Three Musketeers script for the new year. Scenario of a theatrical literary game based on the work of A. Dumas “The Three Musketeers”. Equipment and props

Birthday in mind Etei is the most significant event. No holiday can compare with it. The child even celebrates the New Year with less trepidation. Why? Probably because he wants to grow up quickly, become an adult. One of the views in birthday celebrations is role play. We bring to your attention a scenario for a similar game: “Become a musketeer!”


The first thing fathers and mothers must do is decide on the location of the holiday and the number of guests. After this, you can begin assigning roles. Since the musketeers are the elite royal guard, the King must be present in the game. His role is most suitable for dads. He is not just the organizer of the whole action, but also the presenter. Mothers are definitely Queens. The birthday boy is assigned the role of captain of the musketeer guard. He is d'Artagnan.

Then you need to write invitation cards and distribute them to the parents of your child’s friends. It is advisable that the hero of the occasion take an active part in the entire preparatory process. Together with him, come up with a text and advise him to decorate the invitation cards with drawings on a musketeer theme: wide-brimmed hats with feathers, swords, blue cloaks. Be sure to mention that the theme of the holiday is “Initiation into Musketeers”, so it is advisable for guests to come in appropriate costumes: boys - brave Musketeers, girls - Beautiful Ladies. Indicate point by point what awaits guests:

1. Competition program.

2. Tea party.

3. Royal Ball: “Initiation into the Musketeers. Rewarding the participants."

Provoke your guests to take the holiday responsibly: Write questions for the quiz on a separate piece of paper and put it in the invitation card. Let them prepare well: read books on this topic.


Guests are seated around the perimeter of the room. Papa King invites the boys to the center.
Papa King: A musketeer must be able to ride a horse. But before he gets on the horse, he must learn to balance. Can you keep your balance?

Boys: Yes! We can!

Papa King: Now we will test your dexterity. I will turn on the music and while it plays, you will need to jump on one leg. (Addresses all guests) And everyone else supports the participants, clapping their hands.

(Papa-King includes a song from the movie “The Three Musketeers” performed by Mikhail Boyarsky “It’s time, it’s time, let’s rejoice in our lifetime...” The children jump. The music ends.)

Papa-King: Well done, I see that you are ready to become real musketeers. I’ll ask the captain of my guard, D’Artagnan, to reward everyone with prizes!

(The birthday boy gives the boys small souvenirs. You can give out candy each)

King Dad: Take your seats. Now let the girls come to me. I want to check if each of them is ready to be called a Beautiful Lady.

(Girls go to the center).

Papa King (to girls): What qualities should a Beautiful Lady have?

Girls: Beautiful!

Papa King: A lady must not only be visually attractive, but also polite, so the ability to squat gracefully is important for her. Let's ask the Queen to show how to curtsy.

(Mom Queen shows) .

Papa King (to girls): Do you remember?

Girls: Yes! Yes!

Papa King: Now let me turn on the music, and you will show how well you remember. (Addresses other guests.) Support the participants, admire them, shout “Oh, how wonderful it is! Wonderful!” and don't forget to clap your hands.

(Papa King plays the song “Saint Catherine” from the movie “The Three Musketeers”. The girls curtsy. The music ends.)

Papa King: What beautiful young ladies! I can't take my eyes off. Everything turned out well for you! I’ll ask the captain of my guard, D’Artagnan, to reward everyone with prizes!

(The birthday boy gives the girls small souvenirs. You can give out candy. The girls take their seats.)

D'Artagnan: Dear King, how can you find out what the parents teach their little musketeers and beautiful ladies? After all, they must not only be able to sit well in the saddle and make beautiful curtsies.

Papa-King: But let’s ask them themselves about this. We will hold a competition “Parents' Hope”. Are you ready to get involved, adults?

Parents: Yes! Let's try! Hooray!

Papa-King: The conditions of the competition are as follows: adults take turns calling adjectives that characterize the positive qualities of the child. For example, kind, honest, strong, polite, etc. Let's get started!

(At the end of the competition, the birthday boy, as well as the children, can reward the adults with some trinkets.)


D'Artagnan asks questions, the candidates for the title of Musketeer and Beautiful Lady answer. Questions may vary. Try to come up with them depending on the level of knowledge and age of the children. Let's say:

1. Name the names of famous royal musketeers. (Athos, Porthos, Aramis) .

2. Name the actor who played the role of D’Artagnan in the film “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers.” (Mikhail Boyarsky) .

3. What was the name of d’Artagnan’s beloved? (Constance).

4. Why are musketeers called musketeers? (Because they were armed with muskets) .

5. Who wrote the adventure novel “The Three Musketeers”? (Alexandre Dumas) etc.


While the children are drinking tea, the parents and all the adult guests can retire to the meeting room (kitchen). There they must discuss which child and what to reward for - an important educational moment. Prepare letters in advance on which you will write the names of the children. Tag everyone. Don't forget anyone. Always praise and encourage.

Text in a letter for boys: “For courage (zeal, resourcefulness, dexterity, intelligence) shown in competitive battles during the celebration of D’Artagnan’s Birthday, NN (child’s first and last name) is dedicated to the Musketeers of the military house of the King of France.”

Letter text for girls: “For kindness (politeness, resourcefulness, intelligence, grace, courtesy) shown in competitive program during the celebration of d'Artagnan's birthday, dedicated to the Beautiful Ladies." Signatures on the charter: King, Queen, Captain of the Royal Guard d'Artagnan.


The awards ceremony takes place at the royal ball.

Preparing for the matinee

Hall decoration:
In the center there is traditionally a Christmas tree, on the right you should hang the decoration of the Ice Palace, on the left - the Castle of Ghosts. The rest of the decorations during the script are installed on the screen in front of the Christmas tree.

Production of decorations:
Ice Palace - the palace must be drawn on a piece of plastic film (2 x 1.5 m) with a pen, and then its outlines, windows, and clouds must be pasted over with paper strips. Place self-adhesive stained glass film on the windows and, when the action reaches the right moment, turn on the lamp placed behind the palace. The palace is suspended by the roof from a string near the ceiling or attached to tulle.

Making attributes:
For the matinee, it is necessary to prepare lanterns for the musketeers and children for the final part of the scenario, and shovels for playing with Santa Claus.

Ship - a ship consists of two strips of thick paper or cardboard, cut out and painted in the shape of a ship (write the name of the ship on the bow, draw a stripe on the stern). Connect these two stripes along the line of the nose. Attach four handles in four places from the inside, which the Sailors grab and move the ship. Do not connect the ship at the back - so that the Sailors and Musketeers can enter and fit inside (this moment must be rehearsed with the children).
Running boots - the same principle is used as in the manufacture of a ship.
Lights for Icy - a Christmas tree garland is beautifully decorated with tinsel and rain.

Stump - stick thinner paper on top of a thick sheet of paper, corrugating it unevenly (you can use newspapers, which then need to be painted over with gouache), imitating the bark of a tree. After the paste has dried, paint this bark with brown and here and there black gouache. Also make separate knots and glue them to the main stump. You can glue the stump along the seam with tape. Try it on the child and cut holes for the hands, eyes and mouth in the right places. Cover all edges with tape to prevent paint from smearing.
Mermaid wig - crochet a net cap over the child's head with double crochets. On each column, starting from the top, attach 2-3 hair-threads 2 times longer than the length of the wig.


