Group of companies Taif composition of enterprises. Taif is the largest industrial and investment company in Tatarstan. Main production and financial indicators of the company

) - TAIF Group of Companies was ordered to pay 40 million rubles of tax debt that arose due to compensation to shareholders for the fall of the ruble in 2014, Kommersant reports.

PSC TAIF was unable in two courts - the Moscow Arbitration Court and the Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal - to challenge the prosecution for tax violations in the amount of 40 million rubles. Of this amount, 28.9 million rubles. The income tax debt for 2014 is 5.3 million rubles. – penalties, 5.8 million rubles. - fine.

The debt arose due to the fact that four shareholders of TAIF - Cypriot companies Garidakia Investments Limited (owned 4.95% of shares), Conningsby Limited (3.06%), Dermixco Limited (3.07%) and Etimi Investments Limited (4. 95%) - dividends for 2013 were paid only in December 2014, when the euro to ruble exchange rate increased almost 1.5 times. Then TAIF transferred EUR6.88 million to them, using the exchange rate as of June 26, 2014. Otherwise, at the current exchange rate, the payments would be 4.75 million euros. As a result, the amount of deductions in rubles amounted to 332 million rubles, of which 144.7 million rubles. TAIF formalized it as compensation for “lost profits” of shareholders, and 11.9 million rubles. - as interest for the use of other people's funds. At the same time, TAIF showed these transactions in its reporting as expenses that reduce the tax base for profit for 2014 in the amount of 144.7 million rubles. The Federal Tax Service qualified the company's actions as an understatement of the base and assessed additional tax.

The court upheld this decision. He also noted that there were no grounds for recalculating dividends based on the euro exchange rate, since payments to shareholders in TAIF are provided in Russian rubles. The compensation, according to the court, put some shareholders in an advantageous position over others. In addition, as stated in the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court, “there are strong grounds for the conclusion” that the beneficiaries are connected with the top management of TAIF and they “deliberately took advantage of the situation of the growth of the euro exchange rate in 2014 in order to obtain larger payments from the company with minimal tax consequences."

Based on the results of 2013, TAIF shareholders decided to accrue dividends totaling 2.1 billion rubles. based on 15.45 rubles. per share. According to court materials, as of May 20, 2014, VNPO Kazan LLC, Deputy General Director of TAIF Vladimir Presnyakov, owned 4.5% of the shares of TAIF, Vulcan LLC (owners - TAIF First Deputy General Director Rustem Sulteev and Lidiya Sulteeva) - 19.9 %, LLC Transport (General Director of TAIF Albert Shigabutdinov, his sons Ruslan and Timur Shigabutdinov, Rustem Sulteev) - 19.9%, Deputy General Director of TAIF Guzelia Safina - 4.5%, Airat Shaimiev (son of the first president of Tatarstan) - 11 ,45%, his brother Radik Shaimiev - 11.46%, Radik Shaimiev’s daughter Kamilya Shaimieva - 2%. Also among the shareholders in 2014 were the NPO National Settlement Depository CJSC (Sergey Porotsky was indicated as the beneficiary of the package) - 4.84%. , Avers Bank (beneficiaries - father and sons Shigabutdinov, Mrs. Safina, Vladimir Presnyakov, Radik Shaimiev, Rustem Sulteev, and chief accountant of TAIF OJSC Olga Ignatovskaya) - 2.42%. In addition, minority stakes belonged to Micopex Export- import Gmbh (Austria) - 1.02%, Djikanovic-Koprivica Mirjana (Austria) 0.99%, Koprivica Nikola (Austria) - 0.99%.

Earlier, on February 12, TAIF subsidiary Telecom Management LLC increased its stake in Kazanorgsintez PJSC by 0.22% to 53.93%. At the same time, the block of ordinary shares increased by 0.24%, to 56.32%. At the same time, Telecom Management LLC increased its share in the authorized capital of Nizhnekamskneftekhim from 50.94% to 55.82%, and the share of ordinary shares from 52.37% to 58.94%.

The TAIF Group of Companies is the largest non-public diversified holding in Russia with a wide diversification of existing assets and powerful production potential. The priority area of ​​activity of TAIF PSC is the sphere of oil and gas refining and petrochemicals. In the field of oil and gas refining, chemistry and petrochemistry (energy), the structures of the TAIF group include 34 companies, including PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim.

