Presentation on the topic "the concept of sustainable development." Presentation on the topic "the concept of sustainable development" Ppt sustainable development and the role of ecology

Lesson type - combined

Methods: partially search, problem presentation, reproductive, explanatory and illustrative.


Students’ awareness of the significance of all the issues discussed, the ability to build their relationships with nature and society on the basis of respect for life, for all living things as a unique and invaluable part of the biosphere;


Educational: show the multiplicity of factors acting on organisms in nature, the relativity of the concept of “harmful and beneficial factors”, the diversity of life on planet Earth and the adaptation options of living beings to the entire range of environmental conditions.

Educational: develop communication skills, the ability to independently obtain knowledge and stimulate one’s cognitive activity; ability to analyze information, highlight the main thing in the material being studied.


To cultivate a culture of behavior in nature, the qualities of a tolerant personality, to instill interest and love for living nature, to form a stable positive attitude towards every living organism on Earth, to develop the ability to see beauty.

Personal: cognitive interest in ecology.. Understanding the need to obtain knowledge about the diversity of biotic connections in natural communities for the conservation of natural biocenoses. The ability to choose goals and meaning in one’s actions and actions in relation to living nature. The need for fair assessment of one's own work and the work of classmates

Cognitive: ability to work with various sources of information, transform it from one form to another, compare and analyze information, draw conclusions, prepare messages and presentations.

Regulatory: the ability to organize independent completion of tasks, evaluate the correctness of work, and reflect on one’s activities.

Communication: participate in dialogue in class; answer questions from the teacher, classmates, speak in front of an audience using multimedia equipment or other means of demonstration

Planned results

Subject: know - the concepts of “habitat”, “ecology”, “ecological factors”, their influence on living organisms, “connections between living and non-living”;. Be able to define the concept of “biotic factors”; characterize biotic factors, give examples.

Personal: make judgments, search and select information; analyze connections, compare, find an answer to a problematic question

Metasubject: connections with such academic disciplines as biology, chemistry, physics, geography. Plan actions with a set goal; find the necessary information in the textbook and reference literature; carry out analysis of natural objects; draw conclusions; formulate your own opinion.

Form of organization of educational activities - individual, group

Teaching methods: visual-illustrative, explanatory-illustrative, partially search-based, independent work with additional literature and a textbook, with the COR.

Techniques: analysis, synthesis, inference, translation of information from one type to another, generalization.

Learning new material

Sustainability concept

The deterioration of the environmental situation in many regions of the globe and on the planet as a whole requires increasingly energetic international efforts, the unification of all humanity to protect life on the planet.

In 1983, the UN World Commission on Environment and Development, in its report “Our Common Future,” called for “ new era of economic development, safe for the environment.”

The Commission noted that "humanity has the ability to make development sustainable - to ensure that the needs of the present are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs." Thus, there is a need for a transition to sustainable forms of development that require reasonable relationships with the environment. The perspective on this path is opened by the extensive program “Agenda 21”, adopted at the UN Conference on Environment and Development in June 1992 in Rio de Janeiro.

In the Conference documents, the first two theses are formulated as follows:

“All nations and all people will cooperate in the vital task of eliminating poverty as a necessary requirement in order to reduce inequalities in living standards and better meet the demands of the majority of the world's people.”

“To achieve sustainable development and a higher quality of life for all people, states should reduce and eliminate environmentally unsustainable production and consumption and support the necessary population policies.”

The remaining theses of the Conference are directly or indirectly related to the first two. IN table No. 5 you can familiarize yourself with the main problems discussed at the UN Conference in June 1992.

Man is a natural component of the biosphere, it arose as a result of its evolution, and, like all other species, the laws of the biosphere apply to it.

Humanity can exist on the planet only within a rather narrow range of its parameters. Like any other species, a person has his own ecological niche - a system of relationships with the environment, laws of development, which a person must take into account in his activities. Deviation from these laws can lead humanity to catastrophic consequences.

Thus, humanity today faces the important problem of developing a strategy for its survival on the planet. In this regard, N. N. Moiseev defines sustainable development as “implementation

The main directions of “Agenda 21” (according to M. Keating)

STRATEGIES man, his path to the era of the noosphere, i.e. to the state of co-evolution of Society and Nature.” At the same time, coevolution should be understood as the joint evolution of social and natural systems, united by close ecological
chemical connections in which the evolution of one system depends on the evolution of another and
influences her at the same time. It should be noted that in science the problem of sustainable development has not yet found an unambiguous explanation accepted by all scientists. The concept of sustainable development today is still at the beginning of its theoretical and practical confirmation.

The main source of air emissions is energy production and consumption

In June 1997, the Regular Session of the UN General Assembly on Environment and Development was held in New York, dedicated to discussing the results of the 5-year period for the establishment of sustainable human development (after the 1992 Conference in Rio de Janeiro).

Representatives from over 60 countries took part in the forum. The Russian delegation was headed by Prime Minister V.S. Chernomyrdin. In his speech, he noted the priority of problems of ecology, economics, and the survival of humanity in the development of strategic directions for sustainable development of Russia.

