Sales techniques in a beauty salon. Course “How to sell to every client of a beauty salon. What taxes do you need to pay on the sale of cosmetics?

The profitability of the entire business depends on how skillfully your salon employees master sales techniques and how effectively they organize their work. One of the components of success in training employees in sales techniques and organizing their work is job standards.

Position standards are a set of instructions required by each employee. Typically, job standards include:

  • organizational policy of the salon;
  • corporate culture, as well as the basic principles, purpose and mission of the beauty salon;
  • internal regulations;
  • appearance rules;
  • rules and principles of interaction with other employees;
  • basics of service behavior and communication with clients;
  • job description;
  • all necessary orders and notifications;
  • remuneration rules, as well as principles of reward and punishment;
  • description of services;
  • description of specialists and the specifics of each specialist’s work;
  • glossary;
  • sales technique in a beauty salon.

I would like to dwell on the last point in more detail. Often, managers introduce job standards, limiting them to only a job description and a couple of orders. It would be good if such standards included elements of scripts or rules for communicating with patients/clients. And this despite the fact that every employee of a beauty salon must sell - both the administrator and the master! After all, in the end, the income of a beauty salon depends on how our employees can sell. But you need to sell and upsell not only services, but also subscriptions and, of course, home care products, which for many are especially difficult to sell. This is why sales training is essential, because if your employees know how to sell, your income grows exponentially.

Many beauty salon managers have no idea how important it is to include a training mini-course on sales techniques in their job standards. After all, when getting a job, employees, as a rule, do not have the slightest idea about sales. In our company’s job standards, almost half of the standards (about 50 pages) are devoted to describing techniques for selling home care services and products. In the standards we talk about the main stages of sales:

  • opening;
  • identifying needs;
  • presentation;
  • justification;
  • handling objections;
  • closing the client.

But in addition to the description of these stages, after each theoretical part there are corresponding exercises that the employee must complete so that we can make sure that the material has been mastered appropriately.


Presentation is a very important stage in sales. Most administrators think that this is the biggest part of their sales, or believe that this is where communication with the client should begin. Such administrators immediately rush to tell a potential client about the offer, and receive nothing but irritation and refusal in return.

Have you ever been a “victim” of such an attack yourself, when the seller barely had time to say hello, quickly pronounces his name, quickly starting to present you with a product or service, obviously afraid of not having time to say everything before you interrupt his explanation? All of these are gross mistakes in sales.

Presentation of a service or related product is the presentation or presentation of your offer in such a way that the client wants to buy. The purpose of the presentation is to connect the client's real or possible needs with your service. This is best done in the “language of value” for the client. Thus, when you present your product, you should emphasize its benefit, advantage, value and personal interest that the customer will receive by purchasing your product or service. This is the secret to creating an effective presentation.

Never start a presentation without doing the following:

  • establishing contact;
  • opening;
  • identifying needs or awareness of a possible existing need from the client (this is done through questions and live communication).

If you have done the previous steps correctly, the client will be interested in listening to you. That is why it is necessary to start the presentation only after “identifying needs”.

Most administrators talk a lot at the presentation stage about the procedure itself, properties and features, often using a large number of specific terms, overloading the client with information. This is a big mistake!

  • How to teach a beauty salon administrator to sell services and perform their duties

The main secret of a perfect presentation

When you make an offer or presentation, you need to understand and remember the main thing: when we buy something, we do not buy technical characteristics, properties and features of a service or related product, we buy only the benefit and value that this product or offer will give us .

We make the decision to buy not because this procedure is useful, with many effects and characteristics, but only because we see that it will help us solve some problem or make our life better. We buy comfort, convenience, status, “getting rid of pain,” solving problems, etc.

For example, when we buy a figure correction course, we buy body beauty and comfort and self-confidence.

If you sell not the service, its characteristics, but the benefits that a person will receive by purchasing the procedure, you will always create a desire to buy.

When creating effective presentations, it is important to talk about the value and benefits you can gain from any feature of your procedures.

You can also make a presentation for a beauty salon. It is necessary to explain why they need to choose you, how the client will benefit if he undergoes procedures with you, and what values ​​he will receive. And better yet, what will he lose if he doesn’t cooperate with you?

When you give a presentation, don't turn it into a monologue, continue to communicate with the client, have a dialogue, ask "questions of opinion" and "questions of agreement."

"A Matter of Opinion"

Find out what the client feels and thinks about the product or service being offered. This way you show concern and interest in him and how he is feeling by asking questions like these:

  • What do you think about this?
  • What do you like about this service?
  • What do you think...?
  • Is there anything you don't like about...?

"A Matter of Consent"

Obtain consent from your client using questions:

  • See what I mean?
  • Do you agree that this is...?
  • Isn't it?

If at this step the client asks questions or expresses objections, proceed to the next step - answer his questions, doubts, and resolve objections correctly.

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Test exercises that will teach sales techniques in a beauty salon

Exercise 1. Formulate the main goal of the “Presentation” stage.

Exercise 2. Make a table with the characteristics and benefits or values ​​of the service.


Values ​​and Benefits

Exercise 3. Work in pairs. Practice presenting the procedure with a partner using the “language of value” for the client.

Exercise 4 “What will you do?” Do the exercise in pairs; if you make a mistake, go back to the beginning. The exercise is considered completed when you do not make a single mistake while answering the questions. Such simple exercises in pairs will allow the manager to be confident that the master or administrator can easily apply sales techniques in the work of a beauty salon. Such exercises are prescribed for each stage of sales, but do not forget to give examples in the description of sales techniques so that employees understand what is being said.

Trainer: At the stage of identifying needs, you realized that the client’s true need is the need for comfortable eating. What will you do?

