Rostec accepted government procurement for execution. Rostec signed a new contract with the Federal Treasury  The unified procurement system was launched with multiple shortcomings

The Russian government has chosen the Rostec State Corporation as the sole executor of government contracts with the Federal Treasury for the development and operation of the Unified Procurement Information System (UIS) in 2017-2018. Within Rostec, RT-Project Technologies JSC will provide comprehensive services to the EIS.

The government decision, taken in accordance with the instructions of Vladimir Putin (No. Pr-103 dated January 19, 2017), is aimed at a real reduction in prices and ensuring fair competition in procurement.

The UIS development project is based on such key elements as the creation of directories (classifiers), product catalogs, databases of weighted average (reference) prices, and an analytical system.

In the near future, the end-to-end process of implementing the UIS development project will be ensured, from systematic procurement planning to the conclusion of contracts. At the same time, at the planning stage, automatic generation of directories, classifiers and catalogs for all product groups will be carried out, as well as a transparent mechanism for competitive pricing and evaluation of the results of work and provision of services. The operation of the UIS will be supported by an automatic warning function about possible deviations in both price and quality indicators.

The advantage of this approach is the ability to automatically analyze large volumes of information online with the formation of preliminary price recommendations for all procurement participants, including regulatory authorities.

This will allow government customers not only to compare starting prices, reduce the number of routine operations involving manual entry and analysis of large volumes of data, and make timely and informed decisions, but also reduce the corruption component and ensure a real reduction in prices. Supervisory authorities, in turn, will receive an additional preventive tool to prevent violations in the field of procurement activities.

Currently, Rostec, within the framework of joint working groups with the Federal Treasury, has begun to develop a system project to develop the functionality of the UIS. This work will be carried out by domestic developers based on Russian open source software.

Previously, in accordance with the instructions of Vladimir Putin (No. Pr-1567 dated August 10, 2016), Rostec was also designated as the contractor for the creation of an information and analytical system (IAS) for monitoring and control in the field of procurement of medicines to meet state and municipal needs.

Within Rostec, all work on IAS is performed by RT-Project Technologies JSC. The project is being implemented jointly with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Finance, the Treasury of Russia, the Ministry of Economic Development, and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. Currently, the IAS has been developed. Measures are being taken to deploy the system in the data processing center of the customer - the Russian Ministry of Health. Preparations are underway for the start of trial operation of the system on March 1, 2017.

The head of the Rostec state corporation Sergei Chemezov sent official proposals to First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov on the issue of increasing the efficiency of spending budget funds in government procurement. In the letter (Kommersant has a copy), the head of Rostec stated his readiness to “create a company that, within the framework of a public-private partnership (PPP) without using budget funds, will finalize and further support a unified information system” in the field of procurement. Rostec proposes to appoint the Federal Treasury of the Ministry of Finance, which is in charge of the operation of the UIS, as a public partner of the PPP.

The EIS replaced the portal from January 1, 2016, and it was assumed that all government procurement would be carried out electronically from October 1, 2016; the deadline for setting up the system was given until the beginning of 2017. However, the reform has been stalled for the second year, and Mr. Shuvalov in September demanded an urgent solution to the problem, instructing the FAS, and not the Ministry of Economy, to conduct consultations in connection with Rostec’s proposal to create a new information platform.

Rostec proposes to undertake the completion and maintenance of the UIS and procurement analysis, in return it intends to receive the rights to use UIS data for commercial purposes and income from the sale of additional information services (basic UIS services are provided free of charge by law). The project, according to Rostec, will make it possible to “optimize government spending on procurement activities by at least 1 trillion rubles annually.” The state corporation promises to launch the updated UIS in nine months and bring it to its designed capacity in two years.

The government apparatus sent Rostec’s letter last week for consideration to the Ministry of Economy, the Federal Antimonopoly Service and the Treasury. The Ministry of Economy supports “the idea of ​​developing the UIS through a specialized organization, which will eliminate the stages of competitive procedures and changing operators.” “The current scheme for the development of the Unified Information System does not allow for the introduction of improvements into it in a short time due to the complex system of approvals and competitive procedures,” says the letter from the Ministry of Economy. It also notes that the Ministry of Finance has not submitted a proposal on this matter. Earlier, Deputy Head of the Treasury Sergei Guralnikov spoke out in support of the concession idea.

