How to make the world a better place? Ideas and methods. Project “Let's make the world a better place! Ways to make the world a better place

When you ask people whether they want to make the world at least a little better, cleaner, kinder, they answer without hesitation - “yes, but...”. As a “but” I usually hear something like “one man in the field is not a warrior”, “you can’t change anything anyway”, “I alone won’t influence anything”, “what can I do?” etc. I myself used to hold similar views. But now I am more confident than ever that it is not only possible to make a significant contribution to the present and future of the planet, but also important, necessary, in the end simply necessary!

Moreover, this is important not only for the planet, but first of all for ourselves! People are accustomed to belittling their role on the scale of the city, country, planet, universe. Considering yourself a small grain of sand on the body of the planet, a droplet in the sea. Such belittlement plays an evil role - without seeing the results of their contribution, considering themselves a kind of micro-grain of sand, people lose motivation to do anything. After all, if the result is not noticeable, then is it worth bothering with? Is it worth inventing something, getting your butt off the comfortable soft sofa, wasting energy and precious personal time, even just 5 minutes?

Usually activists and various public organizations try to increase a person’s motivation with slogans like “where there is one, there are millions!” and “if every warrior is not afraid to be alone in the field, then it will turn out that the entire field is already filled with warriors ready for battle!” It sounds nice, but it's not catchy! Doesn't motivate! It doesn’t motivate me, and I know I’m not the only one! This is because these slogans are an appeal to a sense of duty, to high-flown (albeit important!) ideas and ideals, to the “spirit of a warrior”, which in fact is almost gone in modern society...

I want to offer you another motivation, which does not try to play on your duty and morality, but appeals to the feelings of each of you, to your personal “bonus”, which you can take here and now. At least it worked for me and I truly believe it might resonate with someone else!

I thought about this. Motivation is right under our noses, we just don’t want to see it for some reason.. Look, we admire and respect those who will “save the world in a big way.” For example, rescuers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, who rescue hundreds of people from the rubble... Or doctors - surgeons and resuscitators who can restore the lives of 30 people per shift... Or workers of humanitarian missions in Africa who treat, feed, teach African children. They are great, they do good work and, despite the wasted effort, they feel needed by this world.

But if you save just one life tomorrow, believe me, you will feel no less emotional impact than a lifeguard at work who saved 100 people! Perhaps even more! Well, for example, jump into the water and save a drowning child. Imagine for a moment how you will feel... Pride in yourself, satisfaction, the feeling that this day is special - it was not in vain, you didn’t just sit in the office and do routine work, but you saved a life... The grateful eyes of the saved person and his family. Feeling that you are important to these people. These are pleasant feelings. They accumulate in my words - implementation, involvement.

What about a saved child! You will have pockets full of happiness if you remove the cat from the tree from which she is afraid to jump. Or you can help get a dog that has fallen into a hatch. This is cool too))

What am I talking about? Yes, besides, you don’t need to get hung up on the fact that if you are not carrying out an extremely important mission, then you need to give up and do nothing! The main motivation is your (no one else’s) self-satisfaction, your fulfillment, your feeling of inner warmth and your own “coolness”. That is, by doing it for myself, I help the planet.

Now let's talk about how this can be applied in practice. It’s just that every day we can save the world “a little bit”, while experiencing fulfillment and belonging. It's not difficult at all. It doesn't take time, effort or money. It's simple and free!

I will give examples about myself. What can I do every day to be in harmony with the world and myself?

1. Do not use disposable tableware.

It really destroys, not improves, the world. Disposable tableware is made mainly from polystyrene and polypropylene. This is a harmful chemical production that pollutes the air and soil with emissions. After using the cup for 1 minute, we throw it away. But not only has it already harmed the world with its production, but it is also almost non-degradable - when it gets into the ground, plastic releases toxic substances into it, which then pollute plants, animals and humans along the chain. Depending on the situation, plastic decomposition takes 100 – 1000 years! It is also not suitable for reuse, as it loses its quality and is harmful to the body.

