Presentation on safety precautions. Presentation "TB instruction in primary schools." Telephone conversations



  • Why is it necessary to know TB when working with a PC?

General provisions

  • Persons who are familiar with the safety instructions and rules of conduct are allowed to work in the computer lab.
  • In case of violation of the instructions, the student is suspended from work and is allowed to study only with the written permission of the teacher.
  • Students' work in the computer lab is permitted only in the presence of a teacher (engineer, laboratory assistant).
  • Remember that each student is responsible for the condition of his/her workplace and the safety of the equipment placed on it.

Before starting work you must:

  • Enter the computer science classroom only with the permission of the teacher. Move calmly in the office, without rushing.
  • Do not enter the office wearing outerwear, hats, dirty shoes, or carrying bulky objects.
  • You are only allowed to work on the computer allocated for this activity.
  • Before starting work, make sure there is no visible damage to the equipment in the workplace.
  • Place notebooks and study guides on the table so that they do not interfere with work on the computer;
  • Remember that the voltage in the office network is turned on and off only by the teacher.

  • Turn computers on and off yourself.
  • Be located on the side or behind the monitor when it is turned on;
  • Move computers and monitors;
  • Hitting the keyboard, pressing keys aimlessly;
  • Delete and move other people's files;
  • Block the ventilation holes on the system unit and monitor;
  • Place clothes and bags on tables; books, notebooks and other things for the keyboard, monitor and system unit;
  • Be in the office with drinks and food, chewing gum;

When working in a computer class it is prohibited:

The main threat to human health when working with a PC is risk of electric shock. Therefore it is prohibited:

  • Work on equipment that has visible defects. Open the system unit.
  • Connect or disconnect cables, touch connectors of connecting cables, wires and sockets, grounding devices.
  • Touch the screen and the back of the monitor and keyboard.
  • Try to troubleshoot equipment malfunctions yourself.
  • Work in damp clothes and wet hands.

While in the computer lab, students need to:

  • Follow the teacher's requirements; Maintain silence and order;
  • While online, work only under your username and password;
  • Observe the working hours;
  • Start and finish work only with the permission of the teacher.
  • If there is a sharp deterioration in health (soreness in the eyes, a sharp deterioration in visibility, inability to focus, pain in the fingers and hands, increased heart rate), immediately leave the workplace, report the incident to the teacher and consult a doctor;
  • Keep the workplace clean.

Upon completion of work you must:

  • Completion of work must be completed with the permission of the teacher.
  • Submit completed work.
  • Quit all active programs and shut down the computer properly.
  • Get your workspace in order.

Safety requirements in emergency situations:

  • If software errors or equipment failures occur, the student must immediately contact the teacher (laboratory assistant).
  • If an unusual sound or smell appears, you should stop working and notify the teacher (laboratory assistant).

Workplace organization

  • To work comfortably, you need to be able to properly organize your workplace and work and rest schedule.
  • Correct working posture avoids muscle strain, promotes better blood flow and breathing, and therefore productive activity.
  • It is necessary to observe a work and rest schedule: every 30-40 minutes of working at a PC, it is recommended to change the type of activity.

Landing requirements:

  • Distance from the screen to the eyes – 70 – 80 cm (arm’s length distance);
  • Vertically straight back;
  • Shoulders are lowered and relaxed;
  • Feet are on the floor and not crossed;
  • Elbows, wrists and hands at the same level;
  • Elbow, hip, knee, ankle joints at right angles.

Sanitary and hygienic standards

There is a SanPin document “Hygienic requirements for video display terminals, personal computers and work organization,” which defines a number of requirements for organizing work on a PC.

The list of the most important requirements is as follows:

  • natural and artificial illumination - 300...500 lux;
  • noise level - no more than 65 dB;
  • area per PC - at least 6 m2; volume per PC - at least 20 m 3 ;
  • chairs - lift-and-swivel with adjustable height and backrest tilt;
  • air exchange is normal;
  • microclimate: humidity 40...60 %, air temperature in winter - 18...21°C, in summer - 23...25°C;
  • Continuous work time on a PC - no more than two hours, mandatory breaks;
  • special measures - complex exercises for the muscles of the body and eyes, psychological relief

Approximate set of exercises for the eyes

  • Close your eyes, strongly straining your eye muscles, for a count of 1-4, then open your eyes, relax your eye muscles, look into the distance for a count of 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.
  • Look at the bridge of your nose and hold your gaze for the count of 1-4. Don't let your eyes get tired. Then open your eyes, look into the distance at the score 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.
  • Without turning your head, look to the right and fix your gaze on the count of 1-4. Then look into the distance straight at the score 1-6. The exercises are carried out similarly, but with the gaze fixed to the left, up, down. Repeat 3-4 times.
  • Turn your gaze quickly diagonally: up to the right - down to the left, then straight into the distance on a count of 1-6; then left up - right down and look into the distance at the score 1-6. Repeat 4-5 times.


  • Why do you need to know safety rules when working with a PC?
  • What negative impact can working on a PC have on a person?
  • How to avoid negative impacts?
  • What are the landing requirements when working with a PC?
  • How to properly organize your work and rest schedule when working with a PC?
  • What is not recommended to do in the computer room?
  • How to start and finish work in a computer class correctly?
  • Under what conditions can a person be allowed to work on a PC?

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The first group is certified for persons who do not have special electrical training, but have a clear understanding of the dangers of electric current and safety measures when working on the serviced area, electrical equipment, and electrical installations. Certified persons must have practical knowledge of the rules of first aid.

Electrical safety is understood as a system of organizational and technical measures to protect people from the effects of damaging factors of electric current. Electrical injury is the result of exposure of a person to electric current and electric arc.

Electric current, passing through a living organism, produces: a thermal (thermal) effect, which is expressed in burns of individual parts of the body, heating of blood vessels, blood, nerve fibers, etc.; electrolytic (biochemical) effect - expressed in the decomposition of blood and other organic liquids, causing significant disturbances in their physical and chemical compositions; biological (mechanical) effect - expressed in irritation and stimulation of living tissues of the body, accompanied by involuntary convulsive contraction of muscles (including the heart, lungs).

