Google adsense does not show income. How to view income from a YouTube channel in Adsense. How to increase your income with AdSense

Several years have passed since Adsense stopped crediting income from YouTube in real time, and the questions “videos are shown, but no income is credited to Adsense” and “YouTube income is not displayed” are still relevant. In fact, there is no problem, it’s just that since April 2013, money began to be credited once a month. This usually happens around the 10-15th of the next month, i.e. money for January will be credited until February 15, etc.

However, you can still view your Adsense income in real time, although I personally don’t really understand why an average user needs this. But since you came here for this, I’ll tell you how to do it.

To get started, log into your Adsense account and in the left menu, click on “Reports” / “Main Reports”. Select “Products” from the drop-down menu.

A similar table will appear on the right.

In it, click on “Hosted version of AdSense for content.” After this, the graph and table we need opens. At the top right, for convenience, you can select a report date range, for example “Today” or “This month”. You should look in the “Total Income” column, this is your earnings for the specified period. You can click on the values ​​to make them appear on the graph.

If desired, you can save the report template so as not to search for it in numerous menus every time; to do this, click “Add to my reports”, fill out all the fields and click “Save”. There, if necessary, you can configure the reports to be automatically sent by email.

I hope that I was able to describe as briefly and clearly as possible what you were looking for, if not, then do not hesitate and ask below in the comments.

Friends, hello everyone. Today is my next monthly blogging report. We will talk about my experiments with placing advertising blocks, first observations and income.

So, 06/01/2015 will be exactly two months since I enabled the display of AdSense ad units on my blog. After registering and implementing the first advertising block, I created for myself a plan for placing advertising blocks, in which I thought of 5 options, with the maximum possible number of blocks on the page. True, during the analysis they will have to be edited a little, but these are minor things. The main thing is strategy.

I also decided that for the purity of the experiment, I would change the layout once a month. This is the only way to obtain the most up-to-date information.

The prospect of editing half a hundred articles did not make me happy at all. So I decided to use .

The first scheme for placing advertising blocks.

Reporting period in Google AdSense 28 calendar days. I connected to the system on 04/01/2015, but until the application was approved and advertising began showing on the site, a day passed. In fact, the advertising began running on 04/02/2015. Although this had little effect on the result. 😉

1 block – in the sitebar on all pages.

The 2nd and 3rd blocks are in the text of articles and pages, under headings H2.

With an average traffic of 450 unique visits to my blog per day, there was not a single click for 3 days. Total number of clicks – 167. CTR – 0.52%. And the average cost per click is $0.07. And the total income from advertising on the blog was $9.76.

The most clicked blocks for this period were the 2nd and 3rd blocks. More precisely, it is one block, but it is shown twice on the page. These blocks were located inside articles and were clicked on by visitors 72 times. While advertising in the sitebar attracted only 3 visitors. And, although the CTR of this block is higher, the income from it is much less.

Also around the middle of the month I connected my YouTube channel to AdSense account. And I earned $2.15 from advertising.

As a result, for the month of April, the total income from advertising from the Google advertising network amounted to $11.91.

The second scheme for placing advertising blocks.

The second block layout looks like this:

1 block – in the sitebar on all pages except articles.

Block 2 – under the title of the article.

Block 3 – under heading H2 in the text of the articles.

Over the 28 days of May, blog visitors made 305 clicks on ad units, with a CTR of 0.75%. The average cost per click has not changed - $0.07. And the total income from advertising on the blog was $13.84.

The leading place among the blocks is again occupied by the block in the text of the articles, under the headings H2. The second place goes to the block under the article title. And in third place is the block in the sitebar, it has only 2 clicks in 28 days.

This month I earned $5.15 from my YouTube channel.

Analysis of the information received.

As you can see, friends, the most effective block is the one located directly in the article. Therefore, having slightly adjusted the third layout of advertising blocks, in June I am going to completely remove the block from the sitebar. Perhaps I’ll leave the block under the article title for now, and mark up the blocks in the article and analyze the most effective places.

I decided to take the information into account help system AdSense that the most expensive ads are shown in blocks that are located above the rest in the source code.

Now on the articles page, in the block under the article heading, ads are shown at a higher price of $0.18. And in the most effective block, the price is $0.16 per click. Since this block comes second in the source code.

So I will experiment and share my observations and conclusions with you.

Summing up.

As you probably know, Adsense has two threshold values. It's different for different currencies. For a dollar account, these are 10 $ and 100 $. Upon reaching $10, you must request a PIN code for. Without it, you will not be able to receive the money you earn. And upon reaching the second threshold, the agreed amount will be paid. Only if you have confirmed your address.

I have already requested a PIN, but have not received it yet. Almost three weeks have passed. According to Google, it can take from two to four weeks to receive the coveted letter. But, I'm still like a child waiting for a gift New Year, every day I look not under the tree, but in the mailbox. 🙂

As you can see, a great journey begins with the first step. You need to develop your resource, fill it with useful content, work on traffic and then income from contextual advertising will also increase. Of course, the level of income is influenced by many factors, such as the theme of the site, traffic, the best placement of ad units, but almost every site can earn money with Google Adsense.

This concludes my report. I'm waiting for all your questions and suggestions in the comments. I wish you all success and high passive income!

See you in new articles and video tutorials.

Lately, we haven't been very happy with our AdSense income... In this article I will give a small case study on how you can increase your income in our favorite Google AdSense. On one of the construction sites (revenue per thousand impressions) dropped to $0.85. This is very little.

How to increase your income with AdSense

Selecting pages to increase income

The first thing we need to do is go to our statistics from liveinternet or Yandex.Metrica, determine the articles with the highest traffic (I took statistics for the month). Once we have identified the pages, we will place advertising blocks there or edit existing ones. On pages with low traffic, I don’t see the point in putting ad blocks, but if you already have them, then don’t remove them.

So, go to the page with high traffic and select the most suitable places for installation. In my opinion, the best option for installing AdSense ad units is after subheadings like h2.

Also, don’t forget about blocks of 300x250 pixels in size; I recommend placing them to the left or right of the text instead of the image, of course, having previously analyzed the heat map of the page using Yandex.metrics.

As you can see in the screenshot, it would be nice to install an advertising block in these places.

Setting up Google AdSense

Log into your Google Adsense account and go to the “Allow/block ads” section
Next, open the “Ads (Ads View Center)” tab and clean out dubious advertisers and non-thematic ads, as well as all advertising from Google and Yandex.