So it turns out that plastic waste is scattered all over the planet. 10% of the plastic produced sooner or later ends up in the ocean, and that’s 10 million tons! The accumulation of this garbage forms garbage patches in the oceans. Now there are 5 known of them - two each in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans and one in the Indian. Under certain climatic conditions, plastic crumbles into small grains of sand and releases bisphenol-A and vinyl chloride, which poison the marine world - fish, turtles, birds that hunt fish at the surface of the water. And all this horror just so you pour some water from the cooler into a plastic glass and throw it in the trash a minute later? Somehow it doesn't fit in my head. I think in yours too. It’s so easy to give a gift to the world - just don’t take these dishes from offices, don’t buy them in stores. Use a mug in the office, and also take non-disposable tableware for picnics, as we actually did in childhood, before the “era of the plastic cup.” It's not difficult, but it's so important!

2. Dispose of garbage only in trash cans.

The garbage that people leave behind is mostly toxic and harmful, nothing can be done about it! But at least it will end up in landfills specially designated for it. It’s a pity, of course, that this piece of land under the landfill is completely dying out. But if you throw garbage on the ground in the forest or on the sand on the beach, then it is on your personal conscience. This is no longer our society, not the modern world, which has sacrificed total pollution of the planet to civilization. No really. Now it is you personally who have destroyed a clearing, a tree, and a sea turtle with your own hands.

3. Respect and loveanimals, value their right to life

You will say that only freaks throw garbage on the ground and it is unlikely that there will be any among the readers? In the forest, they may not throw it away, but feeding food to fish on the beach in Egypt or pushing food through the bars to animals in the zoo... this happens often, no matter how you look at it. I’m sure many have done this and continue to do this, thereby entertaining their children! But the kids have nothing to do with it, don’t rush to shift the responsibility onto them. It’s tedious to take off the blindfold and look at things openly - fish in the sea and animals in the zoo not sometimes, but very often die because you fed them buns, eggs and candies, wanting to entertain yourself and the child. This is not worthy of a person, at least a person with a heart, soul, brain... It is much more worthy to respect nature and its inhabitants and pass on this respect to children who will understand everything and will be happy to look at the fish without harming them. It's so simple, but so important!

Here, of course, I cannot help but add - killing animals to eat or wear as clothing and shoes is also a violation of nature. I am convinced that we are not predators. Many studies talk about this, but I won’t cite them now. You can read about the effect of meat on human health in separate articles:,. And the very process of killing animals is unnatural. Have you ever seen a predator that cannot kill its prey out of fear and pity? Of course not. And most of our people would become vegetarians if they were told to kill an animal for their dinner. I definitely couldn't! I'm not talking about killing in self-defense or in a situation of hunger when life is at stake.

But we agree to eat meat if it is killed for us by middlemen - butchers in slaughterhouses. In general, a large industrial farm is a breeding ground for evil - these are animals that exist in the dark, cramped conditions, dirt, that do not graze in the clearings, do not see the light, that eat food with hormones, antibiotics and artificial additives instead of grass... Which die in suffering because anesthesia is not used, and their meat is imbued with this energy of evil and suffering. Moreover, this is not a horror story about one unscrupulous entrepreneur, this is the “truth of life” of absolutely all industrial farms. Again, pollution issues - farms pollute the planet more than cars and factories. I wrote a lot about this in my article.

I do not urge you to forcibly give up meat and do not intend to intimidate you with horror stories. Everything should be on time and from the heart, and not from prohibitions. But in any case, you need to know this information. It is important not to brush it off, but to remain mindful and think about what you eat. For me personally, it is important to keep animals alive and love them. This is natural for me and, what is of course important, it does not destroy, but improves my health! Every month without meat I save the lives of 17 living beings (animals, birds, fish). This is exactly what the average person on the planet eats. It's so easy to do! Firstly, in our modern age, supermarket shelves are bursting with a variety of food, incl. vegan. And secondly, vegan dishes can be so delicious! By choosing this food, you will be healthy yourself, you will save millions of animals, and you will contribute to the cleanliness of the planet! This is cool!