Father Frost
Snow Maiden

1st Musketeer
2nd Musketeer
3rd Musketeer
4th Musketeer
1st Sailor
2nd Sailor
3rd Sailor
4th Sailor
1st Stump
2nd Stump
3rd Stump
4th Stump
1st child
2nd child
3rd child
4th child
1st Rogue
2nd Rogue

To the soundtrack of “Songs of the Musketeers” from the film “The Three Musketeers,” the boys ride into the hall in a dance step “on horseback” and perform a dance. Then, to the soundtrack of polonaise music by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the opera “Eugene Onegin”, girls come in and a couple’s ballroom dance is performed. After the dance, the children leave the stage. Enter Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

Father Frost:
Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Congratulations to all the children!
Congratulations to all the children,
Congratulations to all guests!
I was with you a year ago,
I'm glad to see everyone again!
Stand up, guys.
Hurry up to the round dance!
Song, dance and fun
Let's celebrate the New Year with you!
Now let's all sing a New Year's song together.

Round dance song “Zimushka-winter”
Oh, you winter-winter,
Like a white bird
Covered us with wings -
What can you do here?
We put on fur coats, hats,
Scarves and sweaters,
Got skis and sleds
And we rushed to the skating rinks!
We built a slide in no time,
Next to the hill is a snow house!
And then they shouted loudly:
“Puck! Puck! overboard.
Oh, you winter-winter,
You are like a white bird!
We take your example -
We do a lot!

Snow Maiden (for children):
Do you know any poems about winter? (Children answer). Then read to us, please!

1st child:
It's winter again
A cold one has come to us.
Whitened all the paths with snow,
Christmas trees are like silver,
And fluffy houses
And patterns on my window.
2nd child:
The forest fell asleep under the snow-white
A duvet,
And it rocks gently
A blizzard with its wind.

Round dance song "New Year"
Weightless white flakes
They fly and fly in silence.
The thinned trees are sleeping,
The forest is enveloped in a magical sleep.
The Christmas tree wandered into the snowdrifts,
Thoughtful in the snow,
Emerald needles
In silver and pearls.
What kind of night is this today?
New Year is coming.
And so the whole forest
Full of fairy tales and miracles!

Quietly the snow is spinning,
The moon is shining above,
And the aspen trees are apparently dreaming...
Summer is dreamed of in December.
Somewhere there's an old owl again
He shouted something dully,
And the horns of the thin moon
He shook it quietly.

3rd child:
The tree stands slender,
He looks at us with pride.
4th child:
I have this dress!
Everything glitters with toys,
Variegated beads hanging
And the lanterns are on.
The threads of rain glisten
And the icicles are ringing!
3rd child:
Elka, you are beautiful,
Lush, happy!

Round dance song “New Year tree”
Our Christmas tree in the whole world
All more magnificent and beautiful!
Look, look
How many stars are there on it!
To make the tree happy,
Feel free to join the round dance!
A cheerful ringing song
Let's celebrate the New Year!

Children sit on chairs.

Father Frost:
Well, you sing about winter, about the Christmas tree. You are all so elegant and beautiful! And your Christmas tree is all sparkling with toys, stars, firecrackers! But something is missing from it. Ahh... No fairy lights! Come on, Snow Maiden, bring here the magic lights that I gave you.
Snow Maiden (scared):
Oh, grandpa, I forgot them at my sister Ldinka’s when I was visiting her!
Father Frost:
How did you forget? This is how you feel about my gifts! But I tried, I chose. I wanted
so that you like the gift! And you! Eh! I don’t want to celebrate, I don’t want to have fun!

Santa Claus leaves offended. The Snow Maiden sits down and cries. Four Musketeers approach her and pat her on the shoulder.

1st Musketeer:
Snow Maiden, dear, don’t cry,
We are ready to help you.
Four Brave Musketeers
You will not be abandoned in thick and thin!
2nd Musketeer:
Tell us where is she?
Your favorite sister?
And then we will find her,
And we will bring lights!
Snow Maiden:
Beyond the seas, beyond the forests,
Where does winter come from?
In the palace, under the skies
My sister lives there.
I was her guest
It was good for us
And... I forgot the lights,
I left them there.
3rd Musketeer:
Get on your horses quickly, friends,
It's time for us to hit the road!

To the music of the "Song of the Musketeers" the Musketeers gallop behind the Christmas tree. The Snow Maiden waves at them and goes in the other direction behind the tree. The decoration of the castle is being installed. The light turns off, only blue remains. Musketeers appear from behind the tree.

4th Musketeer:
We rode all day long,
The horses are already tired!
1st Musketeer (pointing to the castle):
There's a castle on the way over there,
We need to go there.
2nd Musketeer:
We will spend the night in the castle,
Let's eat and relax!

The recording of music for the Ghost Dance is turned on. Ghosts are dancing.

4th Musketeer:
Get on your horses quickly, friends,
It's time for us to hit the road!

And again, to the music of the song, the Musketeers gallop behind the Christmas tree. The decoration of the castle is removed and the decoration of the sea is installed, the ship is taken out. The light comes on.

3rd Musketeer:
Ghost Musketeers
Don't be afraid!
Let's be haunted
We fight with light!

The Musketeers light lanterns and “shoot” beams at the Ghosts, who, when the beam hits them, get scared and run away, covering themselves with their hands, bending and crouching.

1st Musketeer:
Look, the sea is in front of us -
This is where we will meet our friends!

Sailor dance music sounds. Sailors come out and dance. The Musketeers are watching.

1st sailor:
Let's go to the ship, friends.
And we'll sail across the sea.

Sailors and Musketeers enter the “ship”, take hold of the handles from the inside and, rocking the “ship”, slowly move along the stage.

2nd sailor:
Ships are sailing on the sea, on the sea.
But what is it?.. A storm is on our way.

When they hear the word “storm,” the children rock the ship more. To the recording of the mermaid dance music, the Mermaids “float out”, dance around the stopped “ship” and sing along with a vocalise (waltz of snow flakes from the ballet “The Nutcracker” by P.I. Tchaikovsky), after the dance they crouch around the “ship” and sway their arms like seaweed.

3rd sailor:
The mermaid girls are calling us to their place,
They dance beautifully and sing sweetly!
4th sailor:
We will overcome the storm
Let's swim to the ground
Friends of the Musketeers
We won't let you down!

To the recording of the music of the mermaids dancing, the “ship” sails on, and the Mermaids “swim away” from the stage.

2nd Musketeer:
And there is the earth!
Get on your horses quickly, friends,
It's time for us to hit the road!

The Musketeers leave the “ship”, which then, together with the Sailors, “sails away” behind the tree. The forest scenery is being installed. Stumps come out, slowly, “clumsily” walk around the hall, approach the Musketeers.

1st stump:
You can't get through the forest -
Tree stumps stood in front of you.
2nd stump:
Who will we meet in the forest?
We will destroy him in the snow!