Student: You will make a presentation emphasizing the properties of the procedure, focusing on relief from pain and comfort when moving... That is, you will use the language of benefit when communicating with clients.

Trainer: At the presentation stage, you understand that there are many terms in the description of services. What will you do?

Student: You use the most understandable terms for the client, and also use the language of benefit when communicating with clients.

Trainer: In the process of identifying needs, you find out that the client is comparing you with a competitor. You made a presentation of a product or service. What are you doing next?

Student: Make a company presentation using the language of values. That is, you talk about what the client will gain if he receives services from you.

Trainer: At the stage of identifying needs, it turned out that you cannot help the client, your procedures do not meet his needs. For example, you do not have such a service. What will you do?

Student: Help the client find a beauty salon/product that can satisfy his need. This way you can get a loyal customer.

Trainer: At the presentation stage, you understand that the client lacks a complete understanding of the procedure. What will you do?

Student: Use the client’s feelings - let them see booklets, videos, describe in detail using the sensations during the procedure, etc.

Trainer: At the presentation stage during a consultation, you feel that you are talking too much and the client is getting bored. What will you do?

Student: Use opinion questions.

For example:

  • What do you think about this?
  • What do you think...?

Trainer: You have completed the presentation of the procedure. The client had objections. What will you do?

Student: Move to the stage of working with objections.

Trainer: You have completed the presentation of the procedure or care products. The client agrees to purchase. What will you do?

Student: You complete the sale.

Effective sale of services and goods in a beauty salon

Selling is NOT:

NOT love;
NOT honor;
NOT conscience;
NOT the fatherland;
NOT parents;
NOT children;
NOT friends;
NOT my favorite girl.

Everything else (fortunately or unfortunately, it’s up to you to decide) is FOR SALE.
Don't be surprised! When you buy something, you also sell...

N. Rysev

The world is changing very quickly, and in business - simply rapidly. It was here that the decisive battle of our time unfolded - the battle for the Client. And many beauty salons: large chain centers and small hairdressing salons accept the challenge of serving the client better than their competitors. In such conditions, the level of personnel training becomes a dynamic concept. Continuous learning today is a condition for adequacy to changing conditions. Customer-oriented business is the key to successful development and commercial success of an enterprise. A pleasant interior, aromatic coffee, friendly attitude and smiles from the staff are extremely important factors in the salon business. But all this becomes completely unimportant if the client does not find what he came for. If he does not receive competent professional advice, if he is not offered something new, if he is not told about all the possibilities that he can implement in your salon. A frequent situation in our salon business: the client simply did not want or was unable to sell a service or home care products and he left with nothing, and therefore unsatisfied. In such a situation, even aromatic coffee and the most charming smile of the administrator will not help you retain this client.
Selling services and related products to a client in a beauty salon is a fairly voluminous topic and extremely necessary for a beauty salon. Special training for specialists and administrators of beauty salons will help increase the growth of sales of services and goods, thanks to which your employees will be able to gain confidence as a “seller”, which will bring tangible financial results for the salon. You can obtain this knowledge and skills in the training format of the Green Light® GROUP Training Center in Ukraine. In this article, we will look at the main difficulties that beauty salon specialists face when selling services and products to clients and how to effectively resolve them.

1. A master or administrator offering a client a home care service or product should not be afraid to hear the word “no” from the client.
Let's try to abstract ourselves from the salon business and consider an example not directly related to the work of beauty salon specialists.
For example, each of us has more than once witnessed how small children in stores force their parents to buy them a toy; they are persistent and assertive. Often parents cannot withstand this pressure and buy the required gift. This happens because the little man, at the beginning of his life’s journey, is not afraid to hear the word “no”; he does not engage in unnecessary conclusions and reasoning that can lead to hesitation to offer this or that service.
Administrators and specialists of beauty salons are very often in a “no” situation until the client himself asks them about something. It is unacceptable to be at your workplace waiting for the client to want to buy a service or related care products. You need to learn to treat the word “no” adequately, because it always means: “no, not today...”

2. Don't judge a client by appearance
There is probably no person today who has not experienced the deceitfulness of first impressions. Appearance, clothing, the presence or absence of accessories, behavior never reliably allows us to judge a person’s financial situation, his ability to pay for services or goods. Too often, people who at first glance seem insolvent turn out to be ready to spend quite a large sum on themselves. Remember that the first impression is formed unconsciously on the basis of rather biased factors and is often incorrect.

3. Accept the prices for services and related products in your salon and be proud of them
It is very difficult to offer services or related cosmetic products to a client if you are not sure of the objectivity of your pricing policy. What to do in this case?
First: never make excuses for your prices. Don't doubt the great principle: people buy value, not price. In the beauty industry, specialists sell not air, but beauty and dreams. And don't let your prices fool you. Uncertainty is instantly conveyed to the client, so be confident and proud of the price. Remember, the price is never too high. It always corresponds to the cost of the product or procedure. For example, when buying cosmetics from a well-known expensive brand, you are, of course, buying a product. However, by purchasing cosmetics from this particular brand, you get the opportunity to join the world that this brand represents. There is always a price for a product or procedure: the product does not cost, it is valued. This is the difference between the cost and value of a product or service to the consumer.
Secondly: very often the master or administrator has the following desire - to save the client’s money. Everyone spends money on what they want and as much as they want. Please do not deny your clients the well-deserved pleasure that quality personal care can provide them.

4. Modern professional selling is, first of all, relationship selling
The most successful professionals focus on building relationships with the client. Short-sighted specialists try to impose on the client the maximum number of services and goods at once, today, thinking about immediate money. They make a huge mistake - they forget about perspective. Much more important is that the customer must return and repeat the service and purchases. The best client is not the one who comes to you once for a lot of money, but the one who will use your services constantly.
Therefore: take care of the client’s wallet, offer him favorable conditions and only those services and products that he really needs.