4. Use the car as needed, without fanaticism

The car is, of course, cool! I consider his invention a breakthrough. With its help, we can quickly move between cities and countries, have time to travel out of town on weekends, buy groceries once a week or month, and not waste time on small purchases every day, thanks to it we can eat fruits and vegetables brought from neighboring countries in winter countries... and much more. This is one side of the coin. On the other hand, cars undoubtedly pollute the world in which we live. They pollute the air, burn huge amounts of petroleum products, and cause so-called “noise pollution”, which is harmful to animals and people. 1 passenger car annually absorbs about 4 tons of oxygen from the atmosphere, emitting approximately 800 kg of carbon monoxide, 40 kg of nitrogen oxides and almost 200 kg of various hydrocarbons with gases. If we multiply these figures by the global passenger car fleet (more than 600 million vehicles), the damage seems simply catastrophic.

I don't want to turn into a fanatic and I'm not asking you to give up your car. I understand that in a large city it’s not that it’s impossible to live without a car, but it’s less comfortable. Especially if you are already used to it. But let's not go to the other side of fanaticism - driving a car always and everywhere. We still have legs with which we can walk, we have great and now fashionable scooters, which can also diversify our ways of moving, there is a subway, which can be quieter and more convenient to get to work. And when traveling out of town, you can team up with friends as much as possible and avoid driving in half-empty cars. It seems like it doesn’t cost anything to do all this, but there will definitely be benefits. And not only for the environment, but also for you personally. For example, in the summer I sometimes ride my bike to work, which I perceive as an additional workout for my body. And in the morning, when I take the subway and walk from the subway to work, I use this time to quietly read a book and think about something important or pleasant. It’s still not possible to relax so much while driving and give in to pleasant thoughts, especially during the morning rush hour.

5. Know the price of a flower bouquet

Few of my friends see even the slightest connection between a bouquet of flowers and the purity of the planet. But the connection does exist. I don’t know how it is in Holland (I won’t lie), but I saw how flowers grow in one of the African countries. They began to grow flowers there, which the locals living in the poor were happy about, because they now had a job. But the seemingly innocent flower industry has taken a noticeable toll on the environment! Flowers were watered with fertilizers and chemicals, from which everything suffered along the standard chain: soil - groundwater - rivers - the inhabitants of these same soils, rivers, etc. As a result, the death of some plants and animals, contaminated drinking water... This can be viewed in different ways, but personally, I don’t like bouquets of purchased cut flowers enough to consider that they are worth the losses associated with them! Although, of course, I enjoy a fresh bouquet of wildflowers or flowers in a pot. I think it’s not so difficult to realize that wherever you look, any large industrial production is evil... livestock farms, dairy farms, flower farms... Everywhere the goal is money at any cost, including the cost of people’s health and the cleanliness of the planet.

6. Be careful with resources

There are many ways to save natural resources without much damage to your own comfort - this includes not leaving the water tap open when you are not using it, and again, not using the car every day, and some little things. For example, I have several plastic bags that I don’t throw away and one large bag from Ikea. I use them to store groceries in the store, that is, I try not to use new bags every time. And I cut the cotton pads that I use to remove makeup in half and put these halves in a convenient, beautiful box. This reduces consumption by exactly 2 times, without affecting my comfort in any way. At work, whenever possible, I always use drafts for reprinting. And recently I found glass cocktail straws on the Internet. That is, you can buy one such reusable straw instead of disposable plastic ones! And there are dozens of such examples!

Here is an approximate list of what I personally can give as a gift to the planet without the slightest loss for myself! In general, not a little. I don’t want to extol my merits to any special heights. But I want to say that this alone pleases me, this alone makes me proud. Although I clearly know that we don’t need to stop there, but we need to look for new ways to be in harmony with the world, love nature, protect it, or at least not destroy it with our own hands. Maybe you have other ideas on how to do this?