Electrical injuries include: electrical burns (current, contact arc, and combined); electrical signs (“tags”), metallization of skin; mechanical damage; electroophthalmia; electric shock (electric shock).

The main factors determining the outcome of the lesion are: the magnitude of current and voltage; duration of current exposure; body resistance; loop (“path”) of current; psychological readiness to strike.

According to the degree of physiological impact, the following damaging currents can be distinguished: 0.8 – 1.2 mA - threshold perceptible current (that is, the smallest current value that a person begins to feel); 10 - 16 mA - threshold non-releasing (chaining) current, when due to convulsive contraction of the hands a person cannot independently free himself from live parts; 100 mA - threshold fibrillation current; it is the calculated damaging current. It must be borne in mind that the probability of injury from such a current is 50% if its exposure lasts for at least 0.5 seconds.

Work on live parts without the use of protective equipment is only possible when the voltage is completely removed!

Factors in a person’s condition that significantly increase the likelihood of a fatal electric shock include: everything that increases the rate of the heart - fatigue, excitement, taking alcohol, drugs, certain medications, smoking, illness; anything that reduces skin resistance - sweating, cuts, drinking alcohol.

Path (“loop”) of current through the human body. When investigating electrical accidents, the first step is to determine which path the current took. A person can touch live parts (or metal non-live parts that may be energized) with a variety of parts of the body. Hence the variety of possible current paths. The following are recognized as the most likely: “right arm - legs” (20% of cases of damage); “left arm - legs” (17%); “both hands and feet” (12%); “head - legs” (5%); “hand - hand” (40%); “leg - leg” (6%).

Stepping is the voltage between two points on the ground, caused by the spreading of current in the ground, while simultaneously touching them with a person’s feet. Moreover, the wider the step, the greater the current flows through the legs. To protect against step voltage, additional protective equipment is used - dielectric boots, dielectric mats. In cases where the use of these means is not possible, you should leave the spreading area so that the distance between your feet standing on the ground is minimal - in short steps. It is also safe to move on dry boards and other dry, non-conductive objects.

Precautions when using electrical appliances and networks To do this, it is necessary to: maintain the electrical network and electrical appliances connected to it in good condition; know and always comply with the basic requirements for the design of electrical installations and precautions when using them; If you feel the effect of electric current when touching metal structures, immediately take measures to prevent people from entering the dangerous place and report this to the manager.

Wire protection You cannot use any kind of surrogates in the form of a bundle of wire (the so-called “bugs”) and the like instead of plug fuses! You cannot exclude automatic releases (“automatic devices”) and RCDs from the circuit, even if they are constantly “knocked out”! If the fuse, as well as the automatic release, blows, it should be replaced with a new one of the SAME RATING (CURRENT).

Insulation serviceability It is always necessary to remember that touching exposed live wires, as well as faulty and damaged devices, appliances, and electrical fittings, poses a great danger to life. Repairs to electrical wiring should only be carried out by qualified workers when the section of wiring being repaired is completely disconnected.

Labor protection. Labor protection instructions. Labor safety rules. Occupational safety training. Occupational safety training. Accident investigation. Occupational health and safety. Occupational safety at school. Occupational safety issues. Rules for labor protection when working at height. Introductory training on labor protection. Labor protection rules when working at height.

Basics of labor protection. Types of labor safety briefings. Occupational safety and health in educational institutions. Agreement on labor protection. Occupational safety management. State regulatory requirements for labor protection. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY for teachers. State regulatory requirements for labor protection. Subsoil protection Accident prevention.

Labor protection of social workers. World Day for Safety and Health at Work. About accidents in educational institutions. Occupational safety in the chemistry laboratory. Basic provisions of labor protection legislation. Labor protection of employees of educational institutions. Computers and labor protection. Economic mechanisms of environmental management and environmental protection.

Labor protection in MBDOU. Organizational issues of labor protection. Issues of labor protection in the collective agreement. Lesson - instruction 5th grade. Instructing the organizers of the Unified State Exam. Report on the state of labor conditions and safety. Topic 7. Labor protection. Topic: Labor protection in questions and answers. Occupational safety management in educational institutions.

Instructions for labor protection during walks, hikes, excursions, expeditions. Types of instructions for workers on labor protection, the procedure for their conduct and registration. Occupational safety and health at work and in the office. Occupational Safety and Health Commissioner of the Trade Union Committee of an educational institution.

The main task of adults is to ensure the safety of children. And it doesn’t matter at all where they will be: at school or at home, in the forest or on the road, in a car or on a train. Children receive their first safety lessons at school. Presentations on the topic of safety for children should be shown in every class so that students from grades 1 to 11 know that many emergency situations can be avoided if you know how to behave.

You have received a class and become a class teacher, which means you already need to download a presentation on the topic of safety at school, at home, on the street, in transport. For a long time, this topic was considered the most difficult when planning the educational process. Children are bored sitting at their desks and listening to safety instructions. Everything changed with the advent of IT in school life. Now the safety precautions described on the presentation slides arouse the child’s interest. He not only listens, but also remembers, takes an active part in discussing situations.

Our collection includes safety presentations for all grade levels and on any topic. For kids, you can download a presentation on the topic of safety at school, when roller skating and cycling in the form of fairy tales with pictures and music. In middle classes, presentations on the rules of safe behavior in unusual situations, when hostages are taken, in the forest would be appropriate. High school students, getting acquainted with safety rules, strive to learn something new. It's time to download presentations on safety precautions and security systems that are used in the world.

Life brings more than just joy. Sometimes there are so many surprises in it, but it is presentations with safety lessons that will save someone’s child’s life when trouble comes from somewhere or will prevent a meeting with this very trouble.

Do not think that ensuring children's safety is the primary task of parents. They do not have special education, and some simply do not assume that it is necessary to talk about such topics with a child. But the teacher has the opportunity to download for free from the website any presentation on the topic of safe behavior at school, electrical safety, personal safety of children and reveal to them the little secrets of preserving their own lives.

The danger must bypass the children, but it will not touch them only when its students know it by sight. Let every presentation on such a pressing topic as safety be in demand by the teacher at the beginning of the school year, and on the eve of the holidays, and on the eve of any holiday, and not only when the school reports another accident.