5. Always use an individual approach to the client
Services and goods can only be sold to a specific client. This means that for a particular client, Maria Ivanovna, who has two small children and a huge lack of time for self-care, thin, depleted hair, a moisturizing shampoo, cream for fine hair and a protective and restorative emulsion for styling are recommended. Because in the case of Maria Ivanovna, this is the best option. If you try to sell all services in the same way, without a personal approach to each client, they will sell significantly worse than if sold individually.
6. Learn to find out the client's needs
Your customers purchase services or products because they have specific needs. Information about needs is contained in customer statements, their requests, expressing expectations and desires that your products and services can satisfy.

Ask the right questions. The one who asks wins. Questions must be asked either clarifying or those that should lead to positive answers. Do not push the client towards negative answers, do not say “no” for him. Thanks to targeted questions, you can find out the client's wishes. And the client, in turn, will feel that they are interested in him, they want to hear him, they want to help him, his person is important and significant.
- Do you see how much shine “Liquid Flax Seed Crystals” gave your hair?
- Don't have enough time to care for your hair at home? Are you interested in products that can make styling easier at home?
Know how to listen. This is a well-known rule, but few specialists really know how to listen in the correct understanding of this word.

By listening, you can learn a lot about the client, since clients send many buying signals. Listen to what the client says about their concerns and problems. First, listen to the end, then ask again and clarify whether you understood the client correctly, and then make an offer.

7. Tell the client not about the features of the product or service, but about the benefits he will receive
The client should not be informed: “Hair Reconstruction Line” is an intensive restoration of the hair structure, intended for chemically treated weakened hair.” It’s better to say: “Since your hair has been repeatedly bleached and dyed, I recommend you the products from the Hair Reconstruction Line, which will restore the ceramides lost as a result of chemical treatment in your hair. The hair will become healthy, shiny and well-groomed.”
When talking about a service, you need to inform about its benefits for a specific person. The wording should be directly aimed at the client: I recommend to you. It is important for you. Your hair needs...
A customer's purchase decision should always be emotionally charged.
People will always find money for what they want, but not necessarily for what they need. Therefore, a true professional must find out what the client needs and turn this need into a desire.
There are 6 emotional points, skillfully influencing which can influence the behavior of buyers (evoke emotions).


Emotional background



Fear of loss (if I don’t take care of myself at home, I will look much worse, older, etc.)
- Feeling healthy

Practicality and economy

The desire to save money and not spend extra money

This product is very economical.
- Just a few drops...


Relevant for fashionistas and fashionistas

- Fashionable, popular service


The desire to please yourself

Pleasant procedure, stunning color, amazing shine.....


The desire to be the owner of something exclusive
- Sense of status in society
(I buy luxury materials and cosmetics in an expensive beauty salon)
- High quality

Uniqueness of goods and services
- Prestige of goods and services
- These are high quality materials


Client conservatism, commitment to a certain style, brand

It is a famous brand existing in the market….

8. Increase the tangibility of services or goods
They say that people buy more with their eyes than with their ears. Try to increase the “tangibility” of the service or product you recommend to the client. Demonstrate the product, let the client hold it in his hands, let him listen to the aroma, let the client apply a small amount of the product to his skin and hair.

9. Learn to work with objections
Fear of responding to a client's objection is a psychological barrier caused by the fear of client refusal. The word “objection” does not mean rejection of something. An objection is an expression of the opposite opinion of the interlocutor. If your client objects, it means they are interested but you haven't convinced them yet. Only after listening to the client’s objection can you offer exactly what he needs.
In an effort not to let a doubting client leave a beauty salon, specialists and administrators sometimes choose the wrong course of action. The most common mistakes in response to doubts and objections are arguing and making excuses.

Prohibited phrases for administrators and specialists:

  • You're wrong
  • You're wrong
  • This can't be true

Remember: it is useless to argue with the client! Theoretically, everyone understands this. But as soon as it comes to practice, the client begins to repeat another incorrect belief, and the master begins to argue with him. He wants the client to understand his mistake. Perhaps the master is right, but the client from his “side of the counter” sees his truth.
Communicate with your clients on professional topics, let them understand more often that you work for them, care about their interests, take into account all their wishes, and listen to their recommendations. Your clients want to receive from you not only professional advice and high-quality services, but also to experience pleasant emotions from a visit to your salon. This is your gift to others, and people who give are usually successful in business.

One of the questions that directors and owners of beauty salons and cosmetology centers often ask is: how to get staff to sell home care products and recommend other services of our salon? But when it comes to how to sell cosmetics to clients in a salon with the help of cross-selling, directors of beauty salons, cosmetology centers and spas say something like the following: “they tried to sell - it didn’t work”, “let everything go as it goes - I don’t want to force specialists to sell”, “my masters are not sellers”, “we’ll scare away all clients by imposition.”

And the staff, in turn, says that: “I don’t need all this (tenant, laziness, don’t want, etc.)”, “and I don’t understand what I should sell to people?”, “if they need , they themselves will ask and buy”, “I don’t know how”, “I’m afraid”, “I’m already selling”, “a colleague is a rival”...

Result: no one manages the process, the result is not achieved, cross-selling does not bring value to either the salon or the client.

In this article, based on my experience in managing beauty salons and cosmetology centers, I will talk about the key steps for building a cross-selling management system.

So, cross-selling can be internal and external.

Under internal cross-selling(cross-selling) we mean sales to the main service purchased by the client in the salon additional goods or services. External cross-selling– when two or more Companies unite for joint sales.

There are 3 techniques for cross-selling in a beauty salon.