It is very important that when you start to think about these things, many people around you also begin to think, and then their friends... That is, in this simple way you can start a big flywheel of good. I even have a specific example. My friend Valera told me at work about the price of a plastic cup. And a month later, his company completely stopped purchasing plastic tableware for the office. It was so unexpected and so pleasant! It would be great if there were more stories like this!

I wish you to be a participant in such good stories, try it and feel how cool it is!

Kindness or 10 ways to make the world a kinder place

“Forget insults, but never forget kindness.”
- Confucius -

“There are three very important things in a person’s life: firstly, kindness, secondly, kindness and thirdly, kindness.”
- Henry James -

Kindness is usually something that is quite easy to create in life. But most often we forget about this or do not attach importance to how kindness helps us in life.

There are 3 things I try to remember that help me be kinder:

I get what I give. Yes, some people will be ungrateful, unhappy and not reciprocating, no matter what you can do for them. But most people will eventually treat you the same way you treat them.
By being kinder to others, I become kinder to myself. This may sound a little strange, but from my experience it follows that when I become kinder towards others, my self-esteem increases and I have a better opinion of myself.
It just makes my little world more attractive and happier to live in. Anger destroys my world, and goodness creates it.

So how can you make the world a kinder place every day of your life? Here are 10 ways that can help you do this.

You can choose one or more that resonate with you the most and start using it today.

1. Express gratitude.

Think about who and what you can be grateful for in your life. Maybe he's a good listener, always eager to help, or maybe he just held the door for you. Just express your gratitude by telling him: “Thank you!” This will let the person realize that what he does is valuable to you.

2. Stop judging.

Nobody likes to be judged. And the more you judge others, the more you tend to judge yourself. So, despite the temporary benefit of getting pleasure from judging others, there is nothing good or reasonable in this habit. No wonder they say: “Judge not, lest ye be judged.”

3. Refuse unconstructive criticism.

Try encouragement instead of excessive criticism. This can help others improve their self-esteem and do better work. And in the long run, this will help make your relationships with people more pleasant and carefree.

4. Put yourself in someone else's shoes.

It's quite easy to resort to hostility when you're looking at everything from your own perspective. Two questions that will help you see and better understand someone else's point of view.

How would I feel if I were in his or her place?
- What can I have in common with this person?

5. Remember how the kindness of others influenced you.

Just sit for a few minutes and think of one or more times in your life when the kindness of others really touched and helped you. Then think about how you can do the same for others and thereby make the world a kinder place.

6. Be grateful for what you have.

People tend to get used to good things and take what they have for granted. But don't forget to express your gratitude to those who pour their love into cooking dinner for you every day or picking up your kids from school.

7. Leave surprise notes.

Leave notes of love or encouragement in your loved one's or child's lunch box, in their jacket pocket, in their bag, or in the book they are currently reading. Just a minute of your time spent on this will bring a smile on your face and a lot of pleasure to your loved ones and motivate them to be kinder and better.

8. Give compliments.

Instead of focusing on the little things that irritate you about people, try to find what you like about them and focus on that. It could be beautiful hair, a fashionable dress or a charming velvet voice. Praising what you like about the person can improve their mood throughout the day.

9. Do small acts of kindness.

Allow the next car to move into your lane. Let a person pass in line if you see that he is in a hurry. Hold the door for someone or offer your help if you notice someone standing next to them holding a map of the city and looking lost. Such simple actions on your part will lift your spirits and help make the world a kinder place.

10. Be kind to yourself.

If you are kind to yourself, you automatically treat others better and everyone wins.

Kindness is an affectionate, friendly, caring attitude. It's so simple and so difficult at the same time! Start with yourself, try to become kinder yourself, and then you will begin to see kindness around you, to see what you may not have seen or noticed before: someone opened the door for you, someone let you go ahead when you were rushing to the subway and etc. etc.