In addition to this section, presentations on safe behavior can be downloaded for free in the sections Traffic Rules, Fire Safety, Terrorism, Railway.

Every school should be safe. The presentation tells how to ensure safety at school for children not only in the classroom, but also in the locker room, library, cafeteria, gym, and school grounds. It is necessary to download a presentation on the topic of safety within the school walls in order to warn children about the dangers that occur due to their carelessness or carelessness.

As soon as the third quarter ends in the spring, the teacher should download a free presentation on safety rules during spring break. It can also be used at the end of the school year to provide instruction during class or life safety lessons for primary school students on the rules of safe behavior in the summer. Free presentation on safety precautions during spring and summer holidays - happy adventures for children without injuries or accidents.

Leaving a child at home alone is always scary. A presentation for children on the topic “Home Safety” contains fascinating advice from the wise Owl, who tells how to use the elevator, how to behave if a stranger rings the doorbell or telephone. A presentation for children in grades 1, 2 or preschoolers states that your safety, child, at school and at home depends on yourself.

A 16-slide presentation for children on the topic “Road Safety” talks about the dangers encountered when entering the roadway and how they can be avoided. By following all safety rules on the road, the road to school and to friends, to the store and the library will be completely safe.

Joking with electricity never led to anything good. A presentation for children on the topic of electrical safety, talks about the rules for handling electrical appliances at school and at home. In addition, the presentation draws attention to the rules of conduct near transformer booths and power lines.

A presentation on the topic “Rules of Safe Behavior” will save children’s lives, the slides of which talk about safe behavior in the forest, when crossing the street, when an unfavorable environmental situation occurs in the region, or even when children are taken hostage by terrorists. These presentation slides, which can be downloaded for free, do not scare children, but teach basic safety rules in and out of school. Children's lives depend on the implementation of such rules. The presentation contains all the rules of safe behavior from A to Z.

A presentation on the topic “Safety rules for children” will warn our nimble and restless students from misfortunes on the roads and streets, and will answer the question of why it is necessary to follow safety rules on the train and in the car, as well as when roller skating. These topics excite children so much that each slide of a presentation on safety rules will cause a shout out among children and will be remembered for a long time.

The presentation “Safety Lesson” teaches children the rules of behavior in everyday life. They seem simple, but you need to know them, because they inform you about the risks that lead to tragedy. You can download a safety lesson with a presentation for elementary school, as the material is fascinating and contains many illustrations.

Safety precautions in technology lessons

Sharypovo, Krasnoyarsk Territory

Safety when manually working wood and metal

Safety when processing wood and metal on machines

General security

Fire safety

Electrical safety

Rules of conduct

Memo on the rules of behavior in the training workshop.

  • 1. Observe the order and work schedule in training workshops:

Show up for special classes. clothing (apron, sleeves or robe, headdress);

Have a notebook and the necessary accessories to perform graphic work and notes;

At the beginning of the lesson, as directed by the teacher, take your workplace, obtain materials and the necessary tools from the foreman (duty officer);

Do not approach anyone working at the machine; observe the established order when working on the machines.

  • 2. Strictly follow labor safety rules.
  • 3 . Keep the work area clean and tidy. Handle equipment, tools and materials with care.
  • 4. After the lesson, clean up your workplace and hand over the products and tools to the foreman, who hands them over to the teacher.

General safety rules for technology lessons

  • Only schoolchildren who have become familiar with the safety rules during labor lessons can start learning and working with tools;
  • You can take tools, use them, and also use machines only with the permission of the teacher;
  • When starting a labor lesson, the student must first put on all the necessary protective equipment for each specific case (robe, headdress, mittens, safety glasses, etc.);
  • It is prohibited to complete tasks with broken or damaged equipment;
  • The workplace must be kept clean, tools must be put in place, garbage must be removed on time;
  • During labor lessons, it is prohibited to use any equipment for other than its intended purpose, it is prohibited to point sharp parts at other students or throw tools;
  • Tools should always be held so that the most dangerous part (sharp) is directed away from you;
  • If you are injured, stop working immediately and notify your teacher;
  • At the end of the lesson, hand over all tools, special clothing and protective equipment and put the workplace in order;
  • After a labor lesson, you must wash your hands thoroughly with soap and wash.

General labor safety rules for manual wood and metal processing

  • Before starting to process the material, you must properly wear protective clothing and protective equipment. Safety and eye protection are especially important; when cutting metal, always wear safety glasses;
  • Before starting a lesson, you must check the full availability of the necessary equipment and make sure that the tools are in safe working condition. Their handles should be free of cracks and fit tightly to the base;
  • On the workbench, all tools must be placed in the order specified by the teacher and in strictly designated places. There should not be anything superfluous on the workbench;
  • All processed material must be securely fastened in appropriate clamps (vises, clamps, etc.);
  • When handling materials, you must always use the installed stop and support devices;
  • If an instrument is damaged or broken while performing an educational task, then the work must be stopped and the teacher must replace it;
  • In the process of processing and joining materials, special care must be taken when working with impact, cutting equipment, glue, and sharp metal edges;
  • It is forbidden to use your finger as a stop when starting to cut wood;
  • When sawing material, you must always monitor the tension level of the bow saw blade. Do not check the sharpness of the cutting part with your fingers, you may cut yourself;
  • When processing a material with a file, your fingers should be on its surface; when cutting metal, hold the part to be cut with your hand protected by a mitten or glove;
  • You cannot blow away the shavings with your mouth or brush them away with your hand; use special equipment for this.


on safety precautions for manual metal processing

  • Persons who have passed a medical examination and instructions on labor protection are allowed to work on manual metal processing. Students from the 5th grade are allowed to work
  • Persons who have passed a medical examination and instructions on labor protection are allowed to work on manual metal processing. Students from the 5th grade are allowed to work
  • Hazardous production factors:

Injury to hands when working with a faulty tool due to metal fragments when cutting it

3.When working on manual metal processing, special clothing is used: cotton robe, beret, safety glasses