Actually, Cross sales, for example:

  • any procedure (basic service) + home care
  • body wrap and wrap with massage
  • manicure + pedicure
  • complex programs either within one department of the salon, for example, figure correction programs that combine 2-3 techniques or from different departments, for example, facial cosmetology after a figure correction program.

Up sales (when you offer a client to buy a more expensive or higher-margin “model” of a service or product), for example:

  • dyeing hair with more expensive dye than the client originally wanted
  • SPA manicure (branded manicure) instead of a classic manicure or a more expensive coating, for example shellac instead of regular varnish
  • a home care mask that prevents hair loss with a Line effect for curly hair instead of exactly the same regular mask.
  • a set of shampoo, conditioner and conditioner + free mask instead of just shampoo or shampoo + conditioner.

Let's figure out whether the salon needs cross-selling? Certainly! The salon receives:

  • increase in income
  • reducing costs for introducing new services/products
  • reducing customer acquisition costs
  • opportunity to qualitatively improve the product portfolio
  • increasing the level of client loyalty to the salon (yes!)
  • obtaining additional points of contact with potential clients, in the case of external cross-offers.

Why, despite so many obvious benefits, does cross-selling not work in many salons? The truth is that everything that happens or doesn't happen in the salon is the responsibility of beauty salon manager. It is his inaction and passivity or incorrect actions, such as, for example, shifting all responsibility to the staff, that ultimately leads to a lack of income from sales in the salon.

To create a successful salon cross-selling system, beauty industry managers need to understand several important points.

Firstly, remember that problems with sales in the salon arise solely due to the fact that no one is involved. Therefore, do not shift the responsibility for the fact that there are no sales to the staff. The most common mistake when trying to increase cross-selling (and sales in general in the salon) is to start with the staff: “Masha, why aren’t you selling anything?” In order for Masha to sell, you, as a manager, must do a lot of work.

Many people dream of such a miracle Masha, who by nature is an excellent communicator and in a good mood is able to sell anything to anyone. This leads to complete dependence on a specialist, while many owners, oddly enough, are happy with this.

Agree, when an owner creates a situation with his own hands in which he practically loses control over his income, this does not look quite normal

Secondly, a very dangerous situation is when initiatives or started projects are not brought to their logical conclusion by the head of a beauty salon and do not become a system in the salon. The staff gets used to this state of affairs and, accordingly, does not react to innovations: “Ah! We’ve already been through this!” In our case, the situation usually looks like this:

  • a meeting is held at which a new initiative is announced - we need to sell more and recommend all the services of the salon, and not just our own
  • maybe even plans are being made
  • maybe the manager even decides to send the staff for training
  • then there is a short-term surge in sales
  • after which everything returns to its original position.

Thus, the more initiatives you have not completed, the more sabotage (active or passive) on the part of the staff will be subject to any attempt to implement anything in the salon (be it sales of cosmetics or an elementary campaign to promote services).

Thirdly, where did this harmful practice of calling recommending home care to sales clients? Home care recommendation – an integral part of the SERVICE PROVISION PROTOCOL. This means that when a client comes to a beauty salon, cosmetology center or spa, he ALWAYS receives a recommendation on the use of specific products in home care. You can right now and thereby increase sales in your beauty salon.

We act correctly. Top 8 steps to build cross-selling in the salon.

Step 1. Decide that you really want to implement cross-selling in your salon.

Successful cross-selling and home-care sales begin with the decision of the salon or spa director to continually work to implement and improve the process of RECOMMENDATIONS to the client. You cannot do this from time to time on the basis of spontaneous decisions. The first step consists of the following:

  • set a money goal
  • analyze the situation “what is now” in numbers by salon, by directions, by specialists, by goods/services
  • draw up an action plan to change the ideology - from sales to recommendations for proper home care and additional procedures
  • start implementing

Step 2. Work with the product portfolio.

The second step involves working to improve the efficiency of your salon's product portfolio. A good assortment portfolio is a topic for a separate large material, and we will not be able to consider all aspects of the work to optimize it within the framework of one article. However, since this step is extremely important, let's look at it in more detail.

A competent product portfolio makes it much easier for staff to cross-sell beauty salon services and sell home care products. Unfortunately, we often come across the fact that salons use the concept of “price list” instead of “product portfolio”. The price list is just a nomenclature. The nomenclature cannot be competitive and efficient. The nomenclature cannot be controlled - you can only cross out or enter some position.

The basis of any business, including a beauty salon, is an assortment portfolio, which is formed based on the needs of the target audience of a particular salon and the purchasing motives of these people.

No one needs electrolipolysis, pressotherapy, cavitation, mesotherapy, vacuum roller massage, etc. Nobody needs the names of the equipment on which you perform procedures.

Think about this: by selling the names of devices or techniques, you narrow your market hundreds of times!

What needs to be done? You need to focus not on the equipment that is in your salon, SPA or cosmetology center, but on the needs of clients.

What do your potential clients want? They want to lose excess weight, moreover, lose excess weight without pills, diets and exhausting workouts; they want to “fit” into their favorite dress again; they want their face to be free of wrinkles and pimples; they want to look at least 30 at 50; they want to look their best on vacation (light tan, minus a couple of kilos and a pedicure that won’t come off in two weeks), not to mention a party, business meeting or romantic dinner! They don't need hair treatment or worse - trichology! They want to be liked. Comply with the situation. After all, they may simply be afraid of hair loss.

Example. Complementary hardware techniques for body correction Starvac – Electrolipolysis – Pressotherapy. For a long time, the cosmetology center sold these techniques separately. Their workload was low and extremely uneven. As a result of working with this problem, a completely new program appeared in the salon's portfolio: FitRelax™. Lose weight. Rest. Enjoy. The program was positioned as an alternative to grueling gym sessions, and was also perfect for the center’s Gift Certificate. The program could also include wraps and manual massages.