Start with yourself. And the easiest way to start treating yourself kinder is to write down in your diary every evening at least 5 of your qualities and good deeds for which you can be grateful to yourself.

Most people think selfishly, this is normal. We must take care of our own well-being in order to survive. But by making the world a better place, we make our lives better.

1. It makes you happier and healthier. Even small acts of kindness trigger neurochemical reactions in the brain that improve emotional and physical well-being: reduced pain, decreased levels of depression and stress, and normalized blood pressure.

2. Kindness is a natural human instinct. It helps you appreciate affection, love and friendship more. Kindness and compassion influence the survival of the species. One kind word can change a life. Especially if your kind deed is the only good thing that happened to a person in a day, or a week, or a month.

3. Kindness is contagious. Having seen a person perform a selfless act, we are more likely to want to do something similar. This seems to start a chain of positive changes and at the same time proves that kindness and compassion can be taught not by words, but by example.

4. Kindness reduces anxiety, depression and worry. If you're feeling sad, down, and lonely, try going outside (or even just going online) and do something good for someone. This is a great alternative to soul-searching and sad thoughts. And this will help you get distracted a little, so that you can then look at your problems from a different perspective.

5. Selfless actions balance negative events. Sometimes bad things happen and we can't prevent them. But we can restore balance by making the world a little better ourselves. And for this you don’t need to be a world leader and save the planet from global warming. You need to open your heart and believe that even a small good deed can change someone's life for the better.

6. Doing good deeds feels good (and right). Often we don't know how kind words or a little help has impacted the lives of others. But just as often we hear stories of people for whom someone’s participation turned out to be the most important event that changed everything. It is quite possible that one of these people is the same sad stranger for whom you once added 10 rubles for a metro ticket, or the mother whom you helped lift her stroller up the stairs.

Are you ready to do something good yet? Here are 33 actions that will change the world for the better:

1. Be kind to strangers. Hold the door for the one coming behind you. Smile at your neighbor who is walking his dog in the yard. It won't cost you anything, but it will start a chain of positivity.

2. Offer whatever help you can. Bring groceries to a sick friend, fix a colleague's closet door, clean up the stairwell.

3. Show attention to your loved one. Listen, if your partner or friend has a problem, help take the cat to the vet, bake a cake. Such care is often valued much more than expensive gifts or flowers.

4. Take care of the environment. Yes, your kindness does not have to be directed at people. Pick up an empty can that someone threw past the trash can. Plant a tree or flowers in your shared yard. Even such simple things make the world a better and more beautiful place.

5. Pay for someone's lunch. You are standing in line at a fast food restaurant and waiting for your order to be ready. If you don’t mind a small amount of money, quietly pay for the order of the person behind you; he may never know that it was you, but he will be happy for a long time and tell everyone he knows about it. And maybe one of them will do the same someday.

6. Give a compliment. Never miss a chance to say something nice, even to strangers. Compliment the barista's hair color at the coffee shop, tell a colleague how her new makeup looks on her, admire the way someone's child draws.

7. Write kind notes.“I love you” takes on a special charm if we read it in a note stuck to the bathroom mirror, or find it in our bag when we arrive at work or unpack a suitcase on a business trip.

8. Say “thank you.” Thank someone who once, even many years ago, made your life better. This could be a classmate, a parent, a colleague, a psychologist, or even an ex-partner. Tell us how their support has helped you.

9. Become a volunteer. You can help selflessly in any area, from working with orphanages and hospitals to helping organize sporting events. You don’t have to do this all the time; even one-time help will make a difference.

10. Donate money. A small amount given to charity will help a good cause.

11. Take on part of someone else's responsibilities. This may be one-time assistance. Is your friend tired and needs to go pick up something? Do it instead. There will be no limit to gratitude.

12. Cook your friend's favorite dish. This will cheer him up.

13. Reminisce. Have you experienced something wonderful together? Think about it together. Look at old photos, discuss funny details. You can try to repeat that experience.