  • Wear safety glasses
  • Wear proper overalls (an apron with sleeves or a robe, a beret or a headscarf). Wear safety glasses
  • Check the availability of equipment (seat, sweeping brush, dustpan), the serviceability of the workbench (clamping boxes, sawing stop, clamping wedges, drawing devices).
  • Place personal use tools on the workbench in the order established by the teacher. Remove any unnecessary items from your workbench.
  • Securely secure the material being processed (metal workpiece) in the clamps of the workbench. To avoid injury, make sure that the surface of the hammers and sledgehammers is convex and not knocked down;
  • Securely secure the material to be processed (metal workpiece) in the clamps of the workbench
  • Use only serviceable, well-adjusted and sharpened tools. Use the tool only for its intended purpose.
  • To avoid injury, make sure that the surface of the hammers and sledgehammers is convex and not knocked down;

Tools (files, etc.) with pointed ends (shanks) were equipped with wooden, tight-fitting handles of a fixed shape, without splits or cracks;

Impact cutting tools (chisels, bits, center punches, cross-cutting tools, etc.) had an unbroken surface;

The chisel had a length of at least 150 mm, and its extended part was 60-70 mm;

When working with files, the fingers were on the surface of the files.

4.Do not check the quality of the surface being filed with your fingers.

5.Do not use wrenches that have a mouth larger than the nut, and do not remove the wrench handle by overlapping (grabbing) two wrenches.

6. Hold the sheet metal workpiece being cut when cutting with scissors with a gloved hand.

  • If a working tool malfunctions, stop working and report it to the teacher.
  • If a fire occurs, immediately begin extinguishing it with primary fire extinguishing agents.
  • If a student receives an injury, provide first aid to the victim, inform the administration of the institution about this, and, if necessary, send the victim to the nearest medical educational institution
  • Clean your work area using a broom brush. Do not blow away shavings and sawdust with your mouth or sweep them away with your hand.
  • Hand over remaining materials and unfinished products to the teacher on duty.
  • Check the condition of the instruments and place them in the order specified by the teacher.
  • Clean your work area using a broom brush. Do not blow away shavings and sawdust with your mouth or sweep them away with your hand.
  • Get yourself in order. Leave the workshop only with the permission of the teacher.


on safety precautions for manual wood processing

  • Persons who have undergone a medical examination and instructions on labor protection are allowed to work on manual wood processing. Pupils from the 5th grade are allowed to work. Hazardous production factors: hand injuries when working with a faulty tool; hand injuries when sawing without the use of tools. When working on manual wood processing, special tools are used. clothing: cotton robe, beret
  • Persons who have undergone a medical examination and instructions on labor protection are allowed to work on manual wood processing. Students from the 5th grade are allowed to work
  • Hazardous production factors:
  • hand injuries when working with a faulty tool
  • hand injuries when sawing without the use of tools
  • When working on manual wood processing, special tools are used. clothing: cotton robe, beret
  • SAFETY REQUIREMENTS BEFORE STARTING WORK Wear proper overalls (an apron with sleeves or a robe, a beret or a headscarf). Check the availability of equipment (seat, sweeping brush, dustpan), the serviceability of the workbench (clamping boxes, sawing stop, clamping wedges, drawing devices). Place personal use tools on the workbench in the order established by the teacher. Remove any unnecessary items from your workbench.
  • Wear proper overalls (an apron with sleeves or a robe, a beret or a headscarf).
  • Check the availability of equipment (seat, sweeping brush, dustpan), the serviceability of the workbench (clamping boxes, sawing stop, clamping wedges, drawing devices).
  • Place personal use tools on the workbench in the order established by the teacher. Remove any unnecessary items from your workbench.
  • SAFETY REQUIREMENTS DURING OPERATION Securely secure the material being processed (wood) in the clamps of the workbench. Use only serviceable, well-adjusted and sharpened tools. Use the tool only for its intended purpose. Work with a bow saw only after making sure that the blade is well spread and securely fastened in the balls, the cord provides the necessary tension. Work with planing tools that have a working horn (sherhebel, plane, jointer) or a sign (chisel, molding, fillet) and a rounded and smooth back part of the block. Replace any split parts of the plows immediately. Tool handles should be comfortable to use. Perform technological operations (sawing, trimming, chiseling, drilling, joining parts) on a workbench in designated places, using fixtures, stops, and backing boards. Do not allow the workbench to be cluttered with waste and shavings. Return the public use instrument to the teacher in a timely manner. Don't get distracted while working, pay attention to the correct working techniques. Prepare and heat the glue only under the supervision of a teacher in a well-ventilated and isolated room from the workshop. Do not use open flames or electric heaters in the woodworking workshop. When filing, use a guide to support the tool blade. Clean the plows (plane, sherhebel, jointer) from shavings with wooden wedges. If the tool is damaged during operation, replace it immediately
  • Securely secure the material to be processed (wood) in the clamps of the workbench
  • Use only serviceable, well-adjusted and sharpened tools. Use the tool only for its intended purpose.
  • Work with a bow saw only after making sure that the blade is well spread and securely fastened in the balls, the cord provides the necessary tension.
  • Work with planing tools that have a working horn (sherhebel, plane, jointer) or a sign (chisel, molding, fillet) and a rounded and smooth back part of the block. Replace any split parts of the plows immediately. Tool handles should be comfortable to use.
  • Perform technological operations (sawing, trimming, chiseling, drilling, joining parts) on a workbench in designated places, using fixtures, stops, and backing boards.
  • Do not allow the workbench to be cluttered with waste and shavings. Return the public use instrument to the teacher in a timely manner.
  • Don't get distracted while working, pay attention to the correct working techniques.
  • Prepare and heat the glue only under the supervision of a teacher in a well-ventilated and isolated room from the workshop.
  • Do not use open flames or electric heaters in the woodworking workshop.
  • When filing, use a guide to support the tool blade.
  • Clean the plows (plane, sherhebel, jointer) from shavings with wooden wedges.
  • If the tool is damaged during operation, replace it immediately
  • If a working tool malfunctions, stop working and report it to the teacher.
  • If a fire occurs, immediately begin extinguishing it with primary fire extinguishing agents.
  • If a student receives an injury, provide first aid to the victim, inform the administration of the institution about this, and, if necessary, send the victim to the nearest medical educational institution
  • SAFETY REQUIREMENTS AFTER WORK COMPLETION Hand over remaining materials and unfinished products to the teacher on duty. Check the condition of the tools and put them in the order established by the teacher. Clean your work area using a broom brush. Do not blow the chips with your mouth or sweep them away with your hand. Check the presence and condition of the wedges on the workbench, screw the clamping boxes (back and front) to the specified gap (no more than 2-5 mm). Get yourself in order. Leave the workshop only with the permission of the teacher.
  • Hand over remaining materials and unfinished products to the teacher on duty.
  • Check the condition of the instruments and place them in the order specified by the teacher.
  • Clean your work area using a broom brush. Do not blow the chips with your mouth or sweep them away with your hand.
  • Check the presence and condition of the wedges on the workbench, screw the clamping boxes (back and front) to the specified gap (no more than 2-5 mm).
  • Get yourself in order. Leave the workshop only with the permission of the teacher.