Stumps surround the Musketeers, who huddle together.

1st Musketeer:
We need to shout loudly
And call us for help!
Musketeers (all together, loudly):
People, people, respond!
And come to our aid!

The Robbers come out with the song of the robbers from the cartoon “The Musicians of Bremen”, each with an “axe” in their belt.

1st robber:
We won't let you go anywhere
We'll stay here forever!
We live in dense forests
We sow fear on passers-by!
Who is asking for help here?
3rd Musketeer:
Help, help,
Free us from the stumps.
4th Musketeer:
The Snow Maiden sent us
She punished me very strictly
Bring her some lights,
To celebrate the holiday.

The tree stumps continue to surround the Musketeers.

2nd robber:
We are always ready to help,
We have a kind soul,
And even more so for the Snow Maiden
We are ready to fight in battle!

The robbers take out “axes” and, to the music of the robbers’ song from the cartoon “The Bremen Town Musicians,” they perform a dance-fight with Stumps using “axes.” The stumps run away with a creak. The Musketeers approach the Robbers and shake their hands.

Musketeers (together):
Thank you for your help, friends,
But it’s time for us to hit the road!

The Musketeers “leave”, the Robbers wave after them and go back to their places. The decoration of the Forest is removed and the Ice Palace, which is suspended on the side behind the Christmas tree, is illuminated with a beam. The Musketeers are leaving.

Musketeers (in turns):
Look, the city is in front of us
And a palace under the sky.
Ice lives in the palace
And he’s coming towards us!

Ice comes out with her friends and performs a round dance song.

Round dance song "Ice"
Do you hear the crystal ringing?
He is gentle, transparent -
The ice floes came here,
They started their own round dance.
They twirl in a waltz
And they ring faintly:
"Like snowflakes, we are
Daughters of Snowy Winter."
Ice floes spin to the music of a waltz. At this point in the script, the big light is turned off, only blue is left, and it “snows” (for production, see the script “Where are you, where are you, Santa Claus?”). After the dance, Icy remains in the center, the Musketeer approaches her and greets her with a bow.

1st Musketeer:
Snow Maiden, your sister,
She sent us to you.
You are magic lights
Bring it to us now.

Icy takes out lights from her purse (a Christmas tree garland, beautifully decorated with tinsel and rain).

Here are the magic lights,
Take them, friends!
Thank you for taking care of your sister
I'm so grateful.
And to get back to you quickly
I'll give you my gift now.
Hey, boots-walkers,
Come to us quickly!

The running boots are “moving out.” The musketeers sit in their “boots” (grab the handles and ride the same way as on a ship). Ice and her friends wave after the “leaving” Musketeers. The big light comes on, the Musketeers “ride out” in boots. The Snow Maiden comes towards them.

2nd Musketeer:
Well, we're back to our friends,
Big greetings from Ldinka to you!
Take, Snow Maiden, the lights,
Light up the Christmas tree soon!
Snow Maiden (takes the garland):
Oh, how grateful I am to you,
You are true friends!
Now we'll light the lights
And let's call Santa Claus!

The Snow Maiden approaches the Christmas tree, hangs a garland (on two or three branches, and the main garlands should already be hanging).

Snow Maiden:
Light up the lights bright,
Green beauty!
Flash your flashlights
And illuminate their faces,
Light up our celebration
And please us from your heart!
Fluffy, elegant,
Shine, shine, burn!
Children (repeat in chorus):
Fluffy, elegant,
Shine, shine, burn!

The lights on the Christmas tree light up, the children clap their hands.

Snow Maiden:
This is how beautiful our Christmas tree is. Now you can call Grandfather Frost. He will see
he will forgive us our beauty. (Children). Let's call him together, guys!
Grandfather Frost, come, don’t be angry!

To the song “A Christmas Tree was Born in the Forest,” performed on the piano by the music director, Santa Claus enters the hall.

Father Frost:
Now I see everything is as it should be,
And the children are so happy about the holiday.
The lights on the Christmas tree are shining,
The needles are shaking with joy,
Elegant toys shine,
Balloons, lanterns, firecrackers!
Come on, Snow Maiden, go ahead -
Lead our round dance!

The Snow Maiden invites children to a round dance.

Round dance song “Snow Carousel”
Have fun dancing with friends
On New Year's Day, on New Year's Day
Near the fluffy Christmas tree
And sing songs with friends.
“To the round dance!” “To the round dance!”
We call everyone quickly, quickly.
A blizzard has swirled around us,
We'll swirl like fluff
Near your Christmas tree.
Snow carousel!
White horses carry us
Straight into a snowstorm.

Fairytale white country -
We you, we you,
We've been waiting for you for so long!
Icy snow mess,
And a blizzard, and a blizzard
We weren't scared at all.

1st child:
There is no better gift
More desirable and beautiful
You, the long-awaited one,
We admire.
Beautiful Christmas tree,
Our favorite
Green tree of white winter!

Song "Christmas tree - fairy tale"
On the New Year's tree,
As if in the forest
The cowardly little bunny lives,
He is afraid of the fox.
Walking there on the branches
toy bear,
And even the gray wolf should
Hanging on a thread.
Oh, yes, a Christmas tree,
Elegant and magnificent!
Oh, yes, a Christmas tree,
What a good fairy tale!

There, in the toy house,
The window is on fire
And a star above the house
Shiny hanging.
And Santa Claus toy
Stands under the Christmas tree
And the fur coat is on the Snow Maiden
Everything glistens like ice.

2nd child:
Father Frost, Father Frost
We've been waiting for you!
Let's play with you
We've been dreaming about it for a whole year!
Father Frost:
I don't mind playing
But I want to know:
It's you who are skillful,
Strong and brave?

Santa Claus plays a game with children. Children stand in a circle, Santa Claus is in the middle. Children, responding to Santa Claus, imitate the movements of the game, which is played to the music of the Russian folk song “Oh, you canopy, my canopy.” To these words of Santa Claus, children walk in a circle, holding hands:
I brought you a lot of snow,
I covered all the roads
So that you sit at home
And they looked out the window.
To these words spoken by the children, they stop, take shovels in their hands and “rakes up the snow”:
And we are clever guys,
We will take shovels in our hands,
We will clear all the roads,
Let's go for a walk anyway.

Children walk in a circle.

Father Frost:
I covered all the rivers with ice,
I covered the shore with snow,
So that you are afraid of water,
We couldn't swim in the rivers!

The children continue to walk in a circle, as if skating:

We'll take our skates then
Let's put on sweaters,
Let's quickly make a skating rink
And let's fly like the breeze!

Children walk in a circle.

Father Frost:
I covered the slides with snow,
So that you can't run,
Jump after a grasshopper
And collect flowers!

Children run in circles like a train:
So we'll take the sleigh
And we'll go to the hills.
We'll rush down the hill -
Santa Claus, watch out!

Father Frost:
Yes, now I see that you are brave and skillful!
Snow Maiden:
Grandpa, you're probably tired. Sit down, relax, and the children read poetry to you.

Children read poetry (each child a quatrain).