14. Help older people. Trips to nursing homes, letters of encouragement, and lovingly collected and wrapped gifts make a huge difference to lonely seniors living without family.

15. Offer physical assistance. What can you do? Paint the walls, re-stick the wallpaper, assemble the furniture, move the closet. This can make someone's life a lot easier and is also a great way to spend time together.

16. Teach someone. Are you able to do something that some other people can't? Knit, sew, ride a bike, cook delicious cookies according to an old recipe? Teach it to someone who wanted to learn these skills.

17. Make someone's day brighter. Invite a friend or colleague to participate in something interesting, be it ice skating, a quest, or playing cards.

18. Expand your horizons. Offer to go to an exhibition, concert, museum or performance together.

19. Present a certificate to the salon. Spa, massage, manicure, whatever.

20. Help a friend with a pet. Does he have no one to leave the animal with? Offer to walk the dog or feed the cat.

21. Host a lunch or dinner. Invite a friend to visit and feed you delicious, lovingly prepared dishes. Friendly conversation will be a great addition.

22. Babysit other people's children. Has your friend not left the house without a baby stroller for six months or hasn’t gone to the store alone? Offer to babysit her children one evening.

23. Go on a day date. Do you have a partner? Invite him for coffee or ice cream in the park. This half hour will lift your spirits.

25. Support those who feel bad. Prayer, meditation, lighting a candle in church, or kind thoughts and words can change something for the better.

26. Give away unnecessary things. There are clothes hanging in the closet that you don’t wear, books that you won’t re-read are on the shelves, and an old laptop that you replaced with two new ones is gathering dust on the windowsill. Give them to people who really need them but can't afford them. It will be a blessing for them, and you will get rid of unnecessary things.

27. Make a donation for someone else.. Choose a charity project with a friend and make a donation on their behalf.

28. Take over your partner's daily chores. At least for one day. Cooking, washing, ironing, reading with children, walking the dog, cleaning, grocery shopping... Do it yourself, without asking your partner for help. You'll make his day so much better, and you'll also gain a new appreciation for everything he does for you every day.

29. Be kind to yourself. Don't forget that you are human too. Make time for your favorite activities, whether reading or exercising. Don’t overload yourself with helping others - do as much as you can, and leave some strength for yourself. Otherwise, selfless help will very quickly turn into a burden.

30. Learn to say no. Sometimes the best way to help another person is to say “no.” Some people find it helpful to understand that you can't always rush to save them or do something for them. They will learn to rely on themselves, and you will be able to relax and recuperate and help later, when there is a desire and opportunity.

31. Forgive yourself. If you often reproach yourself for not helping someone, or not helping enough, think about how many good deeds you have done. You cannot and should not save everyone. Having stopped blaming yourself, you will take great pleasure in caring for others, not out of a sense of duty, but because you have such a desire.

32. Allow yourself negative emotions. We are used to thinking that being angry and offended is bad. But we have every right to have negative emotions. By allowing yourself to feel them, you will experience relief and these feelings will leave you much faster. The world will also be a better place from this.

33. Do good deeds every day. The more good you bring into the world, the better it will become and the more good and happiness there will be in your own life - and in the lives of your loved ones. Start a positive chain.

About the author

Leader of trainings on relationships and self-development. Her website.

Many people are concerned about making the world a better and cleaner place. The consequence of this is the desire to save someone, help someone, heal someone, give advice. Vanity, panic and obsession do not add harmony to the world. The world is harmonious without our efforts, tension, fuss, and anxiety. There is more harmony in the world when we are peaceful, relaxed, confident, in our place, doing what we do best, filled with interest in the world, in ourselves, and in what we are doing now.

Let's think together about how we can make the world brighter and cleaner.