The names of the shareholders and ultimate beneficiaries became known after the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court dated November 23, 2017 on the claim of TAIF PSC against the interregional tax inspectorate was published. TAIF demanded that the decision to prosecute for committing a tax offense be invalidated.

As of December 2014, legal entities owned 92,623,500 ordinary shares of TAIF. The remaining 42,376,500 shares belonged to individuals.

19.9% ​​of the shares belonged to Vulcan LLC and Transport LLC. Since 2017, T2 LLC has become the legal successor of Vulcan; the company belongs to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of TAIF Rustem Sulteev and his wife Lidia Sulteeva. “Vulcan” is headed by Ildar Valeev.

Transport is owned by the general director of the holding, Albert Shigabutdinov, and his son Timur Shigabutdinov. The company is headed by another son of the general director of TAIF, Ruslan Shigabutdinov.

The owners of 8.02% and 8.01% of TAIF shares as of December 2014 were AS LLC and Prominvest LLC. The owner and general director of the first is Albert Shigabutdinov, Prominvest belongs to Rustem Sulteev.

4.5% of TAIF shares were owned by VTNPO Kazan LLC. It belongs to Vladimir Presnyakov, Deputy General Director of the holding for petrochemicals and oil refining.

The owner of 2.42% of shares is MKB Avers LLC (the old name of Avers Bank). Among its beneficiaries are Radik Shaimiev, Albert Shigabutdinov and Rustem Sulteev.

1.02% of the shares belonged to the Austrian company Micopex Export–import Gmbh. According to the AS file, she is associated with entrepreneurs Nikola Koprivica and Mirjana Dikanovic-Koprivica. Koprivitsa, according to the Kazan publication Business Online, is the son of a businessman, with whom the first president of Tatarstan and Shigabutdinov built a number of large industrial and civil facilities in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

As for individuals, there were six of them among the holding’s shareholders at the end of 2014. Among them are Radik Shaimiev (11.46%) and Airat Shaimiev (11.45%). Also the owners of the shares were TAIF Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance Guzelia Safina (4.5%) and the granddaughter of the State Councilor of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev - Kamil Shaimieva (2%). Nikola Koprivica and Mirjana Dikanovic-Koprivica each owned 0.99% of the shares.

There is no information about shareholders on the group's website. Spark-Interfax reports only on the shares of Radik Shaimiev, AS LLC and Guzelia Safina.

Company creation: the history of the company dates back to 1991, when the foreign trade research and production association “Kazan” was created. On the basis of this small enterprise, the TAIF company was formed in 1995, which had only four employees. Today, the TAIF group of companies has a team of almost 50 thousand people.

Scope of activity: petrochemistry, oil and gas refining, construction, finance and investment, mass media, telecommunications, trade, services.

Full name: open joint stock company "TAIF".

The headquarters of the TAIF company is located in Kazan. The company unites 67 affiliates and subsidiaries, producing more than 90% of the products of the oil and gas refining, chemical and petrochemical industries in the Republic of Tatarstan. TAIF controls 9 financial and 8 trading companies, as well as Avers Bank. In addition, the holding is a sponsor of the Rubin football club.

"TAIF"in the faces

General Director - Albert Kashafovich Shigabutdinov.

Deputy General Directors for:

Production and commercial activities - Rustem Nurgasimovich Sulteev,

Economics and Finance - Guzelia Mukharyamovna Safina,

Petrochemicals and oil refining - Vladimir Vasilievich Presnyakov.

Russia: Kazan Key figures

Albert Shigabutdinov (CEO)


Chemistry, petrochemistry, oil refining


▲ RUB 434 billion (2011, IFRS)

Operating profit

▲ RUB 67.3 billion

Net profit

▲ RUB 42.5 billion (2011, IFRS)

Number of employees

Over 45 thousand

Website K:Companies founded in 1995

TAIF Group of Companies (GC "TAIF") is a large Russian holding that controls 96% of the chemical, petrochemical and oil and gas refining industries of Tatarstan. The company's headquarters are located in Kazan.