Moreover, the program had 2 versions:

  • FitRelax™ - a basic program aimed more at relaxation (cross sales)
  • FitRelax Individual Program™ - a program aimed at reducing the volume of the figure and solving specific problems, such as cellulite, “breeches”, etc. (cross sales and up sales)

How to create programs and services that are in demand by the market.

  • Watch trends. This applies to everything: how the lives of your customers change, how their consumer preferences change, what substitute goods and services appear on the market, how they promote themselves, what services appear in the mass segment and how they are promoted, etc.
  • Read the instructions for the equipment you are using. They contain enormous marketing potential. Any equipment comes with a lot of various attachments that do something in addition to the main procedure. In 99% of cases no one uses them. Perhaps the cosmetologist will be in a good mood and will offer the client something new. But this, as we have already understood, cannot suit us. Use ALL the capabilities of your equipment. But not in this way: there is such a nozzle, I will massage your feet and relieve swelling.

Example. Starvac – normal procedure, 45 min. – 35 euros. Starvac Exclusive – relieves swelling in the legs, 60 min. – 50 euros. Despite the fact that in this example, earnings from the Starvac Exclusive (up sales) procedure are small, it attracted a larger number of potential clients (+30% of incoming calls), standing out from the offers of other salons.

So, the second step consists of the following:

  • Analyze your salon's product portfolio
    • By directions
    • Inside direction
    • Seasonality
    • Suppliers
    • RemainingsBy directions
    • Inside direction
    • Seasonality
    • Suppliers
    • Leftovers
  • Create programs, new services, special offers, etc. customer-oriented
  • Brand the services and programs of your beauty salon

Step 3. Sell the way Customers like.

Just ask yourself, what do your customers really want? “Sales technology” is not exactly what they need. I often see a picture where the introduction of cross-selling begins with active sales training for salon specialists. As a result, this is what happens: customers begin, first politely, and then with irritation, to refuse the services or goods offered.

Until you align your sales process with the concept of your salon, it is useless to conduct any training for your staff.

What consumers expect is actually not difficult to find out. They are waiting:

  • Clear services
  • Consultations - instead of “steaming”
  • Competencies - I will NEVER be deceived
  • Individual approach
  • Positive attitude
  • Professional advice

Example. The positioning of the salon, expressed in the slogan “Speed ​​and professionalism”. The client agreed to purchase home care, satisfied, he approaches the administrator to make a payment, and then it turns out that the selected product is not available in the warehouse. Client's feelings? Disappointment - “THEY ARE EVERYTHING LIKE EVERYONE else!”

The third step consists of the following:

  • Ask yourself: do clients expect competent recommendations from your specialists?
  • make recommendations into the service process. In a good salon, customer service technology is based on the enterprise concept and is a logical component of communications with customers.

Step 4: Make it as easy as possible for staff to cross-sell services and sell home care.

Tools to make it as easy as possible for specialists to redirect clients to another specialist:

The fourth step consists of the following:

  • constantly work with the Client Database: analyze consumed services and create personalized offers
  • don't forget to always go back to step 2

Ask your distributor for help with merchandising. At a minimum, you should be provided with product display planograms and POS materials.

Step 5. Oblige the masters to learn the basic services/products (your own/ “other people’s”)

Remember that your masters and administrators CANNOT KNOW EVERYTHING about all the services of your beauty salon or cosmetology center. Yes, this is not necessary - they should know and be able to tell the most important things about the main services of the salon, about new products and services for which there is a promotion in the current period. This “knowledge” fits into one sentence for each service. “The service – what problem it solves – more than X clients of our salon have already used (every second visitor to our salon gets a manicure with us) – give an invitation to the introductory service.” Step 6. Formation and support of a behavioral model for the beauty salon staff. At this step, you can hire a trainer for the salon staff who work directly with clients: administrators and specialists.

  • hold workshops
  • develop a system of financial and non-financial motivation for beauty salon staff

The sixth step consists of the following steps:

Workshop topic No. 1: “Selling the way customers like”

The manager acts as a moderator. Task: describe the shopping process in the salon. Questions:

  • Do our customers make purchasing decisions quickly or slowly?
  • What does this depend on?
  • How do each of you determine which sales style a particular client prefers?
  • What experience (that our clients have already encountered) would we like to enhance?
  • Which one would you like to avoid?
  • What is important for our clients in the sales process (information about the product, brand, composition, features of use, etc.)?

Staff motivation. Methods of non-financial motivation are selected depending on the dominant motivator of the employee. This could be: monthly or weekly public rewards for cross-selling leaders at meetings; personal conversation with the manager; congratulations on the bulletin board, holding competitions. Among the variety of methods of financial motivation, I will especially note the need to link the individual motivation of an employee with the general one.

Step 7. Set a plan.

IMPORTANT! As a salon manager, you must have a plan. No goal, no plan, no action, no result. I do not recommend setting a plan for masters, nor do I recommend introducing a system of fines for failure to meet the plan for sales of home care products in the salon. It's unusual, but effective. Your task No. 1: TRAIN the master that a recommendation is an integral and obligatory part of the service protocol. Your task number 2: control the PROCESS.

The computer program CleverBOX:CRM will help you with this. With its help, without expensive training and struggle, you will be able to automate sales in your salon, clinic and spa and introduce the concept of competent salon services and increase your turnover.

Step 8. Monitor, analyze, adjust.

This step is required. There are no “magic pills” in business, no matter how much we all want it, and nothing can be left to chance. All actions need to be controlled, analyzed, abandoned, changed, and started all over again.

P.S. Resume. What to do right now.