  1. Learn to relax your body. Tension is destructive; it distorts harmony. Relaxation harmonizes the space around you.
  2. Wear clothes in bright, rich colors. Faded clothing brings closedness. Vibrant rainbow colors bring the world to life.
  3. If you do jogging, warm-up, or yoga, during the warm season, do it outside, in the park, or at the stadium. Enjoy the process. The vibes of joy emanating from you are transmitted to those around you.
  4. Stop littering. Throw trash in trash bins. Once a month at least, go out with a garbage bag, collect garbage anywhere. In the park, in the forest, near the house... Don’t be shy, because you are setting an example of purification. Is it normal to litter, but is it embarrassing to clean up? Absurd. Be proud that you are doing this.
  5. Once a day, do something like “for the first time in your life.” Without destroying yourself and the world.
  6. Fast once a week.
  7. At least 5 times a day, consciously thank someone out loud directly.
  8. At least once a day, find something you can thank your wife, husband, parents, children for. Tell them this.
  9. Admire your spouse at least once a day.

10. Admire someone out loud at least once a day.

11. Give someone a compliment at least once a day.

12. Every day remember at least one person who has not been forgiven. Set yourself up for forgiveness.

13. Stop complaining.

14. Stop judging.

15. Admire the weather daily.

16. Get out into nature weekly.

17. Once a month, retire for a day.

18. Spend 1 day a month without a mobile phone.

19. Watch creative films at least once a month.

21. Eliminate news, crime chronicles, and empty films from watching.

22. Eliminate medications from your life.

23. Avoid smoking and alcohol.

24. Drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice every day.

25. Spend at least 1 hour a week in peace and quiet without a computer or reading.

26. Cultivate honesty and truthfulness.

Honesty isn't just about telling everyone what you think of them. It is also when your thoughts and actions do not contradict each other. A man with a cigarette looks comical, talking about how to make the world a better place. It's funny to hear toasts to health with an abundance of alcohol. Funny and sad. Self-deception is taking any medication if the issue does not concern life and death.

Strive to do what you are truly interested in.

Cultivate honesty with yourself.

Admit to yourself your fears, habits, weaknesses, irritation.

If all people are honest and do what they like, there will be more happy people.

The more happy people there are, the more harmony there is in the world.

Don't try to make everyone happy. Find happiness within yourself and radiate it everywhere.

27. If the above brought results that you felt, if your actions influenced you and the world around you, write an article about it. Don't keep it to yourself, share it.

28. Post the article on the Internet, in a magazine.

And the world will become more beautiful.

Andrey Kucherenko, consultant on rejuvenation and life extension, founder of the Rainbow of Life School of Integral Self-Development.

Information about the school and upcoming seminars

Making the world a better place is no easy task. This is a laudable desire that requires active action from a person. Everyone in this regard can do what depends on him. There are many ways to transform the environment.

Making the world a better place means working on a set of problems

Many people are now seriously thinking about how to make the world a better place. This is not surprising. After all, according to statistics from VTsIOM, every year a family of four produces about 400 kg of garbage waste. Others are thinking not only about how to make our planet cleaner, but also about the possibility of making the world a little kinder.

Still others believe that the question of how to make the world a better place has a completely different meaning. In English it sounds like this: “How to make the world a better place?” This phrase better conveys another meaning of this question: making the world a better place often means that a person must improve the environment in which he himself lives. Better place translated means “better place”. That is why the question in English most fully reflects the whole meaning of this problem. Making the world a better place for yourself means taking care of the environment, giving kindness to your neighbors, and also solving existing problems. All these tasks are set by the person who truly strives to make the world more perfect.

We often complain about environmental problems, but nothing in this world can change until the people themselves change. The following rules will be of interest to everyone who cares about nature, as well as to schoolchildren working on the essay “How to make the world a better place?”