Requests and assignments

1. Determine in order of greatest importance the social and environmental problems facing humanity put forward by the head of the Club of Rome A. Peccei

uncontrolled spread of humans populating the planet;

inequality in society;

hunger and malnutrition;



energy crisis;

lack of natural resources;

outdated education system;

illiteracy of the population;



nuclear weapons;

corruption among politicians;


degradation (destruction) of the natural environment;

decline of moral values;

loss of faith in the future;

misunderstanding of the risk of environmental disasters;

military conflicts.

Try to justify your proposed ranking of modern problems.

2.List the main points of Agenda 21 and give your explanation for them.

3. Based on the definitions proposed in Table No. 6, formulate your interpretation of the term “sustainable development”.



Sustainable development: a new strategy for planet Earth

17 goalsVregionsustainabledevelopment


S. V. Alekseev. Ecology: A textbook for 9th grade students of various types of educational institutions. SMIO Press, 1997. - 320 p.

Presentation hosting

Ermakova Tatyana and Zhukova Tatyana

The presentation contains material on the topic "the concept of sustainable development" and can be used in lessons when studying the topic "Global environmental problems. Ways to solve environmental problems"



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CONCEPT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: History and essence CONCEPT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: History and essence The work was carried out by: Ermakova Tatyana and Zhukova Tatyana 396 groups.

In the 80s humanity agreed on measures to prevent pollution: the concept of “waste-free production” arose; one of the practical steps of society to reduce pollution was the signing of a number of agreements (Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, Helsinki, 1985, Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Air Pollution especially hazardous waste and its disposal, 1987, etc.).

In 1987, the World Commission on Environment and Development, established three years earlier at the initiative of the UN General Assembly and headed by Norwegian Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland, made sustainable development the theme of its report entitled “Our Future”.

The activities of the International Commission on Environment and Development were based on a new triune concept of sustainable (ecological-socio-economic) development

90s contributed to humanity's understanding of the need to manage the state of the environment. The need to find new ways and approaches to minimize anthropogenic impact is becoming increasingly obvious. The main way to reduce technogenic impact in developed countries has been the development of environmentally efficient business and environmental management.

Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs

Sustainable development includes two key concepts: The concept of needs, including priority needs (necessary for the existence of the poorest segments of the population) The concept of limitations placed on the ability of the environment to meet the current and future needs of humanity.

The concept of sustainable development is based on five basic principles. 1. Humanity is truly capable of making development sustainable and long-term 2. The existing limitations in the field of exploitation of natural resources are relative 3. It is necessary to satisfy the basic needs of all people and provide everyone with the opportunity to realize their hopes for a more prosperous life

4. reconcile the lifestyles of those with the greatest wealth with the ecological capabilities of the planet 5. The size and rate of population growth must be reconciled with the changing productive potential of the Earth's global ecosystem The concept of sustainable development is based on five basic principles

WHAT IS ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY? Environmentally sustainable development – ​​development in which the well-being of people is ensured by preserving sources of raw materials and the environment

The strategy of sustainable ecological and economic development presupposes a rejection of extensive economic growth, based on the idea of ​​the inexhaustibility of natural resources and the unlimited possibilities of the natural environment for self-healing according to the principle of “maximum effect with minimal costs.”

Economical, economic use of natural resources includes: comprehensive rationalization of production; its complexity; waste minimization; elimination of losses; widespread use of recycled materials;

Solving environmental problems The main way to solve environmental problems in industrialized countries has been the development of environmental management. An environmental management system is part of an overall management system, including organizational structure, planning, distribution of responsibilities, practical activities, procedures, processes and resources necessary for development, implementation , achieving environmental policy goals

ENVIRONMENTAL REPORTING The main reasons for compiling environmental reports are: pressure from consumers and the public; requirements of shareholders, investment funds, leading corporations; new industry standards; demonstration of the company’s actions in fulfilling its obligations; focusing environmental protection activities within the company.


“Prospects for the development of ecology” - Environmental aspects in priority areas of modernization. Stimulating the timely implementation of environmental standards. Creation of a national system of “green” economic indicators. Conclusions and suggestions. Regulation of toxic waste disposal. Stimulating voluntary business commitments.

“Fundamentals of Ecology” - Carp were released into the pond. Fundamentals of ecology. Scheme of the action of the environmental factor. The ciliates—shoes—were placed in a closed test tube. Assignments for the topic “Dependence of organisms on environmental factors.” Population is a collection of individuals of the same species. Basic concepts. Self-control tasks. Organisms. Components of biocenosis.

“History of Ecology” - Human Ecology. Ecology is a new field of science. Conservation and environmental movements. Superorganismal systems and the search for an ecological object. Biosphere. The first ecologists. Wallace and Mobius. History of ecology. Ecology and global politics. Theophrastus. Botanical geography and Alexander von Humboldt.

“The subject of ecology” - Environmental factors. The concept and subject of ecology. History of environmental development. Causes of ozone hole formation. Sanitary and biological indicators. Population regulation. The structure of the atmosphere. Action of the factor. Levels of organization of matter. Tolerance. Stage of industrial civilization. Ecosystem productivity.

“Fundamentals of General Ecology” - Properties of ecosystems. Biological optimum. Fire, erosion, drought. Ecology is a complex science that studies the laws of existence. Environmental factors. Humidity. Temperature. Light. Biogeocenosis = Biocenosis + Biotope. Basic functions of biogeocenosis. Topics of reports. Biotic factors. Dependence of the result of the action of an eco-factor on its intensity.

There are a total of 25 presentations in the topic

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