P 86 of government resolution 354. Government resolution on the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings - Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Settlement of disputes between consumers and

Comments on the Rules for the Provision of Public Utilities (Resolution No. 354)
Information from the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation. Non-normative information.

1.1. Determining the amount of payment using utility consumption standards
1.2. Determining the size of the fee if there is an IPU
1.3. Application of utility tariffs
1.4. Determining the amount of fees in a hostel
1.5. Determining the amount of payment for heating services
1.6. Determining the amount of payment for DHW services with an open DHW system and an autonomous DHW system
1.7. Determining the amount of payment for sewerage services
1.8. Determining the amount of payment for utilities in non-residential premises
1.9. About utility payers

2.1. Application of consumption standards at ODN
2.2. Application in the calculation of fees for utility services OPU
2.3. About the areas of common areas in apartment buildings
2.4. Determination of utility fees for one-room service station by type of service
2.5. Determination of utility fees for one-way street for non-residential premises
2.6. Determination of utility fees for one-room service in dormitories

3.1. About documents provided by consumers
3.2. Procedure and cases of recalculation

4.1. Cases of determining the amount of payment for utility services without using IPU readings if consumers have them
4.2. Cases of determining the amount of payment for utility services without using the testimony of the operating budget, if available
4.3. Unauthorized connection

5.1. Reasons and general order
5.2. Changing the fee for water supply and sanitation services
5.3. Changing the heating service fee

6.1. Procedure and cases
6.2. On determining consumer debt

7.1. Type of payment document and its presentation to consumers
7.2. Filling out a payment document
7.3. Providing payment by installments
7.4. Participation of RCC in payments for utility services
7.5. Paying utility bills to RSO

8.1. On the possibility of RSO to be the executor of a utility service in the presence of a management organization
8.2. Limits of operational responsibility of the utility service provider
8.3. Relations with owners of non-residential premises
8.4. Relations of the Contractor with consumers of utility services
8.5. Relations with the utility service provider in the direct method of managing apartment buildings
8.6. Providing utility services in residential buildings
8.7. About the Provider of utility services in new apartment buildings

9.1. On the application of rules No. 549
9.2. On the application of rules No. 354

118. Incomplete payment by a consumer for a utility service is understood to mean that the consumer has a debt to pay for 1 utility service in an amount exceeding the sum of 2 monthly fees for a utility service, calculated on the basis of the utility service consumption standard, regardless of the presence or absence of an individual or common (apartment) appliance accounting and tariff for the corresponding type of utility resource, valid on the day of restriction of the provision of utility services, provided that the debtor consumer does not have a debt repayment agreement concluded with the contractor and (or) if the debtor consumer fails to comply with the terms of such an agreement.

If the consumer does not fully pay for all types of utility services provided by the contractor to the consumer, then the contractor calculates the consumer's debt for each type of utility service separately.

If the consumer partially pays for utilities and services for the maintenance and repair of residential premises provided by the contractor, then the contractor divides the payment received from the consumer between all types of utilities specified in the payment document and the payment for the maintenance and repair of residential premises in proportion to the size of each payment specified in payment document. In this case, the contractor calculates the consumer's debt for each type of utility service based on the partially unpaid amount.

Those. if the owner has not paid for a couple of bills, then the money received from him should be proportionally (as a percentage) divided among mandatory services (utilities, housing, major repairs).


If the HOA/MC distributed part of the funds received for services not included in utilities (354 permanent definition of services) and housing (state construction decree No. 170), then the distribution for such services (security, for example), even if they were adopted at a general meeting - will be illegal.

119. Unless otherwise established by federal laws, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation or an agreement containing provisions on the provision of utility services, the contractor, in the event of incomplete payment by the consumer of the utility service, has the right, after a written warning (notification) of the consumer-debtor, to limit or suspend the provision such utility service in the following order:

a) the contractor sends a warning (notification) in writing to the consumer-debtor that in case of failure to repay the debt for payment of a utility service within 20 days from the date of transmission of the specified warning (notification) to the consumer, the provision of such utility service to him may first be limited, and then suspended or, in the absence of the technical possibility of introducing a restriction, suspended without first introducing a restriction. The warning (notification) is brought to the attention of the consumer by handing it over against signature or sending it by registered mail (with a description of the attachment);

b) if the consumer-debtor fails to repay the debt within the period established in the warning (notification), the executor, if technically possible, introduces a restriction on the provision of the utility service specified in the warning (notification) with prior (3 days) written notice to the consumer-debtor by handing him a notice under receipt;

c) in the absence of the technical possibility of introducing a restriction in accordance with subparagraph "b" of this paragraph or in the event of failure to repay the resulting debt and after 30 days from the date of introduction of the restriction on the provision of utility services, the contractor suspends the provision of such utility services, with the exception of heating, and in apartment buildings also with the exception of cold water supply - with preliminary (3 days in advance) written notice to the consumer-debtor by handing him a notice against receipt.