I found out that Santa Claus
Lives in the forests of Lapland.
And now I want to introduce -
What are you, Lapland?
It's probably always snowing there...
The heat is harmful to grandpa.
And the trees go straight to the sky -
After all, he loves the spruce forest.
You can probably hear the Woodpecker knocking
Woodpecker winters with us here.
And Mishka wanders through the snow -
He comes to our holiday.
There the Fox is friends with the Hares,
Snowflakes' voices are heard.
Snowflakes sing there about
How good is it for him and Moroz!
It also seems to me that there
Enough for all sorts of miracles!
And Grandma-Yozhka and Koschey
They cast magic in the snow - who is faster!
And the Snow Queen's house
Stands behind the white glacier,
And between the fir trees and birches
Cheerful Santa Claus lives!
And now I already know
What are you, Lapland!

Generous New Year holiday
I read: “On New Year’s
Whatever you want -
Everything will always happen
Everything always comes true!”
Well, I’m already in my fifth year
No luck and no luck!
Santa Claus wrote
Everything you could wish for!
I wanted a starship
To take flight,
But on a flight on New Year's Eve
Another pilot took off.
And then I started dreaming
To become president
But they didn’t choose me -
I was three days late!
I asked Santa Claus
So that the lion lives with me.
But then my mother shouted:
“Only the beast was missing!”
To wish this
And what should you dream about?
Will come to us again soon
Generous New Year holiday!

1st child:
Santa Claus, we love you,
We've been waiting for you all year,
But now we are for the Snow Maiden
Let's sing our song.

Song “Waltz for the Snow Maiden”
Every year we look forward to
We are waiting for the New Year holiday.
He comes to us with joy
And sparklers!
And sparkling like a snowflake,
The Snow Maiden is rushing to us,
She has a braid like a piece of ice,
It rings in the cold.
White lace dress
Frost in white hair.
All white and white,
Covered with snow.

While the poetry is being read and the song is being played, lanterns are handed out to the children.

Snow Maiden:
Grandfather, the children danced like that,
Children played like this
And the poems are beautiful
We read it for you.
The time has come to give gifts,
But somehow they are not visible -
Have you decided to make a joke?
Father Frost:
He will bring you gifts
My grandson - New Year,
And let everyone have a flashlight
Like a star lights up.
Meet him soon
Light the flashlight
And let everyone sing
That the New Year is coming.

Santa Claus comes behind the tree, puts a small child dressed in a New Year's costume on his shoulder, takes a bag of gifts and leaves. At this time the light goes out. Children, swinging lanterns raised up, meet them and sing a song.

New Year is coming to us
Spinning and shining
Snowflakes under the moon.
Now it's born in the snow
New year, young.
And the old one, leaving,
Hello farewell sends,
Happier than me
Let there be a New Year.
New Year is coming to us,
Brings us hope
That everything will come true for us
And everything will happen.
We smile at him
Today we will illuminate
And the old year is for everything,
Thank you for everything.

Father Frost, Snow Maiden and New Year give gifts to children and then say farewell words:
Here comes the New Year holiday
It's time for us to finish.
Much happiness to you today
We wish, child, -
May you grow big
So that you don't have any worries.
Well, we'll come to you again
Exactly, exactly one year from now!

Holiday script for older and older children preparatory groups

To the sound of cheerful music, children run into the hall and line up in a semicircle.
First child: What is the very first word?
Second child: What is the brightest word?
Third child: What is the most important word?
Fourth child: His babies are babbling in the yard!
Fifth child: It’s on the first page in the Primer!
Sixth child: It will never be misspelled!
Seventh child: They say it everywhere with a smile!
Eighth child: Whisper it quietly, say it loudly!
Ninth child: The cherished word of any child!
Tenth child: What is the most tender, kind word?
Children (all together): Mom!
All children sing the song “About Spring”, after which they sit on chairs.
Any nonsense for your sake
Our ancestors did it easily.
Because of your beautiful eyes
Madness is still not uncommon.
Oh women! And how many times
The men looked after me!
Today here and at this hour
They're in a hurry to meet you
Three Musketeers!
Let's close our eyes for a moment and mentally transport ourselves to the 17th century.
Musical loss.
Presenter: So, France, Paris. Queen Anne of Austria herself is about to arrive!
Three musketeers enter to the music and bow with their hats.

Musketeers (together): Queen Anne of Austria!
All the children stand up. The queen enters and bows to the children and spectators.
Queen: Madam! Monsieur! I organized this ball in honor of beautiful ladies. I will say more: I have prepared gifts for all of you! (Shows the casket.) So far this is a surprise. And now I announce the opening of the ball! So, polonaise!
Children perform a polonaise together with the musketeers.
After the end of the dance, Cardinal Richelieu appears. He stands with a sour expression on his face.
Queen: Cardinal, do your teeth hurt?
Cardinal: What makes you think?
Queen: Yes, you look kind of unhappy.
Cardinal: Ah, Your Majesty! You are hopelessly behind fashion. Is this a dance? In England there are completely different trends now.
Queen: And what?
Cardinal: Wait a minute!
The music of the Beatles is playing. The Cardinal and Anna are dancing.
At the end of the dance, the cardinal twirls the queen and, while she dances alone, takes away the casket. The music fades out, and the queen notices with horror that she is missing.
Queen: Ah! My casket! My gifts! Oh, this insidious Richelieu! He is only capable of nasty things! What should I do? (Wrings his hands and laments.)
A girl approaches the queen.
Girl: My queen! I know how to help you! Our friends the musketeers are ready to serve Your Majesty!
The musketeers Athos, Porthos and Aramis appear in turn and introduce themselves to the queen.
Queen: Gentlemen Musketeers! The ending of this holiday will depend on you. Find and return the gift box!
The Musketeers bow to the Queen and she leaves.
Athos: Well, friends, let's go! One for all...
All together: And all for one!
The “Song of the Musketeers” from the movie “The Three Musketeers” sounds.
Then the musketeers leave.
First child:
They will sail across seas and oceans,
They will visit different distant countries.
Second child:
Three friends don't care about obstacles!
We will sing a song about friendship for them on the way!
The children all sing the “Song of Friendship” together.
The cardinal appears with a casket.
Cardinal: I'm so glad! I'm so glad! It seems my plan was a success. I have the casket, and the holiday is hopelessly ruined! (Grieving, he wrings his hands.) Oh, poor Queen Anne! What will happen to the pendants now! Ha ha ha! Speaking of pendants! Perhaps the royal musketeers are already rushing in my wake! And where are they now?
(Takes a mirror out of his pocket.)
My light, mirror, tell me,
Tell me the whole truth!
Answer quickly, where are the three friends?
They would rather feel worse!
Oh, so it’s Ukraine! I'll hide behind the fence!
The musketeers appear.

All children: Hello bulls!
Girl (dressed in Ukrainian costume): Oh, yaki garny lads! Sit down and jump! Enjoy some dumplings!
Boy (in Ukrainian costume):
Without dancing happy holiday not bright!
We will dance Ukrainian hopak for you as a gift!
Children perform "Gopachok".
When the dance ends, a cardinal dressed in a Ukrainian costume runs in, singing and dancing. The musketeers approach him.