  • Decide what you really want to introduce cross-selling in your salon
  • Optimize your product portfolio
  • Sell ​​the way your customers like it
  • Make it as easy as possible for your staff to recommend home care and sell using CRM
  • Oblige the masters to learn services/products (your own and “other people’s”)
  • Form and maintain correct employee behavior patterns
  • Set a plan and control the process

Apply for automation of sales processes for a beauty salon, cosmetology center or spa

Monday July 9th, 2018

How to increase profits without raising prices? This question is asked by many beauty salon owners. One solution is to implement sales techniques“additional sale” (otherwise: upsell) . If everything is done correctly, you will receive not only an increase in the average check, but also many satisfied and grateful customers.

An additional sale in marketing is an offer to the main service or purchase that brings value to the client and at the same time increases the average bill.

In fact, it is a working tool for business development. It helps:

  • increase profitability (up to 20-30% or more);
  • build long-term relationships with clients;
  • improve the product portfolio;
  • increase trust and loyalty to the salon.

Upselling to beauty salon clients is based on three key questions: what, how and when to sell? We will discuss them in this article.

What to sell?

Without a good foundation, any technique will be useless. Therefore, the sale of additional services begins with an assortment portfolio - a set of goods and services that are offered in a specific salon for a specific audience. And based on it, a scheme is drawn up: what to recommend to clients and in what case.

See how you can expand your offer using the example of women's haircuts:

  • Basic service:Women's haircut.
  • Additionally:Hair styling, hair washing, stylist work.
  • Related services: Head massage, hair reconstruction, Olaplex restoration procedures, coloring (including hypoallergenic paints), gray hair coverage, etc.
  • Analogues (in different price categories):Therapeutic thermal haircut (more expensive), simple length correction without styling (cheaper).
  • Unique offer:Keratin hair straightening using an innovative product.
  • Comprehensive VIP program “Shiny and healthy hair”:Haircut with hot scissors + healing head massage + keratin straightening
  • Sale of home care products: Shampoo, conditioner, hair masks selected by the master for the client (cosmetics of the same brands used in the salon).
  • Parallel services: Pair session: hair coloring + manicure. Express program “Evening”: hairstyle + makeup + manicure.

To compile an assortment portfolio you will need:

  • target audience research (to understand customer needs);
  • analysis of competitors (to avoid their mistakes and find your USP - a unique selling proposition).

Read more about marketing research in the article “ ».

But the main amount of work is the systematization of goods and services, as well as setting up processes.

First, you need to track the consumption of goods and warehouse balances. Secondly, analyze which services sell well together and offer them. Thirdly, control financial flows and analyze which goods and services bring the maximum profit. Only then will it be possible to set up an effective up-selling system and control the income received.

Normally this can be a huge job and take up a lot of your time. But if you use a CRM system , all necessary processes are easily automated. You only need to upload data (about sales, products, services, prices, employees) and view ready-made reports generated automatically.

By clearly knowing what exactly to offer to clients, you can count on stable growth in business indicators.

How to sell?

There are various upselling tools, namely:

  • Cross-sell (“cross-selling”).You offer related or related products to your main service. For example, after a manicure, use high-quality nail care products at home or hand cream.
  • Up-sell (“sale up”).A more expensive analogue or alternative to what the client has already chosen. Not just a manicure, but a comprehensive SPA manicure with masks, massage and paraffin therapy.
  • Down-sell (“selling down”).A more affordable option that will allow you to retain the client and gain his trust. If gel extensions are too expensive for a client, you can offer her shellac as an alternative.

Knowing these terms is definitely useful. But it will hardly do any good if you simply call your employees and tell them: “Girls, now use Cross-sell and Up-sell with every client. And, look at the situation, sometimes I allow Down-selling.”

Therefore, we have collected several “live” upselling techniques in a beauty salon, which you can start using tomorrow, adapting them to the characteristics of your establishment. Be creative, because every business is unique.

Many beauty salon clients subconsciously expect expert advice from the master. What shade of paint will suit them, what shampoo is best to use, what cream to buy for a trip to the sea. This is an opportunity to demonstrate the professionalism of your employees and at the same time increase the average check.


Did you like this shampoo? Do you feel how soft your hair has become?

Yes, especially the smell. How much does it cost?

There are different options, depending on the volume. If you want, after your haircut, the administrator will select you a shampoo from the home care line.

Advice.Imagine that the master recommended a certain product, the client intends to buy it... and suddenly it turns out that it is over. It's unpleasant, isn't it? You not only lose money, but also spoil the mood of your guest. Therefore, carefully monitor the balances in the warehouse. If you already have , assign each product a “critical quantity” value and the program itself will tell you when it’s time to replenish stocks.

“We remember you” technique

That very “individual approach” that many people declare, but not everyone actually uses. Make an offer based on the individual's preferences. Even if he doesn’t agree to an additional purchase right now, he will appreciate your attention and care.

Example:- Natalya Sergeevna, you liked the massage last time. Should I sign you up today too? Yes? Great. Back on honey, or want to try something new? We have just launched a new relaxation program...

Advice.If your administrators do not have a unique photographic memory, maintain client cards in CRM. In Beauty Pro, they store not only basic data (name, contacts, visit history), but also personal information: from marital status to skin type, color formulas and favorite brands. Just a couple of clicks - and the client’s data will be at your fingertips.

Technique “For results”

It doesn’t matter to clients that you bought a super expensive device for vacuum roller massage. Theythey just want to solve their problems: lose weight, tighten their figure, get rid of wrinkles. What they value is orientation towards the best result for them.


Hello! Do you do seaweed wraps?

Hello! Yes, sure. Are you interested in anti-cellulite effect?

Yes, I want to remove it on my hips.

Look, for the hips I can offer you the “Your Figure” program, it is now the leader in terms of effectiveness. This includes seaweed wrapping, warming up in a phytosauna and hardware massage of the problem area. There are only 10 sessions, and the feedback on the results is simply wonderful. Will you try it?