Owners and management

11.4% of the company belongs to the son of the former President of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev, Radik Shaimiev, 4.5% - to Deputy General Director of TAIF Guzelia Safina, the remaining shareholders are not disclosed.

General Director - Albert Kashafovich Shigabutdinov.


The group controls the following large enterprises, which together provide more than 90% of the output of the chemical, petrochemical and oil and gas refining industries of Tatarstan:

Group structure

Chemistry, petrochemistry and
oil and gas refining
Investments and finance Telecommunications and mass media Services, trade Construction
TAIF-NK TAIF-Invest TV and radio company "New Century" Karsar LLC LLC "TAIF-ST"
PJSC "Nizhnekamskneftekhim" Telecom Management JSC House Kekina LLC "PSO "KAZAN"
OJSC Kazanorgsintez TAIF-Finance LLC "Kamgesstroy"
JSC "Chemical Plant named after L. Ya. Karpov" Taintek OJSC "NMU-3"
OJSC "TGC-16" LLC Kazan Silicate Plant
wall materials"
CJSC "Plant of Reinforced Concrete Structures"

In addition, TAIF controls Avers Bank, the Tatnefteproduct company, a number of construction organizations, two television and radio companies, nine financial and eight trading companies. She also owns a 3% stake in the oil company Tatneft.

The holding is the general sponsor of the Rubin football club.

Performance indicators

The total number of personnel is over 45 thousand people. The company's revenue in 2007 according to IFRS amounted to 192.1 billion rubles. (including from activities in the field of chemistry, petrochemicals and gas processing - 170 billion rubles), EBITDA - 35 billion rubles, net profit - 21.3 billion rubles.

The company's consolidated revenue for 2009, according to its own data, amounted to 257 billion rubles, profit - 19 billion rubles. According to Forbes magazine estimates for 2012, TAIF is the largest non-public company in Russia.

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An excerpt characterizing TAIF

On August 31, Saturday, in the Rostov house everything seemed to be turned upside down. All the doors were opened, all the furniture was taken out or rearranged, mirrors, paintings were removed. There were chests in the rooms, hay, wrapping paper and ropes lying around. The men and servants carrying out things walked with heavy steps along the parquet floor. Men's carts were crowded in the yard, some already topped and hitched, some still empty.
The voices and footsteps of the huge servants and the men who arrived with carts sounded, calling to each other, in the yard and in the house. The Count went somewhere in the morning. The Countess, who had a headache from the bustle and noise, lay in the new sofa with vinegar bandages on her head. Petya was not at home (he went to see a comrade with whom he intended to transfer from the militia to the active army). Sonya was present in the hall during the installation of crystal and porcelain. Natasha was sitting in her ruined room on the floor, between scattered dresses, ribbons, scarves, and, motionless looking at the floor, holding in her hands an old ball gown, the same (already old in fashion) dress that she wore for the first time at the St. Petersburg ball.
Natasha was ashamed to do nothing in the house, while everyone was so busy, and several times in the morning she tried to get down to business; but her soul was not inclined to this matter; but she could not and did not know how to do anything not with all her heart, not with all her strength. She stood over Sonya while laying out the china, wanted to help, but immediately gave up and went to her room to pack her things. At first she was amused by the fact that she was distributing her dresses and ribbons to the maids, but then, when the rest still had to be put to bed, she found it boring.
- Dunyasha, will you put me to bed, my dear? Yes? Yes?
And when Dunyasha willingly promised to do everything for her, Natasha sat down on the floor, took the old ball gown in her hands and thought not at all about what should occupy her now. Natasha was brought out of her reverie by the talk of the girls in the neighboring maid's room and the sounds of their hasty steps from the maid's room to the back porch. Natasha stood up and looked out the window. A huge train of wounded stopped in the street.
Girls, footmen, housekeeper, nanny, cook, coachmen, postilions, kitchen boys stood at the gate, looking at the wounded.
Natasha, throwing a white handkerchief over her hair and holding the ends with both hands, went out into the street.
The former housekeeper, the old woman Mavra Kuzminishna, separated herself from the crowd standing at the gate, and, going up to a cart on which there was a matting wagon, talked to a young pale officer lying in this cart. Natasha moved a few steps and timidly stopped, continuing to hold her handkerchief and listening to what the housekeeper was saying.
- Well, then you don’t have anyone in Moscow? – said Mavra Kuzminishna. - You would be more comfortable somewhere in the apartment... If only you could come to us. The gentlemen are leaving.
“I don’t know if they’ll allow it,” the officer said in a weak voice. “There’s the chief... ask,” and he pointed to the fat major, who was walking back down the street along a row of carts.
Natasha looked into the face of the wounded officer with frightened eyes and immediately went to meet the major.
– Can the wounded stay in our house? – she asked.
The major put his hand to the visor with a smile.
- Whom do you want, mamzel? He said, narrowing his eyes and smiling.
Natasha calmly repeated her question, and her face and whole manner, despite the fact that she continued to hold her handkerchief by the ends, were so serious that the major stopped smiling and, at first thinking, as if asking himself to what extent this was possible, answered her in the affirmative.