The contractor (i.e. HOA or management company, etc.) limits the unpaid (precisely the one for which there is a debt, and not any, as some “talented” HOAs think) by disconnecting from the common building unit, or shutting off, with the exception of heating during the heating season.

The notification deadlines are given and cannot be violated, because This is a mandatory rule of law. (binding i.e.)

The rules for the provision of utility services regulate in great detail the content and procedure for concluding an agreement for the maintenance of residential buildings, the provision and accounting of utility services. The main responsibility for activities in this direction rests with management companies. For each type of utility service, two payments are introduced: for consumption directly inside the apartment and for consumption for general house needs. Measures for the maintenance of common property include measures for energy saving, installation and reading of metering devices, as well as the costs of maintaining accounting information systems. These payments are entered on the payment receipt as a separate line. The resolution defines the general procedure for concluding an energy service agreement in residential buildings with payment for its results separately from payment for utilities.

On May 23, information was published on the approval of new Rules for the provision of utility services. New Rules have been introduced. With the entry into force of the new Rules, the Government Decree repeals Decree No. 307 of 05.23.2006 and makes significant changes to Government Decrees No. 306 of 05.23.2006 and No. 491 of 08.13.2006. The new Rules are not introduced immediately, but 2 months after changes are made to the procedure for establishing and determining standards for the consumption of utility services in Government Decree No. 306 of May 23, 2006. The Russian Ministry of Regional Development has been instructed to prepare changes to this document within the next three months.

The rules for the provision of utility services regulate in great detail the content and procedure for concluding an agreement for the maintenance of residential buildings and the provision and accounting of utility services. The main responsibility for activities in this direction rests with management companies. In terms of concluding contracts, the Resolution quite strictly establishes the condition for the content of contracts: if the consumer has concluded an agreement with a management company that does not comply with the conditions of the new Rules, then the provisions of Government Resolution No. 354 of 05/06/2011 are considered the current norm.

For each type of utility service, two payments are introduced: for consumption directly inside the apartment and for consumption for general house needs. At the same time, a standard for the consumption of utilities for general house needs in an apartment building is being introduced. This will streamline calculations in cases where there is no collective metering device.

The liability of the defaulter has been tightened. Now, restrictions on the provision of utility services may occur not in 6 months, as now, but in 3 months.

Consumers are given the opportunity to enter into direct contracts with resource supply organizations for the provision of utility services.

Algorithms for payment for utility services have been completely revised, both in the presence of metering devices and in their absence. The rule has been excluded when, at the end of the year, the entire annual imbalance of consumption in an apartment building was distributed to consumers who have individual metering devices installed.

The management company becomes the actual operator of meter readings and the organizer of their operation. The management company also becomes an intermediary in recording facts of violation of the quality of provided public services.

Measures for the maintenance of common property include measures for energy saving, installation and reading of metering devices, as well as the costs of maintaining accounting information systems. These payments are entered on the payment receipt as a separate line.

The resolution defines the general procedure for concluding an energy service agreement in residential buildings with payment for its results separately from payment for utilities. The form of the energy service agreement itself should be developed within the next 5 months by the Ministry of Regional Development and the Ministry of Economic Development.

All conscious citizens are interested in the current rules for determining the amount of payments for utility services established at the moment.

Therefore, in accordance with the provisions of Resolution 354, important significant nuances can be determined and certain answers can be given regarding the legality of certain actions.

Every citizen of the Russian Federation is considered a consumer of real state resources. The basis for the provision of such resources is considered to be an agreement concluded with public utilities.

In accordance with the Law under consideration, all citizens of the Russian Federation have the opportunity to exercise recalculation of payments for the provision of utilities. The updated edition and the additions developed to it provide comprehensive information for owners and ordinary users of residential premises regarding possible situations that may arise. In legal relations, the state itself acts as a guarantor.