Drilling group machines

T.B. when processing wood and metal on machines

Lathe group machines

Milling group machines

Grinding group machines

Grinding group machines

General labor safety rules when using machine tools.

Before you start

1 .Put on overalls correctly (fasten the sleeves of your robe, hide your hair under your beret). 2 .Check that the tool is securely fastened (drills in the chuck, cutters in the mandrels, cutters in the tool holder). 3. Firmly secure the workpiece (in a vice, chuck, clamps, etc.). 4. Check the operation of the machine at idle speed.

During operation:

1. The tool should be fed to the workpiece (for drilling and lathe machines) or the workpiece to the rotating tool (for the milling machine) smoothly, without effort or jerking. 2. To avoid injury, do not touch the chuck, drill or mandrel with your hands, or leave the machine while it is running without turning it off. 3. Before stopping the machine, be sure to move the tool away from the workpiece to avoid breaking or jamming.

After finishing work:

1 . When the rotation of the tool or workpiece has completely stopped, remove the chips with a brush. 2. Wipe down the machine, put tools and equipment in order, hand over the workplace to the duty officer or teacher. 3. Possible injuries: burns (the temperature of the blue chips is more than 250°C) and cuts (the broken outer edge of the chips is like the teeth of a sharpened saw), eye injury (sharp edges of the chips, small chips getting into the eyes), hand injuries due to improper work (holding the workpiece, improperly fastening the workpiece ), etc.


safety precautions when working on a drilling machine

  • Persons who have passed a medical examination and instructions on labor protection are allowed to work on a drilling machine. Pupils from the 5th grade are allowed to work. Hazardous production factors:
  • Persons who have passed a medical examination and instructions on labor protection are allowed to work on a drilling machine. Students from the 5th grade are allowed to work
  • Hazardous production factors:

Moving parts of the machine; lack of a belt drive protective cover;

Winding clothes or hair around the machine spindle;

Injury due to poor fastening of parts;

3.When working on a drilling machine, a special one is used. clothing: cotton robe, beret, safety glasses. There should be a wooden grid with a dielectric rubber mat on the floor near the machine

  • SAFETY REQUIREMENTS BEFORE STARTING WORK Wear proper overalls (an apron with sleeves or a robe, a beret or a headscarf). Securely secure the drill in the chuck. Check the operation of the machine at idle speed and the serviceability of the starting box by turning the buttons on and off. Firmly secure the part on the machine table in a vice or jig. It is prohibited to support an unsecured part with your hands when drilling. Wear safety glasses
  • Wear proper overalls (an apron with sleeves or a robe, a beret or a headscarf).
  • Check that the belt drive protective cover is securely fastened.
  • Check the reliability of the connection of the protective grounding (grounding) with the machine body.
  • Securely secure the drill in the chuck.
  • Check the operation of the machine at idle speed and the serviceability of the starting box by turning the buttons on and off.
  • Firmly secure the part on the machine table in a vice or jig. It is prohibited to support an unsecured part with your hands when drilling.
  • Wear safety glasses
  • SAFETY REQUIREMENTS DURING OPERATION Do not use drills with worn taper shanks. After the machine spindle has reached full speed, the drill is fed to the part smoothly, without effort or jerking. prohibited:
  • Do not use drills with worn taper shanks.
  • After the machine spindle has reached full speed, the drill is fed to the part smoothly, without effort or jerking.
  • Before drilling into a metal workpiece, it is necessary to tilt the centers of the holes. Wooden blanks at the drilling site are pricked with an awl.
  • Special attention and care is required at the end of drilling. When the drill leaves the workpiece material, you need to reduce the feed.
  • When drilling large wooden blanks (parts), a piece of board or a piece of multi-layer plywood is placed on the table under the part.
  • To avoid injury while operating the machine prohibited:

Tilt your head close to the drill and work in gloves;

Place foreign objects on the bed

Lubricate or cool the drill using wet rags. To cool the drill, you must use a special brush;

Stop the chuck or drill with your hands;

7.Before stopping the machine, it is necessary to move the drill away from the part, and then turn off the motor

  • SAFETY REQUIREMENTS AFTER WORK COMPLETION Move the drill away from the workpiece and turn off the machine. After stopping the rotation of the drill, remove chips from the machine using a brush. In the grooves of the machine table, the chips are removed with a metal hook. Prohibited
  • Move the drill away from the workpiece and turn off the machine
  • After stopping the rotation of the drill, remove the chips from the machine using a brush. In the grooves of the machine table, the chips are removed with a metal hook. Prohibited

blow off the shavings with your mouth or sweep with your hand

  • Remove work area. Remove protective clothing and wash hands thoroughly with soap


safety precautions when working on a wood lathe

  • Persons who have passed a medical examination and instructions on labor protection are allowed to work on a wood lathe. Pupils from the 6th grade are allowed to work. Hazardous production factors:
  • Persons who have passed a medical examination and instructions on labor protection are allowed to work on a wood lathe. Students from the 6th grade are allowed to work
  • Hazardous production factors:

Moving parts of the machine

Lack of exhaust ventilation and local extraction of wood dust

Eye injury from flying chips when working without safety glasses

Injury to hands when touching a rotating workpiece or improper handling of cutters