Advice.Remember that the goal is not to “sell” a service, but to make the person feel good. Don't promise 100% results if you can't guarantee it. Teach administrators to respect the client’s decision and not insist upon refusal. But it’s also important that your employees don’t get lost in the conversation and are knowledgeable about offering additional services. Prepare information tables and an upsell script for them, which will describe the advantages of complex programs and more expensive analogues.

Technique “We have a promotion today”

A far from new, but nonetheless effective way to increase your check is to offer a time-limited discount.


Are you happy with your new haircut?

Yes, thank you.

Super! And today we have a discount on style gel, just for short haircuts. These are Italian professional cosmetics with which you can do your hair at home. Show?

Advice.Discounts are a strong upselling tool, but it is difficult to predict in advance whether a promotion will work or not. And here Beauty Pro will come to the rescue. By using the program to analyze the results of certain promotions, you will ultimately settle on the most effective ones, which not only bring in new customers, but also bring maximum profit.

“Bring a friend” technique

A marketing technique that solves two problems at once: increasing the average bill of a particular client and attracting a new one. How exactly? Offer him a gift certificate. This is especially true before the holidays.


Olga Alekseevna, Happy New Year! We have a gift for you, 20% discount on your next visit. We also have holiday certificates that you can give to friends and family.

What kind of certificates?

Look, there are different services with different prices. You can give a specific program, for example, 2 hours of a relaxing massage, or a certificate for a certain amount: then the person will choose what he wants.

Advice.Certificates can be of different types. To choose which ones will be most effective in your salon, analyze past sales results and choose those offers that bring you more profit. The Beauty Pro program automatically records the buyer of the gift, the person who used it, and data on the goods or services purchased.

Technique “It’s time to upgrade”

If a person has not visited your salon for a long time, gently remind them of yourself. For optimal results, most services in the beauty industry are recommended to be repeated at certain intervals. Take advantage of this.


Irina Semyonovna?


Hello. Are you concerned about the “Krasotka” center, you are our regular client. My name is Alina. Are you comfortable talking?

Yes, what did you want?

Irina Semenovna, you underwent laser hair removal procedure with us in February 2018. The specialist recommended repeating it in July. Let me make an appointment for you at a time convenient for you?

Advice.Give the client the opportunity to feel like a VIP: he doesn’t have to worry about anything, they’ve already taken care of him. It is important to do this unobtrusively and carefully. Use different reasons for reminders: an interesting promotion has started, you have new services, the client has money left in his bonus account, etc.

When to sell?

The right timing is one of the most important factors that influence the success of upsells in a beauty salon. There are 4 points that are advantageous from a psychological point of view:

  • during recording, when the client is interested in which options are best for him;
  • during the procedure, when the client communicates with the master and is predisposed to advice and recommendations;
  • immediately after the end of the procedure, before payment;
  • when the offer is timed to coincide with any occasion: anniversary of service in the salon, client’s birthday, calendar holiday, expansion of the range of services, etc.

The more personalized your offer, the higher the likelihood that the client will accept it and the upsell of services will take place. Therefore, it is worth saving complete information about your guests in CRM: from visit history and date of birth to personal preferences.

In addition, we recommend dividing clients into categories: one-time, regular, VIP, former clients, etc. This segmentation will help you make targeted offers to a particular part of the audience to achieve maximum impact.

Using information from the Beauty Pro system, you will be able to rank contacts by importance, make individual sales, and most importantly, form a constant circle of quality clients.

Retail sale of cosmetics in a beauty salon is a fairly common occurrence. However, you should not think that to start trading it is enough to simply buy cosmetics and then put them on display. There are legal subtleties here, which Vasily Sosnovsky, partner of the Genesis Law Company (Ekaterinburg), told us about.

Who, where and how the sale of cosmetics in the salon is regulated

Can beauty salons sell cosmetics? When retailing cosmetics on the territory of the Russian Federation in a salon, the seller must take into account the requirements of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights and the Rules for the sale of certain types of goods, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 N 55.

In addition, cosmetic products sold in the Russian Federation must be safe for consumers. Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR CU 009/2011 “On the safety of perfumery and cosmetic products”, approved by the Decision of the Customs Union Commission dated September 23, 2011 No. 799, establishes requirements for perfumery and cosmetic products, as well as related production processes in order to protect life and human health, property, environmental protection, and prevention of actions that mislead consumers regarding its purpose and safety.

Convenient beauty products allow you to track the receipt of cosmetic products at the warehouse, as well as the sold items of cosmetics.

Perfume and cosmetic products that comply with the requirements of the CU TR are subject to marking with a single sign of product circulation on the market of the member states of the Customs Union.

Perfume and cosmetic products must be declared for compliance with the requirements of the CU TR with the participation of a testing laboratory (center) duly accredited in the member states of the Customs Union, or a state registration certificate must be obtained for it.

At the same time, in order to sell cosmetics in a beauty salon in the Russian Federation, you should take into account the requirements of GOST 32117-2013 “Perfume and cosmetic products. Information for consumers”, approved by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated 06/05/2013 No. 146-st, which is the national standard of the Russian Federation. This standard applies to perfumery and cosmetic products in consumer packaging sold in retail trade, in a remote sales system or distributed free of charge, as well as supplied to hairdressing salons, beauty salons and other organizations directly related to consumer services, and establishes general requirements for information about it for the consumer.

How to sell cosmetics in a beauty salon: documentation

Licensing of activities for the sale of cosmetics is not provided for by current legislation. The seller only needs to sell through a legal entity or be registered as an individual entrepreneur.

In the case of providing cosmetic services, such activities are subject to licensing.

What taxes do you need to pay on the sale of cosmetics?