What is covered in this law

The signing of the Resolution was carried out in June 2011. Similar to other existing legislative acts, this Resolution indeed requires the definition of several very significant amendments, which are formulated on an ongoing basis without specific reference to any period.

In accordance with the latest changes introduced, the general household needs of citizens for the supply of electricity are also considered in this regulatory act.

We invite you to pay attention to changes, relevant today:

In the resolution under consideration are clearly regulated approved standards for consumption and further payment of various resources by owners or ordinary users of residential premises. The updated version will provide clarifications at a certain period, more specifically, when the accrual for a full package of services is carried out.

Decree No. 354 explains in detail not only operating rules and procedure for depositing funds funds as payment for the services of territorial utility organizations and housing and communal services, but is also considered a specially developed project, the current provisions of which must be complied with. The procedure for fulfilling the conditions and additional documentation must be provided in the appendix to the resolution.

From September of the next year it is carried out planned distribution in relation to a specific performer. Starting from 2016, citizens are exempt from the obligation to regularly provide readings from measuring instruments that record utility consumption. After making certain adjustments to the resolution under consideration, a simplified payment scheme for heat comes into effect.

If we consider question of general house needs, then the current resolution specifies a scheme for revising the coefficients of the current rules for wastewater disposal. A procedure is also provided for equipping systems that ensure the satisfaction of general house needs with measuring instruments. The President of the Russian Federation signed an order, according to which the established tariffs should be reduced by approximately 10-15%, taking into account the specific region of residence.

IN issues of recalculation regarding heating residential premises this year the established tariffs were adjusted. In this situation, citizens can expect a reduction in the cost of certain services by approximately 15%. Regarding the provision of utility services, a new section has been added that describes the rules for supplying heat to apartment buildings. Starting this year, the corresponding decision of the Government came into force.

If we take into account general house needs, then payment must be made in accordance with the current tariff plans. All comprehensive information on this issue can be obtained from the housing and communal services department. If the supply of electricity is interrupted for some time, mandatory recalculation will be carried out in accordance with established tariffs.

Responsibility of the parties

On performer responsibility is assigned to domestic legislation in the following situations:

If the contractor has violated the rules for providing sufficiently high-quality services, the consumer can count on being exempt from paying for them. Also, a consumer in such a situation can demand a penalty to the extent provided for by the legislative framework of the Russian Federation.

The performer may expect to be exempt from liability for the provision of poor-quality utility services in a situation where the deterioration occurred due to insurmountable circumstances or as a result of the actions of the consumer himself. Insurmountable obstacles do not include violations of obligations by contractors of the approved contractor, or the lack of necessary funds to ensure the quality of the services provided.

Regardless of whether any agreement has been concluded between the contractor and the consumer, compensation for damage as a result, the provision of insufficiently high-quality public services is still provided for by law. If certain damage has been caused to the life or health of the consumer, compensation is provided within the next 10 years from the date of provision of insufficient quality service. The maximum period for filing a lawsuit to consider the fact of damage caused to the consumer is 3 years.

If the contractor providing services, for certain reasons, causes damage to the health or property of the consumer, the latter must draw up a corresponding act in several copies (one for each party to the agreement, if one was signed). If a consumer has incurred certain expenses in order to restore a violated right due to the fault of public utilities, he can count on their subsequent reimbursement.

Recalculation procedure

Recalculation of payments for certain utility services provided during the period when the consumer was temporarily absent from the residential premises is carried out in the manner determined by the norms of domestic legislation.

For such services not applicable heating the room.

Recalculation possible in a situation where there are no metering devices in the residential premises, the installation of which is impossible for technical reasons. If it cannot be confirmed that there is no real technical possibility of installing meters, or in a situation where faulty meters are not repaired in accordance with prescribed instructions, the recalculation procedure will not be carried out. Utilities provided for general house needs are not subject to any recalculation in the absence of a consumer in the residential premises.

Recalculation of payment volumes for provided utility services is carried out taking into account the number of calendar days that fall during the absence of the consumer in the residential premises. The date of departure and arrival is not included in the total number of days of absence. Recalculation is traditionally performed by the contractor within the next 5 business days from the date of receipt of notification from the consumer in the form of a signed application.

The quality of services provided by providers must necessarily comply with the standards established by domestic legislation. If the consumer does not receive what he pays for, he has the right to demand compensation.

Latest Key Changes

Resolution No. 354 regulates certain requirements for payment documentation, for example, invoices, rent receipts.