Cardinal: Why! Ran! Going to Russia, to the Muscovites!
Athos: Well, friends, let's go! One for all...
All Musketeers: And all for one! (They leave.)
Cardinal (taking off his Ukrainian suit): Well, I haven’t been to Russia yet. They say the women there are very beautiful. (Takes out a mirror.)
My light, mirror, tell me...
Aha, here comes the Moscow province!
Three musketeers come out to the musical interlude of “Song of the Musketeers.”
I see wonderful freedom;
I see fields and fields...
This is Russian expanse,
This is Russian land!
Porthos: Madame, monsieur, our respects!
Children: You are welcome!
Boy (in Russian costume):
After all, you came to our holiday,
But they didn’t chew the rolls!
Come on, people, don't yawn!
Sing a song for the musketeers!
Children sing the song “Golden-domed Moscow.”
Girl (in Russian costume):
Hey gentlemen, take off your hats,
Get up to dance with our girls!
Children in Russian folk costumes dance the “Russian Dance” dance together with the musketeers.
Musketeers, don't yawn,
Take your tools!
Let's play a Russian song,
Soulful and sad!
An orchestra of Russian folk instruments plays "Date".
The cardinal appears in a blouse and cap, he plays the balalaika and sings a ditty
Porthos: Dad, was Cardinal Richelieu passing by?
Cardinal: Well, I ran. He moved to the North. To Kolyma! (You can indicate the region where the matinee is held.)
The musical passage of the opening phrase from the song “How delightful are the evenings in Russia” plays.

Birch landscape, sunsets, alleys...
A dashing trio, and fun, and walks...
How delightful are the evenings in Russia!
Let it all be a dream, let love be a game...
How delightful are the evenings in Russia!
Presenter: But it’s time for you to hurry on the road again!
Porthos: Well, friends, let's go! One for all...
Together: And all for one!
The musketeers leave to the music.
Who's looking gloomy over there?
The music starts again!
Get ready, kids.
Waiting fun game!

Game "Put on a wreath."

A gloomy cardinal appears and looks in the mirror.
Cardinal: My light, mirror, say... Oh-oh-oh! (Sings.) Snow to the left, snow to the right! (Hides.)
The phonogram of a blizzard sounds.
In the foreground is a tent, a shaman (child) is sitting near it near the fire.
The musketeers appear. They shiver, showing how frozen they are.
Shaman: Hey, white man, come here! Warm yourself, my fire! However, a snowstorm is coming. We need to invite the reindeer to the camp.
The musketeers sit down near the fire. The shaman beats the tambourine, chanting: “Hey-ya!”
Children dance the dance “Chukchi Tunes”.
After the end of the dance, a cardinal dressed in a fur coat appears.
Cardinal (singing): I’ll take you to the tundra... It’s cold, however!
Partos: Dad, did Cardinal Richelieu pass by here?
Cardinal: I ran, I ran. He ran south to warm himself! (Runs away, shouting: “Hey-ya!”)
Athos: Well, friends, let's go? One for all...
Together: And all for one!
Presenter: Take your time! Let's warm up our mothers and grandmothers after the cold cold!
Children invite their mothers to the Duckling Dance. After him, everyone sits down and the musketeers leave.
Cardinal: In this wild north, I froze all my bones! I still can’t bend over. But to the point, to the point... (Looks in the mirror.)
My light, mirror, tell me...
The wonderful city of Baghdad stands in the East, and the East is a delicate matter! (Hides.)
The musketeers come out to the music, one of them holds a vessel.
Presenter: Musketeers, where did you get this ancient vessel? Let's open it - what if we're lucky and there's something valuable in it?
Opens the vessel. A phonogram of an oriental melody sounds, and a genie appears from behind the scenes (played by an adult).
Genie: Oh my saviors! Tomatoes of my soul! I sat in this vessel for three thousand years and became completely wild. Now you become my masters! Would you like roast lamb? Do you want a peach garden? ABOUT! I know what pleases the souls of the young lords. Abra-mop-kadabra! (Claps his hands three times.)
Girls in oriental clothes appear and dance an oriental dance.
Genie: Well, how do you like my gift?
Porthos: Oh, genie! You showed us a nice dance!
Athos: But help us with something else: find the chest with gifts!
Aramis: We had to walk so many miles - we couldn’t find him.
Genie: Oh, tomatoes of my soul! Oh my lords! Why didn't you say it right away? For me it’s just one sneeze! Abra-mop-kadabra! (Claps his hands three times.)
Spinning around himself, the cardinal runs in and gives the casket to the musketeers.
Genie: Disappear!
Well then, friends! The time has come

TOPIC: Christmas scene with children
TIME: 20-30 minutes
AUTHORSHIP: Elena Alexandrova, Odessa

The lights are off. From behind the scenes you can hear an argument between two musketeers and the sound of sabers. (Radio microphone behind the stage - 2, one on the left, the second on the right). There are 3 microphones on low stands on stage.

MUSKETEER BLUE: No, I protest, sir, this cannot be!

RED MUSKETEER: And I say yes! It exists and it is reality.



BLUE MUSKETEER: There is no point in arguing with me, sir, these are all fairy tales.

RED MUSKETEER: No, not fairy tales! The weak light turns on, and two musketeers run out onto the stage and fight with swords, continuing to argue among themselves. Suddenly they are blinded by the bright light of a star on the left, and they fall.

MUSKETEER RED: Oh, what is this?

MUSKETEER BLUE: I don't see anything, who's doing this?

STAR: I am a star born on the fourth day of the creation of the world. I observed the creation of man and the entire course of human history.

MUSKETEER BLUE: Could you, little star, not shine so brightly?

RED MUSKETEER: Star, maybe you can help me convince him that God exists? He doesn't believe me.

MUSKETEER BLUE: What? Are you on your own again? There is no God.

The soundtrack turns on.

STAR 1 (voice off stage): On that wonderful night, I saw everything, and it was I who illuminated the path to the born baby. A star enters the stage, the first star on the left exits, the light falls on it. When the second star from the right comes out, in the chorus, light will fall on it too. They sing into radio microphones.

The stars sing a song about themselves (about the star that illuminated the path to the baby) while they go out. After the song the light evens out.

STAR 2: I can confirm everything we told you, I was there when God instructed my sister to light the way for the wise men to the baby Jesus. It was a wonderful night, a night that changed the fate of all mankind forever.

BLUE MUSKETEER: You sing beautifully, well, if someone could confirm your words...

RED MUSKETEER: What else do you need?

STAR 1: No need to argue, you won’t find the answer in an argument.

STAR 2: I guessed that they wouldn’t believe us, so I called our friends for help.

STAR 1: You did great, sis.

Forest animals come out: fox, hare, bear and wolf.

BEAR: I heard your loud argument, you woke me up, I was sleeping so soundly.

FOX: Hush, bear, don’t be angry, we need to help the guys, tell them about Jesus.

HARE: Mom told me that God has existed for a long time.

SQUIRREL: Of course it exists, and He loves us so much! He always gives us squirrels nuts. And this fur coat, tail, ears? It was He who gave everything. His concern for us is great.