  • Replace lamps from conventional ones to energy-saving ones. This will help significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.
  • Switch to class A household appliances. They are more expensive, but consume much less resources.
  • Use toilet paper made from recycled materials. According to experts, every year about 10 hectares of forest are wasted for “toilet” expenses. Those who are horrified by this figure can use toilet paper that is labeled “made from recycled materials.”
  • Use the shower. This will help conserve water supplies. It is also useful to repair household appliances. After all, one faulty tap can carry away up to 300 liters of water per day.
  • Avoid disposable household items. For example, replace plastic bags with cloth bags; stop using disposable tableware; Instead of using paper handkerchiefs, switch to fabric handkerchiefs.
  • Don't pay for something that is actually garbage. About 70% of household waste is unnecessary packaging. Anyone who thinks about how to make the world a better place can buy goods in bulk instead of packaged in plastic. Also, before going to the store, you should put the bag in the storage room, and not wrap it in film.
  • Choose products made by local companies. Firstly, they are more useful, and secondly, much less resources are spent on their transportation.
  • Plant a tree. You can cut it down in a minute, although it takes many years to grow. The one who planted a tree under the window thereby benefited both himself and the world around him.
  • Donate old clothes. If it can still serve, then it should be used. There are many orphanages and charities where they will gladly accept donations of old, unnecessary things.

Bring benefit to the world, starting with yourself

Responsible attitude towards nature and man himself, and the entire planet. Benefiting the environment and doing good go hand in hand. Since it is impossible to make the world a better place without following the principles of an eco-friendly lifestyle, there are many people who adhere to this concept. Among them are many rich and popular people - for example, Brad Pitt, Mark Zuckerberg. Even if it is customary to throw garbage anywhere in the yard, a person has the right to choose whether to behave the same as others. In any case, for those who are looking for an answer to the question “What can be done to make the world a better place?” you should start with yourself.

Do good

Another way to make the world around us a little better is through good deeds. Most people believe that you need to do good only in relation to those who can appreciate it and respond equally. To some extent, this approach is selfish - a person does good deeds only on the condition that he can receive a reward. Of course, such an approach has a right to exist. However, the most sincere actions are those of people who do not expect rewards for their work. Everyone can make the world a little kinder - after all, doing good deeds is not difficult. The main thing is to be sincere. Real goodness does not pursue selfish interests and comes from the heart.

Examples of good deeds

What actions help make the world a kinder and better place?

  • Give movie tickets to a poor large family.
  • Please your mother, wife or sister with a bouquet of roses.
  • Let a person pass in line.
  • Print out an ad on a piece of paper with the words “Take it with you”, and on the tear-off parts write the words “Joy”, “Courage”, “Love”, “Success”. Maybe someone just needs such a small “dose” of inspiration. In a difficult life situation, even this small drop of goodness can become decisive for a person.
  • Buy new combs, washcloths, toothpaste and soap, and donate it to the volunteers of the homeless fund.
  • Praise the new perfume of a colleague or neighbor.
  • Buy a couple of packages of diapers and donate them to the orphanage.

Improve yourself

Engaging in self-development and solving existing problems is also a great way to improve the world. After all, every person is an integral part of the universe. Therefore, while working on himself, he also works to improve the world. Of course, no one will give a straight answer to the question of how to make the best self-development choices in the world. Here a person must determine his own preferences. Some people need to get rid of excessive aggressiveness, others need to stop being afraid and anxious. One person lacks responsibility, another, on the contrary, needs to learn to be more relaxed and trust other people. Working on yourself is always a long process. Often the determining condition for its effectiveness is joint work with a competent psychologist.

General recommendations that allow you to make the world a better place through self-development are as follows: you need to learn to take responsibility for your life, make healthy decisions, develop awareness, respect other people's time, and also be compassionate. Many of the great people have had these qualities. For example, this was Mahatma Gandhi, who devoted his entire life to the struggle for social transformation in his native India. It is known that Gandhi practiced meditation, taught forgiveness, and sought to serve other people. For more than three decades he was the main inspirer of the national liberation movement. His efforts, as well as the work of those who were nearby, were crowned with a historic victory. Therefore, Gandhi’s example shows: working on yourself is also a means to make the world a better place.