Rostec plans to finalize the UIS on the basis of a “universal prototype” - a future information and analytical system (IAS) for monitoring and control in the field of drug procurement under a Ministry of Health contract. The president of the Lanit company, which works on IT orders for the treasury, Georgy Gens told Kommersant that the idea of ​​a PPP for the development of the UIS “may be reasonable,” but he considers changing the operator before the creation of the IAS, the settlement of the regulatory framework for the development of the UIS and the conclusion of a concession, noting that the Platon system developed by the joint venture with the participation of Rostec is much simpler than the EIS.

Sergei Chemezov asks the Deputy Prime Minister to entrust the FAS with determining the procedure for implementing its proposals, and not the departments currently in charge of the EIS. The FAS does not comment on Rostec’s proposal. A representative of Igor Shuvalov’s secretariat said that Rostec’s proposals will be considered after consideration by the Ministry of Economy, the Federal Antimonopoly Service and the Ministry of Finance.

The work of the EIS is aimed at reducing prices and ensuring fair competition

The Russian government has chosen the Rostec State Corporation as the sole executor of government contracts with the Federal Treasury for the development and operation of the Unified Procurement Information System (UIS) in 2017–2018. Within Rostec, RT-Project Technologies JSC will provide comprehensive services to the EIS.

The government decision, taken in accordance with the instructions of Vladimir Putin (No. Pr-103 dated January 19, 2017), is aimed at a real reduction in prices and ensuring fair competition in procurement.

The UIS development project is based on such key elements as the creation of directories (classifiers), product catalogs, databases of weighted average (reference) prices, and an analytical system.

In the near future, the end-to-end process of implementing the UIS development project will be ensured, from systematic procurement planning to the conclusion of contracts. At the same time, at the planning stage, automatic generation of directories, classifiers and catalogs for all product groups will be carried out, as well as a transparent mechanism for competitive pricing and evaluation of the results of work and provision of services. The operation of the UIS will be supported by an automatic warning function about possible deviations in both price and quality indicators.

The advantage of this approach is the ability to automatically analyze large volumes of information online with the formation of preliminary price recommendations for all procurement participants, including regulatory authorities.

This will allow government customers not only to compare starting prices, reduce the number of routine operations involving manual entry and analysis of large volumes of data, and make timely and informed decisions, but also reduce the corruption component and ensure a real reduction in prices. Supervisory authorities, in turn, will receive an additional preventive tool to prevent violations in the field of procurement activities.

Currently, Rostec, within the framework of joint working groups with the Federal Treasury, has begun to develop a system project to develop the functionality of the UIS. This work will be carried out by domestic developers based on Russian open source software.

Previously, in accordance with the instructions of Vladimir Putin (No. Pr-1567 dated August 10, 2016), Rostec was also designated as the contractor for the creation of an information and analytical system (IAS) for monitoring and control in the field of procurement of medicines to meet state and municipal needs.

Within Rostec, all work on IAS is performed by RT-Project Technologies JSC. The project is being implemented jointly with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Finance, the Treasury of Russia, the Ministry of Economic Development, and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. Currently, the IAS has been developed. Measures are being taken to deploy the system in the data processing center of the customer - the Russian Ministry of Health. Preparations are underway for the start of trial operation of the system on March 1, 2017.

The state corporation’s subsidiary signed a government contract for their informatization.

The RT-Project Technologies (RT-PT) company signed a government contract for the informatization of the public procurement system - now it will be responsible for technical support of the unified information system (UIS) in this area. At the same time, RT-PT performs the functions of a project office for updating the UIS; to maintain the functionality of the old version, the company will hire the previous government contractor for six months, and new subcontractors will be involved in the implementation of innovations, including the catalog of government procurement and calculation of reference prices.

According to Kommersant, Rostec’s subsidiary, RT-Project Technologies, signed a contract with the Treasury to support the unified information system for public procurement (UIS). The change of general contractor for informatization of government procurement - previously this was done by the Lanit group of companies selected at a competition in 2015 - was initiated at the beginning of the year by First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov at the suggestion of the Ministry of Finance and the Treasury, explaining the transfer of an order worth 350 million rubles. per year to Rostec at the risk of data loss during a new competition.

According to Kommersant, it took RT-PT several months to dive into the issues of the Unified Information System. As the general director of RT-PT Sergei Yarosh told Kommersant, the order will be transferred to the new contractor softly: Lanit will remain a subcontractor of RT-PT for six months to ensure the functionality of the old version of the system, and the new functionality will be implemented by another subcontractor - Onlanta.