FOX: And He gave us foxes a beautiful fur coat.

BEAR: The Lord created the whole forest for us.

HARE: I really, really love Jesus.

SQUIRREL: Jesus was born a long time ago, but He is still with us today and never leaves us. I also know that He came into this world to bring sleep to people, but for some reason not everyone accepts His care. God takes care of us every day.

ALL TOGETHER: God loves all animals, but most of all people.

STAR: Well, what do you believe now?

MUSKETEER BLUE: Well, it seems...

RED MUSKETEER: It seems... Don’t you believe it yet?

The sound of a trumpet, a bright light to the left, is an angel.

MUSKETEER BLUE: Who else is this?

ANGEL: My name is Gabriel. I announced to Mary about the son Jesus who was about to be born. I protected the mother of Jesus until He was born. I also appeared to Joseph to announce the wonderful Son and conveyed the command of God: to name the baby Jesus.

MUSKETEER BLUE: But why don't I see Jesus?

RED MUSKETEER: How many questions do you have?

ANGEL: There is no need to argue, there is no point in arguing, Jesus brought us peace. Christ lives in our hearts, He is invisible, but He is always with us.

MUSKETEER BLUE: And even now?

STAR: Of course, Jesus is here next to us, He is waiting for you to turn to Him. He loves you very much.

STAR 2: He is knocking on your heart, He is waiting for you. When will you turn to Him?

The musketeers fall to their knees, the light is only on them, they pray.

RED MUSKETEER: Forgive me for my argument, Jesus.

MUSKETEER BLUE: I understood everything, now I believe. Jesus forgive me for not believing in you. Come into my heart and live in it.

STAR 1: Jesus Christ is our star that lights up in our hearts.

STAR 2: And it will never go out, it will always illuminate the path for those who wish it.

THEATRALIZED LITERARY GAME “THE MYSTERY OF DIAMOND PENDANTS” (based on the work of A. Dumas “The Three Musketeers”).


Leading (I) and (2)
King Louis XIII
Queen Anne of Austria
Cardinal Richelieu
Musketeers: Athos, Porthos, Aramis, D'Artagnan.

The curtain is closed. Presenters on stage.

Presenter (1). Hello guys! We are glad to welcome you. (Addressing the presenter (2).) Tell me, dear, is it true that they say that among modern children there are many who have not read The Three Musketeers?
Presenter (2). Probably true! But once upon a time this would have been considered simply indecent. If you don’t know anything about D’Artagnan, then what can I even talk to you about?
Presenter (1). Alexandre Dumas, an amazing storyteller, said that he hangs his paintings on the nail of history. Adventures, chases, intrigues awaken our imagination.
Presenter (2). So let's quickly take a look into one of the rooms of the Louvre.

He opens the curtain and leaves, followed by the Presenter (1) disappearing behind the curtain.

Picture one.

The curtain opens. Palace room. King Louis XIII is clearly not in a good mood, nervously drumming his fingers on the table.

King: Hey, somebody! Call Her Majesty to me!

Queen Anne of Austria enters to romantic music. In her hands, she has a branch of lilac. Curtsies to the King.

Queen. Did you call me, sir?
King. Yes, madam! I would like to inform you that in the coming days there will be a ball at the town hall. I want you to appear at this ball in a formal dress and certainly with the diamond pendants that I gave you for your birthday.

The Queen screams and drops her flowers.

King. Can you hear me, madam?
Queen. I hear you, sir!
King. Will you be at the ball?
Queen. Yes!
King. And will you be wearing diamond pendants?
Queen. Yes! But what day is the ball scheduled for?
King. Very soon, I don’t remember the exact date, I’ll have to ask the Cardinal.
Queen. So, this Eminence advised you to give this ball?
King. Yes! Is this request criminal?
Queen. No, sir! I'll be at the ball.
King. Wonderful! I hope you keep your promise.

The king leaves, very pleased. The Queen wrings her hands in despair.

Queen (sings)
Madonna, I'm finished
Holy Virgin, I'm lost!
Although the king is a fool,
But you can't fool the cardinal.
Rummaging in someone else's underwear again
Richelieu, And I look with horror
On the coming day I!
Lies cannot save
And the truth is a sharp knife,
Only from you. Madonna,
I'm waiting for salvation!

Picture two.

Palace room. Candles are burning. The Cardinal and Milady are sitting at the table.

Cardinal. Milady!
Milady. I am listening, Your Eminence, with the greatest attention.
Cardinal. A small ship with an English crew weighs anchor tomorrow morning.
Milady. So, does that mean I need to get there tonight?
Cardinal. This very minute, that is, immediately after you receive my instructions.
Milady. Okay, monsignor. Let us return to the assignment that you wish to give me. Explain it to me clearly and precisely so that I do not make any mistake.
Cardinal. You will go to London and appear openly and honestly before Buckingham.
Milady(mockingly). Open and honest?
Cardinal. Yes, openly and honestly, and tell him that I know his preparations for war, but they don’t bother me much. As soon as he makes the first move, I will destroy the queen.

Curtain, Presenters (1) and (2) come out.

Presenter (1). So, the intrigue is on! Who will help unravel the cardinal’s cunning networks?
Male friendship is not a whim,
And nothing scares them.
Who owns the motto:
“One for all and all for one”?
Presenter (2). Of course, the musketeers.
Presenter (1). But who are they, these same musketeers?
Presenter (2). Actually, there is no mystery in the word “musketeer”. It's simple. In France, musketeers were soldiers armed with muskets. Most of them were ordinary mercenaries, ready to serve even the devil himself for money, as long as he paid regularly.

Athos, Porthos, Aramis and D'Artagnan appear.

Athos. Excuse me, but there were other musketeers! “Royal” was the name of the king’s personal guard, which consisted exclusively of nobles. Louis XIII had two musketeer companies, and every nobleman dreamed of serving in them since childhood.
Aramis. Royal musketeers were recognized by their short azure cloaks trimmed with silver braid. The front and back of the cloaks were decorated with white crosses with royal lilies. The treasury only issued a musket. The nobleman had to take care of the rest - from the sword to the clothes, the horse and the servant.
Presenter (1). Just look at these fellows! On their heads were wide-brimmed hats with gold cords and buckles, silk ribbons and multi-colored ostrich feathers. The musketeers valued their hats so much that they did not take them off even at the table. Few people even took off their gloves - this manner was considered especially courageous.
Aramis. The camisole and trousers were made from a variety of fabrics, depending on the thickness of the wallet and the nobility of the nobleman.
D'Artagnan. Even if the musketeer was poor, like a monastery cat, even if he did not have a horse, he would go out of his way so that the gilded spurs on the backs of his boots would ring as he walked and strike sparks. After all, it was spurs and a sword that distinguished a nobleman from other riffraff.
Athos(twirls his mustache). Usually musketeers shaved, leaving a mustache and a narrow wedge of a beard. Even today this style is called “musketeer”. You won't believe it, but these dandies (shows Aramis and D’Artagnan a) They even blushed their cheeks and painted their lips!