The TAIF group of companies, according to its official website, includes 54 companies. Of these, the majority - 29 companies - are engaged in oil and gas refining, chemistry and petrochemicals, as well as energy generation. In addition, the group includes 3 companies that specialize in investment and financial services. Another 6 produce construction materials, and 16 work in the field of telecommunications, integrated and other services. In particular, TAIF controls the television and radio company “New Age”, the online publication “Realnoe Vremya” and the business airline “Tulpar Air”.

“To promote the dynamic development of the economy of Tatarstan, improve the social sphere and ultimately the well-being of its residents, to be in the forefront of companies ensuring the progress of Tatarstan and Russia - this is the mission of TAIF PSC,” says the group of companies’ website.

According to information on the official Internet resource, the decision to create the group was made in 1995 at a meeting in the Kazan Kremlin with the participation of the first President of the Republic of Tatarstan, Mintimer Shaimiev. The group is associated with the Shaimiev family. At the moment, his son Radik Shaimiev owns 11.97% of the authorized capital of the open joint-stock company. The company is headed by Albert Shigabutdinov, his son Ruslan Shigabutdinov works as deputy head of the holding.

TAIF is considered one of the most closed companies to the public. The group does not publish reports on the Internet, releasing data piecemeal, mainly through the media under its control. At the moment, TAIF GC has reported only on the results of the year before last. According to SPARK-Interfax, in 2015 the group increased its revenue from 83.1 billion rubles. to 94.4 billion rubles, and net profit decreased slightly - from 10.8 billion rubles. up to 9.7 billion rubles.

Expert analyst of FINAM JSC Alexey Kalachev notes that at the end of 2015, the consolidated revenue of the TAIF group amounted to over 524 billion rubles, which is quite significant for the economy of Tatarstan.

The group’s website contains information about only four large enterprises that are part of TAIF. These are Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC, TAIF-NK plant, Kazanorgsintez PJSC and TGC-16 OJSC. Data on the financial results of these enterprises for 2016 are available, in contrast to the data of the Civil Code. Let us add that back in 2009, Forbes wrote that petrochemicals accounted for 75% of the group’s revenue.


This petrochemical plant was founded in 1967. TAIF now owns 77.8% of the shares of PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim. The group increased its stake at the beginning of 2017 by purchasing a stake of 24.9% of voting shares from PJSC Tatneft. At the beginning of last year, these shares were put up for privatization by the government of Tatarstan. Tatneft, having bought a stake a year ago for 19 billion rubles, received more than 32 billion rubles for them at the beginning of 2017.

NKNKh positions itself as one of the largest petrochemical companies in Europe, which occupies a leading position in the production of synthetic rubbers and plastics in Russia. The range of products includes more than a hundred items: synthetic rubbers, plastics (polystyrene, polypropylene and polyethylene), as well as raw materials for rubbers and plastics (monomers and other petrochemical products).

Last year, the growth rate of industrial production was 2%. The plant produced more than 670 thousand tons of rubbers and 725 thousand tons of plastics. More than 88% of the produced rubbers were shipped to the foreign market. In 2016, the 10 millionth ton of isoprene rubber and the 3 millionth ton of butyl rubber were produced.
In 2016, the company increased its revenue from 150.6 billion rubles. up to 153.4 billion rubles. Its structure includes more than 151 billion rubles. accounted for the sale of manufactured products, the balance - for the sale of goods and services. RUB 80.4 billion revenue came from the Russian Federation, 73 billion - from “other countries”.