The “daughter” of Rostec itself is the de facto project office for the launch of the updated UIS. RT-PT is part of the Rostec system as an “anti-crisis manager” of non-core and problematic assets of the state corporation, and, according to its head, the company has accumulated “experience in analyzing their procurement and sales activities in conditions of incomplete and insufficient data - this will be the key competence necessary for the analysis and implementation of the main directions of informatization of public procurement.” Sergei Yarosh himself comes from the banking sector; according to him, in RT-PT he had to perform the functions of “financial special forces” in order to return control over the assets and income of the state corporation to Rostec.

The very transfer of an order for EIS servicing from one contractor to a de facto chain of subcontractors will bring RT-PT only 6% of the price of the government contract. But control over the technical implementation of the UIS will allow RT-PT to offer information systems and services associated with it to government customers and government contractors on a commercial basis, as well as to optimize the procurement activities of Rostec itself. The prototype of the new system should be the information and analytical system (IAS) for drug procurement, also developed by Rostec. In particular, RT-PT contractors will have to introduce into the Unified Information System a mechanism for calculating reference prices to form the initial (maximum) bidding price, which has already been implemented in the Information System for drug procurement. According to the Federal Treasury, the current capacity of its data processing centers is sufficient to expand the required functionality of the UIS.

Let us remind you that the Unified Information System, which has been operating on since January 1, 2016, is a key tool for increasing the efficiency of public procurement. The White House hoped to use it to transfer all government purchases into electronic form back in the fall of 2016, but it turned out that this was impossible: to standardize purchases and control prices for purchased goods, a catalog of goods, works and services is needed. Its development was supervised by the Ministry of Economy, where they complained about the volume of the task - the catalog should include descriptions of all items purchased by the state (3.9 trillion rubles per year). Due to the unavailability of the catalog and system, the transition to electronic procedures first had to be postponed to January 1, 2018, and then to the beginning of 2019: as the head of the federal treasury, Roman Artyukhin, explained, a year would be needed to finally set up the system and train customers to work with it.

Although the basic rules for creating a government procurement catalog have been agreed upon between departments, discussions on the details continue. Thus, Rostec sent its proposals to the White House to improve the methodology for creating a catalog, which, in particular, involves taking into account logistics services separately from the cost of goods, works and services, at least for small and medium-sized Russian suppliers, regardless of their territorial location , in order to involve them in supplies as much as possible and provide them with data on the demand and prices for their products.

The Government of the Russian Federation has decided to select the Rostec State Corporation as the sole executor of government contracts with the Federal Treasury for the development and operation of a unified information system in the field of procurement (UIS) in 2017-2018. Within Rostec, RT-Project Technologies JSC will provide comprehensive services to the EIS.

The decision of the Government of the Russian Federation was made in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin (No. Pr-103 dated January 19, 2017) and is aimed at improving the Unified Information System in order to actually reduce prices and ensure fair competition in procurement.

The UIS development project is based on such key elements as the creation of directories (classifiers), product catalogs, databases of weighted average (reference) prices, and an analytical system.

The implementation of the UIS development project will make it possible in the near future to ensure an end-to-end process from systemic procurement planning to the conclusion of contracts. At the same time, at the planning stage, automatic generation of classifier directories and catalogs for all product groups will be carried out, as well as the formation of transparent competitive pricing and evaluation of the results of work and services. At all stages of the UIS operation, an automatic warning function will be provided about possible deviations, both in price and quality indicators.

The advantage of this approach over the existing one is the ability to automatically analyze large amounts of information in real time with the formation of preliminary price recommendations for all procurement participants, including regulatory authorities.

This will allow government customers to ensure not only a comparison of starting prices, a reduction in the number of routine operations for manual entry and analysis of large volumes of data, and the adoption of timely and informed decisions, but also to ensure a reduction in the corruption component and a real reduction in prices. Supervisory authorities, in turn, will receive an additional preventive tool to prevent violations in the field of procurement activities.

Currently, Rostec, within the framework of joint working groups with the Federal Treasury, has begun to develop a system project to develop the functionality of the UIS. Work with the EIS will be carried out by domestic developers based on Russian open source software.

Previously, in accordance with the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin (No. Pr-1567 dated August 10, 2016), Rostec was also identified as the contractor for the creation of an information and analytical system for monitoring and control in the field of procurement of medicines to meet state and municipal needs (IAS).

Within Rostec, all work on IAS is performed by RT-Project Technologies JSC. The project is being implemented jointly with the Russian Ministry of Health, the Russian Ministry of Finance, the Russian Treasury, the Russian Ministry of Economy, and the Russian Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. Currently, the IAS has been developed. Measures are being taken to deploy the system in the data processing center of the customer - the Russian Ministry of Health. Preparations are underway for the start of trial operation of the system, starting March 1, 2017.