The main change is considered to be the need strict indication of the size of one(general house needs) in certain places of the issued payment document.

The new rules also indicate the need for preliminary taking of appropriate measures by the owner who has installed non-working measuring device. A report indicating that the meters are not functioning properly is drawn up in advance. The organization involved in the installation or repair of measuring devices can be chosen arbitrarily by the utility consumer. On the first days of each month, accruals are made in accordance with the meter readings.

Here are the latest changes, introduced by the Government of the Russian Federation in Resolution No. 354, which are worth paying attention to:

  1. All charges for general house needs (sewage, heating, electrical energy, cold and hot water) are now classified as housing and are included in the expense item for residential premises.
  2. When calculating general house expenses, a formula is now used that determines the balance between the readings of metering devices for common house and apartment devices. In the absence of meters installed on the house, the amount of common house deductions is determined based on the square footage of the apartment and the total area of ​​common property (calculated proportionally).
  3. Standards have been introduced that should be applied when calculating general household expenses. After the start of their use, all excesses will be paid at the expense of the HOA or management companies.
  4. If the owner of the apartment is temporarily absent, then recalculation of energy costs will be carried out only if gas and water meters are available in the premises. Otherwise, the owner will need to document the fact of his absence, after which he will be recalculated.
  5. If no one is registered in the apartment, then deductions for housing and communal services are calculated depending on the number of owners.

This legislative act is described in the following video lecture:

The current legislation is subject to quite significant adjustments every year, and even those people who constantly understand the laws do not always have time to track the changes that are taking place.

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Citizens generally try to pay attention only to those norms of the current legislation that directly affect some areas of their lives, and, first of all, this concerns the payment of utility services, which makes up the majority of the budget expenses of the vast majority of families.

In particular, it will be useful for many to familiarize themselves with what regulations were introduced by Resolution 354 with the latest changes in 2020 on public utilities.

What you need to know

Recalculation of utilities is carried out in full compliance with the standards provided for by current legislation. If the owner of residential property has any metering devices, the recalculation procedure will be carried out automatically after receiving information about updated data.

If there are no appliances, and the owner will be absent for a certain period of time along with other people who permanently live in the apartment, recalculation will be carried out according to the standard scheme.

The recalculation procedure itself involves re-calculating the payment of a certain person for the utilities he uses. If any irregularities or errors were discovered that were discovered during further operation of the equipment, the management company or the housing and communal services department will fully compensate for the overpayment.

In practice, in the vast majority of cases, recalculation is carried out for the reason that property owners pay for utilities not in the amount they consumed, but in accordance with established standards.

If a property owner decides to install specialized metering devices in an apartment or private house, this means that from now on they will pay for utilities in accordance with the indicators of these devices, and not according to established standards. At the same time, it often happens that the equipment operates with some malfunctions.

The standard is set in the form of 1/12 of last year’s resource consumption, and therefore every month users of utility resources pay the corresponding amount established based on the results of last year.

At the end of the heating season in various apartment buildings equipped with communal meters, the housing and communal services organization carries out a recalculation procedure and returns the overpayment to the consumer. In some cases, adjustments are made in the opposite direction.

The most common option for overpayments are private amounts, when the owner of the apartment does not send his meter readings to the government authorities for one reason or another, as a result of which he must recalculate the next month.

It is worth noting that the recalculation procedure has a legal basis and is carried out in accordance with the standards specified in Resolution No. 354, which is entirely dedicated to the provision of public services to citizens. In 2017, certain adjustments were made to this regulatory act, and therefore we can now talk about exactly how recalculations are carried out.

This regulatory act reflects only this procedure in houses that are not equipped with meters, since with meters, recalculation is carried out automatically after all the necessary information from the metering devices is loaded into the information database.

Each citizen who is the owner or tenant of certain real estate, in accordance with current legislation, belongs to the category of consumers, since on a regular basis he uses government resources provided by various companies in accordance with the drawn up agreement.

The guarantor of the legal implementation of the relationship between the consumer and the contractor in this case is the state, and in accordance with the norms of the above resolution, every person has the right to receive a recalculation for utility services if there are certain grounds.

Resolution and recent changes to it

The adjustments made to this regulatory act were carried out in accordance with the norms of Resolution No. 1498, which was adopted on December 26, 2012, and have been consistently implemented since 2020. The most significant innovations in this case are those that affect the procedure for calculating amounts for general household needs.