Injury due to poor fastening of parts, when using cross-layered, knotty wood

Malfunctions of the electrical equipment of the machine and the grounding of its body

3.When working on a wood lathe, a special tool is used. clothing: cotton robe, beret, safety glasses. There should be a wooden grid with a dielectric rubber mat on the floor near the machine

  • SAFETY REQUIREMENTS BEFORE STARTING WORK Wear proper overalls (an apron with sleeves or a robe, a beret or a headscarf). Check that the belt drive protective cover is securely fastened. Check the reliability of the connection of the protective grounding (grounding) with the machine body. Remove foreign objects from the machine, place the tool in its designated place. Check the operation of the machine at idle speed and the serviceability of the starting box by turning the buttons on and off. Fasten the part firmly, check that there are no knots or cracks in the workpiece. Wear safety glasses.
  • Wear proper overalls (an apron with sleeves or a robe, a beret or a headscarf).
  • Check that the belt drive protective cover is securely fastened.
  • Check the reliability of the connection of the protective grounding (grounding) with the machine body.
  • Remove foreign objects from the machine, place the tool in its designated place
  • Check the operation of the machine at idle speed and the serviceability of the starting box by turning the buttons on and off.
  • Firmly fasten the part, check that there are no knots or cracks in the workpiece
  • Wear safety glasses
  • SAFETY REQUIREMENTS DURING OPERATION After the working shaft of the machine has reached full speed, the working tool is fed to the workpiece smoothly, without effort or jerking. Move the tool rest towards the workpiece in a timely manner, do not allow the gap to increase by more than 2-3 mm. Special attention and care is required at the end of drilling. When the drill leaves the workpiece material, you need to reduce the feed. To avoid injury while operating the machine prohibited:
  • After the working shaft of the machine has reached full speed, the working tool is fed to the workpiece smoothly, without effort or jerking.
  • Move the tool rest towards the workpiece in a timely manner, do not allow the gap to increase by more than 2-3 mm.
  • Special attention and care is required at the end of drilling. When the drill leaves the workpiece material, you need to reduce the feed.
  • To avoid injury while operating the machine prohibited:

Measure a rotating part

Transfer or receive any objects through a working machine;

Walk away from the machine without turning it off

  • SAFETY REQUIREMENTS AFTER WORK COMPLETION Move the cutting tool away from the workpiece and turn off the machine. After stopping the rotation of the machine, remove chips from the machine using a brush. It is forbidden to blow off shavings with your mouth or sweep them away with your hand. Clean the workplace. Take off protective clothing and wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  • Move the cutting tool away from the workpiece and turn off the machine
  • After stopping the rotation of the machine, remove the chips from the machine using a brush. Do not blow away chips with your mouth or sweep them with your hand.
  • Remove workplace
  • Remove protective clothing and wash hands thoroughly with soap


on labor protection when working on a metal lathe

  • Persons who have passed a medical examination and instructions on labor protection are allowed to work on a metal lathe. Students from the 7th grade are allowed to work on a metal lathe. Hazardous production factors:
  • Persons who have passed a medical examination and instructions on labor protection are allowed to work on a metal lathe. Students from the 7th grade are allowed to work on a metal lathe.
  • Hazardous production factors:

Moving parts of the machine:

Lack of drive belt guards, cartridge protective casing and protective screen;

Unstable fastening of the part and the tool;

Malfunctions and dullness of the cutting object;

Malfunctions of the electrical equipment of the machine and the grounding of its body.

3. When working on a metal lathe, special clothing is used: a cotton robe, beret, and safety glasses. There should be a wooden grid with a dielectric rubber mat on the floor near the lathe.

4. If a student is injured, provide first aid to the victim, inform the administration of the institution and the victim’s parents about this, and, if necessary, send the victim to the nearest medical facility.

5.After finishing work on a metal lathe, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

  • SAFETY REQUIREMENTS BEFORE STARTING WORK Check the presence and reliability of fastening of protective guards and the connection of protective grounding to the machine body. Arrange tools and workpieces in a certain established order on a bedside table or on a special device. Firmly fasten the cutter and the workpiece, remove the key from the chuck and place it in its designated place. Check the operation of the machine at idle speed.
  • Put on overalls and carefully tuck your hair under your beret.
  • Check the presence and reliability of fastening of protective guards and the connection of protective grounding to the machine body.
  • Arrange tools and workpieces in a certain established order on a bedside table or on a special device.
  • Firmly secure the cutter and the workpiece, remove the key from the chuck and place it in the designated place
  • Check the operation of the machine at idle speed
  • SAFETY REQUIREMENTS DURING OPERATION Smoothly move the cutter towards the workpiece, avoiding an increase in the cross-section of the chip. Do not place your head close to the chuck, rotating part or cutting tool. Do not pass or receive any objects through rotating parts of the machine. Do not measure the workpiece, do not lubricate, clean or remove chips until the machine has completely stopped. Do not lean or lean on the machine, do not place tools or workpieces on it. Do not cool the cutting tool or workpiece with a cloth or lapping ends. Do not stop the machine by braking the chuck by hand. Do not support or catch the part being cut with your hand. Do not leave the machine running unattended
  • Smoothly move the cutter towards the workpiece, avoiding an increase in the cross-section of the chip.
  • Do not place your head close to the chuck, rotating part or cutting tool.
  • Do not pass or receive any objects through rotating parts of the machine.
  • Do not measure the workpiece, do not lubricate, clean or remove chips until the machine has completely stopped.
  • Do not lean or lean on the machine, do not place tools or workpieces on it.
  • Do not cool the cutting tool or workpiece with a cloth or lapping ends.
  • Do not stop the machine by braking the chuck by hand.
  • Do not support or catch the part being cut with your hand.
  • Do not leave the machine running unattended
  • SAFETY REQUIREMENTS AFTER WORK COMPLETION Move the cutter away from the workpiece and turn off the machine. Remove the chips from the machine using a hook and brush, do not blow the chips away with your mouth or sweep them away with your hand. Wipe and lubricate the machine, put the oily rags in a metal box with a lid. Put the tool in order and put it back in place. Remove protective clothing and wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  • Move the cutter away from the workpiece and turn off the machine.
  • Remove the chips from the machine using a hook and brush, do not blow the chips away with your mouth or sweep them away with your hand.
  • Wipe and lubricate the machine, put the oily rags in a metal box with a lid.
  • Put the tool in order and put it back in place. Remove protective clothing and wash your hands thoroughly with soap.