Net profit decreased from 26.5 billion rubles. up to 25.1 billion rubles. According to forecasts, NKNK will accumulate negative financial results due to the construction of the ethylene complex. With its launch, by 2026 Nizhnekamskneftekhim will be able to produce almost 2 million tons of ethylene. The project cost is estimated at $7.8 billion.

Due to the implementation of the new ethylene complex project, shareholders will remain without dividends at least until 2020. In 2015, more than 7.9 billion rubles were allocated for payments to shareholders: 6.99 billion rubles were paid for ordinary shares, holders of preferred shares received 950.39 million rubles.

The Board of Directors of PJSC Nizhnekamskneftekhim recommended that the annual meeting of shareholders refuse payments for 2016. The refusal to pay dividends on shares for 2016 did not come as a surprise. Back in the summer, the top management of the enterprise, part of the TAIF group, warned about the prospect of reducing them to a minimum level. Starting from 2020, NKNK promised to allocate at least 30% of net profit to payments to shareholders.


TAIF established a branch in Nizhnekamsk in 1997. TAIF-NK began to engage in the design and construction of an oil refining complex. The first project was the modernization of the primary oil refining plant ELOU AVT-7. Gasoline plants were put into operation in 2005 and 2006. In 2007, a bitumen unit, a jet fuel preparation and storage unit, a heavy catalytic cracking gas oil loading unit, and a desulfurization unit for propane-propylene fraction, butane-butylene fraction and light gasoline were launched.

In 2008, the TAIF-NK company acquired control over the loading terminals of the port of Kavkaz and began to develop its own network of gas stations under the brand of the same name as the complex. There are already 20 TAIF-NK gas stations operating on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan. In March 2017, information appeared that the holding intends to rebrand Tatnefteproduct gas stations, of which there are 147 operating in the region. It is possible that all of them will begin to operate under the TAIF-NK brand.

Since 2013, construction of a complex for deep processing of heavy oil residues has been underway. It was planned to commission it by the end of 2016, but in early November a fire occurred during commissioning work. Because of this, the launch of the complex was postponed to 2017, and the fire incident is being investigated by Rostechnadzor.

On March 21, at the board meeting of the Volga region department of the supervisory agency, the general director of the holding, Ruslan Gizatullin, announced that TAIF intends to allocate 54 billion rubles to the safety of its enterprises by 2025. Long-term industrial safety programs have been developed for companies. The volume of the program for TAIF-NK, according to him, is 300 million rubles. For another enterprise of the group - the Kazanorgsintez plant - the amount of financing for these purposes will be about 15 billion rubles.

PJSC Kazanorgsintez

Kazanorgsintez positions itself as one of the largest manufacturing and exporting enterprises in the Russian chemical complex. According to information on the official website, the plant annually produces 1.6 million tons of 170 types of products. Kazanorgsintez accounts for 38% of polyethylene production in the Russian Federation.

According to reports for 2016, the volume of products produced was about 988 thousand tons. Kazanorgsintez has supplied its products to more than 1,000 enterprises in 27 countries around the world. The cost of products sold exceeded 48 billion rubles, which is 11.2% more than a year earlier.

Kazanorgsintez's revenue amounted to 75.41 billion rubles, net profit - 18.17 billion rubles. Compared to 2015, the first indicator increased by 12%, the second decreased - in 2015, net profit was at the level of 19.3 billion rubles. The company explains this by rising costs. The revenue structure includes RUB 74.8 billion. accounts for the sale of products and only 599.5 million rubles. - for services. Most of the products are worth more than 62 billion rubles. – was implemented on the territory of Russia. Revenue from sales abroad amounted to 13.4 billion rubles, exports increased by 6.7% compared to 2015.

On March 1, 2017, the general director of Kazanorgsintez, Farid Minigulov, complained that the enterprise had difficulties with raw materials, in particular with ethylene. According to him, suppliers do not have time to complete the modernization of their production facilities on time. As an example, he named the Orenburg Organic Synthesis Plant.

