policies regarding personnel (career growth system);
  • analyzes competence and draws up a personal training program.


  • introduces the missions, goals and strategic directions of the company;
  • provides a list of documents that need to be reviewed;
  • talks about the structure of the administrative and economic system;
  • introduces employees with whom direct cooperation is expected;
  • introduces the essence of work, standards of performance, powers;
  • talks about the reporting system.

Fourth stage. At the end of the probationary period.

HR Specialist:

  • gives the employee an evaluation sheet to fill out;
  • analyzes the received sheet;
  • discusses the completed sheet with the employee, seeks feedback (finds out opinions about the company, listens to suggestions, etc.).


  • informs about the end of the probationary period, sets a date for discussing the results;
  • conducts discussions and provides feedback.

This is a typical onboarding program that is used by many companies.

Program for working (production) personnel (example)

Introduction to the position carried out in 4 stages (1 stage – 1 shift).

The first stage (first shift) is preparation. The goal is to get acquainted with the activities of the enterprise.

Providing information about the company, familiarization with working conditions and routines:

  • history of the enterprise;
  • products;
  • management structure;
  • working conditions (schedule, vacation, etc.);
  • corporate culture;
  • rules for preparing basic documentation.

Responsible person: shift supervisor.

Introduction to the department and workplace:

  • presentation to employees;
  • familiarization with the daily routine;
  • familiarization with the job description;
  • familiarization with production functions;
  • familiarization with the documentation regulating the production process.

Responsible person: head of department.

Familiarization with the procedure for interaction between departments of the institution:

  • a list of departments with which interaction is expected;
  • interaction technology;
  • complexity of the production process;
  • ways to solve problems.

Responsible person: head of department.

The second stage (second shift) is the initial period. The goal is for the employee to master his duties.

At the end of the shift, the supervisor evaluates the employee’s skills and abilities and makes recommendations.

The third stage (third shift) is adaptation. The goal is to involve the employee in the production process and adapt to the requirements of the enterprise. At the end of the shift, the boss evaluates the results of work, focusing on the socio-psychological aspect (building relationships with colleagues, perceiving information, etc.).

The fourth stage (fourth shift) is the end of the induction period. The goal is stable work for the employee. The employee acts within the scope of his competence for the shift. At the end, general results are summed up, recommendations and explanations are given.

You can download another typical example of an adaptation program here:

Implementation approaches

Conventionally, the adaptation procedure is divided into four stages:

  • Analysis of the employee's level of training. If, in addition to special training, you have experience in a similar position, adaptation will take place very quickly.
  • Orientation. Familiarize the employee with the requirements and responsibilities.
  • Effective orientation. Adaptation of the employee to the status, involvement in relationships with colleagues.
  • Functioning. Completion of adaptation. Gradual overcoming of problems and transition to full-time work.


What does the implementation of a well-planned adaptation program provide:

  • minimizing costs during the period of involvement in the work process;
  • reduction in staff turnover by 10-20%;
  • saving time for management and ordinary specialists;
  • creating a sense of job satisfaction in the newcomer;
  • basis for creating employee commitment to the organization.

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