safety precautions when working on a milling machine

  • Persons who have passed a medical examination and instructions on labor protection are allowed to work on a milling machine. Students from the 7th grade are allowed to work. Hazardous production factors:
  • Persons who have passed a medical examination and instructions on labor protection are allowed to work on a milling machine. Students from the 7th grade are allowed to work
  • Hazardous production factors:

Moving parts of the machine; lack of drive belt guards

Eye injury from flying chips when working without safety glasses

Wrapping clothes or hair around the rotating cutter arbor

Injury due to poorly secured parts

Malfunctions of the electrical equipment of the machine and the grounding of its body

3.When working on a milling machine, a special one is used. clothing: cotton robe, beret, safety glasses. There should be a wooden grid with a dielectric rubber mat on the floor near the machine

  • SAFETY REQUIREMENTS BEFORE STARTING WORK Wear proper overalls (an apron with sleeves or a robe, a beret or a headscarf). Check the reliability of the fastening of the protective guard of the drive belts. Check the reliability of the connection of the protective grounding (grounding) with the machine body. Check the operation of the machine at idle speed and the serviceability of the starting box by turning it on and off. Firmly fasten the part and the cutter. Wear safety glasses.
  • Wear proper overalls (an apron with sleeves or a robe, a beret or a headscarf).
  • Check that the drive belt guard is securely fastened
  • Check the reliability of the connection of the protective grounding (grounding) with the machine body.
  • Check the operation of the machine at idle speed and the serviceability of the starting box by turning it on and off
  • Firmly secure the part and the cutter
  • Wear safety glasses
  • SAFETY REQUIREMENTS DURING OPERATION Feed the cutter to the part smoothly, without effort or jerking, do not allow the chip cross-section to increase. Before drilling a metal workpiece, it is necessary to tilt the centers of the holes. Wooden blanks at the drilling site are pricked with an awl. Special attention and care is required at the end of drilling. When the drill leaves the workpiece material, you need to reduce the feed. When drilling large wooden blanks (parts), a piece of board or a piece of multi-layer plywood is placed on the table under the part. To avoid injury while operating the machine prohibited:
  • Feed the cutter to the part smoothly, without effort or jerking, to prevent an increase in the cross-section of the chips
  • Before drilling into a metal workpiece, it is necessary to tilt the centers of the holes. Wooden blanks at the drilling site are pricked with an awl.
  • Special attention and care is required at the end of drilling. When the drill leaves the workpiece material, you need to reduce the feed.
  • When drilling large wooden blanks (parts), a piece of board or a piece of multi-layer plywood is placed on the table under the part.
  • To avoid injury while operating the machine prohibited:

Tilt your head close to the drill;

Take measurements of the workpiece, cool the cutter, lubricate, and clean when the machine is rotating

Work with gloves;

Lubricate or cool the cutter with wet rags;

Stop the machine by hand;

Lean, lean on the machine, place parts and tools on it;

Move away from the machine without turning it off.

  • SAFETY REQUIREMENTS AFTER WORK COMPLETION Move the cutter away from the workpiece and turn off the machine. After stopping the rotation of the machine, remove chips using a brush. Do not blow away chips with your mouth or sweep them away with your hand. Clean the work area. Remove protective clothing and wash hands thoroughly with soap
  • Move the cutter away from the workpiece and turn off the machine
  • After stopping the rotation of the machine, remove the chips using a brush. Do not blow away chips with your mouth or sweep them with your hand.
  • Remove work area. Remove protective clothing and wash hands thoroughly with soap


on labor protection when performing electrical installation work


  • Persons who have undergone a medical examination and instructions on labor protection are allowed to carry out electrical installation work. Students from the 5th grade are allowed to perform electrical installation work. Dangerous and harmful production factors:
  • Persons who have undergone a medical examination and instructions on labor protection are allowed to carry out electrical installation work. Students from the 5th grade are allowed to perform electrical installation work.
  • Dangerous and harmful production factors:

Electric shock when touching bare wires and when working with live devices;

Injury to hands when working with a faulty tool;