According to Article 346.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the taxation system in the form of a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities (UTII) can be applied to types of business activities, including retail trade carried out through shops and pavilions with a sales area of ​​no more than 150 sq. .m for each object of trade organization, and retail trade carried out through objects of a stationary trading network that does not have trading floors, as well as objects of a non-stationary trading network.

Along with UTII, you can switch to a simplified taxation system or remain on the general taxation system.

How to legally sell cosmetics in a beauty salon: the possibility of a trade ban

When deciding how to properly sell cosmetics in a beauty salon, remember: if the cosmetics do not comply with safety requirements (declaration of conformity, certificate of state registration), circulation of such cosmetics is prohibited. In this case, if the cosmetics sold are properly certified (there is a declaration of conformity, a state certificate), we can only talk about identifying non-compliance with the quality and safety requirements of not all perfumery and cosmetic products, but a certain batch.

In order to sell cosmetics in a beauty salon to clients, you also need to remember that in order to identify the shortcomings of perfumery and cosmetic products in terms of quality, it is necessary to conduct toxicological, microbiological and other similar examinations. Such examination is usually carried out in SES laboratories on the initiative of Rospotrebnadzor. Accordingly, to initiate an examination of cosmetics, you should submit a corresponding application to the Rospotrebnadzor authorities.

What information about a cosmetic product must the seller provide?

In order to sell cosmetics in a beauty salon to clients, the seller is obliged to promptly, in a clear and accessible form, bring to the attention of the buyer the necessary and reliable information about the goods and their manufacturers, ensuring the possibility of the correct choice of goods.

The information must necessarily contain:

  • product name
  • location (address), corporate name (name) of the manufacturer (seller), location (address) of the organization (organizations) authorized by the manufacturer (seller) to accept claims from buyers and carrying out repairs and maintenance of the goods, for imported goods - name of the country origin of goods
  • information on mandatory confirmation of conformity of goods in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation
  • information about the main consumer properties of the product
  • information on the energy efficiency of goods for which the requirement for such information is determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on energy saving and on increasing energy efficiency
  • rules and conditions for effective and safe use of the product
  • warranty period, if it is established for a specific product
  • service life (shelf life), if it is established for a specific product, as well as information about the necessary actions of the buyer after the expiration of the specified period and the possible consequences of failure to perform such actions, if the goods after the expiration of the specified period pose a danger to the life, health and property of the buyer or become unsuitable for intended use
  • the price in rubles and the conditions for the purchase of goods, including when providing a loan - the size of the loan, the full amount to be paid by the consumer, and the repayment schedule for this amount.

If the product purchased by the buyer has been used or the defect(s) have been corrected, the buyer must be provided with information about this.

The seller must warn the buyer about any defects in the product not only orally, but also in writing (on the product label, sales receipt or other means).

In addition to the above information, data on perfumery and cosmetic products must contain, taking into account the characteristics of a particular product, information about its purpose, ingredients included in the product, action and effect, restrictions (contraindications) for use, methods and conditions of use, net weight or volume and (or) the number of units of the product in consumer packaging, storage conditions (for goods for which mandatory requirements for storage conditions are established), as well as information on state registration (for goods subject to state registration).

Does a client who bought cosmetics have the right to return it back (unopened)

No. Perfume and cosmetic products are included in the list of non-food products of proper quality that cannot be returned or exchanged for a similar product of a different size, shape, size, style, color or configuration, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 19, 1998 N 55. Therefore, if, after purchasing in the showroom, the consumer wants to exchange or return the product, even in unopened form, the seller has the right to refuse to return or exchange the product.

What documents for cosmetics must the seller present to the client upon his request?

In order to legally sell cosmetics in a beauty salon, the seller is obliged, at the consumer’s request, to familiarize him with the accompanying documentation for the product, which contains, for each product name, information on mandatory confirmation of compliance in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation. In particular, these are documents such as a certificate of conformity, its number, its validity period, the body that issued the certificate, or information about the declaration of conformity, including its registration number, its validity period, the name of the person who accepted the declaration, and the body who registered it. These documents must be certified by the signature and seal of the supplier or seller indicating his location (address) and telephone number.

Client's rights when deficiencies are discovered

What rights does the client retain when defects are discovered in the product? Let's consider three situations.

a.) The product has not yet been purchased or opened. The client has the right to demand the provision of goods of appropriate quality for subsequent purchase.

b.) The product was purchased and not opened. If the product does not meet any parameters (no markings, no uniform sign of circulation, no mandatory information about the product is provided), the client can agree with the seller on a replacement. If this fails, apply to the Rospotrebnadzor authority or to the court.

c.) The product was purchased and opened. If, when using cosmetic products, it turns out that they do not meet the quality, the client has the right to apply to the Rospotrebnadzor body, which must conduct an unscheduled inspection and examination of the products for compliance with quality. If, as a result of the examination, it turns out that the products do not meet the quality, then agree with the seller to return the products or go to court. In this case, through the court, the consumer has the right to demand compensation for moral damage caused.

If it turns out that cosmetics cause an allergic reaction, then you should consider whether the allergic reaction was caused by the seller’s failure to provide all the necessary information about the product, including the ingredients. If the occurrence of an allergic reaction was preceded by a failure to provide information, the client can try to negotiate with the seller or go to court.

Registration of storefronts for retail sale is not provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Is it legal to sell cosmetics samples?

According to clause 55 of the “Rules for the sale of certain types of goods”, the buyer should be given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the smell of perfumes, colognes, eau de toilette using litmus papers soaked in fragrant liquid, snuff samples provided by product manufacturers, as well as other properties and characteristics of the goods offered for sale.

Current legislation does not prohibit the sale of cosmetics samples to consumers.