At the beginning of April, at a meeting of the board of directors following the results of last year, the head of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov, announced that a new development program for the enterprise until 2025 was currently being prepared. By 2020, Kazanorgsintez will have to produce at least 1 million tons of ethylene and polymers per year, and revenue should increase to 100 billion rubles.


The complex of the generating company "TGK-16" includes Kazan CHPP-3 and Nizhnekamsk CHPP (PTK-1). Their main task is to supply energy to large industrial units of the petrochemical complex of the Republic of Tatarstan and residential neighborhoods in Kazan and Nizhnekamsk. The installed electrical capacity of the generating facilities of OJSC "TGC-16" is 1264 MW. CHPP-3, launched in 1968, is currently being modernized. The contract was won in 2014 by General Electric's subsidiary, GI RUS LLC, and the Turkish company GAMA became a partner.

The amount of the contract with GI RUS amounted to 9.2 billion rubles. Even during the period of cooling of relations between Russia and Turkey, Turkish workers continued to work at TAIF sites. The launch of the new unit was announced for March 2017, but commissioning work is still ongoing.

Expert opinion

Deputy director of the analytical department of the investment company Alpari, Natalya Milchakova, in an interview with Oil and Capital, noted that the TAIF holding is one of the main, if not the most important, among industrial groups in Tatarstan. Its importance for the regional economy is very great, primarily because it conducts its main activities in the field of oil refining, petrochemicals and energy, which are the most significant industries for the regional economy. Despite the fact that the holding itself in terms of revenue (about $9 billion per year) is not the largest on a federal scale, its structure includes such significant players in the petrochemical and oil refining industry as Nizhnekamskneftekhim, TAIF-NK Refinery and Kazanorgsintez "

“For the Russian petrochemical industry, Nizhnekamskneftekhim is one of the leading enterprises, although it is not the largest in Russia in terms of revenue, market capitalization and size of assets. The TAIF holding provides a unified production chain (for example, the oil refining capacities of the holding produce raw materials for Nizhnekamskneftekhim, etc.). All large industrial enterprises included in TAIF make a significant contribution to the economy of the cities where they are located,” Milchakova said.

TAIF does not dominate, but is noticeable at the federal level, says Alexey Kalachev, expert analyst at FINAM JSC. Data for 2016 is not yet available, but at the end of 2015, the consolidated revenue of the TAIF Group amounted to over 524 billion rubles, which is quite significant for the economy of Tatarstan.

Kalachev noted that the Nizhnekamskneftekhim holding company, controlled by the holding, occupies a leading position in the production of synthetic rubbers and plastics, is among the top 10 global producers of synthetic rubbers, is the world's largest producer of polyisoprene (43% of the world market) and is among the world's three leading companies in the production of butyl and halobutyl rubbers.

Kazanorgsintez, also part of the group, produces more than 38% of all Russian polyethylene and is its largest exporter. TAIF-NK accounted for about 3% of all-Russian oil refining in 2016, Kalachev believes.

“The most significant are the project for the implementation of a deep oil refining complex at the TAIF-NK refinery and the construction of the Ethylene complex. If these projects are implemented, the revenue of the TAIF Group, according to forecasts of the holding’s management, may increase to 1.2 trillion rubles. by 2025,” Milchakova said.

According to her, TAIF is not a public company, therefore, unlike public companies, it does not have obligations to disclose information. However, the holding’s management, unlike many other non-public companies, shares forecasts and informs the media about future projects, therefore, of all closed companies, TAIF is one of the least closed, Milchakova noted. With regard to organizations controlled by the holding, whose shares are listed on the stock exchange, it is incorrect to talk about closure, since all enterprises disclose information at least in accordance with Russian legislation.

“TAIF is a non-public company that does not seek to disclose all information about itself. All the beneficiaries of the holding are still unknown and the structure of the share capital is not fully disclosed. According to some data leaked to the press, 19.5% of the shares belong to two sons of the previous president of Tatarstan. In the SPARK-Interfax database you can find that 11.97% of the shares of TAIF PSC belong to Radik Mintimerovich Shaimiev, but the full composition of shareholders is also unknown. In the business world, such personal connections with the now former leadership of the republic are not usually disclosed to the general public. Apparently, this is the reason for the company’s closure,” Kalachev said.

Nikita Ishmuratov