Soldering parts and wires using tin-lead solders

  • When performing electrical installation work, special clothing is used: a cotton robe, a beret, as well as personal protective equipment: dielectric gloves, a dielectric mat, a voltage indicator and a tool with insulated handles. If students receive an injury, provide first aid to the victim, inform the administration of the institution, the victim’s parents, and, if necessary, send the victim to the nearest medical facility. After performing electrical installation work, wash your hands with soap.
  • When performing electrical installation work, special clothing is used: a cotton robe, a beret, as well as personal protective equipment: dielectric gloves, a dielectric mat, a voltage indicator and a tool with insulated handles.
  • If students receive an injury, provide first aid to the victim, inform the administration of the institution, the victim’s parents, and, if necessary, send the victim to the nearest medical facility.
  • After performing electrical installation work, wash your hands with soap.
  • SAFETY REQUIREMENTS BEFORE STARTING WORK Put on overalls and carefully tuck your hair under your beret. Check the condition and serviceability of the tool. Prepare the materials necessary for work and place them in the indicated places. Prepare personal protective equipment for work. When soldering parts and wires using tin-lead solders, turn on the exhaust ventilation
  • Put on overalls and carefully tuck your hair under your beret.
  • Check the condition and serviceability of the tool.
  • Prepare the materials necessary for work and place them in the indicated places.
  • Prepare personal protective equipment for work.
  • When soldering parts and wires using tin-lead solders, turn on the exhaust ventilation
  • SAFETY REQUIREMENTS DURING OPERATION. Do not supply voltages higher than 42 VAC or 110 VDC to student desks. It is necessary to assemble electrical circuits and switch them only in the absence of voltage. Connect the current source last. Assemble electrical circuits so that the wires do not cross, are not strained, and are not twisted into loops. When soldering, use only rosin as a flux. The assembled electrical circuit must be switched on only after it has been checked by a teacher. When working near electrical appliances and machines, keep your hands, clothing and hair away from rotating parts and exposed wires. Do not check for voltage by touching your fingers; use a voltage indicator for this. Do not leave unattended electrical devices unattended.
  • Do not supply voltages higher than 42 VAC or 110 VDC to student desks.
  • It is necessary to assemble electrical circuits and switch them only in the absence of voltage. Connect the current source last.
  • Assemble electrical circuits so that the wires do not cross, are not strained, and are not twisted into loops.
  • When soldering, use only rosin as a flux.
  • The assembled electrical circuit must be switched on only after it has been checked by a teacher.
  • When working near electrical appliances and machines, keep your hands, clothing and hair away from rotating parts and exposed wires.
  • Do not check for voltage by touching your fingers; use a voltage indicator for this.
  • Do not leave unattended electrical devices unattended.
  • SAFETY REQUIREMENTS IN EMERGENCY SITUATIONS. In all cases of detection of damage to electrical wiring, equipment, and measuring instruments, immediately turn off the power and notify the teacher. If electrical equipment catches fire, immediately turn off the switch and begin extinguishing the fire with carbon dioxide, powder fire extinguisher or sand. If a student receives an injury, provide first aid to the victim, inform the administration of the institution, and, if necessary, send the victim to the nearest medical educational institution.
  • In all cases of detection of damage to electrical wiring, equipment, and measuring instruments, immediately turn off the power and notify the teacher.
  • If electrical equipment catches fire, immediately turn off the switch and begin extinguishing the fire with carbon dioxide, powder fire extinguisher or sand.
  • If a student receives an injury, provide first aid to the victim, inform the administration of the institution, and, if necessary, send the victim to the nearest medical educational institution.
  • SAFETY REQUIREMENTS AFTER WORK COMPLETION Disconnect the electrical circuit from the power source. Clean up your work area and tools, turn off the exhaust ventilation. Remove protective clothing and wash your hands thoroughly with soap.
  • Disconnect the electrical circuit from the power source.
  • Clean up your work area and tools, turn off the exhaust ventilation. Remove protective clothing and wash your hands thoroughly with soap.


on fire safety in school classrooms

  • This instruction has been developed on the basis of standard instructions in accordance with the “Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation.” Students and employees are required to know the location of primary fire extinguishing equipment, the plan and methods of evacuation from the building in case of fire, rules of behavior in the event of a fire. School classrooms must have : fire extinguisher, box of dry sand and dustpans, or other fire extinguishing equipment
  • This instruction has been developed on the basis of standard instructions in accordance with the “Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation”
  • Students and employees are required to know the location of primary fire extinguishing equipment, the plan and methods of evacuating the building in case of fire, and the rules of behavior in the event of a fire.
  • School classrooms must contain: a fire extinguisher, a box of dry sand and dustpans, or other fire extinguishing equipment.
  • PROHIBITED: Carry out work when ventilation is faulty Block passages to fire extinguishing equipment Wash floors and tables with flammable substances (gasoline, kerosene, solvents, etc.) Dry things on heating appliances Leave oiled or solvent-soaked paper, rags, cotton wool on the workbench Store reagents in a container without name Leave lit burners and heating devices unattended
  • Carry out work when ventilation is faulty
  • Block passages to fire extinguishing equipment
  • Wash floors and tables with flammable substances (gasoline, kerosene, solvents, etc.)
  • Dry things on heating devices
  • Leave oiled or solvent-soaked paper, rags, or cotton wool on the workbench.
  • Store reagents in containers without a name
  • Leave lit burners and heating devices unattended
  • RULES FOR SAFE WORK WITH FLAMMABLE SUBSTANCES Flammable and combustible liquids must be kept in the office in glass containers with tight lids (stoppers). The total supply of simultaneously stored liquids should not exceed the daily requirement. All work with flammable liquids must be carried out in a fume hood with ventilation running. Before starting work, all objects and flammable materials must be removed from a fume hood not related to this work. Heating and distillation of flammable liquids is carried out in accordance with safety requirements. Heating of flasks with flammable liquids over an open fire is prohibited. After working with flammable liquids, the vessels must be thoroughly washed with appropriate solutions. It is prohibited to pour flammable liquids down the drain. In case of accidental spills of flammable liquids, you must immediately turn off the burners and heating devices, and fill the spill area with sand. Contaminated sand is collected with a wooden spatula. The use of metal shovels and scoops is prohibited. If a flammable substance ignites during an experiment in a fume hood, you must immediately turn off the ventilation and heating devices, take measures to extinguish the fire by using sand, fire extinguishers, etc.
  • Flammable and combustible liquids must be kept in the office in glass containers with tight lids (stoppers)
  • The total supply of simultaneously stored liquids should not exceed the daily requirement
  • All work with flammable liquids must be carried out in a fume hood with ventilation running.
  • Before starting work, it is necessary to remove all objects and flammable materials from the fume hood not related to this work.
  • Heating and acceleration of flammable liquid is carried out in accordance with safety requirements
  • Heating flasks with flammable liquid over an open fire is prohibited.
  • After working with flammable liquids, vessels must be thoroughly washed with appropriate solutions. It is prohibited to pour flammable liquids down the drain.
  • In case of accidental spills of flammable liquids, it is necessary to immediately turn off the burners and heating devices, and fill the spill area with sand. Contaminated sand is collected with a wooden spatula. The use of metal spatulas and scoops is prohibited
  • If a flammable substance ignites during an experiment in a fume hood, you must immediately turn off the ventilation and heating devices, take measures to extinguish the fire by using sand, fire extinguishers, etc.
  • SAFETY REQUIREMENTS AFTER CLASSES It is necessary to turn off water, gas, electrical appliances, compressed air, etc. Put the workplace in order, turn off the common gas tap, the common switch and water, and also check that all flammable liquids and materials are placed in the designated places
  • It is necessary to turn off water, gas, electrical appliances, compressed air, etc.
  • Put the workplace in order, turn off the common gas tap, the common switch and water, and also check that all flammable liquids and materials are placed in the designated places