If previously the specified payment belonged to the utility category, then from the new year it became housing, that is, the expenses necessary to pay for hot and cold water supply, as well as sewerage, energy supply and heating are considered expenses for residential premises.

The volume of costs necessary to satisfy general house needs is established as the balance between the indicators recorded on all installed metering devices in the house, as well as the meters that are present in the apartment of each resident.

In this case, the chosen calculation method will directly depend on whether the apartment building has an appropriate metering device, since in its absence, the amount of payments is established in accordance with the area of ​​the apartment in proportion to the total area of ​​the house.

First of all, the adjustments made affected the requirements for the procedure for calculating payments for general household needs. The amount of payments due for an apartment is now set in accordance with the billing period, depending on the area of ​​the residential apartment.

In accordance with Resolution No. 354, it is necessary to determine standards for general house expenses before June 1, 2020, and if, based on the results of the reporting period, exceeded standards for the use of utilities by citizens are not recorded, costs in this part will have to be compensated by the management company or the HOA, while while the direct standard will be distributed among the residents.

The next adjustment affected the procedure for recalculation for consumed utility resources in the event that residents are absent from their apartment for a certain period of time. If metering devices are installed in the premises, recalculation in principle will not be carried out, since the meters simply should not record resource consumption.

At the same time, if the consumer has documents confirming the impossibility of installing individual metering devices in the house, he is given the opportunity to recalculate.

Another innovation affects the tariffication procedure for residential real estate in which there are no registered residents.

If before January 1, 2020, deductions for utility bills were made exclusively for those apartments in which there were registered or actually living residents, in accordance with the new rules, the amount will be calculated depending on the total number of home owners, and not on how many users utilities are available in fact.

The owners of empty apartments are entirely responsible for paying all charges in the field of housing and communal services in accordance with established standards.

General provisions

Resolution No. 354 includes:

  • updated coefficients in accordance with which established drainage standards are determined;
  • a detailed description of the installation procedure for measuring equipment;
  • a list of motivational measures for installing measuring instruments;
  • simplified payment scheme for heating apartments and private houses;
  • an indication that there is now no need to provide information from meters;
  • an indication that in the event of temporary absence of residents in the apartment, it is not necessary to pay for utilities;
  • the order in which all specified conditions must be met.

Special attention is paid to the fact that the contractor is liable to consumers in the event that inappropriate quality of services is recorded, damage to the health or life of citizens is caused due to the unsatisfactory quality of the services provided, the consumer does not receive the necessary information about the quality of the services provided to him, as well as violations established terms of the contract. In this case, the contractor must completely relieve the citizen from the need to pay for utilities or pay him appropriate compensation.

Terms of Service

The key conditions for the provision of utility services are as follows:

  • consumers receive utility services from the moment determined by housing legislation;
  • the composition of utilities provided to the consumer is established in accordance with the degree of improvement of a residential or apartment building;
  • the consumer must receive a full list of utilities provided for in the contract;
  • if the thermal energy used in the house is supplied through the use of centralized supply networks, the contractor must act in accordance with the heating period periods established by the authorized body;
  • the provision of utility services to consumers is carried out in accordance with the concluded reimbursable agreement;
  • the conditions under which utility services are provided are established in accordance with the drawn up agreement.

The parties to the process of drawing up such an agreement are the consumer in the form of a person interested in receiving certain utilities, as well as the contractor in the form of a company responsible for providing housing with all necessary utilities.

The consumer can independently decide who exactly will act as his utility service provider - a management company, a housing and communal organization, a homeowners' association or a housing cooperative.

The contract drawn up between the parties must reflect all the necessary conditions and rules in accordance with which the agreed services must be provided. Residents should receive all the necessary information about certain points of the drawn up agreement, and also know about the order in which this document is drawn up.

If the consumer announces his intention or is already consuming utility services, the management company can issue a specialized act for him, regulating the main terms and standards within which the required amount will be transferred to the supplier.

Regardless of the type of property they have, citizens must be provided with a full list of services they need. In addition, the user has the right to independently regulate and add additional measures to the drawn up agreement aimed at improving the house along with the adjacent territory.

If the services provided are of poor quality or there are some other justified reasons, the consumer has the right to draw up an act indicating a violation of the terms of the contract.