Aramis and D'Artagnan take out their swords and point them at Athos.

And if anyone made a joke about this, the sword was immediately drawn from its scabbard in order to quickly prove who the real man was.
Porthos. The musketeers had long hair, reaching to their shoulders. Sometimes they were curled and even braided. But this is in peacetime. Before the battle, the musketeers wove rawhide straps, silk ribbons, twisted cords and even wicks into their hairstyles. Do you think it's "foppishness"? Military trick! This rubbish perfectly softens the chopping blow of an enemy blade.
Presenter (1). It’s interesting to imagine D’Artagnan with a rawhide strap in his hair.
Presenter (2). This is easy to do, because most of the heroes of the great book had real historical prototypes. They say that D'Artagnan had not one, but six literary prototypes. But the most important person, from whom Dumas “copied” the unforgettable image of the favorite of boys of all times and peoples, had a biography no less heroic than his literary incarnation. He had a wonderful surname - Charles de Batz de Castedemor. Translated - “Castle of the Moor”. Perhaps because of this very “Moor”, its owner did not like it too much. And he appropriated another one, borrowing it from a noble relative without asking: Count D’Artagnan sounded more impressive.

D'Artagnan bows to the guys.

Alas, this magnificent title exhausted all the property young man, which, however, did not stop him from dreaming of a career as a royal musketeer.
Presenter (1). And he set out to conquer Paris - with a letter of recommendation, an old sword and several coins in the pocket of a well-worn doublet.
On the way to Paris, the young man stopped in a small town. His old aunt lived here. The young Gascon was incredibly proud. Once, having caught the mocking glance of a certain nobleman, he immediately challenged the “offender” to a duel. But he laughed and said that he doesn’t fight with brats. But he can provide a service. For the good of the rude man, he is ready to teach him a lesson and give him a good spanking on the soft spot. The crowd of young loafers who had gathered on the occasion of the scandal burst into laughter. “Defend yourself, sir!” - the future Marshal of France roared, pale with rage. With these words, he pulled out his sword and rushed at the enemy.
Presenter (2). Would you imagine that everything continued to go “by the book?” What else! Instead of running away like a flock of frightened partridges, the townspeople crowded on the hero. Someone knocked the sword out of his hands with a club. Someone tripped me up. Someone poured a handful of sand into his eyes - and now the future pride of France is crawling with his nose in the dust, smearing his cheeks across his rosy cheeks. To top off his misfortunes, he was put under lock and key, where he spent two months. And when, through the efforts of a compassionate aunt, he was released, he no longer had a horse, a sword, money, a letter - nothing. His aunt bought him a new sword, but Charles walked all the way to Paris.
Presenter (1). He knew where to go. The royal musketeers loved to feast in a tavern on the Rue de Fosoir. This is where luck lives! And it is here that D’Artagnan will meet his future friends - Isaac Porto. Remember Porthos?

Porthos makes a welcoming gesture.

Henri Aramitsa. So much for Aramis. (Aramis takes off his hat and makes a graceful bow.)
Armand d'Athos d'Auteville (and this is the noble Comte de La Fère).

Athos raises his hat in greeting.

And almost immediately our hero becomes a participant in an exciting adventure. Remember the story with the “luxurious” Porthos sling? In fact, the baldric belonged to the cardinal's guard named Zhidlo. It was he who the brave adventurers were going to make fun of. The role of witness was to be played by a young Gascon.
Porthos pretended to fall awkwardly and, as if by accident, tore the cape off the tough guy. Homeric laughter rang out: “Gillot, your sling is only good in the front!” Behind is a sackcloth!”
The enraged Gillot pulled out his sword. The cardinal's other guards came to his aid. The royal musketeers would have had to suffer, if not for D’Artagnan. He wounded the best swordsman of the attackers and managed to repel the sword of a certain La Peirie, aimed at the heart of the disarmed and wounded Athos.
Presenter (2). A few years later, Athos will return the debt to D’Artyan. The valiant Gascon was carrying out an important assignment, but he was tracked down. On the Street of Ugly Boys (there was one in Paris), a huge crowd of conspirators attacked him. Hearing calls for help, Athos rushed to help his comrade. He fought like a lion, but still fell, pierced by a dozen swords.
And the “real” D’Artagnan lived a glorious life. His sword served the king faithfully for many years. His name thundered throughout France. He was in such troubles, carried out such tasks that only he could cope with.
The hero achieved fame and fortune. He actually became a marshal and fell at the walls of Maastricht in 1673.

The song is from the movie "The Three Musketeers".

Presenter (1). The opportunity to play the role of resilient heroes of the novel will be given to two teams. The musketeers will fight for the right to present pendants to the Queen.

Two teams of players dressed as musketeers take the stage. The presenter (2) introduces the participants.

For each correctly completed task, teams will receive a pendant. When participating in competitions, teams must collect a total of at least twelve pendants. Exactly twelve pendants must be presented to the Queen in order for her to be saved.

"Coat of arms and motto"

Teams take turns presenting their coats of arms and mottos.

The teams are facing each other. Taking a step towards the enemy, they take turns calling the works of A. Dumas. (Assistance from fans is possible.) When meeting, the players shake hands. The last team to name the piece receives the pendant.

"Mr. Cardinal's File"
Presenter (2). In 17th-century France, Mister Richelieu had a file for every citizen. Determine by brief description, who we are talking about.
1. Lady. Age 20-22 years. A blonde with long curls, blue languid eyes, pink lips and white hands like alabaster. Special features: the beauty is completely unusual for Southern France. (Milady)
2. A man with black, piercing eyes. The face is pale, the nose is large, the mustache is black, very carefully trimmed. Age about 40 years. Special features: scar on temple. (Rochefort)
3. This man is a respectable victim of intrigues, political and love, cowardly, greedy and stupid. Age: 51 years old. The main character trait is the deepest selfishness combined with desperate stinginess, seasoned with the greatest cowardice. (Bonacier)
4. The lady is in full bloom of her beauty, her eyes are emerald, full of tenderness and at the same time greatness. Special features: the skin is famous for its tenderness and velvety, the arms and shoulders amaze with the beauty of their outlines, all the poets of the era glorify them in their poems. (Anna of Austria)
5. A man of average height. Slim, well built, very well brought up. The appearance is noble and refined. Special features: knowledge of the world and customs of the most brilliant society. Reserved, unsociable, taciturn. Age no more than 30 years. (Athos)
6. Charming woman, dark hair, blue eyes; marbled white skin shimmers pink, like opal. Special features: the nose is slightly turned up, the shape of the hands is slightly rough. Age 25-26 years. (Constance)

Teams take turns answering questions.

Presenter (1). While reading the novel, you probably noticed that a lot of attention is paid to correspondence. I have several envelopes in my hands. I wonder who is the addressee and who is the sender of each of these envelopes?
1. “Be at the first ball where the Duke of Buckingham appears. On his doublet you will see twelve diamond pendants; approach it and cut off two of them. Notify me immediately as soon as the pendants are in yours
hands." (Cardinal - Milady.)

2. “My Lord! I conjure you with all that I have suffered because of you and for your sake since I have known you - if my peace is dear to you, stop your extensive armaments against France and put an end to the war. After all, even out loud everyone says that religion is only its visible cause, but they secretly claim that the true reason is your love for me.” (Anna of Austria to Buckingham.)
3. “I got them. I can't leave London because I don't have enough money. Send me 500 pistoles, and, having received them, I will be in Paris in 4 or 5 days.” (My lady to the cardinal.)
4. “This coming Wednesday, walk between six and seven o’clock in the evening along the road to Chaillot and look carefully at the passing carriages, but if you value your life and the lives of the people who love you, do not say a single word, do not make a single movement , which could show that you recognized a person who exposes herself to the greatest danger in order to see you even for a moment.” (Constance to D’Artagnan.)
5. “What the bearer of this did was done on my orders and for the good of the state.” (Cardinal for Milady.)

The teams take turns answering.

“Horseshoes and suits are for people’s happiness.”
Presenter (2). In the days of the musketeers, everyone knew a lot about horses. When determining the colors of a horse, we say “suit.” Color is the overall color of the horse plus the color of the tail and mane. One horse expert is invited from each team.

The contestants come out.

In front of you lies a set of postcards with images of horses of different colors. I will read out an excerpt from Ich Romin, but you must hold up the corresponding card and name the color of the horse.
1. - What are you looking at there, dear Aramis?
- Yes, I’m admiring these three excellent horses, which the grooms are holding on the reins. Really, it’s not a shame for a prince to ride these.
- One of the horses is yours, Aramis, choose!
- I would take the red one with a black mane and tail. (Bay)
2. “The black horses of the musketeers, their firm tread - a habit acquired in the squadron, forced these noble fellow soldiers to move at an even pace.” (Voroni)
3. “Athos approached the Englishman and heard that he was selling a horse from a horse dealer because his horse had fallen yesterday. For a snow-white horse with spots of black and red, they asked for a hundred pistoles.” (Chubaraya)
4. “The musketeer found an excellent six-year-old Andalusian horse, dark red, with a snow-white mane and tail, nostrils blazing with fire, and persistent graceful legs. He examined it and did not find a single flaw.” (Greenevaya)
5. “Our young man had a horse so remarkable that he was immediately noticed. It was a Bearn Merim, about 12 years old, yellow-sand, with a black shabby tail and mane, swollen sides.” (Bulanaya)
The players complete the task.
Presenter(2). And now, so that the spectators do not get bored and can collect pendants for their teams, we will hold a competition for the fans.

1. What is the name of horse feed?
a) blend
b) fodder
c) brioche
2. What is the name of a simple device that is a long rope with a special loop at the end that helps tame horses?
a) Tussaud's
b) lasso
c) bravissimo
3. What is the name of the saddle pad?
a) saddle cloth
b) ladle
c) blanket
4. Who makes the harness?
a) blacksmith
b) saddler
c) furrier

“Shuffle your feet.”
Presenter (1). There was no detail in etiquette that was not familiar to Athos. Do you know etiquette?
1. While at D’Treville’s reception, Porthos took a partridge wing into his mouth and... discovered that the dish was heavily salted. What to do in such a situation?
a) Immediately spit the piece onto the fork and place it on the edge of the plate.
b) The piece taken into the mouth must be swallowed without comment.
c) Warn guests that this dish is too salty.
2. There’s a lot on D’Treville’s table! Which cuts from the common dishes should you choose?
a) The largest and fattest.
b) The smallest and most inconspicuous.
c) Those that are closer to you.
3. Chef D’Treville prepares dishes of extraordinary deliciousness! But is it possible to make any sounds while eating?
a) “Sounded food” indicates the pleasure of a tasty treat.
b) You should behave silently at the table.
c) It is not necessary to make sounds - the loud clinking of cutlery is enough.
4. The musketeers noticed small bowls with water and a slice of lemon on the festive table. Why is this?
a) To wash down strong drinks.
b) To dilute strong drinks.
c) To rinse oily fingers.
5. Porthos dropped in to visit D’Artagnan, and he is in a hurry to go on a date with Constance and defiantly glances at his watch. Is this correct?
a) It's impolite in any case.
b) You can do this if there is no other way to show your interlocutor how tired you are of him.
c) You should not only look at your watch, but also directly say that you are busy and cannot continue the conversation.
6. What is the best way for musketeers to show off in society: knowledge, success, money, jewelry?
a) Of course, with jewelry - they are visible and “speak” for themselves.
b) Of course, knowledge is prestigious.
c) It is better to completely abandon such an attempt to show off.

The teams take turns answering.

Presenter (2). Athos said: “I once had my own diamonds, and I know a lot about them.”
In front of the players there are two boxes containing “jewels” - cards with images of gems. After I read the description, you must take out a card with a picture of the corresponding stone and name it.
1. He is called the “king of stones.” This is the most expensive stone on Earth and has enormous hardness. People gave especially large stones poetic nicknames: “Star”, “Mountain of Light”, “Shah”. It is believed that it gives its owner firmness and courage. (Diamond)
2. This mineral belongs to the range of beautiful green stones. The shades of its flowers range from light to dark green with a blackish tint. It was sung by the wonderful Ural writer Pavel Bazhov. Amulets made from it serve as a talisman; the owner of a cup made from it supposedly becomes able to understand the language of animals. (Malachite)
3.0 There are an infinite number of legends about the birth of this stone. The Greeks, for example, claimed that these were the hardened tears of sea nymphs. In the Middle Ages they said that angels locked the tears of innocently deceived people in shells, turning them into jewels. It protects the owner of the jewelry from the torments of unrequited love. (Pearl)
4. This is the stone of Venus, giving fun, joy and love. It was recommended to be worn by everyone, as it promised longevity and health, patronized sailors and fishermen, pacifying storms. Mentioned in one of A. Pushkin’s fairy tales. “The cores are pure...” (Emerald)
5. In the old days it was called a yacht. These amazingly beautiful stones decorated Monomakh's hat. In the East, this stone was valued higher than diamond. It was believed that it brings happiness in love. It was worn by people who feared poison, as they believed that this stone, immersed in poisoned drink, changed its color. (Ruby)

Teams complete the task.

Presenter (1). Once again, fans can help their teams.

1. Under which king did the events described in the novel take place?
a) Henry III
b) Charles IX
c) Louis XIII
2. “My age, monseigneur, is the age of insane hopes,” said D’Artagnan. How old was he?
a) 18 years old
b) 24 years old
c) 40 years
3. What did D’Artagnan receive as a gift from his father when he went to Paris?
a) 15 ecus
b) horse
c) letter to D'Treville

4. The musketeers had servants, name them. (Athos - Grimaud; D'Artagnan - Planchet; Porthos - Blunderbuss; Aramis - Bazin.)
5. Historical fact.

When Dumas entered the bookstore, the owner, knowing about the visit in advance, lined all the shelves with Dumas's books. “Are there no others?” - asked the writer. The owner was embarrassed: “The others are...”
a) worse
b) sold
c) not needed

Presenter (2). Our game is over, the pendants have been distributed.

The teams present their 12 pendants to the Queen.