Rights and obligations of the parties

The Contractor is responsible to the law and the consumer in the following situations:

  • the quality of the services provided does not meet established standards;
  • poor quality of services has resulted in damage to the health or lives of citizens;
  • the consumer does not receive reliable and complete information about the services provided to him;
  • the consumer suffered certain losses due to the fact that the contractor did not provide him with quality services.

If the contractor violated the rules affecting the provision of quality services, the consumer can count on complete exemption from the need to make any payment. In some cases, payment of a penalty is also provided in the amount determined in accordance with current legislation.

The contractor can count on being completely released from liability in the event of provision of insufficiently high-quality utility services if the cause of the deterioration is the occurrence of any insurmountable circumstances or the actions of the consumer himself.

In this case, insurmountable obstacles do not include violations of various obligations on the part of the contractor’s counterparties, as well as the lack of the required funds necessary to ensure high-quality provision of services.

Regardless of whether an agreement was concluded between the consumer and the contractor, compensation for damage caused due to the provision of utility services of inadequate quality must still be made.

If certain damage was caused to the health or life of the consumer, compensation will be paid over the next ten years from the moment the insufficient quality of services was recorded. The maximum permissible period during which a victim can file a claim demanding consideration of the fact of the damage caused is three years.

If the contractor, who is responsible for the provision of services, for one reason or another caused damage to the property or health of the consumer, the latter must draw up the corresponding act in several copies.

At the same time, the consumer must carefully use the utilities installed in his apartment, and also allow authorized employees of the management company to carry out all kinds of checks or take readings from metering devices. In addition, the consumer’s responsibilities include timely transfer of payments for utility services, as well as immediate notification of the contractor about an emergency condition or any violations in public or internal communications.

Calculation and payment

In accordance with current legislation, the billing period for utility services is one month, while the amount of payments is set in accordance with the tariffs adopted by the resource supplier, taking into account territorial conditions and all kinds of surcharges.

The payment documentation must separately reflect the services provided in the residential premises, as well as those required to satisfy general house needs.

It is worth noting the fact that an entire section is devoted to this, regulating in detail the rules for calculating payments in a number of situations. In particular, this applies to the calculation procedure based on the readings of installed metering devices, as well as in the case of their absence or partial equipment of the apartment. In addition, the section indicates a number of other situations, some of which provide for the use of the formulas specified in Appendix No. 2 to this resolution.

Payment of utilities must be made before the 10th day of the month following the billing month.

If the transfer is made on the basis of the contractor’s payment documentation, the amount must be transferred before the 1st day of the same month. Other deadlines can only be established during the process of signing an agreement, in accordance with which utility services are provided.

Recalculation and change of fee size

The procedure for recalculating utilities is provided for in the event that people were absent from the apartment for a certain period of time and, accordingly, did not consume utilities.

In this case, recalculation can be carried out only if the accrual of utilities was carried out in accordance with the standards, and not on the basis of meter readings, since, otherwise, the citizen provides instrument readings that will indicate a complete lack of consumption.

Adjustments were also made to the drainage coefficient. At the moment, all coefficients that were in effect previously and were directly related to the established drainage standards are being recalculated.

After the final implementation of this procedure, it is planned to introduce new coefficients, in accordance with which the cost for the provided utilities will be calculated.

A decision is made to adjust the tariffs. In particular, it is planned to reduce their cost by 10-15%, but so far this innovation is only being considered by government agencies.

Other sections

In addition, the new resolution also regulates the resolution of conflict situations. In the vast majority of cases, controversial situations arise due to incorrect calculation of payment for utility services or for the reason that authorized employees of the utility service do not want to fulfill their direct duties in order to eliminate certain problems that have arisen in the household under their jurisdiction.

In any case, if a problem situation arises, the citizen will need to contact the supplier with a corresponding statement. In accordance with the established rules, it must be reviewed within a specified time frame, after which a written report must be provided to the applicant.

If this does not happen, then the applicant will have the opportunity to file an appeal to the consumer rights protection society, the courts or the prosecutor's office.

In the vast majority of cases, the parties in such situations try to resolve the conflict out of court.

If the conflict reaches an irresolvable stage, the final result can only be obtained during the trial process, when the relevant authorities will impose on the culprit the fulfillment of the applicant’s demands or refuse to satisfy them.

What has been changed

The main revision, which occurred in 2020, affected the verification procedure. The time for conducting an inspection in situations established by this paragraph is set within two hours from the moment the consumer receives a message about a violation of the quality of the provided utility services.
